Kombat Kids

By Gstrdr15

Published on Dec 20, 2004


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The following chapter has an intense and violent segment.

Kombat Kids By; GhostRyder15 Chapter 6 Pain

Sunday morning was overcast, perfect for fishing. Phil had gotten Tom, his older brother to pick him and David up and drop them off at the Thin Bridges. Tom was on duty that day so he said he would stop by periodically and see if they needed anything. The boys thanked him and found a nice, shaded spot along the bank to fish from.

For the first half hour, all the boys did was fish, talk about what all boys talk about and every once in awhile cop a feel. Neither one of the boys complained when that happened.

Phil was telling David how glad he was to find a friend he could be open with when he heard someone coming towards them through the brush. He looked up and saw Launy Prince, followed by six or seven other guys walking towards him and David. "Fuck, just fucking great, just what we need, the entire Asshole Patrol." Thought Phil.

"Well, well, well, look what we got here guys two of the Unit Pussies. How come you two fagots aren't sucking each other's dick, I mean that's what you fagots do ain't it?"

Phil was kind of pissed, and his mouth kinda took over before his brain could stop him; "Listen asshole, why don't you and your dirtbag buddies take a hike. We got better things to do than listen to your cheap shit."

Launy looked kind of flustered, not too many people, and certainly not someone like Phil Martin who was smaller than him ever talked to him like that. Both David and Phil had stood up and were now facing the eight boys who now had them more or less surrounded, the only place that was still open for them to retreat to was the river at their backs.

Launy stepped in front of Phil, "Listen you slimy little cocksucker, you better shut the fuck up or I'll pound your ass into a mud hole!" Saying that, he backhanded Phil across the face knocking Phil to his knees in front of him. He turned his smiling face to his buddies to tell them that these punks really were wimps.

Phil, kneeling in front of Launy, shook his head and lashed out with his right fist trying to punch Launy's nuts up into his throat. Launy gave out a high-pitched squeal and fell to the ground holding his nuts and started to whimper. Launy's buddies piled on both David and Phil pushing them both to the ground and started to punch the shit out of them. Launy was finally able to catch his breath and climbed painfully to his feet; he then walked over to Phil and kicked him in the jaw.

Phil passed out for a few minutes and when he woke up he saw Launy's red sweating face inches from his face. "You're going to regret that fagot," Launy said. He looked at his buddies and said strip them, "They like cock, so we'll give them all the cock they can handle!"

With that the other boys started ripping David and Phil's clothing off, soon both of the boys were naked and being held down so they couldn't move. Launy looked over to one of his boys; "Hey Bill, you got that rope you always carry around with ya?"

"Yeah I do Launy, whatcha want with it?"

"You guys, turn them on their bellies. Bill, tie their hand behind their backs."

Soon David and Phil found themselves with their hands tied behind them and laying on their backs again, no mater how hard they struggled they couldn't free their hands or get away from the hands that held them down. Launy knelt down beside Phil, "Before we show you what real men are like, here's a present for ya." Saying that, Launy struck Phil in the nuts, once, twice, three times, Phil never having felt such pain did the only thing he could, he power puked. Most of his puke hit Launy in the chest and splashed him in the face.

"You mother fucker!" Launy shouted jumping to his feet, "You cock—sucking—fagot—eating—no—good--son—of—a—bitch!" with each word, he kicked Phil, in the ribs, his belly, his hip and his head. Bill Jordan and Jim Jardine grabbed Launy, pulled him off and yelled at him to stop before he killed Phil. Launy calmed down and walked back over to Phil, who lay there unconscious. Launy looked down at Phil and then over to David who was crying. He laughed; "Aw, what's the matter cocksucker, did I hurt your boyfriend?"

To Launy's surprise David tried to spit on him. David looked him in the eye and said slowly and clearly; "I'm going to kill you."

The vehemence with which David made this simple statement caused Launy to take a step backwards. Getting himself back together, he laughed at David once again, "In your dreams cocksucker, in your dreams."

Launy looked at the two boys laying on the ground, "Let's have some fun guys, you two, pointing to Bill Jordan and Tim Barton, stuff their jockey's in their mouths, we don't want everyone knowin about the fun we're having." As the two punks complied, Launy told Jim Alcorn and Jason Straughtman, "Grab their feet, pull them back by their head, and hold them there till I tell you otherwise."

