Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on Apr 6, 2002


Here we go on Part 20.

I told you that this part was almost done when I posted the last one. But due to the response on the last part getting this part out fast is a good thing. Anyway...

This story is fiction. It's based on real people but is not intended to in anyway show their real lives or sexual orientation. There will be descriptions of sexual activities, so if you are underage or find such things objectionable go away now! All others read on!

The room was full of people. It had been awhile since the party had started. The reporters and camera people had dwindled to about a half a dozen wandering among the crowd. Lance and JC were leaning on the second floor rail looking down on the mass of people writhing on the dance floor below them.

Chris approached them.

"Where's Joey?" asked JC.

"I lost him." Chris pointed "Somewhere over there in that mass of females."

"I thought it would be at the buffet table."

"We were heading back from there. He had a full plate."

"Well, he won't go hungry either way."

Lance leaned into JC. "Do you see Justin anywhere?"

"No. But there are a lot of people here. He'll just have to find us."

"Why? He has Britney."

"Trust me."

As if to prove JC right, Justin rushed toward them.

"There you guys are. I managed to break away. Hide me. I don't know what has got into her." Justin moved between the three of them.

"Tsk, tsk. Hiding from you lady love." Chris chided. "Shame on you."

Justin put out his right arm. "Does this look longer to you?"

"No. Why should it be?" Lance asked.

"She's been hanging on it all day. It's like she's turned into a leech."

"How did you get away? Sprinkle some salt on her?"

"No, Chris. I said I had to go to the bathroom. Luckily that is one place she is still not brave enough to go." Justin looked around nervously. "She hasn't left my side all day. I need a breather."

JC looked blankly at Justin.

"What's wrong? Look, I'm sorry about lunch."

"Lunch?" JC gaped at Justin. "It's about a certain person I thought you were in love with who you have totally ignored since Britney arrived."

"Peter and I talked before I left for the party."

"You didn't even introduce him," added Lance.

"Britney surprised me. I panicked."

"Did you even mention Peter?" JC asked.

"Yes, we talked about him."

"That's better." JC raised an eyebrow. "Anything close to the truth."

"Yeah," Justin suddenly remembered what he had said. He knew he had no choice but to come clean. He looked down. "I said we were friends with him."

"Friends!" JC snapped.

"Well, we are." Justin tried to defend himself. "Did you think I enjoyed denying our love like that? It was like I cut Peter dead. Then when Britney warned me that being seen with Peter could ruin my image."


Justin looked JC in the eye. "I told her I wasn't ashamed to be seen with Peter. Then she backed off."

"Good for you."

"JC, what did you want me say?" Justin glanced around to make sure they were out of earshot. "Hi Britney. It's nice to see you. Here is the man I love."

"You will have to tell her sometime."

"I know. When the tours over and we're home. I don't want to throw this at her and then leave. She cares a lot for me. Britney has always seen us as a couple. This will devastate her."

Chris leaned in. "Warning incoming."

Justin turned on his smile. He readied himself for Britney's accusing look.

"Justin, I should have known you'd be with the guys."

"I was just checking in."

Chris tried to keep from laughing at Justin's exasperated expression as Britney took hold of Justin's arm.

"Not much could have happened in one afternoon."

"I was asking about how Kevin was doing." Justin said.

"Kevin of Backstreet?"

"Yes." JC replied. "He's going through a difficult patch at the moment. Peter was nice enough to lend him a sympathetic ear."

"Peter's always ready to lend a hand." Chris said. Lance glared at him.

Britney looked confused. "Surely there are other people he could talk to."

"Sometimes there is nothing like telling your woes to a stranger." JC looked directly at Justin. "And Peter has a wonderful gift of making everything so clear to you afterwards."

"Yeah," Lance added. "He helped in a certain bass singer's parents accepting their gay son."

Britney was surprised. "He did?"

"That's why they've became such good friends."

Justin shot Chris a glance. Chris grinned back at him as he always did when he was joking.

JC continued. "I'm sure Kevin will see things much clearer after talking with Peter."

Chris couldn't resist. "I can guarantee if Kevin is feeling better tomorrow Peter had a hand in it."

Lance put his foot on top of Chris's foot and pressed down.

"Okay." Chris whispered in pain. Lance took his foot off.

Britney pulled on Justin's arm. "Come on, Justin. There's someone I want you to meet."

Justin managed a slight wave. "Later."

Britney dragged him off.

Lance watched them go. "You know I almost feel sorry for him."

"He is definitely under Britney's thumb. But he can't have it both ways." JC spun around. "And Chris, I am never telling you anything again!"

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help it."

Lance glared at Chris. "If you knew how upset Peter was about tonight you wouldn't be joking."

"I said I was sorry."

"Excepted, Chris." JC managed a smile. "We're all on edge." "I'm going to find Joey." Chris wandered off.

JC stared into the air. "I just hope it goes alright."

Lance looked around them. Most of the people had moved back to the first floor. They were almost alone. Lance put his hand on JC's arm. "JC, why are you being so hard on Justin?"

JC head snapped around. He gave a sigh. "When Peter was attacked it was Justin who showed so much concern for him. It was Justin who suggested the live broadcast. He was so proud of Peter. Justin may have had other motives, but his seducing Peter was a huge turning point for Peter. And when they fell in love I thought it was only fitting. I didn't expect Justin just to cave in at the first confrontation. I just thought..."

"That Justin was stronger than that?" Lance finished for JC. "In short, you found out that Justin was human. Timberlake just didn't live up to your expectations. Plus we're talking about coming out and you realized that under the circumstances you would've acted the same way. So you are mad at yourself and you taking it out on Justin."

JC hung his head.

"JC, this is a tough time for Justin. We need to be there for him. It's still new to him. He's only realized he is BI a short time ago." Lance squeezed JC's arm. "How long was it before we came out to someone beyond the guys? And do you remember how scared we were when we told Britney? We were afraid she'd try to keep Justin away from us."

"Okay, I agree, I've been a jerk. I'll apologize to Justin." JC turned to Lance. "Peter is rubbing off on you."

Lance smiled. "You can rub off on me later."

"You'd have sex with a jerk?"

"I jerk a lot during sex."

JC wanted to take Lance in his arms. He turned to Lance and extended his hand. Lance looked at his hand confused.

"Lance, promise me that you'll keep pulling me up short when I stray."

Lance shook JC's hand. "Promise."

JC pulled Lance into a friendly hug. As he stood back with his hands on Lance's shoulders. Beyond JC's smile, Lance could see the love in JC's eyes.

"Your welcome, JC."

They turned back to people watching.

Kevin was the first to the table. He had barely sat down when Peter approached.

