
By Lambodara

Published on Jun 24, 2023


Kismet Chapter 14

WARNING: If it is illegal for you to be reading these stories or you find them disgusting or immoral, please refrain from reading further. Must be 18+ to read! Any characters, places, or people depicted in this story is entirely in the fantasy and imagination of the writer and is in no way meant to portray anyone in real life. Any people, places, or actions depicted in this story that reflect real life events or situations is entirely by accident or coincidence.

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Chapter Fourteen

Thanksgiving Eve I didn't think I'd ever get out of the hospital. Holiday time can be tough on people already suffering with mental illnesses, so it was sometime around 8-8:30 before I hobbled to the car and began my trip home. Yes, I said hobbling, I was paged to come downstairs stat, and on the journey down, I'd managed to turn my left ankle sideways. It hurt like a bitch. At least its not my driving foot I thought to myself. I pulled into the garage and clicked the button to close the door. After I opened the car door, I figured out that since I'd been sitting in the car for the drive my foot had been given plenty opportunity to stiffen and swell up. I tried to stand up and ended back flat on my ass in the car seat. I was determined to get into the house by myself. You are a grown ass man, not a baby I kept telling myself. This particular situation was not a matter of mind over matter, unfortunately. I turned sideways first, then grabbed the car door and distributed my weight between my left arm which was gripping the car door and my right leg; I managed to get into a standing position. I was assessing the rest of what looked like a major journey when Jax opened the connecting door from the house.

"What's taking you so long?" he asked.

"Twisted my ankle. It's not taking any weight right now" I said.

"You should have just called a real man to come help you into the house" he smarted off.

"Good idea,do we know any of those?" I returned.

He came around the car to help me and got under my arm on the injured side. The garage was so piled up with shit we had to scoot sideways around the front of the car to the steps. The steps were another matter; there were only three, but no way we were going to get up them even this way. His solution was to carry me in the house piggy-back. He stooped down a little and I latched onto him and he carried us up into the house and sat me down in my recliner.

"Dang! I could think of a lot better use for that position" I told him.

"Maybe later" he said.

"Just one problem, I need to go to the bathroom" I said. He helped me back up and into the half-bath and stood holding my weight while I tried to do everything with my right arm since the left one was over his shoulder. After fumbling way too long trying to get the button on my pants undone, he told me to hold myself up and let my arm down to grip the sink. He got behind me and reached around to open my pants and pull out my dick. I took a long refreshing piss with his guidance, afterwards he shook it twice, because if you shake it more than twice, you're playing with yourself, then tucked it away and did my clothes back up. When he got me back to my recliner, I took off my shoes and socks to assess my disability. The foot was purple-colored already and swelled about double from my right foot. Jax took a look and winced and went in the kitchen to make me an ice pack from a gallon-size Ziplock bag with ice and a little water. I kicked the recliner back and he laid a dish towel over the foot, then the ice bag. He came back shortly and handed me two Advil to help take away the inflammation.

"How the hell are we going to make it to Justin's? We were supposed to bring the mac and cheese and your famous cherry pie" Jax said. "Now, you can't stand up, so cooking is not happening."

"You can do it" I told him.

"You obviously have never seen me in the kitchen, if it doesn't involve calculating how many seconds it needs in the microwave, I'm out!" he said.

"Oh, bullshit! Anybody can cook. Haven't you seen Ratatouille?" I said "You can be my hands; I'll tell you what to do."

The ensuing two hours could have put I Love Lucy to shame. Somehow, I got him through it, although the mac and cheese was a little more browned that it would have been if I'd done it. We were waiting for the pie to finish baking so we could go to bed, when it dawned on me that I probably wasn't going to be getting up the stairs; I didn't think he could carry me that far. The oven timer went off and he pulled the pie out and sat it on the rack to cool; that's when I sprung my discovery on him. Jax was exhausted already, he said he didn't even want to try it; he was afraid he'd fall and hurt both of us.

"Just go get me a blanket, I'll sleep down here" I said. He helped me up for a final trip to the bathroom and then back to the sofa. He brought me an pillow and a blanket, then went out to the garage. He came back in with the sleeping bag, which he folded in half and put beside the sofa.

"I'm sleeping with you; in case you need to get up in the night" he said. He went and refilled my ice bag and set my foot situation up, then did a striptease for me as he got undressed to lay down. He lay on top of the doubled sleeping bag and I shared the king-size blanket with him.

