Kiss Me Gentle Kiss Me Sweet

Published on Jan 9, 2023


Kiss Me Gentle, Kiss Me Sweet 8 - a story by Outlaw


Kiss Me Gentle, Kiss Me Sweet

You should be kissed and often, and by someone who knows how ~ Margaret Mitchell: Gone With The Wind



There lived a man about Phoenix,
Who loved to suck fresh, twink dicks,
Forever horny and dumb,        
Spliffs made the teens come,        
And he got his daily quota of probiotics!



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🍁 The grounds were clean, well maintained, better than the camps near the path that they had crossed on their way to the pool. There were the usual dome and alpine tents -- twin, triple and quad sharing -- neatly arranged in a squarish '⊔'... a stone-lined shallow pit in the middle for the evening bonfire... and between the two arms stood a larger wooden and tarp structure - the kitchen/cafe/office.

"Namaste!" a lady greeted them walking out of the office shack, "Welcome to Moksha" -- tall, pretty and heavily accented.

"Namaste..." the boys greeted back, yes, pleasantly surprised.

"Oh, hello, Tony!" she smiled as she spotted him, "Got me some campers, I see!" she laughed spreading out her arms.

"Hello, Ludivine!" Tony smiled back, both hugging... Ludivine kissing the air as Tony pecked her cheeks, "Um, I can't take the credit, it was Aakash who chose your site..." he said pulling back, introducing the group... everyone smiling and nodding.

"After a long time..."

"Yes, was a bit busy with work, and then the lockdown..." Tony shrugged, "came as soon as the travel restriction were lifted!"

"Oui-oui, Èté horrible , yes?!" Ludivine nodded, letting out a sigh, "It's been terrible these past few months, and I don't even know if I can visit m'man this year!" shaking her head ruefully.

"How is she?" Tony enquired.

"Oh, she's safe, doing good, the village thankfully still unaffected..." she replied, pausing for a moment before adding, "so far..."

"Don't worry, things will get better soon, and you'll visit your mom!" Tony assured her.

"J'espère ..." she sighed once more, before perking up, smiling at the boys, "So, how many tents, or would you prefer a single, large one?"

"You know..." Tony suggested, looking towards Aakash and Kashish, "you four could take a quad sharing tent, it would work out cheaper for you guys."

"Yeah," exclaimed Kashish, "we could do that, huh, Aakash?"

"NO!" Aakash instantly responded, the tone outright dismissive.

"What, Gunjan?" asked Kashish turning to the boy, "What you say, bro?"

Poor Gunjan, what could he say? -- He was dying to get inside a sleeping bag with Aakash... waiting to be kept awake all night as promised, and now Kashish wanted him to share a tent with them ?!!!

"I said, NO!" Aakash almost snarled, before adding with a snigger, "Remember, I snore!"

"No prob, dude, I got earplugs," gaffawed Bilal, "snore away all you want!"

"Let's take the twin ones..." Rohit announced, putting an end to all arguments, "they look kinda neat!"

"Don't worry, bro, we never planned on seperating the two of you!" smirked Bilal, nudging Kashish, both giggling.

With the tents finalised -- alpine, twin sharing, for the boys, and a dome for the man -- Tony asked, "Where's Rajat?"

Ludivine gave an exasperated laugh, "He's visiting home... t’sais , that same old issue with the orchard!" Tony giving an understanding nod as Ludivine headed back to her office with a shrug and a wave, "À plus tard !"

"Well, now's a good time to put on your thermals, it will get very cold soon!" Tony called as he headed for his tent, "And then we can go and check the food," he added, looking towards Aakash, "that's if you're still hungry..."

🍁 "Take off your clothes!" Aakash said zipping the fly shut once they'd entered the tent.

"Wa... what?" Gunjan stared at Aakash.

The daylong anticipation (of being in a tent with Aakash )... thoughts of the promised nightlong love-making session, of being kept awake... and now, the confined space of the tent (the walls mere sheets of fabric )... had already set Gunjan's heart beating faster, setting his body atingle.

And now, being asked to get naked - with their friends right beyond the canvas - made him acutely self-conscious and bashful... though his teen cock was already awake!

"You need to put on your inners, so you need to take off your clothes first!" Aakash stated, adding, "And no briefs under the thermals!"

