Kol Lord of Ass

By Colin

Published on Mar 19, 2021


Kol, Lord of Ass – Chapter 10 By Colin DV

Note: This series is my first foray into fantasy erotica, but if you're interested in the sex life of me and my cum-addicted husband, Benj, please check out my ongoing series: "Benj Loves My Cream."

If you like the series, let me know! And if you have any character favorites, let me know and I'll try to incorporate into the series. ColinDV80@yahoo.com

Part I

I am Kol, Duke of Asselvya and, for 20 years now, Lord Protector of the Realm on behalf of my only brother, His Glorious Majesty, King Vik the Third of Ignatia. I am my brother's most powerful lord in men of arms, in wealth, in land, in influence. As Lord Protector, my word is law, second only to the King, even above his own sons.

This chapter 10 concludes the tale of a journey I took during my 30th year. After reluctantly leaving Bull, I rejoined Duke Silvan so that our flotilla might continue its journey down the Loyolan River to the town of Torga to begin laying the groundwork for the reestablishment of the Sisters of Charity.

It was but a journey of hours to reach Torga, so I enjoyed the warm fresh air on deck. I was in a gregarious mood and engaged anyone not actively working in idle conversation. Captain Tre worked hard and clearly ran a tight ship, so I'm sure my presence was something of a nuisance. But I did not care.

Tre's lover, Mywen, worked on deck and occasionally gave me wide-eyed looks. I could tell he was still concerned that I'd tell Tre about his fucking around – which was a ridiculous notion. Really, for a slut, he was strangely unable to keep a straight face around me. Fortunately for him, I'd fucked him with Tre's blessing on that first voyage, so the smitten Tre likely believed that Mywen's looks were just laddish blushes at the memory.

After chatting with the First Mate some, I noticed that Mywen was no longer on deck. That suited me well since I could go for some wine and a fuck. I sent one of my guards down to find him and report back. Not too much later, he reported that the lad was in his quarters. As the captain's favorite, he enjoyed a tiny room of his own and didn't have to share bunks with the rest of the crew.

I went down and entered the room my guard showed me. And it appeared I was not the only one in the mood for an afternoon quick – there was another man quietly grunting atop Mywen. Perhaps the sailor who had seeded him the day before? Or another? I cared not.

"You. Up." I said.

The grunter startled at that, but jumped up – his cock sticking out. Mywen startled, too, and turned his head to look at me. He started to say something, but I waved my hand for silence.

The grunter was a young man and would have been attractive except for a badly sunburned face and unkempt blond beard. Still, I said: "You bend, lad?"

He blinked at me, then said: "Nay, Lord."

"Very well. Stand there – I shan't be long."

I then unlaced my trousers and freed my cock. I walked over to Mywen's narrow bed and laid myself over the lad. His hole was, of course, already nice and warmed-up from the grunter. This was actually rather good fortune since I wanted a good, quick spend and Mywen was amply ready.

Mywen had been lying flat on the bed, so I pushed his legs in to raise his ass some. I then pushed his face into his thin pillow and fucked him hard. The lad's muffled whimpers were sweet and his greedy ass gripped my cock well.

After I battered his ass about some, I spent well into his ass. After tucking myself back in, I turned and saw that the grunter's cock was still out and hard.

"All yours, lad," I said as I left the coffin of a room for more fresh air above deck.

Later that afternoon, we arrived at the port of Torga. My wife and daughters were also due to arrive later in the day. Torga was a good-sized market town, which was part of its attraction to the Sisters, in contrast to their current, more isolated, and vulnerable location.

We were all to stay at the manor estate of a local viscount, which was, fortunately, a short ride away from both the town center and the Sister's new site. While I was the viscount's overlord, I'm sure he was far more enthused about the unmarried Silvan's stay, since the viscount had two marriageable daughters (and a son too young to fuck, alas). I was very glad to be married – would make for a far less tedious stay.

I'm also a firm believer in killing many birds with one stone so had arranged to stay in the area for three days. In addition to the reestablishment work, I'd hold court, sponsor a local festival, dispense justice, arbitrate disputes and patronize local businesses. Silvan planned to stay only for one day and night.

That night, after my family had arrived, we were feted by the viscount with all the local notables. While Avina and I were seated next to the viscount and his wife and thus able to talk business, Silvan was seated between the two young ladies. He gamely flirted and engaged them in conversation and I wondered if Silvan, too, believed in being efficient.

"You will have your work cut out for you, Lord Protector, with Chol. He's a proud one for a farmer," the viscount said to me.

"The owner of the land for the site, I take it?"

He nodded. "A very large and prosperous farming family. He'll make you pay dear to part with his land, I've no doubt."

I shrugged. "I would expect no less. If we're fortunate, they'll not know how specific the Sisters' needs are." High Cleric Sol had been most clear with me that the Sisters needed certain specific properties to do their work, and this site in Torga was the only property blessed by the Mother Superior herself within my lands. If I could not procure this site, the Sisters might seek a similarly blessed property in another duchy. And that I absolutely could not have.

The viscount raised his goblet to me. "Though Chol is an up-jumped peasant, I am pleased that my Lord has chosen to purchase the site. I could do without the unrest a land seizure might bring."

I waved my hand. "This is a project of prosperity. I've no desire to embark upon it with unrest or the impoverishment of some farmers."

Alvina, meanwhile, worked the local merchants. I fully expected that they'd soon "volunteer" to cover part of the site costs as the Sisters' trade meant greater wealth for everyone. Between Silvan's half-contribution and the local worthies', I would probably be not much out of pocket in the end.