"Have you been waiting long?" Peter asked as he sat down.

"No. I just got here myself. You must have good timing."

Peter blushed a bit. "Actually, I was watching from across the lobby."

"I know, I saw you from the other side of the lobby."

They looked at each other then broke out laughing.

Peter still chuckled. "I hate being the first arrival but I really hate being late."

"So do I. We're a lot alike."

"It was nice of you to invite me to join you. When Lance mentioned that there would be other bands here, I hoped I'd get a glimpse of you. I never expected this."

"Well, I guess this will be good for both of us."

Peter could tell that Kevin was giving him the once over. "Is something wrong?"

"No. You seem different from this afternoon."

"It's the clothes. Justin was going to take me shopping for more stylish clothes, but JC and Lance had to fill in for him when he got called away."

"Howie told me about Britney."

Peter looked embarrassed. "Oh."

"Trust me, I can relate to having a lover still in the closet. Its never fun."

"Do you mean this last one?"

Kevin nodded.

Peter had managed to get his first bit if information out of Kevin. This could work. It was too soon to delve into the topic. Peter picked up his menu.

"I suppose we should decide what to order."

Kevin picked up his menu. Howie was right. There was something about Peter he seemed to trust. He smiled at the thought that each of them had watched for the other's arrival. It was almost like they were mentally connected.

He had finally let something out about Kirk. Even just that small remark had come with a feeling of relief. Kevin glanced over his menu at Peter. This dinner was a good idea after all.

Justin was uncomfortable. Britney had quickly introduced this man, Justin had already forgotten his name, and disappeared. The man was making small talk, but Justin sensed he had other motives. He finally got to the point.

"You're a very talented young man. I've kept my eye on you. You're going places. There is nothing you couldn't do in the industry."


"Let's cut to the chase. I've heard from the rumor mill that you have been toying with the idea of going solo."

Justin was too stunned to say anything. The man mistook his reaction.

"Don't worry. Mums the word. Here's my card. If you get serious, give me a call. We'll talk."

He shook Justin's hand and vanished into the crowd.

Britney reappeared carrying two plates of food. She handed one to Justin.

"So, what did he want?"

"Didn't he tell you?" Justin took the plate.

"No. He just said that he wanted to meet you."

"Oh." Justin stared at the little sandwiches on his plate.

"Justin, what did he want?" Britney asked again.

"Oh, nothing. He was just surfing for prospects."

"Oh." Britney looked disappointed.

Justin was deep in thought. Maybe he should tell her now and get it over with.

"Justin? Are you still worried about Kevin?"


"You are so deep in thought. Is it about Kevin?"

"Not really. Britney, I don't know how to say this."

"Don't worry, Justin, I know."

"You do?"

"I'm not that innocent. I can read through all those gay codes. I know what's going on."

"What are you talking about?"

"All that nonsense of Kevin "talking" with Peter. Peter's a groupie isn't he? He's going to have sex with Kevin. That's why he will "feel better" and his "mind will be clearer". I could tell by Chris's jokes."

Suddenly Justin remembered what Peter was telling him before he left. The words echoed in his ears.

"To help Kevin I will need to clear his mind. You know like the time before the concert and you couldn't rest and I "helped" you. It might call for something like that."

That night when he couldn't rest, he had slept so well after Peter had sucked him off. Somehow Peter really did have the ability clear his mind. Peter might have to do that with Kevin. Wait! Peter had said he might have to go farther.

"Justin, what's wrong?"

Justin couldn't focus. Peter had tried to tell him but he had just brushed him off. Had he now pushed him into Kevin's arms? "Peter, why didn't I listen to you?"

"Justin, why are you thinking about Peter?"

Justin refocused. He looked about the room.

"Come on."

He made his way to a table along the wall away from the crowd. After they had sat down he began.

"Britney, I have something to tell you. I wanted to wait until we got back. But now... I'm afraid I lied about Peter." Justin looked at Britney. "Peter and I..."

"He's made your mind clearer?" Britney patted Justin's hand. "I understand. I know how lonely it can be on the road. There's lots of guys who do trade now and then."

"Its more than that. I've discovered that I'm Bisexual."

Britney burst out laughing. "That's absurd."

"Its true."

"I bet he told you that, didn't he?"

"Well, yeah, he did."

"Justin, you fell for the oldest ploy in the book."


"You were lonely and venerable and probably horny. He only told you that so that he could have you. And knowing you, your curiosity got the better of you."

"Its not only that. I'm in love with him."

Britney, laughing shook her head. "Oh, brother, Justin. He's got you so bad. He's just using you. But I wouldn't worry about it. It looks like he has moved on to Kevin. Probably because they're about same age."

"That's what I am afraid of."

"Forget him, Justin. It was just a fling." Britney smiled. "When you get back I'll make you forget him for sure."

"But you don't understand."

A reporter appeared. "Oh, look. The two lovebirds are trying to be alone. Give us a smile."

They looked up. A flash went off.

"Thanks!" The reporter left.

Britney seized the opportunity. "I wish you would get serious about a solo career. You could be doing so much better. If you were on your own these things wouldn't happen."

"How would that help?" The light went on. Justin was stunned. "You're not trying to blame this on me being around JC and Lance are you?"

Britney shrugged. "You are very close."

"Now that is absurd!"

"Oh, and JC and Lance had nothing to do with you discovering you are BI?"


"That's another reason for you going solo. If they ever do come out publicly, if it backfires, your career wouldn't be harmed."

"I can't believe you just said that!"

"Justin, sh. People will hear."

"When JC and Lance do come out, I will support and stand by them in every way."

"That would be career suicide."

"Really? Well, in today's paper there was another kind. A teenage boy shot and killed himself because he didn't want his parents to know that he was gay. Lance and JC hope that by their coming out that maybe one kid will see them as an out proud gay couple and feel better about themselves. To them to save one life is more important to them then the money and fame. And I wholeheartedly agree."

"Justin, it's a noble cause and I am proud you think that way. But do you really want to jeopardize your career?"

"It is my career after all, isn't it?"

"But, Justin, you have such potential."

Justin had had enough. He took a bite from each of the sandwiches and put them back on his plate.

"Since you want to be my image and career manager you should get a percentage of everything you bring me." He handed the plate to Britney. "Consider that your commission." He got up from the table.

"Justin?" Britney said as Justin started away.

Justin didn't want to fight. He turned back. "Please, Britney. I know you want the best for me, but I have a manager. Just stay a friend, okay?"


Justin walked off.

After Justin was gone the man who he had given Justin his card approached Britney.

"Any luck?"

"No, but I not through trying. I am not going to let Justin throw away a promising career. Somehow I'll get through to him. It's for his own good."

