Kombat Kids

By Gstrdr15

Published on Jan 5, 2005


Disclaimer; If you are under 18 years of age, or material such as this is illegal in your locale, please do not continue reading. All persons, places and thing depicted in this story are purely fictional, any resemblance to people, living or dead, past or present, places or things is purely coincidental. However, I will admit to there being a Washington State.

Kombat Kids By; GhostRyder15

Chapter 27

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly! (Airborne Infantry Armor)

Matt and James looked at each other and shrugged: "It'll be OK James, their young and know not what they do." Matt said in his best imitation Baptist Preacher voice.

Justin looked at his foster fathers; "What, what'd I say?"

Matt looked at the boys; "Nothing bud, it's just that we had such high hopes for the two of you. Now you come to us and say you want to be a tanker, oh the shame of it all. Oh well, if that's what you guys want, go talk to George Babcock."

Justin got a concerned look on his face; "What's wrong with armor, you really think we shouldn't join the Armor Sub-Unit?"

Matt could see that he'd have to be very careful in the future when he kidded with Justin about things, he took everything the brothers said to him seriously, not wanting to hurt or embarrass them with his choices. Matt chuckled before speaking; "Naw, there's nothing wrong with armor, I was ragging on you, just so you'll know in the future, everyone thinks their own job classification's the best. So if we or anyone else give ya a ration of shit about your specialty, it's all in fun, OK?"

Both Justin and Tyler smiled at the brothers; "Si' Patron." Chorused the boys, James and Matt had noticed how the two friends had started copying each others sayings and manner of speech lately. The boys hurried off in search of Sergeant Babcock to see about joining the armor group.

As the boys were leaving Stephen Peterson, Jap's father, walked up to them carrying a cardboard box; "Hi guys, I got something that may give you an edge when you meet the Recon pukes for the first time."

Saying that, he motioned them to follow him in to the supply room; "You know I work in the Laser Isotope Separation Research Department, right?"

The brothers nodded, the use of lasers was becoming more and more important in the nuclear industry, which was why the Site had a research section specifically for laser research, development and utilization.

Stephen smiled as he opened the top of the box, looking at the contents, the brothers almost shit themselves. Inside the box was what appeared to be a standard Mk 18A1 Claymore directional mine, except it wasn't. Taking a closer look at it, the brothers noticed that the face of mine with the words `FRONT TOWARD ENEMY' was actually made of plastic rather than the frangible metal a real Claymore was made of. Looking closer the brothers could see hundreds of small diameter holes in the plastic; they looked at Stephen with a quizzical expression on their faces.

Stephen reached in to the box and pulled out three sets of very dark glasses, handing a set to Matt and James he put on the third set. Turning around, he closed the door and shut off the overhead lights; "Watch what happens when I use the clacker." He squeezed the Claymore's activating device, better known as a `clacker' because of the sound it made, three times. On the first clack, the face of the Claymore lit up as coherent light burst from the hundreds of holes; the light only lasted for a fraction of a second and was gone.

Stephen held up one of the Miles Gear harnesses and said; "Watch."

Once again light was seen briefly through the holes when he worked the clacker, only this time the alarm on the Miles rig sounded. Stephen hurriedly inserted the key and turned the alarm off. "Well whatcha think, pretty neat huh?"

Both James and Matt immediately saw the implications of Stephen's light show; "Holy shit, is this something new you put together or does the military know about it?"

Stephen laughed; "Nope, strictly home grown. If it works out like I think it will I'm going to apply for a patent and try marketing it to the different services as a training aid."

"What's the effective range on this thing?" Matt asked.

"I've only done a little testing so far, but at temperatures between minus five degrees and plus 49 degrees Celsius in clear air, it will activate the Miles Gear sensors out to 25 to 30 meters, much shorter than the real thing." Stephen said.

James turned to leave the room; "Hang loose a minute Steve, I want to bring the Gunny in on this."

It took James 15 minutes to locate the Gunny, after explaining about the Miles-like Claymore simulator, the Gunny got really excited; "The Corps has been looking for shit like this for years, while there are some systems out there, they're all big and bulky and not realistic. If its half as good as you've described, it's gonna piss a whole lot of people off, starting with the first batch of Recon we run through here.

Entering the supply room the Gunny looked at Steve; "I hear you come up with a really neat toy for our boys to play with Mr. Peterson."

Steve got a big smile on his face; "I certainly hope so, here put these on to protect your eyes." Handing the dark glasses to the Gunny he gave the clacker to Matt; "Do the honors for me Matt while I close my eyes."