Part II

The next morning a large party consisting of myself, Duke Silvan, my two daughters, Kollie and Wynnie, and our various guards and retainers, rode out to the site. Alvina had no interest in seeing the site – she much rather discuss contracts with the burghers during that time. And the viscount himself had begged off from attending though he'd been happy enough to foist his young son and two daughters on the group. I had been so amused at Silvan's needing to deal with two daughters, I had failed to consider that I had two very eligible daughters myself.

It was a pleasant day – not abominably hot and with a cool breeze – and I think we all enjoyed the outing. As we approached the farm, I had to admit that it was very prettily situated – gently rolling hills, a good stream, tall crops.

We came to the large, two-story stone farmhouse (a prosperous farmer, indeed!) and saw the family lined up in greeting. It was a very large family – at least, eight men grown with a greater number of sisters, wives and children about. They were, overall, a good-looking family, strong-bodied, and raven-haired, with dark, prominent eyebrows. I see why they prospered.

The head of the family, Chol, stood slightly in front. He looked about age 50 – though it can be difficult to tell the age of peasants. His hair was still mostly dark with only slight gray showing. His heavily-lined face likely was handsome once, and his body still held strength. He looked at us severely, though once we were before them, he bowed deeply along with the rest of his kin.

From my horse, I said: "Master Chol, I take it?"

"Yes, my Lord."

"And you know why we've come?"

"Yes, my Lord – the Red Sisters are interested in our land."

"Indeed. Ale and refreshments for my men."

"Yes, Lord," he said as he gestured to one of the women to get the food and drink.

"And a nice shaded spot for the children. Your own young ones may join them if they've a mind to."

He nodded sullenly at that, but again gestured to the women to make it so. Really, the man was almost insolent. I hoped I wouldn't need to spoil the pleasant day.

I got off my horse and walked down the line of men, looking closely at each. Truly, all raven-haired to a fault. High cheekbones were also a prominent trait though they all had dark beards. One looked at me with a pleasing attentiveness. He seemed in his forties, thick and strong of body. When I looked him in the eyes, he almost seemed to blush, though it was difficult to tell beneath the tanned skin and beard.

"And you are?"

He cleared his throat. "Che, Lord. Second brother to Chol."

"Ah, and do you labor here? Or elsewhere?"

"Here, Lord. We all labor the land."

"Good. Then, after a drink, you shall show us the land."

Che glanced over at his glowering brother, but bowed. "As my Lord wishes."

After a bit of rest, Che led a much smaller group – me, Silvan, and a few clerks and guards – around the grounds. Unsurprisingly, he had deep knowledge about the land and its features. Away from his elder brother, he was almost chatty.

"That mill, my Lords, was built before the Northern Invasion and still works as well today as it did the day it was built."

"This soil, my Lords, is uncommonly good for flax."

"This stream, my Lords, has the sweetest water you'll ever taste! Try it!"

And on and on it went. My secretary Anton took copious notes, which would be used for the valuation. We were not privy to what exactly about the property made it so particularly suitable for the Sisters' needs. All we knew is they wanted it.

As I said, it was a pleasant day and I enjoyed the tour. I even enjoyed Che's constant chatter. He was like a handsome, if nervous, otter – lots of energy. I also was not immune to his many side glances at me. While I receive endless flattery, the only real flattery of note is what's in a person's eyes. At one point, Silvan gave me a side smile to let me know that he had also noticed Che's looks.

I also learned that Che was married, yet had no children. I marveled at that: "You are at least ten years older than me. How are none of the thousand children we saw earlier yours?"

He wrung his hands. "We have not been so blessed, Lord, though our clan prospers, thank God."

"Ah, well, your family seed is clearly strong. Your wife must be barren."

He looked down at that.

I pat him on the shoulders. "These things can happen. But stalwart, loyal uncles can greatly strengthen a family, so despair not."

He kept looking down. "My Lord is kind."

After we returned to the farm house, I was pleased to find my girls in high spirits from play with the other children. I see no problem with children of different classes mixing. Better that my girls would know the people they were to rule.

Shortly thereafter, I addressed the reassembled family, saying: "We thank you for your hospitality, House of Chol. I will send a man of business this afternoon to negotiate the sale and tomorrow we will conclude matters. Good day to you all."

Before mounting my horse, I pulled Che aside and said: "Shave your beard before next I see you."


I leveled a look at him.

He looked down at his feet. "Yes, Lord."

"Good man."

That evening, we were having a smaller, less formal dinner when my chief man of business, Leran, came to me. Leran looked very irritated, which was highly unusual for him. He was intelligent, trustworthy, and – very importantly – careful with my good name. He knew when to bargain, when to flatter, and when to demand. He was the velvet glove to my fist and I valued his opinion highly.

"My Lord, this man, Chol, is ungodly obstinate and refuses to sell."

"Their land is valuable, Leran, and they know it. You know you have the freedom to meet their demand whatever it is. I want this deal concluded on the morrow."

Leran spread his hands. "That's the thing, my Lord. The man won't even name a price, despite the urging of many of his kin." He sniffed. "And for me to throw out ever more ridiculous numbers would be injurious to my Lord's dignity."

"True... Well, from what I've heard about the man and what I saw today, I suppose this shouldn't be a surprise. I thank you for your efforts on our behalf."

Leran bowed. "I only regret that I failed to secure the property, my Lord."

"Did he give a reason for his refusal?"

"Yes, he said that it was the land of his ancestors back time out of mind and he would not sell for any price."

"Indeed? Well, I'll have to pay a visit tomorrow to conclude things one way or the other. You will accompany me. Anton as well."

Part III

The next morning I again set out on horseback with Leran, Anton and a few guards to visit the farm. Before leaving though, I bid farewell to Silvan. After learning of the negotiation setback, he had offered to extend his visit and accompany me to the farm. However, I declined the offer. This was my duchy and thus my problem to solve.

