Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on Jul 13, 2001


Here we go with Part 8.

When I started writing this I never knew it would go so far. But I am having fun writing it. I hope I haven't lost too readers many in the process. Anyway, Onward.

This is a work of fiction. I don't know NSYNC and they don't know me. (That could be all for the best.) This is not intended to portray that anything within this story as true to life as far as NSYNC and their people go. To my knowledge no one in NSYNC is, has been, or will be gay. (But we do want the best for those we love, don't we?) As for the racy stuff, I don't know. The memory is been poor of late. So just to be safe, if you find sex stuff objectionable, stop reading now. But, since you made it this far you might as well carry on.

NSYNC had taken their seats at the table. They were waiting for the fans to be allowed forward. JC was idly doodling.

"Your wrist is going to get tired so enough without you doing that." Lance smiled at him.

"Just stretching, coach. Wouldn't want to pull a muscle."

Lance looked up at the lines of people encircling the atrium. Every floor had people pressed to the railings to get a look at them.

"I hope they're all not in line." Lance flexed his wrist in preparation.

"I told you we should get a rubber stamp."

"Very personal, Chris." JC shot back.

"I should have gotten Peter to sit in for me. His wrist is probably more limber and used to being flexed over long periods of time." JC glared at Chris. "Sorry, I know. We're in public."

Joey grinned. "If you're looking for something that is used to long periods of movement without tiring, you should hold the pen in your mouth."

"You should talk. At least when mine moves its not from chewing."

"Boys, behave or I will be forced to separate you." JC said. He turned back to Lance. "I think it's a wasted effort on Peter's part. There's hardly any males here, let alone gay ones."

"Well, he wanted to try."

"How is he going to communicate with us anyway, did he say?"

"No. I don't think he knew for sure."

"Great. I told you this wouldn't work."

Lance looked at JC's doodle.

"Oh, no? Look at what you just drew."

JC looked at the paper. Among the random shapes there were others. The lines were very shaky, but JC could make out letters.

"Hi, guys."

Lance was impressed. "He must have connected with you to get you to write that."

"Oh, this is just great. How is he going to tell us anything when we will be signing our names? Am I going to write "this ones gay" instead of my name?"

"Okay, so this won't work. There has to be another way." Lance thought hard. JC threw the pen on the table.

"That's it. He can move the pen. He moved you out of danger. Surely Peter can move a small pen." One of Lance's pens started to spin on the table. JC nudged Lance. It stopped spinning and pointed to Lance. Then it spun around and pointed to JC. "He'll point the pen at the fan if he's gay."

JC shrugged. "I guess its better than nothing." He didn't have time to question further. The security guard stepped back and the fans descended on them.

Peter floated over the line of fans, each of their auras were glowing bright. But the few males he had encountered were not gay. This was looking futile. Peter was just about to give up when he saw a very bright aura. It was a skinny fellow about 16. He kept switching from one foot to the other. He'd lean forward now and then to get a peek. Although he saw nothing, he was very excited. Peter didn't have to get very near to know that he was gay. The fan knew he was about the only male there, but he didn't care. The chance to see NSYNC up close and in person. Peter's heart immediately went out to him. This was why he had wanted to be here. Peter floated back to the table.

There had been a lull. The fans were backing up. Lance and JC were waiting for the line to move on. JC felt his hand twitch.

"Lance." He whispered. He nodded toward the pen in his hand.

"Skinny." It wrote. "Blue pants. Red shirt." And then, "Very excited."

The line progressed slowly. Peter kept an eye on the youth. Just as he got within view of the table, there was a splat. Water seemed to be everywhere. Lonnie and the bodyguards jumped into action. The guys were encircled.

"What was that?" Joey asked.

"A water balloon. Someone threw a water balloon."

"That's it. Get up. The session is over. Get them out of here." Lonnie barked.

JC protested. "It's just a water balloon."

"I don't care. They're throwing things at you. You don't know what's next."

"But, there is still so many people in line!" Lance was thinking of the their fans as well as gay youth. So close, but so far.

"Sorry, you're not safe here." Lonnie insisted.

They were moved from their chairs. A groan of despair came from the fans still in line. Lance tried to snag a piece of paper and a pen, but didn't manage it. Suddenly, he became aware of a thought, no words, just an idea.

"Lonnie, find out what's through those doors?" He pointed across the hall to two double doors.

After some radio communication, Lonnie got the answer.

"They're conference rooms."

"Its not so far away. Could we move in there? We'd be out of range from anything from above."

Lonnie wasn't sure.

"Please. We owe it to our fans to continue." All of NSYNC were in accordance.

Lonnie spoke into his radio. After a few minutes he turned to them.

"Okay, it's arranged. We will move into the room."

One of the security guards made his way down the line of fans explaining the delay while the tables were moved to the new location.

JC leaned over to Lance. "How did you know about the conference rooms?"

"I didn't. It must have been Peter."

When they were set up again, the signing continued.