Gunjan hesitated, suddenly coy (even after all the stuff they'd already done over the past two days)!

"What? Go on!" Aakash urged, giving a crooked grin as he took out his own inners from the daypack, quickly undressing, "Or, do you want them to come asking why we're taking so long, eh?"

"Nnnh..." Gunjan pouted, eyebrows knit, petulant... letting out a slight whimper before beginning to undress, his back towards Aakash... aware that the older boy was watching him, watching him get naked... could sense his eyes boring into his back as his tracks and briefs came off.

But even before Gunjan could reach for his thermals, Aakash grabbed his arm and pulled him over, embracing the naked boy, his mouth famished as he bit down on those perfectly red lips...

The moment Aakash's arms wrapped around his bare body, the hot lips covered his own, Gunjan went rock hard in a single twitch...

Letting out a whimper, his slender frame arching high... Gunjan grabbed the older teen's shoulders with both hands, kissing back.

Aakash's mouth quickly moving lower, down the gulping throat... the tongue swiping across Gunjan's heaving chest... lapping at his turgid nipples, the teeth scraping the sensitive nubs, gently biting down and tugging... one arm still wrapped around his shoulder, holding him, while the other slithering between the splayed boy thighs, gathering up the throbbing member... stroking!

"Nooo..." Gunjan cried, his cock flexing urgently... periliously close.

But Aakash didn't pay attention, his mouth moving lower still... over the fluttering belly, the tongue tip tickling the navel... the hand firm and unfaltering as he continued to jerk Gunjan.

"Stop... please!" Gunjan pleaded, gasping noisily, his body wracked by spasmodic jerks, his pelvis thrusting high.

"Why, don't wanna cum, huh?" the older boy asked lifting his head for a moment... before lowering his face back.

"Uunngh..." Gunjan moaned shaking his head, his grip now tighter as he clung on.

"Hey..." they heard Kashish's cheerful voice, dangerously close, "where are you guys?" pausing abruptly before gasping out loud, "WHOA, FUUUCCKK!", the tone shocked and appalled.

Horrified, and red faced, Gunjan swiftly pulled away and rolled over, quickly covering his erection with both hands as he looked over his shoulder... his heart slamming wildly, sure he'd find Kashish or Bilal, or both, peering in through the tent fly...

But hey, the flap was still securely zipped... and NO ONE was peering in!

"FUCK! It's freezing!" they heard Kashish's cry.

Bare assed and buck naked, both hands covering his shrunken cock, Gunjan turned to look at Aakash... the older teen still as he had been, the expression on his face amused.

"Dude, what was that?!" Aakash asked, barely able to conceal the mirth, before bursting out laughing, "God, that was hilarious, what happened?"

"Well, you said you didn't need the thermals!" they heard Bilal smirk, before laughing, "Tony had warned!"

"We'll freeze at night!" Kashish gasped, making Bilal laugh some more.

"Come here..." Aakash said, still chuckling as he put on his fleece.

"NO!" Gunjan huffed, sulky.

"Aw, c'mon..." Aakash grinned, reaching for the boy, grabbing his ankle.

"NO!" fumed Gunjan, jerking away as he quickly reached for his inners, his naked ass swaying high.

"Now, what did I do, huh?" Aakash laughed, patting the bare butt, "You pulled away... "

"Don't touch me!" hissed the boy, livid... rolling away as he swiftly pulled on his clothes.

"Okay, fine, let's go..." Aakash responded letting out another chuckle as he unzipped the flap.

It must have been a total of ten or twelve minutes since they had entered the tent... but it was totally dark outside, and COLD when they emerged!

🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁

🍁  The large open expanse of the Kheerganga Top was totally dark, the air brumous with the heavy mist that had rolled in... or, was it a cloudbank ?

There was no track, nor trail to follow, the ground rough and uneven, the plateau criss-crossed by numerous rills and runnels meandering through the grassy, rock strewn landscape... the outflow from the hot spring too cutting its own channel, the water still smoking as it rushed on...

"So, who's Rajat?" Kashish asked as they walked towards the distant blinking lights of the camps near the path, barely perceptible through the thick fog.

They could hear the music float in through the still air - loud and pulsating - mingled with the muffled chatter of an exuberant horde...

