Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on Jun 17, 2007


This work is pure fiction. Not a bit of it is true to life. (That's why everyone is monogamous and happy and the homophobes lose out. (Sorry, I've had a bad day.))I do not know the private lives of NSYNC (but would have if it wasn't for that blasted restraining order. (Kidding!)) We all know Lance is gay in real life but the others being gay. . . fiction! (We can still hope. Well, Joey's wife and kids probably are not.) There will be descriptions of gay sex so if you are underage, a prude or just hate reading about someone else getting lucky stop reading now. Otherwise, on we go!

Lance heard the thumping and banging through the bathroom door. He knocked lightly.


Nothing. He opened the door and peeked in.

"JC, you okay?"

JC closed the medicine cabinet with a bang.

"John's out of goddamn aspirin!"

Lance entered the bathroom and closed the door. "I'm sure we can find some somewhere. And I'd watch the mirror, you don't want seven years bad luck."

"It will be an improvement."

"Sit down, let me see what I can do about your headache."

"Besides shooting Chris?" JC closed the lid and sat down on the toilet.

"Now, JC, you don't mean that." Lance started massaging JC's temples.

"No, I'd have the Humane Society on my back. Maybe just a whack across the knuckles with a ruler."

"Chris is just voicing his opinion and he does that with jokes. You know that."

"Believe me I know that. But between take after take and his little asides I'm just getting tired of it. Recording is stressful enough without that."

"Could it be he's striking too close to the nerve? This is one of the songs you worked on."

JC gaped, "And you think I can't take a little constructive criticism?"

"Turn around."

JC moved and sat sideways.

Lance's hands moved to JC's neck and shoulders, "What Chris was doing wasn't constructive criticism. He just likes to tease. You weren't laughing at his jokes so he cranked them up. He didn't know he was getting you angry."

"He does now."

"We all know now."

"Okay, maybe I shouldn't have stormed out but it just got to me. I worked my butt off to make the song just right and he makes cracks."

"We're all under a lot of pressure and Chris was trying to help relieve it. He just went too far." Lance paused, "JC, I wasn't inspiration for that song, was I?"

JC patted Lance's hand on his shoulder. "You're inspiration for all of my love songs."

"So Chris joking about the song could have been taken as joking about us or me?"

JC sighed, "I guess you're right. Either way I was taking his jokes way too personal."

"I could see how you could."

"I should apologize."

"You're not the only one who should."

JC turned around and wrapped his arms around Lance's waist. "You're biased."

"No, he pushed you too far. You're not the easiest person to get mad you know."

JC smiled, "I try hard not to."

"I love that about you." Lance leaned down for a kiss. "We should find that aspirin."

"My headache is better now thanks to you." JC stood up.

Lance quickly pulled JC to him. "Glad to have helped. Now if you really want to feel better." Lance smiled, "We are in John's bathroom and I seem to remember I owe you a little lip service."

"Tempting, Lance but after all I've said about being professional I don't think we should."

"But I not a practicing homosexual I AM a professional. You should know that."

"And everyone else will know, too. They're probably waiting right outside that door."

"I thought I was the worrier."

There was a knock on the door.

Joey's voice came through the door, "Ah, there are people out here who want to make proper use of the bathroom, please."

They opened the door and stepped out. Everyone was standing there including John and Peter.

"Sorry, this can't wait," Joey hurried into the bathroom, "Talk loud, Chris." Joey shut the door.

The two of them turned to Chris with a puzzled look on their faces.

Chris kicked at the floor, "I'm sorry, JC. I was baiting you. I went too far. I know writing music is hard work and I really do like the song. I forgot how close to it you are."

"That's alright, Chris. I took the jokes way too personal."

"And 'Selfish' would not sound better in a polka tempo."

"Now that I won't forgive you for."

Chris looked up surprised but JC smiled as he opened his arms.

"Come 'ere."

They hugged.

John gave a sigh of relief. "Well, now that that's over," He looked at his watch, "I hate to be a slave driver but I have to be."

Justin said, "As soon as Joey is out of there we're out of here."

John added, "And I'd like to have a word with you once your done tonight if it's not too late."

"Can't we just take time now?" Chris asked.

"I'm paying for technicians and studio time. This can wait until the money's not coming out of my wallet."

Joey came out of the bathroom.

"Did you wash your hands?" Chris teased.

"No." Joey put his hands on Chris's face.

"Ah, antibiotic!" Chris headed for the bathroom but Joey grabbed his arm.

"Kidding. My mom taught me well. Besides, we're being professional, remember?" Joey winked at JC.

JC raised his hands, "Okay, okay, I've said that too much in the last few days. I'll lighten up."

"Ahem," John tapped his watch.

"Come on, guys." Chris gestured them on. "Those pyramids won't build themselves." He bowed low as he filed passed John. The rest of them followed Chris's example.

"Oh, mighty Pharaoh." Justin said as he bowed with his arms out in front of him.

Lance bowed last, "We'll get the last laugh. Just wait until you meet a fellow named Moses."

That started Chris singing. "Let my people go."

Soon everyone joined, "Go down, Moses, way down to Egypt's land. Tell old Pharaoh, let my people go." They left.

John sighed, "Well at least they're singing." He turned to Peter, "How are you coping with your new digs?"

"Justin's folks are great and they're not around as much as I thought they'd be. They keep to their side of the house mostly."

"And thanks for not tiring Justin out too much." John winked, "It is appreciated."

Peter grinned, "Hey, if Justin gets enough sleep it's a perk for me, too." Peter's curiosity was driving him crazy. He finally had to ask, "Ah, John, I know this isn't my business so you don't have to answer this but about Wade's behavior."

"I'm sure he wouldn't mind. His file says 'lapse in professional judgment' nothing more serious than that. He insisted on something stronger but the idea was vetoed by a large majority." John smiled, "So I listened to them."

"Well, he did lock the door."

"But there was a key, I remember. We can't have people having sex around here, you know."

Peter couldn't help but blush.

"Well, I don't have to know about it. And as long as it's not costing me money."

Peter could see by John's aura he was troubled about something.

"Well, I guess I should go cheer Justin on," he paused, "If there's nothing else."

John frowned, "You always know, don't you? I should know better."

"You don't have to tell me."

"No, it's telling them that's going to be hard."

Peter waited.

"Okay, let me try it out on you first."


John took a deep breath, "Publicity doesn't want NSYNC at the Gay Pride Festival."

Peter was shocked, "What? But why? JC and Lance are so looking forward to it."

"They're afraid it will be too much of a 'in your face' type of thing for the fans."

"Oh, so it's okay for NSYNC to visit gay charities and gay bars but no celebrating it in public?"

"It's stupid, I know."

"How about hypocritical?"

"That I think is rather harsh."