Soon JC looked up at a skinny youth wearing blue pants and a red shirt. JC could tell he was excited. The fan placed the insert from one of their CDs on the table. He timidly pushed it toward JC to sign.

"For you, ah...?"

"Ian." The youth nodded timidly.

"Wonderful." JC started signing. "Most guys are too intimidated to say they like us. I like your nerve. Are you going to the concert?"

"Yes." The fan said softly.

"Good. I hope you enjoy the show." JC finished signing the insert and passed on to Lance. He extended his hand. The fan reached out gingerly. JC took his hand firmly. He looked into the fan's eyes. "Thanks for coming out to see us."

The fan turned from JC to see Lance smiling up at him.


"Its Ian."

Lance started writing. When he had finished passed the insert to Justin. Lance also extended his hand.

"Thank you, Ian." Ian smiled back at him. Ian continued down the table.

Justin glanced at what Lance and JC had written as he signed his name. He passed the insert to Chris. Ian shyly extended his hand. Justin smiled and shook Ian's hand. Ian moved on to Chris.

Justin leaned over to Lance. "Why the extra touch? Did you two find him cute?"

"He's gay."

"How did you know?"

"A pen told us."


"Peter's here."

"Oh, yeah, I forgot." Justin quickly looked around the room. Not that he expected see anything. He wondered what Peter could tell about him.

Before Ian left the room he looked down at their signatures. He smiled at what JC and Lance had written.

"Be proud! Love, JC."

"To my bro, Ian. Luv ya, Lance."

Ian didn't quite get the gay connection, by he still left walking on air.

Peter was hovering over the table scanning the fans just in case he had missing someone. No. There were about twenty people left in line all female. There was a sudden urge to get back. He reached for the pen. Peter could feel himself being pulled away. He barely had time to move the pen. Instead of spinning, the pen flipped over on the table and rolled to the floor. Lance bent down to retrieve it.

"I think Peter's left." He said as he sat back up.

JC just nodded.

Lance hoped that nothing was wrong. It seemed a very abrupt departure.

Peter opened his eyes.

"Thank god. You had me worried." Craig was bending over him. "I've been trying to wake you for 3 minutes."

"I'm sorry. I was away."

"You mean projecting?" Craig asked.

"I was at the autograph session. I should have told you." Peter sat up. "I'm sorry I worried you." Peter swung his legs off the couch. "What's up?"

Craig smiled. "It should be who's out. Bill came back from lunch a half-hour ago. We had him in the HR manager's office as soon as he got back."

"Did he admit anything?"

"No. He is one cool number. We tried to make him think that we had proof of his tampering. But, he refused to confess to anything. However, with the computer evidence that he was there that night, the management at least agreed to fire him. His father is under strict probation. Bill is downstairs cleaning out his locker."

"You didn't find any balloons on him did you?"


"Someone dropped a water balloon during the autograph session. It just felt like something Bill would have done. The time frame was right." Peter shrugged. "Oh, well, never mind. Did they find out how much damaged he did?"

"No, I haven't had time to talk to Anthony."

Peter stood up. "I'll go. I can meet you in your office afterwards." Peter headed for the stage.

Peter had been waiting for Anthony for about fifteen minutes when he finally finished up what he was doing and headed toward Peter. John was with him.

"There he is. The man of the hour." Anthony slapped Peter on the shoulder.

"Have you found all the damage?"

"Yes, I think so. There really wasn't much. We found five areas in all. Thank god, he didn't seem to have much knowledge of mechanics." Anthony walked Peter to the flying harnesses. "He tampered with the back up straps. Luckily, they have nothing to do with supporting the guys. A few of the fireworks launchers were loosened and two of the spotlights were moved. Nothing too dangerous, just the loose stage which you found. Everything will be ready for the concert tomorrow night."

"Good. I'm looking forward to it."

"The show should go well, thanks to you." Anthony smiled at Peter.

Peter idly toyed with the angel charm around his neck. "Someone keeps putting me in the right place. I'm glad I could help."

"Did they find out who did it?" John asked.

"Yes. He wouldn't confess to anything, but they did fire him."

John was relieved. "I'm happy the saboteur is out of the picture."

Peter turned to go. "If you will excuse me, I'd better find Craig. I want to tell his the good news about the stage being ready."

Their manager was waiting as the guys entered the stadium.

"You guys missed all the excitement."

"I doubt that." Chris said. "Someone threw a water balloon at us."

"What?" John was surprised.

JC nodded. "Lonnie wanted to call off the signing."

"I should think so." John replied.

"But, we had hardly started. We found a safer location and got to finish. Thanks to Peter we didn't disappoint a lot of fans." Lance added.

John was puzzled. "Peter was here the whole time."

All five of them gave him the "duh" stare.

"Oh, that's right. Maybe he could teach it to me. It could be very useful to be two places at once. Especially dealing with you guys."

"You mean we cause you trouble?" Chris looked innocent.

It was John's turn to give the "duh" look.

Lance was curious. "What did we miss here?"

