Kieran Has Two Daddies

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 11, 2020


Rob looked up and smiled "so you're gonna see your buddy Paul again. Faster than we thought, but that's ok." Kieran asked "The guy who brought me here?" "He's the one." Kieran smiled "Is the gonna stay for dinner, Sir?" "ha ha. We'll invite him, but he'll probably say no. I think he's just planning to drop off some merchandise." "Merchandise Sir?" Rob gave him a look "boi, Paul works as a slaver. He takes commissions from guys like Phil and I, makes the snatch and delivery and moves on. He rents space from us, so he'll be leaving the mechandise - the guys - until he can deliver them. Usually that's a day or so, but we've had 'guests' for a week." Kieran looked a little bit stunned and Rob came over. "Listen boi. " He stepped behind Kieran, and wrapped his arm around him. "He's not the only one who does it , but he may be the best." As Rob pulled Kieran into his body, Kieran involuntarily felt himself getting excited. Rob's grip was strong. He MIGHT have been able to break out, but what good would it have done? Phil was upstairs, he remembered the electricity at the door, and then he felt Rob's hand go to his left nipple, and his tongue to his ear. He began to moan. "You like that boi?" "OOOOOOOOOOOOH. Yes sir. I do. MMMMMM. " "I do too. Good way to calm you down. " He stopped. "There's more of the good stuff to come boi, LOTS more. We just need to take a little time for this unexpected visit. Now, think you can find that sexy outfit you promised?" "I think so Sir." "I'm gonna stay and watch you dress. I like seeing you naked." "I guess I'm gonna be blushing a lot around here," Kieran thought, as he went off to the pile of his clothes that was sitting in the cell . He found the shirt right away, and had to dig for some pants. When he bent over, he heard the sounds of approval from Rob. "If it weren't dinner boi, I'd be getting you nice and lubed with my tongue just about now." Kieran smiled. He LOVED the feel of a man lubing him that way. Then he'd flip them over and pound them good. It hadn't happened in a while , but he remembered it. He knew it wasn't gonna happen here, but you know... if it were all as good as the fuck Phil threw into him this afternoon... He finished dressing. Rob smiled. "Don't you just look like the hottest boi in town. " He laughed. "Can you BUY shirts that push up your nips like that? You're just so fucking sexy." "Thank you Sir. I think it just happened from chest workouts. " "Well, I'm gonna have to make sure Craig understands we want more of that. I'm sure you learned Sir Phil is a tit man." "I did Sir. " "When he sees you like this.... One more thing... " He saw Rob go to the toys. He picked up a length of rope. "Let's get your wrists tied behind your back." Kieran sighed, but said "Yes sir," and placed his arms where they could be tied easily. He winced as Rob tightened the knot. As he led him upstairs, Rob said to Kieran "Trust me. You'll get used to it. And when you see how other bois get treated, you'll be so grateful for the two of us, it'll shock you. Now walk in front of me, so I can have a better look at that sweet ass of yours." Kieran had picked a pair of brown pants that he knew fit his ass well. He hoped that they didn't split on his thighs. It was hard to find pants that fit him well, but had the room for those muscles. All those squats.. All those squats..."

Upstairs, Phil was just setting the table, and smiled. "My man and my boi. " He looked at Kieran, ran his hand through his hair. "Rob treat you well? No marks? " "No Sir. No marks. He treated me like a prince." "That's my Rob. So, boi. Better understanding of your place here?" "Not really Sir. " He took a breath and pushed out his chest. "Do you like how I dressed Sir? Is it pleasing. " Phil smiled. "Boi, the ultimate compliment around here is 'you look fuckable,' And yeah, you look DAMN fuckable' He came over and kissed Kieran. "But don't worry. I remember tonight's promise. Just gonna be a little later than I thought because of our visit." There was a buzz. "He parked in the garage. Good. Let's go let him in." "HEEEEY PHIL, ROB. Sorry for short notice. I was supposed to pick up one, and then I saw a second one who'll fill in an outstanding order, so