Tony let out a laugh before answering his question, "He's a local guy, her partner. They run the place together."

"French, right?" asked Bilal.

"Belgian, actually," Tony responded, carefully skipping over a rill.

"So, what's she's doing running a camp in Kheerganga, huh?" asked Kashish.

"She came here five years back, with friends, fell in love with the place... and Rajat. Never went back."

"So, do we have dinner at one of those cafes there?" asked Madhav as the group plodded on in the darkness... the beam of their torchlights barely penetrating the heavy fug.

"You could try out the food if you want," Tony responded with a shrug, "they all offer the same stuff, and highly over-priced... but I'd suggest Moksha for dinner, they serve the best French, Spanish and Mexican food up here, of course, along with the usual desi and Chinese fare... and has the best akotri in all Parvati!"

"What's akotri ?" asked Kashish.

"A Pahadi dessert."

They passed a secluded camp on the way... dark and deserted... the distant music and boisterous cheers growing louder as they neared the path... wild cachinnation rending the night air at regular intervals -- the view, the lights, still blurry.

And as they got closer they also encountered numerous couples, noisily making out in the dark... almost stumbling over a few pairs in the darkness!

"FUCK! Did you guys see that?!" Kashish suddenly gasped under his breath... the tone clearly laced with surprise, and disbelief.

"Yes, we saw, couples making out..." Aakash sniggered.

"Uh-uh, no... I don't mean them," Kashish whispered fiercely, jerking his head, "there, near that rock, two guys!"


"Dude, guys groping and slobbering... out in the open!" Kashish hissed.

"At least it's dark tonight, low visibility..." Tony laughed as they trudge on, "otherwise, on a normal, or bright night, things are clearly visible, and since there are no trails or path, the whole expanse, away from the cluster of cafes and camps, is an arena for the venturous, couples just walking away and making out... well within sight of each other, not hiding behind shrubs or rocks. As for guys, well, I've seen worse... pants pulled right down, not just making out but having actual sex, without a care about who sees them!"

"Whoa!" Kashish and Bilal both exclaimed, shaking their head in astonishment.

The other four remaining quiet, seemingly uninterested in Tony's scandalous tidings, walking silently with hands stuffed deep in their pockets...

"Can't they just go to their tents, huh?" asked Bilal, still shaking his head

"Well, weed can make a lot happen, make people do lots of... stuff. With all the raves happening in the surrounding woods... the music, the magic... being drunk and high, who even bothers about tents, huh? You get horny, you just walk away into the darkness..." Tony laughed, giving a shrug.

"The guys," he went on, "well, mostly highschool and college kids, away from home, travelling in groups on a shoe-string budget... usually sharing rooms, tents, or sleeping in dormitories... um, see those shacks, huh? And those cafes? They all convert into makeshift dormitories at night, each with dozens of mattresses spread out on the bare floor, cheek-by-jowl... guys cramped in, just a few bucks for the mattress and a blanket... so, yeah, high and horny, the dark, open ground is the perfect place to make out, and have sex!"

They were almost there... the various campsites lit up bright, pulsing with the loud music... groups huddled around fires in the open sit-out area of each camp... the tenebrific air wearing a festive look under the lazily hovering clouds of blue haze!

🍁 It was almost eight when Tony stood up, looking at the pitch black sky above, "Guess we should head back now. It'll take almost twenty minutes to reach our camp, and we need to hurry, before the sky opens up!"

The clouds had been hanging dark and heavy all day long, the air forebodingly still... but over the past half hour, the east and southern sky was repeatedly ripped by fiery flashes, setting the clouds ablaze... and then the low rumble of distant thunder started, literally shaking the very ground as it rolled through the mountains!

They quickly stood up, heading back for Moksha in the darkness - Bilal and Kashish huddled close as they walked with arms around each other, once more giggling away as they stumbled across the uneven ground... the mist now impenetrably dense, and shudderingly moist... the chill seeping in through the layers of warm clothings, making the skin crawl.

🍁 The skies held, and by eight-thirty they were back at the camp... cold and damp, their nose almost frozen!

A small, untended fire smouldered sluggishly in the pit, but there was not a soul, no one sitting around it, the group heading for the shack...

