Lances Angel

By Daniel Roberts

Published on Feb 25, 2011



Ok here's the deal guys.... I don't know the members of NSYNC personally, this is a work of pure fiction (Sadly...) Secondly, If your not 18 or aren't allowed to read this because of legal reasons, you need to go to a more appropriate site. Also, this story contains man-to-man relationships, and at times will feature homosexual sex acts. If this offends you, you need to ask yourself, do I really want to continue??.... Anyway, email me if you think this is good or whatever.. (Especially if you are one of the lead characters!!...Grin) Please no Flames this is my first time writing a story for Nifty Thank You!

Lances Angel Chapter 1

I woke up to the sound of my alarm from my clock, I turned off my alarm and got out of bed.

I grabbed my Crimson and Jet Black silk shirt and some Jet Black Dress pants for the day, While I was getting ready for my shower my cell started to ring; my ringtone from *Nsync 'Bye, Bye, Bye' going off.

"Hello Daniel Roberts Speaking." I answered. "Hey Son! Come downstairs for Breakfast after your shower ok?" Said my mom queitly. "Mom, Why do you have to call me every morning?" I asked.

"You're my only son and I can't call you on your birthday?" she replied.

"Wow, am I 24 already? I'm sorry Mom! I totally spaced out yesterday and forgot today was August 10th! I had a long night last night, I'll be down in a few mintues, I'll see you in a few mom Bye!"

I stripped down to nothing and turned on the water, while stepping into the shower.

The warm water gelt great as it cascaded down my body.

I pictured Lance Bass my favorite member of *Nsync leaning against the wall with me; our lips connected passionately but gently making out. I began to stroke myself, my eight an a half inch cock already hard. Thinking of Lance and I making out did the trick, I moaned 'Lance that feels so good!' and shot my load instantly.

One shot hit my stomach, another hit my abs, the 3rd shot hit the shower wall along with my 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th shots. I regained my composure and cleaned the shower wall, washing off my body I finished my shower.

I got out and dried off, putting on my Crimson and Jet black dress shirt along with my Jet black dress pants. I made sure to look myself over in the full body mirror one last time before going downstairs to have Breakfast with my mom. As I entered the kitchen, I saw my mom setting the table. "Good morning Mom, how are you doing on this joyous day?" I asked hugging her and kissing her on the cheek. "Well you're in good spirits today, are you excited about today and the high possibilty that you'll get signed onto a record label?" She Asked. "Of course! That and the act that it's my birthday too. I said smiling that Gorgeous smile of mine.

Meanwhile somewhere close by in New York City

"So what's the plan for today guys?" Asked a man in a business suit with a briefcase. "I've got an idea guys, Why don't we go check out the new guy with the 'Voice Of An Angel?' as Johnny put it." Asked the second youngest of the five guys. "Didn't you already meet him James?" asked the youngest of the guys. "No I didn't meet him, I just caught him on his way out of the office Curly and how many times do I have to tell you not to call me James? It's Lance." Said the blonde guy with the spiky hair. "Well then let's go surprise him guys, his house is only five mintues from where we are now." Said Johnny.

Sounds Good Johnny, besides isn't today his birthday? I bet he'll be ecstatic if we all show up a day early." Said the blonde guy with the spiky hair. "Lance that would deffeinitely be a birthday to remember. Lonnie you know the way let's go." Smiled Johnny. Lonnie already knew the way to the young man's house having already been there once so he headed towards the house.

Back At Daniel's House

I was in the living room playing, my brand new acoustic guitar and singing along to favorite songs.

I didn't hear the doorbell ring or my mom answer the door, ushering 7 guys into the house and into my living room.

Just as everyone entered the room and made themselves at home. I started to sing my favorite love song: 'I Need Love' By *Nsync, my rich voice filling up the entire house.

I need love, you need love We all really need love All I want, all I need We all really need love.

I just wanna tell you how I feel I just want a love that's real How can I stop this burning desire?

I can that you're the one I need You're the only one I really need I need a love that burns like a fire.

I need love, you need love We all really need love All I want, all I need We all really need love, I need love.

All I wanna do is give it a chance Everybody needs a true romance I would give anything to be with you.

I will give you all the love you need If you only give your love to me What would I do if I were with out you?

I need love, you need love we all really need love All I want, all I need We all really need love.

I need Love I need Love I need Love.

I need love, you need love We all really need love All I need, all I want We all really need love.

I need Love I need Love I need Love.

Everyone sat in silence, after hearing my voice I opened my eyes to seven shocked faces except my mom's face. Mom knew about my talented voice ever since I was 13 years old.

"Oh My God! How long has *Nysnc been listening to me sing mom?! I'm so embarrassed! I didn't think you'd be here until tomorrow! Omg what a surprise! Excuse me for a mintue, I need to use the restroom and I promise you it won't be long." I told them all Blushing 100 shades of red. 'Oh My God Lance Bass is in my living room! I'm so embarassed!! What if I didn't good and I sounded really horrible? I really hope that I didn't butcher their song! Get a hold of yourself Daniel your Dream Guy is in your living room!!' I thought and muttered to myself. I walked calmly out of the bathroom and out in to the living room, with my sexiest smile on my face. "Hi I'm Daniel, Nice to meet you guys; for Lance it's actually nice to see you again! I've been to every one of your concerts your music is so inspirational!" I said to them. "Daniel the amount of emotion that you put into your singing is absolutely mind blowing!" Said Lance, Chris, Justin, Joey and Chris agreeing completely, all of them visibly in tears Lance being the most tearful one out the five. "Daniel it's nice to see you again, I would love to sign a recording contract with you. You see the guys have been wanting to add a sixth member to the band." Explained Johnny. " Oh wow! Are you kidding me?! I would love to be a member! I've always wanted to be a singer and write songs in a band!" I practically said smiling sexily and beaming with happiness. "Lance you look totally thrilled." Said my mom. "I am thrilled Nita! I have something to admit to you and Daniel. I'm in love with you Daniel Roberts, ever since that night we met at the concert Florida I couldn't stop thinking of you." Lance admitted to myself and my mom. Lance I've felt the same way even before the concert meeting, I'm in love with you to Lance Bass and I want to get to know you better." I confessed to Lance. Excuse us for a mintue everyone. I pulled Lance upstairs leading him into my bedroom and said, "Finally we're alone Lance, I reallly meant everything I said." I told him. We kissed our lips connected and Lance an myself were both in heaven. We broke the kiss and looked at each other, both of us saying "Wow..." in sync. Lance and I went downstaurs and there was my mom standing with the rest of the guys and Johnny in tow. "Looks like my son and Lance just had a little make out session." She said Smiling at us, both me and Lance blushing twenty shades of red.

Next: Chapter 2

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