Upon arriving, I told Chol I would speak to him and his kin. All the grown men and women then assembled in the large main room of the house, which was clearly used for all their meals and indoor activities. I was pleased to see that Che had shaved his beard and it certainly made him stick out among his hairy brothers and nephews.

I entered and sat at the head of the long table, with Leran and Anton to my left and right. I indicated that the family should also sit. Those who could not fit at the table sat on stools along the walls. At the other end of the table, Chol sat with grave dignity.

"I am told that you have declined our offer to purchase your land."

Chol gruffly said. "Yes, Lord. Our land is not for sale."

"Because it is the land of your ancestors?"

"Yes, Lord – as far back as can be remembered, our family has owned this land. And we have done right by it."

"Yes, I can see that. Were you not told the reason for the purchase?"

"Yes, Lord. All know the Red Sisters seek the site for their new estate."

I hummed. "And clearly the Church's need has not moved you, so I see you are not pious. What if you were told your land was the only site the Sisters could use?"

He thought on it some. "I'm afraid, my Lord, that it would not change anything."

A stern-faced woman – presumably, Che's wife given her seating – said: "We mean no disrespect, my Lord, to you or the Church. Could not a portion of the property be purchased?"

Chol barked at her: "Quiet, woman!"

She glared back: "Your own father sold the lot down the road, Chol!"

Chol said: "That was to satisfy a debt during hard times! He never would have agreed to sell the entire property! Our ancestors would roll in their graves!"

I raised my hand for silence.

"Thank you, Mistress, for your proposal. Unfortunately, the Sisters need the entire property."

I looked around the table to get a feel for the family and I saw them all in various states of unease, many of them whispering furiously to and at each other. Only Chol and one of the younger men looked actually defiant.

"Enough. I am not a fishmonger at market. I recognize the deep value of your land to you. However, not everything is forever, and this project is necessary for the region. So I will give you 800 sovereigns for all the land." Several gasped at that and even Leran looked at me hard. But I continued: "That is more than enough to buy new comparable land four times over."

It was an extremely generous offer, but given the potential benefits, and my many sources of funds, I could afford to be so. I spread my hands. "Yours is a large and growing clan. With these funds, you could spread out more, work the land more productively." I smiled. "Not all live in the same house, even."

With that, pandemonium broke out. My offer had clearly turned the clan to my side and they noisily demanded that Chol accept the offer. Chol might be king of this particular castle, but only a fool of a king would ignore his lords when they were so set against him.

However, Chol surprised me – I'd thought him proud, stubborn and overly sentimental, but not a fool. But he banged the table for silence, then said: "My Lord, your offer is most generous. However, I must respectfully decline your offer."

I laughed loudly at that. "It was no offer. It was my judgment."

That clearly stunned him. Did the fool think I would just walk away? So I continued: "How do you think your ancestor came to own this land?"

Chol just stared.

"Answer me."

"I do not know, Lord. It was too long ago."

"Do you think peasants just come to own fine pieces of land such as this? No, they do not. Your ancestor performed a service and was thus rewarded with land. And your foolishness today has greatly endangered that reward as you have demonstrated yourself unworthy to your lord's grace."

I gestured to the table. "How do you think it would be received by your neighbors if I let it be known that you tried to reject such an offer for a project that would immeasurably benefit the area?"

I let them think on that for a bit before I continued: "If you lived to see the end of the week, I would be surprised."

They started to bleat and plead at that, but I held up my hand for silence. "I do not approve of lawlessness – worry not. I merely state it to emphasize the extent of your stupidity."

Chol started to say something, but I raised my hand. "When I speak, all are silent." And he closed his mouth at that. So I continued: "My judgment of 800 sovereigns for the land stands. However, I shall modify it as follows. The money shall be apportioned among the men of this clan at my discretion. That much money is clearly too much to concentrate in the hands of an ingrate and fool."

I stood up and looked hard at the assembled men and women. "After hearing your position, that is my judgment. I have been exceedingly patient with you. If I hear of any ingratitude, I will make my displeasure felt wide and deep. Have I made myself plain?"

After they'd all said yes, I said: "I will further inspect the property. Che, you will show me around again. The rest of you will provide information to my men here regarding your property and children to better inform me for the apportionment."

By deciding to apportion the funds, rather than keep it concentrated in just the head of the family (as I'd originally intended), I had, essentially, dismantled the clan. Every adult male receiving such a large sum and able to buy large tracts of land would become the head of a new house.

As I left the building, I could honestly say that the family was, by and large, not unhappy with the decision. For most of them, it would be an immense windfall. Also, while people dislike living under tyrants, they hate living under stupid tyrants – as Chol had proven himself to be.

I was soon joined by Che who looked even more sheepish without his monstrous beard to hide him. I pointed to the large stables down the way. "You will show me the stables again." After I directed my guards to stay behind and keep the family under control, Che led me to the stables.

The stables were large and contained six horses and draft animals. But it was clean and well-kept. Chol was a fool, but he clearly ran a tight ship. I had to give him that.

Seeing a large blanket on a railing, I said: "Lay the blanket on the floor."

After Che did so, I said: "Take off your trousers."

He just looked at me, so I made a motion that he should hurry up. "Come now, you're not a virgin, correct?"

"No, Lord." He then took off his trousers and got on his hands and knees on the blanket.

"God, you have a hairy ass!" I exclaimed.

He shuddered at that, so I said: "Oh, don't fret, man – I like hairy asses." I looked around and found some ointment – likely for massaging horses.

Falling onto the blanket beside him, I turned him over onto his back. "God! Look at that crotch and belly – black hair everywhere! Oh, you are a hairy fuck! And look at your cock sticking out of that bush!"

He looked up at me, and I cradled his head in my arms while with one hand I took some ointment and applied it to his hole. My finger went into his hole easily but he was very tight.

"When's the last time you were fucked, Che? There's no one around here, I take it?"

