Kissing Me Softly

By Mystic Darkness

Published on Dec 19, 1999


Disclaimer: This is a fictional story and there is no way that this story is true... I wish it was but it isn't. This story does not mean anything about The Backstreet Boys or anyone else that will be mentioned in this story.

If you are under 18, please leave, (as if my words will actually mean anything as is.) but please leave if you are. If you are offended by homosexual acts please leave as well. And finally if its illegal in your area to view this or something dealing with that please leave. If you aren't going to leave enjoy.

Please feel free to get into contact with me. Mystic Darkness AOLIM-- MysticDarkness13 ICQ-- 55430960

Author's notes: Hey I would also like to give a shout out to LAUREN!!! woo hoo!! you go girl!! and please if anyone has time!! go read her story: "Lucky Me"... I would also like to give a shout out to Dan...

Kissing Me Softly

by Rich

"So Rich, which one do ya like?" Kat snickered as she just jumped into the car, avoiding me from shoving her.

I grinned at her little perverted ways of getting into my social life, and then jumped into my car. God what would I do without her?

"So Rich, Jenne, where do you two live??" Howie asked

doing his best at trying to stir up converstaion.

"We live together about 35 minutes away from town," she replied nearly drooling over the two pop stars in the back seat.

"Together? Are you two a couple?" Kevin asked trying to get into the conversation.

Jenne and I burst out laughing. "No, Jenne's parents moved so i decided that it would be nice for her to live with me and finish up Senior year with all of our friends," I said still trying to hold back a few small laughs.

"Oh, how old are you both?" Howie asked.

"We're both 18. Her birthday is only 1 week after mine"

"Oh, okay cool. Do your parents mind if were coming over or anything?" Howie continued.

The vehicle grew quite silent. Jenne looked over at me to kind of see if I was okay. I really didn't look to good. My face had gotten a bit lighter in color, and I really didnt know what to say. "Um," I started quietly. I cleared my throat. "Both of my parents..." I paused for a second, stunned from the thought of my parents. "both of my parents passed away," I finally god out.

"Oh we're sorry, Rich," Kevin tried to comfort.

"Yeah, it really wasn't much of our business," Howie said lowering his head.

"It's okay guys. I have to get over it sometime or later" I said trying to reasure them everything would be okay.

"Okay, time for a happier side of things," Jenne announced trying to get us off the depressing subject. "Okay now were gonna do something fun today and we need to think of something, Rich, got any ideas?"

"Yeah right, you know me, it took us like a half an hour just to think up of going to the mall"

Jenne smiled a bit and I continued. "I dunno why don't we just stay at my house and talk, watch movies, go swimming, anything, and just go out to dinner or something like Kat said we could?" I stated.

"That sounds good to me," Howie put in.

"I second that," Jenne said.

"Swimming?" Kevin asked.

"yes swimming, We have a huge pool in the back that is heated in the early morning, it should be great by the time we get there," I said.

"But we don't have any suits or anything," Kevin said.

"Oh give it up Mr. Body Beautiful," Jenne said. "We all know you've been skinny dipping before, you said it on MTV. And besides I would love to see what you're hiding"

We all burst out laughing except for Kevin, who turned a bright read color.

"Look, we can stop by the Hotel you are staying at and pick up anything that you need okay?"

"Alright" Kevin said finally recovering from his embarassment.

Jenne got on my cell phone and called up Kat. Jen filled in Kat on what we were going to do for the day and we all went made our way to the hotel the guys were staying at. We made our way around to the back with Kevin's back seat driving, and made our way into the back enterance.

We were allowed to go upstairs with them and we followed them to their rooms. It was a nice layout. There were beautiful paintings on the walls and the lights were held by beautiful brass fixtures that added a soothing look to the hall. We made it to the rooms and Howie unlocked his door. He got his things and put them in a backpack. We made our way to the other two guys rooms, and they did the same.

"What about Brian and Nick?" Jenne asked. "Would they like to come?"

