Lakeside Lust

By Jake Parrish

Published on Nov 14, 2002


LAKESIDE LUST 2 - by Jake Parrish

After my weekend with Jesse in July, we kept in contact only through email. He had finally gotten a job at an investment firm in Atlanta where he was originally from. It was the end of August and plans for Labor Day weekend were finally starting to take shape. Jesse was included on the multiple mass emails that went out to the entire Crew. I opened up one of Jesse's emails and my heart sank. He could not make it. Because of his new job, he had not accrued enough vacation time to take an extra day off to come up from Atlanta. I had really hoped we could relive some part of our last trip alone in my tent. Oh well, I thought to myself, it would have been great if Jess could have made it, but I know I will still have fun with the rest of the Crew, just not the same kind of fun I had with Jesse.

I drove up with Matt, Kelly and Nate on Thursday night. We set up camp in the dark, but still managed to find some firewood for a nice bonfire. I broke out my guitar and Nate broke out his hash pipe and we all got pretty wasted before turning in for the night. Nate brought his own tent because his girlfriend Alex was coming up on Friday.

The following morning, I awoke to the rumbling motors of the fishing boats as they would pass our campsite on the lake. I squinted as I tried to open my eyes. The sun was already bright and shining through the mesh windows at the top of my tent. I looked up, saw the trees swaying in the breeze and I smiled. I was at the lake, no place in the world I would rather be. I heard Matt and Nate talking about repairs that needed to be made on their respective boats. I could also smell bacon and coffee, two sure signs that Matt was there. Kelly liked to sleep in and I knew we would not see her until after Matt served her morning coffee to her in their tent and breakfast was on the picnic table waiting. I stirred in my sleeping bag, trying to get that last stretch in before having to get up. I must have stripped before going to sleep because I was nude. I was also suffering from major morning wood. I stroked my dick a few times and considered jerking off, but my bladder had other plans for me.

I slipped into a pair of shorts and stuffed my engorged member to one side. I unzipped my tent, popped my head out and saw that Matt and Nate were on the shore messing around with Nate's boat engine. Good, no one to notice my erection. I found a tree nearby and let loose a long stream of hot piss. It felt so good to be relieving my aching bladder. I looked down at my dick, still hard and laughed. Only in the woods can you piss with a hardon and not make a mess all over the place. I heard footsteps behind me. "Feel good?"

I turned to see Kelly watching me. "Totally, I didn't realize I had to go this bad until I woke up."

She turned from me and headed down the path towards the outhouse. "Same here. Be glad you're a man and can just pee anywhere. I've got to walk three miles just to the putrid outhouse." It wasn't three miles, but Kelly lived to complain about how much worse off women are than men.

"Ah, be a man Kel, squat out here," I yelled as she walked further down the path and gave me the finger. That's what I loved about Kelly, she can give it was well as she can take it. Although it is amazing how different she is from her cousin Jesse. She's not at all as laid back as he is, nor as sexy in my book.

After breakfast, we all changed into our swimsuits. Come to think of it, I don't think Nate changed out of his all weekend. Matt needed to head over to the resort a few miles down the lake to get a part he needed to fix his boat. We also needed ice and gas. Kelly took advantage of the time at the resort to use the public bathroom and showers. I was more psyched about getting the boat gassed up and fixed so we could take advantage of the beautiful weather and the calm water to do some wakeboarding.

As I sat alone on the boat, I could not help ogling the young guys that were working at the marina at the resort. There were three of them and all appeared to be locals, not more than 18 or 19. They were wearing their blue resort tee shirts that were already beginning to cling to them from sweating out in the sun. All three were tan, no doubt from being outside every day. I lay back in the boat with my shades on, watching them assist other boaters, fill gas tanks, and fetch bags of ice. A few fantasies about them servicing me as well as each other popped into my head until the sound of another boat pulling up next to me roused me from my dream.

