Kiss My Charmed Ass

By James Bernard

Published on Nov 13, 2010


Hoot Hoot! To Constance and All of them that made the Charmed series possible. Thank you to all who sent feedback. Here's the next chapter.

Kiss My Charmed Ass-Chapter 3

"Baby, wake up" A voice called me from the darkness, "Five more minutes...." I started to say, but warm lips encased mine. My eyes opened immediately, and I pushed

into the kiss even more. "mmm...your amazing." Wyatt said to me, in an voice filled with love. I stared in his blue eyes and I could see us...forever. "Come on, time for your first day of school. Halliwell Style." He said, pulling out of bed, and into the shower. Our clothes were off in seconds, we started kissing. I rubbed his abs, and pecs with soap. Getting him all shiny, (I like shiny objects, lol.) While I was doing that he was rubbing his hands all over my back. Licking under his chin, there was mild sweat, I headed for his Adam's Apple and he let out a groan. Banging "Hey you love-birds, we have to go so hurry it up." Chris said from the other side of the door. "I guess, we'll have to finish this later." Wyatt said, taking the attention away from what Chris said. "We should get going, if only..."He kissed me deeply, our tongues were in a battle for control, but him obviously the experienced one won.

We got out and got dressed,I wore a white shirt, and jade silky hoodie long sleeve shirt. With dark implint jeans, and red/black tenni-shoes, and a black studded belt. With my hair into a black hair-band, with a few strands running in my face.Wyatt was sporting a wife-beater(Wow, not the best name for a shirt.) and a crimson silky hoodie shirt. deep blue jeans, and white tenni's. Chris went with a gray long sleeve shirt with the words "Respect" all fancy and cursive. With black skinny jeans, that showed off a bit too much. As we all were ready, we headed down stairs, Wyatt was holding my hand and smiling at me. I couldn't help, but blush. As we reached the kitchen, Adam was there sitting down on a stool. Chris ran up to him and kissed him deeply, making wet-sucking noises. I blushed even deeper, Wyatt was doing the same. "There you guys are, breakfast is ready. " Piper says, startling me. It was waffles with maple syrup, and bacon.

After we finished eating, we got our backpacks. Piper took the liberty of buying me a new one. It was one that looked like it can be used for camping if not for school books.

We all got in Wyatt's car, I had shot-gun of course. Wyatt took off and we headed to school, a few times I had cramps from axiety and such. I hate high school, kids can be cruel and hurtful for no apparent reason.Just to see another person, weaker or more awkward than they are have episodes of emotions.

As we got in the school, I had the feeling that today would be a long one. People were looking at my violet eyes, and I could hear whispering going around. Wow, I barely even walked inside and the gossiping already started. Wyatt escorted me to the office, so I would be able to obtain my class schedule. After that was done, we were in the hall to our first class,it was only Wyatt and I in the hallway. A girl with red hair and green eyes came from the corner and started talking to Wyatt. "Hey sweetness," she gave him a kiss and grabbed his crotch, causing him to groan.My jaw just dropped and my eyes started to water and I ran out of the school. "Luke!" he pushed her off of him, "What the hell is wrong with you? I don't even know you." She smirked lightly, "I want you, and I'm going to have you." She jumped him, "Best kisser ever." She said smirking, but she messed up, she got sloppy and her hair changed from red into black. "Why do you need him? I can be what you want me to be." She said, turning into me. "Get off!" he threw her, and came after me. "Luke!" "Hey, idiot." Chris' voice came from behind her. She turned around with him holding a potion in his hand."Your not even that hot." He said throwing it at her and she screamed out in pain, turning into ashes for the janitor to clean up later.

I was on a bench in the football field, crying.When arms wrapped me in a bind from behind. "Well well well lookie what I caught." I struggled, and struggled but I couldn't move. I was hit hard in the back of the head and all I saw was darkness. The guy picked me up and shimmered us to the Underworld. Wyatt, came up and was looking around ,but he couldn't sense me. So he went to Chris, who was still standing there. "Hey Chris, I can't find Luke." Wyatt said in a panic, "I can't sense him anywhere." Chris got worried, "Hmm...We should go home and get mom.She'll think of something." They orbed home.