Matt waited until Steve turned away and then gestured to James to hold the Miles Gear at chest level. Holding the clacker in front of him he squeezed it three times, as before the Claymore lit up on the first clack and the alarm sounded on the harness.

"Jesus Jumping Palomino, that works better than the lasers we use on our weapons." Gunny yelled.

The four men talked about the device, its strengths and limitations for the next half hour. Finally the Gunny suggested; "lets put some of the older boys in Miles gear and see if we can figure out what its `Kill Zone' actually is."

Matt, James and Stephen took the simulator and set it up on a chair while the Gunny collected twenty of the tallest Squaddies in the Cavern area. While the boys were putting the Miles Gear harnesses on, Stephen was using a twelve foot tape measure to mark the floor every ten feet starting at the foot of the chair the Claymore was on. After marking out 120 feet, he had the Gunny form the Squaddies in a line at the 120 foot mark spacing them about three meters apart; "All right guys, since we haven't got eye protection for you yet, we need you to close your eyes and keep them closed till we tell ya to open them, OK?"

The Squadies nodded or said yes; "OK everyone close your eyes." When Stephen was sure all eyes were shut, he nodded to Matt who squeezed the clacker three times. Just like before the Claymore lit up on the first clack, one alarm was heard to sound on the boys harnesses. The Gunny hurried to the one that was alarming and reset it. The harness that alarmed was the second squaddie to the left of center; Steve pulled a small notebook from his back pocket and wrote down the distance and location of the alarm. The Gunny had the boys move forward to the 110 foot marker and the Claymore flashed again, this time setting off three harnesses, all to the left of center. The testing continued, at the 80 foot mark eighteen of the twenty units alarmed, the same results were obtained at the 70 foot marker, but when the boys were flashed at the 60 foot marker only fifteen of the units alarmed. The test continued until they reached the reached the 40 foot marker and only ten alarms were set off.

Stephen thought for a minute; "everyone stand fast while I change the batteries out, they may be getting weak." Five minutes latter Stephen yelled to the boys; "Last shot, everyone close your eyes." When the Claymore was activated, they still got only ten alarms. "OK Gunny, that's it for now."

The Gunny had the boys remove their harnesses and put them back in the Travelall (a Travelall is nothing more than a big cardboard box attached to a wooden pallet) and replaced the lid.

While the adults were testing the Claymore, Justin and Tyler went looking for Sergeant Babcock. After searching the house and the Cavern level, the boys entered the garage and found the sergeant working under one of the LAV's.

Walking over to where his feet stuck out from under the vehicles chassis, Justin asked; "Sergeant Babcock, can we talk to you for a minute?"

The sergeant was using a mechanics creeper to move around under the vehicle, hearing the boys question he pushed himself from under the LAV and looked up at the two boys; "Sure thing guys, what's up?"

Tyler took the lead; "We were told by Mr. Bateman to come find you and ask if you'd let us join the Armor Sub-Unit. We both thought about the different subs, and liked the idea of maybe being able to run one of these bad boys."

George Babcock looked at the two boys and saw a pair of rather short, skinny kids; "Well guys, I don't know if you're physically big enough to handle one of these. Even though everything is power assisted, it still takes a lot of muscle to be able maintain and operate them."

Tyler looked smug; "My daddy is Terry English, he owns and operates a heavy equipment sales and service company specializing in everything from light front-end loaders to D8 Cat's. I been working with him for the last two years or so and have been helping run periodic maintenance and repair on all the vehicles brought in for work."

Justin nodded his head; "I haven't had as much experience as Tyler has, but I was driving semi's pulling flat bed trailers around the orchards up in Yakima from early last summer up until this past November. I used to watch the mechanics repair the prime movers and the Hysters when they needed it, I think I can do what needs to be done."

Babcock looked unconvinced; "Jump in guys, lets go for a ride." Sergeant Babcock climbed in after the boys and moved to the drivers seat, after strapping in and making sure the boys were properly belted in, he started the LAV's engine and drove out of the garage heading to the closed off area of the Bateman property. After moving the vehicle to a location that was relatively flat he stopped and turned the engine off. For the next fifteen minutes, he went over the controls and operation of the vehicle with the boys; "Either one of you got any questions so far? Ok who wants to try driving this rig first?"

Justin being closer quickly moved in front of Tyler; "I do sergeant."

Babcock nodded and moved out of the drivers seat making room for the boy, glancing at Tyler, he noticed he had a pissed off expression on his face. "Don't worry kid; you'll get your chance in a little while."