I looked up and saw two gorgeous shirtless men in a boat similar to the one I was in. They looked to be in their mid-twenties and both had terrific builds. One was fair skinned and had short dark hair, while the other was bald and had a very dark tan complexion. I could not tell if it was the sun or his heritage that made his skin a rich caramel color. They docked their boat in front of ours and the bald one got out and walked down the dock toward the pro shop. I looked up at the fair skinned guy and nodded. We gave the universal greeting of guys in their 20's, a quick tilt back of the head followed by either hey, what's up, or how's it going.

One of the sexy dock boys approached his boat. They appeared to know each other.

"What's up Chris?" asked the guy in the boat.

"Not too much Shane, you guys still having problems with this piece of shit?" responded the dock boy.

"Not since Eric changed the spark plugs last weekend."

"Cool, what can I get you?"

"Laid," Shane said as he laughed at his own joke.

"That dock service is extra."

"Just fill up these tanks. Eric is checking in with his dad at the pro shop." Shane reached over the back of the boat and handed two ten-gallon gas tanks to Chris. "Water looks calm today, can't wait to get out there and ski. You gassing up and heading out there too?" He looked in my direction.

I was startled. "Huh? Oh yeah, as soon as my friends get back and we get this damn thing running right."

"What's wrong with it?" he asked.

I had no idea. I know jack shit about boat engines, I had the option to lie to him or just be honest. I chose the latter. Lying only makes things more complicated. "I've got no fucking idea. I don't know shit about boats other than driving them and water skiing behind them."

"Yeah me neither. My buddy Eric is the one who knows all that shit. Maybe he can give your friends a hand when he comes out."

"That would be cool. Thanks."

He stepped out of the boat onto the dock. I did the same. He stood about 6 feet to my 5'10" frame. He was thin, but had a great swimmers build. His whole body was lightly tan, like he spent just the weekend outdoors, as I normally do. He had a small patch of hair on his chest that narrowed to a single line that lead into the waistband of his blue swim trunks. We walked up to each other and shook hands.

"How's it going? I'm Jake," I said as I stared into his deep brown eyes.

He smiled at me and he held my grip tightly and stared back into my baby blues, "Nice to meet you. I'm Shane."

Was it just my horniness or is there a spark between us, I thought to myself. Shane let go of the grip.

"I haven't seen you guys around here, you just here for the holiday?"

"Yeah, we always come up holiday weekends. We camp out on The Point."

"Cool place. Eric says there are tons of parties out there on the weekends."

"That's usually us. Are you local?"

"Nah, I live in Philly with Eric. His father owns the pro shop, but we come out here damn near every weekend all summer to get some water sports and partying in."

"This is definitely the lake to party on. Isolated but not desolate, great long open channels to ski, lots of small coves to party. We've been coming here since college."

"I just started coming here with Eric last summer."

I could not tell if these guys were just friends or partners. Shane was a very masculine guy, but my gaydar was sensing something.

"Yeah, it's a great lake. We all wouldn't trade our holiday weekends here for anything."

"I hear that, dude. This place is fantastic. Not too far from the city, but also far enough out where you're as secluded as you want to be."

Out of the corner of my eye I spotted Matt, Nate and Eric walking out of the pro shop together. "Looks like our friends met," I said to Shane.

Matt explained that he and Eric used to play together as kids. Matt's grandparents live close to the lake and his grandfather fishes on the lake all the time. He's friends with Eric's father who owns the pro shop.

"Small world. Shane and I were just shooting the shit while you guys were in there," I said.

Eric helped Matt get his boat fixed with Nate looking on. Kelly finally emerged from the showers and sat on the dock talking with Shane and I. We invited Eric and Shane to join us water skiing, but we could not stay out all morning because we had to pick up some more of our friends at the boat launch at noon. We told them where we were camping out on The Point and to meet us out there or else we would see them on the lake.

I managed to get some really good wakeboarding and water skiing in before picking our friends Alex and Jayni up. Later in the afternoon, there was too much traffic on the lake, making the water surface too choppy to ski. We decided to head to a cove to swim and play some drinking games instead.

Eric and Shane met up with us after about our fifth game of Asshole. I was reigning president at the time and made the rule that any new players were automatic asshole. That forced Shane to have to sit next to me. The table on the party barge was a little too small to accommodate eight drunken people, but neither Shane nor I moved as our hairy legs were brushing right up against each other.

