Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on Aug 16, 2003


Here we go on part 42. The answer to Life, the Universe and Everything!

First thanks to all of you who have responded. I get so giddy when I get E-mails, ah, I appreciate the feedback.

The disclaimer: This story is complete fiction. It has less truth in it than a politician's campaign promises. The author does not know NYSNC and I wish they would stop stressing that point! No one in NYSNC is gay to my knowledge. I know nothing about NSYNC's sexual orientation or real lives and I am NOT detailing it here. I just hope the guys are getting laid! And I bet they make the cutest faces went they get ready to. . .nevermind.

There will be descriptions of gay sex. So if the idea of NSYNC doing the mattress mambo (actually in this story it is more like the kitchen connection) anyway, if gay sex offends you or you are underage (shame on you!) stop reading now. Otherwise, strap yourselves in the ride is about to start.

Lance and JC were already up and had breakfast ready when Peter got to the kitchen. Lance was looking out the window.

"Are we under siege yet?"

JC shot Peter a look. Peter went and grabbed a plate.

Lance sighed. "No, there's no one in front of the house. I am slightly relieved but I was hoping for some well wishers."

"Lance, not very many fans know where we live." JC explained.

"But still there are the neighbors." Lance moved from the window.

"Lance, it is only eight o'clock in the morning."

Peter poured himself some juice. "Maybe we should go out a buy a huge rainbow flag we can fly from the battlements. You could have your own spangled banner' to fly in the faces of those God hates fags' types."

Lance dropped into a chair. He looked at the floor. JC took Lance's hand.

Peter saw Lance was upset. "I'm sorry, Lance. I shouldn't have said that."

Lance didn`t look up. "It's true. They're out there. Last night I saw him myself."

Peter put his hand on Lance's shoulder. "But you're not used to such words. It is so second nature to me I forgot."

Lance looked up at Peter. "How do you get so those words don't hurt anymore?"

"You don't. You just learn not to show your pain." Pete smiled. "But you have so many people to support you. That makes the words hurt less. Hey, remember how eloquent your mother was last night. I bet she turned a few people around."

Lance smiled and nodded his head. "I was very proud of her. She didn't have to do that."

JC squeezed Lance's hand. "Yes, she did. She was your mother and she wanted the world to know what she had been through."

Lance chuckled. "You just say that because she was very flattering to you."

"And you." JC smiled. "Your mother is so great."

JC gave Lance a quick kiss. Then he leaned in for more. When they parted JC turned back to his breakfast.

Peter joined them at the table. "Have you heard from John yet?"

"No," JC answered, "But he will probably come over with the rest of the guys at nine-thirty."

"I'm surprised the phone hasn't been ringing off the hook."

Lance and JC exchanged glances.

"The calls are being screened. They routed our number through a service." Lance said quietly.

JC added. "That way we don't have to put up with the cranks calling at all hours."

Peter stabbed at his food. "Boy, could I have used that after you guys went back on tour. But the answering machine helped."

"That's not the same circumstance." Lance had an edge to his voice.

Peter nodded. "I know. It is never easy when people hate you for what you can't help and were born with. But I remember an old TV series. `The White Shadow'. It was about a gym teacher / basketball coach in a poor school."

JC chuckled. "Sports and you watched it?"

"It wasn't the original broadcast. It was on the oldie cable station. I just saw in the listing that the theme was a new kid who was supposed to be gay. So I watched it. Anyway, this new kid was teased and harassed. Of course he really wasn't gay. This was an old show remember. But one of the counselors told this boy that there were four kinds of people in this world, people who like you for the wrong reasons, people who hate you for the wrong reasons, people who like you for the right reasons and people who hate you for the right reasons. And the last group of people was the only ones he needed to worry about."

"Wow," Lance said. "Did that inspire you?"

"No," Peter took a bit of scrambled egg on his fork. "But it does sound so profound." He took the eggs into his mouth.

They waited as Peter chewed. "The point is," Peter finally continued. "These people want their words to hurt. They can't do it physically so mentally is all the better. But if you can keep from showing your hurt you rob them of their power. Look at the pink triangle. It was once a symbol of shame then Gay people took it back and it became a symbol of pride."

"I like the rainbow flag better." Lance said. "It is more colorful."

"So what you are saying is," JC began, "We should try to look at these negative words with a positive slant so they won't be as hurtful?"

Lance smiled at JC. "That's what me means, you big queer."

JC grinned back. "You are such a fag, Lance."

"That's queen to you, love."

JC leaned closer. "Cocksucker."

Lance moved toward JC, "Mm, ass licker."

JC's hand went to Lance's cheek. "Butt fucker."

"Sodomite." They kissed.

Peter grabbed his plate and stood up. "I'm going to finish my breakfast by the pool."

The lovers pulled apart.

"Sit," JC laughed. "You started it."

"You were just supposed to get numbed to the words. They weren't meant to turn you on."

Lance grinned. "I think our way is so much better."

"If you had it your way, you and JC would start making out in front of the enemy." Peter thought a moment. "You know you might just have something there."

JC gazed at Lance. "They'd stop calling us names to keep us from kissing in front of them."

Lance smiled back at JC. "Stopping hate with love."

"But you wouldn't really be changing their minds." Peter pointed out.

Lance leaned close to JC again. "Don't spoil the dream." They were kissing again.

Peter grabbed his plate and juice glass and started to leave the kitchen. "I'm going out to the pool."

JC pulled back laughing. "You saw us doing more than kissing last night and you weren't embarrassed."

Peter turned back. "Hey, I was very satisfied after Justin. I didn't know you'd be putting out that much sexual energy and I got caught in the undertow. Being with Justin had got me off twice and believe me I didn't need that third time."

Lance smiled. "Sounds like you need a psychic energy life preserver."

"I know one." Peter said. "It's called keeping your distance. I'll be out by the pool."

"We're not going to have sex now."

"This way you can if you want to." Peter left.

JC wiggled his eyebrows. "Shall we, love dumpling?" He began to tickle Lance.

Lance pushed JC away. "JC, stop it."

JC held his heart. "Oh, no, the dreaded words!" JC was hamming it up. "You have never told me to stop before. The romance is over." JC put his hand to his forehead in a dramatic pose. "Oh, fi! This was too soon."

"JC, do you want to hear those words again?"

"Sorry," JC snapped out of it.

"We have to clean up before John and the guys get here."

JC pouted. "I know."

Lance leaned close. "Besides I am still glowing from last night." He pressed his lips to JC's. When he pulled back JC was grinning.

"I was that good?"

"You always are but I loved your reaction while I danced. I am so glad you liked it."

JC leaned close. "Lance, if you keep me thinking about your dance and I'll make sure you don't have time to clean."

"That's sweet." Lance gave JC a quick peck on the cheek. Lance started clearing the table. He stopped at the sink. "Just think, JC."

"Lance." There was a warning tone to JC's voice.

"Not about last night well, sort of. What if we could project our love on other people like we did with Peter? What if they could really feel the love we feel? Wouldn't that change people's minds that being gay isn't a sin?"