Kevin set down his glass.

"So how did you hook up with NSYNC?"

"It was sort of by accident."

"That's right," Kevin remembered. "The palm tree incident. You pushed JC out of the way. Lucky for him you were standing there."

"I wasn't actually standing there. But I did push him out of the way."

"Okay, I am confused."

Peter looked down at his plate nervous. "I have certain mental gifts." Peter peeked up at Kevin. "Have you heard of astral projection?"

Kevin sounded slightly irritated. "Yeah, I've heard about it."

Peter looked down. "I can do it." Peter looked up. Kevin had a surprised look on his face.

"It is possible?"

"Yes. Well, for me it is."

Kevin looked thoughtful. He muttered to himself. "So it wasn't one of his crazy ideas after all."


Kevin shook his head to clear his thoughts. "Never mind. Can you teach other people to do it?"

"I've got a few of the guys to do it."

"Not Justin though."

"He just can't quite believe he could do it. I've stopped trying."

Kevin laughed. "Tired of pissing him off because he couldn't do something other people could?"

Peter smiled. "Something like that." Peter took a sip of wine. "Go ahead, Kevin, ask your question. I know you're dying to."

"Ask you what?"

"You're not curious about how I ended up with Justin?"

"I don't mean to pry."

"No, its okay. Actually, I still find it hard to believe. I guess everyone who hooks up with celebrity does."

Kevin sighed. "Not in all cases."

"Don't tell the guys I used the "C" word."

"Its safe with me."

"You don't mind me talking about this? It bothered you before."

"Talking is easier than looking at it. Besides, I am curious to know."

"Well, it started when Justin seduced me."

"Now that I believe. But I didn't know he was bisexual."

"He hadn't known it himself for long."

"I believe that, too. Justin's curiosity must have kicked in."

"And I thank him forever for that. I was Justin's choice because he knew he could trust me and since it would be the first time for both of us. Well, Justin's first time with another man."

"Wait a minute. You'd never had sex before Justin?"

"I'm a late bloomer."

"I'll say." Kevin caught himself. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. Anyway, I took such care because I wanted his first time to be something special and not just because he was Justin Timberlake. After that first time both of us were afraid to hear the "L" word. The second night I just suddenly knew. Justin was leaving the next day. I had to let him know how I felt. Turns out he felt the same. There was a brief separation then I put my things in order and joined him. That's about it."

Kevin shook his head. "You two seem so different. I don't know how you can deal with his ego."

"Believe it or not, he's changed. Well until Britney showed up that is."


"The guys will back me up." Peter leaned close. "Let's just say that first night when we were in bed together those words for what Justin was doing shattered his old image."

Kevin laughed. "You took him off the pedestal and brought him to his knees."

"He also found that kissing ass can be quite enjoyable if done properly. We are both fast learners."

"You don't have to answer this, but I suppose Justin is, ah, top dog?"

"No, he enjoys being the underdog, too."

"That must be so nice for you." Kevin said a little sadly. "Mine was strictly a one trick pony." Kevin shrugged. "Oh, well, its over."

"I can't imagine how hard is must be for you." Kevin saw the look of caring on Peter's face. Kevin decided it was time to let it out. Well, some of it at anyway.

"I thought I was over it, but a little over a week ago the whole thing came to life again."

"Howie said you had trouble sleeping."

"Yeah, since the dreams started. They are so vivid. I go through the breakup just like it was with every word and every emotion. I guess I got to the point I didn't want to go to sleep because I would be visited by the dream."

Peter noted the word "visited".

"Kevin, during this dream does it seem like you can sense what your lover is feeling."

"Now that you mention it, yeah. Once when I woke up I swore Kirk was in the room. I was wrong of course." Kevin shook his head. "This dream has really messed me up."

"Have you found yourself waking up more often during this dream the more you have it?"

"How did you know that?"

"I've learned from experience." Peter took a breath. "Kevin, I think I might be able to help you."

"Help me?"

"Everyone is worried."

"So what's a little depression."

Peter spoke firmly. "This is not like you and you know it."

After a pause Kevin nodded.

"Face the facts. This dream keeps coming back and you can't stop it. Its like you are under a psychic mental attack."

"I can't seem to get the breakup out of my mind."

"Please, let me try to help you. What have you got to lose?"

Kevin sighed. "What do I have to do?"

"Just information for now. How often do you have this dream?"

"About every night, although last night I didn't. Maybe it was the strange bed."

"So the dream only seems to happen when you're at home?"

"Yeah, I guess so. I haven't been traveling lately."

"Can you think of any reason why you should be feeling regret about the breakup now?"

"No, like I said I thought I was over it. Besides, it might not have felt like it at the time, but now I don't regret breaking up with Kirk. So this is completely out of the blue."

"Thanks. Now I have a clearer picture."

"I wish I did. Do you now how to help me?"

"Yes. Now I do. If we could go back to your room, I think I can help. We should start with you just being touched by another man and go on from there. Once your is mind is clear I can really help you."

"Now this a pickup scheme I've never met before."

"Do you really believe I am trying to pick you up?"

Kevin looked at Peter. There was earnestness about him but Kevin sensed it as a sincere wish to help him.

"No, somehow I know you just want to help me." Kevin was curious to see what Peter was going to do. One thought did occur to Kevin. It had been a long time since he had brought another man to his room. He was slightly excited by the prospect.

"The bedroom!" Kevin snapped.

"Well, you can lay on the couch if you want, but the bed would be more comfortable. I told you what has to be done. Kevin, trust me. This isn't about sex."

"I know. I guess I'm just nervous."

Peter tried to look confident for Kevin's sake, but he was nervous, too.

They walked into the bedroom. Kevin lay down on the bed on his stomach.

"Is this alright?"

"Fine. Close your eyes and try to relax." Peter put his hands on Kevin's shoulders. "Does that bother you?"


Peter began massaging Kevin's neck and shoulders. He could feel the tension in the muscles. Peter had a two pronged approach. Loosen Kevin's body as he loosened Kevin's deepest thoughts.

"Is that okay?"

"Yeah, it feels good."

"Kevin, close your eyes."

Peter concentrated on Kevin. The connection was still there from his earlier visit. Peter felt his mind click onto Kevin's. He still sensed Kevin's pain.

"How long has it been since a man gave you pleasure?"

Kevin thought back. Even the last few weeks with Kirk weren't really what he could call pleasure.

"It's been a long time."

Kevin's aura seemed to split into dark and light colors. Mentally Peter prodded at Kevin's darker side.

"That's a pity." Peter moved down massaging Kevin's back. "Everybody enjoys giving pleasure."