It was pleasantly warm inside, clean and bright, and there was Ludivine, and her two help... and a man, the sole other guest at the camp, sitting at the table.

"Ah, there you are!" Ludivine smiled in welcome, "It's too cold outside, and might rain, so dinner will be served inside."

"Fine with us," Tony responded, the boys sitting down, rubbing their hands and face to warm up.

"So, Braden here was just telling me about his first visit to the Valley..." Ludivine said joining them at the table, making the man laugh, "what, 27 years back, oui?"

Braden, the only other guest at Moksha, smiled looking at the group, "Twenty-seven years back was my previous visit here... my first visit was in early 1980."

"Tell us!" smiled Ludivine, mumbling a soft, "Merci..." as the men carried the food over, beginning to serve.

"Hah!" Braden let out a laugh shaking his head with a dismissive wave of his hand.

"Pourquoi ?" the lady exclaimed, "Why not?"

"Oh, that's all ancient tale," Braden shook his head, "they'll get bored..."

"C’est n’importe quoi ! What bored, huh?" Ludivine scoffed looking around at the boys as the group nodded their collective agreement.

"Yeah, go on, tell us!" Tony urged.

"Bon appétit! " Ludivine toasted raising her glass of water, and then turning towards Braden added, "Allez-allez !"

Braden gave another small laugh, shaking his head in bemused resignation, "Back then, it was like a rite of passage, legions of young men and women, in groups of various size, heading east... travelling across 11,000 miles of strange lands, and breathtaking wilderness... by boat, by bus, by train, or simply hitching a ride... some rebellious, others seeking enlightenment, inner peace, but most looking for just a rollicking good time!

"The journey starting in Europe, crossing the Balkans into the middle east... passing through Iran and Afghanistan, Pakistan and then India... on to Nepal, before people headed for Goa... some going further east, to Thailand.

"Travellers living in dirty, cramped warrens passing for rooms... meeting up with other backpackers, total strangers, at dingy cafes, exchanging currencies, swapping tales, giving tips and sharing updates from the road... spending days, or even weeks at each place, before moving on..."

The group sat engrossed, listening as they ate.

"I was nineteen when I set out with four friends..." the Scotsman shook his head as he laughed, "in search of the self. A slow, relaxed journey with short detours, four glorious weeks on the road before we reached Kabul in mid December, 1979, ten days before my 20th birthday..." pausing as he looked around the table at the gathered group, at the curious gaze, sighing as he said, "We were probably one of the very last group to traverse the famed hippie trail before it shut down..."

"Why, what happened?" asked Ludivine, her fork midway between plate and open mouth.

"Well, we had just crossed over to Peshawar, headed for Lahore... it was 25th December, Christmas day 1979, when news broke of the Soviet take over of Afghanistan the previous night!"

Everyone leaned forward, the food forgotten for the moment...

"Following the almost simultaneous Iranian Revolution and Soviet intervention in Afghanistan, foreigners were no longer welcome...

"Westerner were now reviled in the new Republic, while Afghanistan, always the wild frontier, became even more dangerous, and no one dared to venture within its borders... and the once famous and popular overland route ceased to exist, almost overnight!"

The group around the table sat mesmerized by the Scotsman's tale, their amazed gasps and excited exclaims punctuating his narration...

"And what happened to your group?" asked the lady.

"We didn't stop at Lahore as planned, rushing to the border instead and crossing over, early 26th morning... celebrating my twentieth birthday in Amritsar!

The group let out a collective sigh, each taking a deep breath as Ludivine asked, "So, when did you get here?"

Braden let out a sigh, "After spending a relaxing week in Amritsar, we went to Shimla... and finally reached Kasol on the 12th of February, 1980..."

"How was the place then?" asked Tony, Ludivine nodding.

Braden gave a hearty laugh, "Nothing like today... back then Kasol was just a tiny village... um, no, a sleepy little hamlet, with absolutely nothing!

"Only Manikaran, with the Gurudwara and the temple, the hot springs, had some very basic accommodation for pilgrims, and free food at the langar...

"There were no hotels or restaurants, no cafes or fast-food joints, no cab service... no telephone or phone booths. We, and all other backpackers, simply camped along the river bank, or in orchards... spending time in Manikaran for a hot bath and free food... a few solo travellers staying with locals in various villages..."