JC took his plate to the sink. "Well, as long as we don't have people jacking off all over the place thinking of us."

Lance almost giggled. "There probably are now. It is a compliment."

JC took Lance in his arms and pressed up against his back. "As long as it is both of us they're thinking about. I don't want anyone just thinking of you. I'd be so jealous." JC nuzzled Lance's neck.

Lance turned on the water and began to rinse off the dishes with the sprayer.

JC wasn't going to let Lance be distracted. He lightly bit Lance's neck.

Lance was startled. The sprayer went off catching JC square in the face.

"Thanks a lot." JC sputtered wiping the water off his face with his hand.

Lance couldn't help laughing. "I'm so sorry. I didn't expect you to bite me."

"Oh, really? Then you wouldn't expect this." JC reached for the sprayer.

They began struggling with the sprayer but Lance wouldn't let go. Finally JC took hold of Lance's hands and squeezed. He forced Lance's hand onto the spray button. JC then fought to turn the spray of water at Lance.

"JC, stop, you'll make a mess."

"You should have thought of that before."

Lance closed his eyes as the spray struck his face. He could feel the water soaking his shirt. He fought back harder.

JC was amazed at Lance's strength as the sprayer turned back toward him. JC loosened his grip on Lance's hand but Lance still could squeeze the sprayer himself. It pointed at JC's face. The water stopped. JC was relieved. Maybe Lance didn't want to make a mess. Then a spray of water hit him in the face.

"In the name of the Father," Lance squeezed the trigger, "Son," another spray, "And the Holy Ghost." There was one last spray.

"Okay, I give up." JC released his hold on the sprayer. He held his hands up. "You win."

Lance nodded. "Good."

JC turned back to the clear the table.

"You shouldn't let your guard down." Lance sprayed JC's back.

"Why you little. . ." JC was on Lance before he could spray again. JC easily wrenched the sprayer out of Lance's wet grip. After a short struggle he got Lance bent over the sink. "Now you will pay." JC wet down Lance's head.

"Not my hair! You bastard!" Lance laughed. He pushed back hard against JC.

JC dropped the sprayer and bent over. Lance stood up, a bit surprised how easy it was to get out of JC's grip.

"There goes our sex life." JC clutched at his crotch.

Lance's face fell. "I am so sorry, JC."

Lance took a step toward JC. His foot slipped on the now slick floor. Lance fell to the floor the small rug helping cushion him. His feet hit JC's knocking his feet out from under him. JC landed on top of Lance.

After a moment of both of them groaning JC managed to prop himself up. "You okay, Lance."

Lance burst out laughing. "I feel like we're in a sitcom."

"Oh, really?" JC looked down into Lance's green eyes. "But they couldn't show this on TV." He leaned down and gave Lance a passionate kiss. JC felt Lance's arms wrap around his back and pull him close.

After a few minutes the kiss ended. Lance still held JC close.

"Oh, Josh."

JC held back a smile. Score! JC stood up. He helped Lance up. "Are you sure you're okay? No broken bones or bruises?"

Lance brushed himself down. "No, just wet." He pulled off his shirt.

JC pulled off his. Their eyes locked on each other's bodies.

Lance's eyes dropped to JC's crotch. "How about our sex life?"

JC pulled Lance against him, warm skin against warm skin.

"Let's find out." JC undid Lance's pants.

Lance's lips sought out JC's. His passion was growing. Time and place no longer mattered, he needed JC so bad. Lance pulled down his pants and underwear.

As JC unzipped his pants Lance turned around and gripped the counter top.

JC smiled. When Lance was ready he was ready. But JC wanted to really get Lance worked up. Peter had suggested this so they should have the time. JC knelt down, spread Lance's ass cheeks and burying his tongue into Lance.

"Oh, Josh!" Lance's knuckles went white as he gripped the counter.

JC probed deeper. He hadn't got a chance to do this last night so now he was making up for it. Lance was rocking slightly back and forth. JC looked up from Lance's butt crack to see Lance's head thrown back and then drop forward. As much as he would have loved to spend hours between Lance's other cheeks, JC knew they didn't have the time. Then JC realized he was missing it. Lance wasn't whimpering. There were a few choked gasps but nothing else. Then JC got it. Lance was afraid of 'someone' hearing.

Lance's grip on the wet counter kept slipping off. Then sometimes he would slap the counter as a surge of pleasure shot through him. He was already turned on by the idea of a quickie in the kitchen but JC rimming his ass was driving him to a fever pitch. Lance bit his lip to keep from whimpering. No one else must know of this. As much as he hated it to end Lance felt JC finally pull back.

JC stood up. "I'll get the lube."

Lance grabbed a plastic container. "Here use this."


Lance laid his chest on the counter. "Butter my butt." He pulled his cheeks apart. The puckered opening winked at JC. "Please, Josh. I need you so bad."

JC knew there was no time to debate. It felt weird at first but then as it melted it felt more normal. JC soon positioned himself behind Lance and pushed his cock into Lance.

Lance gave his usual loud long oh-so-contented moan. He braced himself against the counter and pushed back. JC sank deeper into him. Lance managed to keep the whimpering at bay.

JC's passion flared inside him. Lance's dance had been a turning point. JC didn't think this lust for Lance would ever cool. He had seen a side of Lance he had never seen before. It delighted and thrilled him. It magnified the joys he was getting as his cock plunged into Lance's warm tight insides.

Lance pushed back hungry for more. This spur of the moment sex always was so hot and Lance loved it. But of course there was no anticipating it. JC's cock hit Lance's prostate. God, it felt SO good. Raising a hand to his mouth Lance bit down on a knuckle. He wanted to make no sound, just their heavy breathing and the sound of their bodies slapping together.

JC wrapped his arms around Lance's body. Lance stood up so they could kiss. But the touch of JC's lips started the chain reaction. The length of JC's cock raked inside Lance sending a surge of joy through his body. Lance's hand found the back of JC's head. He held JC to the kiss.

JC got the message. He thrust harder and deeper into Lance. Lance's breath was becoming rapid. JC felt the stirrings deep inside him. JC reached around and took to stroking Lance's cock.

Lance released JC and almost fell onto the counter. Their breathing and the tensing of their muscles told both of them the end was near.

On his cock Lance's hand took over for JC's. Lance pushed back against JC, his body went tense. All JC heard was a loud exhale. JC felt Lance's ass clinch. Lance was cumming.

JC slowed to long smooth strokes. He watched Lance's body shake and tremble. Then there was a very content sigh. Lance lay on his stomach on the counter enjoying his climax.

Then Lance began to push back against JC forcing his cock deeper into him. This wasn't for Lance. This was for JC.

JC finally couldn't hold back anymore. "Oh, Lance." He said softly.

Lance stood up and JC's lips found his.

JC gave a staccato thrust as his cock shot off inside Lance. He broke the kiss only to take quick breaths. Finally he relaxed and they just kissed. Lance turned around and then mouths soon opened and tongues darted together. Then they parted.

Lance laid his head on JC's shoulder. "It looks like there's no damage to our sex life."