had my hands full." Kieran saw that he was pushing in a big beefy, muscular guy: someone who looked like Paul, but just a bit bigger. "He's my type" thought Kieran. "The kinda guy I wanted in bed. " The guy was gagged, and looked scared. He clearly had fought, and lost, and had his wrists cuffed behind him. "This is Mark. Been waiting for a chance to nab him for a while. Finally got him. " There was another guy, thrown over his shoulder the way Kieran had been. "This one just sorta was there. After I nabbed Mark, I stopped for a cocktail. Matt here was tending bar. Made some small talk, made plans to meet when his shit was over. Ha ha. He didn't have any idea what my plans were. Got that kind of wild boy face, and that wild boy look. Fights like hell." "Oh, I know who he's for," said Phil. "That sounds exactly like the kind of boi Ted and Allen were looking for." Paul smiled. "Now Phil, I would never reveal a client confidence. You'll have to wait for promenade." That's when he noticed Kieran. "Hey Kieran. Looks like they're treating you well, cutie." Kieran smiled. "Hi Paul. You look good too." Rob laughed. "Our boi REALLY wants to get his last topman juices out on you." Paul laughed back. "Well, that's not happening Kieran, sorry about that but I'm flattered. Maybe ...hmmm. " He looked at Phil and Rob. "You know, Mark isn't being sold as a virgin, and I think his buyer isn't gonna be ready for a couple days. You think ...." "OOOO. A movie. For showing off. " He went over to Kieran. "Boi, you don't have any choice about bottoming, but we're never gonna force you to top. You think you may wanna top the big guy?" "Kieran smiled. Can I think about it Sirs? " "OF course. Let's get them downstairs into their cells. Rob, you stay with Kieran. Help him get the table set up . Paul, will you stay?" "You know I'd love to. It smells good. Rain check though. Next run. I promise." Phil gave Paul a hand with getting the two guys downstairs. "May I ask what happens to them now Sir Rob?" "Sure. They'll have cells similar to yours, until Paul arranges for their new owners to take them. It sounds like Matt'll be going out tomorrow, but Mark may take a little while." "Do they get treated like me, Sir?" "Nah. You belong to us boi. They don't. We just do this as a favor to Paul. He gives us a small cut for doing it, but really, we always turn it back. It's just fun to see new boys. And if one of them catches our fancy, well.." "Either of the do that, Sir?" "Right now, boi, I think you're catching both of our fancies 100%. Phil and I both have a LONG list of what we plan to do with you. Heh heh. " Phil came back upstairs , closing a door that led to the cellar. "GOD. Ted and Allen are going to have their hands full unless they remember not to spare the rod. Mark, on the other hand, is gonna be the easiest boi to train..." He paused and smiled. "Next to Kieran" Kieran kinda liked these guys. They were firm in what they wanted, but they weren't mean or nasty. They were in better shape than most guys their age, and their sexual appetites were good. But more... they made Kieran feel special. Clearly, there was a market and bois available . They picked him. If he was going to be a manslave, he could've done much worse. "Ok, I think it's time to untie Kieran so he can eat.. You hungry boi.? "Yes sir. It smells good." Phil smiled. "I know you body build. That's evident, and you guys aren't always keen on what we non lifters eat. So tomorrow, after you have your session with Craig, we'll sit down and work out some food compromises. " "Can I ask a question or two, Sir?" "Sure. After you sit down and I can pour you some wine." Kieran smiled. "Wine? This didn't sound like slavery." Well, first, you're both in pretty good shape. Do you work out." Rob laughed. "Oh God, yeah we do. You have Craig. He's a trainer for advanced clients. We both work out with this really tough young lady named Maddie. Kills us three times a week. But we never go at the same time. We think of it as "trainer/client privilege." As Rob was speaking, Phil was passing around plates of leg of lamb and vegetables. "My other question is: you said you had a boi before me. What happened to him." Phil laughed through a mouthful of food. "You met him twice. Paul was our boy. " "PAUL! Well, he and I are not really alike at all." "Phyiscally no. But you're both trying really hard to hide a submissive core with a dominant crust. " Phil smiled. "Am I right, boi?" Kieran looked down. "yes sir." "Well, both of us LOVE bringing out the sub in a hot guy. For example. SOMEONE, who has visions of fucking our prisoner downstairs, is also dying for someone to.." He got out of his chair. "Come up to him, slip a hand over his pec, nibble his ear and whisper "I'm gonna FUCK you boi. Someone wants to feel ropes on his body, and a gag in his mouth, and feel that tension just before a cock goes into his ass, and one goes into his mouth." Kieran stopped eating. He had to catch his breath. "I feel like you've been peeking into my dreams, Sir." "Wasn't hard. Now, let's finish up. Tomorrow, boi, you start learning how to serve a meal. That's one of your new jobs. Cleaning up is too. So take off your shirt. Both of us wanna see that beautiful body working. " KIeran didn't need encouragement to be shirtless, and with two fans.

