Lances Love

By moc.loa@61mhnaH

Published on Feb 17, 2000


Disclaimer: If you are not at least 18 or of legal age to view sexual content please leave now. If you are offended by homosexual experiences or acts this story is not for you. I am not implying that anyone of the group N'SYNC are gay or Bi sexual. This is strictly fictional, all of the characters are also fictional and for the entertainment of you, the readers.Let's Get It O n.........

I have been told that Lance was seen in OZ the best gay club in New Orleans. I would have loved to be there to see him myself.

Lances Love

part 13

The plane ride wasn't that long. I guess it helped because I slept the whole way. While asleep I had many dreams. I dreamed that the plane crashed. I died,Lance did go to the funeral, he cried, and he was truelly upset. I awoke with a new hope in my heart. The dream was very upsetting but yet in it's own way it was comforting. I landed in Orlando on time. I saw a man in a suit with a sign that read "Chris Parsons".

"Hello I am Chris Parsons."

"Hello sir I hope your flight was a good one."

"Why thank you it was very pleasant. Well what do we do now."

"I will get your bags. Then I will drive you to the hotel so you can freshen up and meet Mr. Chasez at the bar."

"JC is meeting me at the hotel?"

"Yes sir, but we must hurry you are scheduled to meet him in two hours."

With that we made our way out with my bags to the limo. The drive was quite and peaceful. I have never been in a limo but I loved every minute of it. The limo was complete with a TV, VCR, bar, cd player, radio, and cell phone. I needed to call Jamie and let her know that I was ok.

"Jamie hey babes"

"How was the flight."

"It was really good. I slept the whole way though."

"That figures, so are you nervous."

"I am extremely nervous. I am also supposed to meet JC at the hotels bar."

"What why would you be meeting JC."

"I think it is because the copy of the tape I made him from the other night at karoke. He is the one who sent in the demo for me. He has the pull to do this for me. But it was to late to take it back when me and Lance had our little dispute. I hope he isn't mad at me."

"Talk to him. He will understand if you just talk to him."

"I hope so. I am just scared that I am going to get decked. I didn't even get to say goodbye to any of the guys. I really hurt Lance and this is my chance, my last chance, to get him back."

"Listen, If he cares he will listen to what you have to say trust me. Besides who can resist that smile of yours except me of course."

"Well I have got to go James. I will call you tonight and you can relay all the info to everyone else. Thank you for being here when I need you."

"No problem and good luck."

With that I hung up the phone. When I reached the hotel I got out and walked to the reception desk. There was a young lady working the desk. Either she didn't see me come up or just didn't care. She just sat there and talked on the phone. God now I know why I didn't like to date true ditzy blondes with their high pitched voices.

"Excuse me ma'am" I said very politely even though I was so annoyed.

"Jeez mister, can't you see I am on the phone here." She said.

"Yes I can, and that is why I got your attention. I have reservations here." I said as I gave her a look of death.

"Sure you do, what is your name so I can send you on your way."

"Parsons, Chris Parsons."

"Parsons, Parsons, Parsons, I am so....Oh I am so sorry sir you have our penthouse suite prepaid and reserved sir let me get one of our bellhops to help you with that luggage."

"Thank you." I gave a smug smile to her it was actually funny. It was like a revenge but yet better.

I got to my room shortly after my encounter with the young receptionist. The room was huge. I had a large living room, kitchen, bedroom, jacuzzi tub, shower, and the largest bed I have ever seen. I walked into the bedroom and turned on the TV to MTV. I was able to catch TRL. Nsync was number one. It was a new song they had just released. It was fittingly called Bye, bye, bye. I liked it but then I didn't. I felt like it was a secret message from Lance to me. It was his way of dismissing me forever. I was in tears sitting on my bed. I had to make him see what I did was for the best. Maybe he'll understand it alittle better now that I can actually explain it. I dried my tears picked out some clothes and jumped in the shower because I had to meet JC in about a hour. I took my time in the shower and let the hot water relax my nerves as well as my tensed muscles. What would JC say or do to me when he sees me. That is if he even shows up maybe he is so mad that he won't even show up to see me. I will admit that is some wishful thinking but who knows it might happen.


"Hey I have a huge favor to ask you." JC said with a evil grin on his face, but Lance couldn't see it through the phone.

"It depends on what it is." Lance said as his mind tossed ideas of what this favor contained.

"Well it's like this I am supposed to meet a possible new singer. He flew in here. I am supposed to tell him why he should sign with us. By what I've been told he has great potential. I am supposed to meet him in 45 minutes but I have a huge date coming up tonight and I have to get ready." JC said worried that his friend wouldn't buy it.

"I don't have any plans today so sure why not. I do need to keep myself occupied since well you know what I am talking about. What's his name?" Lance asked kinda curious.

"Well there is a problem with that. The fax was cut off before it told me his name, but he does know that he is meeting a member of Nsync so he should recognize you."

"Why haven't you called Alex or Johnny?"

"I have but they have been to busy trying to get everything ready for our tour that is coming up."

"Ok then it's no problem."

"Thanks so much you just don't know how much this means to me." JC said with a very content smile. So far so good his plan is working to get Lance to talk to Chris. Jc gave Lance the directions to get to the Hotel. As soon as they got off the phone Lance started to get ready. Lance was greatful for the chance to do something productive instead of sit around and think of Chris all the time. I just don't understand why he would do that to me. I love him and I thought that he loved me but I will have to get over him. Lance thought to himself as he finished getting dressed and heading to the elevator.


Damn I only got ten minutes now till I have to meet him at the bar. I have got to get the lead out of my ass. I thought to myself as I began to throw the clothes I picked out earlier on. I got in the elevator and my heart started to beat faster and faster. It scared me to think of the whole situration. The elevator let out it's ding bringing me back out of my thoughts. I slowed my pace as I walked to the bar. I was trying to calm myself down. I was almost at the entrance to the bar. I took a deep breathe and put on a smile and walked into the bar. I almost blacked out when it was Lance that I saw and not JC.


Well I am so sorry about the time delay on this chapter. I had a small case of writers block. I am over it know though this is to all of those that emailed me and IM'd me and asked about the story. I am always happy to hear from anyone who will take the time to talk to me and express their feelings about the story. Thank you and all of you have a nice day/night whatever it may be. Email me at

Next: Chapter 14

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