"Not me." Kevin was surprised by his own answer.


"It's a duty. I had to do it to keep him."

"There are a lot of people who would love to."

Peter pressed harder. The muscles were starting to loosen up. He could sense he was getting closer to Kevin's pain.

"At the time there is only him. No one else will do."

Peter was surprised. "Kevin, you know better than that."

Kevin turned his head. "Yes, I do. Why am I thinking that?"

"Sh, lay back. We'll find out." Peter worked across Kevin's back to his sides. "Does that still feel good?"


"It feels nice doesn't it?"


"Isn't this pleasure?"

"Ah, I don't know." Kevin began to resist what Peter was doing. Just like before.

Peter began to sense anger with the pain but they seemed to come from very different sources. He pressed on.

"It feels good?"


"Then its pleasure, right?"

"I guess."

"Then I'm giving you pleasure."

"No, its not. Its..." Peter felt Kevin tense up. "Stop. Please stop." The reaction had started. The anger was growing. Peter was having the desired affect.

"Why? You like this."

"No. Stop." Kevin started to sit up. Peter pushed him back gently.

"No. I like making you feel good."

"No. I want you to stop, now!"


Kevin pushed himself up off the bed. "Because he doesn't deserve it!"

Peter held onto Kevin. He knew he was getting close. "Is it Kirk?"

"He rejected me after all the time I spent with him. He said he loved me but he let me go. Stop making him feel good. I don't want him to feel good! Not after what he did to me." Kevin was trying to get away from Peter. Peter still held on to him.


Kevin struggled less.

"Kevin, did Kirk do this to you?"

"I don't know. I don't think so."

"Concentrate, Kevin. Can you see him in your mind?"


"Can you see his face?"

"It's not clear."

"Concentrate. Look into his face."

"It's clearing. I can see him."

"Who is it?"

Kevin stopped struggling. Kevin relaxed. "Its me." The realization dawned. "I did it. I hurt Kirk."

Peter let Kevin go.

"But these are Kirk's feelings. Why are Kirk's thoughts inside of me?"

"I will explain that in time. Now we must clear your mind. Kevin, it is crucial. Do you still trust me?"


"Its time you undressed."

Kevin turned and looked at Peter. There was the same earnest glance but now there was an urgency about it. He got off the bed.

They faced each other. Peter reached to unbutton Kevin's shirt. His hands were shaking.

Kevin felt his excitement grow. It had been so long. He knew it had to be better than with Kirk. Then Kevin thought again. He didn't deserve this.

Peter undid one button. He stopped. He seemed to have an internal struggle for a bit. Finally, he gave up. He sat down on the bed dejected.

"I thought I could do this. I just can't."

Kevin felt relieved and disappointed at the same time. He sat down next to Peter. He put his hand on Peter's knee. "It's better for Justin if you don't."

Peter nodded.

"Is getting me off so important to the process?"

"No." Then Peter realized something. Peter looked at Kevin. "Yes, it is. It's very important for you."


"I must have sensed it from my visit to you this afternoon."

"You visited me?"

"Yeah, I projected into your room to see how you were doing. You told me to go away."

"That was you? I thought it was the start of dream, again."

"Kevin, have you..." Peter was embarrassed. He made up and down movements with his fist, "at all since the dreams started."

"No. I haven't felt like it. Or much before that to tell the truth."

"Don't you see? Kirk's thoughts are causing you to block your own positive emotions. If we or I should say you could get to feel real pleasure again the block will be broken. Plus by getting the mind to concentrate on an intense feeling of pleasure or pain, afterwards the brain sort of resets itself. It reboots itself if you like."

"So if I get myself to orgasm the confusion in my mind will sort itself out?"

"That's what I hope." Peter suddenly realized what Kevin said. "Get yourself to orgasm?"

"It doesn't matter how I get there, does it?" Kevin began to remove his shirt.

"No, but I was hoping to guide you through it both physically and mentally."

"You take care of the mental. I can take care of the physical part."

Peter found himself staring at Kevin's bare chest.

"Peter, I don't mean to insult you but it might be easier if you left the room. It would be better for me if I didn't have any distractions. Ah, Peter?"

Peter looked away. "Sorry. Of course you will be more comfortable without a stranger in the room."

Kevin kicked off his shoes.

Peter managed one more long look. "And it will be way easier on me." Peter thought.

"I'll be on the couch in the next room. You don't mind the mental connection?"


"Good. Remember I'm here to help you. Don't push me away, okay?" Peter walked from the room.

"I'll try."

Peter poked his head in again.

"You have my solemn promise I won't set eyes on you until it's over."


Well, it was the truth. Peter lay on the couch. Peter found that Kevin was more tempting than he had thought. It was better this way. At least when he was projecting he physical wants were out of the picture.

Peter floated into the room. Kevin finished undressing and lay down. Peter floated close. There was very little resistance this time. What Kevin now knew had lessened the negative effect. Peter touched Kevin.

The pain was wasn't as intense but Peter could still feel the emotional block.

Kevin closed his eyes, took hold of his cock and began stroking it. After a few minutes Peter sensed Kevin's frustration. It wasn't working. Kevin wasn't motivated. There's never gay porn around when you need it!

Since all they had to use was Kevin's mind. Peter started searching through Kevin's feelings. He brushed though Kevin's mind. Peter let the emotions wash by without really dwelling on them. Then he sensed it, a passion. Peter went deeper. There was a memory of high school friend of Kevin's, Kevin's first crush. Peter concentrated.

"Kevin, think of him."

Peter felt Kevin react. He was remembering.

"Did you love him?"

Kevin gave off a sigh. His cock started to get hard. It was working.

The dark thoughts pushed close. There was a feeling of laughter and ridicule then Kevin being alone again. That was a failure.

Then Peter hit on it. He decided to concentrate on Kevin himself. Peter probed around a bit.

"Kevin, can you sense me?"

A few more tries and Kevin finally reacted. There was a chorus of mental thoughts all in the affirmative.

"Kevin, speak your answers. Its clearer."

"Yes, I can sense you."

"You are a very loving person."

The dark thoughts pulsed. "No."

"These are not your thoughts, Kevin. These are Kirk's."

Kevin frowned.

"Trust me. Think back to all the things you did for him."


"You were very loving. He wants you to forget that. It was only painful once you knew the truth. Let it go. It's over."

Peter felt the negative emotions beginning to build. He had to work fast. Peter began to glow blue. He let the energy flow onto Kevin. This time the glow was absorbed. The dark aura began to brighten.

"Kevin, you are alone with yourself. Enjoy your body. Run your hands over it."

Kevin hesitated. Slowly his hands began to caress his chest and arms.