JC tapped Lance's nose. "Come on, we should clean up."

Lance finally took in the state of the kitchen. "You're right about that."

"Not the room, silly. Us." JC picked up their wet shirts.

They hurried up to their bedroom.

As Lance started to dress JC stopped him. "I'll work on the kitchen. You take your shower."

"But I already did."

"Butt is the right word." JC lightly slapped Lance's ass. "I think you have some cholesterol you want to get rid of."

Lance looked serious at JC. "You don't mind?"

"Go. I don't want you squirming with discomfort when the guys get here."

Lance placed a kiss on JC's cheek. "I love you." He headed off into the bathroom.

JC was surprised to find Peter already at work cleaning the kitchen.

"You don't have to do this."

Peter looked up from clearing the table. "Hey, you said this is my home now too, right? Well, I want this place presentable just as much as Lance does."

"And if we didn't Lance would never speak to either of us again?"

"That, too. I'll work on the dishes. You get the mop."

"Watch yourself that floor is slippery." JC opened a cabinet and took out the mop.

Peter put the food away in the refrigerator as JC mopped up the water to make the sink safer to get to.

Soon almost all the food was put away. "Hand me that margarine."

JC handed Peter the container without thinking. The lid fell to the floor. Peter noticed the distinct finger marks in the margarine.

"You had to ad lib I see."

JC looked up. "What?"

"You buttered Lance up."

JC seemed embarrassed. "Yeah, there wasn't much time to prepare."

Peter walked to the waste basket.

"What are you doing?"

Peter turned to JC. "You're going to eat the rest of this?"

"Oh. Throw it."

"If you don't want to waste it we could label it 'for buns only".

"If it will stop the jokes, throw it."

JC finished mopping the floor. He took to wiping the front of the cabinets. Peter started loading the dishwasher.

Peter blushed slightly. "JC, you missed a spot on your left."

JC wiped up the cum. "Thanks."

"Now you know why I chose the dishes."

"I said you didn't have to do this."

"I thought it was only a little water fight when I started cleaning."

"Well, you did suggest it."

"Glad to see you took my advice."

"Don't take this personal, Peter, but your advice didn't have anything to do with it."

Peter nodded. "You were a little kissy face this morning."

"No, it goes all the way back to last night and Lance's dance."

"It affected you that much?"

JC stood up and tossed the paper towel away. "You have no idea."

"But you've see Lance dance before."

"That was NSYNC choreography. Last night Lance really pulled out all the stops."

"And you never expected him to dance so sexy."

"It was more than sexy. It was fucking hot."

Peter didn't even try to chide JC on his language.

JC continued. "Lance isn't exactly a person you'd think about stripping for anyone. Last night he proved me so wrong. I don't think my blood will ever cool down. And there was the other thing."

"What thing?"

JC paused.

"If it's personal you don't have to tell me."

JC sighed. "Lance almost got me off just watching him dance. I was almost afraid to have him touch me."

"Have you told Lance? He would be very pleased to know he danced that well."

"It was more than just the dance." JC looked up. "He did it all for me. All I did was wiggle a bit for him. . ."

"JC," Peter interrupted. "It wasn't just a wiggle. You brought the leather pants and did a very erotic dance for Lance. You put in the effort. Lance wanted to show you how much he enjoyed that by making the effort for you."

"But it was so much more than I expected."

Peter put his hand on JC's shoulder. "Then Lance succeeded at what he was trying to do."

JC nodded. He smiled. "What did Justin think?"

"Oh, I think he liked it."

JC laughed. "You and Lance are so modest."

"Actually we really didn't have time to talk about it."

"Lance said that Wade helped?"

"Yeah, we were practicing at John's, he was free and he volunteered. Actually he was glad to get to choreography some really dirty dancing for a change."

"If we ever give up music NSYNC can change to a strip show."

Peter snorted, "Yeah, right."

JC seemed indignant. "Don't you think we could do it?"

"Oh, the dancing part sure but having guys or girls drooling over Lance?" Peter shook his head. "That never will happen."

JC smiled. "You're right. I'm very selfish when it comes to Lance."

"With a love like you and Lance have what's wrong about being selfish?"

JC seemed struck by the thought. He mumbled to himself, "What's wrong about being selfish?" He shook his head save it for later. "Of course it would never happen but I'd be against even the thought of Lance posing for beefcake pictures."

"I'd rethink that. You guys could do it like you did that other magazines, you know, five different issues. Playgirl would make millions on it."

JC put his nose in the air. "I would thank you not to put corrupt ideas into our head. We are a family group you know." He joked.

"That's what makes the fantasy so hot. It's against character."

JC thought for a bit. "You mean like Lance last night. But I have seen him undress lots of times before. And he has teased me by undressing irritatingly slow at times. But it was nothing like last night."

"Maybe it was Justin and me being there. Lance was sort of doing it in public. It wasn't just you two in private."

"That could be the answer."

Peter closed the dishwasher. "JC, forgive this but screw the answer. Lance did a dance for you that still has your motor revving. Don't try to analyze it just," Peter gave a thrust with his hips, "'anal'ize it."

JC laughed. "I did. And to tell you the truth I could again." JC adjusted himself.

"No wonder I got overwhelmed with your sexual energy. Damn, JC, Lance has turned you into a sex fiend."

The doorbell rang and the front door opened. Then came Chris's loud voice. "Sorry to disturb the orgy but the straights are here."

Then Joey's voice, "Sh, people might hear you."

"I'll go stall them," Peter pointed at JC's crotch. "You go put some ice on that thing until the swelling goes down."

"Very funny," JC gave Peter a push out of the kitchen.

"Morning, Peter," Chris nodded. "You too, JC. Indulging your selves now that everything is `out' in the open?" Chris made exaggerated motions like he was searching for somebody. "Where's Lance? Washing the oil off his body? I've heard of these parties where you put down plastic and everybody gets covered with oil, and you all go slip sliding away."

Joey nudged Chris. "That isn't just a gay thing, Chris." Joey winked.

Chris put up his hand. "I will never do that. Not unless I wear a chin guard, mouth protector and helmet. You could hurt yourself sliding around like that with no solid footing."

"That's the fun of it."

Chris gave a one eyed stare at Joey.

Joey relented. "Okay, so I've been told."

Chris turned back. "I was surprised there were no people protesting out front."

"The guards shot them." Peter joked. "They're buried in the back yard."

Chris clicked his teeth. "They'll end up killing the grass, you know. Even in death they are opposed to any sort of new growth."

JC sneered. "You two are being so morbid."

Chris let it drop. "We're sorry, JC, it`s just nerves." Chris sat in a chair. "We're as anxious as you are. No word from John yet?"

"No, we're assuming he'll be here soon and give us the update."

Joey nodded to the window. "Well, at least no one is outside yet."

Lance walked down the stairs. "But we have been invaded. They`re armed and they have more than the usual two."

"They are a necessity, Lance." JC explained. "You were willing to have guards around once before if I remember right."

Lance frowned. "Oh, that's right, my dream."

JC was sorry he brought it up. "It was a dream, remember. This is just a coincidence."