"Just a bit of sabotage. A stadium employee last night seemed to have it in for you guys."

They looked at each other in surprise.

"Don't worry. It was discovered early this morning. Anthony has found all the tampering and fixed them. The culprit was fired. They were going to press charges, but he would admit to anything. We couldn't prove it. It seems astral projection doesn't provide admissible evidence."

JC and Lance turned to each other. "That's where Peter went off to last night."

John grew stern. "You were out last night?"

"Yes," said Lance.

"Don't worry. We were in our room." JC answered.

"And Peter was in his." Lance glared at other four guys. "Really!"

Chris continued his innocent act. "And where else would he be?"

John smiled. "Time for you to get on stage. Everyone's waiting. Off with you." They hurried off.

John decided that tonight he would join them for dinner. He wanted to get to know this Peter better.

Peter found his way to Craig's office.

"I'm afraid he's not back yet," said the woman outside his door. "I think he's checking on the latest dismissal. Try the employee locker room."

"Okay." Peter left.

As he descended to the lower floor he suddenly realized that he didn't know were the employee locker room was. He decided to try the locker room Craig had showed him. He started off.

A figure followed him.

Peter found himself whistling again. He smiled as he recalled the delighted look on the gay fan's face. All in all, this day was going well. Peter soon reached the locker room door. He pulled it open and entered. He began making his way down the many ranks of lockers looking for Craig.

The figure slipped through the locker room door.

The locker room looked empty.

"Craig, are you here?"

There was no answer. Peter started to leave. He had crossed a gap between the banks of lockers, when hands grabbed him and pushed him into the lockers. A voice came from behind him.

"Well, if it isn't the little friend of the fag that got me fired."


He spun Peter around. Clamping his hands around Peter's shirt collar, he lifted Peter off the ground.

"You guys just had to mess things up, didn't you. I just wanted to have a little fun with the "boys". Teach them some humility. A baptism today and have them fall on their faces in front of their fans tomorrow. Just some practical jokes. No real harm done. But, no, you got me fired." He glared at Peter. "You're always hanging around them and Craig. You must have ratted on me. Damn your queer ass. You'll be sorry you did that."

"Please, it wasn't me, I swear! I'll do anything, just don't hurt me." He set Peter down.

"Is this where I go easy on you because you give me a blow job?" Bill spat in Peter's face. "You disgust me!"

Peter started to yell for help. He felt a sharp pain as Bill's hand struck his face.

"None of that." Bill warned. "Besides, listen."

Peter could hear music.

"They're practicing. No one will hear you, anyway."

This, however, gave Peter hope. With the guys back there would be more people around, if he could just make it to the hallway. He began exaggerating his whimpering, shrinking back against the lockers.

"Please, don't hurt me. Please."

He loosened his hold on Peter's lapels. "What a pathetic little queer." Bill gave Peter a backhanded slap then pushed him hard into the lockers. He released his grip. Peter slumped to the floor curling into a ball.

"Please, don't do this."

Bill gave Peter a good kick. Sobbing noises started to come from the crouching form.

Bill stood there chuckling. "Some bodyguard!" He kicked Peter, again. "I bet they use your body more than guard it. You're those five fags' little whore."

The sobbing suddenly stopped. Bill watched with surprise as Peter's head snapped up. There was no trace of tears. Peter's face was set with an angry glare.

"Don't call my friends fags!"

With a quick movement, he punched Bill in the balls as hard as he could. Bill doubled over in pain. Peter stood up and pushed. Bill stumbled backwards and fell over the bench to the floor. Peter took off running.

"Help me! Someone, please, help me!"

He reached the end of the locker bank and turned. Peter skidded to a halt. He was facing the door to the shower room. The door out was at the other end of the room. He turned to start back. Bill limped into view, blocking his way.

"You're going to pay dearly for that."

Peter backed against the wall. There wasn't enough room to get past Bill. Noticing Peter was trapped, Bill moved in slowly relishing Peter's fear.

Peter could see that on the wall behind Bill were shelves containing sports equipment. What he wouldn't give for a bat. He hoped Bill wouldn't notice what was behind him and get the same idea.

"Someone, please, help me!"

"Shut up!" Bill increased his speed toward Peter.

Peter felt the terror swell in him. He was about to be gay bashed. There wasn't anyway to stop it. In a feeble gesture, he raised his arm trying to ward Bill off. He had only one thought in his mind. Every fiber of his being screamed out the four words that he wanted so much to come true.

"Keep away from me!!!"

Bill suddenly jerked backwards, as if his bungie cord had come to full stretch. He had a bewildered look on his face as he shot away from Peter and crashed into the shelves behind him. He fell to the floor, equipment raining down around him.

Peter looked down at his hand. "Damn!"

"Get the hell out of here!" Peter's mind screamed. He ran for his life.

As he passed each gap in the lockers, Peter expected Bill to spring out at him. With his heart beating wildly, he reached the other end of the locker bay. Peter didn't dare to look behind him. He turned the corner. There was the door. Peter took hold of the angel charm around his neck. Please, God let him make it. It took only seconds, but to Peter it seemed like he was running in slow motion. He crossed the distance to the door, grabbed hold of the door handle and pulled. He was in the corridor!

