Kinky Teens

By File Gavin

Published on Apr 9, 2004


Categories: High School & Authoritarian

Thanks for all the compliments on part one. Sorry for the typos. Here's part two:

I was the first one to wake up the following morning. Bright sunshine streamed in through the big window at the east end of Gavin's bedroom. It must have been about noon since the sun was more overhead than to the side, warm rays bathing my bare chest and stomach. Was last night a dream? I looked over and saw Gavin lying on his stomach, face turned towards me. Damn, he was beautiful! I thought I had a good tan, but his was definitely better. I think both of us came last night sometime during that way long passionate kiss because my briefs felt kinky of sticky.

Unlike in the basement last night, now I reached over and placed my hand on Gavin's bare back and began smoothing my palm and dancing my fingertips all up and down his rolling beefy spine and around his very slender waist. I guess we were about the same size, but he looked more slender because he was more buff--not a muscle guy, just toned up more than me. Come to think of it, I do remember seeing a weight bench over by the bathroom. I might start coming over here and working out a bit. I could think of no one other than Gavin I'd rather have as a trainer.

My lips soon followed my hand as I leaned over and planted tender kisses on Gavin's back, again and again, from his broad shoulders to the waistband of his briefs. My tongue couldn't resist a lick here and there and eventually I was doing more licking than kissing, often nibbling with lips and teeth. This was definitely the best breakfast I'd ever had!

Gavin finally stirred and rolled over away from me, my lips never very far from his supple skin and soon I was kissing and licking his beefy chest.

The atmosphere of the morning was different, the air seemed heavier although it was cooler now, still warm, but cooler than last night. Various scents floated in the air, scents which brought back memories of the night. As Gavin's hand caressed my bare back and my fingers ever more vigorously kneaded his soft side, his nipple hardened between my lips and teeth.

Gavin's hand steadily moved up my back to my neck and shoulders as I went to work on his other nipple. I loved making him moan! I felt his hand rub up my neck and to the back of my head and then, instead of caressing my head as he had done before, I felt a push ... down. Red flags went off in my mind as I opened my eyes and peered down his slender stomach. Sure enough, his erection was jutting out of his briefs, the tip of his penis gleaming with precum.

Whoa, I wasn't sure if I was ready for this. I didn't stop sucking on his nipple. Gavin's push at the back of my head, however, grew stronger by the minute and I eventually succumbed and began licking and sucking all around his midsection. Gavin continued with his gentle push at the back of my head and finally my tongue was licking around and in his belly button. Now I tasted something different, something slightly salty. Yeah, last night was really hot! But then we were just kissing each other on the lips, face, neck, and shoulders as we rocked our erections together. Of course, that's enough to make any horney gay teen boy cum.

But this was different. I still felt that gentle push at the back of my head. I knew what Gavin wanted. Finally, I submitted and obeyed. I stopped rubbing Gavin's inner thigh and took hold of his erect penis in my hand. With trepidation, I moved my parted lips closer until my tongue tasted the precum flowing from his slit. If I had any reservations before, I no longer had them now. I knew I was making Gavin happy and that was enough for me. I took his entire shaft in my mouth and alternately suck and blew. It didn't take long until I felt his warm spunk shooting at the back of my throat. Surprisingly, I swallowed without choking. Wow! That was it. The first time I'd sucked a guy's dick. I'm glad it was Gavin. Even though we'd only met yesterday, more than my loins were responding. I truly felt something in my heart.

When I came up for air, Gavin whispered, "I'm not through with you yet boy." I knew what was in store for my naked body and I was more than willing.

To be continued. Categories: High School & Authoritarian

Next: Chapter 3

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