Peter drove home the point. "Trust yourself, Lance. It was you who discovered it was a dream."

Lance nodded.

There was a knock on the door but before anyone could answer it Justin breezed in.

"Morning, all."

Lance frowned. "Nobody is waiting for us to get the door."

"But you have the door. It`s part of your house."

"Morning, Chris." Justin added.

Chris nodded. "Yes, it is."

Justin ignored Chris. "It's just that I didn't want to wait there on the front step being watched to see if I was let in or not."

Joey slapped Justin's shoulder. "Don't worry no one will ever shoot Justin Timberlake."

Peter grinned. "Don't be so sure."

Justin turned to Peter. "She wouldn't dare!"

"Why not?" Peter said. "You totally cut her off in person then you publicly cut her off on Larry King."

Joey crossed his arms. "You were way too polite about the whole thing last night."

Justin turned to Joey. "I will not speak badly of Britney in public no matter what she has done. I am not looking for revenge. She now knows the situation and how I feel. It is over. I want to move on. So please, drop it."

Lance looked to Justin. "How are your folks taking the security measures?"

Justin shrugged. "Okay, I guess. But we have a female guard. I think that helped."

Chris's ears went up. "Female? I`ll have to try to break in. Maybe she will frisk me or maybe she will strip search me."

Joey smiled. "Or maybe she will probe where only customs officials dare to probe."

Chris slumped in the chair. "That again? Is everything going to be about this gay stuff from now on?"

JC chuckled. "Chris, it is only gay because you see it that why. You are doing the translating."

The door bell rang. This time JC got to open the door.

"How's the morning going, JC?"

"Fine, John. As you see we have no protesters yet."

"Or well wishers." Lance added.

"Well, that is to be expected. It is too soon yet." John moved into the room and sat down.

Lance sat forward. "Please, John, how is it going? What is the reaction?"

John produced some papers. "I printed some of the responses. The majority have been positive and supportive." John handed the papers out. "On the website we're running about 1 out of 6 with a complaint. But most of those are from fans who don't want to believe you two are gay. Not that they have serious issues about it."

Joey laughed. "You mean JC's and Lance's would-have-been wives?"

John nodded smiling. "You broke a lot of fans' hearts last night."

Lance shifted nervously. "Anything really negative?"

John shuffled through some new papers. "A few. Things from 'My parents say that being gay is wrong' to parents worried about your influence on the children."

"Anything in the mainstream media?" JC asked.

"There are rumblings but nothing certain yet. The office has been inundated with interview requests or at least official press releases. If you don't mind, I'd like for you to drop by the studio this afternoon. I let it slip that you'd be there for a meeting about the new album. When you leave I am sure the press will be there for photos and questions. You don't have to do anything too long just a few minutes to give them some quick answers. Im taking Peters view point. Now they are interested in you. You are not asking for this publicity."

JC looked at Lance. Lance nodded.

JC nodded at Lance. "We would be glad to do that."

"Huh-uh," Joey corrected. He pointed to Justin, Chris and then himself. "WE will be glad to do this. We're in this together."

"Good." John stood up. "I'd better go. See you say about one o'clock?"

"It's a date." Justin said.

Chris held his head in his hand. "Now we're all dating! How far is this going to go?"

Joey slapped Chris's shoulder. "To our house. Come on, we'll do lunch." Joey saw Chris opened his mouth. "Just lunch not each other." Joey quickly added. "You are an acquired taste that I will never acquire."

Chris and Joey followed John out.

"I suppose I should go too."

"But, Justin, you just got here." Peter said.

"The public eye," was all Justin said. He gave Peter a kiss. "Besides I still have to tell you how much I enjoyed your dance."

Peter smiled. "I can't wait."

Justin squeezed Peter's hand. "Neither can I." A quick peck on Peter's cheek and Justin was gone.

The three of them each grabbed a pile and started going through the messages.

At first it was the positive messages. But soon Lance began on the negative ones. Lance grew sadder as he read. Why didn't these people get it? As he read Lance soon became angry. They completely missed the point. These people who once were such ardent fans had turned against them. And he knew for every message written there more fans who thought the same but that didn't spare the time to write. Lance felt the weight of what they had done pressing down on him. Had coming out been a mistake?

Peter, too, had hit the negative messages. He too read them with despair and hurt. Then he read the one. Peter couldn't believe it. He glanced around to see if either Lance or JC was looking then slid the letter into his pocket.

There was such a gloom over the room. Peter tried to change the mood.

"I can't read any more." He threw the letters to the table. "I need to cleanse myself. Anyone for a swim?"

JC and Lance just shook their heads and continued reading.

Peter's heart ached to see two people he cared about in such a state.

"Don't worry. Most of your fans still love you."

Lance's head popped up. "Oh, really?" Peter was surprised at the angry look on Lance's face. He waved the papers. "These make us out to be a cross between a child molester and the antichrist! These loving fans have gone from adoring to abhorring. I thought my mother was bad." Lance threw the papers on the table. "Those people absolutely hate us now! Coming out was going to be this great positive thing." Lance glared at Peter. "Why did we listen to those lies?"

"But, Lance," Peter protested. "Look how your parents came around."

"That was two people. What am I going to have to do? Am I to project to every fan's home and pour my blue aura onto them to get them to change?"

"It won't be that bad."

"How do you know? What did you have to lose when you came out? You said yourself everybody already knew you were gay. How can you tell us that it won't be that bad just because you have had no bad experiences?"

"Lance," JC said softly.

Lance turned to JC and pointed to the pile of letters. "They hate us, JC. Everything we did up to now was fun. Everything we did was for our fans. Now look at us. We followed advice from people who know nothing of the real world. I don't know about you, JC, but I feel betrayed."

Lance stormed out of the room.

JC and Peter sat in silence. JC finally moved. He went to Peter and put his hand on Peter's shoulder. "He's not blaming you. He's just upset at the venom in those letters. Even I didn't expect that much hate."

Peter didn't look up. "Lance is right. I, we focused so much on the positive side of things. Maybe this was a bad idea."

"Don't ever say that," JC said sternly. "This is just the first wave. We surprised and upset a lot of people. Give them a chance to settle into the idea."

Peter sneered. "Like the Captain of the Titanic said 'it is just a small leak'."

"Stop it, Peter. This isn't your fault. It was our decision in the end. No one forced us out. Okay?"

Peter nodded.

"I'd better see how Lance is. Why don't you take that swim now? Maybe we will join you. It might help to wash away our sorrows."

Peter stood up. Peter pulled JC into a hug. "All those fans who have cut you off don't know what they are letting go. I wish there were more people in the world like you. I love you guys so much."

JC returned the embrace. "Thanks. But don't let all this negative stuff get to you. You are a blessing in our lives and we never regret a moment of it."

Peter pulled back. "Thanks."

"Can I pass that hug on to Lance or do you want to do it?"

Peter smiled. "You can, although it will probably develop into something else."

JC smiled shaking his head. He stressed the words. "We don't have sex all the time."

"You should."

JC laughed. "I'll let you give Lance that hug. I think it would mean more from you."

