Kips Long Distance Domination

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Aug 10, 2021


It was Friday morning. kip was at his efficiency apartment, rather than at Ted's bigger place. It was part of an experiment Ted was trying, and which he had explained to kip. That was why, at least for the night, kip's cock wasn't caged. The cage WAS on his bedstand, waiting. kip's instructions from Ted were to lock the cage on himself before he went to work, and to put the key in his shirt pocket. Whether he jerked off before or not, was after him: he just had to tell Ted the truth when they saw each other later that day.

After he got out of bed, kip moved to the corner of his bedroom. He got on his knees, and put his hands behind his back. Part of the experiment required kip to sit in that passive position for ten minutes in the morning, and ten at night. He HAD to be naked. What he thought about was up to him, but Ted encouraged him to just let his mind flow and to think, carefully, about what they had talked about.

What they had talked about was taking things to "the next level." In this case, "next level" meant that kip had to consider whether he wanted to move from being Ted's bottom, to his slave. Ownership. Was he ready to put his life in Ted's hands? Ted had been clear. "You're allowed to have your doubts, you're allowed to have questions kipster, but what you're NOT allowed to do is say no. If you do, to anything, then the relationship is over. It means you don't trust me, and I can't have that." When Ted had explained that to kip, kip had gulped. Ted's arms were around him as they sat on Ted's couch. "Can I think about it Sir?" "You can think about it until Halloween. I need an answer by then. If I don't have one, or the answer is no, well, we'll go our separate ways.

If it's yes, then..." kip knew about the two collars that Ted had ready for him. The first, a metallic one, was less showy and he would be wearing it in public. The leather collar, on the other hand, stood out because of its simple black color, and the D ring at the front of it. Ted would use it to leash kip when they went to appropriate places, and if he didn't use the leash, kip would still wear it around him. Ted needed an answer because he had been invited to a Halloween party, with costumes, and he wanted to be able to show off his prize new slave at that party. For kip, it would be an enormous step, because some of the people at the party worked at the same company he and Ted did. Ted's plan was to attend as Green Goblin, an "old school" nemesis of Spiderman, with kip as the defeated, bound, and leashed spiderman.

As he dressed that morning, kip didn't know about the costume plans, only that it was a Halloween party and that Ted had told him he'd "take care of it." kip's section of the company followed casual Friday dress codes, and kip put on a light green oxford shirt that Ted had bought him - he was going directly to Ted's after his day finished - and a pair of close fitting jeans. He left the shirt untucked for work, knowing that he'd have to tuck it before going to Ted's. Ted HATED untucked dress shirts.

As he sat in the slave position, kip could feel his cock growing. He'd have to get it down before he locked it up: the cage wasn't big enough to accommodate a hard on. He was getting hard because he was thinking about surrendering to Ted completely: he didn't quite know HOW his life would change if he did, and Ted had given him several exercises, like this one, to try to get the point across. "You're on the road a bit for work kip, and I'm not going to do anything to change that. But if you're my slave, then when you're away, you're STILL my slave and you'll have to learn to act as such, even when I'm not there. " That's why he had to lock up his own cock when he wasn't with Ted, and why, in addition to sitting in the position he was in now, he had to squeeze his nipples for a pre-determined period of time: Ted would tell him the day before (today it was 45 seconds), and then at some point in the day, he had to apply the nipple clamps Ted gave him, for a total of 3 minutes. Sometimes, if Ted told him that he had to do it, he would have to twist them at 30 second intervals while they were on his nipples. Finally, there was the butt plug. Ted had continued the practice he had started when kip lived in another city, and kip was required to keep the plug in his assa minimum of 4 hours a day. kip had done all of this. The hardest part of it was the sitting in position, like this. He was used to butt plugs, nipple clamps and caging from what Ted would do to him, but this... this was HARD. As was he. "Should I jerk when I'm done" began going through his head. Yes, it would feel so good, but then, if Ted decided that he could shoot that night, he either wouldn't be able to do so, or it wouldn't be much fun. As he came out of position, he sighed, used a trick Ted had taught him and squeezed his balls hard. His erection went down enough so that he could get the cage on before he got hard again.

"Should I or shouldn't I?" kip kept on thinking at his desk. A thought kept on going through his head, something he hadn't talked about with his Top, his "DOM": when he had started sleeping with Ted, Ted's leg thrown over him, his arm around his middle, his hand on kip's pec, all felt completely sexual to kip: he felt like he could be rolled over at any time, and be used (and he was, up to the present). Now, though, when he sank back into the spoon that was Ted, the feeling was different: he felt protected, safe. Yes, he still felt like Ted wanted him, desired him, and his job was to be available whenever Ted called for it, but there was a different "feel" to it. Would that feeling change again? Would he feel "owned," if he said yes? He didn't know.