He thought on it as I moved my finger within him. "Three years, Lord."

"Hmmm, I thought so – you're a bitch who's been neglected. I could tell that from the start. And a handsome man like you, with this tight hairy ass – quite the shame."

"Lord!" I'd added another finger.

I kissed him then. "Did you dream of me last night?"

He looked me in the eyes. "Yes, Lord."

"Of course, you did. Stuck out here on this farm – you want a handsome prince to come rescue you, don't you? Fuck you `til you weep, hmm?"

"Yes, Lord!" Three fingers now and he was truly panting.

I opened my own trousers and, pulling them down some, moved between his legs. "Well, I'm your prince. I've taken your land and I'm going to take your ass." I slowly pushed into his tight heat. "Or are you going to deny me like your brother did?"

He shook his head. "Never, Lord! It's yours!" His hands reached down and grabbed my buttocks pulling me deeper into him.

I moaned. "Oh, you have a snug grip, Che – my poor bitch, going all this time unmounted."

He kept grabbing my ass, but he leaned forward and captured my mouth with his own, moaning. I kissed him and slowly pumped into him. While I knew Che could take a hard fuck, the man needed some lovemaking – to feel both well cock'd and thoroughly possessed.

"I've not spent in two days – I'm going to pump you full to bursting."

"Yes, Lord." Che released my ass and reached between us to grab his cock. He kissed and bit my neck as he jerked himself. "Give me your seed, Lord – it's been so long."

"Spill your seed – let me see you coat that furry belly."

With a couple of rapid jerks, Che's cock spurted a thick rope of cream onto the black hair of his belly and chest. And I followed him into bliss spending into his blossomed ass-joy.

I kissed him extensively running my hands through his dark hair, then along the sides of his torso. Then, pulling apart, I stood up and attempted to straighten my clothes.

"Both our shirts are well-stained with your seed, Master Che."

Che leaned back on the blanket and gave me a well-fucked smile. He reached between his legs and said: "My trousers will be stained as well as my Lord's is leaking out me."

"Oh, is that so?" I fell back onto the floor. He made a surprised yelp as I flipped him onto his belly. In a moment, I was again sheathed in his ass.

I gave him a few hard pumps saying: "I'll have to drive it back in deep so it keeps, won't I?"

After a few more hard thrusts and a slap on the ass, I pulled out and stood back up. "There – is it leaking out now?"

Che flipped back over, panting and with some signs of renewed life in his cock. "Nay, Lord. Though I wish you were near to keep it well-put."

Doing my best to fix my clothes, I said: "You may visit me on the morrow. In fact, I expect it. In the meantime, you are to go to bed and sleep on your belly."

He nodded. "Yes, it will keep better that way."

I kissed the top of his head. I knew he was a natural.

"Though..." he said.

"Though what?"

"Carla will know, and she despises me."

"Despises you? Why?"

"She caught me with a man years ago. She won't have me touch her but watches me always so I may have no other touch. That is why we have no children. My first wife died in childbirth and I was slow to remarry."

"Hmm, in that case, both you and Carla are summoned tomorrow. It may not be possible to fix a wound allowed to fester for so long, but I will attempt it. If you are to head a House, you must have a stable marriage."

He looked up with me. "You would do that for us, my Lord?"

I chuckled, thinking of Bull and others. "Apparently, it is something I do – fix the love lives of my men. I'm going soft."

Che stared at me with a look I heartily appreciated. "Nay, Lord – not soft. Hard and strong, you are. I did not flatter when I said I dreamt of you. I spoke true."

I leaned down and kissed him again. "Then trust in your Lord and I will see you both in the morning tomorrow."

With that, I left him in the stable and returned to the house.

Part IV

On the ride back, Leran and Anton briefed me on the information they had obtained from the family. Chol had three brothers living, including Che, so, in one respect, that made for an easy apportionment option if I wanted that – just divide the money into quarters.

Though, having just spent inside Che's tight furry ass, I felt inclined to give him a larger share than his brothers. I knew myself well enough that I declared that I would sleep on the matter and decide in the morning. While I certainly had no problem extending my favor to men who had pleased me, I tried not to make decisions based on ass alone. And I'd likely be doing Che no favors setting him against his brothers – and, likely, public opinion, too – by violating deeply-held feelings about seniority.

That night I dearly wished I had just thrown Che across my horse and rode back with him. Or to just have the night bell of my own castle. Fortunately, one of the lads sent to clear my bath was a striver and let me fuck his mouth for a coin.

The next morning I continued to hold court in the viscount's library. The library had the benefit of being large and comfortable as well as formal enough to meet with officials and petitioners. I could, of course, have used the viscount's own audience room, but I felt that that might be seen as an encroachment on my host's dignity and authority. I was his overlord because I was his natural, God-chosen superior, not because of any effort on my part to humiliate or diminish him.

When Che and Carla's turn came, I had them brought in and dismissed my various attendants so that we might speak privately – or as private as matters ever were with me. They were both wearing what I assume was their best clothes. Carla was suitably younger than Che and should still be of child-bearing age. She would've been pretty with a less severe expression.

Che looked better than before. He'd freshly shaven again. His trousers were well-fit and flattering to his legs and ass. His stark white shirt was open just enough to show some of the fur on his chest. He also looked less sheepish than before. Ah, the wonders an overdue fuck can bring about!

After they bowed, I extended my hand to Carla so that she might kiss it. "Mistress, your attempts to talk sense to your fool of a brother-in-law did not go unnoticed. You are welcome here."

She smiled and kissed my hand. "Thank you, your Grace."

I personally did not care for "Grace," but did not bother to correct her. So I continued: "Out of respect, I will be direct. I am ready to apportion the judgment recompense for the land. I would see the new House of Che well-established but I am not inclined to support a barren and ill-favored match."