"A publicity department against publicity."

"They just think you guys will be flaunting it."

"Do you have a picture of your wife and kids on your desk? Have you ever held hands in public or had a quick kiss? This is our chance to have a little freedom in public."

"That's also what they are against you guys seen kissing each other." John raised his hand, "Now before you say it this is not just JC and Lance. All of NSYNC will be there. It is a sort of stage performance."

"Easily solved, no lip-lock in public. I'm sure we'll all agree. It is NSYNC's public image after all. Next objection?"

"They say it's like favoritism. NSYNC showing up a one festival and a gay one at that."

Peter shrugged, "So have NSYNC attend other parades and festivals. There must be plenty around. That way the Gay Pride Festival is just one of many. And don't forget, you have an album to promote. The more publicity the better." Peter leaned close, "Gays buy albums to, you know."

John grinned, "Thank you, Peter. That is a wonderful idea. NSYNC may be a little mad at you increasing their appearance schedule but I know JC and Lance have their hearts set on the Gay Pride Festival."

"You were just worried because you knew how disappointed the guys would be. You weren't looking for ways around your problem."

"Don't worry, Peter you don't have to stroke my ego. Now at least I can go back to publicity and forget about telling NSYNC."

"Will the idea fly?"

"I'll make it fly even if I have to tie it to a 747." John gave Peter's shoulder a squeeze. "Damn, you're good." John walked off.

Peter sighed, "Justin used to say that. Now he just says it in his sleep." Peter shook his head then headed for the recording studio.

A dark and sinister gloom filled the boardroom. The people around the table sat still and in dread. They glanced at the back on the leather chair at the head of the table.

"Gentlemen, if you think we are defeated we are not. This is a set back only. God will still answer our prayers but we have only a few months. I will feel better at the trial if our goal has been reached."

The door opened and a woman sheepishly entered. She reached out her hand with a piece of paper in it.

"This had better be worth the interruption." A hand snatched the paper from her. She left the room not bothering to wait to find out if it was or not.

There was silence for a while then a soft chuckle. It grew quickly into laughter and then almost maniacal laughter.

The people glanced at each other in alarm. Had he finally gone mad?

"Heaven be praised! God has answered our prayers at last! And this time there will be no more mistakes. I'm taking charge of this myself!"

The chair spun around. A hand slammed on the table. Everyone jumped.

"God be praised. We have them. Our enemies have got too cocky for their own good." He pushed the paper across the table.

"NSYNC are Grand Marshals of the Orlando Gay Pride Festival," He almost sneered the last three words. "How many good American families are going to like them for that? Get this news out right away." The Chairman broke into laughter. "At last we have them!!"


Peter opened his eyes to see Justin's anxious face. Peter sat up. How had he got on the floor? He tried to clear his mind. The dark dread was slowly clearing but he was still dizzy.

"John, where's John."

"Right here, Peter"

John's face swam into Peter's view.

Peter grabbed John's arm, "They're at it again."

"The Religious Right?"

Peter nodded, "But this times it's worse. They have something."

John nodded, "And I can guess what. Don't worry, I'm on it."

"And you trust this Peter?" It was the new guy.

John answered, "With my life. There's no going back now so it's time for plan B."

"What plan B?"

"You're publicity, that's what I pay you for but work fast. Our enemies are already on the move."

There were clips of drag queens, leather men and of half naked men & women gyrating to the music then a clip of children on the curb watching.

"This annual display of depravity is what NSYNC is now willing to attach their name to." The Chairman's face filled the TV screen. "This group of decent individuals has strayed from the golden path. They have chose to flaunt their deviant lifestyle by agreeing to be Grand Marshals of this year's show of this moral disarray. We are all shocked and dismayed that this is happening. I guess NSYNC is showing it's true colors in promoting the gay agenda to our impressionable young people."

"Turn it off," Joey snapped.

John hit the remote and the TV went black. "That was from last night's broadcast. They put that together in less than a day."

"Put together?" Peter sneered, "They probably have already set up footage that they can use at a moment's notice. It's probably the same films they use over and over."

"What a bunch of. . ."

"Watch it, Chris," Joey warned.

"Propaganda. Those clips aren't even from a Orlando Gay Pride Parade."

John replied, "They never said they were. Believe me, our lawyers are keeping their eyes open. And it was a good thing I brought Peter's ideas up to publicity. We have it on record that going to other parades was our idea before the news broke."

Chris looked at the copies of the tabloids on the table with headlines like "NSYNC goes totally Gay." "Boyband goes Boys in the Band."

"What is so bad about NSYNC going to a Gay Pride Parade?"

"Like I said, Chris, they just think that four of you are flaunting it. It's like they are tarnishing the good name of NSYNC."

"That's bull. . ."

John raised a warning eyebrow.

". . .loney, Chris finished. "It is their time to flaunt it. They can't any other time."

Lance began, "I agree with Peter about the no kissing."

"But you should kiss," Chris protested. "Every gay fan and lots of the female ones will expect you to."

"How do you know that, Chris?" John asked.

"The internet slash stories. They have NSYNC in lip lock in every combination. Besides, it's the only time that people really allow it."

Joey shrugged, "We could poll the fans. Have a 'yay' or 'nay' vote on the website."

Chris rolled his eyes, "That's a daft idea. Even if the 'yays' were the majority, you'll just make the nays angry like their opinion didn't really count."

John signed, "I hate to say this but I agree with Chris."

"All right. Hey!"

"Besides the nay votes would be biased. The enemy has their own people logged in as NSYNC fans and they think we are dumb enough not to notice."

"Well," Joey said, "Why don't we just tell our fans in black and white why we want to go? Well, first we were asked."

"That's the response publicity is using. The Pride Committee came to NSYNC. It's helping."

Justin said, "There must be something else we can do to fight back."

"Sweet Jesus!"

John looked surprised, "Lance?"

Lance sighed, "I am so tired of fighting. Look, we got asked to be Grand Marshals and we are going to be Grand Marshals. Leave it at that. Even if we went in straight jackets so we could even hug each other they'll find something to turn against us so why bother?"

JC nodded, "If I am going to be condemned let it be for who I really am. We try to be always ourselves and I am not going to let a group of pious, righteous bigots change that now."

There were a few sheepish looks.

"I agree with JC," Chris said softly. "These guys are getting into our heads which is what they want to do. Let's just go and be ourselves."

John sat back, "So be it. What about publicity?"

"Any negative rumors they can still respond to otherwise just they them talk."

"The cold shoulder treatment?" Joey asked.

"No, the 'it's not even worth the effort answering that' treatment." JC said.

Chris smiled, "They throw out rumors and we ignore them. That should really frost them."

"Okay," John meshed his fingers. "We'll try it your way."

