Lances Angel

By Daniel Roberts

Published on Jun 4, 2011


Hi everyone it's Danny again with another Installment of Lances Angel! I guess nobody read the first chapter, except my good Friend Angel Who wrote Justins Angel and is now working on Jolans Path! Both great stories on my account!! Why don't you go check them out and read them? See if you like them, I bet you will!! Now enough of my Blabbering! All feedback comments suggustions ideas and questions are welcome at Thank you for reading Lances Angel and I hope you enjoy it!!

Previously on Lances Angel The Dream part 1

"Excuse us for a minute everyone" I pulled Lance upstairs leading him into my bedroom and said, "Finally we're alone Lance, I really meant everything that I said." Daniel told him. We kissed our lips connecting, while Lance and and myself were both in heaven. Breaking the kiss we both looked at each other, both of us saying, "Wow" in snyc. (no pun intended) Lance and I both went downstairs and there was my mom stnding with the guys and Johnny in tow. "Looks like Lance and my son just had a little make out session." She said smiling at us. Both me and Lance blushed twenty shades of red.

Lances Angel Chapter 2

The Dream part one's Conclusion!!

(A/N The first chapter was supposed to be titled: The Dream Part 1, but I was so excited about posting it that I forgot to put the title of the chapter! ='( ) ( A/N Just a quick heads up, sometimes this story will switch to another person's point of view. like so: Lance's POV. It will happen during some of the chapters but not all of them. ok on with the show!! )

Lance's POV

"Well that was unexpected, I didn't think that kiss would have any effect on me the first time. It seems Daniel's had previous relationships before, but he was just as nervous as I was. I saw fear in in his eyes too, why was he afraid after we broke the kiss?" Lance thought to himself. "Hey Lance.... Scoop you okay....? Hey Lance!" Asked Joey to him. Lance snapped back to reality, "Oh hey Joey what's up?" Asked Lance. "Daniel's been pretty quiet over there, it looks like you and him need to talk in private. Whatever happened up there during your make out session needs to be talked about between you and him. Joey explained with a serious look on his face. Joey I know that Daniel and I need to talk, but I also know this too: he needs time to sort through his thoughts.I'm willing to give him the time he needs. In the mean time, let's get get this party started!" Explained Lance wanting to liven up the mood of the party. Daniel's party continued and the guys and everyone else enjoyed thenselves. "Daniel! There's someone at the door, an I'm busy at the moment and you should answer it anyways." Said Nita. Daniel got up to go answer the door. "I really want to love you Daniel, but I know something's bothering you. The question is what are you so afraid of, that you feel uncertain of telling me?" Thought Lance to himself watching Daniel leave the room.

Daniel's POV

"Forgive me Lance, I let myself go to far that time and I truly love you; but my top priority is protecting others from myself and the truth of what lives in my soul's heart." Whispered Daniel to himself,walking down the hallway to answer the door. "Lance was worried about me after I broke the kiss, but I'm a freak and I'm then other people. I can never love Lance the way I want to, until he's not in danger every second around me!" Daniel thought determined to keep Lance and the guys from harm. Sighing deeply to himself, with his hand on the door knob Daniel opened the door to greet his guest.

"Hey Daniel Daniel how's the party going?" Asked a guy with Dark brown hair, Brown eyes, a slim body with abs and hidden muscle underneath tan coloed white skin. Daniel didn't know what it was, but alarms and sirens started going off inside of him and he wanted to run away from this guy as soon as possible. Suddenly it dawned on him just who this guy was, "Jayson! What are you doing here? I swear if you don't leave right now, I'll personally remove you from my and take you downtown to the nearest police station!" Daniel Heatedly whispered. Jayson leered at him and said, " I'd reconsider you doing anything so rash, you don't want your best friend getting hurt or killed do you?" He threatened smiling evilly after stepping aside to reveal my best and most dearest friend Skyler tied up tightly and bound with rope. "Dani I'm so sorry! He caught me off guard, not to mention he was dressed up like my ex boyfriend!" Explained Skyler sobbing with tears streaming down his handsome face. "How did you get this close without setting of my security alrms?" Asked Daniel curiously. "I have my ways, but I guess I can tell you now. It's because you're not the only one with special abilities." Jayson explained to him leering again while smiling evilly. Daniel's face went pale, "Did I really Jayson say he has powers too?!" He thought to himself. Daniel looked over at Skyler, "He's gotten a lot stronger, since I last saw him and his family 3 years ago. Skyler may not look like he's a threat, but the truth is that he's got muscles hidden under his tanned white skin, blue eyes, black hair all complete with a set of abs." Daniel thought Smiling to himself. "Jayson I need to back inside and new bandmates that I forgot to teach my musician class." I explained to Jayson. Opening the door, after putting on a mask hiding his true emotions. Daniel felt like crying, but instead he put on his best smile not wanting to worry anyone.