Her entire body shook at that. "Your Grace?"

"The two of you have no children and Master Che tells me you despise him. With such ill-accord, the two of you might be better suited to remain part of Chol's House, where you can work the farm and help raise his children."

She stepped forward. "Your Grace, I do not despise..."

I raised my hand. "Choose your words with care, Mistress. I have no tolerance for liars."

She frowned as she attempted to think of what to say. I decided to help her further. "Che, go wait in the hall."

Che looked surprised at that, but did as he was bid.

After he was gone, I said: "Mistress, so you caught your husband with a man. Tell me what you saw."

She blushed. "It is not proper to speak of such things."

"It's even less proper to not answer my questions, Mistress. Don't forget yourself."

"Well, Your Grace... I saw the butcher's lad mount him like a horse in the field. Actually, it was in a field!" She flushed. "And I know he yearns for it still."

I waved my hand. "He yearns for it because he's a bitch and it's his nature. You have seen this with your own eyes. So, the more important question is what is your nature?"

"Your Grace?"

"You appear intelligent and strong of body and will. I saw you stand up to Chol. In some respects, you remind me of my own wife, Alvina. Would you rule your House? Manage it? Is that your nature?"

"I don't know, Your Grace."

"Are you a liar or a woman who doesn't know her own mind?"

She blushed at that. "Apologies, Your Grace... I would rule."

I grunted. "As I thought. Well, to be a ruler is to maximize the welfare of your realm, using everyone to the best of their natures. Do you think I despise all the people who are lesser than me, weaker than me?"

"No, Your Grace."

"Indeed, I do not. I acknowledge them for what they are and put them to their best use."

I let her ponder that in silence for a bit, then continued: "Your husband is strong and clever. He's a good tender of the land. I expect he'd be a good father as well."

"Yes, Your Grace – he would be so but for his nature..."

I waved my hand at that. "Yes, he's a bitch, made to be mounted by his betters. I did so yesterday and will do so again. It has nothing to do with the raising of a family. You're hardly the first woman to be paired with such a man. The question I put to you is what are you going to do about it?"

"Your Grace?"

"You who, by your own admission, would rule, what will you do? Will you gnash your teeth and play the wounded wife? Or will you use the resources handed to you to rule?"

She balled her fists. "I will use what comes to us."

I leaned back in my chair. "Good. Put him to work in the fields. And put him to stud so that you can fulfill your family obligations. He's weaker than you, but that's no bad thing so long as you have strength to rule. Rule your House like a Queen, see to the happiness of your subjects, and you will prosper."

"I had not thought of it in such a way, Your Grace."

"That's no surprise – not all are raised to appreciate strength in whichever sex it comes." I called for a guard to readmit Che.

Once Che stood once more before us, I said to her: "Have you nothing to say to your husband and lord?"

She leaned in and kissed his cheek. "Husband." He kissed her cheek back. "Wife." Their rift was not healed, but hopefully it might now be possible. However, if she was to rule well, there must be no mistaking what she must deal with.

"Che, come sit at my feet."

When he sat at my feet, I ran my hand through his dark hair. Looking up at Carla, I said: "I believe I gave you much to consider, Mistress. I trust you can find your own way home – Che will attend me today."

She held my gaze for a moment, then curtsied deeply. "I am Your Grace's most humble servant." With that, she left the room.

After she'd gone, I ruffled Che's hair again. "Now, it's time for your judgment."

He looked up at me: "Yes, Lord?"

"While you will be the legal Head of House, you will submit to Carla on all matters of import."

His eyes widened. "But how can I do that, Lord? I will be mocked."

"I did not say that you could not be discreet, but you must so submit. It is the only way I see of resolving your difficulty."

"But why?!"

I tapped his head. "Because you are weak and I spoke true when I said I would not endow a weak, barren House."

He still seemed dismayed, so I said: "Know that you are not weak because you prefer a cock in your ass. There are plenty of strong-willed bitches out there. You are weak because you failed to bring your family into order. You submitted to a state of disarray and disorder for years and so now the task falls to your wife to restore order. I have pointed out her own failures to her and believe she will be a good wife to you and mother to your children. And even allow you your fucks."

He continued looking at me.

I was starting to grow annoyed – were they all like Chol? "I am only considering such an arrangement as this as a sign of favor to you. But do not presume to overtax my patience. Either tell me now you will do as I command or I'll send you both back to your brother's House."

He blinked rapidly at that. He then grabbed my hand with both hands and kissed it. "I will do it, Lord. Thank you."

I grunted. "Well, I'm glad you're not also a fool."

He kissed my hand again. "Nay, Lord. I see the wisdom of your decision now."

I grunted again. "Good. How's your hole? Sore?"

He grinned, then clambered up onto my lap with his back to me. He was heavy but I liked it. Grinding his ass in my lap, he said: "Nay, Lord. It misses you."

I ran my hands up under his shirt, enjoying the feel of his hairy chest. I whispered in his ear: "I did not know you were such a wanton."

He moaned and continue to writhe atop my lap.

"And I'm pleased you saw wisdom. You'll be a prosperous landowner with a happy wife. And children to rear. And when next the butcher's lad fucks you, she will allow you your diversions."

He moaned more. "I don't want the butcher's lad. I only want you, my Lord."

"Of course you only want me. But I will be gone and you must make do with what you have. But we have today." I grabbed his face and turned it so I could kiss him.

"Now, up and off me. You may sit there as I still have other petitioners to see."

He groaned at that, so, once he was off me, I unlaced my breaches and took out my cock. "You may suck me now to tide you over `til later."

Smiling, he dropped to his knees and took my cock into his mouth. He may have been touch-starved for some time, but his mouth was still well-trained. He kept his eyes closed and sucked me like I was the most delicious sweet he'd ever had.