Justin dropped in to the drivers' seat and strapped himself in, adjusting the seat to where he was comfortable and was able to use the vision blocks efficiently. When he was ready, he looked at the sergeant; "OK to start it up sergeant?"

Babcock chuckled; "Be my guest, have a ball."

Justin got a big shit eating grin on his face as the engine started on the first try. He watched the gauges, especially the ones for fuel, hydraulic pressure, battery charge, oil pressure and water temp. After his inspection of the readouts, he turned to Sergeant Babcock: "Permission to move the vehicle sergeant?"

Babcock was amazed at the comprehensive review of the vehicles gauges Justin made to insure the vehicle was operational; "Granted."

Justin engaged the automatic transmission, released the manual brakes and fed fuel to the engine using the foot feed pedal. Grasping the steering yoke with both hands, he moved the vehicle forward ten or fifteen meters before stopping and engaging the manual brakes. Turning to the sergeant he asked; "Is there some way I can see where I'm going that's better than using these little windows?"

Babcock nodded; "First off we might as well teach you the proper terminology, those little windows are called `vision blocks' OK?" Without waiting for an answer he showed Justin how to open the drivers hatch above his head and how to raise the seat hydraulically so his head was outside of the LAV. Before he let him move the vehicle again, he fitted both boys with Tanker helmets that had built in microphones and earphones that plugged into the vehicles interior communications system.

Once everyone was plugged in to the com system, Sergeant Babcock tested it to insure they all could hear each other; "All stations, this is the vehicle commander, radio check, over!"

"Driver reads you 5 by 5, over"

Tyler keyed his microphone; "Ahh, sergeant what's my position? Over"

The sergeant thought for a second; "You're the gunner, over."

"Roger your last, vehicle commander this is the gunner, I read you 5 by 5, over."

Once again the sergeant keyed his mic; "Driver this is the vehicle commander, move out."

You could almost hear the huge smile breaking out on Justin's face as he responded; "Roger your last, moving."

Justin drove the vehicle at varying speeds, both forward and in reverse, climbed small hills and descended back down to the level ground where they started at.

Sergeant Babcock told Justin to change places with Tyler, after Tyler was set he was put him through the same series of exercises that Justin had just completed. When they were stopped on the flat ground Sergeant Babcock directed Tyler to "Take us back to the barn driver."

When the LAV was back in the garage and shut down the two boys and the sergeant de-assed the vehicle. Babcock looked at the boys and said; "Welcome to Armor, you guys done good. Let's go and get something to eat, we'll talk about what you still have to learn."

That night after the evening meal, the three Marines assigned to the Unit and the Bateman Brothers got together in the kitchen for a review of the days activities, problems and high points. When it was George Babcock's turn, he became very vocal about his newest crewmembers; "Jesus' Matt, where do you guys come up with these kids, if we had adults in the Corps that were half as good as some of these kids I'd be in hog heaven. I almost swallowed my teeth this afternoon when I took your Foster Son and his friend out in the LAV, Justin handled that thing like he had been doing it all his life. When that little blond headed kid got in the driver's seat, he made that puppy do everything but sit up and beg. Fuck man, I know Marines with three years of experience that aren't any better than those kids."

James thought about George's statement before speaking; "I know what you're saying George, every since we started the Unit, we keep coming across kids who really excel at anything we ask them to do. I don't know if it has to do with them liking it, or just an inner need they have to really do well. To tell you the truth, I had no idea when Matt told them to see you that they would do as well as you say they have. I can name twenty or twenty five of the boys who are at least as competent as some of the Butter Bars (Ensign or Second Lieutenant) I've served with.

The Gunny and Webb both nodded their heads in agreement. Gunny shook his head and said; I tell you guys, I wouldn't wanna piss off little ole Jap or his partner Jacky, specially if they had those big Barrett's with them."

James agreed; "Look at Connor Beck; I'm just glad he's so easy going. I hate to think what he could do to a guy who pissed him off if he couldn't control his temper. Hey George? Have you watched Mitch practicing lately, I'm about ready to give him his Brown Belt, after the problem with that asshole in gym class and his participation in my classes he's ready."

George nodded his head and smiled; "Thanks James, I know he'll be glad to hear that."

Justin, Tyler, Bobby and Marty shared a room in the Berthing Compartment, Bobby and Marty were watching TV in the Caverns lounge. Justin and Tyler were back in the room after showering, as hard as it is to believe both boys were sporting boners that caused the towels they wore to tent out in the front. Tyler led the way into the room, as soon as the door closed behind them, Justin grabbed Tyler's towel and pulled it off, exposing two small mounds of taut flesh. Tyler giggled as he turned around and pointed at Justin with his dick; "You trying to tell me something Dude?"

