Last Chance

By gt

Published on Mar 15, 2016


Copyright 2016 by the author. For private use.

DISCLAIMER: For adults only. Not for minors. Delete if illegal in your jurisdiction. This is a work of fiction. Just my fantasy. Author's note: Comments and suggestions most welcome.

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Last Chance 3-

I heard the truck approaching. I pulled up next to me and he honked. I felt for the back of the truck and climbed in. I was barely down when he took off. I tried holding on but rolled around as we turned corners. We must have driven for an hour. At first there was a lot of traffic sounds like we were in the freeway or one of the toll roads. But the last half it seemed to be pretty quiet. I only heard cars every once in a while. The truck stopped, I could hear a gate opening. We drove on for a while on what must have been gravel. The truck came to a stop, I heard a door open then footsteps on the gravel. The back of the truck was lowered and someone was pulling on my leash. I went with it and fell out of the back of the truck. The gravel hurt my naked body. He laughed and jerked me to my feet. He me down the drive until we were in grass, he opened gate and pulled me onto what felt like concrete. "Get on your hands and knees bitch I started to kneel and he pushed me to the ground. The concrete was rough and I landed on my stomach. "You better learn to move quicker if you want to stay, boy. We know you're a cocksucking faggot, but you haven't proven yourself as my property yet, you still seem to have some will left. Well I can beat it out of you or you can just give it up, your choice. Now up on your hands and knees." I moved quickly. I heard the water before it hit me, it was freezing he was hosing me off. Just them I felt him pull the plug form my ass; "You stink bitch, I better clean you inside too." The hose was shoved in my ass, the pain was intense as he filled me with cold water. The hose came out and the plug went back in. I was crying form the pain in my abdomen. "Good to see you cry bitch, I love that in you. A fucking sissy cock sucker. I have to get you some panties not like you have a real dick anyway. No wonder your divorced your wife would have gotten more pleasure out of my little toe than your pathetic dick. Maybe I should geld you. And Its late bitch you can stay out here in the backyard. You are five miles from the highway and you won't run once the humbler is in place. I will lead you to a bucket you can dumb your guts in there. Just stay on your hands and knees." I crawled as he pulled me along. Standup bitch" I did- and he pushed me down on the bucket. As he did he pulled the plug and the water just gushed out of me. "Now back on your knees and you will find out what a humbler is. I felt him grab my dick and balls and pull them back between my legs, then I felt something clamp around my dick and sack and l felt something against the back of my thighs. "Ok boy its locked, just stand up straight." I started to stand up and I thought my dick and balls were being torn off. I fell to the ground in the fetal position it was the only way the pain would stop. "See you in the morning Boy, don't mind the sprinklers that come on at 4am." He laughed and walked away. I was naked blindfolded laying in the grass with my cock and balls locked so I couldn't stand up. Was this what I really wanted. My hard dick said yes.

The sprinklers woke me. I crawled till the water stop hitting me. I was on concrete and felt around till I found a lounge chair. I pulled myself up and fell back asleep. I awoke with a stick poking me. "Get up, slut. Your training starts today. But first if you want out of this now is your last chance. Your cloths are here, I will call you a cab and you can leave. If you do it is over for you and at your age you know you will never get this chance again. Just tell me you want to stay and we will get started." "Sir, I want to stay, I have to stay." "then on your hands and knees while I take the humbler off." I did as instructed and felt the relief as my sack and cock were free form that devise. With that he jerked my leash I stood up and followed him. Shortly we were inside a building. "Downstairs boy, be careful. I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself, I want to do it." He finally he said "there is a stool – sit down on it." I sat. "Now take off the blindfold." I peeled the leather blindfold off for the first time in hours. The light was intense. When I could focus I saw I was sitting facing a video camera and strong lights. I could see a silhouette behind the lights but could not make out details. "this is your interview boy, it determines if we continue. Just answer the questions and do what I say and we will continue. Otherwise tell me to stop and you are out of here forever. Just answer the questions truthfully. The interview is for me to understand you and your motivation to submit and for my protection. You may leave at any time during the interview, if you do not if you disobey or try to escape my control the tape will be made public to your employer, family and friends. "Now let start with your full name, date of birth, employer home address." I answer the questions feeling weird and excited as I sat naked in front of the camera, even the interview seems a transfer of power. "Last night you went to the Eagle and give three guys blow jobs. Was that voluntary did I or anyone make you do what you did.?" "No it was my idea as was everything I did." I answered. "Are you now married or in a relationship with anyone? "No, I was married but I am divorced now." "Did you have sex with your ex-wife, regularly." "Not really." I said. "Explain what you mean by that answer."