Dim morning light was coming in through the windows. I looked over and I could see little Mount Jax rising up from the plane of the blanket. I turned slightly onto my back and let my right arm drop off the sofa and into his lap whereupon my devious little hand tucked his underwear under his sack and started an evil milking process. He stretched his arms up over his head and the blanket wafted his funk to my nose, making me grip Little Jax tighter and stroke faster.

He pushed my hand away, "Let's not make another mess on the sleeping bag, you know how much that dry-cleaning bill was last time" he said. He got up on his knees with his boxer briefs still under his balls where I'd pushed them, and presented his cock to my mouth. I leaned in and dodged underneath to take a ball into my mouth and suckle it. He leaned over and grabbed the back of the couch with both hands. I released Mr. Righty and went for Mr. Lefty and rolled him around on my tongue for a minute. This had caused him to leave a snail trail across my forehead and cheek, so I went up his tube from the base to the tip gathering the clear sweet fluid before sucking the head into my mouth. I focused on just the head; rolling my tongue around and around from the piss slit working my way back toward the corona, then flicked on his frenulum causing him to buck his hips and force another inch or so into my mouth. I covered my teeth and clamped down, then started swallowing the remaining length until the head was lodged in my throat. He took over and started humping my tonsils until I pushed him back to get a breath. He slid his hand under the waistband of my shorts and grabbed my steel pole and started stroking it. I sucked him back in and bucked my hips toward his hand. He sped up his ministrations bringing me to a buzzing plateau; I was almost vibrating when he twisted around and sucked me into his mouth. He sharply pulled my foreskin down and it was like pulling a trigger; I shot everything I had into his mouth and throat. Of course, that set him off and I was swallowing as fast as I could at the same time. I heard the pop of the elastic on his underwear, as he laid back down beside me. I went limp onto the couch and we both dozed off again.

CJ woke us up the second time. It was full daylight outside. I looked at my phone and it was showing 10:30. We were supposed to be at Justin's at 12. I told Jax we had to get up and I threw the blanket off of me so I could see my foot. The swelling was way less this morning so I decided to try getting up but the foot was still not in good enough shape to walk on easily yet. Since CJ was here, he and Jax helped me up the stairs so I could get into the shower. Jax joined me and made CJ wait so he could help me back downstairs.

"Y'all please don't do gross stuff in there. I don't want to lose my breakfast" CJ said.

"Way ahead of you" I yelled out to him "We did our gross stuff earlier."

"Yeah, I thought that might have been why your face looks like a Krispy Kreme donut, but I was trying to be discreet" he said laughing.

Jax looked over and licked the crusty line on my forehead before pushing my head under the stream to wash it away. He washed me and himself as quickly as he could then stepped out and got a towel and called CJ back in so I could lean on him while Jax dried me off.

"But y'all are naked" CJ whined.

"Its not like you haven't seen both of us naked already" Jax said.

"Yeah, but there's something about both of you at the same time" he replied.

Jax dried my crotch and ass area, and just for CJ he pulled my foreskin back and dried the head, then helped me into a clean pair of underwear and they sat me on the bed to finish dressing. CJ kind of helped me while Jax went back in the bathroom to finish drying himself. Once we were dressed, the two helped me back down the stairs and into the car. CJ went to tell his mom we were ready to go while Jax pulled the mac and cheese and the pie out of the fridge and set them in the back of the Outback. Once he got done, I backed the car out and Cheryl and the crew fell in behind us to go to Justin's.

         We got there right at 12 and Jax helped me hobble to the door, which was answered by a guy who was about my age. He had dark red hair, I guess you'd call it auburn, and green eyes; quite a looker, actually.

         "Uh, hello?" I said tentatively.

         "I'm Brad, Andrea's brother. And you're hurt, can I help you?" he said. Jax turned me over to Brad and went back to the car to get the food we'd brought. He took it in the kitchen and Andrea proceeded to heat the mac and cheese up. Jax came over to sit by me on the couch.

         "I thought you said her brother was like 17 or 18?" he whispered in my ear.

         "My bad" I whispered back, "the one I was thinking of is Zach - the one who escaped to Key West. But this is even more delicious...the pastor having two cocksuckers in the family."

         "What's up you guys?" Justin asked, setting into the recliner next to us.

         "Nothing, just clearing up an identity issue" I told him "I had Brad confused with Zach."

         "Brad's 23, he just started into his Master's program when the pastor and wife kicked him out" Justin said. He leaned over and whispered "Isn't it ironic that she ended up with two gay brothers? Maybe somebody's trying to tell them something." He laughed. Brad came in and sat with us, in the other chair.

         "So, you two..." he said pointing at me and Jax.

