Kevins Twink

By Trav Smith

Published on Aug 31, 2003


Another work of Fiction by Travis Smith (Creator of Travis Smith FanFic Publicatons.)

(c) Copyright 2003

Travis Smith FanFic Publications Disclaimer: All Characters of this story are fictional. Any similarities to actual living people is purely coincidental. All characters portrayed in this work of fiction remains the property of Travis Smith FanFic. Republishing of this work of fiction is strictly forbidden unless permission as been given by Travis Smith FanFic Publications.

Permission granted to Nifty Archives for the sole purpose of posting on the Boy Bands section of the Archives. Permission may be obtained by e-mailing Travis Smith FanFic Publications at Comments are welcome too. Constructive Comments and advise are welcome. Honest opinions are welcome as well. And if you want to vent all over me as long it is good natured than feel free too do that to. e-mail me at

Kevin's Twink Chapter Six

"Are you sure?" Nick asked me. "I don't want to rush you into anything."

"Nick," I replied looking into his incredible blue eyes. "I am sure that I want you in me making sweet love to me." Nick gave me a kiss driving his tongue deep into my mouth. I moaned and arched my crotch forward so that my cock was touching his. I heard him moan softly into my mouth. Nick was ready. He stopped kissing long enough to lube me up and put a condom on. I had to admit that he was considerable bigger than Kevin was. He lined him self up and slowly pushed in. I winced slightly in pain but over all it wasn't all that bad. Finally I felt the soft feeling of his pubes touching my butt cheeks. I knew he was in all the way and I felt full. "Make love to me please?" I pleaded with him. The look on his face was so intense as he eased out of me and I shivered and moaned with desire as he slid back into me. I could feel every inch of him as he begin to pump in and out of me. "God that feels so good," I whimpered out. I reached between my legs to stroke myself but Nick pulled me away. I looked up pleadingly at him and was shocked to see a naughty look on his face. The look made him look so hot!

"No," he said smirking. "I wanna see if I can make you cum by not touching you." I growled in frustration and he just giggled as he begin to pound into me harder and harder. Thirty minutes later he was still thrusting in and out of me. He had made me cum twice in the last half hour and I was fast approaching my third orgasm of the night. The smell of sweat and seamen was thick in the room. Nick breathing was getting louder and he was grunting loudly too. Finally he let out a yell and I could feel his cock swell in me and than he twitched and shuddered violently as he filled his condom. I whimpered in pleasure and pain as I came again for the third time. Finally he pulled out of me and slid off his condom and wrapped it in a tissue and tossed it in the trash. He than got a damp towel from the bathroom and gently wiped me clean. Than he laid down beside me wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. "So how was it?" he asked as he kissed my shoulder.

"Wow!" I breathed out. "That was incredible." Nick actually blushed slightly when he heard what I said. "You are so beautiful."

"No I'm not," Nick mumbled. "I'm fat and I'm not as cute as some of the other guys you've been with."

"You are not fat," I said raising my voice a little. "And so what if you are not as cute or as well built as some of the other guys that I've been with. You are still very cute in my eyes. Now no more beating yourself up over this." Nick nodded with his eyes wet. I leaned in and kissed his lips and pressed my body up to his. Nick turned over so that he was laying on top of me. I had to admit that I loved being held by him. I loved the feel of his limp cock resting on my leg. I ran my fingers through his damp hair and noticed that he had a tired look in his eyes. "You sleepy?" I asked kissing him lightly on the nose.

"Maybe a little," he replied.

"Well than why don't you lie down beside me and let me hold you?" I asked. Nick smiled as he got off of me and laid on his side. I quickly pulled the comforters and sheets up over our naked forms. I wrapped my arms around him and snuggled as close to him as I could get. Soon I could hear his deep regular breathing as he drifted off to sleep. I soon followed. At some point in the middle of the night I woke to hear voices.

"I love him Nick!" I heard Kevin's voice. "Can you say the same?" I know it was a private conversation and I had no business listening to it. But they were talking about me.

"He has been through a lot of crap Kevin," Nick's voice sounded too. "I want to protect him!"

"That doesn't answer my question," Kevin insisted. "Let me put it another way. What are the things you think of when you thik of Michael?"