Launy took off his shirt and threw it into the river, and then he pulled off his jeans and boxers and put them over to the side away from the boys lying on the ground. David looked over at Launy's dick and thought for such a big guy, he's got an awfully small cock. Launy turned to Jesse McDermott; "You take White, while I fuck this shithead's brains out."

Saying that, Launy knelt down behind Phil and brutally jammed his dick into Phil's asshole. The pain caused by having Launy's dick shoved in his un-prepared rectum, brought Phil back to consciousness. The first thing Phil saw was the laughing face of Launy Prince as he pumped his dick faster and faster into Phil's aching rectum. Phil thought it hurt when Launy was punching him in the nuts, but this pain was indescribable. Launy kept fucking Phil, faster and faster for another five minutes and then Launy's whole body stiffened and he shoved his cock as far as he could into Phil's bowels, he shot his load. After a few seconds he pulled out and used Phil's shorts to wipe his dick off. "Next!" was all he said as he reached over and took over holding Phil's legs. Launy started whispering in Phil's ear; "How'd ya like that fagot? Huh, you want me to fuck you some more, well if you really want me to, no problem, but I'll just let my buds have a shot at your ass before I fuck you again."

Just then Bill Jordan stuffed his 8" uncut dick into Phil's ass, causing him to stiffen up and try to yell through the boxers that they had stuck in his mouth as a gag. All that made it through the cloth was a long groan. "Hey look Launy; I don't think he likes my dick. What's a matter tough guy too much for you?" Letting out a high-pitched laugh, Bill forced his dick all the way in until Phil could feel Bill's pubic hair rubbing against his ass checks. Phil felt pain so far beyond anything he had ever felt before in his life and then he passed out.

Phil groaned in pain as he slowly drifted back to consciousness, he became aware of background noises; the sound of people talking quietly or walking around and other sounds that he didn't understand or ever remember hearing before, there was a constant beep... beep... beep, that was really annoying. Slowly, as he regained consciousness, he opened his eyes and looked around, then he stopped moving as pain washed over his entire body, making him sob. The next thing he knew his father was standing over him and pushing the top of what looked like a thick ballpoint pen attached to the wall by a cord. "Stay still son, I just called for help, the nurse should be here any second now. You're going to be OK, you're safe now, just take it easy baby."

Phil looked at his father's tired unshaven face and started to remember his and David's rape. "Is," he croaked, tried to swallow and tried to speak again, "Is David OK?"

His dad laughed, tears falling on his sunken cheeks from his red tired eyes; "Hush now baby boy, David's fine, he's in the bed right next to yours. Don't you worry about him, you're both fine now Thank God!"

Just then the nurse arrived, gently moving Sheriff Martin out of her way. "Well now, Phillip, it surely is good to have you back with us," the nurse said. "I'm going to give you a shot so you can get back to sleep, you can talk to your daddy tomorrow."

Before Phil could argue or try to say anything, he felt a sting on his upper arm and quickly drifted back to sleep.

The next time Phil woke up he didn't hurt quite so much as the first time. This time he knew to slowly turn his head and didn't feel the sharp pain like he had the night before. The only person in the room was someone in the bed next to him, looking closer he saw David watching him; "Hi" was all he could think of to say.

David quickly turned his face away from Phil and stared out the window, not saying anything, crying softly.

"Hey man, what's the matter are you hurting? Do you want me to call the nurse, talk to me buddy, please talk to me?" Phil didn't know what to do, so he grabbed the call button and pressed it like he had seen his dad do the last time he was a wake. Nobody seemed to hear him so he kept pushing the button over and over again. After what seemed like hours, but really was only a few minutes the nurse entered the room and took the call button from his hand and said; "What's the matter Phillip, are you in pain, what's wrong?"

When Phil looked at the nurse, she could see the frightened look in his eyes, not knowing what was going on in his mind she took his hand in hers and gently patted his shoulder; "Shsssssss honey your OK now just relax, tell me what I can do, what do you need?"

Phil finally got himself under control and said; "It's David, there's something wrong with David, he won't look at me, he won't even talk to me, he just lays there crying, help him, please help him."

David snapped his head around and stared at Phil; "What, help me, why would you want to help me, what are you talking about `HELP ME', they almost killed you and I didn't do a fucking thing to stop them. I let them rape you over and over and didn't do anything to stop them." David started shaking and sobbing harder and harder.

