La Vita E Bella

By life is beautiful

Published on Jun 7, 2000


Author's note:

A huge apology to all of you who are kept waiting for this story, I'm so sorry for the delay. I was busy for the past few weeks, I did my best to write this story bit by bit, and here's chapter 4. Thanks to Yuli [you are the best of all the best!!!!! You helped me a lot :p), James [here we go again], David [thanks for the space in Nifty, last but not least, special Thanks to all of you who keep reading and waiting for my story, thanks for your support guys [I have a short term memory, it's hard for me to mention all names in here hehehehe].

Okay that's enough, let's read!

Oh yeah, I'm welcomed all feedback, please send it to:


This story is involves homosexuality. Do not continue if this offends you. If accessing this story causes you to break local laws, please leave now. By continuing, you implicitly declare and affirm under penalty of perjury that you are not a minor or in the company of a minor and are entitled to have access to sexually explicit material. The content and opinions expressed in this story do not imply anything with regard to the sexual preference of any celebrities named herein. It is a work of fiction entirely. The author takes no responsibility for anyone's actions based upon this work of fiction.

Previously on 'La Vita E Bella':

"Well it's late, we should go back, guys," Kevin spoke up, "We need to go, Dave."

"Yeah," I nodded.

"Goodnight Dave," they said in unison.

"Goodnight guys," I said, and I looked at Kevin. Kevin mouthed 'I love you'. I just smiled at him.

As they all left my flat, I closed the door. I cringed, as I felt sore again. 'What have I done?' I asked myself, then I decided to take a shower to clean myself. 'Is this what people call love?'

################# #La Vita e Bella# #################

By T

Chapter 3: What Becomes of The Brokenhearted

Weeks after weeks, everything was running as usual, nothing major happened with me. The guys still came to visit us regularly...well not all of them. Sometimes they took my sister to their house when I'm working. The thing that surprised me was Kevin's attitude toward me. He pretended that nothing is going on between us. At first, I was thinking, maybe he has to protect his image as a public figure. He even didn't tell his mates about our 'relationship'. Maybe I was being paranoid, but I got a feeling that Kevin is keeping his distance away from me. I felt hurt, but I didn't show it in front of them because it would be pointless and it's personal.

I confronted him once, asking him about this cold treatment I'm getting from him. But he didn't say much, other than the assuring fact that he still loves me. Although the way he shows love is so...bizarre. Anyway, I tried to stop thinking about him...especially when I can't do anything about it.

Today is my sister's birthday, it's her ninth birthday. I can't really hold a party for her, and she would understand it, I did, however, got her a surprise. I had saved up enough money to get her a portable CD player that she had wanted since the day the guys gave her all those CDs. We didn't tell the guys about Rachel's birthday cos' we didn't want to be rude and interrupt their busy schedule over such minor event.

'Finally! 8pm is here.' I thought happily. I got the present for my sister and hugged it in my chest as I walked down the empty street. 'She'll be so happy.' I thought with a grin, thinking about my sister's smile when she opens this present. Life had been tough for her, and her smiles are precious and rare to me. I was so absorbed in my little world that I didn't notice my surroundings and all of the sudden, four people showed them in front of me.

"Hey dude! I need some cash!" one guy stopped me from walking.

I know that I was facing a trouble, so I reached into my pocket and gave them the only cash I had left in my pocket.

"10 BUCKS?!?!" he shouted at me.

"Sorry, that's all I got," I apologized to them. Then one of them snatched my present.

"Hey! Give me that back!" I shouted, but one of them pushed me away from the thief.

"Let me see!" the guy said as he was tearing the box, and the other three held me.

"Aaaaaa CD player...Nice!" he smiled at me.

"Please give me that back, that's my present for my sister," I tried to persuaded him.

"Well now it's mine," he replied simply, with a very smug look on his face as he toss the CD player from one hand to another like a ball.

I tried to grab it, though pointless, as they were too strong for me, I managed to kick on of the guy's legs causing him to whine and jump around. I should be aware that they would be angrier at my actions, but I didn't care. Or I couldn't care, for they had taken one of my sister's smile by taking her present.

"Fuck!" the guy cursed in pain. "Fucking piece of shit! You need some serious lessons as to whom you should mess with." With that he stalked towards me.

"Please give it back to me," I said as I tried to get the player back.

"Geezzz you still have a nerve hey? Well take this!" the guy said as he punched me on my nose.