The living room was dark. Justin could barely make out Peter sitting on the couch.

"Are you mad at me?"

"Oh, no, Justin. I couldn't sleep and I didn't want to wake you."

"Well, you did," Justin walked over and sat down next to Peter. He took Peter's hand, "I missed you. And if you can't sleep we both know a sure fire cure."

"You were asleep and you need your rest."

"I also need to keep my lover happy." Justin patted Peter's knee. "Come on. After I'm done you'll be asleep in no time."

"Please, Justin, it won't help this time."


"Too much on my mind, I guess."

"And what is so taxing that me getting you off won't get your mind off?"

"I have to find a way out of this but I can't think of one. I have to fix this."

"Hey, I thought I was the one with the ego. Since when do you do all the fixing around here?"

"But everyone is depending on me."

"We are also depending on John and his staff. It's what we pay them to do. You want to put them out of a job?"

"But Justin I can do other things."

"Don't I know it, although it's has been a few days. I'm sorry about that."

"I don't mean the sex. I have an edge we should use it."

"And if John comes up with a plan he'll ask you. Just forget it for now."

"How can I? You're under attack again."

"We'll get through this."

"But I want to help."

"You are helping. You're staying by my side showing you're support and your love. That helps me more than you projecting. The guys appreciate that too."

"But Justin. . ."

"Okay, if you want my butt you can have it. I though just a blow job would do it."

There was an edge to Peter's voice, "Justin, how can you joke at a time like this."

"Because fretting about it will get us no where. Besides if the Religious Right knew we were having sex instead of worrying they'd get so pissed."

"How can you even think about sex?"

Justin moved closer, "Because it's been a few days and my lover needs my help." Justin's hand found Peter's crotch. "You should be horny as hell."

Pete pushed Justin away, "Please don't."

Justin turned away angry, "Okay, that's it. I'm talking to John. I need a day off to spend with you."

"But it will cost him so much money. Plus the fans are waiting for the album."

"So I'll disappoint John and the fans? Then what about me?" Justin moved close again. His hand rubbed up Peter's thigh.

"But what about the Religious Right?"

Justin found Peter's crotch again. "They want to get us worried. Don't' play into their hands," Justin leaned close and whispered into Peter's ear, "Play into mine."

"Justin, I don't think. . ."

"Sh, don't think. Just enjoy."

Justin slid to his knees in front of Peter. In no time Justin finally got Peter distracted from his worries.

"Oh, god yes! Oh, Justin!!"

Twenty minutes later Peter was sound asleep with a smile on his face. Justin leaned over and kissed his cheek. Justin laid back.

"Now that is more fun than taking a sleeping pill."

With his lover happy again, at least for the moment, Justin closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Wade glanced in the mirror and adjusted his collar for the thousandth time. He wanted to look his best. Maybe he should wear some cologne? Nah, it might seem like he was pushing it. Well, he was. He was so hoping that this would be the night Nick would finally give in. Wade wanted to have sex with Nick so bad. The kissing and fondling was great but it had been three dates. Wade was more than ready. It wasn't just that Wade wanted to know what it felt like he wanted to be nice to Nick. That one feeling that the alcohol had released and sent Wade to Nick's house that fateful night Wade was now comfortable with and reveled in. He wished to make love to Nick. His whole body ached for Nick.

But what if Nick still wanted to wait? Wade could excuse himself and come back naked. Nah, way too obvious. "I'm the dessert"? Nope, too cliché. "Fuck me, Nick." Really romantic. He must think of something as a back-up plan.

At that moment the doorbell rang. Wade wiped his sweaty hands on his pants and answered the door.

"Hi, sexy," Nick kissed Wade's cheek. He handed Wade a bottle of wine.

"This is our fourth date could you aim one a little more left?"

Nick smiled and gave Wade a peck on the lips. "Better?"

"Yeah." Wade silently hoped the whole night would be keep getting better.

"I still can't believe John would have kept us from the Pride Festival," Lance snapped. "After all it is our life."

JC sighed. He wished Lance would just drop it, "Publicity was just worried about NSYNC's reputation not ours. We are all appearing together."

"But it's not the same. Joey and Chris were asked just to be polite. I don't consider it as an official NSYNC appearance."

JC thought for a moment, "You know you might just have something there. If we make an announcement that this is just us being there as civilians, as it were, and not an NSYNC appearance maybe that will make some of the objections go away."

Lance frowned, "They'll just say we're mincing words."

"Why not? They are."

"I thought we were going to ignore them."

"This has nothing to do with them. This has to do with our fans. Like Joey said give it to them in black and white why we are doing this. That way they will hear it from us rather than rumor."

Lance smiled. He took JC's arm, "Like our coming out."


"Do you think John will buy it?"

"We can try."

Lance nestled close, "It's too bad we can't kiss. It would have been like Peter's church a thousand times over."

JC tapped Lance's nose, "I'm working on that. It's too important for people to see how much we love each other and how proud we are of being gay even if some people might object. You never know it might just broaden their minds."

Lance leaned close, "I knew there was a reason I love you so much."

They kissed.

Wade had made great progress. He was one hell of a good kisser. Well, according to Nick's book and that was saying something. But slowly the slight hesitation Wade had before he and Nick kissed or cuddled was gone. Wade was very at ease with Nick now. He'd even asked to Nick kiss him on the lips when he arrived. Nick had hated to wait but he wanted to make sure Wade was comfortable enough.

Nick pulled back from the kissing. Wade looked worried.

"Something wrong?"

Nick smiled, "No, not in the slightest. In fact everything is perfect. I think it's time." Nick got off the couch.

"For what?" Wade asked hoping beyond hope.

"I have a favor to repay, remember?" He took a few steps away.

"How can I forget?"

Nick began unbuttoning his shirt, "I've been waiting to repay this debt but I think the interest rate is getting too high."

"You're damn right," Wade thought. He watched with much excitement as Nick took off his shirt.

"Clothes can be so confining. Don't you think?"

Wade didn't say anything. His eyes were locked on Nick's bare chest.

Nick smiled. He was going to play this strip tease for all it's worth. Slowly and teasingly Nick took off his shoes and socks then his pants.

Wade licked his lips. His heart was pounding and his pants were straining at the crotch.

Nick turned away from Wade and slowly pulled down his underwear. He could almost feel Wade staring at his butt. After he removed his underwear and dropped them to the floor he slowly turned back to face Wade. He watched Wade's eyes rake him up and down.

Wade had seen Nick swimming before but never this close and never naked.

"Nick, you're so beautiful."

"ReallY?" Nick turned his body striking hopefully sexy poses, "you like it?"

"I could almost pop right now."

"Hey, none of that." Nick moved to where Wade sat. He helped Wade to his feet. "No one rushes Nick Carter. He always saves the best for the big finish."