David saw the nurse get a hypodermic needle and fill it from a small vial and inject it into a nipple on the side of the tube leading to his arm from an IV bag containing a clear liquid. She then turned to Phil and before David started to fade out, he watched her do the same thing to his IV. Shortly, both of the boys were sleeping quietly and after a few minutes she left the room.

As she was closing the door, the saw the Sheriff walking toward his son's room. Before he could enter, the stopped him and said; "Phil and David are both sleeping, I had to give them something to calm them down." She then related what had happened between the two boys and sighed; "God Bill, I wish Tommy had shot every one of those little bastards and then did the same to their parents. I never knew that kids could be so evil, they really screwed them up good."

The Sheriff just looked at the floor and the nurse could see he was crying. She grabbed him by the arm and said; "Give me a moment to check out at the nurse's station and we'll go get a cup of coffee."

After telling the supervisor where she was going and why, the nurse, Bobbie Winston, took the Sheriff by the arm and led him down to the cafeteria and sat him in a corner booth away from the rest of the other diner's. "Listen Bill, we've been friends for a long time, I know this is probably as hard on you as it is on your son, but you gotta buck up. If you fall apart, it'll make it much more difficult for Phil and David to get well, both physically and mentally. You hear me big guy?"

"Yeah I do Bobbie, even though I've responded to many rapes over the years, this has gotta be the worse one yet, and finding out my son was raped to the point of near death, it's even harder for me to cope with." Bill sat there and tried not to think about his youngest boy lying in the hospital bed bruised and battered beyond belief. He shook himself and looked at Bobbie; "You're right Bobbie, I know you're right, I just lost it there when you told me about Phil trying to console David while David tried to take the blame for letting Phil get raped and not doing anything to stop them. Jesus Christ on a pogo stick, them two boys got some guts don't they?" Bill looked at Bobbie and gave her a wane smile, "Thanks, thanks for talking with me and thanks for taking such good care of my son and his... his boyfriend."

If Bill thought he was going to get a rise out of Bobbie, he was mistaken; "No problem Bill, my nephew Josh, you know the little redhead everyone call's Jap, he's a member of James and Matt's Unit too. I've known that Jap is gay for three weeks now, so I kinda figured that Phil and David were probably gay also."

Bill just shook his head and smiled, "Damn Bobbie, don't nothing get by you does it?"

"I try not to let much get by. Now listen Bill are you going to be OK? Because if you aren't, I'm not going to let you see your son until you are." Bobbie warned.

"I'm Ok now. When do you think I can see him, I mean how long do you think he's going to be asleep?"

"Well I had to calm them down quick so I hit them both with a little heavier dose than I normally would have; they'll both be awake in about four hours. Maybe you should come back in about three and half hours, say about 5:00 PM? That way you can be there when they both wake up and keep them calmed down."

Once again Phil drifted up out of his drug-induced sleep, when he looked over towards David's bed he saw his father staring back at him. "Sorry dad."

Bill looked at him for a few moments before speaking; "For what son, for being Gay, for getting raped, for loving your boyfriend, for being my son, for what son? What happened down by the river wasn't your fault, it wasn't David's fault, it was no one's fault except Launy and his accomplices, who by the way are sitting in the county jail, awaiting trial as adults. During the preliminary hearing, the judge refused bail because of the seriousness of the crime, so they're sitting in solitary waiting for their trial date.

Phil looked at his father again, "I feel so bad about David, I couldn't get away from them, there were just too many of them and after Launy kicked the shit out me with those dam cowboy boots of his, I couldn't hardly move."

"I know son, those damn boots of his almost caved in your chest. That's one reason why the judge refused him bail."

"Uuuuuhhhhnn," David moaned as he started waking up. David looked at Phil and then at Phil's father before saying; "I'm sorry Sheriff Martin, I tri..."

Bill slid his chair to the foot of the beds and said; "I want both you hard headed young uns to listen close to what I'm about to say. Bobbie told me today you guys both blamed yourself for what happened to each other, like I said earlier, it was no one's fault but theirs, and they are going to pay dearly for what they did to you boys, as God is my witness, they will surely pay. That's a promise!! You got that David? You got that Phil? Now the both of you just forget them assholes, they ain't going to bother you guys ever again, and that is also a promise."

Bill smiled at both of the boys before saying; "You feel up to eating something? I just happen to have a quarter pounder with cheese and some fries sitting here, you feel up to getting yourself around them David?"

David just smiled and nodded his head yes. As Bill was passing the food to him, Phil demanded; "Where's mine dad, you bring a mess of Mickey D's in here for my boyfriend and I get nothing, I guess I know who you like best."