"That's it Kevin. Give yourself pleasure. You deserve it."


"Yes, you do! Trust yourself. Give up the pain. Give into the feeling of pleasure. Suck on a finger."

Kevin raised his hand to his mouth. He slipped a finger between his lips and began sucking on it. Kevin gave off a slight moan.

The aura began to darken. Peter felt the negative forces growing.

"Kevin, pleasure yourself as a man would."

Kevin's hand wrapped around his cock. He started stroking himself. Kevin stopped.

"No, I shouldn't."

"Kevin, stroke your cock." Then Peter got it. "Kevin, make love to yourself."


"Show your body how much you love it. Your hands are your lovers now. Give yourself the pleasure you didn't get with Kirk."

At those words the dark areas pulsed. A wave of negative energy struck Peter, but he managed to hold on.

"Yes, Kevin, make love with yourself. Feel the pleasure you are giving yourself. Keep going."

Another wave hit Peter. It was even weaker than the last. It was working!

The dark areas of Kevin's aura were getting smaller. But there was still a blockage.

"Kevin, let the pain go. It's over. Let yourself be free!"

As Peter watched the color of the aura lightened. From deep inside of Kevin came a low rumble. It grew until it became a loud low moan. A new feeling began to emerge. The dark thoughts parted before it. Peter sensed it getting closer. It slowly entered into Kevin's conscience. Once past the blockage it flooded into Kevin's mind forcing out the negative thoughts. A feeling of pure joy and pleasure washed through Kevin's mind.

Kevin's lips parted. "Oh, my god!"

Peter was ecstatic. It had worked he was through to Kevin.

"I feel it and it's wonderful!"

Kevin stroked his cock.

"It feels so good!"

His hips joined in his hand's rhythm. Peter watched as Kevin's face flushed with pleasure.

"I'd forgotten it felt this good."

"Kevin, this is for you. Enjoy."

Kevin's one hand moved over his body caressing his chest and pinching his nipples. He was moaning loudly. Such pleasure like he had never known for quite awhile surged though Kevin. Kevin's head rolled back and forth on the pillow.

He sped up the stroking. Kevin was pushing himself toward climax.

"Oh, it has been so long! I have never felt so... I ...I..."

Peter saw Kevin's body go rigid. He thrust his hips up one more time.

Kevin's mouth fell open and a long howl escaped his lips.

Peter had always read about description of men "exploding" at climax. This time it was true. Kevin's cock shot off. Cum was everywhere. Kevin shook and shuddered as the climax ripped through him. His body jerked about on the bed.

Kevin's cries were almost laughter. It felt so good and it had been so long. Finally after a few moments the eruption ceased. Kevin lay back on the bed exhausted but sated.

Kevin began to laugh. He couldn't think of the last time that he had felt so wonderful.

Kevin walked into the room wearing a robe. Peter sat up. Kevin sat down next to him.

"That was beyond description. I feel like a new man. Thank you, Peter. What can I do to repay you?"

"Let me hug you."


"Let me hold you in my arms."

Kevin nodded. Peter took Kevin into his arms. Peter tightened his hold on Kevin.

Then Kevin felt it. His thoughts and Kirk's thoughts and feelings separated. He could now tell one from the other. The confusion, pain, despair and the self-hatred were fading. The only thoughts and feelings that remained were his.

Peter waited for the aftershock. He felt Kevin begin to shake. Soon the tears started. Kevin soon was sobbing on Peter's shoulder.

"Let it out, Kevin."

"I thought he loved me. But he only wanted what I could do for him. We only had sex when he allowed it. And he never let me fuck him. I wanted to share how good it made me feel. That last day I jokingly told him I was going to fuck him. He got so angry. He told me that I was the fag. I was the cocksucker. He wasn't. He was just playing along until I'd helped him to where he didn't need me anymore. He left in an angry rage, but that was only to hurt me. I refused to take him back. He didn't love me at all. How could I have been so stupid?"

"You're free. There's only your feelings now."

After a few minutes Kevin sat back. He wiped his face.

"Thank you, Peter."

"No problem."

"What happened to me?"

"You ex learned to astral project. He found out as I did that when you touch someone you can feel that person's emotions. Kirk traveled to you to see if you might have changed your mind."

"But I didn't change my mind. In fact, I realized that I was glad he was gone."

"Exactly. But what he didn't know was by touching you he had made a connection. When he woke up with his feelings of hurt and betrayal, you sensed those feelings, too. But you didn't know where they were coming from. So you thought they came from you. When you relived the breakup you got both of your feelings together."

"That's why I hated myself for breaking it off even though I knew what I did was right."

"Also you felt his hate for not taking him back. Again you thought you hated yourself for that. Is it any wonder you were depressed? So many emotions and so many contradictions."

"Oh, Peter." Kevin hugged him again chuckling. "I feel so much better thanks to you."

"I'm glad it worked. You had me very nervous." Peter stood up. "I suppose I should go. I don't want you to tell me to go away."

"I'll never say that to you now."

"That was one on the clues that helped me. Your mind sensed that it was under attack. So in defense it would wake you up when it felt Kirk's presence. I just picked a lousy time."

"Will Kirk try it again?"

"Probably. But you know where the feelings are coming from now. It won't have the same effect. Plus if you could send me from your room, you can do the same with Kirk."

"Or I could just call him and tell him I know what he has been doing."

"That might work, too." Peter got up. "I really should go."

"Peter, please stay."

"Kevin, I can't. There's Justin."

"Not for sex." Kevin looked pleadingly. "I guess I just feel a little vulnerable." He looked at Peter. "I never told anybody about Kirk. Maybe we could just talk for awhile. Then you can leave if you want."

Peter sensed Kevin's need. He sat down and put his arm around Kevin's shoulders. Peter smiled. "I'm listening."

Kevin was under the bed covers and Peter lay on top of them covered with a blanket. Kevin's head lay on Peter's chest and Peter's arm was draped over Kevin's shoulder. He could sense the joy and happiness finally let loose in Kevin's mind. The pain was gone. He was glad it was dark. One look at those chiseled features and Peter was sure to lose what composure he had. But what would Justin think? He hadn't done anything to be ashamed of.

Peter had stayed listening to Kevin relate the story of he and Kirk. Kevin had been totally taken by Kirk. In his blind adoration he didn't notice or care of the material things the Kirk wanted from him. In sex Kevin always serviced Kirk, but he didn't mind. He just thought Kirk wasn't ready yet. Then slowly the sex became less and less frequent and then only when Kevin begged or as he soon found out, when Kirk wanted something. Kevin was still unable to separate from Kirk. For three months this had continued.