Over the course of the next couple hours, Shane and Eric were quickly adopted by the Crew and were teasing, joking and trading stories like we've known each other for years. Maybe it was all the alcohol or maybe it was because these guys were just so much fun to hang out with. Eric's overt flirting with Jayni made it quite apparent that he and Shane were not a couple. They were both quite taken with each other and made no excuses when they jumped into the water and swam behind the boat to make out.

With Eric and Jayni's coupling and Nate's girlfriend Alex now on the scene, that left just Shane and I as the only non-couple. Everyone made a few jokes about it and at one point I said to Shane, "Well fuck, why don't we just go behind the boat and make out too." Everyone laughed about it except for Shane who just gave me a naughty smirk. I also saw Eric shoot Shane a similar look, like maybe he really would have done that with me. If my friends were not around, I would have done that with him in a heartbeat.

Nate challenged me that I would never kiss a dude. Little did he know what was going on in my tent on the last camping trip with Jesse while he was only a few feet away in his own tent. I asked Nate, what made him think that I wouldn't? He said I was not into that queer shit. I leaned across the table, grabbed Nate by the back of the head and kissed him on the lips. "Quit being such a homophobe Nate," I said as I pulled away and sat back down. Everyone broke out in a fit of laughter including Nate. I was not sure if he would have punched me for kissing him or not, but he didn't.

While the rest of us played quite a few more drinking games, Matt and Eric sobered up. At dusk, they took the boats back to the campsite. Eric and Shane were planning on staying with us a while longer and hanging out. Eric and Jayni disappeared into her tent, while Shane and I went into the woods to collect some wood to build a campfire.

We split up to look for as much brush and fallen branches that we could use for firewood when I heard Shane yell for me. I could not tell if he was hurt or not, so I dropped my bundle and ran in the direction of the sound of his voice. Luckily when I reached him, he was not injured.

"Jesus man, I thought you were hurt or something."

"Nah, sorry to startle you. I found this huge fucking tree that fell and I need your help to drag it back to camp. You guys got a saw right?" he said leaning one leg on the trunk of the fallen tree like he was posing for some scientific journal with his amazing discovery.

"We do, but not a chain saw. Dude, that thing is too damn big for the two of us to drag back to camp. I'm strong, but I ain't a fucking Hercules."

"Aw come on wuss, give it a shot," he goaded.

We tried lifting as much as we could and did manage to drag it down the path a bit toward the campsite, but we had to stop a few times to readjust our grip and take a rest. While still a good distance from the campsite, we sat on the trunk next to each other to catch our breath.

"Phew, this fucker sure is heavy," I commented watching the sweat bead off of Shane's forehead. It was also collecting in his chest hair. I think he caught me staring and lick my lips.

"That was some kiss that you gave Nate earlier. Too fucking funny man." He was staring into my baby blue eyes.

"Yeah well, Nate's got to stop his gay bashing. I did that to throw him off guard. I just think no one should be making comments like that. He doesn't know if anyone is gay or not, nor is it any of his business."

"I hear ya man. I hate being in situations where you've got to somehow defend your sexuality or act a certain way to prove what you are or aren't."

I moved closer next to Shane. I could feel myself getting aroused. I was not sure if I wanted this to happen or not. "I know, it's like who gives a shit if you're gay, straight or bi? It's not like it changes the kind of person you are."

"I'm glad you said that," Shane breathed. He turned his face toward me until we were only inches apart. We were both breathing heavily and his breath was warm. I closed my eyes, leaned toward him and kissed him on the lips. Our mouths opened and soon our tongues were dancing. Shane held onto the back of my head and ran his fingers through my thick brown curls. My arms wrapped around his body and rubbed up and down his back.

We made out for a few more minutes until we both realized where we were. We pulled away from each other and took a deep breath. "Damn," he exhaled. "That was nice."

"Yeah it was. Much better than kissing Nate. I can't do this here though man. Even though I just said it shouldn't matter if you're gay or straight, I am bi but have not come out to any of my friends yet."

