Lanced a Lot

By Silenos69

Published on Mar 13, 2022



By: Silenos

This story is a work of fiction and involves teenagers in sexual situations. If that offends you, don't read it. If you are underage, don't read it (like that's going to happen). This story belongs solely to the author and may not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part without permission of the author.

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Dear Reader: If you have not been following the story an explanation of where it came from is after the end of the chapter.

LANCED-A-LOT: Chapter 19

We returned to Idris' chambers without incident, to find a naked Michael stroking his very stiff lance as he tried to peek around the door to watch our masters copulate rather noisily. I clamped my hand over Shik/Rump's mouth to keep him silent as I manned him over to the vial on the table. Silently we pulled our tunics off, then, naked, I took the vial and used its contents to oil the boy, keeping his mouth clamped by my hand. He moaned when I pushed my fingers in his hole and squirmed, pushing back groaning as I stroked his berry.

Michael did not hear us, too pre-occupied by the sex wrestling going on in the adjoining room. He was stroking his lance, buttocks quivering, and back to us. I positioned the now oiled Shik with legs spread standing on the floor but resting his elbows on the bed, his hole was very evident and pulsing with a desire to be filled. He kept looking back at Michael then at me, encouraging me to hurry up. I oiled my own lance then snuck up on the occupied Michael and touched him on the shoulder. The poor boy jumped higher than a surprised cat. Thankfully I had clamped my oiled hand over his luscious lips to keep him quiet. He had no time to think as I pointed at Shik's rump beckoning to him.

Without pause Michael raced over and stuffed himself to the hilt in the younger boy right to the point he was balls deep. Shik just moaned and greeted Michael's lance like an expectant woman finally having giving birth and needing to be refilled. His emptiness and berry now re-satisfied as Michael set to work pounding into the boy.

As if that was not enough to make my balls churn peeked around the corner of the door to see Gallant lip locked with Idris as his fine firm buttocks clenched and Gallant spent in my master's arse while he screamed "YES! YES! YES! Feel it now!" Bedroom, and society's, decorum aside: when one's body lets go there are no barriers between the lords, the hoi-poloi, and the words screeched in ecstasy do not regard status. The sight, sound and stink, made my rather stiff leek leak.

Turning my attention hungrily to the boys on the edge of the bed I sniffed the odor of man sex. Instinctively, and without looking at me, Michael reached between his buttocks with his hands, spreading a glorious and inviting invitation. Without missing a beat he pounded a hallelujah chorus violently in and out of Shik's grateful rump. Who was I to argue with such a willing butthole and stepped over to thrust myself to the hilt. We all groaned at my entering Michael's sheath, which seemed to suck me in and welcome my swinging bollocks to his. No more than a moment passed before we found our rhythm and Shik began to spew, his arse ring clenching on Michael's weapon causing him to spend as well, his arse in turn clamping down on my own stiff weapon, thus sending me over the edge to make my milk shoot up to his udders.

Somehow I managed to move us all around and on the bed. It was late in a very long and exhausting day as we piled up and entwined our exhausted, sweaty, limbs. My bedmates slept while I tossed and turned thinking of the secret visions I could not reveal and how grateful I was for my companions. For the first time in my life I had FRIENDS! What could be better than that? Then I too succumbed to Morpheus while my mind scampered over to the elusive Gwydion. I had only ever seen the boy, but already I could not stop thinking of him. "What is that about?" my mind wondered as I drifted away, knowing in spite of the carnal delights of the evenining there was something missing.

I woke up to a very naked, very erect, Gallant standing over me with hands on hips in all his hairy muscle-bound glory roaring "What sort of squire are you! A Saracen or a thief might have slit my throat while you slept!" Poor Shik shot to a corner and curled up in a quivering fearful ball thinking the Knight was serious. He was playing with me, and grinning, as he used my own words from days before. I loved this game and played along.

"Oh Sire! I do not know what came over us..." I began with a giggle of faux contrition.

"More like in you!" Gallant roared, trying not to laugh.

"Not me, them. My own person has been left woefully unpunished." I drew my legs up, presenting my opening for chastisement. "Shik, we have misbehaved, you must wake and make amends to your new master as I do." I nudged the boy with my elbow and on waking he realized we were not really in trouble. The boy was next to me in a flash, on his back and legs raised. Idris, who was not holding back his beautiful laugh, was quick to respond.

"I feel we must show this boy who is his master!" He feigned outrage as he mounted and entered the already slick Shik who moaned, eyes rolling back in pleasure.

"I believe you are right!" Agreed Gallant, joining Idris while pushing all the way in to me, his recently shaved balls slapping against mine as he drove in and out.

"Shik?" Asked Michael as he woke and positioned himself upside down between my head and Shik's, all three enormous bollocks hanging low under his own stiff and leaking lance. Both Shik and I immediately raised our hands and mouths to fondle them as he bent and serviced our weapons. Both of us did his while being punished by our Knights. Gallant and Idris matched their thrusts, leaning over to kiss one another as they enjoyed digging for treasure in our holes. It did not take long before the sweat and come was flying up, in and over all of us. Strangely it was almost musical. A perfect medley of timing and lust.