He began helping Wade undress.

Wade's heart was beating fast. Sex with Nick at last! He managed to get a few kisses in as his clothes came off.

When they were both naked Nick stood back.

"Wade, you're no slouch yourself. All that dancing paid off."

Wade's hard-on stood up tall and proud. That removed any doubt from Nick's mind about if Wade was ready for this. He was more than ready.

"So that's what you've been hiding in your dance belt." Nick had Wade sit back down and he knelt in front of Wade.

Wade gasped as Nick's hand closed around his cock.

"And who said paybacks were a bitch?" Nick took Wades cock into his mouth.

"Oh, fuck!"

Nick pulled off, "Maybe later."


Nick grinned at Wade's surprise and excitement.

"Once I get started I am hard to stop." Nick smiled at his joke.


Nick saw the want in Wade's face. With agonizing slowness Nick lowered his head and took Wade's cock back into his mouth. He felt Wade's whole body shudder. Nick set to work. He'd make sure this was the best blowjob Wade ever got.

Nick's tongue and lips hit all the right spots. Wade was soon moaning with joy. He couldn't believe it. Nick was sucking his cock! And doing very well at it too. They were right. Men do give the best blowjobs since they know what it feels like. It was almost too much for Wade. Just the idea of doing this with Nick and with how good Nick was doing it.

Wade opened his eyes and looked down. Nick didn't break his rhythm but looked up at Wade. That look caused a rush of feelings in Wade. He tapped Nick's shoulder and Nick pulled off. He moved up so they could kiss.

"You keep that up and I'll pop real soon."

Nick just grinned. "Short but sweet?"

"Oh, yes!"

Nick kissed Wade again, "Good, I have some heavy interest to repay." He started back down.


He looked up.

"This is great and all but would you mind. . . It is payback but. . . Well, now that I know what I am doing and well, now that I am in a state to enjoy what I am doing. . ."

Nick smiled. "The old seventy minus one? Sure."

He lay out on the floor. Wade lay down the other direction. Nick's cock stood erect in front of him. He licked his lips. He was really going to enjoy this and he was going to make sure Nick did too.

"A blowjob shared is a blowjob doubled."

"Ah, Nick? Use your mouth for something better than lame sayings."

Nick suppressed a chuckle and plunged back onto Wade's cock. Nick moaned as he felt Wade's warm mouth close around his own cock. Soon the two were sucking each other with great enthusiasm.

Wade tried to match every pleasure that Nick gave to him but then listened to Nick's moans. With every moan Wade repeated what he had done before. Pressing his tongue under the head of Nick's cock got a louder moan. Good, Wade was learning what Nick liked.

Nick had to admit Wade was a fast learner. Nick groaned as Wade's lips caressed up and down his length. It was feeling so good. It was worth the wait.

Wade tried to keep his passions down but it was just no use. Not after all the time he had to wait.

"Nick, I'm getting close."

Nick pulled off, "So am I."

To Wade's surprise Nick sat up.

"Let's do it together." Nick sat against the couch stroking his cock.

Wade wanted to question this but the idea of seeing Nick shoot was too tempting. Wade soon sat next to Nick. He noticed Nick was watching him closely as his stroked his cock.

"I've never been in a circle jerk before."

Nick chuckled, "Not much of a circle and I'll try not to take that 'jerk' part personally."

"Nick, I didn't mean. . ."

"I know. Cum for me, Wade. Let me see it."

Wade didn't have to be told twice. With a few more strokes Wade gave a soft groan and white splattered onto his stomach.

"That is so hot. Wade, I'm . . . Shit!" Nick sprayed his own body with white.

They lay there panting for a bit then kissed for some time.

"I'll get a towel." Wade stood up.

"Let's take this to the bedroom. I want no rug burns on your first time."

As soon as they were cleaned up they kissed again. Nick ran his hands over Wade's body.

"Now for act two." Nick quickly swallowed Wade again.

It wasn't long before Wade was hard again. Then Nick took and opened a condom and unrolled on Wade's cock. The lube soon followed.

"But Nick, I. . ."

"Now, now," Nick chided. "You're the host. You must do your best to keep your guest happy."

Nick lowered himself onto Wade's hardon. It took a bit but soon it slipped into Nick. He began bouncing.

Wade couldn't believe it. He was fucking Nick and it felt great.

"You like that?"

"Oh, yes, Nick."

"Nice and tight isn't it?"

"Yeah, Nick. You feel so good."

"So do you." Nick leaned down so they could kiss. He pulled back and whispered in Wade's ear, "Fuck me."

Wade thrust back meeting Nick as he bounced. Nick's closed his eyes and tilted his head.

"Damn, you learn fast. You're fucking me good."

Wade bit his lip. It was feeling almost too good. He wanted this to last but seeing his cock slip in and out of Nick's beautiful ass was so hot! Wade ran his hands up Nick's torso. He rubbed hard on the nipples.

"Pinch 'em." Nick smiled at Wade's surprised look. "Don't just rub them, pinch 'em."

Wade did as he was asked.

Nick closed his eyes and moaned, "That's right. Damn, that feels great."

The minutes ticked by with Wade torn between enjoying fucking Nick and wanting to be fucked himself. After a few more minutes Wade couldn't wait anymore.

"Does it really feel good?"

Nick smiled down at Wade, "Do you think all these centuries guys would be taking it up the ass if it didn't?"

"Nick, I. . ."

Nick leaned down and kissed Wade, "I think I have hogged all the fun too long." He lay down next to Wade still kissing.

As Nick grabbed the lube and the condoms Wade said, "I'm afraid I won't be able to do it. It will hurt too much."

Again that Carter smile, "Don't worry, you're in good hands. I'd never do anything to hurt you. Just relax. I'll get you ready."

Nick took his time working the lube into Wade and then inserting one finger then two. There was rimming but that might be too extreme for Wade yet.

Nick caressed Wade's body as he slowly worked his fingers in and out of Wade. Wade was soon moaning.

"That does feel sort of good."

"How about now?" Nick raked his fingers over Wade's prostate.

"Oh, god. Right there." Wade groaned. He was getting used to the strange new feeling.

After a few more minutes Nick judged the time and Wade ass was right.

Wade's heart was pounding as Nick put on the condom. This was finally going to happen.

"Wade, relax. I just got you nice and loose."

Wade rolled onto his stomach. "Sorry, I am new at this."

"Not for long. Wade, on your back would be better."

Wade rolled onto his back. He raised his legs trying to take deep breaths. Nick was going to fuck him at last!

Nick positioned himself between Wade's legs. "See this is better."

Wade looked up into Nick's eyes.

"Can you see the trust?"

Wade nodded.

"Good, just relax. Here it comes." Nick pressed into Wade.