Kevin rarely spoke of his life with Kirk to the others. He knew what they would say and he didn't want to hear it. Then that fateful night when Kevin teased Kirk that he was going to fuck him. Kirk went into a rage. He threw every insult he knew at Kevin and stormed out thinking Kevin would beg him to come back. But he had unwittingly given Kevin time to think about their relationship. Kevin wouldn't take Kirk back. Kirk's plan was thwarted.

When they were through talking Kevin laid down in Peter's arms. It was the least Peter could do since Kevin said Kirk hardly allowed Kevin to hug him.

Peter almost ached to be able to show Kevin all the joys that Justin and he had together and that Kevin had missed out on. But there was Justin. Peter was comforted by the knowledge that now Kevin had the ability to move on. He knew it wouldn't take long for Kevin to find someone who would love him back. And this time he would have the rest of the group looking out for him, too.

Peter felt relaxed for the first time since he had seen Kevin. Now the urgency was past and Kevin was better. Would Justin be proud of him?

It was four in the morning when Peter returned to his room. Kevin had woke up just long enough to thank him again. Peter flopped on the bed. Visions of Kevin's eyes kept appearing in his head. Though he hadn't paid any notice of it at the time Peter's mind filled with the sight of Kevin's naked body.

Peter couldn't stand it any longer. He pulled back the sheets. He took hold of his hard cock and stroked it.

Those beautiful green eyes.

The pleasure surged through him.

That wonderful sculpted chest.

His hand rubbed his cock's sensation areas.

Kevin, this Adonis had been lying naked before him.

Peter stroked faster.

He remembered the low rumbling of Kevin's cry growing into his climax.

Peter felt the sensation grow in him.

Kevin's body going rigid.

Peter felt the climax start.

Kevin's cock exploding.

Peter cried out as he came.

Images of Kevin flashed through his mind as the climax passed. Peter felt the release of the pent up want for Kevin. He relaxed. His breathing slowed.

Peter pulled the sheets around him. He reached up and shut off the light. With a small twinge of guilt Peter let sleep take him.

Kevin's face showed he was in pure bliss. They were having sex together. Peter was watching Kevin's face as Kevin fucked him. This is what Kevin had never done or felt before. Peter was freely giving this experience to Kevin. He was showing Kevin what he had been missing. This was what having a lover was really about. Sharing the love and giving each other pleasure. Kevin this is what Justin and I enjoy so much.

Peter turned his head. A figure stood by the bed. Justin!

Peter sat up alarmed. He was sweating and his heart was beating wildly. Was this a dream or a premonition?

He had been so smug that he had got through this whole thing with Kevin and he hadn't cum. Once he was back in his room he had succumbed to Kevin's attractiveness. He'd jerked off.

"Oh, Justin. What have I started?"

Could he really cheat on Justin? He had been tempted. Peter remembered look of pure joy on Justin's face the first time Justin had fucked him. He just wanted Kevin to know that feeling.

And what if he ran into someone else whom hadn't experienced sex? Would he graciously offer his body for a demo?

Gees, Peter, do you want to become a slut? Besides, it would be an even better experience for Kevin if it were with someone he cared about.

With a great deal of relief he dismissed the idea from his mind. Leave it up to Kevin where it belonged. Peter relaxed. Now with the crisis over he could concentrate on Justin.

What if it was a premonition? Kevin was leaving tomorrow. Peter was determined to do everything in his power to make sure it would never happen.

JC woke up to the wonderful feeling of Lance's mouth around his cock. Ever since he had proposed, Lance's need for JC had increased. Plus there was Peter and Justin. Lance absorbed love by osmosis. Until he couldn't just watch it any more. He had to feel it. JC wasn't complaining. He loved Lance's love affair with love.

JC laid there with his eyes closed enjoying Lance's attention. Lance was making slurping noises as he increased his efforts. He tongue hit all the places that drove JC wild. Those wonderful lips sliding against the length of JC's cock. A few more moments then JC would "wake up".

Lance pulled off of JC's cock. He stroked it with his hand. JC felt his cock getting slicker. Lance began moving around. JC wondered what Lance was doing. Then JC felt his cock slide into tight warm flesh.

JC opened his eyes. Lance was squatting over him. His head was thrown back and his face was flushed with pleasure. Lance began bouncing up and down on JC's cock.

"Lance, isn't this is a bit fast?"

Lance broke into a grin.

"I knew you were faking. Morning, lover." He leaned down. Their lips pressed together. Lance sat back maintaining a constant rhythm on JC's cock.

"You didn't answer my question."

Lance leaned down again kissing and nuzzling JC's neck.

"We don't have much time and I needed you so badly. Do you mind?"

JC answered by bucking his hips driving his cock further into Lance.

"Oh, god, yes, JC."

JC ran his hands over Lance's chest. He tweaked and rubbed Lance's nipples. Lance's head tilted back.

"I need you so bad."

Lance ran his hands over JC. He leaned forward. Their eyes met. JC watched Lance's face flush and his body tremble at each thrust of his cock into Lance's ass. Lance closed his eyes. His body seemed to be a willow in the breeze. It swayed above JC.

"JC, I love this. We are together and one." Lance's eyes opened. A lustful glint shone from them.

"Fuck me, JC. I want it so bad."

Lance leaned down. JC took Lance into his arms. JC's hips began thrusting madly. Lance moaned more loudly. JC's passion was growing rapidly. Lance nibbled on JC's ear.

"Come on, JC. You know you want to cum. Shoot in my ass."

"Lance, it's too soon yet to..."

Lance clinched his ass muscles. He pushed back down forcing JC's cock into him.

"I want you to cum in my ass."

JC looked into Lance's green eyes and lost it. One final thrust and JC's cock erupted.

Lance could feel the cock as it pulsed and throbbed shooting JC's cum into his ass. Lance sat back pushing JC's cock into him to the hilt.

JC gasped and moaned. Then the climax was over. JC relaxed on the pillows. His breathing returned to normal.

Lance whispered in JC's ear. "Was that a start to a good day?"

"Yes, Lance. Definitely, yes."

Lance looked sad. "Too bad, I want it to be a great day."

Lance started to bounce up and down on JC's cock again.

"Lance, I..."

Lance leaned down and kissed JC. "Some people can get started without two cups of coffee in the morning."

"Lance, you hate coffee."

Lance just grinned. "I know. But I have a substitute." He sped up his rhythm.

JC's cock didn't have time to get soft. Soon it was hard and throbbing. Lance was so into this that JC didn't have a choice but to be carried along.

JC looked down to see Lance's balls slapping against his stomach and his cock disappearing into Lance's ass.