He turned right, hoping that this was the shortest way to the dressing rooms.

"Help me! Please, someone, help me!"

At anytime Peter expected to be grabbed from behind. He thought he could he hear footsteps chasing him. Tears filled his eyes. He ran on blindly. He side hurt where Bill had kicked him and his legs were feeling weak.

Finally, he reached the intersection of the other hall. Peter turned the corner. A human shape blocked the way. He slid to a stop, losing his balance. Two hands caught him. Peter looked up. With his blurred vision he could make out three people. He was relieved that they were too large to be Bill. He was too scared to realize how illogical the possibility was.

"Please, help me. In the locker room... He tried to..." Peter panted, out of breath.

The figure looked down at Peter's tear streaked face and his rumpled and torn shirt. Peter was still clutching the angel charm. The figure nodded at the other two men.

"Check it out."

Peter knew that voice. He looked up, blinking until his vision cleared.


Peter collapsed, sobbing into his arms.

Lonnie held Peter. "Its all right. You're safe, now. I won't let anybody hurt you."

Lonnie could hear Peter's muffled voice. "Thank, god!"

After a few minutes, Peter could hear Bill's voice getting nearer.

"Ouch! Damn it! That hurts!"

Peter turned to look. Lonnie kept his arm around him.

The two bodyguards came up holding Bill between them. Bill was obviously in pain. He was limping and there was just a hint of bruises forming on his face. Bill saw Peter with Lonnie.

"It was self defense. That fag made a play for me. He grabbed my balls." Lonnie looked on impassively. Bill looked at Peter. "You say anything and it will be your ass."

"It's your ass, I'd be worried about just now." One of the men said.

"It looks like someone just kicked yours." Lonnie looked down at Peter. "Did you do that?" Peter didn't reply. There was fear in his eyes.

"He's a freak, a witch or something. It was some sort of power that fairy used on me."

"Everyone knows that fairies have magic powers." Lonnie looked down at Peter again and smiled. He patted Peter's shoulder. "Even I know better than to tangle with this one." Lonnie turned back to Bill. He scowled. "Get him out of my sight." They led Bill off.

Bill yelled back, "You keep your mouth shut! I'm warning you!"

Lonnie could feel Peter was still shaking. "You okay?"

Peter smiled weakly. "I guess so."

"Come on. Let's get you checked out."

"Lonnie?" He looked at Peter. "Thank you."

"It's my job."

"That and for the fairy line."

"I meant every word of it." He helped support Peter. They headed back along the corridor.

They were in a middle of the run through. The guys sat on the steps of the stage, while the band played.

They watched as their manager walked over to the production manager. After a brief discussion, Jim reluctantly nodded his head. John disappeared around the stage. He reappeared from back stage. He waved his arms. The band stopped.

"That's a wrap. We'll finish Saturday morning, if needed. Enjoy the rest of the day off."

He gestured at the guys to gather around. A stagehand took the microphones from them.

"What's up? You've never called off a run through before." Chris said.

John's worried look was not lost on the group.

"What's happened?" JC asked.

"Its Peter."

Lance's face paled.

"He's all right. He had a run in with the guy they fired. He cornered Peter in the locker room. He managed to get away. Peter is down in the dressing rooms. The doctor has looked at him. He's more scared than hurt."

"Did they catch the guy?"

"Fortunately, Lonnie and the others heard Peter shouting. The guy is in custody. This is more important than a run through." He pointed backstage. "Go." They started off. "JC. Lance. Could I have a word with you?"

They both stopped.

"This guy really scared Peter. He threatened him as they took him away. They're afraid Peter might not press charges. Talk to him. Try to convince him to do the right thing. This guy mustn't get off free. Tell Peter we'll support him one hundred percent."

Lance and JC nodded. They hurried away.

A police officer sat in a chair by the door talking to Lonnie and filling out paperwork. Justin, Chris and Joey were gathered around Peter comforting him when JC and Lance entered the room. JC was glad to see Peter standing. He expected to see him lying on a gurney all bandaged up.

"Gees, you look awful."

"Thanks, Chris." Peter managed a slight laugh.

JC and Lance crossed to him.


At the sight of them Peter lost it. He started to cry. JC hugged him.

"Its all right. Its over."

Lance put his arm around Peter. "We're so sorry that this happened. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, kind of." Peter sniffled.

"Any damage?" asked Joey.

"Just some bruised ribs. I was lucky."

"It's an old line, but you should have seen the other guy." Lonnie tried to keep the mood light. "He looked like he'd been hit with a baseball bat."

"Several, actually." Peter added.

"How did you get away?" Justin asked.

"It was JC's rescue all over again." Peter made a pushing gesture. "This time is was terror not concentration that did it. I was trapped and he was coming at me. I raised my hand and the next thing I know, he's propelled backwards away from me. The equipment storage was behind him. He crashed into the shelves. The stuff fell and I took off."