Wade almost panicked. It started to hurt.

"It hurts a bit at first but it will go away. Trust me."

Then the resistance stopped and Nick pushed freely into Wade's ass. Slowly he pulled back then back in again.

"You, okay?"

"It's different but not too bad. The pains easing."

"I told you."

Suddenly at full thrust Wade felt a wave of pleasure. "Oh, Nick."

Nick smiled. "Better yet?"


Nick leaned down so they could kiss.

As he pulled back, "Keep going."

Nick didn't have to be told twice.

Soon Wade was giving little 'ohs'. Nick sped up his thrusting. The 'ohs' turned to whimpers.

Nick caressed Wade's chest and rubbed the nipples.

"Oh, Nick, yes."

Good, Wade was enjoying himself. Nick smiled at the look of surprised pleasure on Wade's face.

Wade caught that smile. Being fucked felt wonderful.

After another bout of kissing Wade grinned, "Fuck me, Nick." He waited.

Nick smiled back and thrust faster into Wade.

"Do you like my ass?"

"Yeah, it's nice and tight."

"That's because it`s a virgin ass."

Nick grinned, "Not anymore."

Wade gave over to the pleasure and the lust, "Fuck my tight virgin ass. Fuck me, Nick! Fuck me hard!"

There was no more worry of pain. Nick gave Wade all he was worth. Their bodies slapped together. Nick raised Wade's hips up so he could have maxim thrust and penetration.

"Oh, fuck! That's great, don't stop!"

It was feeling so great. Better than Wade ever knew it would. It was sort of strange but nice. Then Wade looked up and saw Nick's face and his eyes. Nick was enjoying this, him. Wade's body was giving Nick as much pleasure and Wade was getting the same from Nick. The love that Wade tried to hide and was so scared of burst into full bloom. He was making love with the man that hope beyond hope was returning that love. The last ruminates of Wade's fear of being gay washed away. He pulled Nick close so he could kiss Nick, the man Wade loved.

Nick saw Wade's face blush with pleasure. Now Wade knew what it felt like to make love with another man. Nick mentally paused. Make love? Yes, he had to admit it. All through this crisis Nick had realized that not only was he helping Wade, he loved him. The look in Wade's eyes told him that him what he already knew. Wade had feeling for him too. Nick thrust back into Wade. This was not only a turning point for Wade. It was a turning point for them.

Wade grabbed his cock and starting stroking himself. He closed his eyes and whimpered louder. The stirrings started.

"Oh, my god, I'm getting close."

"Shoot it, Wade. Pop your load."

Wade's mouth fell open. He face blushed. His whole body tensed up.

"I'm going to cum. I'm going to cum while being fucked! I'm. . . Oh, Nick!!!"

Wade's body almost bent double. Nick sat up so they wouldn't bang heads. Wade's cock exploded splattering over his chest and stomach. He trembled and shook on the bed. Nick's cock hit the right spot and another surge of pleasure washed through Wade's body.

"Fuck!" Still his cock shot volley after volley.

"Damn, Wade."

Finally slowly Wade relaxed.

"Fuck." Wade lay back spent. Then his body told him the Nick was still busy. "Sorry."

Nick smiled, but Wade's climax only pushed Nick closer to the inevitable.

"I'm going to cum."

Wade looked up at the most wonderful of expressions from Nick. His face blushed and the veins stuck out in his neck but Wade knew it was because of him.

"Gawd!" One last hard thrust into Wade and Nick came.

Wade pulled Nick close. He was still trembling and shaking but Wade wanted to hold Nick so bad. Nick's hot breath panting on Wade's neck was so much of a turn on.

Slowly Nick relaxed. He kissed Wade passionately.

After they parted Nick flopped down along side Wade.

"You're quite the stud. I thought you'd never stop cumming." After a time, "Any questions?"

"Yeah," Wade's fingers ran up and down Nick's chest. "Any chance of an encore?"

Nick grinned, "Give me a few minutes." Then he asked, "Everything?"

Wade sighed, "You bet."

Nick lay back, "Damn, I should have got more rest," he thought.

The Chairman slammed his fist to the table, "No comment! What do they mean 'no comment'?"

"That's what NSYNC's people said," the man paused. Better tell the truth, "Well, what they really said was "Not worthy of comment."

"What?! Do they think this is some type of a joke? I'm accusing them of caving in to the Gay Agenda and they say it's not worthy of commenting on?"

"That's their official statement to the press."

"That does it! If they think they can just ignore me they are sorely mistaken. I am going to be so in their face they'll have to deal with me. I'm going to Orlando."

The people around the table gaped at the Chairman.

"I am going to accuse NSYNC face to face in front of the media yet. This will be their downfall for sure."

"But they'd be foolish to face you."

"And they'd be foolish not to. I have them either way. This whole thing has to be brought to a swift conclusion so I am forcing their hand. God's wrath will be terrible. Praise God!"

"Praise God."

The Chairman left.

Someone finally spoke, "He didn't ask us to arranging for our followers to show up and show support."

"Reverend Welks always did that."

"Someone should tell him."

"Well, I'm not going to. I'd like to keep my head."

"He's been in charge so long he forgot what it's like in the trenches."

"He's battleground is on TV. Everyone else does the ground work."

"He really should be told. This could go badly for him."

There was silence. No one dared volunteer.

"Well, I guess the meetings over. Where to for lunch?"

Wade had never felt so wonderful. "Thank you, Nick."

"No problem. So you like man sex?"

"It's incredible."

"You know this makes you officially queer."

"I don't care. I don't know why I waited so long."

Nick pushed himself up on his elbow. "Don't know why? My you have a short memory."

"Okay, I know and I was so wrong to wait."

"Hey, you had to discover it yourself."

Wade ran his hand over Nick's bare chest. "With your help." Wade paused.


Nick smiled, "Go ahead say it."

Wade looked into Nick's blue eyes. "I love you."

"I love you, too." They kissed for a bit then Nick lay back down.

Wade snuggled close. It was wonderful to hold Nick like this. Wade smiled. No more doubt, fear and confusion. He was gay and even better he had Nick now. Wade was so happy and content. . .at last.

"Well, the storm is coming." John paused, "The Chairman himself is coming to Orlando and it's not for a vacation, Chris."

"What? I wasn't going to say anything." Chris lied.

"He wants to meet you face to face and in front of reporters."

"So we'll face him."

"JC, are you nuts?" Joey snapped. "He'll tear us apart."

"Not if we prepare."

"I'm not that up on quoting Bible Verses." Lance added.

"We're not going to use the Bible because he wants us to and that is his forte."

"Then what?"

JC said, "We are just going to be ourselves like we always have but that's not to say we're going into this without a plan."

"You have a plan?" asked Lance.