Peter nodded. Then Peter went to change into his swimsuit and JC went to find Lance.

JC found Lance in the TV room watching male strippers?

"This isn't a new fad of yours is it?"

Lance still sounded angry. "No, this belongs to Peter. I had to watch something and it was the first tape I found."

"Is that where you got you ideas for your dance?"

Lance relaxed a little. "Some. Peter and I just sort of brainstormed sexy dance moves. Then Wade helped us to polish them up."

JC leaned on the couch behind Lance. "It worked for me."

They didn't say a word for a while. Then Lance broke the silence.

"I'll apologize to Peter. I know it wasn't his fault."

"He knows that."

Lance slunk back against the couch. His head drooped. JC was around the couch and sitting beside Lance in a flash. JC took Lance's hand.

"Why do they have to be so hateful? I mean, it is just love."

"They don't see that. And more to the point they don't see us. I mean as people. We are now gay' first, men' second and JC and Lance last. But they can't see passed the first word."

"After all we've been through to get where we are." Lance looked at JC. "Have we lost it all?"

"Never," JC said very firmly. "We have always been ourselves to our fans. And if telling them the truth about us being gay loses us some, well, what kind of fans were they?"

"Really pissed off at us right now." Lance made a little smile.

"And why? Because we didn't live up to their image of us? Don't you see? They want us to go back in the closet because it would make them, not us, happier. Would you do that for a fan?"

"No. They have no say over our personal lives."


"But the things that they wrote."

"Lance, do what you did last night. I was so proud of you and your response to the `abomination' caller. You really threw them off guard. That's what we need to do."

"But I want them to see our point of view. I want them to see our love."

"And that is the one thing they do NOT want to see."

"Then they are fools."

JC smiled again. "And do you want to spend your life getting angry at fools?"

Lance chuckled. "No, that would be foolish."

JC took Lance into his arms. "These people are holding onto to a belief. If you try to pry them away from it they hold on tighter. Let's kill them with kindness. Let them respond with anger and hatred. We'll treat them with respect."

Lance sat back, "That will really piss them off."

JC laughed. "If we stay ourselves we'll let the public figure out for themselves whom they like better."

Lance gave JC a squeezed. "Thank you, JC. I feel better."

"I know what will make you feel even better."

"What? Again?"

JC laughed. "I didn't mean that but I could do it again."

Lance was surprised. "Twice in one morning? Even after last night?"

"Because of last night."

Lance still looked surprised as JC looked into Lance's eyes.

JC smiled. "That dance of yours last night was a complete surprise and a complete turn on. I have never seen you sexier or hotter."


"Really. Just the thought of your dance for me makes me want to do you so bad."

Lance had the notion to throw himself onto JC but he just took JC's hands. "I'm so glad. I wanted it to be more than what you did for me."

JC chuckled. "It was, believe me." JC leaned toward Lance. His voice dropped to a whisper. "It was fucking hot."

Lance blushed and grinned.

"You know how quick off the trigger you can be?"

Lance furrowed his eyebrows. "Don't ruin it now, JC."

"I mean, you get so caught up emotionally into sex sometimes." JC rubbed Lance's hand. "I love that about you."

"Forgiven," said Lance.

JC pressed his finger and his thumb together. "I was that close to cumming just by watching you dance for me."

Lance couldn't help himself. He took JC into his arms. "I am so glad you liked it. We practiced so hard." Lance sat back blushing. "I mean, we rehearsed and rehearsed."

JC laughed. "Oh, I bet you two were hard at times."

Lance blushed, "Sometimes."

JC had to ask. "Why did you and Peter dance together?"

"For confidence. I was having such a lousy time getting the dancing together and Peter gave me that tape to help. Then I thought Justin would like a dance, too. It was easier dancing together. We could critique each other and Peter agreed. You didn`t mind did you?"

JC smiled. "No, my eyes were only on you."

Lance grinned. "Bull, I caught a couple of sideways glances."

"Okay, you got me. I just couldn't believe that you and Peter were dancing like that. You surprised us both. I know I will never look at you the same way again." JC saw Lance almost frown. "My lover did a dance for me that will keep me horny for weeks."

"I'll have to arrange a dance again."

"No, please," JC sounded serious. "Like our first time having sex, this was so special. You can still dance for me; just don't try to top it because I will treasure it always."

"Like I do with your dance for me."

They kissed for a few moments.

JC pulled back. "Peter has gone for a swim. Do you want to join him?"

Lance smiled. "Sure, but can I have a few minutes alone with him. I want to apologize."


JC went to get changed. Lance went to turn off the TV.

He remembered JC's words. "I have never seen you sexier or hotter." He watched the stripper on the tape for a few seconds. Lance stuck out his tongue. "Nah!" He switched the TV and the VCR off then almost strutted down the hall.

As Lance made his way to the pool JC looked out of the bedroom window. He wanted to gauge when Lance and Peter were through with their tête-à-tête so he could join them. He saw Peter sitting on the lounge reading a piece of paper. It looked like one of the messages that John had brought. Why was Peter still reading it? Peter must have heard Lance approaching and shoved the paper under pillow on the lounge. JC curiosity was aroused.

"You're not in the water yet."

Peter jumped to his feet. He was acting very nervous. "I was just sitting and thinking."

Lance frowned. "And I know what about. I'm sorry, Peter. I shouldn't have yelled at you like that. I know you are not to blame for this."

"It's okay. I know you were just upset." Peter went to the pool's edge. "Last one in. . ."

"Peter, wait. I'm not through yet."

"I accept your apology. Let's swim."


Too late, Peter dove into the pool. Lance waited for Peter to surface but he swam along the bottom of the pool for a while. When he did break the surface it was for a quick breath and then he plunged back.

There was nothing for it. Lance jumped into the pool.

Either Peter was playing or he was avoiding Lance. Every time Lance got close Peter swam away. Finally Lance gave up and decided on another idea.

Lance looked up at their bedroom window and held up three fingers. JC got the message.

Peter could see that Lance had stopped swimming and just stood near the edge of the pool in the shallow end. He surfaced to hear Lance's voice. "Ow, damn it." Lance had his hands on his face.

"Lance, what's wrong." Peter swam close.

"I got something in my eye."

Peter moved closed. "Let me see."

With a quick movement Lance pinned Peter to the side of the pool.

Lance looked sternly at Peter. "Now as I was saying."

"You don't have to say anything. I know you were just upset."

"It doesn't justify the things that I said. I know I hurt you and I regret that."

Peter shrugged. "You were right. I don't know much about the real world."

"I was wrong about that. Look at how much you have changed since you've been with us. And I was dead wrong about you not having any negative experiences and again that's been since you've been with us."

"I wouldn't do anything different. I'm a part of a very loving close group of friends. I never have had that before. I guess I felt so a part of you guys I forgot I wasn't with you at the beginning. I know very little of what you guys went through and what you could lose because of coming out. I knew how I would react and I thought the other fans would too. I guess I'm just the optimistic one."