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"All done Sirs," he said, as he came out of the kitchen, still with his shirt off. "Should I get dressed again?" "No, tonight, just come over here. " There was a space in between them on the sofa. " When he slid in, Kieran felt Rob, then Phil, turn his face toward them for a kiss. "Yesterday was tough boi . But today, we begin acclimating you to the good stuff. " Phil had his hand on Kieran's locked cock. "The really good stuff." They both kissed him at the same time. Kieran had never tongue wrestled with two guys before. It was hot. Nor had he ever had two guys playing with his nipples at the same time, one to each tit. He was feeling really good, and more than a little spoiled. "You like that boi?" "OH MY. Yes sir. " Rob looked at Phil. They each moved a mouth to one of Kieran's ears, and he nearly melted. "OH SHIT. I've never had.. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Both had scruff, and his neck was getting a workout too. "You think it's time, Phil? " "Yeah, I do. I'm dying for it myself. " "Upstairs Kieran. Get completely naked. Get in the middle of the bed." Kieran remembered that they talked about edging. "YES SIRS!" He ran upstairs, and they found their naked boi in the bed. "Now here's how we're gonna do this, " said Rob. "First, let's us get in position." They both stripped, and took positions on Kieran's left and right. Each one lay on one of his arms, so he couldn't move around. Then Phil unlocked the cage, and out popped Kieran's huge, hard cock. "Gonna have to do this slow. This boi is gonna explode." Kieran kind of whined. "I am Sir. Please. I need to cum. " "Nah, a boi never NEEDS to cum. He comes when the Sir says he can." "I understand Sirs. Can I cum for you?" "Yes, on our terms.." Phil began to lick at Kieran's ear, while Rob slowly began running his finger up and down the back of Kieran's cock. "MMMMMMMMMM" he moaned. "Damn that feels good, sirs." Rob said nothing, but took his thumb and forefinger and began playing with Kieran's cockhead. "OH SHIT..." Kieran bucked his hips, but... Rob stopped at just the right second, and nothing happened. Kieran smiled. "WOW. It feels like I shot but I didn't." "You're still hard as a rock boi." They changed roles, and now, Rob was sucking his ear, while Phil began edging him. Phil's approach wasn't as subtle. He formed a circle around Kieran's cock and began pumping him, like a regular jerking session. Kieran began to buck again. He tried to get himself up, but the two kept him securely on his back. "You told Paul your nipples aren't that sensitive." "They're not Sir. Not the way my ears are." "Well, we'll see about that. " They both leaned over and started chewing. "OH GOD. NO. This is unfair. But... DAMN it feels good." They were both on Kieran's cock, sliding up and down. Phil seemed to be in charge. He'd speed up, then Rob did. Or he'd slow down and Rob would too. "How's it going boi?" Rob whispered, and Kieran whined. "I'm so close Sirs. I'm so close. OH GOD. " Phil smiled. "Well, you'll get your turn..." He put a finger under Kieran's balls and ran it back and forth. "Who do these belong to , boi?" "My Sirs. My daddies. Sir Phil and Sir Rob." "You gonna give yourself completely?" "Yes sir. I belong to you. I'm your boi. " They both leaned over to do some more three way kisses. Phil squeezed Kieran's balls and... it was just too much. The anticipation of the date with Paul that didn't happen, and then all the stimulation over the last two days. He bucked wildly as his jizz started pouring out of him. He went from moaning to crying. "OH GOD. I hope I did my daddies proud. " They both held Kieran. "You sure did boi. You did SO good. " Phil was rubbing the top of Kieran's head. "You want a quick shower before bed? Get the jizz off you? "Uh, don't my daddies want?" "Rob is going to wait until tomrrow. Me? Maybe. But after you shower. "Yes sir." This was actually a very late night for Rob, and he was fast asleep by the time Kieran came back. Phil, however , was smiling and hard. "GET OVER HERE BOI. Now that you've been milked, this goes back on." "Ok. Yes sir." And in seconds, Kieran was caged again. "Now, get in this bed slaveboi . Your ass better be ready to take some more of me." "I. I'm not sure." "I SAID GET IN BED. Roll over. Get your ass in the air. " "Yes sir. " Within minutes, Phil was entering Kieran. Yes, it hurt a little. At first. But then it felt better. Phil had remembered that, earlier that day, when he had plowed Kieran the first time, there was ONE SPOT that drove Kieran crazy. He found it again. And he kept his cock right there. "OH GOD SIR. DON"T MOVE IT PLEASE. NO MOVE IT. IT'S TOO MUCH. I...I. " Then he didn't have to worry anymore. Phil exploded in him for the second time that day. As he pulled out and rolled off Kieran, he tossed the rubber to the side. He pulled Kieran to him, face to face. He threw a leg over Kieran and smiled. "You have a great ass, boi. And eventually, you're gonna be taking me without the rubber. But that takes time. For now..." He kissed both of Kieran's eyes, and then his cheeks, and then his lips. "Welcome to the daddy's bed. " "Thank you Sir. I want to sleep here every night." "Then you will. And now, it really IS time for sleep. Two big days in a row. And another one tomorrow. . GOD. We're gonna have to send you to a spa for recovery. " Kieran slept well that night. First, he was wrapped in Phil's arms. During the night, Phil got up to use the bathroom. When he came back, it was Rob's turn. "That's fine. I get to roll right next to that fine ass." He got close to the couple, threw his arm around them, and they slept for the rest of the night. They slept the deep sleep of the happy. All three of them.

Next: Chapter 6

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