"Sure, as soon as we think of one." JC smiled, "And trust me it will be a doozy!"

Peter threw up his hands. "So what if we participate in the Gay Pride Festival. It's not the end of the world. I think the world would be proud."

John spun forward in his chair. "That's it!" His hand slapped on his desk.

"What?" everyone asked.

"It's time to open this up. Peter I, we need your help. Work with the website guys. We're going to put out the call."

"To our fans?" asked Joey.

"No, not just them to our supporters. They may not be fans but they can be proud of what NSYNC is doing."

"John?" Lance looked puzzled.

John actually beamed. "Our enemies are calling on the Bible to shoot us down. We're going to be more down to earth."


"Peter, you found us gay organizations in New York now I am hoping you'll find others worldwide."

"I can try."

Lance asked, "But why?"

John sat up in his chair. "It is time that the whole world had a say in this not just your fans but others. This is too important." John grinned, "As our enemy zeroes in for the kill we going to increase our numbers. He may have God on his side but we will have the world."

Peter asked, "What do you want me to do?"

"Send out a simple question. What good could come if you guys showed up at Gay Pride? Put it on the NSYNC website but send it also to others."

"But you said the NSYNC website was getting too gay?"

"Not this time. The fans do have a say in this."

Justin snorted, "We all know that."

John sat back, "This isn't really about NSYNC as a whole but it's individual members. Don't say it, Chris."


"Your private lives. That's what this is about. The NSYNC fans will know the difference but to top if off we will go beyond them. The Chairman thinks he will win the battle but there will be no battle. We will surrender."


"Don't worry, Lance. It will be a surrender but not defeat." John turned, "With Peter's help."

"Shit!" Thought Peter.

John looked serious, "You haven't let us down yet."

"For NYSNC I will do my best."

JC smiled, "We know."

None of them knew how this would come out but they knew they had a chance.

"Should I get a hacky?" Chris asked.

"Chris," John said, "This is more than just a ritual you do before a performance. This is real life."

Chris got up. "Okay, I'll find one."

"Didn't he hear me?" John asked as Chris left.

"John?" Lance looked sort of embarrassed. "This is more that facing our audience. This is the big one."

"Okay, it is fitting."

Peter looked heavenward, "Please, let me get through this with some shred of dignity."

Justin squeezed Peter's knee. "Don't worry. We believe in you. You've done it before. Trust yourself."

Peter smiled and nodded.

The Chairman tried hard not to pace. He couldn't believe this. NSYNC agreed to a press conference where both sides get to air their side. With his knowledge of the bible he would rip them to shreds.

"Sir, it's time."

The Chairman bowed politely to the Page and made his way to the stage.

The Chairman was surprised as only Joey and Chris walked on the stage.

"Where are the others?"

"You know their story. They are gay and in love. I think we've heard about that enough."

"But you're not the ones I wanted here."

"We're still members of NSYNC."

"But you're not gay."

"We're all in the same group. What happens to them happens to us."

"Well, to make an omelet you do have to break some eggs," The Chairman joked.

"So if Joey and I get scrambled up in the whole gay thing you don't care?"

"You did let them join the group and you will be joining them in this festival."

"They didn't know they were gay when they joined the group. And we are now more than a group. We are a family. We're brothers and we're tight. Being gay does not change that. Of course we will be at the Festival. We want to show our support. Being chosen Grand Marshal's for the Gay Pride," Joey stressed the last two words, "Festival is an honor for our gay brothers."

"We love our gay brothers unconditionally and we're proud of them." Chris started to applaud. Joey followed.

JC, Lance, Justin and Peter walked onto the stage.

The reporters joined in the clapping.

The Chairman glared at the reporters.

When the clapping stopped the Chairman said, "NSYNC can begin first."

"We have only one point," Joey said.

At that twelve people filed onto the stage.

"These are people representing groups that feel that NSYNC's presence at the Gay Pride Festival would have a very positive influence on the general public."

Each of the twelve wore shirts with the names of the organizations. The Chairman noticed they were mainly GBLT themed groups like PFLAG and Galaxy.

"These people have a somewhat biased viewpoint," The Chairman sneered. "And I count only twelve groups."

Joey couldn't help smiling, "That is because the other forty five representatives wouldn't fit on the stage. And that is from Florida alone." Joey held up a piece of paper. "Here is a list of organizations from over all over the world encouraging NSYNC to participate in the Gay Pride Festival, three hundred and forty two to be exact. They are many and you are one. The majority has spoken."

"This is outrageous. That is no proof."

"We think so. That's all we have to say."

"This is a travesty!" The Chairman roared.

All of NSYNC and Peter stood forward.

JC spoke, "There is only one issue that seems to be at the heart of this debate. We plan to end it now. Ready cameras. One, two. . ."

Every one kissed, Peter and Justin, Lance and JC and even Joey and Chris. The cameras flashed.

The kiss ended.

Justin stood up proud, "There. You have your scandalous picture of us kissing. Use it well. We're out of here." They started off the stage.

"I haven't made any statements yet!"

"Go right ahead but we're not staying to hear them." Lance replied, "In all respect it wouldn't matter. People have been debating the bible for centuries and no one has agreed yet. All in all it just comes down to opinion and we know we would never win against your opinion so we concede. You are more than welcome to give your opinion to the press." They all walked off the stage.

"What! How dare you!"

One of the reporters said, "Are you going to give us your side?"

"They just wanted to flaunt their vile lifestyle in my face."

"That's not news. Come on, let's go." The reporters started to leave.

"Wait. I'll start again." The Chairman straightened his suit and tie. He walked to the microphone stand. "I am here to give you God's message on the Homosexual lifestyle."

The microphone drooped away from the Chairman. He grabbed it and straightened it out.

"As I was saying. . ."

The microphone again twisted away. He twisted it back.

"It is God's plan that. . ." The microphone drooped again. He pulled the mike from the stand. "As I was saying." Feedback screamed from the speakers. The Chairman switched the microphone off. "I am a preacher after all. I can make myself heard. It is written man shall never lie with. . ."

Just to be funny a reporter yelled. "Can you speak up?"

The Chairman slapped at the microphone stand, "Will someone fix this goddamn thing?!"

As backstage hands scurried to find a maintence man the Chairman had an idea. "Peter!"


The Chairman continued, "Look what Peter did to Reverend Welks. He's doing the same to me. He's making me look like a fool."

"By moving a microphone?"

"Oh, he'll do more than that."

A reporter pointed, "They just drove off. How can he be doing anything here?"

"Oh, they are very clever. They are trying to make God's own servants look foolish and I won't let that happen!"

A stagehand walked onto the stage, "Excuse me Gov. This mike stand is so old they should just throw it away." He looked at the stand's base. "Ah, here we go." He bent down and picked up a screw. "Poor thing is almost totally stripped. Always falling out." He put the screw back into the mike stand. He tightened it with a screwdriver.