Justin reached out and stroked Tyler's five inches of cut cock causing him to moan softly. Tyler pulled Justin's towel loose and grabbed his cock, gently pulling his foreskin back and forth with one hand while massaging his nut sack with the other. Tyler maneuvered Justin until he was lying on his back on the lower bunk, he knelt in front of his lover and leaned forward taking the tip of Justin's foreskin into his mouth and gently nibbled on it with his front teeth, never biting hard enough to cause pain, but applying enough pressure to excite him. After working his lover's foreskin for several minutes, he started licking his cock from the head to the root and then tongued his balls. Tyler grabbed Justin's ankles and lifted them until his `Taint" and asshole were exposed to his probing tongue, spearing the light brown pucker of his lovers anus he tried to push his tongue past the sphincter muscle but was not successful. Lying on the bunk enjoying Tyler's ministrations, Justin's moaning became louder, more urgent; "Ty, I'm getting ready to cum, I mean right now buddy."

Tyler let Justin's feet fall to the floor and grabbed his six inches of un-cut cock and guided it to his mouth, he barely had the head past his lips when the first shot of steaming hot cum blasted into his mouth, followed shortly by several more globs of Justin's sweet yet musky tasting semen. Tyler continued to suck his lovers cock until the pain from having just cum made his cock over-sensitive and forced him to pull his lovers mouth from his spent dick. Tyler lay the side of his head on Justin's softening cock and his nut sack, reveling in there softness and the scent of his lover. After a few minutes, Tyler raised his head and grasped Justin's cock again, skinning the foreskin back and gently licking the cum that had seeped from his dick and remained under his foreskin. Justin continued until it had all been consumed and then he laid there with just the sheathed head in his mouth, once again savoring Justin's unique flavor.

Justin felt his lover's mouth on his spent cock, not trying to excite him, just enjoying the closeness they shared. He wondered what Tyler thought about his dick, while there were other boys around who were un-cut, most of the boys appeared to have been circumcised.

Justin looked down at the top of his lover's head; "Tyler, does my foreskin bother you, I mean you're cut and all, I was wondering if it grossed you out or anything?"

Tyler giggled; "Actually the first time I saw yours, I was a little frightened by it, I thought you were a mutant or something. The first time I was able to touch it and taste it, it really turned me on. I went on the web the other night and went to `Jackin World' where I found a link to a site that gave the pro's and cons of being natural or circumcised. From what I got from it, I don't think it really matters, except in certain cases where a guy needs to get cut cause he's always getting infections. A person with an un-cut dick has to be really careful about keeping clean, or they can develop an infection, also if a dick like yours isn't kept clean, it can really smell and taste bad, I don't even want ta think about smegma, Yuck. Guess what?" Not giving him a chance to answer he continued; "I love the taste of you, I can't hardly get enough of your aroma and every time I'm around you, your scent makes me bone up. Does that answer your question?"

Justin smiled at his lover, never having a friend like Tyler, he felt closer to him then anyone other than his mother. He reached down and grabbed his friend under the arms and pulled him up until he could kiss him, as soon as his tongue entered Tyler's mouth he tasted himself, the lovers entered into a battle to see who could get their tongue farther down the others throat. Before the winner could be determined, the door opened and Bobby and Marty walked in, all four of the boys remained frozen in place. Tyler and Justin already totally boned up and the flies of Bobby and Marty's trousers seeming to expand outward in to a tent, Marty was the first to speak; "Oh man we're so, so fucking sorry, we had no idea that you .... Umm.... you were busy."

Justin and Tyler quickly separated grabbing their towels and covering their crotches, none of the four boys could look the others in the eyes. Tyler spoke first summing up everyone's thoughts; "Shit, shit, shit, shit."

Marty's eyes widened and he started laughing, soon all the boys were laughing. Marty shook his head; "Listen guys, as long as we're rooming with each other this type of thing is going to happen again and again, we gotta get around it."

"Yeah, you're right, but what can we do so we won't keep getting embarrassed every time one of us walks in on the other guys getting it on?" Asked Justin.

Bobby turned red, but got up the courage to speak; "Aaa.... do ya think, do you think maybe we could, you know, kinda watch each other, I don't know about Marty but I never done anything before."

Bobby turned to Marty and looked at him; Marty started to shiver a little and looked at the floor shaking his head no. "I mean, we want to, but we got no idea how to start or what's fun to do. What da ya say guys can we watch, we'll get nekkid too, please?"