"And I'm the worrier. I always want people to like me and try so hard to make them happy. Now some people hate me. That's what made me angry. I was at a loss at what to do."

"Like I told JC, anyone who turns away from you now doesn't know what they are losing." Peter wrapped his arms around Lance. "You make the world a little bit better. I love you guys so much."

Lance was so surprised by the hug. "Thanks you."

Peter pulled back. "Now do you believe I forgive you?"

"Just one more thing for a clean slate," Lance grinned. He fell sideways into the water pulling Peter with him. Lance gave Peter quick underwater kiss.

Peter came out of the water with hands raised. "Hallelujah. I have been cleansed!"

Lance laughed.

JC stood by the pool. "Always the Baptist, eh, Lance." JC threw his towel on the lounge. "Well, I owe you one from this morning." JC did a cannon ball into the pool. Lance caught the full force of the splash.

Lance was still wiping the water from his face as JC started to climb out of the pool.

"Two more times and we're even."

"Oh, no you don't." Lance reached for JC.

Lance caught JC by his trunks. As JC pushed himself out of the pool his suit pulled down exposing his butt. JC backed up but Lance still pulled the suit down and wouldn't let go.

JC twisted around. "Not in front of the guest."

Peter chuckled. "Hey, I live here remember? Besides I like the view."

JC raised his hand to slap Lance's hold on him. But at the last moment Lance let go. JC ended up slapping his own ass.


Lance laughed. "Serves you right."

"Oh, yeah." JC twisted and flopped back into the pool. Lance was caught by the second splash.

Peter watched as Lance and JC wrestled. They disappeared below the water. Suddenly Lance burst to the surface with something in his hand. He went to throw it to the pool deck and JC lunged at him. Peter caught a glimpse of JC's bare butt as Lance threw JC's swimsuit out of the pool.

"You're going to pay for that." JC dove down. Lance was yanked back under the water.

Soon JC appeared triumphant Lance's swimsuit in his hand.

"JC, don't you dare."

The wet suit hit the pool deck with a splat. Lance pounced on JC.

JC and Lance wrestled in the water laughing and giggling. After a few minutes Lance stopped. He looked around.

"Where's Peter?"

Peter stood on the pool deck. "If you two want to continue, I'll go into the house."

Lance felt embarrassed being bare-assed. "Sorry, we got carried away."

Peter handed each of them their swimsuits. "As much as I hate to break up your fun remember we are not alone."

Lance spun around. A security guard was paced along the far back wall.

Lance and JC pulled on their swimsuits.

"Well, this is a change," JC said. "Peter is being the calming factor."

Peter squatted by the pool. "I hated to end it. It is nice seeing you two so happy."

"But you were right," JC admitted. "We were getting too wild. We can't have people seeing us cavorting about naked can we?"

Lance smirked. "You're right, JC. No more nudity for us."

Lance and JC held up their hands. Peter reached down to help them out of the pool.

They gripped Peter's hands.

"Now you on the other hand," JC signaled and they pulled.

Peter was propelled headlong into the pool. Before he could even fight back Peter felt his swimsuit being pulled off. He turned around but it was too late.

Lance and JC leapt out of the pool holding Peter's swimsuit.

"Come on, guys." Peter protested. "Give me back my trunks."

Lance threw them over his shoulder. "We don't have anything do we, JC?" Lance asked very innocently holding up his empty hands.

Peter glanced around. The guard had started making his way back toward the house.

"Guys!" Peter said between clinched teeth.

"Morning," Lance said very politely to the guard.

"Morning," JC repeated.

Peter pressed himself up against the side of the pool and managed a little wave.

The guard nodded his head in greeting then disappeared around the corner of the house.

JC and Lance burst into laughter.

"Okay, now that I have been thoroughly humiliated," Peter held out his hand. "Give."

"I think I'll call Justin," JC teased. "He can come over and rescue you."

"I'll be a prune before then."

Lance grinned, "But afterwards he can show you how much he liked your dancing."

"He already did that last night."

"So did, JC." Lance smiled. "But JC gave me another standing ovation this morning." Lance put his arm around JC and gave him a peck on the cheek.

JC grabbed his towel. "Come on, Lance, let's go inside."

"But you can't leave me out here like this." Peter protested.

"Come on, Peter. Show us you have balls." JC teased. He pulled his towel around him. The end of the towel caught on the pillow on the lounge. It fell to the pool deck. A piece of paper followed it.

JC stooped to pick it up.

Being naked wasn't important now. Peter sprung from the pool.

"JC, don't!" Peter reached for the paper.

JC looked at the paper. "This is one of the messages John brought over."

Peter looked disparate. "Please, JC, don't read that."

"Okay," JC handed it to Lance. "You read it."

"Please don't," Peter pleaded.

Lance began reading. "I know Lance and JC are not really gay." Lance sneered. "Yeah, right," He continued. "I know what has happened to them. They have been brain washed. It is that gay guy that has been hanging around them."

JC glanced at Peter. Peter looked at the ground.

"Ever since this guy has been in contact with NSYNC JC and Lance have changed. It is his influence on them. I'm sure you know that gay men recruit other males preferably younger ones. I suspect he set up JC's accident to insinuate himself into NSYNC's inner circle. He even convinced them to show their approval of the gay lifestyle on TV. Get him away from them and they will return to the straight path. Please, for the sake of all us loyal fans get rid of that gay guy. We want NSYNC wholesome image restored again. It is JC's and Lance's only hope."

They looked at Peter standing there naked and so vulnerable.

JC handed Peter his towel. "Why did you hide this?"

"It was bad enough when the people were against you. I didn't want you to worry about them blaming me."

Lance turned to Peter. There was an angry tone in Lance's voice. "You don't believe a word of this, do you?"

Peter shrugged. "It's kind of true."

Lance crumpled the message in his hand. "This is complete and utter bullshit! Don't you dare believe a word of it!"

JC could tell Lance was growing into a rage.

"But. . ." Peter started to say.

JC continued. "Okay, you gave us the opportunity to talk to another gay man and you showed us so much more of the gay community that we ever knew." JC said firmly. "And yes, you even helped us to come out. But we chose the time and place and we thank you for it."

Lance threw the message away. "That's it. I am tired of letting these sons of bitches dragging us down. We're here, we're queer and they'd fucking better get used to it!"

JC and Peter looked a bit shocked.

Lance looked from JC to Peter.

Then JC looked determined. "Fuck, yeah!"

They looked at Peter. After a second Peter looked up. "Fuck, yeah." He raised his middle finger. "And if they don't like it they can just go and swivel on this!"

Lance held his hand straight out. JC put his on top of Lance's and Peter put his hand in top of JC's.

"All for one. . ." Lance said in a strong voice.

"And one for all," Peter and JC finished.

"We're the three mouse-a-queers." Peter joked.

"That's musket-queers," JC corrected. "You'll have Walt Disney doing 360s in his grave."

"I thought he was frozen." Lance said.

"Who cares?" Peter replied. "It was just a joke."

JC tried to gage the time. "We'd better get dressed and leave for John's."

Peter went over and picked up his swimsuit. The towel fell off.

