Kian and Friends

By kian lover

Published on Jun 1, 2002


Disclaimer: once again this is not true pure fiction!!! just for fun tell me what you think guys!!!

Adam Meets Kian

Adam surveyed his new dorm room with something a little less than enthusiasm.. It was his first year at college and he wasn't really sure what he had expected. But medieval dungeon wasn't described in the college brochures. "I can't believe I have to live here! Where the hell am I suppose to put everything?" "Anywhere you want. Just keep it on your own side." Adam spun around to see who was speaking to him. As far as he knew, no one else was even on this floor yet. That was his first look at Kian, his room mate for the year. Kian was nothing less than a Irish god come to life. He stood a little over five foot ten inches with wavy, blonde hair, blue eyes and a deep tan. Kian had the muscular build any guy would kill for, but a natural, hard work muscularity instead of the gym rat build. His chest was lightly dusted with soft, dark hair and he had a smile that would melt lead. But what caught Adam's eye was Kian's dick. Kian was standing in the doorway, still wet from his shower, holding his towel around his neck exposing his dick and balls. Kian's circumcised dick was long and thick, nestled against his low hanging, furry balls. His thick patch of pubic hair was still plastered against his body from the shower. A single drop of water ran down the length of his dick, over the bulbous head and hung suspended for a moment at the tip before dropping to the floor. "Hi, name's Kian Egan. Guess we're going to be roommates this year. Welcome to the Pit." "Uh... Thanks. I'm Adam Rickitt. Good to see...uh meet you," Adam stammered. He was more than a little flustered, and very embarrassed. Geez, now he is going to think I'm some kind of a freak. Kian smirked, and idly scratched his balls. Well, so much for first impressions was the only thing Adam could think. The first few weeks were really difficult for Adam. Kian was extremely casual when it came to his state of dress, or rather undress. Everyday after dinner, Kian would come into the room, and over the course of the evening, begin stripping. Admittedly, the dorms were hot, but Adam had been brought up in a very strict environment and nudity would never had been tolerated.

The ritual was always the same. Kian's shirt was off even before he was through the door. He would then spend a few minutes studying, grouching the whole time about how hot it was. After ten minutes or so, Kian would then take his pants off and flop on the bed in his underwear. Kian always wore the skimpiest bikini underwear that did little to hide his ample package. Eventually, even his briefs would come off, and Luke would spend the evening watching TV--nude. The worst was after they had been out drinking and Kian would get drunk. Alcohol always made Kian extremely horny. He would inevitably get a hard on and practically flaunt it in front of Adam. Not that Adam really minded looking at Kian's dick. But it always made him extremely nervous. After all, guys weren't suppose to like looking at other guys. At least that was how Adam had always been taught. The semester wore on, and Adam eventually got use to being around Kian's nudity. Kian and Adam did practically everything together. By chance, most of their classes were the same. Adam always helped Kian in the academics and Kian helped Adam come out of his shell. Slowly, Adam became less shy, and even began working out with Kian. On the weekends, they would venture to the local bars, and if lucky, even get served. The weeks rolled by until Homecoming. The football game had been very close, but in the end, the home team carried the day. Spirits were high, alcohol flowed freely, and everybody generally went wild. Kian was no exception, doing shots, party jumping, dancing with everybody and anybody in sight. Adam went along, of course, but not being a very big drinker, remained relatively sober. By the end of the night, Kian was drunker than Adam had ever seen him. The parties finally ended and the guys finally made their way back to the dorm. Adam practically had to carry Kian to their room, not that Kian was passed out, he just couldn't take two steps without bumping into a wall and falling down. This was extremely funny to Kian, and he would begin laughing uncontrollably. Then he would drag himself back up, take a step, and start all over again. Finally figuring that they would never make it back, Adam lent a hand. Back in the room, Kian started stripping as usual. Again, Adam had to lend a hand. After getting tangled in his shirt with the shirt tail over his head and his collar stuck, Kian tripped and knocked one of the desks over. "Jesus! Here, let me help before you fall out the window." "Thanks. I guess I'm a little drunk," was about all Kian was able to mumble. Adam pulled Kian's shoes and socks off and then got him to stand up so he could help with his pants. Adam unbuttoned Kian's fly and pulled down the zipper. He then pulled his jeans down and got Kian to step out of them. During all of this Kian still hadn't figured out how to get his shirt untangled, so Adam pulled that off too. "Thanks again, man." Kian sank into his bed. "Oh man, I forgot my underwear! Adam I hate to ask, but I think I'll throw up if I stand up again. Could you help me take 'em off? Please!" "You're such a waste! You going to want me to hold your dick while you take a piss too?" Still, Adam pulled Kian's underwear off. It was a little exciting, exposing Kian's long dick, being so close to it. Adam casually, at least he hoped it was casually, let his hands run over Kian's dick and balls as he removed his briefs. Adam was gratified to see Kian's dick twitch, and then begin to lengthen. He was also a little scared and confused. He shouldn't be doing this. Adam quickly turned away and started getting ready for bed himself. He couldn't believe he had just done that. And why was he starting to get an erection himself? It was all just so confusing. Adam quickly pulled on his pajamas, thankful that he had already dimmed the lights. Otherwise, Kian would have been able to see his own lengthening dick and know he was some kind of freak. Just then, Adam heard Kian begin throwing up. He turned to see Kian staring at the mess he had just made in his own bed. "Oh man! All over my bed! Shit!" "Well, at least you didn't get any on yourself." "Yeah, but where the hell am I suppose to sleep?" "Uh...Well, you can share my bed, just don't get sick or were both sleeping on the floor." "Thanks. Don't worry, I feel a lot better now." Adam couldn't believe this. Kian was going to be right next to him, naked! And the dorm beds weren't that big. There was no way that they weren't going to be touching. How the hell was he suppose to hide his erection with Kian right next to him? "God! How do you sleep with all that on? Aren't you hot? There's no way I could ever get to sleep with all that on." "It's not that bad," was all Adam could mutter as Kian lay down next to him. The heat from Kian's body seemed to radiate straight into him, making him sweat. He could feel Kian's muscular body all alongside him. Adam could feel the constant shift of Kian's chest muscles with every breath he took. "Shit man! You're so hot, you're dripping with sweat."