kip's cell phone buzzed. It was Ted, checking in. kip looked at his watch and smiled: 1:45. Ted took lunch from 1-1:30, and then he needed a few minutes to re-settle at his desk. Ted's life was very orderly. He checked in with kip at 1:45 every day: "locked up, kipster?" "Yes sir." "Plugged?" "Also true Sir." "Good. Ok. Something new today. At your desk, put the phone on speaker, and then put your hands behind the back of your seat, as if they were handcuffed. There was some hesitation and kip heard Ted raise his voice. "DID THAT MESSAGE NOT COME THROUGH?" "No Sir. It did. Sorry Sir." kip took a deep breath, and did it. And as soon as he did, his cock swelled in the cage. "Keep em there for three minutes. I expect you at 5:30." "Yes sir." "Have you given more thought to the question I asked you?" "Yes sir. Can we talk about it tonight? I think I have a decision." "Excellent. It's important we get on with our lives." "I agree Sir. " "5:30. Remember kipster, five paddle whacks for every minute you're late." "Understood Sir."

kip walked into Ted's apartment just a few minutes before 5:30. He had remembered to tuck in his shirt, and to roll his sleeves, but he had forgotten to open the second button. Ted noticed and said nothing. "Evening Sir. Did you have a good day?" Ted was sitting on the sofa, with the newspaper, and a drink. His feet were up on the coffee table. He didn't answer kip's question. "I need two things. A foot massage, and a blow job. Foot massage first. " "Yes sir!" kip got down on his knees, and unlaced Ted's shoes. As he took the first one off, he looked at Ted. "May I Sir?" Ted nodded, and kip took a big whiff of the aroma of his Topman's feet. After he did the same with the second shoe, he took each of Ted's feet in his hands, and used the techniques he had been required to learn. He enjoyed it. He would joke sometimes that "at least I learned a new skill at this job." He knew he was doing a good job, because Ted's eyes were closed, he was smiling, and there were soft moans of pleasure coming out of his mouth. "Enough of that. You know what's next." "Yes sir." Ted moved his feet off the table so that he was sitting up, and kip got to his pants zipper. He opened it gently: if Ted were fully engorged, which he usually was, this could nip him, and the last time he did that, the smack from Ted had thrown him across the room. kip didn't make that mistake today. Instead, he began licking the salty, musty tip of Ted's cock, before taking it into his mouth. "That's right boy. SUCK IT. SUCK IT GOOD STRAIGHT BOY." Ted laughed as kip's mouth went further down his shaft. "Who could believe such a great cocksucker was straight. Unreal." "mMMMMmm. yes sir. You let me know who I was," kip thought, as he went down further, and at that moment, he knew he had made his decision. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM". He stopped, looked up. "Permission to deep throat Sir?" Ted looked at him. "DENIED. I want your ass instead. Get in the bedroom. And get the clamps. Don't think I didn't notice the button. "yes sir." kip blushed. Sometimes he did things like that to get punished, but today, it was an honest error. "face up sir?" "Down. I want you doggie style" "Yes sir," kip got his clothes off, as Ted undressed, and he got on all fours. "Put those clamps on first, kip. That's your punishment for the wardrobe malfunction," Ted teased at the end. "Yes sir. Sorry sir. " Then he felt the WHACK across his ass. "QUIET. All I wanna hear is moans. " He began sliding into kip and his thrust was regular, and slow: not kip's favorite: he loved it when Ted just RAMMED him. The slow way meant he felt it more- much more. In his excited state, the sensation was borderline too much. When Ted grabbed his hair and pulled his head back, it was hard not to scream. He felt Ted's mouth on his ear. "BITCH. I turned you into my BITCH. My fucking hot BITCH. " There was a hard push, and then Ted's jizz started pouring into kip's ass. As it did, kip saw the two collars sitting on the stand next to Ted's bed. "Dinner tonight kipster." He felt Ted's mouth on his ear. "Put on something sexy. One of your white shirts. Keep the jeans. " "Yes sir. I'll do that." kip had learned to clean up after sex - it was one of his jobs. He did that while Ted was in the bathroom, cleaning himself off. When Ted came out, kip was standing there, dressed, hands behind his back. The silver collar was around his neck. "I made my decision Sir. If you'll still have me." Ted saw that kip was biting his lips, trying not to cry. So was Ted. He came closer, embraced kip and whispered "Screw the restaurant. We'll call in food tonight."

Next morning, Ted pulled out the Halloween costumes. When kip saw that his was Spiderman, he threw a boner. How did Ted know? "And I'll be Green Goblin. And we'll start from the idea that I've defeated you, and now...." Ted grinned. "You're my prisoner and slave. So get the leather collar, boy." "Yes sir," kip answered. Since the scene was based on the idea that Goblin had JUST captured Spiderman, Ted left the cage off kip's cock. He also kept the mask off, because part of his plan for the party was to let his friends know just how hot a man he had as his property now. He had kip collared, leashed, and he cuffed his hands behind his back as he led him into the party. Ted usually got to parties earlier rather than later, and he wanted to do the same thing tonight because... well, the real party was starting back home AFTER the Halloween party. kip looked around. He had seen photos of some of these people, but they were all at levels in the company higher than he was. Many of them had their own "prizes" as Sir Ted called them with them too. There were robin costumes, with robin captured by the Joker or the Riddler, and also Superman captured by Lex Luthor, and others. kip was the only Spiderman.