"Remind me never to get you cornered." Joey joked.

"The guy will be limping for a week." Lonnie said.

"From the bats?"

"No. He called you guys fags so I punched him in the balls."

"Serves him right." Joey had anger in his voice. "I bet he went down like a sack of potatoes."

"It was a stupid thing to do. I only made him madder. It could have been a lot worse." Peter started to tremble, again. "I've never been so terrified in my life. He still frightens me."

Justin put his arm around Peter. "It's over now. He can't hurt you. Not where he's going."

Peter turned away.

"You are going to press charges, aren't you?" Justin asked.

"This all happened because I got him fired. Imagine what he would do if he got arrested."

JC patted Peter on the shoulder. "You've watched too many movies. He's not going to come gunning for you."

Lance frowned. "JC, you're not helping. Peter, you have to do what you feel safest with. We know you will do the right thing. Like our manager said, we're behind you one hundred percent."

Peter looked into Lance's face. His eyes asked silently if this was true. Lance nodded. Peter was deep in thought for a moment. He went up to the officer.

"I'm ready."

Lonnie stood up and put his hand on Peter's shoulder. "Care for some moral support?"

Peter smiled up at him. "Thanks."

The officer held the door open. The three of them left the room.

The room was silent. JC suddenly let out an angry roar. He picked up a pillow and hurled it across the room startling everyone.

"Goddamn it! Why him? Why did this have to happen to him?" No one said anything. "This was supposed to be fun for him. He was enjoying himself. Now, this."

Everybody in the room felt just as angry and just as helpless.

"Do you think he'll want to go home?" asked Joey.

"I hope not. He was so looking forward to the concert." Lance said.

JC looked at Lance. "We have to do something for him. If he goes back in his shell now, nothing will ever get him out again."

"Like what?" Lance asked.

"We need management's help. We need to find..." The door opened. John came in the room.

"Speak of the devil," said Chris.

John stopped in his tracks. "This can't be good." He looked around the room. "Where's Peter?"

"He went off with the officer. I think he's giving his statement." Justin said.

"We want to do something for him. Show him we are totally against what happened to him." JC said.

"Well, you can issue a statement to the press."

"Can we do it on camera?" Justin asked. "It would really drive home the point."

"That can be arranged. We should check it with Peter first. After all, it will lead to publicity for him."

"We could come out." Lance said softly.

John put his hands up. "Now, wait a minute. Think this through. Don't be too hasty."

"That would be perfect." JC grinned.

"I still think you should check with Peter."

"What has he to do with this? If we choose to come out, it's our decision."

"But you'll be risking you careers."

"What better way to show that we support him?"

John tried to ease the momentum. "Maybe we should discuss this later. When we've had time to really think about it and the consequences."

The door opened. Peter walked into the room looking very sullen. He hadn't been gone very long. The room fell quiet. He sat down on a couch his head down. He was still trembling. They waited.

Justin broke the silence. "Well?"

"I was so frightened of him. He still scares me. I had no choice." Peter said softly. He looked up. His jaw was set and his eyes focused. "That fucking bastard is going down!"

"Yes!" They all chorused in.

Justin got up and gave Peter a hug. "You've just made the world a little safer."

"I had to. I couldn't let that son of a bitch do to another person what he did to me or tried to do to you. Sorry about the language, guys."

"Screw the language." Lance said. "We're so proud of you."

"You weren't gone very long." Chris said.

"They took my statement earlier. I just had to decide to make it official or not."

JC patted Peter's shoulder. "That should be the end to his gay bashing for awhile."

"Actually, he told me that he was just wanted to have a little fun with you guys. He said something about a baptism today and you falling on your faces tomorrow. The officer said that could be taken as proof of his tampering with the stage and the water balloon. Bill could now be facing those charges, too." Peter looked at John. "They should be contacting you soon on that."

"We'll throw everything we can at him." John said. He then looked embarrassed. "It's probably a not a good time, I don't mean to be indelicate, but since we're talking legal actions..."

"Gees, this isn't the time to start worrying about our butts." Joey snapped. "Peter wouldn't screw it to us."

"Is okay." Peter said. "I don't hold anyone with NSYNC responsible. I don't even blame the stadium. Bill had been fired. It was out of their hands. I'd sign a statement to that effect, if you want me to."

"Actually, we were thinking of having a kind of press conference." Justin said. "We wanted to tell people that we are totally against what happened to you."

"I could make that statement then if you want."

"You'd do that? It will probably end up on national TV."

"Sure. If it would help."

"That does it." JC said. "If he can do it, so can we. Lance and I will come out publicly."

"No! Don't do that!"

JC and Lance were surprised. It was Peter.

"Please, coming out should be a personal choice, not a political one."

"We want to show the world how we feel about what happened to you." Lance said. "I think it would have more of an impact if they knew we were gay, too. It could have been us."