After I spent down his throat, I had him sit in a nearby chair silently while I called in the next petitioner. I was in a contented mood and probably o'er-generous, but the petitions went by agreeably enough. If one is ever before a trial, hire a whore to suck the judge prior to sentencing. Your sentence will be all the lighter for it, I'm sure.

Being a local, Che was known to most of the petitioners, and I'm sure they wondered why he was sitting in attendance. Well, let them wonder. Occasionally glancing at him, I regretted not fucking him before resuming the petitions. While I generally disapprove of my seed being wasted, I do enjoy seeing my men sit in it in public. So this was a wasted opportunity.

I wanted to conclude business as quickly as possible so we took a short luncheon together. Che's local knowledge was actually helpful on a couple of matters, and I took advantage of it as I resumed the petitions. While I was tempted to just dismiss everyone, I did not shirk my duty. If these matters could not be resolved by local lords and magistrates, they weighed heavily on the petitioners, indeed.

Eventually though we came to the end of the afternoon and thus the end of these petitions. I now had to get ready for the farewell feast the viscount was hosting in my family's honor. So I had Che accompany me to my rooms where a large hot bath was waiting for me.

I stripped off my clothes and climbed into the steaming waters. Since Che was just standing there, gawking, I said: "Take off your clothes and come wash my back."

He stripped and walked over. I enjoyed seeing his strong, furry body with its assorted marks and tans from working in the sun. Ah, the bodies of peasants – so fascinating. He then kneeled by the tub and lathered his hands with the soap. He then scrubbed my back.

I turned and moved about so that he could reach all parts of me. I was pleased that he took pleasure and lingered on the muscles of my chest and arms. He stroked my hard cock, too,though I kept him from going too far. Once I was clean, I stepped out of the tub and had him dry me off.

He kissed my body and made a light growling sound as he dried me off. I pulled him up for a kiss and said: "Listen to you. I called you a bitch before, but really you're a pussy cat!"

He chuckled at that and said: "How much longer must we wait, Lord?"

"You must have patience, pussy cat. It will be worth it, I assure you." I then called for my valet to dress me. Che didn't seem too embarrassed to be naked in front of my servant. Ah, it'd be nice to keep him naked about me always then – perhaps with a nice collar or ribbon around his throat.

Once I was properly attired, I had Anton brought in. "See that a meal is brought up for Master Che. Also, a fresh hot bath. Instruct him in how to clean thoroughly – I'm in the mood to eat his ass for dessert."

Che spoke up: "What do you mean, Lord?"

I turned to him: "How old are you?"

"Two and forty, Lord."

I shook my head. "My poor, neglected man. I will lick and suck your hole until you're panting with need. Then I'll shove my cock in your wet hole and you will screech like a cat."

Che just blinked at me. I turned to Anton: "Did I describe it apt?"

Anton managed to keep a straight face. "Exceedingly well, my Lord. One might call it poetry."

I laughed at that as I headed to the feast.

At the feast itself, I actually enjoyed myself rather well – despite the fact, or perhaps due to, that I had Che waiting for me above. Our hosts did not skimp on the celebration – and it was, indeed, a celebration as the entire region was excited about the coming reestablishment now that the property had been secured.

However, the exchange with Carla slightly weighed on me and reminded me that I must turn my mind to the betrothal of my elder daughter, Kollie, that would hopefully be arranged soon. I'd raised her to be a well-read and strong-willed Lady in the mold of my own Lady Mother. But I'd neglected the more domestic requirements of a union.

I would leave before the ending of the feast as I had no desire to put Che off that long and no one would care as by that point everyone would be deep in their cups. But before doing so, I pulled Alvina aside and said: "I would have Kollie instructed in sexual matters once we've returned home."

Alvina replied: "She knows how children are made, Kol."

I shook my head. "I'd have her know all. Keep her virginity intact, of course, but I'd have her know the fine details in pleasing a man as well as pleasing herself. We cannot assume that her husband will be capable."

She smiled. "It is good of you to think of such things. Do you have any additional requirements?"

I grimaced a bit. "Nay. I rather not think too long on the matter at all. I leave the details to you and your ladies. You may also instruct her in the ways of lady-love if she's curious. After all, it's the only suitable outlet to her besides her husband. I will not have my daughter a whore."

Alvina nodded. "Of course not, my love. I will see to it. God willing, she will be a happy princess and, in time, Queen."

Pleased that that critical matter had been well set into motion, I left for my chambers with an attendant in tow.

Part V

I entered my chambers, pleased to find Che lying naked in the bed. He smiled at me as I directed the attendant to place the tray on the table and depart.

I sat at the table and said: "Come here."

Still smiling, Che did so. He looked at the two bowls and asked: "What's that?"

"First, on your knees. There's a pillow."

I then took a spoon and fed him a mouthful.

His eyes widened and he moaned. After he'd licked the spoon clean, he said: "What is it, Lord?! It's a cream but I know not the taste."

"It's from a fruit called an `orange.' It is not grown in the Realm. It is most delicious, is it not?"

"Yes, Lord."

I fed him another spoonful. A little got on his cheek so I wiped it with my finger. Che then took my finger into his mouth and sucked that clean as well.

I extended another spoonful at him, but he moved his head back, smiling. "Please, my Lord, I know what would improve the wondrous taste." He then moved to unlace my trousers.

Pulling my hard cock out, he took my hand and tipped the cream on top of it. He then proceeded to lick the cream off my cock.

I groaned at the uncommon sensation. "God, did I find you on a farm or in a brothel? How come you to think of such a thing?"

"I think of all manner of things, Lord," he said before he took me wholly into his mouth.

After his sucking had increased in intensity, I pulled him off. "No more of that. You've had my cream in your belly already. All the rest will breed you proper. Have you had enough of the orange crème?"

