Kissing Superman

By moc.oohay@4002165recnad

Published on Feb 11, 2006


Clark Kent was walking down the opposite street to his neighborhood while coming from the local fast chain grocery store by his house. He had never walked down this street and knew it would eventually take him around the corner to his house located on the other side. The houses were quaint and the neighborhood was quiet until he passed by this one house with three big bodybuilders working out in the garage home style gym. Two of them were spotting this one big bodybuilder doing a bench press with many plates on either side. They had just propped the heavy barbell weights on the barbell stand when the two standing bodybuilders noticed this big guy, holding one bag of groceries, standing by the street. Clark knew he had been noticed, but just stood ther ready to make polite idle chat. The two big guys motioned to Clark, and said, "Hey you! Big guy! C'ome over here!" With that, Clark smiled and went towards the direction of the open garage. The guys inside, busily wiping thier hands on some small raggedy towels, looked at Clark and knew at once he must also be some type of bodybuilder. The guy on the right commented to Clark, "Hey, I've never seen you around." Clark said to him, "I live on the other side of the street. I dont usually come this way." "Well you should be more careful, pretty man, wouldnt want anyone on this side to ruffle your pretty feathers, now would we?"the same bodybuilder commented. By that time the guy on the bench looked up at Clark and his face was overcome with disbelief. "Hey! Dont you know who that is?? Th-th-that's Clark Kent from the Daily Bugle!" Clark looked down at him, "That's Daily Planet. I'm a newspaper reporter. Pleased to meet you." Clark outstretched his big arm, but none of the guys responded. In the meantime, the one on the left sauntered around Clark's body, and after taking a good look at him said, "I know who that really is." He went over to the guys in the garage, and whispered into thier ears. Clark could hear with his super-hearing adjusted, "That guy is Superman!" Clark turned around, but before he could lay one step heard, "Where are you going Superman!?" Clark stopped and crushed his eyes a bit. The guys now became exceedingly forward and approached Clark's defenses. One even gave him a quick swat on the rump! "I must say that's a cool disquise you have, big man. Too bad my friend here saw right through it. You know?" Quickly that one guy swiped Clark's glasses off his head as the other one laughed, "HA, HAAAA. . .Seeee. . .it is Superman, now I know him!!" Without so much of warning, the one guy from the left yanked and tugged Clark's short sleeve dress shirt, to expose a solid undershirt embroidered with a huge solid big S. Clark was utterly amazed at the gumption these boys had at doing such a thing to him. But the one guy who had been bench pressing was now feeling with his hand Clark's sturdy butt through his pants, while the one other guy said to Clark, "You know, there's one way we'll keep your secret Mr. Kent." By this time they lured Clark into the garage and the guy on the left was beginning to shut the garage door closed with all four left inside. The guy on the left took Clark's grocery package and set it aside. Clark was dumbfounded! What was he to do? He couldnt permanently silence them or threaten them. It just wasnt his way! While thinking of a way out, the boys seemed content to surround him and scoff at thier newest toy. "Y-y-you boys dont know what your doing. If I really am Superman. . ." "You are!" the guy on the left shrieked. "Then I suppose I'll just have to use my superpowers to fend you boys off. Is that what you want?"Clark threatened. The boys stopped for just a second, and started laughing out loud! "C'mon Superman, we were just playing. Dont you want to have some little FUN?" The guy in the right lovingly went up to Clark and softly caressed his very strong arms. The guy on the left approached Clark from his back and tugged slightly on Clark's belt pant rings, moving closer to nudge his aching crotch muscle against Clark's firm rump. "Y-y-ou boys dont want t-to to do this!" Clark was becoming sweaty. The guy who had bench pressed said to him mockingly, "OH, Y-Y-Y-ee-ss, WE D-D-DOOOOOooooo!" The guys started laughing again. It was obvious to Clark that these boys were unwilling to quit, and using public blackmail fodder to achieve thier sexual advances. Finally the one guy had enough, and proceeded to take Clark's entire shirt off. There in front of all three formidable foes, stood the Man of Steel exposing his Supes shirt with both light sleeves adjusted to form around his armpit area. His bare arms were huge, raw, and muscular, bearing the hairy arms of what appeared to be a great fantastic HE-MAN. Superman appeared withholding a great sense of displeasure and his two tightly wound fists were showing every bit of it. All three young bodybuilding men were overcome with lust, and wanted nothing more but to have a sexual orgy with this guy standing in the middle of an empty gym. One of the guys whispered again into the ear of his friend. Superman looked over and once agian turned on his super power hearing. What he heard caused him shock. "I want you to be the top and I'll be his bottom," was what Superman had overheard. The other guy went for Superman's pants and unbuckled them to allow them to drop to his ankles. All three gave a solid "WHOA" as they peered a strong set of muscled legs protruding from very extremely tight blue tights. Superman shifted his head a little as if shifting his black hair in place. He was never ashamed at getting response like this from other people. For a second he was beginning to half enjoy it. The guy on the left knelt down and softly let his tongue reach out to Superman's obvious round crotch. Superman slowly peered down to see what was going on beneath him under his massive chest. What he could feel was an erotic tongue wanting to do more to him. He looked up and half grinningly said to all three, "So. If I let you fellas have your way, you'll agree to not expose my true identity to no one? Do I have your promise?' The guy who had been bench pressing acting and swishing like a total queen said, "Sure Superman, honey! We wouldnt want anything to ruin your reputation with the rest of the planet!" Without anyone laughing at this joke, the guy licking Superman's crotch put his entire head between Superman's thighs. Licking all around the inside and biting