

Published on Dec 21, 2009


The usual disclaimers apply. This story is fictional. This story is about man on man sex, if that is offensive to you don't read it!


My guy isn't perfect; in fact he is a convict. Our story doesn't start out in the typical way, but mama said when love comes; u better name it, claim it, and never let it go. It was my third day as a correctional officer, I was still a little nervous and it showed. As I stood at the front of the housing unit I noticed the inmate in the cell to my left. He was in the cell with his bed sheet tied around his neck like a cape while he was pretending to fly around the cell. I knew he wanted attention, but I ignored him and went on with the night's business. He did this for several hours; lights out came and he was still flying around. I finally gave in and gave him the attention he wanted. I ask him what he was doing, he told me that he was superman and that he was saving the world.. I ask what he was saving the world from. He told me that he was going to save the world from boredom and loneliness, and that I was the first person he was going to save. I thought to myself, "at least he is original."

In jail you hear every pick up line in the world from inmates they all want something from you. Some of them are really convincing so you learn to be wary of anything they say. But this guy wasn't asking for anything. He was just conversating. He told me that his name was kilo, and that he locked down when he was 15 and got out when he was 21. He was only in the free world a few weeks before he caught the charge that he was in for now. I went to the desk and pulled up his charge... aggravated robbery. We talked for most of the rest of my shift. This routine went on for several weeks. Then one night reported to my post and kilo wasn't on the bars waiting on me. I was disappointed and sad. I assumed that he had made bond and was out on the town. I checked the roster and he was still on it, I did my armband check. When I got to his cell I saw him sitting on his bunk. He looked depressed. I ask what was wrong and he said that he was worried because he had a court date the next day. I went on with the armband check. I didn't talk to him very much that night because I knew he had things on his mind. As I was getting ready to leave at the end of my shift, Kilo called me over to his cell, when I got over there he ask me would I come to court with him. I told him that I would see what I could do.

I thought about it on the way home. I decided that I would go to court so I could see how court really worked. I was in the courtroom when his case was called, they brought him out. I saw him scan the courtroom; I saw him smile when he saw me. His case was continued and he was taken out.

When I got to my post the next night kilo was on the bars cheesing when I got there. He looked like he had just won the lottery. Things went on like that until July when officers have to bid for shifts and post. Kilo was worried that I would get moved to a different post. That's exactly what happened I was moved to a different post. On the third day on my new post, I reported for duty as usual and got a surprise. When I got inside the housing unit I saw him. Kilo was on the bars smiling. I couldn't help but give him my biggest smile. This scene repeated itself several times over the next four years. Kilo wasn't like the other inmates, he never ask me to put myself in a compromised position for him.

After another post reassignment and several months of conversation we found ourselves on lower level together. Lower level was made differently than the housing units; it was small, dark and dingy. Kilo finally ask me for something. He wanted to be my rockman, he wanted to come out and clean the housing unit for me. In exchange he wanted to get an extra meal during my shift. I resisted at first, but finally gave in. he came out and cleaned, and after several weeks of work my unit was one of the cleanest in the jail. There wasn't as much cleaning to do but I still let him out to clean and I still fed him. Usually he ate in his cell and after he ate he would ask to take a shower, of course I would let him out to get a shower.

When he finished his shower he would come back to his cell and we would talk for the rest of the night. Sometimes he put his clothes back on; sometimes he just wore his towel. He made sure that I saw all of his body, but he wasn't blatant. He was very seductive. When we talked he ask personal questions about my life, and I answered. He ask did I have a girlfriend or wife, I told him no. he ask did I have a boyfriend I said no. he ask could he be my boyfriend. I told him that there was nothing he could do for me because he was locked up. He said, "I won't be locked up forever." From that point kilo became much more seductive. He was routinely almost naked for one reason or the other, he would be lotioning himself or shaving or just any reason to show his body off. He had something to show too. He had a sexy ass redbone skin tone. He wasn't tall, but he was built just right. He always had his hair braided to the back with a do rag on, his face was round and he had this really sexy way of talking. He did pushups and sit ups religiously, so he had big beautiful pecs and an eihgt pack. He had sexy mocha colored nipples and a trail of hair that led from his navel to his close cut pubes and perfect dick. He had a dusting of dark hair on his round juicy ass and dark curly hairs on his thighs and calves. His legs were nicely shaped and his feet always looked like he had just had a pedacure. Yes, he was a sight to behold. Seeing him nude would make your dick throb and your ass pucker. He tried very hard to seduce me. There was more than one occasion that I would report to my post and would find him on his bunk nude either just feeling his body or jacking his dick. He made no effort to cover himself or stop; he seemed to take pleasure in these displays. I made no effort to stop him, I enjoyed the show. This went on for months.

One day I reported to my post to find kilo sitting on his bunk with that sad look on his face. I ask what the problem was, he told me that he was going to be sentenced and shipped out on tomorrow; that this would be our last night together. He came out and cleaned, I fed him. He went to take his shower; he called to me and said that the shower wasn't working. I went to see what the problem was. When I rounded the corner to the showers he was standing there nude. I stopped and he stepped into me. He put one hand around my waist and with the other he held my head and leaned in and kissed me. It was a long passionate kiss, my knees got weak he moved from my lips to my neck. He licked my neck and I tilted my head for better access he started to suck on my neck. He put a passion mark on my neck then moved to my collar bone and left another passion mark there. I felt his hands on my shoulders pushing me down, I didn't resist. I was on my knees with his dick in my face. I looked up at him; he looked me in the eye and said, "Please." I wrapped my hand around the shaft and licked the head. He moaned and put his hand behind my head and pulled my mouth onto his dick. He slowly began to thrust, I sucked. It didn't take long I felt his dick swell; he said he was going to bust. I sucked on the head harder, he started to cum in my mouth, I held his cum in my mouth and when he finished I stood up and leaned into him for a kiss. He leaned into me and kissed me, he stuck his tongue in my mouth and licked his cum into his mouth when was finished he broke the kiss and swallowed. I turned to leave and he wrapped his arm around my chest and pulled me back, he stuck his hand in my pants. He was feeling my ass then found the pucker and slid a finger in. I sucked in air and pushed my ass on to his finger he was working it in and out. He said, "drop your pants" I told him no we don't have time, he slid his fingers out and patted me on the ass and told me, "I'll get it later, baby" the next night when I reported for duty he was gone.

Do you want to hear more of this story? Email me and let me know what you think. JDS8742@YAHOO.COM

Next: Chapter 2

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