Che just stood up and grabbed my hand, pulling me to the bed. Guess I had my answer there.

Once there, I said: "Very well. Face down on the bed. Knees spread. Ass up. Let me see how well you followed my instructions."

He moved speedily to comply and was soon resting on his forearms with his hairy ass upward and exposed.

I moved behind him and said. "I said face on the bed, not your forearms." Che then dropped his arms to the side and was properly face down. This pushed his ass up further. This was a less comfortable position for him now, but Che was a proper bitch and would soon appreciate the position. His kind like having it reinforced that they're a good receptacle for a man's seed and nothing does that like having one's face driven hard into a bed – or floor for the true bitches.

Now that he was properly positioned, I brought my face to his hairy hole and breathed deep. I loved taking in this most private part of a man – lavishing my attention on the hole that would take my cock and my seed.

I reached forward and spread his ass cheeks wide. Then I extended my tongue and licked up and down his puckered hole, feeling the coarse hairs and tasting the salt of his skin. He shuddered beneath me as the new sensation gripped him.

I licked up and down. In circles. As his hole flowered, I prodded it with jabs of my tongue. I placed wet, hard-sucking kisses on it. As my blood upped, I alternated my licks with nips and bites to his ass cheeks.

All the while, Che came undone. He moaned and groaned and muttered into the bed. His ass moved up and down beneath my mouth as much to keep my tongue on his hole as to rub his hard leaking cock against the bed.

After an extended session of this, Che was beyond ready for a fucking and was practically weeping into the bed. I was ready to stick my neglected cock into him, but then decided to indulge my curiosity about how far gone Che really was. Sure, he'd sing if I speared him on my cock now, but I wanted to know if he was a true bitch.

Licking his hole roughly, I reached beneath him with both hands and jerked his leaking cock with my right hand. I felt his hole quiver on my tongue as he keened and erupted into my left hand. As I continued to tongue him, I massaged his cock and continued to squeeze his spend into my left hand.

I took care not to overstimulate him and he sighed, going boneless with pleasure. "My Prince," he murmurred.

I lifted my head at that. True, I was a Prince of the Blood but I'd grown unaccustommed to being referred to as such. Hmm, from Che's lips, I rather liked the sound of it.

I sat back on my knees, my big cock sticking out. Che looked at me over his shoulder. "My Prince," he said again as he lifted up his ass.

Pleased – only a true bitch would be so ready after spending – I took his spend which I still had cupped in my left hand and smeared it on his hole. Working some of it into his hole, I said: "I'm going to fuck you with your own spend – this will be a night of many firsts for you."

I then pushed my painfully-hard cock in and his ass welcomed me like a favorite leather glove. I started out slow just enjoying the feel of his hot moist passage gripping me. The sounds he made were very satisfying as well – I hate a silent fuck.

Growling and sweating, I pummeled his ass hard with my hips, making him feel every inch of my big cock. As I felt my bliss near, I pushed his face down into the mattress and pounded his ass into jelly. I then spent hard into his ass and enjoyed his muffled cry of pleasure as I held his face down.

I then pulled his head up to let him gulp the air. After he regained his breath, I pushed his face back down into the mattress. My cock still buried in his ass, I reached beneath him and tugged his cock again. His ass clamped down on my hard sore cock as he spent into the mattress.

I then fell onto my back next to him and pulled him into my arms. And we both just lie there for some time, catching our breaths and taking in the pleasure. His hand made lazy circles upon my chest.

"My Prince, may I have more of that orange crème?"

I waved my hand in permission and he went over to the table and returned with the bowl of crème. He then sat cross-legged on the bed and began to eat the crème.

"How are you seated?"

He startled, then, realizing his error, he stretched out on the bed on his belly and resumed eating the crème.

He offered me some but I declined. Licking his spoon clean, he hummed, then said: "My Prince is cruel, I think, to give me all this, then leave. Where will I find another like you?"

I laughed, both at the abrupt change of subject and his lament. Men and their pouts. I folded my hands behind my head and said: "You won't. I'm unique and superior to almost all men. But... a well-made man like you will find a good-enough friend, I'm sure – especially with your wife being less of a harpy."

He still did not seem overly-pleased by my comforting words, so I continued: "And you have me for the moment. When I travel through in the future, I may grace you again. Now, come here and lick my pits – put your mouth to better use."

He looked for a moment at his empty bowl, so I reached for it, then tossed it onto the floor. He then crawled over and began rapidly licking my armpit. As my scent settled him, I stroked his back with my free hand.

"Around these parts do they tell the tale of the princess cursed to endless sleep?" I asked.

Che pulled back, laughing. "Of course, my Prince. The Princess Leandra, who slept for an age until Prince Puk kissed her awake."

"Yes, Leandra – you remind me of her. You've been stuck in time. And now you're awake."

He snorted at that, and I laughed with him.

I continued. "But it's a stupid story, truth be told. Royal power is not in kisses. It's in the seed. And the blood. If I came across a cursed lass, I wouldn't kiss her. I'd part her legs and ease my cock into her. My seed in her cunt would vanquish any evil spell."

He huffed at that. "Not a tale for children any longer, my Prince."

I laughed again. "No, perhaps not. Also, we're talking an extreme situation here. One should generally avoid sticking your cock in people who don't know you!"

His body shook with laughter in the crook of my arm.

Smacking his ass and laughing, I said: "Enough with you, impertinent bastard! To sleep!"

I slept deeply and well, with my farmer's hot body tucked against me. Indeed, I didn't wake til early morning when I heard my guards admitting a couple of lads with the hot water for my bath. Che was still sleeping deeply – seemed odd for a farmer, but guess I tired him out.

After I returned from the privy, Che was still abed and one of the bath lads – the striver from the night before – was still there.

"Shall I suck your cock again, Lord?"

