Lances Angel

By Daniel Roberts

Published on Sep 23, 2014


Disclaimer: Ok here's the deal guys.... I don't know the members of NSYNC personally, this is a work of pure fiction (Sadly...) Secondly, If your not 18 or aren't allowed to read this because of legal reasons, you need to go to a more appropriate site. Also, this story contains man-to-man relationships, and at times will feature homosexual sex acts. If this offends you, you need to ask yourself, do I really want to continue?? .... Anyway, email me if you think this is good or whatever.. (Especially if you are one of the lead characters!!...Grin) Please no Flames this is my first time writing a story for Nifty Thank You!

Daniel's POV

"A coma?! I'd like some time to myself if you guys don't mind?" Said Daniel. "Son? You've got a visitor downstairs. When should I send him up? He traveled a long way Not to mention, he helped me care for you with a tenderness I've only seen in one man. That man was your father." Daniel's Mom explained. "Dad was a wonderful man Mom, I just wish we knew what happened to him...Shadow will ask him to follow him and escort him here." Daniel explained. " Sounds good to me bro, you know that you can always count on me." Shadow said. Everyone left the room, except Shadow to give Daniel some time to himself. Daniel sat there in his bed thinking and wondering, "What's changed in the last 3 years that I've been in a coma?" he thought to himself. "Shadow? Can you tell me what's changed and stayed the same during the last 3 years?" Daniel asked his wolf-brother. " Sure bro, a lot of things have changed. I'll catch you up to speed on what's gone on." Shadow said.

2 hours later:

"Oh... okay, that makes sense. Not all of it, but most of it makes complete sense." Daniel said.

Shadow's Pov:

"I'll go get your guest bro! Be back in a flash!" Shadow grinned, he vanished from his spot as yelling began downstairs. 'Shadow! No warping in the house unless you give me a heads up!" Mom yelled. "Sorry Mom, I tried warning you but you didn't hear my telepathy." Shadow explained to their mom. "Oh, I'm sorry Shadow." Mom apologized. "It's okay Mom, Daniel's ready to socialize now." Shadow said. 'Alright, I'll follow you Shadow lead the way!" his brother's guest said. "Hang on, I can warp back upstairs right next to my brother's bedroom door. Just place your hand on me and I'll do the rest. Any questions?" Shadow asked their guest. "Nope, I trust you Shadow. Beam us up!" Their guest said. "Okay, hold on to yourself! You might experience dizziness or 'warp sickness'. Shadow explained. A bright orange and silver light surrounded Shadow and his warping guest.

Daniel's Pov:

Daniel saw a bright light shine in the upstairs hallway and waited to hear a knock on his bedroom door. Shadow's mind touched his and asked, "Are you ready Bro?" "Always am Shadow, bring him in already!" Daniel replied bursting with excitement. The door opened and Shadow waked in warping next to Daniel.

He was leading in a gorgeous blonde-haired man, with piercing green eyes, a nice navy dress shirt and khaki shorts. Shadow? Has Lance Bass really been taking care of me this whole time?" Daniel asked. "Everyday Brother, he was worried about you when you were transported home and never stopped looking. I noticed Lance here looking and asking around for you in the park one day. I spoke to him one day in human form and told him to follow me. I led him here and asked him why he wanted to find you so bad. He told me his reply and was genuinely worried about you." Shadow explained.

Lance's Pov:

"Daniel, what Shadow said is true. I enjoyed visiting you at the hospital, but I just wish you could have been conscious whenever I visited you." Lance smiled and continued with his explanation, "I noticed your friends and family left you Nsync cards saying 'get well soon.' I knew you were a fan the minute I walked in on the first day." Lance explained, while he flashed Daniel a big smile. " I would love to hear this handsome man sing. Those beautiful blue eyes... they remind me of him so much... NO! I WON'T THINK OF HIM TODAY!" Lance thought to himself.

