Laceys World

By Lacey

Published on Apr 18, 2003


Lacey's World 008a/ Gay Pride Day

The usual disclaimers apply. Don't read any further if you are offended by sexual subject matter. Don't even look at this story if anal sex is illegal in your country. Finally if in doubt, simply don't. Otherwise read on baby. What you read is true. Only the names have been changed to protect the innocent!

Chapter Eight. Gay Pride Day

Angie and I were talking the other day about what I am doing, writing my memoirs in here. She happened to remind me of the day we went down to Brighton for Gay Pride Day on one particular year - we normally go each year if we can because the atmosphere is out-of-this-world.

It was a beautiful, sunny Saturday and judging by the costumes and floats, people had been preparing for months, even since the last one. And it was so hot that we all were stripped down to the bare essentials for the Parade, almost to the point where the Police were advising some merry-makers to put something back on, before they would be forced to do something official. Gays of all sexes, colours and nationalities were present, strutting their stuff.

I will leave the description of the day and move forward to the early evening, where Angie and I were squeezed into a Pub (delightful!) along with our friends, and seemingly half of Brighton. A colourfully undressed girl came to our group and asked us generally if we had heard about the Guinness Book of Records attempt that was going to happen at ******'s, which was currently a Bingo Hall, but had previously been a Theatre, and which still had a working stage. Apparently it was closed that night because of the crowds in Brighton for Gay Pride, and 'somehow' its doors would magically open for the Record attempt. And what was the attempt going to be? ......... the longest gay, multi-sex, daisy chain in the world! We all looked at each other and started howling with laughter. The girl insisted it was true and told us to be there by 10pm, then went to the next group with her news. I think most people, including myself, thought it was a hoax, but one of our group made a 'phone call on her mobile, and five minutes later told us that incredibly it was true, and that the attempt was on, and open to all comers. She was able to tell others of this in the Pub, and give them a number to call to verify the truth. Soon we were all buzzing with the thought of being part of the greatest daisy chain ever.

(An aside from Lacey:- Angie has just read this and said that maybe there are those who do not know what a daisy chain is. Imagine willing persons forming a linked chain to make a complete circle so that each person is physically linked to the person behind and the person infront, the links being any form of oral, manual or anal sex. Hmmmmmmmm!)

At about 9.30 we were making our way to ******s in a side street near the famous Brighton Pier, and so were a great number of others. We were ushered in through the front doors and into the main auditorium. Previously we had been taken back to our friends house with whom we were staying near the railway station. We collected a few thing we thought we may need, a carrier bag of various drinks, several dozen McDonald's handi-wipes sachets, a couple of towels, condoms and lube, and of course our strap-ons. The stage had been cleared and there was also an area infront of it where the theatre seats would once have been, but was now cleared of the tables and chairs used by the Bingo players. In the middle of this was a 20-foot high tubular steel tower, which had floodlights hanging from it, and a couple of tripods with pro-standard video cameras. An amplified voice was getting us to go "Boys to the left, girls to the right, and if anyone can't make their minds up, just stand with a friend." Already there must have been over a hundred up on the stage and we joined the throng on the main floor, with more pouring in through the doors at the back. The carnival atmosphere, which we had experienced during the day, continued, and the air near us became thick with the aroma of 'an exotic tobacco'. Our group of lesbians were all very merry, and getting merrier by the moment on the drink we had brought. Soon the very fem-male voice was replaced by the voice of a woman who informed us that the attempt was going to be videoed, and if "anyone did not wish to have themselves on tape then now is the time to fuck off, otherwise, let's get ready to go for it." I think a few left, but we were busy getting ready. Angie and I stripped bare, putting our clothes in our carrier bags next to us, and then we slipped on our strap-ons. I had brought a smooth 5-inch blue one rather like a butt plug, and Angie had decided on her 8-inch cock. All the others in our group, there were sixteen of us, had also brought strap-ons of various descriptions with them and were proudly showing them to their mates, or sword fighting with them. There were two guys up on the raised platform, videoing from their vantagepoint, and there were another two guys walking around the stage and auditorium, with shoulder mounted cameras. The voice then told up to get ourselves organised into rows, snaking back and forth across the stage and floor, and with a bit of pushing and shoving we were able to make ourselves enough room so that we could move a bit.

As a group we had decided to ass-fuck each other standing up. We passed around the condoms we had brought for each of our group, and Angie passed round sachets of Glide lube for each of us. Much frivolity followed as we rolled condoms onto various shapes sticking out from 'our girls' and then we were lubing up our weapons and making sure that our backdoors weren't dry. The camera guy came round and recorded us as we prepared. He knelt down behind me as I slapped two fingers of lube up my shute and then turned round and waved my 'probe' at the camera for good measure. Not to be out-done, Angie dropped to her knees infront of him as he taped, and went down on my probe, pinching her nipples and generally making a show of it. One of the other girls got round behind him and put her hand up under him to feel his cock in his trousers. Apparently it was as hard as a rock and he almost fell over when she did it. Obviously not a gay, or not very! She made some comment or other, which got a laugh from those near her, but he stayed around once he found out what we were all going to do. Then the voice again, telling us to get into our positions for the record attempt.

I had chosen my particular strap-on friend as I knew that Angie would only let me fuck her ass and no one else. In a group she is shy like that, and we both knew that she could take it with no fuss. We had all lined up and individually were getting to grips with the girl in front, or making an easy passage for the girl behind. The girl infront of Angie was having trouble getting in and up the girl infront of her, and Angie put her hands on this girls hips and bent forward, bending her knees slightly and presenting me with her delightful brown ring. The guy with the camera was filming and he moved in closer as I wrapped my hand around the blue plug and made for Angie's rear. I positioned myself and nudged her ring with a thrust of my hips. Angie waggled her bum and then let her head drop a little, so I knew she was concentrating on relaxing her sphincter muscle. Camera boy videoed as I pushed the smooth plug slowly into Angie, and in one easy push, I was up to the hilt in her. Then it was my turn. I leaned over Angie's back and presented my ass to a girl called Phyllis, 'Filly'. With Angie taking some of my weight, I reached behind and held my cheeks wide open. I had already greased the way, and I felt the 10 inch bendy dildo hit my ring. I relaxed the muscle, and felt the cool length slip in, filling me up so that I felt as though I wanted to break wind. 10 inches went into me just like that, and then I felt her pulling out. With video-boy catching everything she started to long length me, fucking those 10 inches in and out fairly quickly. I stood up after a few seconds and looked over my left shoulder. "Gotta do it when you can," Filly said with a shrug and a smile, but she stopped all the same. Slowly our group got into position, with each up the ass of the one infront. I don't know what happened to 1 and 16, but they obviously found some way to complete the line. The cameras above us took their video, the two camera boys walked the floor, and 3 referees walked round to confirm that the daisy chain was complete. There was a countdown from 10 to make sure that everyone was in/on/up at the same moment, and then applause broke out up on the stage, and spread. Filly gave me a couple of dozen strokes, deep and hard, and then broke away, and I gave Angie a few before pulling out. We kissed and then cleaned up, before going to our respective partners and kissing them, which basically lead to an orgy of group feeling and kissing. As we climbed back into our clothes the group decided to meet back at a particular address to perhaps continue the fun. The voice told all that almost 400 had participated in the gay daisy chain. Subsequently I was told that the Guineas Book of Records would not accept such a sexual record, even though it had been fully documented. I wonder what they made of the tape as they watched it in their Offices!

More from Lacey soon.

Next: Chapter 9

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