I thought on it for a bit, but then figured I'd have Che do it, so I said: "Nay, lad. But take a coin from my guard as you leave." The lad smiled, happy to get the coin without the work, and left.

As I was disrobing for my bath, my secretary Anton entered to discuss the morning's business. We usually talked while I ate breakfast, but the viscount was hosting a large farewell breakfast as we were due to depart before midday.

I slipped into the hot water and gestured for Anton to begin reading the first petition. Anton did so and I asked questions and gave commands. Throughout all this, Che stayed asleep on the bed. Was fair strange. Even Anton was giving me curious looks.

Before long, my valet arrived to dry and dress me. Near-full dressed, I finally called out to Che: "Master Che, time to arise!"

No response.

I knew he was not dead since I could see him breathing. Could he have some sort of sleep condition, I wondered.

Anton then walked over to the bed and shook him, saying: "Master Che! Master Che!"

At Anton's helpless look, I walked over myself. Shaking his shoulder and getting no response, I turned him on his back, but he wouldn't wake.

I was about to call for a doctor when I caught a slight smile on his lips and then it hit me.

"Ah, Anton. I think I know the problem. I believe a witch has put a curse on him!"

Anton raised an eyebrow. "A witch, my Lord?"

"Yes, a witch. And I must break the curse."

"Indeed, my Lord. One shouldn't let curses linger."

I leaned down and kissed Che softly on the mouth. He sighed but kept his eyes closed. I pushed my tongue into his mouth as I cupped the back of his head with my hand. Yet his eyes remained closed.

"Alas, I'm afraid this is a very strong curse!"

Anton was quite confused now. "Can I assist in some way, my Lord?"

I climbed into the bed and pointed to a pot of ointment. Taking my meaning, Anton brought the ointment over to me as I unlaced my breaches and pulled out my now-aching cock. I slathered it on, then reached between Che's spread legs and pushed some in his hole. He'd tightened some over the night but my fingers went in easily enough.

For good measure, I then put some on my sleeping beauty's own hard cock, stroking him with one hand while I fingered him with the other.

On my knees on the bed, I then propped Che's legs over my shoulders and aimed my cock for his hole. After a brief moment of resistance, his hole opened and I slid in with a sigh.

I leaned forward, bending him in half, so I could dive deep into his greedy ass. Happily I turned to Anton and said: "That'll be all for this morning." Anton then bowed and left.

Behind me, my valet cleared his throat – had forgotten about him – and said: "Will my Lord be desiring new vestments?"

Seeing as I had ointment and ass all over the front of my breaches and Che's leaking cock was already leaving streaks of pre-spend on my vest, he made a good point. My valet was not a man's man. If a man was going to be on his knees with his face in my crotch, I wanted him focused either on making me look good or pleasuring my cock, with no conflict. Nonetheless, he was well acquainted with my ways.

"Yes, good idea. Bring the red and gold." Then, with a bow, he, too, left.

All the while, I kept fucking Che with gusto. He was making only the slightest grunts as I railed him and his eyes were squeezed tight as if not opening them was an effort.

As I felt myself getting close, I let his left leg fall as I raised his right leg higher up my shoulders, spreading him wide. Then, with my free hand, I tugged his cock roughly `til he spent.

I then let go and shot my spend into his clutching, spasming hole with a cry.

Feeling my spend splash his insides, Che finally opened his eyes. He reached up and pulled me down for an especially hungry kiss. "My Prince."

I kissed him again. Then I pulled out of him and sat back on my thighs catching my breath. "God, that was a proper fuck!"

Che just looked at me with a self-satisfied smile. I reached forward and rubbed his hairy chest and belly, feeling the wetness of his spend and even the hardened patches from the night's spend. Then, for good measure, I fingered him for a bit – as I love the feel of a fresh-fucked ass. I was half-tempted to fuck him again, but I had obligations, alas.

I got out of bed and began stripping off my clothes since my valet would soon be back.

"Go wet a rag and come wipe me clean. Quickly now."

As he wiped me off, Che looked up at me and asked: "Will my Prince visit me again?"

I rubbed the top of his head. "Aye. I will want to visit the Red Sisters once they're established. I will visit you then."

"I will wait for you."

"Nonsense. You're a proper wanton now, with a creative mind. I abhor waste. Find a nice lad and be good and ready for me when I do come."

"Yes, my Prince."

"And, Che, do not neglect your marital duties. If you don't have a brat next I see you, I'll be displeased."

"I will try, my Prince."

"Good. Try hard. And remember that it's your wife who's to rule."

I was in a good mood and so the farewell breakfast didn't seem tedious at all. Who knows? Perhaps a miracle occurred and it actually wasn't tedious.

In any event, before my family and I left for our ships for the journey back to Asselvya City, I handed the viscount the written judgments for the matters I had not already pronounced orally. Included in those judgments was the one for the House of Chol.

After due consideration, I'd decided to give half the money to Chol, with the remaining half to be split among his three younger brothers. Chol was an ingrate and a stubborn idiot, but he was the eldest and I was not willing to go against the rules of seniority just to punish him further. The breaking up of his House – since each of the brothers was still getting a considerable sum – would have to be punishment enough.

Of course, of the House of Chol, Che was the only brother whose ass had actually housed my cock and done it exceedingly well. So I would have preferred to give Che the most, but, again, traditions. Che would just need to be satisfied with my cock and his improved domestic situation.

And, when I visited him next, I could more discreetly provide any extra assistance needed.

I also learned that Alvina had wrung extensive funds from the local burghers for the Red Sisters' reestablishment, so our own expenditure would be minimal.

So, cock sweetly sore, balls empty, Alvina's excited chatter in my ear, I boarded our ship with a smile. This trip to Torga had been quite the success.

Next: Chapter 11

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