JC gave a wolf whistle.

Lance grinned. "Peter, nice ass."

Peter pulled the towel around him blushing red. "And I feel like an ass believing that letter."

"They got under my skin, too," Lance added.

"You know, Peter," JC began. "That letter could have been written by your brother."

"Yeah," Lance added. "He would be trying to separate you from us."

Peter shook his head. "Do you think the way my brother travels about that he has a computer? No, this is someone else." Peter smiled. "But it will help thinking it was from him."

JC put his arm and around Lance and Peter as they headed into the house. "It's time we start believing in ourselves and not what other people say about us. Agreed?"


With JC's arms around them they went into the house.

The three of them sat out by the pool looking at the night sky.

"Well, we made it through the first day."

Lance sighed. "Thank god!"

JC smiled. "I do, Lance."

"I thought the meeting of all those reporters went well." Peter added.

"It was the fans that surprised me." Lance said. "Peter, you were so right about them, well, the majority of them at least. Making their signs so big that they blocked the signs of the protesters."

"They got the idea from Matthew Shepard's funeral. People dressed as angels in long robes and stood with arms out stretched so the people attending the funeral couldn't see the anti-gay protesters."

There was a pause, almost a moment of silence. After a bit Peter began again.

"And your responses to the questions, 'We're not looking for publicity. We just want to live quiet private lives. You came to us.' And 'They were expressing very highly held religious beliefs. They just didn't express them in very Christian-like manner.' But my favorite was Chris's 'JC and Lance told the world they are gay and people are angry because they told the truth. If they stayed in the closet and JC and Lance were found out later to be were gay, people would be angry because they lied to them. Catch 22. Would they rather have JC and Lance tell the truth or lie?' I almost cheered."

Lance smiled. "Chris can be so annoying with his jokes. But sometimes his sentiments are bang on."

"So," JC slapped the sides of the chair. "What should we do now?"

"The Game room?" suggested Lance.

Peter grinned. "I have a more positive idea." He paused. "Let's go to a gay bar."

JC shook his head. "We decided not to be publicly gay until the uproar dies down."

Peter pressed the point. "But we've been to a gay bar before without anyone knowing."

"Yeah," Lance smirked. "But we projected. No one could see us. They didnt know we were there."

The truth hit. JC and Lance snapped around to Peter. He was grinned from ear to ear. "Shall we dance?"

Three pairs of feet were heard pelting up the stairs to their separate bedrooms.

"Do you know where we are going?" Lance asked as the floated down another street.

"Sort of."

"Sort of?"

"Obviously I've never been there before. All I have is the address out of that gay newspaper to go on so I am trying to remember the map."

They floated to a stop.

"It has to be around here someplace."

"Admit it. We're lost."

"So what, Lance," JC replied. "We can always find our way home."

Peter was thinking. "Maybe it is up one more block."

JC looked down and saw a very good looking, nicely groomed and well dressing young man. He had a determined step in his walk.

"I say we follow him."

The men turned a corner.

"How do you know he's gay?"

"Only one way to find out."

They followed Peter around the corner.

The man was a ways down the block already and approaching what was definitely a bar. Without hesitation he went through the door.

"Too late." JC said.

"Nope, JC, you were right and it looks like we are here."

Lance looked up. There was a sign flashing "Southern Nights".

"I like the place already."

"You can take the boy out of the South. . ." JC began.

"Don't you start, JC."

"Come on, you two." Peter floated through the door.

It was just like the other gay bar they had visited. There were couples writhing about on the dance floor. But this bar had large screen TV's here and there showing Music videos.

"Look, Lance, competition."

Set at intervals around the room were several raised stages. A scantily clad man was gyrating on each.

Lance wished he could put his hand over JC's eyes. "I'd say don't look but that wouldn't help would it?"

"I only have eyes for you, Lance."

They watched the people dance for a bit then floated over to the bar.

Peter's attention was caught by a youngish man at the end of the bar. He reminded him of Brian. A slightly older man was holding hands with him.

"I never thought I would ever meet anyone like you at a bar."

"Really," the one man said.

"No. Men in this bar are such posers and primpers. `Look at me, adore me, love me but you can't have me'. But you on the other hand know what you want." The other man leaned close. "Don't you."

The one man smiled. "Mm, yes I do."

"I knew it."

The one man raised his hand. "I'll have another beer."

The bartender put down the glass of beer.

"Such a wonderful sense of humor you have." The other man leaned forward again. "I like humor." He popped a peanut into his mouth.

"Really?" the one man said again. "Well, the jokes on you. I don't go home with people I've just met."

The other man stood back. "Did I say anything about going home with me?"

"No you didn't and I am sorry." The one man took a drink from his beer. "But now you know."

"Hey, you."

Another man approached the young man. As they talked the other man reached into his pocket then reached for the beer. He didn't touch the glass but the beer foamed up. The man sat back.

"Did you see that?" asked Lance.

"Yes, I did," replied JC.

"What?" asked Peter.

"He dropped something in the beer."

"Oh, get real, JC."

"It is very real, Peter. And you should know first hand."

Peter watched the foam disperse. "You don't mean. . ."

"A victim."

"We have to do something!"

"We will."

The one man turned back as his friend walked away.

"A friend of yours?" The other man asked popping another peanut in his mouth.

"Yeah, just a friend."

"Here catch." The other man threw a peanut into the air. The one man without thinking caught it in his mouth. He started coughing.

"Here," the other man reached for the beer.

Before his hand had touched the glass it tipped over onto the bar.

"I am so sorry. I'm usually not such a klutz."

The one man was still coughing. The bartender approached to clean up the spill but first poured a glass of water and gave it to the one man.

"Thanks.' The one man drank greedily. He put the glass down. "I needed that."

The other man spoke. "I am so sorry for spilling your beer. Let me buy you another one."

"Please don't bother."

The other man smiled. "It is no bother."

Another glass of beer arrived. The one man took a drink.


The one man sighed. "Yes, much."

"Good." The other man paused. "I don't live that far away. I promise you'll have a good time."

"I am sorry. But the answer is still no."

The one man turned his back to the bar and watched the dancers on the dance floor.

The other man reached into his pocket.

Suddenly he let out a cry and an object went flying behind the bar.

"You all right?" asked the one man.

"Yes, fine." The other looked suspiciously about the room. "It was just a cramp."

"A cramp my eye," Lance retorted. "We did that."

The one man stood up. "I have to go to the bathroom."

"I'll hold your seat." The other man grinned.

"You wish." The one man walked off.

The bartender approached. Seeing the object that went flying behind the bar he picked it up.

"My meds." The other man reached for them.

"Then I'd like to see you take one." The bartender held the foil packet out.

"I already have."

The bartender leaned close. "These are not your meds." The bartender pointed. "Get out." He hissed.

The other man held out his hand. "My pills."

"Get out of here before I call the police."

"My, what a drama queen."

"And don't let me see your face in here again." The bartender pointed at a camera on the wall. "Or I will send your image to every gay bar in town and then some."