"That's cool. I am not about to out anyone that does not want to be outed."

"So what do you consider yourself?" I asked.

"I'm gay. I don't wear a big rainbow badge or sign on my back that says `100% queer' but I am definitely into guys. I just got out of a two year relationship."

"So how does Eric fit into this equation?"

"Eric is just my roommate. He knows my story and is totally cool with it. We met through some mutual friends a couple years ago and as luck would have it, his roommate got married and moved out right around the same time I got thrown out by my ex. Eric was great in helping me out when I needed someone to turn to."

"That's cool that you've got a straight friend who's so supportive. I don't think most heteros have a clue with the kind of conflict we have to deal with."

"Honestly Jake, you'd be surprised how supportive some of your friends will be. Others, like Nate, might not be. But for the most part, your friends like you for the person you are, not for the people you are sexually attracted to."

"I guess you're right, but I'm not ready for this yet Shane."

"Whatever man. I am totally turned on by you and would love to take our kiss further, but if you're not ready for that, that's fine," he said standing up, adjusting the tent in his swimsuit.

I reached forward and grabbed his rock hard dick and rubbed it through the fabric. "No Shane, I totally want you too." I stood up and kissed him again. I broke from the kiss and let go of his cock. "I just meant I am not ready to come out to my friends and we need to be careful out here. Someone could walk up and see us."

"Jake, you are such a closet case! And a damn cute one at that. However, we have been gone for a while. We should get this fucking tree back to camp and get it chopped into firewood. I am sure that Eric does not want to go back to his parent's house tonight in town. That is where we are staying."

"Good. Stay with me in my tent. I doubt we'll see him and Jayni until morning. Nate snores loudly and Matt and Kelly are loud as hell when they fuck, so our quiet moans will blend in."

"Who said anything about our moans being quiet?" He leaned in and kissed me again.

We dragged the tree all the way to the campsite. Everyone was impressed with the size and the amount of firewood it would yield. Because Shane and I expended so much effort dragging it from the forest, Matt and Nate took turns chopping and sawing it into firewood. Shane and I sat back and had a few more beers and watched them.

Eric and Jayni emerged from Jayni's tent sometime after we had finished dinner. He asked Shane if he wanted to go back to his parent's house, but Shane said that he was cool with hanging out with the rest of us. Shane asked if anyone would mind if he stayed in their tent. After everyone said it did not matter if he stayed with them, I piped in and told him I had the most room in mine and he wouldn't be a cock blocker for any of the other couples. Shane simply said, "That's cool." It was amazing how well we played that off one another. No one could have known that we were making out in the forest earlier and were already planning on spending the night together.

As much as I wanted the evening to fly by so Shane and I could go into my tent, none of the others seemed to be interested in retiring early for the night, including Eric and Jayni. I got out my guitar and played a few classics. Shane actually knew all the songs I played and had a decent voice. Someone proposed another round of drinking games, but everyone was feeling a little too bloated from dinner and an entire afternoon of drinking. It did not stop Nate from lighting a joint and passing it around the campfire.

After the tingling and velvety warmth of the pot had passed throughout my body, the haze I was in was getting me really horny. I think it had the same effect on the others too because not much later, everyone had gone into their tents with the exception of Shane and I. He motioned his head in the direction of my tent and rubbed his crotch.

I quietly said, "Wait another minute." We engaged in some ridiculously loud conversation and then ended up laughing uncontrollably at ourselves. I fumbled with my guitar and belted out a few more tunes before saying to Shane, "I'm done. I'm going to bed. I've got an extra blanket you can use and you can use my backpack for a pillow."

"Cool thanks Jake. I'll be in in a little while," Shane replied rubbing his hard cock through his shorts.

I walked to the woods behind my tent and took a piss. Shane walked up next to me and pulled out his hard cock. It was thick, veiny and curved up slightly. Even in the dark, I could see his cut bell shaped head glistening with precum. He gave it a few strokes and not much later, my 7-incher was hard as a rock as well. He stroked his cock a few times before reaching over and grabbing a hold of mine. I turned to him and soon our tongues were dancing again. We held each other's cocks as we made out. From where we were behind my tent, no one could see us from their tent and the dying campfire barely illuminated our figures.