I felt to the ground and the blood ran down from my nose. But I stood back up again, knowing that this is important. "Please guys, I need that back," I begged them one more time.

"Damn! This man is dumber that I thought! Let's give him a lesson, guys!" one guy yelled at me, and they all started hitting me. I felt to the ground, they kicked my body, my face. I begged for their mercy but they wouldn't care at all.

"Please stop," I begged as I tried to hold the pain. By now I couldn't see anything clear anymore. My eyes were swollen, and I think, my right arm was broken. After 15 minutes of tortured, finally they stopped.

"Okay that is enough, let's go!" one of them said as the others spitted on me.

Then everything was silent, I really couldn't move my body at all, my nose was still bleeding. However, I remembered my sister, she was waiting for her birthday's surprises and me. I tried to stand on my foot, My vision was blurred but I managed to walk step by step to my flat. I walked wobbly.

'Gotta get up!' I told myself and struggled to stand on my feet. With blurry vision and wobbly legs I dragged myself, step by step back to my flat, telling myself that it's important to get home. 'Home, Rachel, Home.' I told my brain as I forced myself to walk back.

Finally I arrived at my doorstep, my hand was shaking in pain when I tried to reach the key.

"Dave, is it you?" I heard Rachel's voice.

I opened the front door, Rachel looked at me in surprise.

"DAVE! DAVE! What's happened?" she screamed in shock and fear.

Before I answered her questions, I felt to floor and fainted.

"No! No! Dave WAKES UP, pleaseeeee," Rachel's voice shaking as she started to cry, "Please wake up, Daveeee," she tried to shake me.

"Dave, what should I do?" asked Rachel in her little child like voice, only now laced with fear for me as I had fainted. She continued to shake me, looking around for help in our apartment, her eyes filled with tears and her faced flushed. "Davy, Dave, don't leave me." She begged.

Looking at the stack of CDs in the house she was suddenly inspired. Running out of the apartment and to the nearest public phone, she rubbed her face of the tears, took out a little note and some coin, and tried to call the guys.

"Please guys, answer the phone." My sister said in a panic tone since it's nearly 9pm. But, after trying for the umpteen time, the line was still busy. She put the phone back to it's holder and look to the empty street. Her face red from crying and her breaths in small choking sound as she tried to control her fear. 'Dave, what should I do? What should I do?' she asked as she held her sleeves hugging herself. She couldn't call 911 like anyone else for she fear she would be taken away from Dave. Finally, after a long minute, she took a deep breath then with determination she ran, she ran as fast as her little legs could carry her, she ran to the guy's home. Hoping that she wouldn't be too late...


Kevin was in his room, Nick was online with someone on the phone, Howie and AJ were fighting over the playstation game, while Brian was reading a magazine.

"B, someone at the door, can you check it out?" AJ said as he concentrated with his game.

"Okay, who could that be at this late?" Brian stood up from the couch to the front door. Brian opened the door and he saw Rachel shaking, sweating and also crying.

"Rachel?" Brian looked at her in shocked.

"Please help my brother, please?" she begged in shaking voice, "he is... he is..."

"calm down, Rachel. Come in," said Brian in that soothing voice of his, though obviously in shocked at Rachel's appearance.

"No, please help me," Rachel shook her head and reluctantly to enter, but trying to drag Brian to follow her.


Both Howie and AJ looked at each other confusedly, they dropped their controllers, and quickly to meet Brian on the front door. While Nick also surprised as he heard 'Rachel', he quickly hanged up the phone and ran to meet her.

"Rachel? What are you doing? What happening?" Nick asked her as he quickly hugged her, "You came alone?"

"Please help my brother," Rachel said in tears, "He is bleeding, he's not moving at all, I tried to call you guys, but it was busy so I ran to here,"

Brian smacked Nick's head, "I TOLD YOU NOT TO USE THE DAMN PHONE THAT LONG!"

"I'm sorry, Rachel. I'm sorry, I didn't know," Nick apologized as he rubbed Rachel's back to calm her down.

"Okay Let's go! I'll grab the key," Brian said.

"Howie! You get Kevin, he's in his room," AJ said to Howie.

Howie ran upstairs, as the others were waiting in a car, and quickly opened the door without knocking.

"HOWIE CAN YOU..." Kevin pissed off.

"NO TIME! QUICKLY, Dave! ACCIDENT! NOT MOVING!" Howie said in short sentences as he dragged the shocked Kevin out, Kevin turned white as he heard the news.