"I want to protect him," Nick answered honestly. "I want to be there for him and try to make him happy. He has been through so much stuff lately. He needs someone to be there for him."

"Nick," Kevin said softly. "You're still not answering the question. When you think of him does love come into the picture?" Silence racked the room. "Nick, do you love him?" Again Nick was silent. As Nick was faced with the tough question I was faced with it as well. Did I love Nick? Sure we made love tonight. It was great. But as much as I hated to admit it I didn't love Nick. And it looked like Nick didn't love me either. "I can answer that question for you Nick. You don't love him."

"I want too," Nick said sadly. "I see him like he is and I want to protect him and I want to love him."

"But the feelings aren't there are they?" Kevin asked softly. I heard a sniffle and I looked over in their direction. I saw tears flowing down Nick's face. Kevin wrapped his arms around him. "It's ok little brother," Kevin whispered in Nick's ear. "I promise that some day you will find someone you love and he will love you back as you deserve to be loved."

"But I'm tired of waiting Kevin," Nick sobbed. "I just want to be loved and I want someone to love back. I thought that I could have that with Michael."

"I'm sorry," I said as I sat up in bed wiping the tears from my eyes as well. Nick jerked his head over in my direction. "I wanted to love you too," I said as I got up and walked over to him. "I really did. But, I'm sorry. I can't love you. My heart belongs to someone else." Kevin looked up at me with eagerness. "I love Kevin," I blurted out. "I think I always did love him. When I first met him there was this spark. This spark that hasn't gone away. Even with all the crap he's pulled. I can't help it. I love him." Kevin had this really cute expression on his face. Than I remembered I was supposed to be mad at him. "But I'm still mad as hell at him!" Kevin jerked back. "But I'm willing to try and work things out with him if he wants too."

"Do you still want to work with me?" Nick asked smiling a little.

"Of course I still want to work with you," I replied kissing him on his cheek. "That is of course if the job is still open."

"Of course it is still open," Nick giggled. "Now umm I should leave you two alone you can umm talk about you know, stuff."

"But it is your room," I argued.

"I'll just borrow Kevin's room," Nick said softly as he walked quietly from the room. There was a period of silence in the room for a few minutes. Than Kevin turned to me and looked into me with his incredible green eyes.

"So you umm love me?" Kevin asked softly.

"That has never been a secret Kevin," I replied. "But you did some really mean stuff." Kevin bowed his head in shame. "Why Kevin?"

"I'm not good at this love stuff," Kevin said softly. "Eversince that Nick and I broke up along time ago I've never been good at falling in love. In fact I avoided falling in love for a long time. Than this really cute guy came into my life a few days ago." I blushed when he said that. "It is true you know. JC is a real hottie." I looked up to see a very naughty grin on his face.

"Hey!" I yelped looking shocked. Kevin burst out laughing while I pouted for a few minutes.

"You know I was kidding," Kevin replied in his serious voice again. "I love you Michael. I don't know when it happened but it did. And the reason I was such an ass was because I scared of death of facing those emotions again. I didn't ever want to fall in love with anyone ever again. Than you came along and wow! I fell and I fell hard." I thought about what he said. Than I remembered that Nick and I made love tonight. My heart filled with sadness and fear. Kevin must've realized it. "Tell me what is wrong?"

"Nick and I made love tonight," I said in a small voice. I expected Kevin to get mad. Instead I felt his arms incircle me. I felt loved and protected in his embrace. "You're not upset?"

"How can I be upset when I used you like a sexual object. Hell I even shared you with Brian and JC," Kevin said with tears in his eyes. "Can you forgive me for that?"

"Can you forgive me for sleeping with Nick?" I asked back.

"You've done nothing to forgive. I'm the one who has used and abused you," Kevin said as he wiped a tear from my face. Right now his lips looked so good that I couldn't resist. I leaned forward and kissed him lightly on them. I heard his little moan as he returned the kiss. We remained locked in our embrace kissing for a few minutes. Finally I broke away breathing heavily. I was amused to see that Kevin was in the same position. "All better now?" Kevin asked.

"Yea I think so," I replied. "How about you?"