Lance started whimpering. It grew steadily louder. Lance was getting close. Lance sped up his pace. JC's cock slid in and out of him faster and faster. It felt so good. JC's cock raked against Lance's insides sending surges of delight through every nerve in his body. Lance took hold of his cock and began jacking it. He looked down at JC.

JC was rolling about on the bed. His hands caressed Lance's body. Lance ran his hands over JC's body in turn.

Their eyes met again.

"JC, are you getting close?"

"Yes, Lance, you feel so good."

"Make me cum, JC. Fuck the cum out of me."

JC thrust his hips harder. Lance's head fell back.

He spoke the words to the ceiling. "Yes, JC, do it! You're making me cum!"

JC looked down as Lance's cock shot off. Streams of white goo splattered onto JC's stomach and chest. Lance stroked his cock not wishing to stop. JC's cock still plowed into his ass. His whole body thrilled to the climax. Waves of joy washed through him. The feelings tapered off. He opened his eyes. JC was watching Lance's expressions. Lance leaned forward and they kissed. Lance pulled back.

Lance grinned. "Now it's your turn, stud."

Lance began bouncing again on JC's cock. Lance seemed to be going higher and higher. The bed creaked in protest. It felt like Lance bounced clean off JC's cock and then back down on it again. Lance looked down at JC in pure bliss.

JC had stopped caressing Lance. He was gripping the sheets. His head snapped left then right.

"Oh, god, Lance. I'm going... I'm going to..." His body stiffened. JC let out a loud cry. For the second time JC's cock shot off inside Lance. Lance squeezed his ass muscles. JC's body shuddered. He let off a kind of a gargle sound. The climax lessened. He relaxed. JC lay there with his eyes closed.

"Oh, Lance that was..."

"Oh, fuck!"

JC could feel the splatter of cum on his skin. He opened his eyes to see Lance's body snap forward as he jerked his cock. He let out a loud whimper at each spurt of cum. The spurts slowed.

The climax over he collapsed on top of JC.

They lay there against each other for a few moments. Lance turned his head. His eyes met JC's.


"Hmm, morning."

"Care for a shower?" Lance licked JC's nose. He rolled off JC.

"You go first."

"We don't have the time. Peter will be here soon for the debriefing."

"Oh, of course. Kevin." JC swung his feet off the bed.

Lance got out of bed. "Do you think Peter did it?"

"Do you mean help Kevin or do Kevin?"

"What do you think?"

"Yes to one and no to two. Well, at least I hope so."

Lance looked a little sad. "So do I."

JC smiled and put his arm around Lance. "No good speculating when soon we will know the truth. Let's hit the showers."

Lance smiled. Arm in arm they went into the bathroom.

Lance placed his plate on the table and sat down.

"So how did it go."

"It was a complete success." Peter replied. "And beside a massage with his clothes on, I may add, I didn't touch Kevin. He did the deed himself. I was in the other room."

"Justin will be so relieved."

"To tell the truth so was I."

"So you never got to see it?"

"JC, stop it." Lance chided.

Peter grinned. "Yes, I did."


"JC, you know better. We never tell what we've seen while we project."


"JC!" Lance gave JC a backhanded slap on his shoulder.


"Lance?" Peter winked. "You have nothing to worry about."

JC grinned. "I knew I chose right." He leaned over and kissed Lance.

"Like you were the only one who did the choosing." They kissed, again.

When they sat back JC asked, "What was the cause of Kevin's depression?"

"His ex learned to astral project."

"You're kidding?"

"No, just recently, too. That's why Kevin's depression started a week ago. His connection with Kevin was broadcasting his thoughts and feelings to Kevin only Kevin didn't know where they were coming from. Kevin believed they were coming from him."

JC reached for the salt. "No wonder Kevin was depressed. Imagine having the thoughts of an ex-lover going through your mind."

"Kevin's ex was only using him for his own ends. When they broke up he said very demeaning things to Kevin. Getting Kevin's self-esteem back was the difficult bit."

JC put his hand on Peter's shoulder. "Well, you did it and with your honor intact."

"I don't know why I was so sure that I'd have to go farther with Kevin. Sex was a big part of the breakthrough, but I don't know why I had to do it myself."

"You're kidding me, right?"

Lance glared at JC. He turned back. "Well, Justin did give his permission."

"He wasn't really listening."

"Maybe it sank in later."

"Oh, god. I hope not. Justin would have gone through hell."

Justin idly moved the food about on his plate. He didn't know why he had ordered it. He wasn't hungry. He had phoned Peter's room last night until one thirty then gave up. There was no doubt in his mind where Peter was. But what was going on? Justin tried to fight against his imagination. How could he blame Peter after how he had behaved?

Howie rushed up to the table.

"Have you seen Peter this morning?"

"No, can't say I have. It was a late night last night." Well, for one of them. "He was still asleep when I tried."

"Well, he's not in his room now. I don't know what he did to Kevin last night, but it did the trick. Kevin is out of his depression. We want to thank him."

Justin fought to focus his thoughts. "Have you tried Lance and JC's room? They sometimes have breakfast together."

"Thanks." Howie hurried off.

Well, that was one mystery solved. At least Peter had succeeded in helping Kevin. So who cared what had happened. It had been for Kevin. Peter always liked helping people. Justin was proud of the fact. But, still...

Lance answered the door.


"Is Peter here?"

Lance opened the door wider. Howie spotted Peter.

"There you are. We've been looking all over for you."

Lance shut the door after Howie pounced on Peter. Howie shook Peter's hand vigorously.

"You did it. You really did it. Kevin is so much better."

"Please, Howie, sit down," said JC.

"Only for a moment. We are all so grateful."

Lance sat down. "Peter has been filling us in on what happened. It's fascinating."

"Kevin has told us everything, too. Peter, we want to make it up to you." "That's okay," Peter replied.

"While we were here we planned to tour some of the large historical buildings in the city. Would you like to come along?"

"I should hang with NSYNC. After all I am an employee."

JC shook his head. "Nonsense. We'll give you the day off. You should be getting tired of us anyway."

Howie smiled. "We generally get a more detailed tour than the normal tourist."

Lance could see that Peter was tempted.

"Go ahead. We just have an interview this morning. You can miss that."

"But, I haven't seen Justin."

"There was a late change. Britney is to be included."

Peter's smile vanished. "Then that's a yes. I don't need to cause Justin more embarrassment."

"Then come on, Peter. We should be going."

Peter followed Howie to the door.

"Tell Justin I'll talk to him before the concert, if he's able to."

"Britney is leaving a few hours before."

"Then I will be there. See you later."

As they opened the door Chris entered.

"Come on guys, there's been a change in the schedule."

Justin was so deep in thought he didn't see Kevin until he was standing at his table.