I woke up in chains. "Finally, I have you." This man said, who was pretty hot, he looked like Cam Gigandet...but it wasn't him, besides his eyes were completely black. I just inched away from his hand, as it came closer to my face. His hands were pale and ice cold. "Where am I? Who are you?" "Where am I? Who are you?" He said mocking me, "I'm sorry...You are pretty cute. Maybe I can get some use out of your pretty pink lips." He kissed me and I wanted to die, I felt like I cheated on Wyatt.He kiss the girl, so I don't know. "Mmm...I think I might enjoy this." He forced me on my knees and I was pushing him away, but he was way stronger than me. His memeber was waving in my face, in all its glory of 7in long and 2 in wide. I closed me eyes shut hoping someone would save me soon. Then I remember my powers, "Get Away!" I yelled angry, he was flung into a cavern wall. "DON'T YOU DARE FUCKING TOUCH ME!!!" I yelled, my hair started to lift with the mental force I was giving off. The cave started to rumble a bit, being affected by my powers, as small fragments of rocks started to lift and swirl around me.So began the mental assault, with me flinging rocks and such at him. As he countered me with fire and energy balls.

"Mom! Mom!" Wyatt and Chris called around the house. "There you are." Chris found her with Leo, in the kitchen cooking. "Mom, Luke was kidnapped. Wyatt and I can't sense him anywhere." she stopped what she was doing and called Phoebe and Paige and they all went to the attic. At some point Adam orbed in, in the panic being 'The Charmed One's Whitelighter' he sensed Chris and Wyatt's panic, thinking it was strange to sense them, but not me. After Chris and Wyatt ran them through what happend, they all looked deep in thought fearing the obvious truth. "Well, there is only one place I know of that no one who is able to sense and is good can find him...The Underworld." Paige said, thinking of all the times she had to go there. She may not be a 'Charmed One', but she is still a witch/whitelighter. That is something you can't

walk away from.

Wyatt didn't give it another thought he just tried to orb, but Piper grabbed him. "Wyatt, we can't just go to the Underworld half-cocked. If we get hurt then we can't help Luke." She reasoned with him, he didn't like it but agreed to calm down. "Mom...I'm sorry. It's just that every second Luke isn't with heart hurts. Even more so with the fact that a lust demon came and kissed me, making him think that I liked it. I feel so bad, if I did that to me, I'd knock myself into next week, and not want to be back on Tuesday." He said nervously, "I need to be with him. I need to be holding him in my arms." He sat on the couch starting to tearing up a bit. "Forget it...I'm going and if anyone is against me then they will fall before me." he said angrily, Wyatt orbed off with the whole family following closely after him.

I was fighting the Source of All Evil, with some anger-triggered power boost. I am tired of being weak, I am not getting raped, not by some punk with powers who thinks hes better than me. "Go ahead and fight, you can't destroy me without the power of three." The source said smugly, "I'm not going out without a fight." I yell, sending another boulder at him. "I'm not going to kill you...I'm going to control you like a puppet, and fuck you hard like a rag doll. When I'm done with you your going to be as messed up as the vulgar puppet from 'Ask Milly'." He said in a as-matter-fact tone, "Wow, I can't believe you have a computer. Besides, shouldn't you just be able to fuck any demon you want. Why not them!?" I more demanded than asked to know, "I want innocence. You...reek of it. I want to use you for inappropriate reasons that man-kind should never know." He said throwing an energy ball and it collided with my stomach, knocking the air out of me. I gasped, but the more I breathed the more pain I felt. I was chained to the wall so I never was able to go anywhere. He just came up to me and bitch slapped the feeling out of my face.

"Hey! Get away from him!" Wyatt yelled coming in, sending out a wave of pure energy, that was focused into a beam from his hand. "Aaah! You bitch, that hurt!" the Source said, "And now I'm over it." All of the family was there. "Oh, all of you against me....fine. Guards!!!" The Source commanded, and demons shimmered in. "I hate getting dirty anyways."

Piper was blowing up demons with Wyatt. Phoebe and Chris were doing sparing moves at the demons while they levitated.Adam and Leo throwing potions. While Paige orbed me out of the chains, healed me, and from there we started sending flying projectiles back to the owners. In a matter of seconds the demons were gone. "So where's your legion now?" I asked getting close to Wyatt. "I don't really need one, so things didn't go the way I planned. Doesn't mean anything." I just starred at him, he tried to look all powerful, but it was obvious he wasn't use to being this close to getting his ass kicked; Wyatt looked like he was looking for a punching bag. "Well I'm sure 'He' wants to play." The Source said, pointing at a man who had white hair, and wide blue eyes, and sharp teeth. "Wait...That's a Banshee." Piper said, "Yep, the very one who brought poor Luke here." After the Source said that, the male- Banshee leaped in the air and kicked Chris in the chest and rebound from that, flipping and landing behing Piper.Round-housing her in the back. Phoebe came after it, and was able to keep up with it, but the Banshee was to quick and snap kicked her in the stomach sending her flying into the wall. He looked at me and leaped, but I flicked my wrist sending him away, I rather not get INTO a fight. Even more so, if I know I'll get my ass kicked. As flicked my wrist again, holding him, I realized something, there was ANOTHER BANSHEE! SHE, attacked me from behind. As the male went after Wyatt. We started exchanging blows but she over powered me in crazy kung fu wolf bitch style. I was bitch slapped in the face, Paige came after her and got her away but got elbowed in the stomach, and the Banshee contiued her assault. Paige got up, pissed off; Orbing a stalagmite into the Banshee's stomach she exploded.