Daniel's Pov:

"Lance, are you okay?" Daniel asked worried about Lance. "Huh? Yeah I'm okay, just stressed out from work." Lance replied. "I see, I know it's not touring or recording your new album with the guys. I won't push though, just know if you ever need to talk that I'm always free for my friends." Daniel replied smiling, he slipped a piece of paper into Lance's pocket while he had his attention and grabbed an apple from Shadow and took a bite. "You want one too Lance? Shadow heard our stomachs growl and grabbed four apples." Daniel explained. "Sure, thanks guys good timing Shadow!" Lance replied. "No problem, I knew both of you hungry!" Shadow explained, while grinning too. Lance blushed,s he laughed with Daniel and Shadow. "Daniel, is Shadow a unique breed of wolf?" Lance asked. "Yes he is Lance, I trust you a lot and I can tell that Shadow has taken a real shine to you too."Daniel replied. "Shadow and I both know you love wolves, so Shadow told me that I could tell you exactly what breed of wolf he really is." Daniel explained, getting straight to the point. Lance was shocked at what he'd heard. "Are you guys sure about this? I'm really not that special. You've certainly perked my curiosity though, I'm flattered that you trust me o much. Thank you Shadow, this is truly a surprise. Lance replied. Daniel spent hours telling Lance Shadow's story, Lance listened intently wanting to catch every detail. "Oh my good..." Lance replied to the finished story of Shadow's life.

Lance's Pov:

Lance bolted upright sitting in the hotel room that he shared with Justin. "That same dream again, what does it mean? Daniel woke up three weeks ago." Lance thought to himself. He got out of bed also noticing that he woke up in a cold sweat. "Thank god for hotel housekeeping!" Lance thought, chuckling to himself. He went into the bathroom to clean up and get ready for the day. Lance turned on the shower, carefully washing his body cleaning off his once sweaty-skin. Drying himself, he shaved, got dressed and spiked his blonde hair. He heard his cell ring and Rockstar by Nickelback began to play signaling one of his best friends was calling him. "Hey Daniel, what's up?" Lance asked as he answered his phone. "Not much, hey would you like to come with me to a friend's hotel room? It's the same one your staying at after all." Daniel asked, getting straight down to business. "Sure! See you in a few minutes!" Lance replied.

Lance went down to the lobby to meet Daniel,, but somebody else was waiting with him. "Hey Daniel, who's your friend?" Lance asked, while greeting Daniel.

"James it's me, Shadow! This is my human form!" Shadow explained. "That makes sense, an by the way you look great Shadow!" Lance replied, while complimenting Shadow's new form. Hey Danni! Oh my gosh how are you?!" asked a long blonde-haired, blue eyed girl wearing blue jeans and a red tank top with a blue butterfly design on it. "Taylor! I'm great, how are you?! It's been forever since I last saw you!" Daniel replied excitedly."Lance give them a few minutes to catch up." Shadow told his friend, knowing it was true. A few minutes passed, while Daniel and Taylor caught up. "Sheesh and here I thought the guys were bad!" Lance said to himself while chuckling. Taylor and Daniel finally stopped chatting, "Hey Lance! How are you doing?" Taylor asked, before she gave him a hug. "I'm doing great Taylor, just taking some time off from the tour and it's so much better this way!" Lance replied while grinning. "That's cool, everyone needs a break sometime! I'll be taking a break too after my concert tonight. Would you guys like to come watch me perform tonight?" Taylor asked. "Girl, why did you even have to ask?" Daniel replied, while snapping his fingers. Taylor laughed and replied, "You haven't changed,well except for the fact that you've gotten more good looking! What's your secret?!" Taylor asked, expecting an answer from her best friend. Daniel grinned an said, "You haven't changed either, an you know I'd tell you if I knew Taylor." Daniel explained before laughing. "Yeah you would, so Lance have you heard any voices that you and the guys think could be or become the sixth member of Nsync?" Taylor asked. "No not yet, but I have a gut feeling that we might just find it in New York City!" Lance explained, while looking hopeful.

Daniel's Pov:

Daniel sensed a dark but familiar presence inside the hotel lobby. "Shadow take James and Taylor upstairs to Taylor's hotel suite. Don't ask questions just do it Now!" Daniel calmly ordered his wolf-brother. "You can count on me bro!" Shadow said, right before warping to the safety of Taylor's hotel suite. "Daniel, please be careful..." James and Taylor replied, through Shadow's telepathy. "I will guys, stay hidden and be safe." Daniel replied, cutting off the telepathic link. He looked around the lobby and spotted his ex-boyfriend Jayson looking directly at him. Rage filled Daniel to his very core, filling up his entire body with no other emotion. He directed all of his rage towards Jayson, "This time you'll be the one in pain instead of me Jayson!" Daniel thought to himself. He began to focus all of his rag into an invisible blast of inner strength. Daniel then focused on sending the the power on a straight path towards Jayson. The blast of inner strength streaked through the hotel lobby targeting Jayson. He shielded every innocent bystander inside the entire hotel. "That blast is meant for Jayson only I won't allow it to harm anyone else. Finally I'll have my sweet revenge and justice will be served!" Daniel said to himself.

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