         "Yeah, going on six months now" I said.

         "Great! If anything happens let me know" he said with a laugh, looking at me. I could feel Jax bristling and I put my arm around him and kissed his cheek. "Fat chance of that" I said. Jax relaxed a little. This was going to be an interesting day, I could tell.

         Now that I'd been up a while, I decided to try my sore ankle again, and I was able to hold onto furniture and hobble by myself into the kitchen to make sure Andrea and Cheryl didn't finish burning my mac and cheese up. Andrea already had the table set and she turned the oven down as low as possible and put the cherry pie in to warm while we ate. When we all gathered up to eat, I had Jax on my right and Brad on my left. As the dishes were passed around, I kept feeling a leg rubbing against my right leg. I looked up a Brad but he looked oblivious as to what his leg was doing. When I looked back toward Jax I met his eyes, which had a semi-pissed look in them. I scooted to my right toward Jax, Brad looked over. "Just giving you some more room" I said. He smiled and went back to chewing.

         "This gravy is delicious, Andrea" I said.

         "Thank you" she answered.

         Brad mumbled barely audibly "Not as good as yours I bet."

         "What was that, Brad" Jax asked.

         "Oh, I was just agreeing with Eddie" he said, obviously amused at making Jax crazy.

         We finished up dinner and Andrea went to get the pie and a carton of vanilla ice cream for pie ala mode. I was stuffed when Jax made a point of helping me back to the living room. Andrea seemed to have finally caught on.

         "Bradley, come help me with the dishes" she said. He looked disappointed but obliged. I was glad, it gave Jax a minute to cool down.

         "I'm glad she picked Brad" I whispered, "I thought you were going to end up pissing on me to mark your property."

         "Do you think it would work?" he asked, smiling.

         Justin came in and said "Am I missing something, felt a little tense in there."

         "It'll be okay" I assured him. He turned on that lame ass Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade. I decided a long time ago that it was designed to give you something to help you to sleep after eating a big meal.

         The rest of the crew came in a few minutes later and Andrea made a point of sitting on my open side on the sofa. The kids all went outside to get into something.

         Cheryl said "So, Brad, what are you taking your Masters in." I saw Justin start slowly shaking his head, but it was too late.

         "I'm studying to be a psychiatrist" he said. Jax let out a sigh next to me.

         "Oh, what a coincidence" Cheryl said, "Eddie is in his internship at Bryce Hospital."

         "You don't say" Brad said coyly.

         "I told you that before, Brad" Justin interjected.

         "Oh, I must have forgotten" Brad replied.

         "The pie was delicious, Eddie" Andrea said, trying to change the subject.

         "Thank you" I said.

         "Nothing like a good cherry pie" Brad said "taking a mouthful of those cherries and popping them in your mouth."

         "Brad. Could you help me with something in the kitchen for a minute" Andrea said?

         "Sure, sis" he replied and they disappeared into the other room. There was an awkward silence in our group while we listened to the sibilance of loud whispers going on in the other room. It was too quiet to make out what was being said, but it sounded intense. When they came back, Andrea retook her spot by me and Brad sat across the room, but his conversational interactions were much more limited. As the parade droned on, I was getting sleepy and when Justin turned on Grit and started watching an old black and white western, I was out like a light. As it started to get dark, Jax suggest that we might ought to be getting back home. Andrea made us a `to go' meal for later and we started the long southern goodbye process. Eventually we made it to the door. Jax went out and Brad shook his hand politely and said "Nice to meet you, Jax." When I came out Brad pulled me into a hug and I felt the tips of his fingers press into the crack of my ass. I pulled away, thankfully before Jax had time to notice. CJ came up next to me and made sure I got down the steps and into the car all right.

         "Thank God that's over" Jax sighed.

         "It was pretty nice all-in-all though, wouldn't you say?" I asked him.

         "I liked it okay except for the good-looking dude trying to fuck my fiancé in the middle of a room of people part" he said sarcastically.

         Back home he gave me a foot rub to loosen up the remaining tightness in my ankle. Momo didn't understand and kept batting at his hands as he squeezed my foot.

         "Damn, even the cat's turned against me" he laughed.

         "At the end of the day, you see who I'm with" I said.

         "I know, he was just annoying with his auburn hair and green eyes and that big bump in his jeans" he said.

         "Excuse me?" I said, raising an eyebrow.

         "He was hitting on you and you mean to tell me you never looked to see what the package looked like?" he grinned.

         "I wanted to, but I was afraid Justin's house would turn into a Jet Li movie. So, I kept my eyes to myself" I said. "He did have some stunning green eyes though."

