Kissing Me Softly

By Mystic Darkness

Published on Dec 27, 1999


Disclaimer: This is a fictional story and there is no way that this story is true... I wish it was but it isn't. This story does not mean anything about The Backstreet Boys or anyone else that will be mentioned in this story. If you are under 18 please leave.... if not enjoy.

Authors Notes:

Please PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!! email me or talk to me on-line... I may not be the biggest conversationalist but it would be nice to hear from anyone... Mystic Darkness AOLIM-- MysticDarkness13 ICQ-- 55430960

Hey I would also like to give a shout out to LAUREN!!! and please if anyone has time!! go read her story: "Lucky Me"... Please read my friend EG's story "Adam Zach and the BSB" And Dan... DUDE!!! What's up!!!!

Kissing Me Softly

"Kevin... I'm.... I'm Wiccan. Kevin I'm a witch I follow the religion of Wicca, and well I know that witches are not thought of being good people but its not true. Wicca is a positive religion that has been like given the 'thumbs up' from the government for a positive religion. I don't believe that Satan is good... I believe that it is evil and everything.... My god Kevin, I'm sorry if it bothers you and all but I can't change me, it's who I am, and I am worried I may lose you if I keep it from you and you find out," I sped out pretty fast, but slow enough have him hear everything.

I looked at him. He really didn't have an expression his face. He was totally dumbfounded.

It worried me a bit, I was really scared I might lose him. I squeezed him tight. He reimbursed the hug, which gave me a bit more feeling of hope.

"Rich.... woa... well lets see..." He was still dumbfounded. "Rich I'm not going to love you any less," a huge wave relief came over me.

"But..." oh great that's not what I wanted to hear. "It will take a while to get used to... okay?"

"Yes," I replied nearly about to squeeze him to death for being so open-minded. This was a reason I loved him even more. "Kevin, I love you even more. Thank you for being so open-minded, and caring, and just you. I love you Kevin"

"I Love you too Rich." He kissed me softly on the lips. Our lips barely touched, yet it felt like it was one of the hottest kisses I've ever had. Why couldn't I find love before this, and have such great feelings before? I rested my head on his shoulder, held Silver in my arms petting her gray and white coat while looking at the candles that were burning there. They danced across the wall slowly, and gently. It reminded me of the love I had with Kevin, It was beautiful, soft, and something I could feel comfortable with.

"Hey do you think we should go to bed now? I really want to hold you in my arms, lay down and relax."

"Yeah, I would love that Kevin." I kissed him again, and we got up from the chair, and walked up the huge staircase to my bed room. We walked hand in hand, and at the top of the stairs, Kevin lifted me into his arms and carried me to my room. I laughed at his cuteness factor there and kissed him when he let me down, inside my room.

"I love you Kevin."

"I love you Rich. Rich, Do you mind if I ask you a question?"

"I guess," I said wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Rich, about you being a witch, does your religion, go against mine or push away others? I mean I want to understand, I want to be there for you."

"No babe, our religion, doesn't discriminate. But would you mind if we drop this subject?"

"Well just one more thing, I want to say one more thing. Rich, I love you, and I want you to know that I will be okay with everything that you think or believe."


"Of course, I told you I just need time to soak everything in." He leaned in and gave me a long, soft kiss.

I wrapped my arms tighter around him, and his hand caressed the shape of my face. We slowly moved our way over to the bed and soon onto it. The kissing became more intense and our tongues wrestled in our mouths. We slowly started to peal off each others clothing. We were both soon down to our boxers and Kevin began to kiss at the nape of my neck, quietly whispering 'I love you' after every three or so kisses. I moaned slightly. Kevin began to kiss down my body, I gasped, and flinched.

"Kevin wait." He stopped, looking up at me. "Kevin um, I'm a virgin... and well I'm scared a bit, I love you but I'm unsure about this whole thing."

"Oh... baby, I'm sorry I shouldn't have came on so strong. I'm sorry, I really am," he said with a bit of embarrassment in his voice.

"Kevin, It's okay, I just am not sure if I'm ready for you. You would be a wonderful person to share myself with, but I need time for that." I kissed his forehead, and he looked up at me and smiled.

"So you'll forgive me?"

"There is nothing to be guilty of... Kevin, It's okay, Now will you just hold me tonight? I want to be in your strong arms all night. Oh but one thing Kevin, I have school tomorrow so you're gonna have to put up with an alarm going off early in the morning."

He nodded, smiled, wrapped his arms around me and hugged me close. I sighed lightly and he ran his hand along my back as I lay in his arms. I really did love him, and he loved me. I kissed Kevin one last time, and we both drifted off sleep. I feel asleep in his comforting arms and my head upon his muscular yet soft shoulder.


BBBBBRRRRRR!!!! The annoying sound of my small alarm clock rang through the room. I wriggled my hand from Kevin's grasp and hit the alarm. The room became silent and I covered most of myself up again with the blanket.