"Okay, I'm going." The other man adjusted his shirt. "I'll never want to be seen in this dive again, anyway." He left.

The bartender emptied the foil packet into the sink and washed the pills away.

"The gay alligators in the sewers are going to love you for that. They're going to get lucky tonight."

"Better them than someone else."

"You know those cameras haven't worked for months," said the other bartender.

"Well, he didn't know that."

"You just cost us a customer."

"Who would want the likes of him? Besides one every two to three months isn't that bad for business is it?"

The other bartender chuckled. "You're not a bartender. You're a big brother."

The bartender smiled. "And that's bad?"

The one man returned. He looked for the other man.

"He had to leave." The bartender said.

The one man reached for his beer then stopped. He just looked at it. He pushed it away. "I'm sorry. I'd rather have a bottle of beer if you don't mind."

"Mind?" The bartender said. "I'd be glad to."

The one man's friend came back to the bar to order another round.

"Your friend leave?"

"He wasn't really a friend."

"Oh. You can hang with us if you'd like."

The one man smiled. "Sure."

"You changed to bottle beer?"

"Yeah, tap beer goes right to be head. I was beginning to hear voices."

The friend laughed. "What did they say?"

"Just watch your drink."

"I'll say. Matt has finished two of beers and they weren't even his."

They walked off.

"Damn, we make a really good team."

"We're Astral Avengers."

"Oh, stop, Lance." Peter said. "I am not becoming an Astral Superhero and that's that."

"Hey, look."

The TV screens started to show the 'Bye, Bye, Bye' video. A roar went up throughout the bar. People started applauding and whistling.

"Well, Lance, someone is pleased that we come out."

Lance just looked around him. The positive energy in the air was astounding.

"I need to get back to my body so I can cry." Lance said.

"Damn, that JC is one hot dancer." Someone near them said.

"Yeah, and to think he's putting his moves on Lance. He is SO lucky."

"Who? Lance or JC?"


"Nah, JC is too skinny. I like a man with more muscles than that."

"What counts is what is between the legs and JC has that in plenty."

"How does he know that?" asked Lance.

Someone replied with a sneer. "How do you know?"

"Hey, I just asked that."

"Sh, Lance." JC said. "I'm listening."

"You would be," Lance teased.

"Haven't you seen him on stage? He has a constant hardon when dancing."

"It's just the cut of the costume."

"Hey, I've dated some skinny guys and believe me they might not of had much meat on their bones but they definitely had meat where it counts."

Too bad Lance couldn't grin. "They've got that right."

"What about Lance?"

"He's seems nice enough."

"Just that? Nice!"

"Lance, sh."

"Yeah, but I'll bet he is a real pig bottom."

Lance turned to Peter. "Pig Bottom?"

"You love to have JC do you," Peter explained. "A lot," he added.

"Oh, well, they're right about that, too."

"Hey, if I had JC porking me, I'd be a pig bottom too."

"I like Justin better."

"Him? Mr. Ego? You have to be kidding!"

"I think JC and Lance are secretively in to leather and bondage. It is always the quiet ones."

"The cleaner the image, the darker the sex."

"Do you think they're into fisting or water sports?"

"Damn, you go right for the hard core kink."

Lance admitted. "JC does like having sex in the shower."

"That's not what they mean by water sports, Lance."

"What do they mean?"

"You don't want to know, Lance."

"Well, piss on you, JC."


Again too bad Lance couldn't grin. "I knew. I just wondered if you would tell me. What else don't you want to tell me?"

JC had listened to enough. "Let's go home before Lance gets any ideas."

"How come they don't think I am hung?"

"Definitely time to go home."

Lance snuggled up at JC.

"That was a good idea of Peter's. I liked that bar."

"There are many others."

"Really? Could we visit another one another night?"

JC replied. "Sure, why not? That way you can check them out before we ever decide to really go at a gay bar."

"That will be fun."

JC began to chuckle. "I can't wait for your reaction to a real leather bar."

"I may just surprise you. Like last night."


"Does the thought still turn you on?" Lance nestled closer.

"Yep, but it's been a long exhausting day. JC junior is already asleep. Do you mind?"

"Nah," Lance replied. "So much for being a pig bottom."

JC chuckled. "Tell you what we'll make bacon in the morning."

"If you don't mean on the stove, you're on."

"I will be in the morning."

"Too bad we're not into water sports."

JC looked shocked. "Why do you say that?"

"I could go wee, wee, wee, all the way home."

"That does it. I am limiting your time with Peter and Chris. They've corrupted my lover."

"I'm sorry."

"Forgiven." JC gave Lance a kiss. He started to get out of bed.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm thirsty. I'm going to get some ice water. You want some?"

Lance grinned. "Drinking water? I'll pass."

JC groaned. "Gees, Lance."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'll just lay here repenting until you come back."

JC left the bedroom.

Peter was floating across the city when he was surprised to see Justin standing on a roof top. He floated closer.

"Justin, I have been looking for you."

Justin didn't say a word. In fact he didn't even look toward Peter. Of course Justin couldn't see or hear him. He had to touch Justin.

Peter floated closer still. He began to notice something strange. He seemed to be getting heavier. It was getting harder and harder to keep floating. Peter looked down only to see how tall this building was. Peter began to feel fear.

"Justin, help me. I need you."

Justin didn't move or even blink.

Peter struggled to get closer. Finally he was only a few feet from Justin and the edge of the building. But he couldn't manage to get any closer.

"Justin, help me. Pull me onto the roof."


Then Peter realized that he was sinking down. He began to panic.

"Justin, hold out your hand. Please, help me."

Justin's eyes finally met Peter's. Justin just had a blank stare.

"Justin, it's me, Peter. Help me."

Peter began to drop faster. He managed to grab hold of the edge of the roof. He tried not to look down.

"Please, Justin, help me!"

Peter's fingers began to ache. He felt himself starting to slip.

"Justin, help me. Take my hand. Save me, Justin."

Justin turned his head and looked down at Peter.

"Who are you?"

Peter's lost his hold. He had that sickening hollow feeling in his stomach as he fell.


Peter was sitting up in bed gasping for breath and covered with sweat. It took him sometime to figure out where he was.

The bedroom door opened and a figure come into the room.

"Peter, is something wrong?"

Peter held out his arms. "Justin!"

"Not Justin. It's JC."

JC came and sat down on the bed. Peter threw his arms around him.

"Oh, JC, I had a horrible dream."

"It's okay. It's over."

JC held Peter. "I was coming from the kitchen when I heard you scream out Justin's name."

"It was so awful."

"It was just a dream."

Peter was feeling calmer. "I hope so."


Peter sat back and looked at JC. "Otherwise" Peter paused. "Something is going to happen between Justin and me. I think I could lose him."


End part 42

Okay, Okay, I hear you. I don't do cliffhangers. Well, I just disproved that! Please, don't panic and DON'T worry. Trust your author. It was a dirty trick but when The Story says "End it here". I obey.

Any feedback welcome. I can be reached as always at

Part 43 has been started. I'm two pages into it already. So hope you liked what you read and thanks for reading.

Next: Chapter 43

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