"There you go, Gov. Good as new."

The Chairman pushed the microphone to the left. It stayed in place. He pushed it to the right. It never moved.

"Good, now we can get back to what I was saying."

"Don't thank me, Gov," The stagehand walked off irritated.

"It was still Peter."

"Oh, come on! It was just an old mike stand. Why blame a gay guy for that?"

"He, they, all gay people want all of God's messengers to look foolish. It is part of the Gay Agenda!"

"Talk about a broken record. This isn't news. Let's go guys."

A reporter shook his head, "Blaming an old mike stand on a gay guy. Talk about weak."

The reporters started leaving.

"I'm not finished yet!"

"Not yet but wait until after your trial."

The Chairman stood there fuming.

"Give us a smile," then there was a camera flash.

Most of the reporters left chuckling. He had lost his advantage. But he would have the last laugh. The Chairman stormed off the stage.

The next day they met in John's office.

Lance couldn't wait. "So?"

John looked serious, "Well," he smiled, "It's been a lot less reaction than we feared. In fact it's been sort of quiet. People now realize that there are two other people in NSYNC that aren't gay. And with Joey and Chris joining the kissing it added just the right humorous touch to dispel the shock factor. Then I think the Chairman just shot himself in the foot with his attitude."


"Why ask? You'll be going to attend Pride no matter what publicity has to say. You're right this is your private life even if all of NSYNC is there." John added, "But you have the blessings of publicity if you need it."

Everyone was relieved.

JC smiled, "Thank you, John."

"You deserve the honor. Enjoy yourselves."

JC gave long smooth thrusts into Lance. He looked down at Lance. Lance had his eyes closed but was smiling.

"Does that feel good?"

A happy 'Hmmm' was Lance's only reply.

It wasn't that Lance was tired although he should be. It was just Lance sometimes reacted differently during sex. Sometimes it was like the bed was electrified as he twisted and thrashed about. Then there were times he would lay back and just enjoy himself. Lance's enthusiasm was a turn on but these quiet times were nice too, less tiring. And in their current condition that was benefit. But despite of Lance's less than passionate movement JC could always tell he was making Lance feel great. As if Lance knew what JC was thinking he opened his eyes and grinned.

"You do me so well, Josh."

Those green eyes never lied to JC. He could see the love in them. JC leaned down to show Lance his love. They kissed.

Lance felt JC's cock sink into him completely. It hit that magic spot. A surge of joy washed through both of them.

"Did I ever tell you you have a nice cock?"

JC almost laughed, "You don't have to stroke my ego."

"I'm not talking about your ego just keep up the stroking."

JC thrust back a little faster.

"Oh, Josh."

JC smiled. Lance's laid-back attitude was changing. Lance started to whimper. Good. It was time for JC to drive Lance to the peak. He thrust back even faster.

"Yes, Josh, yes!"

"Thank you, Josh."

JC lay down, "You don't have to thank me. I'm your husband remember."

"I know that but I know why you wanted to have sex tonight."

JC propped himself up on his elbow, "Because I have a hot lover?"

Lance chuckled, "Not just that. You want us glowing with love for Pride tomorrow. Like we did for the Advocate interview and Larry King."

JC lay back, "Did I?"

"Well, if you didn't we still will be." Lance looked at the clock. "Oh, my god, I think we just set a new endurance record."

"You have such great orgasms when we make it last."

"Just me?"

JC chuckled, "Okay, I enjoy it, too."

Lance cuddled close. "I almost didn't want it to end. You were feeling so good."

"Well, I couldn't have you falling asleep on me."

"In me you mean."


"Get your sleep, Josh," Lance kissed JC's shoulder. "I want a long hot shower in the morning."

"We'll be too tired for Pride."

"Oh, no I won't. I love you too much. And now I really get to show you off."

"And you won't be jealous?"

"Nope, I know you're all mine."

"Can I be jealous?"

"Why? I all yours."

"But what the other men will be thinking about you or doing to you."

"Don't be jealous of the poor bastards. You get to do it whenever you like."

JC turned. "I love you, my Lance." He kissed Lance.

"I love you too." Lance smiled, "And tomorrow everyone will know that for sure."


"Yes, JC." He closed his eyes.

The emcee walked up to the microphone, "Welcome to this year's Pride festival. And to get things started let me present to you this year's Grand Marshals, JC and Lance."

The crowd roared and whistled as JC and Lance walked on stage.

"Justin and Peter."

Justin took Peter's hand as they walked on. He squeezed Peter's hand and flashed his Timberlake grin. He held up their clasped hands as the crowd screamed.

"And the two straight guys."

As the audience laughed Chris turned on his heel, "Okay, I'm outta here."

"Straight but not narrow," The emcee added.

Quick on a joke Chris stopped and put a hand on each side of Joey's stomach. He turned facing the crowd with his hands apart showing Joey's girth, "Definitely not narrow."

Joey snuck up behind Chris and did the same thing but exaggerated Chris's width.

Chris smirked, "Ha, ha, very funny."

They walked up to the others. Lance went to the microphone.

"On behalf of all of us we are very honored to be here. It was a greater honor just to be asked to be Grand Marshals. We are humbled and proud."

Chris leaned in, "Well, it is Pride after all."

JC said to the emcee, "Ah, you might regret this."

The emcee laughed, "No, everyone is welcome here. We were a little worried that you wouldn't get to be here."

"Never," Lance said. "We would have showed up either way. This is so personal to us. We're here in our personal capacity not really as NSYNC."

"Oh," The emcee looked disappointed. "No singing then?"

Chris raised his hand, "Are you going to let those four kiss and hold hands?"

"If they want to."

"Then I'm here to sing. The straights," He point to himself and Joey, "want to do our part."

"Actually," Lance began, "We sort of rehearsed a couple of songs just in case. Hit it."

The playback started. Peter moved to one side as NSYNC broke into "I need Love." The crowd was soon dancing along. Peter stood and watched his friends perform. He glanced out at the crowd. They were all together on stage and at Gay Pride. Peter was amazed how far they and he had come. Lance and JC even Justin had never looked prouder. It was fun and exciting to be here.

NSYNC was seen singing:

"I need love, you need love

We all really need love

All I want, all I need

We all really need love."

A news reporter's voice was saying, "That was the scene from the Gay Pride festival opening ceremonies. All I can say is NSYNC was really a crowd pleaser."

"Shut it off." The Chairman barked as his secretary walked in.

The secretary jabbed at the remote and the TV switched off.

"It is a sad day when homosexuals flaunting their deviant lifestyle makes the news and they treat it like it's a good thing."

"Your lawyers are here."