"Ho..How?" Kevin asked.

"I dunno but Rachel came here by herself, that must be serious," Howie explained in the flash and quickly got into his car with Kevin rushing in too.

Kevin saw Rachel sitting on Nick's lap with tears still running from her baby face as Brian drove in a speed, which he didn't care to know. Rachel turned her baby blue eyes to Kevin, her worried expression pained everyone in the car.

"Rach, what happened to your brother?" Kevin asked her gently, trying not to agitate her into more crying.

"I ... I don't know, he came late and he is bleeding. He...he didn't wake up, I'm so confused," Rachel replied in tears, and in small choking sound. Kevin was silent to the news though the word bleeding made his white face looked whiter.

"Sssshh everything is gonna be all right," Nick kissed her hair and still rubbing her back to calm her.

After 10 minutes of driving without dallying and dashing through as many yellow lights as possible, they finally arrived at my place. Rachel took the key out from her pocket and unlocked the door, pushing the door away to reveal my unconscious body. She rushed to my side with the guys following behind.

"Dave, please wake up," my sister begged in more tears.

"Oh My, what's happened to you?" Kevin panicked as held my body on his hands.

[Kevin held my body up to reveal my battered face and body, his lips trembled as he asked, "God, what happened?"]

"I can still feel his pulse!" Brian yelled after he checked my pulse.

"Okay let's take him to hospital then," AJ spoke up.

"No! No! No Hospital! Please No Hospital!" Rachel looked worried.

Nick and Kevin looked to each other, while the others were obviously confused at my sister's request.

"Huh? Why? I don't get it," Howie looked at my sister.

"I'll explain to you later, guys." Nick replied.

"Don't worry, Rach. I know this doctor, he will keep everything a secret," Kevin assured her as he hold my body up, making a motion to take me away.

"But...but...Dave said...," Rachel replied in shaking voice, holding onto my sleeves, not wanting to let go.

"Rachel, you have to trust us. Your brother need medical attention right now, okay?" Nick tried to persuade my sister. "Please?"

My sister looked to the guys, and looked to Kevin, still confused as to what to do. But finally she nodded when another drip of blood from my nose fell to the floor bringing her attention to my unconscious body. 'I'll have to risk this.' She told herself, not willing to see me die.

Kevin quickly carried my body to their car as the others, including my sister, followed him.


I slowly opened my eyes, and the blinding light of the room blinded me momentarily. Not knowing what is going on, I struggle to get up and looked around the silent room. Then in horror I realized I wasn't in my own place and fearing for my sister I screamed.

"RACHEL!! RACHEL!" I woke up from the bed and screaming.

"Davveeeeee!" my sister called my name and ran to me.

"Are you okay?" I kissed my sister repetitively. My sister nodded happily.

"Dave! Finally you awake!" Nick said as the other showing up.

Then I saw Kevin smiling at me, his face showed obvious signs of relief that I'm alive. It was the first smile since I've seen for weeks...but he's still not saying anything.

"What's going on?" I asked them.

"Well actually we should ask you that question, Dave." Said Brian as he approached my bed. "Rachel came to our house nearly midnight, sweating and crying. She told us that something had happened to you, so we rushed to your flat. And we found you were lying on the floor, so we took you to Hospital." Brian explained.

"Rach?" I looked at my sister in awe after what she had done.

"Dave, I was scared, you didn't move at all. I thought I'm going to loose you." my sister sniffed and pouted and hugged me tightly.

"Don't worry, Rach. I'm okay now. Thank you," I kissed her again and wiped her tears away.

"Thanks guys," I smiled at them.

"That's cool, so what's happened to you?" Howie asked me.

Still feeling light headed, I vividly remembered the guys that punched me and robbed me of Rachel's present. I looked at my sister and let out an apologetic look.

"Rachel, I'm so sorry, they took your present, some people robbed me last night." I hoped Rachel wouldn't be too disappointed about her present.

"That's okay, I don't want my present anymore," My sister relied and hugged me.

"I'll get the new one when I get my first pay check okay?" I promised to her.

"I don't want it anymore, Dave." Rachel replied and shook her head. "I have you and you have me. It's not important, what's important is that we're together. That's what you always say." Said my sister with her little smile again.

I smiled and rubbed her head affectionately. That's true, no matter what happened, at least we have each other. With that I looked at the quiet Kevin and nodded to myself. 'I still have you Rachel.'