The male snapped out of his onsault against Wyatt, and Piper finally had time to blow him up. It only blew his arm off, and he shrieked towards me. I heard the shriek and was turned into a Banshee. Not liking the other Banshee next to Wyatt, I attacked it with a Sonic Screech that blew it into pieces. "Baby, please I love you." Wyatt said, coming towards me, the way he did when we first met. His hands in the air as surrender. "Baby, please." I stared at him and couldn't hate hair slowly changed back from white to dirty blonde and my eyes go back from blue to their even stranger violet. Seeing this, Wyatt grabs me into a hug, "Angel, I'm so sorry of what happened. It wasn't what it looked like..." I stopped him, "I know Wyatt, I should've known that you wouldn't cheat on me. It's just that...I'm pathetic, You could have anyone you wanted...." I started, but he stopped me this time, with a kiss. It was forceful and deep, our tongues did their battle even though others were around. Adam and Leo, who couldn't be any help with the Banshees being that they would die, had coughed to get attention. Causing us to stop and look, "We still have to deal with the Source." We all felt awkward, We forgot about the KING OF ALL EVIL himself. We got in order, Wyatt, then Chris, and then me. Saying a spell to Vanquish the Source. He tried to stop us, but we were able to thwart his actions. I held him down mentally, while focusing on the spell...the mental strain was causing my nose to bleed. I felt the words coming into my mind and I knew what to say.

To Vanquish the Source: "Prudence, Penelope, Patricia, Melinda, Astrid, Helena, Laura and Grace; Halliwell witches stand strong beside us; Vanquish this evil form time and space." We repeat 3 times, finally the Source is vanquished.

As we get home, Wyatt and I decide to skip dinner and 'talk' (finally) We kiss, he deepens it and forces his tongue in my mouth exploring. I push him on the bed, finally taking his shirt off, as he does the same to me. I his his neck and suck on it, giving him a hicky for later on. He flipped us over, with him on top he completely strips me and I feel self conscious; but I concede and strip him aswell. He goes down on me, taking me into his mouth. I feel like I'm in heaven, as he sucks on me cock. After 5 minutes, "Wyatt, stop...I'm gonna cum." he stops and smirks,"yeah we wouldn't want that now would we." I smile and climb on top of him, and do what he did to be. I suck on his large balls, causing him to breathe in sharply. "Did I hurt you?" I ask scared he'd want to stop. "Nah, just feels amazing." He saying between panting, pushing my head into him. I get up and he climbs on top, pushing his finger in trying to relax me. I can only moan from the attention I'm getting, as he kisses me. Then goes for my whole tongueing it. I feel like I'm melting. PANTING "Wyatt, oh good God!" I exclaim in pleasure. "You taste so sweet." He says looking up at me, smirking. I can't help but blush really red. He flicks his tongue in me alittle more then sticks another finger in. "Okay, Your opened up enough...I hope." He says with what I can only describe as lust and love in his eyes. "I need you inside, me if hott." I can't lie, not to him. Even more so with his finger inside me, rubbing all the right places. "Can do." he only replies that and he lowers the head of his 10in cock into me. Slowly he slids in, I can feel slight pain from it. "Relax, baby. Just push back against it. " He instructs as I do what he tells me to and it slids in. Inch by inch, till finally I can feel his hair next to my ass. He slids in and out slowly, and my pink hole is tight(I'm a virgin) and slippery from his saliva. Til he has a steady rhythm, we kiss, he nibbles on me neck.It gets a bit forceful as it turns into jack-rabbit fucking. I can't help but moan and gasp from the intrusion as he hits my prostate and sends pangs of pleasure into me. "Aaaah!" I yell, as He pumps into me a few more times as I tighten around his cock, We climaxed together in a kiss.With him flooding me from the inside, (Should of put protection) With him dropping on top of me, dog tired as we both pant. "That was amazing." He says smiling tiredly. "I know, I was there. I'm...I'm glad, your the one I gave myself too." Truthfully, I'm glad I waited. "I love you, angel." He said stroking my face, "I love you too, Wyatt." I smiled and we kissed. He laid down on his back and I laid on his chest. Running my finger around his pecs tracing the outlines. I kissed the crook of his neck and he moaned slightly, and kissed the top of my head. We fell asleep, and not before I felt something strange going on in my stomach.

Next: Chapter 4

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