The Chairman's bad mood broke. "Send them in."

Before they were even seated, "This is the big one boys. I want you to go after NSYNC."

They glanced nervously at each other. "NSYNC?"

"That's right I want them sued. They humiliated me. If they think I will take this lying down they are very much mistaken."

The lawyers looked at each other. "Is that wise? Remember what they did to Reverend Welks."

The Chairman spat, "He was a fool."

"Well, if you have no skeletons in your closet we will go ahead."

The Chairman puffed up his chest. "I am a man of God! I have nothing to hide."

"Ah, sir," the secretary leaned close. "What about the seminars you teach at your university?"

"What of them?"

"Well, you do charge for them."

"Of course I do. It's how I raise money for the church."

"But you are also on the university staff."

"What are you getting at?"

"You have your salary and the money from the seminars. It could seem like you are being paid twice." She paused, "Unless you give all the seminar money to the church."

The Chairman thought long and hard. He had no choice, "Okay, forget about the lawsuit."

"Any one else you want sued?"

The Chairman glared at the lawyers. "Get out!"

When the lawyers were gone he turned to the secretary, "Get me my accountant."

"Yes, sir."

"I want to make sure all the books are in order before the trial."

"Yes, sir."

The accountant would turn out to be unnecessary. The Chairman little knew that this legal battle was going to be his last. His turning his back on Reverend Welks had upset people but they still feared him too much to act. The word quickly spread that Welks was part of the suit against the Chairman but the Chairman's power still seemed too great to challenge. Now after his ineffectual showdown with NSYNC that fear was weakening. The Chairman was beginning to make mistakes. The tide was beginning to turn. With this trial God's Will would finally and triumphantly be done. The Chairman's seat of power was about to be smashed to pieces.

They all were sitting under a canopy resting.

"You having fun?" Justin asked.

"More than fun. This is incredible." Peter said.

"But you've been to Gay Prides before. You even marched in the parade."

"But I have never had so many people come up to me to talk to me before. It's somewhat overwhelming."

Joey shook his head, "Damn, you were really alone back then."

"Yeah, but look at me now."

Justin grinned, "Why stop at now? I like looking at you all the time." Justin leaned in for a kiss.

"I can't wait for tomorrow," Chris snapped.

"You're looking forward to the parade?"

"No, his girlfriend will be here." Lance patted Chris's knee, "Don't worry Chris, we all know you're off limits."

"Outer limits you mean." Joey joked.

"How about you?" JC asked, "Having a good time?"

Lance grinned, "The greatest. I am so glad we're here."

"So am I," JC gave Lance a kiss.

Peter was so proud of them. They had come out, got married and now were here at their very first Gay Pride. So much had happened to them. What was in their future? Peter hoped for a long and happy life for the both of them. Well, the four of them, well, all of them. Peter did have a slight clue as to Lance and JC's long life together if he really chose to believe his vision. His vision. He hadn't had one in a while. Was that ability gone? Was Justin too distracting? Then as if the Astral Plain heard him the room blurred.

Peter found himself standing in Lance and JC's living room. The décor had changed a bit but it was still recognizable. Suddenly feet were heard running down the stairs. A little girl ran into the room. JC appeared from the kitchen and caught her.

"What's this?"

"I don't want to take a bath. I shouldn't have to take a bath with Peter here, right?" She turned to Peter.

Peter heard himself say, "Hey, don't drag my into this."

Lance came down the stairs. "Sorry, I was filling the tub and she gave me the slip."

"I shouldn't have to take a bath tonight with Peter here. It's not fair."

"Well, that's what being a kid is all about," Peter was saying. He knelt down to the little girl. "We grown-ups torture our children with all that is unfair. They did it to me. I had to take baths all the time even when I didn't want to."


"Yep, but JC and Lance want the best for you or they wouldn't make you do it. They really do love you."

"I know," The little girl sighed, "Okay, I'll take my bath."

"Kiss Peter goodnight."

"'Night, Peter."

Peter heard himself say, "Kiss me, Kate."

"Oh, don't be such a Broadway queen!"

"Katie!" JC scolded.

"Well he is." She gave Peter a kiss on the cheek.

Peter chuckled, "And she is right." Peter stood up.

"Don't encourage her."

Lance put out his hand. She took it and Lance led her back upstairs.

Peter heard his voice, "I think you two make great fathers."

There was so much love and pride in JC's face. "Thanks. I didn't think Lance could get any happier."

"And you?"

JC smiled, "I got to keep this adoption thing going. Look how I turned out. I wanted to give something back."

"She's a good little girl your Kate."

JC looked up the stairs where they had gone, "Yep, she means a lot to me," JC turned to Peter, "us."

"Yeah, to all of us."

The room faded.

Peter blinked and shook his head.

"You okay?"

Peter smiled at Justin, "Yeah. I was just thinking."

"About the parade I'll bet. You just can't wait for tomorrow."

Peter nodded, "Oh, more that just tomorrow, Chris. I have a lot of things to look forward too." He couldn't help but smiled at Lance and JC.

Lance was puzzled. "What?"

"Nothing." This time Peter wasn't going to let the cat out of the bag.

Then it struck him. In his vision where was Justin? Recording no doubt. But without Lance and JC? Had Justin gone solo? Had NSYNC split up?

Peter pushed all doubt from his mind. This could have just been his own thoughts. He could have dreamed this up by himself. Well, either way he'd have to patient and wait and see.

End Chapter 67

Watch for Chapter 68: The beginning of the End

I am sorry to have you read the words you have dreaded but I am afraid it is true. Lance, JC and the Astral Fan will be coming to an end. Well, it has been 6 years and my mind is getting numb trying to think up new plots.

But don't you worry. I am going to dot the T's and cross the I's. Oops, sorry reverse it. In the next 2 to maybe 3 chapters I will be bringing everyone's life to a conclusion. And no, it will not be a mass killing i.e. a meteorite flattens Orlando (and I am not talking Bloom.) Hopefully I will be touching on what you readers want to know. Marriage, adoption, (well, I guess I hinted at that), NSYNC's break-up, solo careers, etc until they all meet up in that Great Reunion in the Sky.

It's been a wonderful 6 years and I have found some very dear friends through this story and I am forever grateful for that Muse that made me sit down and try internet writing for the first time. It's been a fun and wild ride.

I have one idea for sort of a fairy tale story with JC and Lance that I'd like to try next. Not a very long story but sort of Prince and the Pauper type.

Anyhow, I'd better start getting their lives in order. I have a lot to cover. Oh, if you want to scream at me or make sure I address some plot point in the next chapters I can be reached at or But my minds made up. It will take JC and/or Lance's influence to get me to change my mind.

(He'll do anything to meet those two!)

Next: Chapter 69

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