Lances POV

"What do think's taking Daniel so long Josh? I'm starting to get a feeling that something isn't right." Asked Lance with a worried look on his face. "Lance I'm sure Daniel's fine, maybe a package came for him?" Josh said reassuringly looking at Lance. "What if I did something wrong? I must have, if Daniel's afraid of me right? The big question is, what did I do to make him so afraid of me?" Lance thought to himself. Everyone heard the front door open and close, but no laughter or joking around was heard. Daniel walked into the kitchen, after a few seconds the guys heard arguing. "How could you forget your own Musician teaching class?!" Asked Nita at her son. "I just spaced it, after everything that happened today ok Mom? geez this is always happening! I forget one little thing and you blow up like an erupting volcano!!" Daniel countered. "Now if you'll excuse me I have to go tell our guests, about it and that they can stay here as long as they want." Said Daniel excusing himself and walking out of the kitchen and into the living room.

"Hey Lance, Josh, Justin, Chris and Joey? I forgot to go teach my musician Class-" Josh cut him off before he finish, "We heard you and your mom arguing and we already know that we can stay here as long as we want. Of course and I think I speak for all of us when I ask this, Would mind if we came with you?" Asked Josh for the rest of the guys and himself. "Josh as awesome as that would be My students would be more interested in you guys than the class and learning what I have to teach them. I'm sorry, I really want to say yes cause we're going to be getting to know each other together some of us more than others." Said Daniel looking at me and blushing. "Daniel are you sure there's no way that you and I could talk in private before you leave?" Lance asked hopefully. "I'm sorry Lance I can't, I'm already barely going to make it there on time and I'm really looking forward to teaching my class today even if it is my birthday." Explained Daniel apoligetically. "Oh ok... I'll see you when you get back then right?" Asked Lance. "Of course you will and we can talk then ok Lance? I promise we'll talk just you and me, about what happened upstairs." Said Daniel as a serious but happy look came onto his handsome face. "I better get going guys, before I'm late getting to my own class. I'll see you all later ok? Stay as long as you like and Joey? Chris? don't eat me out of house and home! I know you guys love to eat!!" Said Daniel. "Josh and I will make sure they behave themselves Daniel don't worry, just go teach your class and hurry back ok?" Said Lance with that killer smile of his. "Thanks Guys! See you all when I get back I love you bye Mom!!" Said Daniel as he was heading out the door.