around the strong tight blue tights engulfing this strong mega-hunk. Superman himself then took off his shirt and let his bare chest to expose. His hard strong nipples sticking out like some porno star ready for the very first take. The guy who had bench pressed looked at him with awe and began to feel his own hard tits. The guy on the right was now feeling his own growing crotch and exploring the inside of his jock strap. Superman was becoming dismayed simply because he was not entirely interested in this. But all three guys inside were getting their jollies and becoming erotically involved. The one man behind Superman yanked his shorts down and propped his long thick juicy dick between the Man of Steels hardcore buns. He forced Superman to bend over a bit, as he proceeded to drive his hardening cock up the super heroes ass. Superman was reluctant, of course, and kept a vigil throbbing gasp inside himself. The guy on the right came up to Supes and toyingly said to him up close, "Who's gonna get fucked and if he doesnt will get exposed to the world by three white tough guys. . . .? Whose gonna get FUCKKKED??" Superman was bent even more and suddenly feeling inside of him the ramming jolst of the man in back of him. It didnt take long for the man to take Superman's ass and ride like the wind. The guy between Supes legs tugged further at the red trunks and lowered them to let the bulging crotch out, unleashing the long swabbing tool length from it's perch. Immediately he engulfed it into his throat and began to slowly suck the super dick in and out. . . .slowly. The guy who had been verbally tormenting Supes went up to his gasping lips and put his french tongue inside the Man of Steel's mouth. All four men were now involved in a random "push me, pull you" type sexual orgy heaving with internal lust. Superman trying to escape, did an uspeakable thing by laying a huge expulsion of GAS which then awoke the three men to become temporarily repulsed and stopped what they were doing. But all three became increasingly angry and didnt want to take no for an answer. They all pushed Superman on the weight bench (which nearly broke it), and lifted his legs up high. The one guy on the right stood over Superman and shoved his rectum over the Man of Steel's mouth, holding him steady in place. The guy who had bench pressed lifting his Superman legs apart, and then adjusting him to give Superman his eight inch cock muscle royale. The guy on the right knelt once again to give Superman's abs a longing french kissing style of their own. Superman once again was being held as a total bottom man, getting butt fucked by an awesome muscular creature, and getting topped by a man's aching butt muscle over his succumbing mouth. This went on for several minutes and at least five straight ones. The telephone could be heard ringing from inside the house, but nobody bothered to answer it. Ten minutes had passed and after the bench pressing man had let loose his wadding cum, the one licking his abs had adjusted his stance to take over at the same spot where it happened. Superman was about to get royally butt fucked again by the good looking man who had been licking his abs. And the man did proceed to adjust himself accordingly and bent over to shove his own muscular weight against the Man of Steel's legs and make him give up his aching butt fucked hole to him. While the man sitting on Supes face kept him there unconscious from butt smelling shit orifice, the guy then went to town on this hardcore achingly beautiful soft round masculine hard ass! Pumping and pumping it for all that it was worth, while Superman could be heard struggling underneath moaning and quivering, while eating the man's asshole. The guy muffling Superman, got rambuctious, and plopped his aching cock down the man's groveling throat. The guy who had bench pressed decided to give his leading support and sit on top of Superman's hard stomach, making it harder for the big guy to resist. Superman was literally being held captive by all three men pounding into him one way or another with all thier sexual lust and needs. Getting off delibrately on what could be a once in a lifetime chance at "SUPER LOVE." All Superman could do was let his aching butthole run rampant with the excrutiating rampage of the upper man's exciting fucking cock thrusts. The dick being placed into his gaping mouth was hard and stinky, to say the least. The weight of the man sitting on him was bearable by his standards, but was keeping him steady as the other two men had their way with him. The man sitting on him finally got off, but this action only allowed the man who was fucking him to raise his hard legs even higher up as he set his rising legs to butt fuck Superman as he would a captive PUSSY. Superman had never been so engulfed in hot steamy sweaty man desire, and he was beginning to feel weak by all of this. Here, all this hardcore muscle was being relished and deservingly embellished on his interior soul. Superman was being covered in sweat, and an hour passed as he felt he could take no more. All three men left Superman's presence to allow him to get up off the bench. They were totally exhausted and wanted some type of refreshment. Superman getting up and wiping his mouth, spat out what he could from the whole ordeal. The guy who had just butt fucking him had the wrong idea of walking right next and close to Superman, while reaching for towel, when Superman noticed the young man's nice curvy sultry curveous butt himself. Superman had now been oversexed by his own sense of order, and while sitting down on that bench, holding onto both of his beefy hairy legs, came to the last conclusion that it was time for him to have a bit of fun. He grabbed the young muscled guy by his arm and brought him over to quickly sit on his lap and take the worm arrow nestled between his massive legs. Wrappping his strong arms around him and making him bobble up and down while his shaft took in the wonderful display of "openess" the young fella had given him by being forced to sit on his strong lap. The dude was overcome with aching agony as he took in Superman's vengeful cock up his ass! The two guys standing around the open garage did nothing because they feared that Superman would indeed use his super strength against them for intervening. They thought it best to let it ride. After all. . . .Kyle had been fucked many, many, many times . . . .before!


Next: Chapter 19: Supermans Valentines Gift

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