Lanced a Lot

By Silenos69

Published on Jan 27, 2022



By: Silenos

This story is a work of fiction and involves teenagers in sexual situations. If that offends you, don't read it. If you are underage, don't read it (like that's going to happen). This story belongs solely to the author and may not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part without permission of the author.

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TO THE READER: My apologies for being in late in posting this but I've been ill. For those just coming to the story and explanation of where it comes from is at the base of this chapter.

LANCED-A-LOT: Chapter: 6

Gallant swaggered out of the "Great Hall" assuming we would follow. He was right we did, along with a tall gangly boy almost as tall as him. They both wore typical garments of hose and tunic set apart only by Gallant's badge of a bear. His colors were red against black, Idris' badge a yellow cock against against nothing but cheap brown. On noticing this I resolved to do something about it the next day, thought I new it would come from my own ill-gotten purse. I wander, please excuse me reader as I have a tendency to that. On the other hand I am not sure this will ever have a reader, so bugger you! These are my memories and I shall lay them down as I like.

The gangly boy, obviously Gallant's squire, ogled my firm bare legs and short tunic, a bulge appearing in his hose as we connected knowing eyes. With one hand he shifted his not insignificant weapon before my attention was drawn to the conversation of the Knights leading us on. We were walking to a building within the castle. I should make note here that all the interior buildings of the castle were set, back to the wall as if emerging from it, and all about the same height of the wall. I would learn later that Lord Castelmount decided he could save the funds for outer walls by backing structures up against that castle's inner walls. Nothing was adorned, and all were very plain. A barracks for the men at arms, the kitchen attached to the Great Hall, barns and various functional buildings all floored by the dirt we trod on. Comfortable, safe, but not catering to anything more than the functional. As I have said before; the place was more fortress than real castle. The two actual dwellings were of the same size. Three floors of nothing but rooms which had strange columns with smoke coming out of them. I had no time to observe more as I strained to hear Gallant and Idris speak.

"I have missed you so much." Whimpered Gallant.

"And I you my love." Idris was almost in tears of joy at the reunioun. "When can we be alone?"

"Not until later. Castlemount is to come to visit, until then we must stay apart and I must tell you of your wedding." Idris stopped and drew himself up in shock.

"My what?!!"

"Not here, inside. Can I trust your boy?" mumbled Gallant, referring to me. Idris pulled up and stopped, rose to his full height and scowled at his lover and friend.

"He is not my boy!" he roared. "Without him I would be dead. He may be my squire now but he is more night than you or I. Of those six villains it was he who slew four and saved my life. I will not hear you speak ill of him!"

Zounds! Now there was what is now called chivalry; but I call honor. We had all come to a halt outside a dwelling's door and the gangly boy gulped. This was quite unseemly, others might see. Gallant harumphed awkwardly and led us through the door of the rather plain space. It had floors of wood!, and a wooden staircase! Never had I seen so strange a place. Idris was equally shocked. The room was warm! A fire in a small corner burned in a little hollow, but there was no smoke in the place which contained no more than tables, chairs and benches. What purpose could it serve? From the look on his face Idris seemed as puzzled as I, causing Gallant to laugh.

"This is the living area, sleeping quarters are up the stairs, and that is what is called a chimney fire. The mason building this place, as well as my father's, brought the idea over from Normandy. Rather clever don't you think? We are in the guest residence, its twin is across the way where the family resides and a barracks is in between. The Mason is full of modern ideas, but Castlemount would not have a chimney in the great hall for fear the folk would think them some sort of witchery." The Knight explained. "We shall stay here, your squire can find a place in the barracks or the barns."

Gallant seemed in a hurry to move to the wooden stairs, another strange thing for a stone house, but Idris stopped him demanding, "What is going on Robin? We have been greeted rather perfunctorily, and now you've hustled us off for some seemingly secretive meeting. As much as my ardor for you overwhelms me, I demand you explain what is going on."

Gallant sighed then glanced at me asking "can he be trusted?" causing Idris to sigh in exasperation.

"He saved my life and he not only shares my room, but my bed as well."

Gallant snickered, appraising me like a horse at auction saying "Ah, that explains a lot. You've not been chaste for me then?"

"A man has needs," blushed Idris, "but you have my desire." With a lunge Gallant wrapped Idris in his arms attacking Idris' lips with his if they were in battle. Idris, no coward, willingly joined in the fray.

"Aren't they romantic?" the gangly boy whispered while nudging my arm.

"Romantic?" I snorted, "More like two horny bulls with no cow in sight."

Idris pulled back grumbling "I heard that!"

Gallant laughed "Well, he's right. Michael, my squire here, knows my secrets and my bed as well, and, speaking of you Michael," he looked at the boy "could you run to the kitchens and fetch some refreshment, and wine or ale?"

Michael grinned, I swear his smile was infectious (he might be gangly, but he was also adorably cute), and dashed off with a nod and a chuckle. I hoped he was not one of those lads who was a kitchen gossip. Gallant then led us up the stairs to the next floor which was made of sanded wood. We went in through a door to a room which held but a bed, table and chair as well as an unlit one of those chimney things. A small window allowed in the afternoon light and air, and there was another door next to the bed which Gallant opened with a flourish and a raised eyebrow proclaiming, "this leads to my chamber."