"I'm going to need some time to get used to this feeling of being in love again," Kevin replied grinning a wide silly grin. I had to admit it made him look sexy as hell. "But yea, I'm ok." He leaned down and kissed me again. This time I let him do all the work. In no time at all he had me naked again. I eagerly tried to get his clothes off too. I wanted to see him hot and naked again. He stopped me and shook his head. "This is all about you baby." With out saying another word he took my cock in his hand and bent his head down and started to suck on it. I let out a soft groan as he begin to bob up and down on it. I knew that I was not going to last long.

From Kevin's point of view.

Here I was sucking on Michael's cock. I was really enjoying it. I loved the rubbery texture of it and I loved the sounds that I was causing him to make. I could tell by the flow of precome that Michale wasn't going to last very long. He let out a high pitch kitten like yelp and begin to shoot in my mouth. Now a few days ago I would never have dreamed of swallowing another man's cum. But for some reason tonight I wanted to. I wanted to show Michael just how much I loved him. The first shot hit me in the back of the throat. It was slightly salty and besides that there really wasn't much of a taste. It was thick and there was a lot of it. Finally he stopped shooting and I gently licked him clean and than snuggled back up to him. He was still breathing hard. "Umm wow!" he breahted out. "That was great!"

"I'm glad you liked it sweetie," I said kissing his nipple.

"But you swallowed!" Michael said with fear in his voice.

"Yes I did," I replied bluntly. "And I enjoyed it. You taste great." Michael blushed and looked down. "Hey," I said softly "You really did taste great. And I want to make love to you." I smiled at the gleam in his eyes. "BUt I want to wait until later," I replied. I laughed at his pout. "You need to rest. And right now all I want to do is hold you until you fall asleep."

"Ok I guess that is ok. But you are going to have to take off some of those clothes," he said sternly.

"And why do I have to do that?" I asked grinning back.

"Because I want to sleep naked with you," he said giving me his puppy dog look. He looked so adorable looking like that. In about five seconds I was as naked as he was all snuggled up to him. I watched Michael sleeping peacefully for a few minutes before swinging out of bed. I heard a soft huffing noise and looked down to see Yippie staring up at me. "Hey there little guy," I said down to him as I picked him up. I got a wet tongue on my nose as a response. "Well hello to you too." Yippie snuggled deeper into my arms and closed his little eyes. It was obvious that I was not going anywhere anytime soon. I had two sleeping angels to contend with. I sighed as I slid back under the sheets with the pup. Michael seemed to sense that I was there and snuggled closer to me too. I grinned as I felt his hard on pressing up against my leg. Typical Teenager. He was horny again. Well I wasn't going to do anything more tonight. I gently moved it so that it was pointing upwards and I pressed my hard on against his. He moaned softly and latched his lips onto my nipple and started to suck on it while he was sleeping. I sighed as I tried to go to sleep. Finally after about an hour I drifted off to sleep myself.

From Nick's point of view.

Well here I was all alone again. I thought that maybe that Michael and I really had something going. But the more I thought about it the more I realized that we were just really good friends. Yea he was hot and the sex was really good. But we were friends. I peeked into my room again and smiled at the sight. There snuggled in Kevin's arms was Michael. Kevin was sleeping peacefully as well. I also noticed that Yippie was sleeping curled up next to Michael. A tear rolled down my face as I realized that I was alone again. I wondered just how long that would last. I heard a phone ring and realized that it was Michaels phone. I quickly moved to pick it up so that it didn't wake him. I turned it on. "Michael's phone, Nick here," I said into it. For a while I didn't hear anything. "Hello?"

"Ummm is Michael there?" a young voice sniffled at me.

"Umm he is asleep right now. Can I help?" I asked. The voice sounded a lot like Michael's. I had a feeling that I was talking to his brother.

"Yea umm this is Nathan," he sniffled. "Ummm I really need to talk to Michael."

"Well Michael has had a really rough night," I said softly. "He is really tired. Can I help in some way?"

"I got thrown out of the house," he sniffled.

"Why?" I asked quietly. My heart went out to him at once.

"Why should I tell you?" Nathan said sounding a little pissed.

"Because I'm a really close friend of Michael and I might beable to help you," I replied softly. There was a pause again and I could hear him sobbing. "Nathan?" I asked softly. "Are you gay?" He really started to sob now. "Hey," I cooed into the phone. "There is nothing wrong with you being gay."

"Yea well my dad thinks so," he wailed. "He called me a faggot and threw me out!"