"Don't you see, if it has negative repercussions, I would feel responsible. Do it when you're ready, not just because it would add drama to the situation." Peter was almost on his knees. "Sometime when you fully understand the consequences. Make it your moment. Please!"

"Look what happened to me with my parents." Lance added.

"Well, if you feel so strongly about it." JC said. Peter quickly nodded his head.

"We can still stand together as a group about the attack." Justin said.

JC sighed. "Okay. You're right. It would be better to wait for a more appropriate moment."

John was visibly relieved. "Okay, it's settled. I'll write up a quick statement for you to approve." He looked at his watch. "I better get a move on if we want to get this on the 6 o'clock broadcast. Why don't all of you go back to the hotel? I sure Peter could use some rest. I'll call you when everything is in place." He left.

"Are you really going to do this? Go public?" asked Joey as they started to leave.

Peter walked to the door. "Like I told JC and Lance, everybody knows I'm gay anyway. Besides, I have to do this. I need to make a stand. I'm not going to let Bill undo all that I have accomplished since the last time we met." JC patted Peter on the back. Peter turned back to them. "That's my job."

JC gave Peter a playful push out the door.

They had barely started down the corridor when Craig came hurrying toward them. He stopped in front of Peter.

"I've only just heard." He put his hands on Peter's shoulders and looked at him. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just a little bruised."

Craig wrapped his arms around Peter. "I am so sorry this happened. I should had that bastard escorted off the premises."

"Its okay. He's gone now. And Craig..." Craig pulled back. Peter smiled. "We got him. Bill let enough slip out about his little doings that the police say it as a good as confession of guilt. They can charge him for the tampering and for the water balloon."

"What a hell of a way to find out. You sure you're okay?"

"They're taking me back to the hotel for some rest. I'm sure I will be fine."

"Peter, we'd better get going."

"Sure, JC. I'll see you later, Craig."

"You guys look after him."

Lance turned back. "You can count on us."

As they turned a corner to the concourse, Hugh appeared in front of them. NSYNC jumped back instinctively.

Peter raised his hand. "It's alright. I know him. Hi, Hugh."

Lance and JC exchanged glances. So this was Hugh.

It was the first time Peter saw him without his usual smile.

"Peter, I am so sorry Bill hurt you. I wish I could make you feel better. But you're with your friends."

"That's okay, Hugh." Peter put his hand on Hugh's shoulder. "I don't think it would help in this case."

"It wouldn't hurt." Hugh's smile returned. "You will get through this." Hugh looked at NSYNC. "Your friends will help. But please do one thing for me. Do you promise?"

Peter was suspicious. "What?"

"For them to truly help you, you must stop being afraid. You know you can trust them. Promise?"

Peter nodded. "I promise."

Hugh gave Peter a quick hug. "And don't let Bill keep beating you up." Hugh watched Peter as they walked away. A large grin spread across his face. "Lucky." He said to himself. "So, lucky."

They walked Peter back to his room.

"Try to get some rest. We'll call you when things are ready." Lance gave Peter a hug. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to knock. Okay?"

Peter nodded. He opened the door and went into his room.

"He's holding up well." Justin said after the door closed.

"Either that or the reality just hasn't sunk in yet."

"Thanks for the happy thought, Joey." Chris slapped him on the shoulder.

"Maybe someone should stay with him."

"Don't worry." JC put his hand on Justin's shoulder. "We'll look in on him from time to time. It's only for an hour or so."

"Maybe we should prepare. Put together what we'll say. There could be questions."

"That's not a bad idea. We might as well use our room." Lance said. "It's closest."

As the walked away, Justin looked back at the door to Peter's room. Please, God, help Peter make it through this.

Peter lay down on the bed. He was tired. The room was so quiet. The locker room flashed back into his mind. So much for his grand adventure, he thought. Why hadn't he just stayed home? His whole dream weekend had come crashing down around him. He started to cry. He wanted to go home. Peter brought his knees up to his chest. He pulled himself in as tight as he could despite the pain in his side. He cried himself to sleep.

Lance knocked softly on the inner door. He could hear Peter talking to someone.


Lance opened the door. He and JC entered the room.

Peter was on the phone.

"It wasn't their fault, mother. He was an employee of the stadium. It was NSYNC's men who helped me. He could have gotten away, if it wasn't for them." Peter gestured that it would only be another minute.

"They're not making me to do this. I want to. They're doing this for me and it is only right that I should be there." Peter looked at JC and Lance and rolled his eyes. "It's been five years, mother. If some of the relatives don't know about me by now... Well, you won't have to worry about telling them now do you." Peter held the phone away from his ear. He shook his head. Peter listened again.

"Mother, please. I was assaulted. Remember. I'm not going on the news to embarrass you in front of the family. I should think you'd be proud of me for standing up for myself like this." Peter's face softened. "I'm sorry. I know. I just wanted you to find out from me first. Yes, I am all right." Peter looked at JC and Lance. "Yes, mom. They're treating me very well. I will, mom. I love you, too. Bye." Peter hung up the phone. He smiled at Lance. "Mothers."