Idris teased sarcastically, "I cannot imagine how that will be useful."

Gallant took Idris in his arms again pushing his waist in to Idris' with a little grind, "I can't either as I'm hoping you'll not even use this chamber; though we must keep up appearances."

"How do I, a poor Knight, rate a room to myself? I should think I'd be relegated to the barracks, or at least to have to share with someone else."

"Uh, yes, well," Gallant spluttered as he stepped back, " see, you're not just any Knight. Castlemount can't have his son-in-law to be sleeping with the hirelings and riff-raff."

"WHAT!?" Idris and I screeched together.

"Calm down, it is the perfect solution to everything."

"Solution to what everything?" Bellowed Idris, growing red in the face.

Gallant sighed and sat on the bed, patting it for Idris to join him. "Let me explain, though this is for your ears, and his if you trust him so much," he nodded at me.

"Anything you tell me, you can tell him he..."

"I know, but what I say cannot be acknowledged outside this room, or unless in certain company." We nodded our agreement before he went on, "A nobleman, whose name I will not speak, called in and asked hospitality here a short time ago. He became rather drunk and raped Castlemount's youngest daughter, Lillian. He went on his way the following day; but will never be seen again. I saw to that."

"Good!" Exclaimed Idris, outraged at such behavior.

"However, he left something behind. Lillian has missed her woman's time and is pregnant. Castlemount feared he would have to send her off to a nunnery, except when I heard of your Knighting, I had an idea."

"Oh no, what have you done? I know your ideas my love and they have always landed me in trouble." Idris rolled his eyes as Gallant chuckled at some memory.

"Not always, but..., there is no time for memory now. I sent for you after speaking to Castlemount. He knows you are a Knight of good breeding, but the youngest and therefore a penniless son. It is still soon enough that no one will be able to suspect the child is not yours. In exchange you will be given a small holding abridging our estates as dowry. It is not much, but more than you have."

"Exactly why," Idris fumed "should I agree to this?"

"Because I am marrying Marjorie, the older daughter, and on Castlemount's passing shall become lord of both estates. This will pledge you to me, and we can be together forever, as we always dreamed. It will be a perfect compromise as you will become my right arm by day, and my bedmate at night with no one being able to accuse us of anything unseemly."

Idris and I sat in stunned silence for a moment before he pulled Gallant's face to his for a quick kiss before saying "This is a bit much to take in all at once, and I've not even met the wench. How long do I have to think on this, and why would Castlemount even agree to this?"

With a sigh Gallant explained "because it kills many birds with a single stone. His honor is preserved, along with that of his daughter, who he was at pains to find a husband for anyway. You become landed, we can be together, and all will be right with the world. As to how long, well, until his lordship shows up here shortly. He would like to announce the wedding at the feast tonight, and have the wedding this Sunday."

"What!?" This time I alone screeched, Idris stood and went to the window. Peering out he thought for a moment before turning.

"All right, I will do it." Grunted Idris, "but you will owe me." Gallant pulled Idris into his arms and went straight into a deep throat kiss, which was ardently reciprocated. I just stood there dumbfounded. In the space of a few short days I had gone from being a hunted criminal, to killer, to squire, to who knew what but along the way had found the perfect cock for my arse, and suddenly it looked like I was to be cast in the role of a floor rug for the rest of my life. Oh well, I reasoned, easy come, easy go, I could always go back to cut-purse. My trail of woe was interrupted by the return of Michael and a tray, his rather short tunic had ridden up and there was an interesting wet spot on the hose he wore beneath, which also revealed a prodigiously impressive bulge. In fact, one would have thought he was hiding a small mellon in there.

"So sorry for the delay Sir, cook and I got to talking." He bent over to put the tray on the table revealing a very appealing backside, also with a wet spot. I felt a stirring in my loins. Here was a tale to be heard.

Noticing, as I had, the spots on the young Squire's sex bits, Gallant responded with a smirk "Do tell, I'm sure the conversation would be of interest to all of us."

Michael perked up, swishing more so than spinning around and eyeing me. "ALL of us?" he asked. If I could have heard them I swear I would have heard his hose rumble as his loins began to swell.

"Yes, ALL of us..." Gallant was, sadly interrupted by a commotion in the hall outside the room. "Damn, the man has no patience." He grunted in recognition Lord Castlemount's voice.

This tale came to me from a wealthy friend who found it bound in his family's extensive bookshelves. Nobody could read it as it was in a strange hand and written in a mix of the common tongue and Norman French of its day. His family has lived in the same place, if not home, for centuries and are what one might consider landed gentry. My friend brought it to me in hopes I might be able to transcribe it into the English of our own time as that sort of thing is what I do. I have updated it only in that I have made such things as measurements, expressions, and such understandable by our reckoning today. What I found in my labors was quite startling. It would be wise for the reader to remember that mores were different then, and that the perception of "age" was as well. Average life expectancy was about 33 years, and people were smaller too, the average height being about 5'7". Insofar as I can tell these pages were written after the Norman conquest, but not by much. England, Scotland, Wales and Cornwall were all very much their own kingdoms, with petty kingdoms within, and Vikings could still be something of a nuisance in some parts even though history says their terror ended in exactly 1066.

Next: Chapter 7

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