"Where are you now?" I asked concerned.

"I'm at a shelter," he sniffled. "There are some really mean guys here."

"Ok here is what I want you to do," I said as I put a plan together. "Do you have any money on you?"

"Yea," he sniffled again.

"Good," I replied. "I want you to get a cab and go the airport. Go to the United Airlines Ticket Station and you will have a ticket waiting for you. Get on the plane and I will pick you up."

"Why are you doing this for me?" he asked. By now he had stopped sniffling.

"Because you are Michaels brother. And I want to help you," I replied. "Now hurry." After he had hung up I dialed the airlines and reserved a first class ticket for him. Nathan was going to be very surprised when he got the ticket. I looked down at the sleeping couple. "Don't worry Michael," I said softly. "I'm going to take care of everything."

The next morning from Michael's point of view.

I woke to any empty bed. I looked around for any signs of Kevin. Yippie was gone too. I eased out of bed and slid on my boxers and a pair of shorts and headed towards Kevin's room. Once I was out side his door I heard voices.

"What the hell were you thinking Nick?" Kevin shouted. "What are we going to do with him?"

"I couldn't just leave him there!" Nick shouted back. I could hear sniffling too. Once I heard it I knew who it was. I quickly opened the door and there sitting up in bed without a shirt on was my little brother, well ok maybe not little brother. I was born about a minute ahead of him. Yea we were twins. Not identical twins but close enough. We were really close to eachother. We told eachother everything. And I do mean everything.

"Nathan!" I shouted as I ran to him. He too one look at me and jumped into my arms sobbing loudly. "What are you doing here?"

"Dad threw me out," he sniffled. "He called me faggot and threw me out. I had no where to go and I called you and Nick answered and he got me a plane ticket to come out here." I looked at Nick and saw the compassion in his eyes. I looked at Kevin and saw anger in his but I also saw concern and love in them as well. "What is going to happen to me?"

"How did it happen?" I asked softly as I wiped the tears from his eyes.

"Well me and Billy were hugging and kissing and stuff and Dad walked in on us," Nathan said softly. "He went nuts and hit me really hard and called me names and threw me out of the house. I barely had time to grab my wallet and stuff."

"He called you late last night," Nick added. "I answered for you and well I had to do something. He said that shelter was really bad and he was scared to death. I couldn't just let him stay there."

"Nathan?" Kevin asked softly. "Did those men do anything to you?" Nathan shrugged his shoulders and snuggled closer to me. I could feel the hot tears flowing down my chest. "You can tell us. We are not going to hurt you."

"They made me do things to them," Nathan said in a small voice. "They made me ummm you know---," I got sick and took off running to the bathroom. I barely made it to the toilet before heaving into it. At some point I felt a hand on my bare back. It was Kevin. He was rubbing my back softly. I started to cry and he wrapped his arms around me.

"Why him?" I sobbed. "He is just an innocent kid."

"He is eighteen," Kevin said softly. "Those guys thought they could get away with it. And they are probably right. But right now we need to decide what to do with him."

"What do you mean?" I asked suddenly scared that Kevin was going to ship him off somewhere.

"Well he can't go back home," Kevin said softly. "I guess he can stay with us for a while."

"He can stay with me," Nick's voice sounded from behind us. "I've already asked him to stay with me and he as agreed."

"Are you sure that is wise?" Kevin asked Nick.

"Yea I'm sure," Nick replied. "You and Michael are going to be together. And you will need your privacy. Nathan is going to want someone with him."

"Ok I guess that will work," I replied. I turned to Nathan. I could tell he was really upset. "Nathan?" I said softly going to him and wrapping my arms around him. "You're going to need to get checked out." He looked up at me with a really scared look on his face. "Those guys didn't use protection did they?" He shook his head no. "Did they get any of their bodily fluids in you?" He bowed his head as tears flowed down them again. He leaned against me for support as he sobbed for a few minutes. I cried too right along with him. At some point I felt Kevin's arms around us both. I could feel him sobbing too. Finally I managed to get myself undercontrol. I eased out from under the embrace and took several breaths. I noticed that Nick was sitting by himself looking lost. "So umm when do you want to go?" I asked Nathan. He sniffled loudly and sat up.