"Presents?" AJ questioned.

"Please don't tell me, yesterday was your birthday, Rach?" Nick looked her.

"She is 9 now," I smiled at her.

"Why don't you tell us?" Brian asked her pouting at being denied of the information.

"It's not such a big deal," Rachel replied shyly at the attention that she's getting.

"No way! It is a big deal, you are like a sister to us already," Nick argued, "I'm going to make a party for you, gal." Nick winked at her.

"Nick, you don't have to do that," I told him.

"Aaaaaaa I've made up my mind!" Nick smiled full of victory, while my sister was giggling.

"So what do you want for your present?" Kevin finally spoke up.

"I want my brother to get well so we can go home," Rachel was looking at me as Kevin stared at me, a little sadness lurking from his eyes.

"Well you have your wish, little girl," a man in a white coat entered the room, "he looks pretty good by now."

My heart skipped a bit from fear when I saw the doctor. I don't really hate them, but the fact that I stole my sister from the hospital means that I have to stay away from buildings with red crosses and humans dressed in white coats.

Kevin, noticing my fears, immediately explained. "It's ok Dave, this is my friend. Your secret's safe."

"Thank you," I said to him.

[with a sigh of relief I smiled and thanked the doctor.]

"So my brother can go home now?" my sister asked the doctor.

"Yeah but make sure he takes lots of rest," the doctor replied.

"Okay," my sister nodded and smiled and hugged me again, I guess it's really her wish to have me safe.


After filling out some papers, they finally released me from the small looking hospital and we left in two cars. Kevin and I ended up in the same car cos my sister was dragged to sit with Nick in Brian's car, and since AJ and Howie wanted to talk to Rachel, I was left in this arrangement that I didn't like.

We were silent as Kevin drove out of the hospital. His coldness and lack of acknowledgement made me wonder if he even knew who was sitting beside him. He didn't even looked at me when I entered his car. Ignoring him, I looked to the window and looked at my own reflection, at the ugly patches and bandages on me.

"You should be more careful next time," said Kevin, finally speaking up. I was so surprised by his sudden action of breaking the silence, I just nodded on his remarks.

"How are you?" I asked him softly, not knowing why, but softly anyway, almost afraid that if I speak too loudly he'll ignore me further.

"I'm okay, we are pretty busy lately with our schedule," Kevin replied as he looked at me for a second. Then the car stopped for the red light.

"Kev?" I called for his attention, "what's happening to us?"

"Huh?" Kevin looked at my direction, "What's wrong with us?" he questioned me back.

I didn't get the answer that I wanted, so I kept silent for the rest of ride.

"Radio?" he asked me.

"Pardon?" I looked at me.

"Wanna hear some music?" he asked me again.

"Okay," I replied.

I like the way you wanted me Every night for so long baby I like the way you needed me Every time things got rocky

I was believing in you Was I mistaken Do you say, do you say what you mean? I want our love to last forever

But I'd rather you be mean than love and lie I'd rather say the truth and have to say goodbye I'd rather to take a blow at least then I would know But baby don't you break my heart slow

I like the way you'd hold me Every night for so long baby And like the way you'd say my name In the middle of the night While you were sleeping

I was believing in you Was I mistaken Do you say, do you say what you mean? I want our love could last forever

But I'd rather you be mean than love and lie I'd rather say the truth and have to say goodbye I'd rather to take a blow at least then I would know But baby don't you break my heart slow

You would run around and lead me on forever While I wait at home still thinking that we're together I wanted our love to last forever I was believing in you

I'd rather you be mean than love and lie I'd rather say the truth and have to say goodbye I'd rather to take a blow at least then I would know But baby don't you break my heart slow

The song really hit me, what better ways to explain my hurt than this song. But not wanting to show my sadness in front of him, I blinked my unshed tears back to my tear gland and harden my heart. It was then that I realized he wasn't taking me home.

"Kevin, where are we going to?" I asked him.

"My home. The guys insisted that you should live with us for a time being, anyway Nick wants to make a party for your sister," he replied.

"No you don't have to, please take me home," I begged him.

"But Dav, it wasn't my idea, it was the guys. I can't do anything about it. Why don't you talk with the guys?" Kevin replied.

His answers hurt me as it shows he didn't want me to be there either, thus I kept silent till we arrived at his place. This was the first time I'm seeing his pad, it's huge and impressive looking. I saw Brian's car in the garage, which tells me that they had already arrived before us.