"Yeah, it's pretty warm in here tonight." Adam was getting more nervous with every passing moment. He was feeling such a sexual energy that it seemed every hair on his body was standing straight up. He imagined little bolts of lightning shooting around his body until finally ending up in his balls. His entire body was tingling. "See. I told you, you shouldn't wear all that to sleep in. Besides, I'm starting to sweat just by being by you. You've got to be burning up. Why don't you take some of that off?" "Uh...Well, I guess I could." Adam began to take his pajamas mean feat since he was between the wall and Kian. He was struggling with his top wondering how he got himself into this mess. Suddenly Kian reached over and touched his leg. "Here, let me help you with that." Adam felt Kian's hands on the waist of his pajama shorts. Kian slowly pulled Adam's shorts down, running his hands over his legs. The tingling Adam had been feeling intensified till he could barely keep from moaning. He could feel hid dick tenting his underwear and his balls pulling up close to his body. He felt like he could come at any moment. He nearly did come when Kian put his hands on Adam's underwear. Kian chuckled softly as he pulled Adam's briefs off. "Looks like the little soldier is at attention." Embarrassed, Adam started stammering, "Shit! I'm sorry. You must think I'm some kind of pervert or something." "Hey, don't worry about it. I get hard every time I hit the sheets. Actually I've got a woody right now. I swear, it's got to be the biggest one I've ever had. The skin feels so tight on my dick right now that it almost hurts." "You're just an old horn-dog is all," Adam laughed. "So it's the biggest it's ever been huh? So that means it's what, two inches?" "You fucker! I've got at least nine inches and you know it. Here, look and you'll see." Kian pulled back the sheets exposing his hard-on. Kian's dick was at least nine inches long and pointing straight up to his navel. The head was swollen and purple. A pulsing vein ran the length of his dick. As Adam watched, a clear drop of precum oozed from the tip. "Man, I'm so horny right now I could just about burst. You know what I mean?" "Yeah." Adam was fascinated with Kian's body. He couldn't take his eyes off that drop of precum at the tip of Kian's dick. "I kinda feel that way myself." Adam couldn't believe he had just admitted that. "Really? Are you still hard?" Kian pulled back the sheets exposing Adam's raging hard-on. "Yeah, I guess you are still hard. So does the skin on your dick feel really tight too?" "Yeah. It almost hurts. But a good kind of hurt, if that makes any sense. Whenever I get this way, I can actually feel my dick throbbing with each beat of my heart. I bet you could almost take my pulse with my dick." Kian started smiling. "Really? Cool. Can I check that out?" Without waiting for a response, Kian wrapped his hand around Adam's dick, slowly rubbing his hand down the length to his balls. The sensation was too much for Adam and he couldn't hold back the groan that escaped from him. Instead of pulling back, Kian started using his other hand to rub Adam's balls. Adam's breath was coming out in short, little gasps. All at once, Kian leaned over and kissed him. The sensation was like a bolt of lightning and Adam cried out in passion. Kian started licking Adam's chest and stomach. He slurped his way up to Adam's nipples, nibbling lightly first at his left and then switching to his right. All the while, Kian kept stroking Adam's dick in a slow even tempo. Adam was squirming nearly out of control. He thought he would go crazy with lust. With every downward stroke, Adam would thrust up with his hips to heighten the pleasure. The pressure in his balls kept building till he thought they would burst before he could come. Every time he got close though, Kian would squeeze the base of his