Lances Search


Published on Jul 10, 2001


After a short break for the July Fourth holiday, welcome back to "Lance's Search," a multi-chapter exploration of a young man discovering himself. As much as I would suspect otherwise, I have no actual proof of the sexual orientations of Lance Bass, Justin Timberlake or JC Chasez. Consequently anything you read in this story is the product of the mind of its author. That said, this story attempts to take a realistic look into the thoughts and feelings of a guy as he discovers the pains and the joys associated with loving his fellow man... or his fellow band mate as the case may be.

I know I've mentioned a few other stories I recommend, but I have just been catching up and reading Nick and the Altos. If you've missed it, I recommend going back into the archive and catching up like I did.

If you have any comments on this story, please e-mail them to


Previously on Lance's Search...

Hands were flying fast. These were not going to be the long, slow jerk off sessions they were used to. This was a contest. Who could blow his load first. The boys looked over at each other, first eyeing the other's face, then watching the other's cock being worked over. Seeing Justin jerk off still excited Lance. It added to the pleasure. But that sight wasn't quite enough to put Lance over the top before a white geyser exploded from Justin with some of the precious fluid landing on Lance. The younger boy's eruption triggered one in Lance as his back arched off the bed and a wave of relief washed over the blond.

"I win. Be sure I have a clean towel waiting for me when I get out of the shower," Justin said with a big smile plastered across his face as he hopped out of bed for the bathroom.

"Yeah, I'll have a towel waiting for you, buddy, but it might not be entirely clean," Lance replied menacingly.

. Chapter 21

Lance finished up with his shower quickly, shaved and made sure his hair was just right. He took a little longer than usual to pick out his clothes for the day.

Finally he made it out to his living room. There he found Justin sprawled out on the couch, watching cartoons on the television.

"Should've known I'd find you here in front of the tube."

"Hey, you're the one who told JC I was watching toons, buddy. I didn't want to make you a liar."

"How thoughtful of you. Have you heard anything from JC yet?"

"If you mean has he arrived, nope."

Lance was going around the room, getting rid of some stray trash and generally straightening up the place. Justin watched the spectacle from his post on the couch. "You trying to show JC how good of a housewife you can be?"

"No. Just trying to straighten the place up. It needs it. Besides, what's wrong with making sure the place looks good for company?"

"What, I'm not company? I haven't seen you clean up for me."

"No, just clean up after you," Lance said, throwing a ball of paper at Justin.

"You need to chill out there, stud."

"I am chilled out."

"Oh yeah, you're chilled all right," Justin said with a definite sarcastic tone and a laugh.

"Was that JC's car?"

"I don't think so. Seriously, man, you need to slow down unless you're planning to jump his bones once he steps in the door."

"I'm not going to jump his bones when he gets here. Besides he might not even want me."

"Oh yeah. Earth to Lance. Earth to Lance. I think it's time for a reality check here. Describe for me again the guy you saw dancing with JC in the gay bar?"

"I don't remember that."

"Oh yeah you do. How tall was he?"

"A little shorter than JC, I guess."

"What type of body did he have?"

"Average, I guess. Not fat. Not real thin."

"And what color hair did he have?"


"Spikey too, if I remember your description."

"Yeah, well there's a lot of that going around."

"And then let's see. Chris, the escort we saw at the airport. Wasn't he a blond cutie?"

"I suppose."

"And funny, wasn't he wearing clothes just like you wear a lot when we're not on stage or on tour?"

"I didn't notice. And what does any of this have to do with me?"

"You notice any kind of trend developing here?"

"I think you're reading too much into this. Just because these guys might have some things in common with me, doesn't mean JC is interested in me. Hell, Justin, we've been working, living, eating, singing together all these years. If he was interested in me why wouldn't he have made it know already? Shouldn't we have already been making out by now?"

"Lance, did you think I was gay before I told you?"


"I didn't know about you until that same night at the hotel. Without those discoveries, we probably would have never engaged in sex."

"Your point?"

"If we didn't know about each other, how would JC know? We've all been so good at hiding the truth from each other. Hell, JC and I used the same escort without knowing it. We got lucky. We found out about each other, probably not in the way either of us would have preferred, but we did. Now we know about JC, but he still doesn't know about us. He's probably convinced that we're as straight as Chris or Joey."

"I still don't know where you're going with this, Justin."

"Look, I don't know for sure whether JC has the hots for you or not, but when you combine the fact that he has no idea you're gay with the type of guys he seems to prefer, I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility that he's interested."

There was a short pause in the boys' conversation. Lance was looking off into space. Justin was looking at Lance. He wasn't really thrilled about trying to be the matchmaker between Lance and JC, but it just seemed so logical, so right. It might feel right, but Justin couldn't escape the feeling that his own life was becoming a little bit empty.

"I'm scared, Justin."

"I know you are. If you weren't I'd be surprised."

Then the doorbell rang. Justin and Lance looked at each other. Justin shook his head and motioned for Lance to go open the door. The same door Lance had opened countless times. Yet Justin knew it was, at the same time, an entirely new door... at least for Lance.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 22

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