"Go where?" he asked looking still scared to death. Kevin leaned over and whispered something in his ear. Nathan smiled at Kevin and Blushed. I wondered what that was all about.

"To the hospital," I replied. "You're going to need to get tested for stds and HIV too."

"I don't want to go alone," Nathan whispered.

"I'll go with you," I replied. He jerked his head up and fright. "Unless you would be more comfortable with someone else?" He glanced over at Nick. Nick nodded quietly and Nathan breathed a sigh of relief.

"So why don't we get some breakfast and than Nick and Nathan can go to the hospital," Kevin sugested. "We have the next few days off so we can all take it easy and rest up." I liked the sound of having the next few days off and the chance to spend with Kevin. The plus side was that Nathan was here too, even though the circumstances that brought him to me weren't the best. I suddenly realized that I had to place a call. I looked up at Kevin. "What is it?" Kevin asked softly kissing me on the forehead.

"I have to call mom," I said softly. "I have to let her know that we are all right." Kevin nodded.

"Do you want some privacy?" Kevin asked. I shook my head no. Nick handed me my phone and I dialed the number that led back to my old life. After three rings a voice answered.

"Hello?" She asked. I choked back some tears. I guess she heard me. "Michael? Nathan?" she asked. "Please if it is you please say something."

"Mamma?" I sobbed.

"Michael?" Mom asked. "My God son where have you been?"

"You perfectly well where I've been!" I hissed at her. The nerve of her pretending that she was worried about me. "Dad threw me out and don't pretend that you didn't know that!" By now I was shouting. I calmed down when I felt the calming hand of Kevin's on my shoulder. I took a deep breath. "I'm sorry Mamma," I sighed. "It's been a rough few days."

"Where are you?" she asked with concern in her voice. "I checked with all of your friends and I even checked the shelters for you. It's like you dropped off the face of the earth."

"Would you really care if I did?" I asked in a small voice.

"Of course I do!" she exclaimed. "Son I've been worried sick about you and Nathan. I can't find Nathan anywhere!"

"Where is dad?" I asked.

"Your father left this morning," she said softly. "I asked him for a divorce this morning. What he did to Nathan was the last straw."

"How did he take it?" I asked surprised.

"He ranted and raved for about an hour and than he quietly packed his things and left," Mom replied. "Now please tell me where you are?"

"Right now I am in New York City," I replied.

"New York! What are you doing in New York?" she yelped.

"I'm working mom," I replied honestly. I could hear her crying on the other end. Than it hit me. She thought that I was "Working the Streets." "No no Mom!" I backed tracked quickly. "I'm hooking myself!" I blushed when I remembered that I was a few days ago. But that was the past. "I'm actually working as a personal assistant to Nick Carter of the Backstreet Boys."

"How did that happen?" she asked.

"Well it all started--," I started to tell her the story. I left out everything about the selling my body to Kevin, Brian and JC. I figured she would really freak. I did tell her about being in love with Kevin. With his approval of course.

"Honey," Mom pleaded. "Do you have any idea where Nathan is?"

"Yea mom as a matter of fact I do," I replied looking over at Nathan. Right now he and Nick were cuddling on the couch. I wondered if maybe something was going on over there. Nathan looked very comfortable in Nick's arms. "He is right here with me."

"Can I talk to him?" she pleaded with me. I looked over at Nathan and he nodded. I could see the fear in his eyes. Nick bent down and kissed him on his cheek and whispered something in his ear. Nathan smiled shyly at Nick and reached for my phone. I choose this time to grab Kevin's arm and pull him out of the room and back into Nick's room. I knew he was dying to know what happened on the home front. So I told him everything. After telling him everything he got real quiet.

"What's wrong?" I asked softly.

"So you will ummmm be going umm home now?" he asked with his eyes bright with unshed tears. My heart went out to him.

"Why would you say that?" I asked confused. "Kevin, I'm very happy here. I have a pretty good job and the summer is right around the corner and I don't want to be anywhere else but with you." The smile on his face was worth it. "But I have a question. Kevin nodded as he reached down and scratched behind Yippy's ear. Yippy was soon grunting happy little puppy grunts. "What do you think is going on between Nick and Nathan?"

"I think that Nick wants to help him out," Kevin said frowning. "I'm just hoping that Nick doesn't get all confused with this protective feeling and mistake it for love."