dick till Adam calmed down slightly. Then he would start up again. Adam was moaning non-stop now. His dick was leaking a steady stream of precum. He didn't think that such pleasure could be generated. He was in no way prepared for the intensity of the feelings when Kian kissed his way down to Adam's dick. Kian ran his tongue around the head lightly, barely touching it with feather-like delicacy. Kian nibbled and kissed the glans till Adam was literally bucking nearly knocking Kian off the bed. All at once, Kian took Adam's dick in his mouth, swallowing it down to his pubes. Kian had only just begun to suck when Adam yelled out and came. Kian swallowed it all greedily, using his hands to squeeze his balls to help pump out every last drop. Even after Adam had stopped shooting, Kian continued to suck and lick, making sure he had every last drop. Adam was in heat! He was a fucking, sex crazed, out of control maniac. Before he even knew what he was doing, Adam started kissing Kian. He quickly rolled Kian over onto his back and started licking Kian's chest, sucking lightly on his nipples and playfully nibbling his way over Kian's torso. Adam's hands were everywhere on Kian, stroking his stomach, running up the sides of his ribs, tickling his underarms, stroking his chest and finally reaching his dick and balls. Kian gasped as Adam's hand encircled his dick and began jacking him. He started licking his way down to Kian's dick. Adam slowly licked around just the head. He then moved down to Kian's balls. Adam alternated between sucking on the left then the right. All at once, he sucked both into his mouth at once. The feeling from this was so intense, that Kian sat upright, yelling out his lust. "Fuck me Kian! I want to feel your dick inside me. Please oh please, shove your dick up my ass." Kian needed no further prompting. Kian threw Adam onto the bed. He grabbed his legs and pulled them up over his shoulders. Positioning himself, he slowly pushed his cock into Adam's virgin ass. At the initial entry, Adam winced in pain. Kian remained motionless for a moment, giving Adam time to adjust to having a dick in his butt. Slowly, the pain subsided and was replaced by a delicious feeling of extreme satisfaction. Kian started thrusting, slowly at first, but building to a fast, furious tempo. Adam moaned with every thrust, pushing into Kian's pelvis to increase the feelings. His hand flew to his dick, pumping himself to Kian's rapid pace. The intensity built, Adam's balls pulled up close to his body preparing to shoot. All at once, Kian screamed out his passion, and started shooting, filling Adam's rectum. The feeling of Kian's warm spunk filling him up pushed Adam over the edge. With a shudder, Adam came, pumping streamers of white goo over his chest and belly. Kian collapsed onto Adam's body, panting and rubbing the spunk into his body. Panting, Adam finally said, "Oh Jesus Christ, that felt great!" Kian grinned, and even managed to look a little guilty. "Well...I've wanted to do something along those lines since I first saw you. You got my hopes up that first day when you just kept looking at my dick, but no matter how much I paraded around, you never did anything." "Well...Uh, I've never done anything like that before. Really, I've never done anything before. But I really wanted to. And I would really like to do more, if you want to." Kian smiled. "Good! Cause I've got definite plans for us. I really like you Adam. I think I may even love you. Do you think anyone would notice if we shared a bed all the time." "Who cares? Besides, if we share a bed that will mean less laundry!" "Oh, I don't know about that. If we share a bed we're going to have an awful lot of cum stains!" "Great! Why don't we try out one of those plans you have for us right now....." But that's another story.

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