Just as I was about to fall asleep again I felt Kevin Kiss my neck a few times, while he slowly pulled down the sheet covering me. I groaned and turned over to face him. He was beautiful even in the early morning. He laid therewith a cute grin on his face.

"Come on, baby, you have to get to school," he said in a low, soothing whisper.

"You had to wake me didn't you?"

"Of course baby, I don't want to see my baby get in trouble for being late, which would limit my time with you even more."

He had a good point. I slowly rose up out of bed and he kissed me, but I pulled back.

"Kev, no kiss morning, me have bad breath."

"I don't care, and besides you taste good all time," he said laughing at me a bit.

I smiled and walked towards the closet to pick out my clothes. I pulled out a pair of black pants and a black shirt that had the saying 'Put the fun, back in funeral'. He laughed and gave me a pair of boxers. "You like the freaky things in life don't you?" he commented referring to my clothes.

I nodded and he kissed me on my forehead. I smiled and proceeded to the bathroom to shower and get ready for the day.

The warm water helped me wake up and I came out of the shower with a huge smile on my face. Kevin was not in the room so I cam jumping down the stairs in search of my wonderful boyfriend. I found him sitting at the kitchen table waiting for me, no one else around. The others must have been sleeping or something.

I sat down on his lap and he wrapped his arms around me. "I love you, Kev"

"I love you too baby."

"Kevin... I want to thank you for being so good tome, and so sweet."

He smiled. I could go for hours upon hours just looking at him smile. "Well, you're someone I've fallen in love with, therefore I'm going to be good for you."

"I love you too." He kissed me on my forehead, and I laid my head down on his shoulder. I drank some orange juice that he had out and grabbed one of those fruit bars.

Jen came bouncing down the stairs with a huge smile on her face. For once I didn't have a clue in the world what it was for.

"Hey you two," she said in a peppy mood.

"Okay, who the hell are you and what have you done with the Jen that has lived here with me?"

"Rich, can't a girl just be in a really good mood for once?"

"Yes, just you can't"

She gave me a bad look and poured herself a cup of coffee.

Soon enough it was time for me and Jen to leave for school. We got up and went to the door. I kissed Kevin good-bye, over and over it seems. Jen had to pull me off of Kevin, so we could get to school on time. ~*~

School was mostly a bore, and I forgot that I had to stay after for this stupid tutoring thing. Jen agreed to just stay in the library while I did this tutoring, so that was good. Now I had to tell Kevin. I ran out to my car and called Kevin and told him that It would be another hour or so. He said that would be fine, would see me later and that he loved me. I told him the same, and hung up.

I made my way to the library for my tutoring. I really didn't like tutoring, it was boring, and well some were just plain stupid. Today for once, I actually had someone who had more than half an able brain.

I arrived at the library, or a lower pit of hell (school) with Jen and we went our separate ways. I sat down in the open area where most people met for tutoring, and waited for J (as the school calls him, the person I was supposed to tutor. Jason was a good person sometimes, he is pretty nice, kind of cool, and well your athlete of the school that actually didn't care about the popularity stuff, even though he was one of the most popular people in the school.

After about 5 minutes of waiting, J walked up in his usual American Eagle, or whatever preppy brand he wore. We greeted each other and he sat down. He usually talks some more and I asked him what was wrong, but he just said it was nothing. I just shrugged it off and went on with the tutoring.

Soon enough 20 minutes had passed by and we decided to take a break. He usually got up and went to grab a soda, or something. But today, he just sat there, and stared off into space. I got really worried because he was not acting anything like he usually did.

"J, what's wrong? You're not acting like yourself, and well I'm kind of worried about it, because you've only got about half of the problems correct that we've went over."

"Nothing Rich, its nothing, really, I just am kind of fighting with my friends, and well my parents are really pissed, don't worry about it's not your prob."

"Your friends, your conformist egotistical friends? I can see why you might get into a fight with them, I get into them with them all the time. And J, yes it is my prob, 'cause I need to see you are learning something, and the fact that you are a friend pretty much kinda makes me want you to see you better."


"No that was all a lie." I dramatically rolled my eyes, and hit him lightly on his arm. He smiled a bit. "Look J, I'm a really open-minded person you can tell me if you need to talk to someone."

"Okay, Rich don't freak out please, because my parents already did, and so did my so-called friends. Rich how do I say this." He paused for a while.

"Well usually a sentence with a subject and a verb is good."

He laughed, and tried to continue, "Rich, well...Rich, I'm... oh fuck it... Rich, I'm gay," he mumbled out.

"Wait did you just say you were..."

"Yes, now are you going to hate me, push me aside, call me a fag, and then kick me out of your life, and well any shelter like my parents? Huh, Rich? Is that it? because well here's a news flash, my life couldn't get any worse. My family has kicked me out, my friends have gotten rid of me, and well everything else is just falling apart."