Shane broke from our kiss and got to his knees. The leaves and branches below us made a crunching sound as he got down low. "Not out here," I whispered to him and helped him up. We walked to my tent and as soon as we crawled inside, we fell onto my air mattress and resumed making out.

As predicted, I could hear Matt and Kelly moaning. Minute-man Nate was already snoring and I swear I could hear a buzzing sound that sounded like a vibrator. Alex always joked about having to take matters into her own hands. Besides, she's got a brother who is openly gay and she's totally supportive of him, so if she heard anything going on with Shane and I, I doubt she would make a big deal over it.

Shane pulled my tee shirt over my head and began kissing up and down my neck and shoulders. He ran his hands through my chest hair and began to play with my nipples. In a matter of seconds, my nipples were as erect as my penis. Shane swirled his tongue around the hair and bumps and took my left nipple between his teeth and pulled on it. He was driving me crazy. As he was toying with my tits, I was running my hands through his short dark hair.

Shane switched over the other nipple before lapping his way down my torso following the hairline to my navel. He jutted his tongue in and out and swirled around my stomach. I was prayed that he would mimic these moves on my anus. As Shane moved further down, I lifted my hips off the mattress to allow him to pull my shorts down. He ran his hands all over my thighs and through my trimmed pubic hair. My ball-sack was loose and he took great pleasure in squeezing my balls and rolling them around in his hand as his mouth found my aching cock leaking with pre-cum. Shane licked the head and then proceeded down my throbbing shaft. He tried to take both balls in his mouth, but they were too large and he could only fit one in at a time. After giving each nut a good sucking, he licked back up the shaft of my dick and engulfed all 7 thick inches.

Shane tugged at my balls as he was giving me head and soon his fingers were exploring around my ass. He found my warm welcoming hole and began to finger me. With one hand tugging at my balls, the other playing with my ass and my dick buried deep in his eager mouth, I was panting like a dog in heat and I knew that instant that I was Shane's bitch.

I could feel myself approaching orgasm, so I told Shane to stop. He slid up until he was on top of me and we were face to face. He must have removed his shorts when he was going down on me because our hard dicks were pressed and grinding against each other. I kissed him deeply again and I could taste my sweet and salty pre-cum in his mouth. I rolled Shane off of me on the mattress and mimicked the same treatment he had just given me.

I've always had a thing for guys with body hair and Shane was no exception. He kept his pubes neatly trimmed also, but he was shaven clean from his balls to his ass. His skin was smooth and tasted salty against my tongue. A long day of sweating in the sweltering heat made his natural muskiness even more aromatic for me. The more we got each other worked up, the more my tent was filled with the smell of hot sweaty man-sex.

Shane's dick was roughly the same length as mine, but a little bit thicker. His breathing got heavier the more I would trace the protruding veins on his shaft with my tongue. He was precumming to the point that he was nearly oozing by the time I took his entire cock into my mouth. The upward curve of his dick made the head slide along the roof of my mouth every time I sucked.

I never really considered myself to be all that experienced with men, but so far, Shane was enjoying the job I was doing. I took it as a complement that an inexperienced closet case could get a well-experienced gay man off the way I did.

I instructed Shane to get on all fours. When he assumed the position, I proceeded to lap his shorn scrotum, taint, and ass from behind. He tasted just as sweaty and pungent as he smelled and I was in heaven. I circled my tongue around his puckered anus and proceeded to rim him out. With one free hand, I reached around and stroked his swollen cock. I played with his warm hole until it allowed me entry. I inserted one finger and then used my tongue a bit more. Shane's breathing picked up again and now this time, he was my bitch. I pressed my sweaty body against his back and leaned in to lick from his neck up to his ear lobe. I bit on his lobe and whispered in his ear, "Do you want me to fuck that sweet ass of yours?"