And what about Malana?" asked Tony, curious.

"Ah, Malana!" Braden laughed, "It was an isolated little mountain village, practically inaccessible... a grueling, almost four to five hour trek from the nearest road-head through very rough terrain... remaining mostly cut off during the monsoon and winter, almost six months a year!

"At some point in the late 60s-early70s with the flood of hippies, and the increase in demand, commercial cultivation of cannabis started, and around the same time the ancient hand-rub technique of Malana and Rashol was tweaked, resulting in a far superior cream... the forever travelling backpackers ensuring international fame for the once local charas!"

"Wow!" the group gasped in unison.

"The rest, as they say, is history today!" smiled the Scotsman, concluding his tale.

"So, what did you guys do?" Kashish asked, curious, "Like, all those backpackers... the hippies?"

"People travelled, roaming the valleys, visiting Dharmashala, Rishikesh and Haridwar... or the plains, Varanasi. My group, we simply... um... what's that very Parisian word..." Braden asked rubbing his chin as he looked at Ludivine, "you know, something about uh, roaming around... ummm, tsk-tsk..."

"Aaah, you mean flâner, to roam aimlessly, oui?"

"Yes... yes, exactly!" beamed Braden nodding his head, "We simply whiled away our days, roaming the woods and valleys without a care in the world... from one village to the next, returning to Manikaran every few days, and setting off again, to the high passes, over to the next valley... and back again..."

The group let out a collective sigh of wonderment... probably trying to picture life without smartphones and internet... cafes and cabs... pizzas and plazas!

"We had plans to explore this part of the Himalayas and then move to Nepal, but we were so enamoured, so in love with this place that we barely ventured far, remaining here, and when the time came and my group wanted to finally go to Kathmandu, I stayed back... um, that was '82...

"I had fallen in love with this place... the Valley..." Braden sighed, a far-away look in his pale blue eyes.

"Mais oui, I know! C'est magnifique... um, it's so beautiful here, t’sais, I love this place!"

"So, when did you leave?" Tony asked, "Why?"

"After two severe winters I had enough..." Braden laughed, "If I still had to freeze in my boots, then why did I leave the Scottish Highlands, huh? So in '85 I headed south, to the plains... first Varanasi and then Goa and its, then, prestine beaches...

"But after four years, I had enough of the ever growing crowds, deciding on moving furher south, to Gokarna, finally settling there, that was in 1991.

"Came here for a month during the summer in 1993," Braden laughed, "Oh, things had changed by then, the 5 hours trek to Malana was down to 3 hours, and every village had cafes and guesthouses... and now, it's a totally different world!"

🍁 They had just finished eating when the first few spatters hit the tarp...

"La vache !" Ludivine exclaimed, hurriedly calling out as if already aware of what to expect next, "Go to your tents now, it's going to be a deluge!"

The boys, Tony, and Braden, got up and rushed out, racing to their tents as large drops splattered down from above... the frigid wind suddenly gusty... and Aakash had barely zipped the flap when it started -- a torrential downpour... nay, a cloudburst!

"Guess that's it..." Aakash sighed, as they heard the wind rage, the rain pummelling the tent, "we're done for the day!" sitting back and reaching into his pocket, fishing out a fresh joint... lighting it.

Though just a couple yards away from each other, corralled in their individual tents, and the storm raging outside... with no signal or network, their phones worthless... the friends were essentially isolated and apart, totally cut off from one another (and from all mankind ), with no scope, nor means, of contact, not even a simple chat!

Well, Gunjan wasn't disappointed, or upset with the rain, not at all... it only meant he'd get to be alone with Aakash in the tent for longer... and it would also ensure that no one came knocking on their tent-fly... silently watching his senior exhale a thick cloud of smoke, his heart thumping wildly... his cute young cock slowly hardening as his eyes travelled lower, settling on Aakash's crotch front...

"Scared?" Aakash asked passing his arm around the boy's shoulders as another ear-splitting thunderclap drowned out the roar of the rain and wind, the ground seeming to vibrate as the rumbling echo rolled through the mountains before petering out in the far distance.

Gunjan shook his head, jitters of excited anticipation shooting up and down his spine, his boy-cock now fully erect, flexing urgently.