"Come on, I'll help you," Kevin helped me walking to his house.

"There you are! Where have you been?" Brian asked me.

"Traffics." Kevin answered.

"Where is Rachel?" I asked him.

"Oooo Nick decided to make a barbecue party for your sister at the pool," Brian replied.

"Hey! Finally!" Nick greeted me. I saw Rachel following him.

"Dave, they made a party for me," Rachel said proudly to me.

"Yeah come on!" Nick took my hand.

"Nick, I think he should get rest, he looks tired already. Remember what the doctor said?" Kevin said. Nick cocked his eyebrows.

"Yeah, I need to lay down, why don't you, have fun?" I smiled to him.

"You can lay down in my room, come on," said Kevin as he helped me to his room.

It was the biggest bedroom that I've ever seen, his room looks so classic, there are some pictures hanging on the wall and it looks expensive to me. Kevin put me in his bed and tucked me in.

"If you need anything, just call okay? I'll join the others downstairs," Kevin said and smiled to me, I just nodded.

Being tired as hell, it didn't take me long to close my eyes and drift into dream land for two hours or so until suddenly I was awaken by the ringing of the phone. I lazily opened one of my eye lid and noticed that it was Kevin's cellular phone and the appearance of Kevin's shadow told me he's rushing up for it. I quickly pretended to be fast asleep and could feel Kevin snatched his phone from the nightstand and started talking in whispery tone, which I could still hear.

"No! You can not come yet, I have someone in here," then he stopped.

"Please don't get the wrong idea, he's got an accident and the guys asked him to stay in here,"

"Trust me! Nothing is going on! Please? You know I love you,"

I didn't know whom he was talking to, I didn't care, not after he said 'I love you' to that person. My heart is breaking, I could feel it threatening to burst and die.

"Okay I'll call you later okay?" then he hung up his phone and left the room to join the guys.

I opened my eyes, I sat down on the bed, and I looked around me. I really didn't know what to say. I felt stupid, betrayed, and ashamed of myself. It was hurts so bad, I let a small tear dropped from my eye, I heard the guys cheering up downstairs. All of the sudden, someone opened the door, I wiped my tears away, and saw my sister sneaking into Kevin's room.

"Dave, are you awaked?" she asked me.

"Rachel, come here," and she came to me, "Having fun?" I asked her as I affectionately stroke her long silky hair.

"Yeah, there are plenty of food downstairs," my sister replied happily. I smiled to her but I couldn't hold my tears anymore. "Dave? Are you okay?" she asked me.

"Yeah," I looked to her eyes, "can we go home now?" I asked her in my shaking voice.

"But Nick said..." she replied but I cut her off.

"Please?" I begged her.

"Why Dave?" she asked me back.

"We are not belong in here, I have to go back to work or I'll get fired," I told her.

"But Dave, you can't just..."

"I'm okay, we've been through this before. Please? The guys are helping us a lot, we should leave now," I explained to her. She nodded, as she understood what I said. I hate to break her party but the longer I stayed in this house, the more I felt my heart tearing itself apart.

I stood up from the bed and my sister helped to tidy Kevin's bed before we left the room. Helping me to walk down the long staircase, the guys looked up and were surprise to see me.

"Dave! You awake, come on, let's join us," AJ called to me. I simply shook my head, while my sister just looked down.

"Guys, we should leave," I said to them. And they were shocked as to what they've heard.

"What!?!" Nick jumped out from his chair. "No, you can't. You and your sister are going to stay in here," Nick said sternly.

"Thanks Nick, I really appreciated, but we can't stay here. Thanks for your hospitality, guys. I don't how I can repay you all." I said to them as my sister and I proceed to the front door.

Kevin came to me and held my hand to stop me from getting the door. I looked at his hand and I smiled to him, my smile laced with pain as I looked up to his handsome face for the final time.

"You're waiting for someone," I whispered, "I should go." Surprised by my words his hands weaken and fell from the doorknob as I opened it and walked out of it.

"DAVE!" Nick called me. "I don't know what happened, but let me take both of you home."

"Nick you helped me and my sister a lot. We can take a bus. I owed you a lot man," I punched him playfully trying to lighten the mood, then we left. The guys stunned seeing both of us leaving the house.

Rachel looked back to the house, she saw the guys standing in front of the main door. Rachel looked down, then looked to my pained face and let out a strong smile as she helped me walk to the nearest bus stop.

Still continued...

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Next: Chapter 5

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