One the guys who was clearly a sub, came up to where kip stood with Ted. "Permission to speak to your boy, Sir Ted?" "Of course, ash." ash was the sub for one of the department heads in the manufacturing group. He was a school teacher, maybe 27. "Hi, I'm ash. I've heard so much about you. Congratulations on taking the collar." kip looked down and said "thank you. I wanted it." He pushed back into Ted, and wriggled his ass. Ted knew exactly what he was doing, and pushed back. "You two make a great looking couple. I've known Sir Ted for a few years. Be good to him." Ted put his hand on kip's right shoulder and squeezed it. "He is, ash. He is. Much better than I deserve." "i don't know about that Sir," kip answered. He felt Ted's fingers rolling his earlobe and kip began trying to rub his head on Ted's chest, like a cat. "Let's go meet some more people. " Ted's hand went down kip's chest, finding the zipper on his jersey, slipping it down, and finding his nip. "I've got some plans for after party." "mmmmmmmm. Yes Sir, " kip moaned .

They stayed at the party for about two hours. On the way back, as Ted drove, he rested one hand on kip's left thigh. "Any regrets stud? You've got 24 hours to change your mind." "No Sir. The minute you asked I realized: I wanted this from the first day." "Be careful what you ask for kipster. You may just get it."

What kip got that night, was tied into a spread eagle on the bed, naked. He felt one, then two, then three of Ted's fingers go up what Ted now called kip's "man pussy." When his fingers were wet with kip, he put them to kip's mouth, and kip took them, greedily. His cock was as hard as a police baton, as Ted began stroking it. "Gonna get you NICE and close kipster, because if you shoot when I'm fucking you... OH, is your ass gonna get tight. SO FUCKING TIGHT." He loosened the ankle restraints, and pushed kip's legs up in the air. His tongue found kip's man pussy now, and kip began to moan even louder ,and more urgently. He couldn't touch his rod, and Ted wasn't doing anything to it now. He was just enjoying the sounds of his new sub, moaning with pleasure. He stopped.

"Your first fuck as a slave, kipster. " Ted crooned, smiling . Moistened from Ted's tongue, kip's ass took Ted's cock more easily than usual. Ted took his time, moving very slowly. "OH SHIT SIR. THIS IS TORTURE." Ted smiled. "What's gonna be torture is two weeks in the cage kipster." kip lifted up his head. He was going to say something and then thought better of it. He forgot it completely as another inch of Ted's cock filled him. Soon, he felt the battering ram of Ted's balls against his ass. "FUCK ME SIR. FUCK ME. FUCK YOUR NEW SLAVE. LET ME KNOW WHAT I AM. PLEASE. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK ME." kip couldn't hold it anymore and his orgasm blasted all over him, Ted, everywhere. He began to cry and to laugh. "SIR. OH SIR. I WISH I COULD HUG YOU." "Soon boy. Soon. Master has to have his way." He pushed, and then, Ted was exploding inside of kip. kip was a "bean counter," and he had become a "squirt counter" with Ted. He probably missed a few, but he thought he felt ten pulses inside of him. When Ted was done. He looked down at kip. "You still wanna cuddle?" "YES SIR. PLEASE. OH PLEASE. I WANNA FEEL YOUR FUR ON ME. PLEASE" Ted released the restraints, and kip just fell into him. Ted was still holding him when he fell asleep. "You look so sweet," Ted whispered, as he played with kip's hair. "And look at how I've corrupted you. OH WELL."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx So what happened after this? Well, the next day, after kip had cleaned himself up, Ted took out the cage. "Two weeks. Minimum. If I find fault, I'll extend it." "yes sir. I understand," kip responded. A few days later, they had a friend - ash's Dom - come over and take some photos. Each of them had a framed shot of the two of them on his desk. kip misses the old days of being "the slut " at the bar, but Ted keeps him very well satisfied with dick - indeed, there are times when kip thinks he's insatiable. Ted shaves down kip every week. It's their Thursday night ritual. And Ted's thinking of something , anything, to make it more clear that kip belongs to him: a piercing, a tattoo, something. He hasn't decided yet. kip is hoping for a tattoo. He's always wanted one. We shall see.

And there we end our tale of Ted and kip , readers. If you enjoyed it, let Mr. Nifty know by kicking a few bucks into the till. Perhaps this site is helping you get through the Pandemic. You should DEFINITELY hand over a few if that's the case. Until next time, take care, stay safe, and be well. RT

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