He got up and stormed out the library doors, down into the school's main area. I ran after him leaving my things where they were. I caught up with him at his car. He just sat down on the hood. Placing his head in his hands.

I placed my hand on his shoulder, and he jerked around tears forming in his eyes. "What do you want? Are you going to kick my ass now, because you surely can, I've seen you use that martial arts stuff. I mean just get the fag-beating over with and let me be."

I was shocked... I really was. "J... I don't want to hurt you, outcast you, or lose you as a friend."

He looked at me confused, he was nearly going to cry in front of me, and he really wasn't the person who was likely to cry. "What? You mean?..."

He trailed off and I pulled him into a hug. He clinged to me and shed a few tears onto my shoulder. I just stood there, hoping he would be okay.

After a few minutes he looked up. "I don't even know where I would have went... I don't know why I came out here, there was no point." He looked at me and I just shrugged. "Rich, Thanks for everything, I really do mean it. After being thrown to the side by both my family and my friends I really need someone to talk to"

"No problem, really. And you were thrown out of your house?"

"Yeah, my dad was furious, he just told me to gather up my things and get out of my house. All of my things are in the car." I looked and sure enough things were piled up in the back of it.

"Hey J, ummm well since you don't have a place to stay anymore, would you like to stay with Jen and I?"

"You're kidding me."

"No. Well, as long as you find a new place by the week of Finals, sure."

"Really?" I nodded. He grabbed me into a very strong hug. He was taller and stronger than me, so he easily had me begging for air soon enough.

We made it back towards the library, and gathered up my things, found Jen, told her what was up, and she comforted J too. We made our way out to the parking lot.

"J, give Jen your keys, I don't think you're up to driving well, you can ride with me." He did as I said and we both jumped into the cars.

I called Kevin, without saying those love words for once, and told him everything except for the reason for why J was staying with us. He understood, and that we could have to be hands off (and lips off). He said if I trusted J enough I could tell him, because he felt my judgment was a good one. I decided not to until later whenever that might be. I really liked the fact that he trusted me. I turned off the phone, and made small talk with J for a while. He soon brought up the fact of himself, and questions popped up here and there.

"Rich, why were you so understanding?"

'Shit' I thought, should I tell him that I am gay, or just make up something. "Ummm, J, you aren't the only gay one in this school," I said rounding the street that led to my house.

"What?" His eyes bugged out when he heard that.

"Yes, but don't even try anything, I have a man."

He smiled and just relaxed. 'Well that was good' I thought.

We arrived at my house and we jumped out of my car. We walked in as soon as Jen caught up with us.

As we walked in, Silver came running up to me and hopped up into my arms. I loved my dog. J reached over and pet her, smiled and we moved on. I set her down, and we entered the Kitchen, where AJ, and Kevin just happened to be.

"Woa," escaped his mouth as he saw the two pop stars, just sitting there.

Aj got up and made his way over towards us, followed by Kevin a bit nervous of what to do.

"Hey, I'm AJ, this is Kevin, and you are?" he asked extending out his hand.

"Jason, but my... friends call... me J," he stuttered, wowed by the pop stars in front of him. He was in total shock, and shook both of their hands. "Nice to meet you J," Kevin said.

We walked into the living room and sat down, and talked. AJ and J quickly became friends and talked their freaking lungs out.

"Umm Rich, I don't mean to be rude, but where am I staying tonight?"

"Ummmm..." I became nervous. If he realizes that there are only 7 rooms and 7 people already here, well he could do the math once I gave him an empty bedroom.

"Fuck," I whispered. "Hey AJ, Keep J busy while I go figure that out." He nodded knowing exactly what I meant. "Kevin, could you help me find a room."

He got up and followed me upstairs. We walked down the halls a bit just to stop in the middle.

"Kevin, what are we going to do? What if he sees you go into my room, or he can figure out that someone is sleeping in the same room with someone else. My rooms don't have two different beds."

"Rich, Don't worry about it, everything's going to be okay, It's okay if he finds out, he doesn't seem to be like someone who would tell the world." "Are you sure it's okay?"

"Yeah baby, I'm positive." He pulled me in close into a hug. "I've been wanting to hold you all day."

"Yeah..." I sighed.

He leaned in and gave me a soft, long kiss. His lips were so welcoming and comforting. I loved it when he kissed me like this. There was no tongue, but it was so sweet, and wonderful.

"I love you," I said after the kiss.

"I love you too, baby."

"Oh my god..." a voice said about 10 feet to our right.

Kevin and my head whipped around to see who said that. We saw J standing there his chin dropped and nearly on the floor.

"Well I guess we don't need to tell him now."

To Be Continued....

Okay pplz well that is Chapter 5... I'm sorry for the shortness of this one but the Holidays are brutal now because its so close... Thank you... Please email me PLEASE!!!! IM BEGGING!!!! Mystic Darkness

Next: Chapter 6

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