"I don't know where they went," Kevin said.

Jenne's expression saddened a bit not being allowed to see the rest of the group.

We all just laughed at her and she did that innocent "what?" thing that many do. "Well, okay we can stay," Kevin said being the 'father' of the group. So we all went to Howie's room since it was the cleanest and most presentable.

We sat and talked about they guys touring and Jenne and Nicole joining with her to ask or say some incriminating little comments, and some pretty perverted at that. Laura had to go soon enough because her boyfriend wanted to go out and she got picked up at the hotel. She left with 3 autographs and a huge grin on her face.

A few minutes then we heard a knock at the door. "That must be them," AJ said as he popped up from the bed he had been laying on and walked towards the door to open it for his fellow group members.

"Hey AJ," both Brian and Nick said.

This was when Jenne just got all ditzy and couldn't controll herself and just let out that Teeny Bopper inside of her and just totaly freaked out. We all just sat back and laughed. None of the guys knew what was going on with her but she just was rambling on and on. I dont get why she didn't just do it earlier.

Howie informed the best friends in on the plans for the day, and they both just nodded. "No offense or nothing to any of you," Brian said with that southern hospitality in his voice to us, and then turning to the rest of the group saying "but what made you guys want to go with them anyways?"

"Rich and Jenne kicked attackers' of ours asses" AJ said speaking for us. "That stuff they did was the shit. It looked like it came out of one of those martial arts movies."

"Wow, well cool at least you three are okay"

"Which of you are Rich and Jen?" Nick said speaking up.

"I'm Rich, and this is Jen," I said moving my eyes towards hyperactive teenager.

"Well we better get going. Its already 4," I said.

We followed Brian to his room and he opened it and it was one of the messiest rooms I've ever seen. He quickly grabbed his own back pack and put his things in there and handed the backpack over to nick, so he could put his things in there.

We exited Brian's room, and went over to Nick's room.

As soon as we reached the rood and the door only opened about a crack. Two girls came running out of the door screaming to nick and crying both asking him to marry or have thier child.

"Great," Nick said as he ran into his room and shut the door behind him, leaving the two obsessive teeny boppers outside.

Kevin had run to get security, without any of us knowing and soon the girls were escorted out of the hotel each with a autographed group pic of each of the boys, even Nick.

We got the rest of Nicks things and just as we were about to leave Nick suddenly brings up that he doesnt have his room key. He said he remembered having it just a few minutes ago and everything. But then was what happened during that teeny bopper rampage, one of the girls must have stolen the key from him.

With that a hand came flying to the back of Nick's head. And an arguement broke out on responsibility.

Nicole looked over at me, with a "stop this somehow" look in her face.


"I dunno, just let them stay at your place or something that has to make them stop, they'd get a better place to stay anyways, and teeny boppers like we just saw, or ones like Jenne, wouldn't be able to find them," she said making a pretty good point.

"ugh, alright," I complained. "HEY!!!" I yelled loud. All five members stopped their quaraling and looked over at me. "Look, Nicole brought up a good point. I have enough bedrooms for the each of you at my place, and you can all stay for nothing, and you wont be bothered by the press or nothing because it's not right in the city. So if you want you can stay at my house."

They looked at each other and agreed not wanting to have to deal with another problem with obsessive fans again. They all grabbed their suitcases and Howie called up the car they rented to be brought to the back of the hotel, because he was the first one done because of his neatness.

They loaded up the things again and AJ, Brian, and Nick rode in one car, and Kevin rode in Kat's car with Nicole, and Howie with Jen and me.

We took off and we were on our way to my house.

To be Continued...

Hey, now hmmm 5 (er at least 4) hot guys under the same roof with me??? somethings bound to happen, right??? Hey well lets see im sorry i didn't get anything with one of the boys yet but thats in the next chapter... which will be in a day or two... I promise.

Hey, well thanx again and please send all comments to Mystic Darkness

See ya!!! Peace and Love!

Next: Chapter 3

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