Justin looked at Tyler, both of them shrugged and nodded there heads yes. Bobby and Marty smiled and in less time than it takes to tell about it, they were down to skin, Both had a hard on, both were cut although Marty's dick was an inch or more longer then Bobby's. While Bobby's dick was the shortest of the four boys, it was also the thickest; Marty getting his first look at his friend's dick gasped; "Holy fuck, you got the biggest dick I ever saw."

Bobby turning a deeper shade of red and swallowed before saying; "Yeah, but everyone else's is longer. Unless I'm hard, all anyone sees is a small dick. You should hear the shit I take in gym class when I'm showering; the assholes call me needle dick."

Tyler laughed; "Let me tell ya bud, if you ever vaccinated them with that needle, they wouldn't be able to shit for a month. Marty, you better sleep on your back and be careful never to bend over if you drop the soap in the shower, damn Bobby; you need to register that thing as a lethal weapon."

When the laughter died, the boys started to get nervous again, Justin decided that he would break the ice, much to everyone's surprise he dropped to his knees and engulfed Tyler's cock in one swift motion. Tyler gave out an immediate moan and thrust his hips forward trying to bury his cock in Justin's throat. Justin had no problem taking all of Ty's cock, after burying his nose in the sparse blond pubic hair of Tyler's groin; he slowly pulled back until only the head of his lover's dick was still in his mouth. Tyler's continuing moans of pleasure reminded Bobby of how they had walked in on their room mates, quickly turning, he locked the door. Turning back to Marty, he dropped to his knees and tried to inhale Marty's six inch cock, this being his first time he was only able to get three or so inches in his mouth before he started gagging. Marty taken totally by surprise by his new and much smaller lover, gasped in pleasure as he felt Bobby's warm, wet mouth surround and engulf his dick. Bobby guided Marty over to the other bottom bunk and had him sit on the edge of the mattress, as the feelings of pleasure mounted, Marty placed his hands on both sides of Bobby's head and carefully moved him back and forth in a gently fucking motion. The feel of Marty's hands on his head almost made Bobby cum, the light touch and the feelings that for once during his short life, someone loved him and was providing direction to him excited him like nothing ever before. Soon the boys on top were feeling the tightening in their scrotum as their balls tried to crawl up inside them. Marty was the first to let out his triumph, screaming his love for Bobby while blasting shot after shot of his hot cum into his mouth. Bobby started to gag as the huge quantity of cum almost overwhelmed his ability to swallow, pushing off his lover Marty's cock popped out of his mouth and sprayed the last few shots over Bobby's face. After catching his breath, Bobby took the still pulsing cock back into his mouth to get the remaining cum, savoring the bleach, smoky sweet flavor of his friend and lovers cum.


Hearing Marty climax pushed Tyler over the edge, his whole body vibrated as he climaxed, shooting streamer after streamer of cum into Justin's mouth and throat, holding his lovers head, trying to seat his dick deeper into his lover. Suddenly feeling Justin trying to push away from him, he released his lovers head and watched as his boyfriend took several deep breaths before saying; "Damn Dude, you trying to drown me, shit man it felt like you turned on a hose and was trying to fill me up."

Tyler sputtered; Oh man I.... I'm so sorry man, I couldn't control my self. I'll be more careful from now on, please man, please forgive me."

Justin giggled; "No problem, just remember, it's my turn next."

End of Chapter 27


Chapter 28

Be Vewy, Vewy Qwyiet, Weaw Hunting Wecon

I'd like to take a moment and thank Jamie Haze, Author, Mentor, and Friend for the encouragement he has given me in the writing of this story, and the editing of it for me. I encourage you all to read Somerset Farm, Dooby Rhymes With Scooby and Apartment 14B by Mr. Haze.

Comments are eagerly requested. If you feel it necessary to flame, go ahead, but don't expect an answer. Address all comments to Gstrdr15 Gstrdr15@msn.com

One more thing please let me know what state you live in, I like to know where people are who take interest in my story. Thanks all.

I'd like to say thanks to the following new readers;

Neil in Johannesburg South Africa Rick on the 'Dry Side' of Washington State USA Ric in Phoenix AZ USA Bill in Hicksville N.Y. USA P.H. in Ohio USA Manieck in Gorzow Poland Steve in Perth, Western Australia Chris in Kirkland (the Wet Side) Washington State USA Keith in Spokane Washington State (above the tree line) USA Doug, near Atlanta Georgia USA Darryl in Orland Florida USA Jerry a Nifty Fan Alun in London England Mike in East Texas USA Jack West of Wichita Kansas USA Jesse B in Washington District of Columbia USA (better known as Foggy Bottom)

Next: Chapter 28

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