Both David and Bill chuckled, then Bill turned serious; "Son, that asshole Launy and his buddies messed up your insides something fierce, between Launy stomping you and the gang rape, it's going to be awhile before you get much solid food. But I didn't forget you son I got you an extra large chocolate shake, the doctor said that was close enough to your liquid diet that it wouldn't hurt you any."

Phil took the shake and after his first drink asked his father; "How bad am I hurt dad?"

"Well let's just say you won't be running any marathons for awhile, if we're lucky, the Doc says you may go back to school on the first of October." Bill looked at his son and just sighed; "OK son, but first I want to tell you if you start getting worried or become agitated, I'm going to have Bobbie Winston in here and shoot your skinny butt full of sleepy juice, you hear what I'm saying, and that goes for you too David." Phil looked a little nervous and nodded his head, followed quickly by David's nodding agreement. "Right, the worst thing that happened was that the doctors had to remove one of your testicles, Launy really messed you up when he kept punching you in the groin."

Phil turned pale, but before he could say anything his dad rushed on; "Now son don't worry, the doctor said that the other one was just fine and all you really need is one anyhow. I know it's easy for me to say, but you're just going to have to take my word that you'll be just fine and that in a few months you, and your boyfriend," he paused for a second and smiled at David before continuing, "won't notice the difference."

Both David and Phil blushed a bright red, Bill decided he liked that a lot better than when Phil went pale on him. "As I was saying, they removed one of your nuts, and your spleen. One of the reasons you were on the table so long is that you had several tears in the walls of your colon and your rectum was torn in three places. You'll have to be really careful with colds and the flu and any other infection that you might get because of the removal of the spleen. Launy broke three of your ribs, your left collar bone and dislocated your left elbow, plus you suffered a concussion. One of the broken ribs was driven into your left lung and that caused a lot of problems too."

"The doctors had you on the operating table for 17 hours the day we brought you in and then they had to go back in the next day to control some bleeding. They said it was touch and go there for awhile, but by the grace of God and the doctor's skill you've come through it and they expect you to make a full recovery."

"Geez dad, how long have I been here?"

"It's been nine days today son. David here gets to go home tomorrow if everything checks out OK for him."

Bill turned and looked at David; "And you little buddy, you had us worried too, I don't know if anyone's told you or not, but you spent four hours under the knife to repair all of the damage that those sons-of-a bitches did to you.

"Oh yeah I got some other news for you, I think you're both going to like. First off, both me and your mom, and David's mom and dad are suing Donald Prince, Bill Jordan and the parents of the other six boys that participated in the rape. Plus, we're suing the local and National Council of the Scouts for $10,000,000 for allowing the Scout Troop to go unsupervised like they did. By the time we get finished, the Prince clan will probably be leaving town, that is what's left of them."

Phil finished his shake and set the empty cup on the rolling table alongside his bed. Bill asked; "You had enough son or you want more?"

Phil grinned sheepishly; "It was good, and I still feel kinda empty, you think I can have another one, this time maybe strawberry?"

Bill chuckled; "No problem son, how about you David, you want anything while I'm out?"

"If you don't mind, I could sure use a chocolate shake myself sir."

"Alright then, I have to make a quick stop at the office, but I'll be back in a half hour or 45 minutes, so you guys don't go nowhere." Bill joked.

After Phil's dad left, Phil turned to look at David and said; "When I get out of this bed, I'm going to whip your skinny fucking ass, you hear me David Anthony White! Don't you ever feed me a line of bullshit like you did this afternoon, there wasn't one fucking thing you could have done to help me. I love you; I don't think I've ever loved anyone in my life like I love you. I never, ever, want you to think that you could have done something different that day. Promise me that will you, please?"

David looked at Phil, crying softly, with tears running down his checks, he just nodded, Phil just barely heard David say; "I love you too Phillip Andrew Martin, I really do."

End of Chapter 6 Next; Chapter 7 Pay Backs a Bitch

I'd like to take a moment and thank Jamie Haze, Author, Mentor, and Friend for the encouragement he has given me in the writing of this story, and editing it for me. I encourage you all to read Somerset Farm, Dooby Rhymes With Scooby and Apt 141 by Mr. Haze.

Comments are eagerly requested. If you feel it necessary to flame, go ahead, but don't expect an answer. Address all comments to Gstrdr15 Gstrdr15@msn.com

Next: Chapter 7

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