Shane turned his head to face me, took my tongue in his mouth and sucked on it. He then suddenly pulled away, turned his body around beneath me and grabbed a hold of me with both arms. He overpowered me and flipped me on my back onto my air mattress. My shoulders were pinned under his weight. I had certainly underestimated his strength. "No Jake," he panted, "I'm going to be fucking your ass."

His sudden aggressive maneuver had me so fucking turned on, I was willing to do anything he said. I fished out a condom and some lube from my backpack. I always came prepared for such occasions.

Shane unrolled the condom and spread some lube onto his throbbing dick. He squirted some more onto his finger. My hole puckered up as the cold slick lube touched my anus. Shivers went up and down my spine, reminding me how much I love extremes in sensation. He slowly inserted his finger, and it did not take long for the lubricant to warm up and for my ass to open up. By the time he got two fingers in, I was pumping away at my dick again begging for him to enter me. He carefully pushed his slick cock into my welcoming ass. He was surprisingly gentle considering our power struggle from a few minutes ago. I was expecting a quick, hard, forceful entry, but I think he knew I was not used to getting fucked by a man and decided to take it easy with me.

As I got used to him being inside of me, Shane picked up the pace and was soon fucking me like a madman. He would bury his cock down to the root and then almost completely pull out at varying speeds. I mimicked my own cock stroking to his pace. He then decided to use my body to propel us. He picked up my legs and pulled me into him while thrusting his cock into my now well-worn ass. We were making so much noise with our panting, slurping and moaning that I was sure the others would hear us, but at that moment, I did not care. I just wanted Shane to keep doing what he was doing.

While still inside of me, Shane reached behind my back and pulled me up closer to him so that we were face to face. I was now almost sitting on him, as if I were impaled on his dick. Shane grabbed me by my thick curly hair and starting licking and sucking all over my shoulders, up my neck, ears, and face until we were both tongue wrestling again.

Shane laid back and now I was on top. I started riding him the same way I was ridden by the girls I had slept with before. Up and down, up and down, my loose ball sack would slap against his skin. Shane reached up and pinched my nipples again. I resumed beating off while he was tugging at my tits. We quickened the pace of our fucking. I was ready to cum.

"Oh God Shane, I am getting ready," I moaned. He started thrusting his hips even higher. I could feel my balls boiling as my orgasm intensified. I let out a loud moan and sigh as torrents of cum shot out all over Shane's chest and stomach.

He reached his point of no return just as I was milking the last drops from my head into his pubic hair. In one final sharp movement, he thrust himself even higher into my ass, and cried out, "Oh yeah!" as I felt the warmth of his condom fill up inside me.

I climbed off of Shane's dick and laid down on top of him. I could feel the warmth of my sticky load between us. We kissed some more and then I collapsed next to him, neither of us saying a word, just breathing heavily in and out.

Later on, Shane and I got up and went down to the lake to wash off. The night air was still and the stars filled the sky. As I was gazing up at the sky in amazement of the wonders of nature and in the afterglow of great sex, Shane came from behind me. He wrapped his arms around me, snuggled my neck and rested his head on my shoulder. The two of us stood there in the water, nude, looking up at the heavens. It was moment that will always be in my mind forever.

Shane and I dried off on shore and went back to my tent. As we passed some of the other tents, I could hear lots of snoring. I wondered if anyone had heard us, but I was in such a state of bliss with Shane at the moment, I did not care.

Apparently none of my friends had heard us, even though the topic of loud sex from the night before came up at breakfast. Matt and Kelly said they knew they were loud and passed out right after and did not hear anyone else.

Alex said that she and Nate went right to sleep after they got done, well actually, after she got done with BOB, her battery-operated-boyfriend. I found out later that Eric had heard Shane and I going at it in my tent, but said nothing to Jayni or anyone else. He told Shane and I he thought he saw a spark between us earlier. I really liked Eric, and I REALLY liked Shane. I could easily see myself spending lots of time with them in Philly.

The End ...

Well, that's the end of my second chapter of Lakeside Lust. I am not really sure where I am going to take this story after this, but I would love to hear any comments or ideas that you have. Email me at Peace ... Jake

Next: Chapter 3

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