"Tell me about it."

"Everything is ready. John has the reporters in a banquet room down stairs." JC said. "You feeling up to this?"

"Sure. I had a good cry and a good nap. I'm ready."

Lance looked at JC worried.

Peter understood. "When I got back it was "why did this happen to me?" But, when I woke up I remembered what Hugh had said and he was right. I was letting Bill beat me up all over again. I kept thinking about what happened in that locker room. I was completely ignoring all the other good things that also had happened and may still happen. I refuse to let Bill spoil any more of this weekend."

Lance and JC both hugged Peter. "If you need to talk..."

"Just knowing that you're there helps a lot."

They went back into the other hotel room. Chris, Joey and Justin were standing by the couch.

Justin crossed to Peter. "You still up for this?"

"Sure. The nap really helped."

Lonnie and the bodyguards entered the room.

JC gestured toward the door. "Its show time."

Chris puffed himself up. "My public awaits."

JC touched Peter's shoulder. "Don't worry. We'll be on either side of you."

Lance smiled. "We'll catch you if you faint."

Hush said he had to stop being afraid. Peter took a deep breath. He started for the door.

They left the room together.

They entered the room to a barrage of camera flashes and bright lights. Peter counted two TV cameras and about ten reporters. Justin must have noticed the same thing.

"Not a very big turn out." He whispered to JC.

JC shrugged. "There was very short notice. It will probably snowball later."

The bodyguards took up positions next to the wall as they moved to the table at the front of the room. Peter reached for an end chair, but JC moved him to a chair closer to the middle. A small podium sat at one end of the table. Once they were seated, John walked over to it. Peter noticed Craig standing against the wall behind him. A police officer stood next to him.

"First, I would like to thank you all for coming at such short notice. It is appreciated. We'll keep this short. There will be time for questions afterwards. Officer." John stepped aside.

Peter leaned over to JC. "I thought it was just going to be a statement from NSYNC?"

"Relax. They'll find out the whole story anyway."

The officer walked up to the mike. He took out a notebook and began to read. "Thursday night an employee of the stadium entered the arena and as a practical joke tampered with the stage. The following morning the tampering was discovered. The damage has been repaired." He flipped a page.

"This afternoon this same individual continued his practical jokes. He created a disturbance at the mall during an autograph signing by NSYNC by throwing a water balloon into the area. Although their security wanted to end the session, at NSYNC's insistence another more secure site was found and the session continued." He turned another page.

"By this time the identity of this person had been determined. When he returned, the stadium management immediately questioned him. He admitted to nothing, but management deemed that under the circumstances he should be dismissed. He was asked to take his belongings and leave the premises. Less than an hour after this, he was apprehended after assaulting a member of the NSYNC touring group. During this assault, the perpetrator mentioned his so called practical jokes. He is now in custody facing formal charges for his actions." The officer stood back from the podium.

"Thank you, officer. Now to why we called you here. This weekend we have a guest with us, Peter." John gestured toward him. JC gave Peter's back a friendly little rub. "A friend of NSYNC, its management and crew. He was the person who was assaulted. He was also the one who discovered the tampering. Although that would seem to be the reason behind the attack it was not the main one. Peter was attacked first and foremost because he is gay."

Cameras started to flash.

"Nothing like this has even happened before is NSYNC's history. NSYNC is totally opposed to any form of violence and we are deeply distressed that this attack occurred. Especially to one we consider part of the NSYNC family. Now, if you have any questions, you can hear it from the guys themselves."

The reported started waving their hands in the air. John pointed to one. He stood up.

"Did you decide to make this statement because the victim was gay?"

Justin replied. "No. He just happens to be gay. We've never had anyone be assaulted during a tour. We felt we had to speak out because a person was attacked. Not just because he is gay."

John pointed again.

"What proof was there that this was a gay bashing?"

The officer stepped forward. The guys were pleasantly surprised as Peter answered first.

"He used the words fag, queer and fairy. You decide."

Another reporter stood. "I take it NSYNC doesn't mind having gays in their "family"?"

"Of course not. They're a part of every facet of the tour and the industry." JC said. "My father always told me the most important thing is to respect people. That's what we try to do. Earn respect by respecting people. All people."

"Is the victim..."

Joey interrupted. "His name's Peter."

"I'm sorry. Peter, are you planning any suit against NSYNC or the stadium owners?"

"No." Peter said. "I don't hold either of them responsible. NSYNC really had nothing to do with it. As for the stadium, he had been fired, I think it was out of their hands. My attacker is in jail. He can't hurt anyone for a while. That's all I care about."

Craig stepped forward. "I represent the stadium management. They are very upset about this occurrence. Although they are grateful that no legal acting is being taken, they will be working with Peter to reach some kind of compensation to show their sincere regret for this attack." Craig saw Peter's surprised look. He winked at him as he stepped back.

"Is NSYNC making this statement have anything to do with the possibility that some of its members may be gay?"

