Lances Love

By moc.loa@61mhnaH

Published on Jan 28, 2000


Disclaimer: If you are not at least 18 or of legal age to view sexualcontent please leave now. If you are offended by homosexual experiences or acts this story is not for you. I am not implying that anyone of the group N'SYNC are gay or Bi sexual. This is strictly fictional, all of the characters are also fictional and for the entertainment of you, the readers.Let's Get It On .........

Lances Love

part 12

"No, you said no."Jamie said outraged at me.

"I said no. That's the end of that." I said looking at my dear friend.

"Chris are you insane. He loved you. You will never find some one that will love you like that again."

"I know that. I am willing to give that up."

"Why the hell would want to give that up. That is all I have ever wanted and you as well. Are you on fucking drugs. I mean did you take a stupid pill." Jamie said as she stood and pased in front of me.

"Jamie you just don't understand."

"Try me. Just try me then I will sit hear and listen as long as it takes."

"He was going to give up music. That is his dream. I love him that is why I couldn't let him do it. I want him to keep making music because that is my dream as well. I don't have the opertunity to do that. I don't want him to give up anything for me. This is the best thing that could have been done."

"Well, where is he know. I mean he is hurt I should probably go and talk to him."

"Unless you want to go to Orlando you can't talk to him. They left this morning. I can't get a hold of them ever again. It is for the best though."

"Chris I am sorry that this all had to happen. I mean it is my fault."

"What do you mean that it is your fault?"

"Well I did tell him to go ahead and ask you. He told me that he was thinking about it but wasn't sure. I told him to go for it. I never thought you'd say no."

"Thanks Jamie. I didn't have a choice. I love him to much to do that. I will live the rest of my life without him. I will go without anyone. I gotta go and clean the house up."

"I'm sorry. If you need to talk to someone just come see me."


On the drive home all I could think of was what I did. I really do love him but I hurt him so much. Would I ever hear from him again. Well I lost the one person who could make me smile, laugh, and feel good about myself. I got home and there was a note on the refrigerator.

Dear Chris,

I love you and I know you know that. I can't believe you would treat me like this. I mean you pretended to love me to get me in bed. When I ask you what I thought you wanted to hear you said no and left me alone. You didn't even let me talk to you. I just can't stand to see you or hear from you ever again. So please don't ever try to contact me. I will have you put in jail for stalking and harrassment if you do. It hurts me to say this but what you did by lieing to me is unforgivable. How you could lie to me about loving me is beyond my grasp. Good bye forever Chris.

LOVE ALWAYS, James Lansten Bass

My dream came true after all. I can't believe that it has come true. I won't let the whole dream become true. I can't let that happen. I won't give him the satisfaction. I will work and keep the house. I will live till I am a old cripled man. I went to my room after reading the letter. Sat on my bed which is where I saw him last. I cried myself to sleep. I awoke when the phone rang.

"Hello" I said as I rubbed my eyes.

"Hey Chris, this is just your wake up call to make sure you were gonna make it to work today. Besides I want to hear all the juicy gossip about the guys. You have a hour an a half to get to work so get up and get ready now." Mellisa said very cheary.

"Ok I will be there thanks for waking me up."

"No problem got to go and get ready myself. See ya at work."

"When I hung up the phone the door bell rang. I got up and went to answer the door to see who it is.

"Hi Mr Parsons. I brought your car back as scheduled. With the rebuilt engine it runs better than new. It is all ready for you. I hope you are satisfied with our service and come back to us with any other problems."

"Thank you very much ya'll are very punctiional." I said as I looked at my watch to see the time. The gentleman handed me my keys and walked off to his co-worker in the company car.

I went back inside jumped into the shower and slowly washed. I thought about when me and Lance took a shower together. It brought tears to my eyes to think of how I hurt him. I should've talked to him instead of dismissing him like that. He really didn't deserve it. I should of just explained to him where I was coming from. It's to late now I have to continue with my life as if I never met him. That's gonna be so hard to do though.

I made it to work just in time. Mellissa was already at work and sending people on there way through her line. I did have to talk to her. Maybe I would feel better about what I did if I talked about it a little more. I took register 2 because Mellissa was on 1.

"Well good afternoon" I said to Mellissa.

"Same to you handsome. So how was your weekend."

"I have so much to tell you, but you have to promise me that you won't tell no one. That is kind of stupid for me to say because I know you won't."

"Sure shoot, I have been waiting to hear all about it."

