

Published on Dec 25, 2009


The usual disclamers apply. This story involves man on man sex, if you don't like that then don't read it. This story is fiction ;)


The ten to six can be a lonely shift, especially in jail. In jail all movement stops at nine and doesn't resume until seven the next morning therefore the ten to six is a skeleton crew and coworkers are few and far between. I was especially lonely without kilo; I knew this would eventually happen. I just didn't know that my feelings for kilo were so strong I didn't know that when he left I would be so sad. There was nothing to do but take it like a man and get over it. I went on with my life like nothing had ever happened.

Then one day as I was checking the mail there it was, a letter from kilo. My heart skipped a beat. I don't know how or where he got my address from, but he was always resourceful when he wanted something. He told me where he was doing his time at. He thanked me for giving him a chance and he thanked me for the skull. I was elated, he really did care. Of course I wrote him back, we got a routine going. Faithfully once a week I would get a letter from him and I would send him one. He was my pen pal. I tried to keep tabs on him as much as I could without raising suspicion. Periodically one of the bosses from the penitentiary would come back to jail on appeal. I made their stay as pleasant as I could and in return the bosses would make kilos stay as pleasant as possible. In one of my letters to kilo I mentioned that I was looking at a plasma TV. I came home one morning and there was a new in the box lg 52" plasma sitting on my back porch. Like I said kilo was resourceful. We continued the once a week letters for almost six years. Every so often a suprise would be waiting on me when I got home. That's where my rolex came from, and the rims on my Tahoe.

One summer morning as I was pulling up to my house I saw a man sitting on the steps to the house. He looked vaguely familiar, he almost looked like kilo but he was way more muscular than kilo. As I got closed I realized that it was kilo. I pulled in the driveway and I didn't know what to do. I got out of the car as he was coming around the house; he had obviously kept up his workouts. He was big as hell and it was all muscle, his size was intimidating. He walked up and kissed me with more passion than I had ever felt. We went in the house and almost before I could get the door closed he was on me. He very unceremoniously pushed my chest onto the kitchen counter and pulled down the back of my pants. He spit on my ass and pushed his dick in me. I thought I would die, I saw stars as the tears flowed down my cheek. He fucked me hard and fast without mercy. Thankfully it didn't take long before I felt him cum in me, when he was done he laid on my back and whispered in my ear "I told u I would get it later". My ass hurt...bad, he saw it on my face. He looked at me and said he was sorry then he said he would kiss it and make it better. He squatted behind me and spread my cheeks ...leaned in and kissed my abused hole. He kissed, licked, and sucked on my ass for almost an hour. I was delirious with pleasure I lost my nutt on the kitchen cabinets. When he finished all was forgiven; I took him by the hand to the bedroom. He undressed me while I undressed him when he was finished he gently pushed me back on the bed. He climbed on top of me and kissed me then kissed my neck he didn't stop kissing until he had kissed me from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet. He made love to my body and my mind. He was insatiable; we made passionate love all day long until exhaustion put us to sleep. When I woke hours later I could feel his cum leaking out of me. I don't know how many times he came in me; I lost count. I went to clean up and came back to bed. I laid down beside him and backed into him, he wrapped his arm around my chest and put his leg over my thigh and pulled me close. Then he whispered "I love you", in my ear.

Next: Chapter 3

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