We cleaned up first by we Squires and Shik forming a circle on the bed to lap the seed and sweat off each other with one another's tongues. Then we washed each other and our Knights with the now ever present bucket of water and rags. I resolved, as Michael shaved Shik's loins and armpits, that a bath of some sort would be needed in the men's rooms at whatever new house was built for Idris.

I was thinking this while washing Idris commented "We are going to need bigger beds at Mountview."

Cleaned up and dressed we set off for the not-so-great hall and supper. It was the usual thing and as the Knights were in house the ritual of the dropped knife was observed after the meal. This shocked and delighted Shik, who was amazed at the whole ritual, never having seen such a feast, much less the wanton and open sex he was stunned but an eager participant. In fact it was no more than a regular meal. Sprite, having enjoyed him that afternoon, made it a point to sit next to Shik. He later joined us in our rooms and with six of us engaging it became a long night of calculations, combinations, and contortions by very willing and lusty men and boys. We spent a vast portion of the night coupling in every way possible. Sprite for some reason paying special attention to me. Calling me Gwiddy as we both entered and spent in and on each other. I was too lustful to really pay attention to the name he was calling me.

Over the next few days leading up to the wedding Shik was taken under many wings to learn his new trade. He was eager, willing to learn, and a good student. It seemed to help if he had a cock up his arse while being taught. He became very popular with Pages, Squires, and masters who were teaching him well. He was able to differentiate the sex from friendship and friends; yet made loads of friends amongst his peers and superiors. I noted he kept our secrets, but was able to elicit gossip. As a singular talent to be watched and used in future. His tales of the lessons, ALL the lessons, he was learning excited us in our little group of sex fiends and resulted on some long nights, and combinations of Squires and Knights. Over those evenings his tales of lessons elicited re-enactments to everyone's pleasure. His relationship with Michael was growing too, I noted as they always sought time alone together separate from the lusty shenanigans practiced in out rooms after the sun went down.

For my part only three things of significance occurred. First was the collection of the new garments from Ceres, where we had a quite frank conversation and I assured her we would keep her secret. She believed no one else in the town knew and even joined us bathing with Michael, enjo Shik and I in the river, grateful to be fully clean. She still had all her man parts in spite of knowing he was really a woman; They needed satisfying and we obliged. She was also pleased we were shaved below like her and we helped her there as well. Shaving of one's intimates is better done by a friend than oneself as it results in fewer nicks.

The second thing was my return to the practice field. Where the Master at Arms, who's named turned out to be Servin, pulled me to the side saying "I don't know what you do boy, but I will leave for an hour a day so you might give these boys instruction in your arts. I do not want to know, it is unseemly for me to take instruction from the young; but if it keeps one alive in battle who am I to argue?" I was not going to be offended by his ego and was grateful he would not object to my lessons.

Those lessons were at first met with gaped jaws. The boys did not understand why they must learn to dance until I put wooden swords and shields in their hands while they did it. "Parry and thrust" became the call, counting steps and learning how to balance and greet your partner's different dance with your own, overnight it became a thing with Squires and Pages who incorporated dance into everything they did all day and causing a stir among the inhabitants of Castlemount where it became quite the fashion. This within two days!

The third was my private search for the elusive Gwydion. I had not even spoken to the lad except in my thoughts and dreams. What was it about him? Why was I so obsessed? On one of those days I happened into the stables to find the twins naked, panting and stinking in the hay. Obviously both had just been ravaged.

"No Gwydion, not more, we need a rest!" Sighed one of them at the sight of me.

"I'm not Gwydion, I'm Jack." I said, "Have you just been assaulted by some Knights, or others?" They were covered in love bites, sweat and come.

"Oh, so you are, you look so much alike. No it was no troop of men, just Gwydion." He grinned and let out a satisfied sigh as his fingers stroked the come on his chest and belly, massaging it into his skin to dry and crust.

"He's an insatiable demon," said the other. "It was the strangest thing though. While he took us he kept calling us bugs. We have been called many things in the throes of passion, but never bugs."

Bugs? He called them "bugs"? How would he even know that name? If he was thinking of me, if it was me, why did he hide instead of seeking me out? I was frustrated, but there was a wedding to think of and so much to attend to; I could afford it no more time.

This tale came to me from a wealthy friend who found it bound in his family's extensive bookshelves. Nobody could read it as it was in a strange hand and written in a mix of the common tongue and Norman French of its day. His family has lived in the same place, if not home, for centuries and are what one might consider landed gentry. My friend brought it to me in hopes I might be able to transcribe it into the English of our own time as that sort of thing is what I do. I have updated it only in that I have made such things as measurements, expressions, and such understandable by our reckoning today. What I found in my labors was quite startling. It would be wise for the reader to remember that mores were different then, and that the perception of "age" was as well. Average life expectancy was about 33 years, and people were smaller too, the average height being about 5'7". Insofar as I can tell these pages were written after the Norman conquest, but not by much. England, Scotland, Wales and Cornwall were all very much their own kingdoms, with petty kingdoms within, and Vikings could still be something of a nuisance in some parts even though history says their terror ended in exactly 1066.

Next: Chapter 20

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