"Kevin, how nice."

"Justin, I'd like to talk to you."


Kevin sat down.

"How are you feeling? Are you better after last night." There was a edge to Justin's voice.

"Justin, nothing happened last night. I swear. Peter tried, but neither of us would do anything that would hurt you."

"But the big point is did Peter help you?"

"Yes, more than I can say. The depression is gone probably for good."

"Isn't that great. I knew Peter could do it."

"Justin, why are you upset? Peter said he talked to you. He said you gave him your permission. Was Peter lying?"

Justin was caught. He calmed himself. "No. He wasn't lying. I did tell him to do what he had to do and that I trusted him."

"I want you to know what happened."

"Please, spare me the lurid details."

"Justin, there is no reason for you to feel hurt and betrayed. I did the physical work myself. Peter was in the other room. Then afterwards we just sat talking. Well, I talked. I hadn't told anyone about Kirk or the breakup. Peter listened and he held me as I fell asleep. Later he went back to his room. That's all that happened."

"Really?" Justin looked surprised and relieved.

"He did more for me than even I knew. Here, I want you to give these to Peter." Kevin handed Justin a bottle of pills. "I found them this morning as I was going through my suitcase."

"What are these?"

"The prescription I got when I first had trouble sleeping. They didn't help. It wasn't sleep that was my trouble. Anyway, when I realized that they didn't help I threw them away."

Justin looked confused. "Then how did you find them here?"

"I don't know. The last week is kind of hazy. I don't remember it all. But I definitely remember throwing those pills away. So it was quite the shock to find them in my suitcase."

"I don't understand."

"I must have pulled them out of the garbage because I had decided to save them. So much so I even packed them."

"For what? You said they didn't help."

Kevin voice cracked. "They didn't help when I took them one at a time." He fell silent.

Justin suddenly realized what Kevin was hinting at.

"I won't believe that. You are incapable of doing such a thing."

"Then why did I save them, Justin. I don't remember everything. My mind was so screwed up. I'm scared to think what was going through my mind at those times. There was such constant hurt and pain." Kevin looked at Justin. "That is until Peter helped me. He found the cause and helped me overcome it."

Justin was trying to take all this in. Doubting Peter seemed stupid now.

"Justin, I know Peter talked about having sex with me, but that wasn't exactly what I needed. This whole thing with Kirk had so wore me down that I could even except simple pleasure. I had to learn to love myself. That is what finally broke through to me. It was the one thing that had been missing that whole time with Kirk. The care to give another person pleasure."

Justin was silent. Peter's strange insistence that he might have to have sex with Kevin made sense now. Somehow Peter's instinct had known.

Kevin stood up. "Don't be too angry at Peter. I know now that Peter may have saved my life." He started to walk away.


Kevin turned back.

Justin smiled. "Thank you."

Kevin thought he saw a tear in Justin's eye.

"Peter put everything he had on the line to help me even your love of each other. How many people would have done that? Hold on to him, Justin. He is one in a million. And if I ever hear that you let him slip through your fingers, I will be the first of many to step into the gap."

Kevin left.

Justin had so much now to think about.

"Justin, there you are. Come on, we've got to go."

"Go where, JC?"

"They changed the time of the session. We now have twenty minutes to get there. Hurry!"

"Does Peter know?"

"He has other things to do. Come on. We'll be late."

Justin hurried after JC.

NSYNC was waiting in the car.

Justin put the pills back in his pocket. No one spoke for a few seconds.

"Does Peter know?"

"No. Kevin had just left before JC arrived."

"Holy shit. Oh, sorry."

JC shook his head. "No, Joey. I think that was very appropriate."

"So you see, that was why Peter felt that he would have to go above and beyond with Kevin. He sensed how serious it could be."

Lance was still stunned. "We trusted Peter so, we didn't even question it."

JC nudged Justin. "I'm glad that nothing happened."

"So am I. But now that I know why, I don't think I would have minded."

"Bull!" Chris said. "Hindsight is always twenty-twenty."

"So what is Peter doing that he can't come with us?"

JC pointed out of the window.

Across the garage was another car. The Backstreet Boys were standing beside it.

"Who is that guy with the sharp duds?" Chris was kidding. He knew exactly who it was. "Its Peter! He's gone to the other side. Traitor!"

Justin leaned to look out the window. Chris was right. Peter did look good in his new clothes. Justin wished Peter would look in his direction.

"JC, lower the window."

Peter seemed to sense something. He began to scan the garage. Just before his eyes reached the car Kevin put his hand on Peter's shoulder. Peter turn to him. Peter broke into a broad smile. The car door was opened and Kevin gestured. Peter got in first followed by Kevin and then the rest.

"Sorry, too late."

Justin sat back.

JC patted Justin's knee. "You'll be able to talk to him this afternoon."

"And Peter said he'd talk to you before the concert." Lance added.

Justin managed a smile. "Sure."

"Justin, you'd better make sure that your room has a fire extinguisher."

"Okay, Chris, why?"

"You and Peter together after two days? You generate enough friction to start a fire."

"I think we should do a couple of encores just to extend the concert. Really make 'em suffer."

"Thanks a lot, Joey." Justin was already eager to be with Peter. He wanted to apologize to Peter for his behavior. And he wanted to say how proud of him he was. This waiting was agony.

Justin looked around impatiently. "What are we waiting for?"

"An additional passenger."

Justin felt a sudden dread. "You can't mean..."

"Hey, guys." Britney climbed into the car. "Sorry for the wait. Chris would you mind moving. I'd like to sit next to Justin."

Chris moved and Britney sat down.

"We've never done an interview together before." Britney took Justin's arm. "This is going to be fun."

Lance felt so sorry for Justin. Separated from Peter, unable to apologize and watching him go off with a Kevin. Was Peter still in temptation's way? Now a long time friend had suddenly become a clinging vine. Britney had always figured that she'd end up with Justin. Here was Justin still pretending because he didn't want to hurt her feelings. There was no doubt about it. Justin was in hell.

End part 20

It was lucky I chopped the last part in two so this one got finished so fast. Okay how did I do? I hope you Justin fans feel better and I hope I explained JC's actions a little. When you read and re-read and re-re-read, etc something you kind of lose the overall picture. So thank you very much for the responses.

I originally wrote it with Peter jacking Kevin off, but there was concern among the readers that it not really holding with Peter's character. I agreed. And those of you who LOVE the astral stuff(R&D) it got me out of the problem. I hoped it worked. I also realized that there was very little Lance and JC. So I added the debriefing scene and threw in a sex scene. Any objections? Let me know

I've got 5 pages done of Part 21. Until then...

Next: Chapter 21

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