"Aw, come here..." Aakash smiled pulling Gunjan close, tilting his face, chin up... kissing his mouth, gently nipping those soft, tremulous lips, gently whispering, "Don't worry, I'll take care of you."

Gunjan instantly wrapped both his arms around the older teen, moaning as he kissed back, pressing his shuddering frame against Aakash.

"You cold or what?" Aakash asked pulling his mouth back for a moment, looking down at the boy, "You're shivering..."

Gunjan shook his head once more... lifting his face higher as he sought out Aakash's mouth, letting out a groan as he felt the older boy's lips cover his mouth...

And as the storm raged on outside -- the fierce wind billowing around the cringing tents, blowing against the canvas and tarp as it howled across the treeless meadow... the unrelenting rain beating a steady rap against the fly and flaps, the regular rhythm changing with the swirl and surge of the gust, the cadenced crescendo rising and falling in tandem... the pelter intermittently broken by short spells of eerie hush before intensifying once more -- the two made out within...

Hungry, saliva dripping mouth gnawing away at each other, both moaning as they nuzzled -- caressing and kissing, groping and fondling... rubbing up against each other, their body crushed together -- the tenebrious tent their own private snuggery, secure and safe from all prying eyes and ears... the closed space reverberant with their laboured breathing and muffled groans, the noisy rustle of sheet and clothings under their constantly shifting body and hands...

Shamelessly invasive hands sneaking under garments... Aakash reaching into Gunjan's inners, the fingers slithering past the waistband and slipping in, caressing the soft, warm butt cheeks...

Gunjan's hand bodaciously bold as he reached between Aakash's thighs, seeking out the heated tumescence, unabashedly groping the capacious bulge from over the denim... impatient digits soon undoing the fly to creep right in... fingers curling around the rigid flesh turret, squeezing as he toyed with the threshing man-part... his brazen pelvis grinding back at Aakash's probing fingers in untamed arousal!

Wispy tendrils of the inebriating smoke lazily curling up in the placid air from the smoldering tip of the still lit joint in Aakash's other hand as he took quick puffs between kisses and cuddles... soon filling the enclosed interior with its euphoriant haze, hanging heavy as it hovered above them, idly swirling with nowhere else to go...

Gunjan suddenly giddy, his head buzzing as his heart skipped and fluttered, his bosom swelling with joy -- was it the result of finally being alone with Aakash after a whole, long day of waiting ? Or, was it simply weed induced euphoria ? -- but whatever it might be, his penis was raging, flexing and twitching with anticipation of their impending union... and his recently devirginated orifice already pouting out with desire as Aakash's fingers hovered tantalisingly close...

And as the Earth, the mighty Himalayas, and the proud, tall trees cowered before the Heavenly Fury... it seeming like the end was nigh, that this was it, the final deluge, everything would be washed away!

Within the tent little Gunjan remained fearless, unintimidated by the violent storm as he reached in deeper -- Aakash his steadfast companion, his unflinching playfellow -- both tempestuous as they gleefully traversed the oft trodden path of rapturous carnal exploration... both continuing with their noisy love play -- grunting and groaning as they fondled and groped along the each other's male contours... probed every private nook, and every intimate cranny!

"Open your mouth," Aakash suddenly whispered pulling back his face, taking a long, deep drag... and as Gunjan looked up at him, uncomprehending, his lips already parted... Aakash gripped the boy's face and lowered his mouth, pursing his lips as he exhaled... blowing a thick plume of smoke right into Gunjan's open mouth!

"Nnnggh..." Gunjan protested nasally, but Aakash held his face, covering his mouth, slipping in his tongue... the pungent smoke soon filling the little boy's lungs... infusing his senses, his every pore with the intoxicating vapour... almost instantly transporting him to a higher realm... his hold on Aakash's shoulder tightening, his fingers clutching the cock convulsive... his ass cheeks flexing furiously, squeezing Aakash's probing fingers!

Gunjan's world swirled around him... the little tent seeming to spin as an unseen force, against all the established laws of physics, lifted him high off the ground and set him free, floating in midair...

"Take off your clothes..." Aakash command huskily finally pulling back his mouth, the voice distant and disembodied, "then undress me..."