Peter cringed. He had been dreading this question. John stepped to the mike. He was interrupted before he could speak.

Chris leaned forward, dropping his head to the table. There was a loud thud. He shook his head from side to side.

"What does that have to do with anything?" He said as he lifted his head. "Peter got attacked. We are angry that this happened to him. It shouldn't matter if we are gay, too. Why does it matter to you?"

"It's just a question." The reporter responded.

Lance shifted in his seat.

"I'm gay."

Peter's head snapped around. I thought they weren't going to do this.

"So am I." JC added.

Joey waved his hands. "Don't look at me."

Chris brought his fist down on the table with a bang. "JC, you are not gay!" He swung around and faced him. "What day is it?"

"Friday." JC answered.

"It's my day for being gay. You promised me." Chris said angrily. "Lance is gay Monday and Tuesday. Justin is gay Wednesday and Thursday. You have Saturday and Sunday. If its Friday, its my turn."

The reporters started to laugh.

JC raised his hands apologetically. "I'm sorry. Chris is the only one who's gay. Today."

Chris grinned happily.

Peter relaxed. They had planned the whole thing.

"Okay. Okay." One of the reporters said. "No more gay questions."

They were walking down the hall to their rooms.

Joey patted Peter on the back. "You did very well back there."

"Thanks. You certainly had me fooled when you guys admitted you were gay."

Lance laughed. "We get asked that so much that we decided to play with it."

"It worked great."

"It was Chris's idea."

Peter smiled. "Who's else."

JC was pondering. "It sure was a relief to saw it out loud. They didn't know we weren't lying."

Lance nodded. "It was nice."

Justin changed the mood. "So, Peter, you glad you did it?"

"Yes. It was like the first time I marched in the Pride parade. Scary at first, then such a feeling of exhilaration."

"Good." They had reached Peter's room. "Meet us in their room at six then."

Peter turned to Justin. "Why?"

"To watch the news broadcast, of course." JC said.

"Then John is taking us all out to dinner." added Joey.

Peter looked down. "Oh, I'm kind of tired. I thought I'd have something in my room."

Chris took Peter by the shoulder and waggled a finger at him. "We'll have none of that now. No sulking in your room allowed. Besides, you're a part of us now for the rest of the weekend. After the broadcast they will be expecting you to be with us. You can't back out now."

"Okay. See you at six." Peter disappeared into his room.

"He's not the same anymore." Lance looked sad. "The jokes are there, but the sparkle is gone."

"Its like he grew up all of a sudden." Joey said.

"That's it. That's what missing. Peter no longer has that childlike quality." Justin said.

Joey looked thoughtful. "You're right. He did always seem like a kid. So wide eyed."

"And venerable." Lance added.

"His innocence has been taken from him." JC said sadly.

"No. It's not gone. It's just hiding."

"What do you mean Chris?" Lance asked.

"I think Peter will always see things as a child. But that part of him is doing what any child would be doing after it's been scared. It's hiding."

"What can we do to help?"

"Well, what caused it?" Chris answered for them. "An encounter with another man that brought him pain. Having contact with another man that is the opposite would probably help. It would contradict what had happened before."

"You mean a pleasant experience with a man." Lance said.

"Yes, I think more than just pleasant though." Chris added.

Joey started laughing.

"What?" Lance asked.

"In short, you need to get Peter laid."

Chris stuttered. "No, not quite that."

"Yes, quite that." Joey shook his head. "I wish you luck." He headed for his room.

Chris walked off muttering. "Why does he always think of sex? That's not what I meant."

Lance was excited. "We could talk to Hugh."

JC shook his head. "Lance forget it. Joey jumped to the extreme again. Take it back a step."

"Why Hugh?" asked Justin.

"He sort of helped Peter earlier."

"Oh, come on JC. Justin is a big boy now. He wouldn't be embarrassed." Lance said. "Hugh...ah...well, he..." Damn. Now Lance was embarrassed. "He, ah...fellated Peter."

JC laughed.

Justin smiled. "Oh, you mean a blow job."

Lance waved his hand. "Sh!"

"So what's the big deal?"

"Hugh said it would free his mind so he could help his friends. Us."

Justin thought for a moment. "His advice did hit the mark. It really surprised me." He paused. "Oh, see you at six." Justin walked off thinking. "Is that why? That could explain it."

JC watched him depart. "Now what was that all about?"

Lance was still pondering. "I suppose a hustler is out of the question."

JC opened the door and grabbed Lance by the collar. "Come on, Dr. Ruth."

End Part 8.

It was getting a bit long, so I decided to stop here. This part has less humor to it. I don't know if I cheesed anybody off about it. Let me know what you thought. Good or bad. I can be reached at I appreciate all those who have contacted me. It helps to fuel the writing fires. Still lots to come. And I do mean that both ways.

By the way, the water balloon incident really happened to NSYNC while they were here in Minneapolis at the Mall of America. Except they did leave, cutting the session short. I wanted a happier ending for it. Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed it.

Watch for part 9.

Next: Chapter 9

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