"That is precisely what I am afraid is going to happen. Nick is going to fall in love and Nathan isn't going to return it," I said sadly. "Nathan is not ready for a relationship right now. If Nick pushes he could get hurt." I heard a knocking at the door. "Come in!" I shouted at it. The door opened and a tired looking Nathan walked in with Nick behind him. "So how did the talk with mom go?" I asked as I patted the seat beside me.

"She wants me to come home," he said a little sadly. I looked at Nick and tried to gauge his reaction. I couldn't really tell if he was upset or not. "But I'm not sure that I want to go home just yet." Nick's face lit up with a grin. Oh dear, It appeared that Nick had a crush on Nathan. I looked at Kevin and saw the same worried expression on his face too.

"Why don't you want to go home?" I asked softly.

"Because I'm still pissed at her!" Nathan said in a harsh tone of voice. "I mean come on Michael! She let dad through you out of the house and than she let him beat me and toss me out too! I don't think I am ready to forgive that!"

"What did you tell her?" I asked.

"I told her I would think about it," Nathan mumbled.

"What are you going to do to support yourself?" I asked. I had a job and it paid pretty well but I don't think I could support Nathan too. Nathan shrugged his shoulders and looked down. "And what about school?"

"I could ask you the same thing!" he hurled at me. I was taken back by his sudden hostility.

"I have a plan," I said calmly. "I'm finished with high school. I have enough credits to get my diploma. And I am enrolling in a nationally credited University. It will be a correspondence school but I will get a very respected degree when I am done."

"Why can't I do the same thing?" he asked frowning.

"Well why don't you?" I asked back. "I have always been able to plan things out. That is my nature. Your nature is to let other people tell you what to do. I'm not going to tell you what you should do. You're an adult now. You need to make these decisions for yourself. Have you even thought of what you're going to do?"

"No," he admitted. "I get good grades in school. Hell I'm on the honor roll. I've never missed a day in school."

"When is graduation?" I asked.

"A week from this Friday," Nathan replied. "But I'm not going."

"I'm not going either," I agreed. "Dad is going to want to be there to try to show the community that he is a good father. It will be so phony and it will make mom upset. I'll have mom contact the school and she can make something up. They can send her our diplomas."

"Ummm Nathan?" Nick asked softly. Nathan looked over at Nick. "We should get to the clinic for those tests." Nathan swallowed hard and nodded. I gave him a quick hug and turned him over to the very capable hands of Nick. I watched as Nick took Nathan's hand and they walked out the hotel room. I looked over at Kevin and he nodded. "He is falling for him isn't he?"

"I think so," Kevin replied. "How do you feel about that?" I shrugged my shoulders. "He is certainly a cutie."

"Who?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"Your brother," Kevin replied with a smile.

"What about me?" I asked sliding over to him.

"Oh well you've already won my heart in that department," Kevin giggled as he bent down and gave me kiss. Kevin groaned softly as he laid me down on the bed and continued to cover my lips, nose, and eyelids with feather kisses.

"Ahem!" coughed a voice behind us. I looked up to see Brian and JC standing there looking down at us. "Can we join in?" Kevin quickly moved off of me and I sat up and straightened my clothes. Kevin looked at me and I smiled and took his hand.

"Ummm we should probably talk about this," Kevin stammered. He looked at me and squeezed my hand. "Ummm Michael and I are officially dating."

"You mean like dating dating?" JC asked frowning.

"Yes silly," Brian giggled. "That is what he means. Kevin has finally fallen in love again. It is about time Cousin."

"What about us?" JC asked as he continued to frown.

"Well it looks like you and Brian are finally going to have to face it and fall in love too," Kevin said smirking.

"What?" Brian asked looking shocked. "We're not in--,"

"Yes you are," Kevin stopped him. "You are so in love with each other that you are afraid to admit it to each other." JC looked at Brian and Brian looked at JC. You could see the sparks flying between the two. "Now be good new lovers and leave us alone," Kevin lightly scolded them as he herded them out of the room. He than turned around and looked at me smiling. "Now where were we?"

"I think we were about to get naked," I said as I dropped my shorts and boxers in one movement.

"I like that idea," Kevin replied as he quickly stripped down too. I knew that it was going to be a good day.


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