Gunjan just stared up at him through the miasma of heavy smoke, his vision seeming to swim, blinking rapidly as another shudder shook his entire frame, letting out a small whimper.

"Don't worry, I'll keep you warm!" Aakash winked wickedly, tousling Gunjan's hair as he sat up, releasing the boy and stubbing out the roach, adding, "But first, let's join the two bags so that we can be together all night!" as he reached for the sleeping bags.

[ After the trip had been finalised, Aakash had taken Gunjan shopping - backpack and sleeping bag - since the little boy had never been camping before, selecting the exact same sleeping gear that he himself had... and now it proved handy as they mated their two bag ! ]

Spreading the blanket provided over the mattresses and laying the two bags - one atop the other - Aakash expertly zipped them together to make a double bag, grinning at Gunjan as he took off his jacket... and undoing the buttons of his fly, crawled in, pulling Gunjan along...

"And now, let's get naked!" he grinned, his arms wrapping around the trembling teen.

Gunjan puled looking at Aakash... but the older teen simply stared back... Gunjan finally taking off his jacket and slowly discarding his layered clothes one by one... before finally wiggling out of his tracks and inners, using his feet to tug it off...

Aakash's hands under the luxuriant warmth of the sleeping-bag already groping and fondling, caressing and tweaking as the naked flesh got exposed.

Gunjan paused for a moment, and then reached out, beginning to strip Aakash... finally pushing down his jeans and inners, once more using his feet to complete the task...

Naked at last, entirely bare... they embraced, their naked flesh warm against each other... limbs entangled in desire... Aakash biting down on Gunjan's lips as they rubbed their raging hardness against one another... their breath progressively getting louder and harsher by the minute...

Hovering dangerously on the deckle edge of decorum and desire, restraint and rapacity... driven to the very brink of sensual endurance, Gunjan, horny and high... famished and furious, finally slid right into the sleeping bag... hungrily lapping his way down Aakash's torso... his hands almost rough as he pawed the smooth, naked flesh... his mouth going straight for Aakash's engorged appendage... both boys groaning at the first contact of moist lips and sizzling penis...

Nostril flared, his senses laden with the heady scent of the arousal, Gunjan lapped along the fervid groin, licking through Aakash's manicured pubes... kissing and pecking the length of his turgid shaft, and swirling his tongue around the bloated, twitching tip... kissing and pecking down to the hefty testicles, his tongue playfully jostling with the pair before carefully sucking on them... and then back...

Over and over again, till the whole area was sopping wet... before finally lifting his head and wrapping his lips around the swollen glans... slowly working his way down the rigid column... both moaning aloud.

Aakash's hands hadn't been idle either, following the boy as he slid under... one hand running through his hair, stroking Gunjan's head, while the other reached for the boy's buttocks, gently tapping and tugging till the boy shifted, offering better access to his ass... and then petting and fondling, kneading and caressing... repeatedly licking his fingers as he slipped the digits between the cheeks, titillating the fluttering entrance, getting it slippery wet...

It must have been about fifteen odd minutes, or maybe more, when rolling on his back, Aakash grabbed Gunjan's shoulders and pulled him up, over him, on top... kissing the boy as his hands lovingly slid down his back to first grab the twin globes, petting the pair... and then slipping lower, between the thighs, hooking his hands and spreading Gunjan's legs, reaching in and caressing the tiny little boy-hole...

And as Gunjan groaned, his shudders convulsive, the jitters uncontrolled... literally chewing on the older boy's lips, he felt Aakash reach under and grabbing his own cock pull it out from between them... lifting the engorged phallus and sliding it between the cheeks... a searching forefinger guiding the bloated cock tip to the furiously twitching opening... aligning...

"Take it in..." Aakash whispered hoarsely holding his cock steady.

Well, Gunjan was starved for it and didn't need to be told again, promptly lifting off, raising his torso to almost an upright posture as he rotated his hips, wiggling his buttocks... as intent on impaling himself on Aakash's thick bulk, as Aakash was on hilting himself deep in the boy's belly... both moaning as Gunjan pushed down...

The tiny mouth quivered, the thin lips pouting out... Aakash gently lurching... both groaning as the tight sphincter fluttered and parted wide, almost sucking in the swollen head before snapping right back under the flared rim, trapping the cock head within its torrid folds!