         The next morning, even earlier than I get up, Jax's alarm was going off on his phone. I picked my phone up, it said 4am.

         "What the fuck?" I exclaimed.

         "We've got to get going for the Black Friday deals, Cheryl will be waiting downstairs by 5" he said.

         "More power to you and Cheryl then, I don't think my foot can take standing on concrete floors all day today" I told him.

         "Okay, but you'll have to go sometime" he said.

         "I have most of a month" I told him.

         He jumped into the shower and I got up and hobble with my little bit better foot downstairs to get my coffee; early as it was, I figured this might be a two-cup day. I'd just sat down when the front door opened and CJ said "Are y'all not ready yet?"

         "Your dad is getting ready; I'm not going this round. The foot's still not 100%" I said. He went back out and then came back in with Mason.

         "Can I stay with you, I hate shopping" Mason said. Damn, I thought, is this kid actually my son? "Sure, buddy. You're welcome to stay here."

         CJ came bounding down the stairs and he and CJ were gone, leaving the door open. Mason got up to shut the door when he jumped back. Somebody was out there. He opened the door and Mrs. Hoffmann stuck her head inside.

         "Cheryl said you were the designated babysitter for the ones who don't want to shop" she said. Thanks Cheryl I thought to myself.

         "Sure" I said "the more the merrier."

         She went back to their car and send in Oskar who even though half-asleep looked relieved go be let out of the shopping trip. Oskar came in and sat beside Mason on the couch. Over the past week the two were almost like Siamese twins. Mason was leaning at about a 45-degree angle and Oskar leaned the same way and put his head on Mason's shoulder. They looked like they had gone back to sleep that way when I got up to get another cup of coffee. I came back to sit down and I saw Oskar's hand rapidly retreat from a protrusion behind the zipper of Mason's jeans. To all appearances, they hadn't changed positions. A straight person probably wouldn't have noticed anything out of the ordinary, but an ole crotch watcher did.

         "Ok, so, I know y'all are not asleep" I started. "Second, you don't have to jerk away like you touched something hot when I come in, although that's stuff you should really be doing in private."

         "He's a turtle" Mason said, leaving Oskar to wonder what he was talking about.

         "Most Europeans are" I told Mason.

         "I want to move to Europe" Mason replied laughing. There had to be a mix-up somewhere, this child has to really be mine.

         Oskar looked confused until Mason explained it to him, I looked up the German word on my phone "Schildkröte" I said.

         "Oh yes, the way the head of the Schildkröte, the turtle, goes in and makes the wrinkles" he mused.

         "Yeah, me and my dad, Eddie, have turtles and you do to" Mason reiterated.

         "Ve are ze turtle crew" Oskar said in his accented English, laughing.

         Mason said "It looks like your turtle is bigger than mine."

         "Enough of the turtle talk" I said "Come help me with breakfast."

         We ate and fed Momo. Oskar was the first person to understand where Momo's name came from. "Oh, like the flying monkey thing in Avatar: The Last Airbender, no?"

         "Yes" I said, impressed. I'd gotten the idea from a Nifty archive story I'd read where a character had a dog named Appa after the flying buffalo in the same series.

         We were cleaning up the dishes when the crew got back and Jax insisted that I get ready and to with him to see something he'd found. My charges went back to their respective groups and I got ready despite not really wanting to. Jax drove me to a tree lot in front of Home Depot. The tree he was looking at was huge, I wondered if it would fit in our space. I should have known he'd already measured while I was in the shower. We bought the tree and a tree stand and carefully made it back home with to put it up. It was so big, I texted CJ to come help us get it in.

         "Awesome!" he said when he saw the tree. We managed to wrangle it inside and into the stand in front of the bay window.

         "Here's a thought for you" I said "I don't have enough decorations to cover a tree that size. My plastic one in the storage unit is only a five-footer."

         "I have some stuff in storage too, from my mom and dad's old collection. Family heirlooms" he said, which apparently prompted another outing to two self-storage facilities. When we got back, I left most of the tree decoration to him and CJ since they were so much more into the Christmas thing than I was. I had to admit that the finished product was gorgeous and the smell of fresh balsam in the house was the icing on the cake. Little did I know what was coming; Jax was a Christmas freak. Over the next week, the outside lights were hung, we spent an hour addressing and putting stamps on Christmas cards. Despite myself I was being dragged into the Christmas spirit.

Lambodara 6/22/21

Ho Ho Ho! Happy holidays, even though it's June IRL.

Next: Chapter 15

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