Label Free

By freddy fred

Published on Jan 4, 2004


Thanx for your emails guys. No I don't JUST write to please others, it's a mixture of both pleasing the others and myself who read it. After all who wants to read bull shit right?!

Anyway. This is part 2 of "Label Free". So sit back, read and enjoy what flows through my mind and into this computer/site. Don't know how many I will continue but feedback is a good sign guys.


"He's gone"

"I know"

"Why? What did I do? So many guys just come and go like the seasons. I began to love him ya know?"

"Well you didn't seem to show it, or care for that matter."

"What would you know you didn't see him through my eyes."

The time - who knows.

The place - in some sort of front lawn. It was me and Belinda, Glenn's girlfriend, fighting because Glenn had disappeared, although he was beside me only 2 seconds ago. It was all so vague what was happening. Places I didn't know, people I didn't know, words even I had no clue of. What was happening to me? Why did I find myself alone all the time? Is it true what Belinda said, maybe no one could love me, was it physically impossible to do? My heart thumped as if horses were galloping around in my body. My ex- girlfriend showed up then, the look on her face told me how disgusted she was with my life, "Your life is meaningless, you had love but you walked away from it. How pathetic can you get Mark?" She started raving at me.

"B-but..." I started.

"No I don't care any more, Glenn had every right to leave. He was happy with Belinda until you showed your ugly face." Harsh words seemed to pour from her mouth. Suddenly the earth below me shook as I started to fall toward the ground. As I was falling I found myself awake in bed as Glenn's shoulder, which is what I was sleeping on, was moving.

"Sorry babe. I didn't want to wake you," He said climbing out of bed.

"It's cool. What time is it?" I asked not awake but not asleep.

"2:12. I just need to go to the toilet and I couldn't exactly fall asleep on full bladder." He said walking over to the bathroom, "That fuck was hot man. I could have gone for over 4 hours!!"

"Glenn...." I said beginning to get angry with him.

"What? I could have." He said not realising how annoyed I get with some of the inconsiderate remarks that he makes.

"We didn't 'fuck'. We been through this, you know I get offended by that, I'm not - "

"Some cheap whore. OK, I'm sorry, I don't think sometimes." He finished my sentence before flushing the toilet and striding over to the bed and climbing under the wonderful sea of blankets we had created. I faced away from him and Glenn slid his masculine arms around my torso.

"Man, you know how much I care about you Mark. I have already shown you that I want you with me in everything I do. If I didn't want you, do you think we'd have lasted this long?" He said with sympathy placed in his voice which showed his sincerity.

--> It was JD's birthday in April which Glenn asked me if I would like to come to with him.

"Is Belinda going?" I asked, knowing if she was there I wasn't.

"Nah. She doesn't like JD. Which is cool, I only really see him when I go to work. But he's turning 20 and he's just got a few mates over for a house party." Glenn told me

"Ahh, yeah righto."

So the weekend rolled up and we were at JD's house with about 30 other people from around CBD and his friends. There I saw Emily who I haven't seen for a long time and so we were sitting and chatting about the past couple of years, what was happening and all the stuff that seems to be talked about when seeing someone after 2 years.

"So you know Jason, or just a friend of a friend?" She asked me looking around the yard.

"Yeah, just a friend of a friend. I'm here with Glenn." I said pointing to him.

"Oh, nice. Are you two.... Like.... A couple or something?" She asked kinda getting flustered about asking me.

"Ahh, well. I can't say, he's got a girlfriend and all, but kinda... just move on to something else before I get caught in shit." As I said this, JD was standing behind me listening in on the conversation.

"Get off of it" JD yelled, "Hoi, Glenn, seems like you got a boyfriend who's in love with ya over here!" Saying this made the crowds go quiet and looked over at me, then to JD and finally over to Glenn. Glenn started coming for JD and stood beside me.

"What's your problem, loud ass?" Glenn asked JD

"This poof just implied that you and him are sort of an item. What a fuck" JD said sarcastically.

"And if we are?" Glenn stated

"NO way! You ain't a fudge packing queer." JD started.

"Who said I'm not? You? When I last looked it was my life Jason. What right have you got? Let's go man." Glenn said to me walking away from the crowds.

"You leave with him, I'll tell Belinda and Simon." He half threatened.

"You do nothing JD, I'm telling you now." Glenn said pointing a heavy looking finger and fist at JD's direction. We walked away and got about 3 steps when the crowd started laughing. Glenn turned and walked up to him and asked him what did he say before slamming the biggest punch I have seen into JD's face. This led to an all out brawl and ended up with both guys in hospital for 2 nights. <--

So it was true, Glenn showed he cared by declaring our relationship to others, which made me feel all smug inside. It had now been 3 months since he had told me about being bisexual. We saw each other more frequently, getting to know one another and just becoming friends. By the end of the second month Glenn and me had taken our friendship/relationship to higher level by making passionate love. The one problem that always stood in the way of me and Glenn was his girlfriend.

Belinda was Glenn's high school sweetheart since leaving Year 10. Now going on 22 Glenn and Belinda still were having a healthy relationships breaking up only once in the 6 years of going out. I liked Belinda and thought she was a very nice and genuine person. But I knew that when I wasn't with Glenn, she was. And that broke my heart knowing that she shared the special person in my life, which Glenn saw how much it hurt. It wasn't my place to tell him to break it off with her. But after the 3 months I had told him that if she was there after the 6 months, I was gone.