Gunjan let out a grunt, his breath literally pushed out of his lungs by the sheer girth of the invading phallus breaching his rectum... but he wanted more, all of it, and grabbing the older boy's shoulder with both hands he bore down on Aakash's cock with all his weight... feeling the thick shaft tearing into him... filling him... till the tight flesh ring snapped around the thick base of Aakash's rampant cock... till the clipped pubes of the older boy tickled his smooth bottom!

Gunjan's sibilant cry filled the still air of the tent as he slumped forward, panting, burying his face in the crook of Aakash's shoulder... his ravenous rectum vicious in its clutch, the fluid membranes fluttering around and along the buried length... squeezing the rigid shaft as it flexed and throbbed... both letting out grunts!

Neither moved for a long while as they lay still... Gunjan prone on Aakash, Aakash's arms wrapped tight around the shivering boy, holding him...

The exquisitely fierce clutch of the boy's quivering innards... the moist, molten heat: suffocatingly steamy and swelteringly sultry... the tumult of the agitated membranes as they fluttered: squeezing and tugging... unbearable!

Aakash's hips, of its own accord, moved, hunching and hitching: tugging out his cock form that gripping hold, and then sending it ripping back in...

Gunjan once more lifting off, his hands clutching the older boy's arms for support as he slammed down...

Oh, it was simply GLORIOUS!

And soon Aakash was fucking the willing boy with all his youthful might, his hips rising and falling in a steady rhythm... pistoning his rampant cock higher... deeper into the fiery folds of the boy's fluttering belly in perfect harmony with Gunjan's determined downward thrusts...

Both shamelessly vocal, disgracefully loud as they mated in the roaring frenzy of youthful lust, primeval in their boundless passion under the raging sky... each carrying the other ever higher on the rapturous wings of ecstasy!

Aakash's hand firm around the boy's narrow waist, holding him as his pelvis rapped its steady beat; Gunjan's head thrown back, mouth open as he cried out his arousal... one hand still holding Aakash's flexing arm, while the other gripped his own cock, rapidly jerking off!

The rustle of the sleeping bag, the pelting rain against the canvas, the whistling wind through the seams and guyline, an euphonic accompaniment to their unbridled wail of ardour!

The heart-rending cry that filled the tent as Gunjan's boy-sperm shot out of the twitching tip of his flexing column -- splattering Aakash with his viscous fluid, hitting the chin and irrorating his heaving chest -- was loud and vociferous, and would have surely carried far and wide if the storm hadn't muted it...

And as the final few spurts burst forth, Gunjan slumped forward, exhausted and drained... limp on Aakash's torso, panting, a rag doll... Aakash's protective arms tight around him, holding him... both still.

But Gunjan's ass, in the dying throes of his mighty orgasm, had gone berserk -- the ravaged rectal muscles unbearably vicious along the buried length, quivering around the throbbing girth as it squeezed with savage fury, making Aakash grunt at the exquisitely intolerable pleasure... forcing his hips to strut up of its own accord...

It was a long while before Aakash moved again -- one hand around Gunjan's shoulder and the other holding a butt-cheek as he rolled over on his side, his cock still fully embedded in Gunjan's suffocatingly tight ass, slowly recommencing the paused fuck...

His pelvis determined as he powered his cock in and out of the rapacious boy-hole, gradually speading up... and Gunjan's innards responded to the renewed assault instantly, clamping down with torturous ferocity, making Aakash grunt, his pelvis repeatedly faltering and the rhythm wavering... carrying him ever closer to the edge, before tipping him over...

With a roar Aakash ground in, his arms tight around the boy as he held still, his thighs twitching and his ass cheeks flexing... his legs jerking spasmodically as he unleashed his virile torrent of rich fecunding fluid... his balls emptying themselves deep inside Gunjan's vacumming gut, filling the boy's belly with thick ropes of slimy spunk... the creamy liquid soon overflowing, oozing out around the thick phallus as the thinly stretched sphincter pulsed... squelching obscenely once Aakash resumed his postcoital hunching... frothing as it dribbled along the pumping shaft...

Both boys purring as their mouth rejoined in an hungry kiss.

🍁 to be continued...       

Copyright © Author, (2020), 2021-2022

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