I started my long and complicated story. Mellissa stood and absorbed all I said with a smile. To look at her face and see her sympathy made me feel relaxed. Maybe a little to relaxed because when I got to the end of it I was in tears. I understood all of Lances pain as for the first time since the whole incident. I now know what I did was wrong but I can't turn back time or change the past.

"Chris I am so sorry for you. But why couldn't you just talk to him about it. I mean he sure as hell loved you if he asked you to marry him. He would have understood. I should just shut up because you need me here to support not to fuss."

"Thank you so much. I think I am going to ask for my vacation early. I need some time off and time to think and get myself straightened back out."

I left work that day with the blessings of Lynn. She understood that I was very upset with my relationship problems. I tried to tell her what I could with out letting go of all of it. I left out with who the relationship was with, and that it was a guy. She had no problem letting me go for the next two weeks to get my life adjusted to my sorrow. I arrived to my house and got the mail. There was a letter from Trans Continetal. I expected a letter of warning about Lance but instead it was to inform me that they loved my demo tape that there recieved in my behalf. I had a plane ticket to Orlando waiting for me at the airport. I was supposed to leave Wednesday. I walked up to the front door to find Jamie standing there to greet me.

"Well hello stranger we didn't expect you home for another hour."

"Who is we?"

"There's me, Heather, Christine, Eric, and Mel."


"I called him this morning after you left. I told him the whole situration. He couldn't imagine letting you go through such a hard time without him here for you. Chris we all care about you and worry about you so much. So he flew in on the first flight and arrived about ten minutes ago."

"Damn I didn't know ya'll cared so much about me. The whole gang back together again. There is only one..."

"Shut up and get inside with everyone." Jamie said as she ushered me into the house.

"Crispy, I am here for ya. Damn I traveled half way around the damn continent to see ya ugly ass."

"Well thank you very much MR. Teddybear. I can't believe all of ya'll coming together for me."

"Well I want to dance and we also got some preserves. Can you say Tequila." Christine said as she walked over to the stereo and turned on her theme song. Silly Ho by TLC.

"I am so glad I gave you that song. Now come here I want to dance." I said as I walked over to Christine and started to dance.

We danced, talked, and drank alot during those hours we spent awake. We passed out, I would say about 5 hours later. Everyone just crashed in the living room. All and all I would say that it was a success. I forgot about Lance which was why they showed up in the first place. I was happy that we could all get together and have a real blast, but when I awoke and found the letter in my pocket I knew there was a decision to make. I got up and went to take a shower. When I got out everyone was stirring in the living room making small talk and the such.

"Good morning everyone, and before ya'll say anything I have something I need to discuss with ya'll. Last night was a blast and I apprieciate all of this and my house is ope to any of you. But...."

"What do you mean but." Eric said wiping his eyes.

"I got a letter yesterday in the mail. Someone sent in a demo tape of me to Trans Continental. Well they loved it and have me scheduled to take a flight out tomorrow to Orlando to speak with them."

"Chris that's your dream. I can't believe this you get to do what you've always wanted to do." Heather said as she stood and gave me a huge hug.

"Well there is a problem. That is the same label that supports Backstreet Boys and N'sync. I will just be starting out so they will probably use me as a opener for there bigger groups. Which means I will have to face Lance. I don't think I can handle that. I am scared that if I blow this I will never get the chance to fulfill my dream ever again." I stood there with tears pouring down my face as the whole situration hit me completely. I know this is a true problem to give weeks of concideration but I only have a day to decide.

"Chris, this will give you a chance to finally tell him what you were doing by saying no. He will have to talk to you." Christine says as she walks over to me and plants a kiss on my forehead.

"This is your last chance to talk to him in anyway Chris don't let it pass you up. Things just might not be over like you thought. I think you should go for it." Jamie tells me as she stretches the last of her morning kinks.

I packed my bags with the help of some of the greatest friends ever. With their help I was ready to go in about a hour. I hugged everyone and thanked them for there help. I ended up going to the movies with everyone and hanging out one last time before I left. When the movie was over we drove to the airport. We said I final good bye's and off I went to Orlando to what may be my dream or disaster...


I think that was a bit of a twist but yet the next chapter is yet to come. Will Lance forgive Chris or not. Who knows but I am open for suggestions from you all. I would also like to put a hand out for all of the arthors who may be recieving awards soon. For any comments just Email me at

Next: Chapter 13

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