"What are you thinking about?' Glenn asked me.

"You and me." I said turning over to come face to face with him.

"What about us? Your not going to break it off, not now, are you?"

"Hell no, if I can help it I'm staying with you forever." I told Glenn, kissing him gently, "I know it's only been 3 months, but over that period of time I have fallen in love with this most outrageous and incredible man that I can't stand to be away from."

He smiled at me and went down to my chest kissing as he slowly went down. He stopped at my belly button and pushed me on my back. He licked around my belly button and went further down placing his lips around my erecting penis. He slowly started to bob up and down making it more erect till eventually coming to full mast. Saliva poured around my cock making a pool at the base around my smooth sac. He got up on me and turned this into a 69 position, "Lick my hole babe." He said sounding annoyed to have his lips off my dick. I started lapping at his hole, which had only few little strands of hair. As most stories go, his hole was sweet and the smell wasn't "intoxicating" or anything along that line, rather it was a smell that I have never smelt before, it came in wafts of glorious bliss. His hole was tight and wonderful as my tongue fought to get into heaven. I gave his ass a bit of a slap and his hole opened for a split second. My tongue forged its way in and I could my body start to shiver through the heat of the moment - the first time being in Glenn's hole. He again put his head up and told me to finger his hole, no one had ever had as much as a tongue in Glenn's hole before, I felt privileged to be the first one. I wet my finger and spread his cheek with one hand, his hole clenching, winking at me. I placed my finger up to the hole and inserted slowly, wiggling it's way through the splendidness (not a word, but oh well). After 15 minutes of sucking, lapping, drooling and fingering

Glenn took my pleasure away and began to sit up on me. He came down and kissed me on my lips, and then across to my neck, which drove me wild. He then brought his mouth up to my ear and whispered, "Fuck me man."

"What? Are you sure?" I asked, knowing the pain and pleasures of the first time. He sat up and looked at me, "I have waited for the right time and guy to come along before anyone would touch me there. I know I told you I'd never get fucked, but if I didn't you would have fucked me then, I didn't want that. It wasn't special then, now it's changed baby. I love you." He brought the lube to my dick and applied a generous amount over it. He slid three fingers of lube up his ass and wiped his hand on a tissue. He sighed and brought his ass to cock head. Sitting on me, he looked down with lust in his eyes. "Babe, Rubber?" I asked him.

"I trust you. What about you with me?" He asked

"With my life." I said feeling the head of my cock enter the first inch of his hole. He sat there, still as lion spying on prey. "You don't have to take my advice, but slipping the whole thing in you would be better, relives the pain quicker." I advised, remembering everything I went through. Leaning on my washboard stomach he unclenched his muscles and slid fast upon my rod. Letting out a bawl he quickly settled into the feeling of the invasion of his ass. Sitting up straighter made my cock hit his prostate as he moaned loudly. After this feeling of pleasure he began to take short jumps on my cock, stroking it slowly with his ass.

"Man, don't ever come. This is so fucking great." Glenn said after 5 minutes of adjusting to my cock. Moaning and groaning Glenn was pounding his ass, grinding it upon my cock.

"I can't hold it babe." I said, slightly raising my voice.

"It's cool, I want it, all of it in me, apart of me." He said. Without much more contemplation I let loose 7 huge streams of cum into Glenn's ass. At that point he could feel my juices flowing into him and sent him over the edge cumming on my face, chest, finally around my belly button.

He collapsed on me and started suckling my neck and sweat that had formed in our lovemaking. My eyes closed, storing those memories into the files in my brain, I recaptured every thought and sensation that had gone through my body.

"I love you Mark." He said, getting onto his fists and overlooking me.

"I hate you too, Glenn." I joked with him, bringing my arms around his neck and bringing him to my lips. He squirmed to get away from me, which he successfully did.

"Fuck off, I ain't kissing you now, bitch." He joked, getting up and putting his pj bottoms on, which made him unbelievably sexy. He came and stood beside me as I looked up to him. All of a sudden he jumped in the air and on me, squashing me into the bed. He lie down next to me, as I stretched my arm out he snuggled into my shoulder. He placed his arm around me and 5 minutes later the unmistaken sounds of Glenn snoring softly reminded me the qualities of males, "Seduce, Fuck, Sleep... Such is the life of males," I thought to myself.

Slowly coming out of my sleep, the faint sound of ringing was coming more loud as I cam conscious. I opened my eyes to see Glenn in the same position I had left him earlier, only this time he was awake and looking up at me, "Can you get that?' He said with a smile.

"Your bloody house." I said, "Men, I'll tell ya...." I reached up and took the phone. "Hello?"

"Hello Mr. Bennett?" Said the female on the other end.

"Umm, Hang on.... Some chick, she wants you." I said handing him the phone. "They all do man, they all do!" He modestly said.

"Hello...Yea...." A few minutes passed as he continued. "When was this? Is she going to be ok? She did? Ok" He said handing me the phone. He was quiet, leading me to ask,

"Who was it?"

"The hospital. Belinda's there, she got hit by a van last night" He said, tears swelling.

"Whoa man, is she gonna be ok?" I asked.

"She's Gone."

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