Daniels POV

Daniel stepped outside and saw Jayson there waiting for him, "Ok I'm good to go wherever you want to settle this, just lead the way or drive me there whatever you're going to do. Please just leave Skyler out of this because it has nothing to do with him." Said Daniel hoping Skyler would be let go and Jayson would just take him. "Very good, now let's get into my car where my somebody else that you know is waiting for us. Said Jayson leering and smiling evilly again. Daniel nodded walking next to Skyler towards the car, He got in before Skyler and Jayson who got in after him after the car door shut they pulled away heading downtown. "Hello Daniel it's been awhile since we last saw each other, how've you been since our last fun night?" Another familiar voice said to him. "Oh if you mean did I suffer traumatically, then yeah I did at first but I got through those times with my friends and family. What about you Conner?" Asked Daniel realizing Jayson's dad was with them which meant both him and Skyler were in for it bigtime this time. "I'm better now that I know, we're going to be having more fun with You and Skyler tonight!" Said Conner leering at us and then laughing evilly. We turned left onto a dock and there was the a warehouse that looked totally vacant. I waited for Jayson Skyler to get out of the car, before I did after them. Conner got out last telling Jayson to go get everything ready, Jayson Grinned and laughed evilly turning and running off towards the cold vacant looking Warehouse. "My only hope is Shadow, I hope he hears this plea for help through our long distance connection!" Daniel thought to himself. "Shadow? Can you hear me Brother?" Asked Daniel through their connection. "Daniel What's wrong? I can feel your panic through the connection!" asked Shadow "Shadow they're back and this time it's worse than before, They have Skyler as well as me and I already think I have an idea of what they're going to do to me! Are you in the country on in New York?" Explained Daniel praying he was in New York. Suddenly he opened his eyes and saw a Pure Black wolf with a Sun and crescent moon on it's forehead. The sun was in the middle while the Crescent moon went around the left side of the sun. "Shadow? I was just talking to you and now you're there..." Said Daniel dumbfounded. "Daniel you need to wake up my Brother this isn't real and I miss you as well as the rest of our friends and families do. You know what you have to do so that you can wake up." Explained Shadow before dissolving into black mist. "OH MY GOD! I must be dreaming and this might have not happened yet!" Daniel thought to himself. "You have no power over anymore, I make my own decisions! NONE OF THIS IS REAL IT'S JUST A DREAM!" said Daniel literally screaming the last words. That's when the world around him started shaking and he fainted while everything went black.

The Present Time

Ryans POV

Ryan sat beside Daniel's still form. Beside him in his own best friend's house was his best and dearest friend his bedside upstairs in his own room. Skyler heard a sigh escape Daniel's lips, an his own heart ddid a flip and skipped a couple beats. "No he couldn't be after all this time has passed....?" "Nita! Call your Nephew get him over here quick and send Shadow up here!" Nita looked pale as she entered the room her face full of hope, "Ryan what happened is he....?" Asked Nita "I think he finally might be! Call Jake and get him up here quick! Where's Shadow?" Asked Ryan. As if on cue, a black wolf with a Sun and Crescent moon combination symbol on it's forehead went directly to Daniel's side and layed next to him in his brother's bed. "Please wake up Brother, I did everything I could to help you realize what was happening to you." Said Shadow his heart and eyes filled with hope. Nita went downstairs and called Daniel's Cousin Jake who happened to be a docter, "Hello Dr. Roberts speaking?" said Jake answering his cell phone. "Jake it's your Aunt Nita, you need to get over immediately I think it's finally happening!" Explained his Aunt. "Aunt Nita I'll be right over in 5 minutes! Keep watching for anymore signs that it truely is happening." Instructed her nephew. "Ok, we'll see you when you get here." Said Nita hanging up he cell phone and going back into her son's room.

Daniels POV

Daniel could hear three voices talking quietly one was his mom, the other was Ryan and last but certainly not least his wolf Brother: Shadow through their connection. "Look he moved a little bit!" Said Ryan quietly. "My Baby's going to be ok!" Said his mom quietly but very emotionally. "Guys be quiet we don't want to have any problems!" Said Shadow looking at them both calmly with happiness in his beautiful blue eyes. Daniel heard somebody else enter the room and listened quietly to see who it was. "Anymore signs of improvement you two?" Asked an all too familiar voice. The voice of his cousin Jake. Right before anyone else, decided to speak to his cousin Daniel had decided that now was the time to face reality. "Mom? Shadow? Ryan? Cousin Jake? what happened to me?" Asked Daniel. Everyone let out huge joyous sighs of relief. "Hey Cuz, how are you feeling?" Asked an emotional Jake. "I've been better, I'm really stiff and it's very uncomfortable other then that I'm feeling good Jake." Explained Daniel. "That's great! All except for the stiffness, that's to be expected after how long you've been in your own bed." Explained Jake. "You've been in a coma for 3 years." Said Mom.

Sincerely, Daniel

Next: Chapter 3

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