I stammered a bit because frankly it was embarrassing. "Well at the beginning of our relationship we had sex a few times. But we stopped because she said I was too small and she just got frustrated. Later she had me bring her to orgasm with my mouth, she would have me eat her to one or two orgasms when she wanted sex. It stayed like that until the last two years of our marriage when she met her girlfriend. They had sex all the time and she said she didn't need me anymore. Finally, they moved in together after she caught me jacking off on a webcam with another guy." He asks; "Did you enjoy eating her?" – "Not really, especially when she made me do it during her period. I thought that she smelled bad and I didn't like the taste." "Well, do you like the taste of a Man's cock and cum?" "Yes, I actually really like the taste of cum." "do you eat your own cum when you jack off." I was embarrassed but told the truth. "yes." "Other than your ex-wife have you had sex with anyone else other than last night, if you did please describe it and tell me what you liked and did not like."

I wish I had more to tell about but except for my time my sex life was mainly limited to fantasy and masturbation. "My first sex was with a Man, Dr. Ben. He was the first to discover that I am gay. He taught me to masturbate, suck cock, and he used to fuck me. I liked to try lots of things with me from bondage, humiliation, leather and forced cross dressing. He spent a lot of time showing me that the best orgasms I can have come when a Man inflicts pain on me. Its hard for me to think what he did that I didn't like. I really was excited by all of the variety. It is what I miss. The worst was when he brought in a new boy and I had to watch while they had sex. I was only allowed to clean his cock after he had fucked the other boy. He had started whipping me a lot more and refusing to let me have sex with him. He would bring older friends over and they would give him money to have sex with me. I enjoyed that really, except the night he let five guys gang bang me. It was the night he kicked me out for being too old and no more fun. After him I tried to go straight. Before my wife I had sex with some prostitutes, well I tried but I could never stay hard. Mostly I masturbate. Since Dr. Ben I read stories or have fantasies of S&M. Since the internet I troll for online tops and Masters and read Gay Authoritarian stories on" He was silent for a while, "Very interesting we will have to explore some of these issues in depth later. Now, tell me if you are here with me voluntarily and if you agree to turn over power over your body and mind to me. If you have any limits on my treatment of you say them now."

"I am here voluntarily and I want to transfer to you power over my mind nd body. I do not like anything having to do with children, animals and I really don't like women." "Good." He explained. "This is how this works. Every weekend you will be mine form Friday after your work until 10pm on Sunday. For now you will keep you job and appear to keep your life. Today your nipples and cock will be pierced. You will be fitted with a chastity device so you will be unable to masturbate. You will be no good to me until your piercing heal, so for three weeks I will not need you. After that a car will pick you up at exactly 5pm every Friday. You will bring nothing except your clothes, you will keep your body shaved. You will tell no one about me and of course you will not have sex in person or online with anyone unless I direct it. Now, there are eye drops on the table at your side. Put two drops in each eye. This will blur your vision; you will she shapes but will not be able identify me or anyone else that may be here. The blur will wear off by Sunday evening when the driver places drops to counteract it when he drops you off at home. Now for the final part of the tape I want you to jack off for the camera, while you fuck yourself with a dildo when you cum eat your cum. If you disobey this should make good viewing for your employer. When you are done you will be taken to the piercing parlor and then home to heal. I put the drops in my eyes. I picked up the dildo on the table. "On your hands and knees with your ass to the camera. One hand fucking yourself the other stroking till you cum. Let the cum hit the ground then lick it up." I did as I was told. I slid the dildo in my stretched boy cunt, it felt good, It didn't take long to bring myself to orgasm I was so excited, I must have cum a gallon. I bent down and licked it up. I loved the taste and I wanted more. The lights went off. A hand grabbed my arm helped me up and led me by the leash to a car. When we got to the car I was given my clothes and told to get dressed. The collar stayed on but the leash was disconnected. I got in the car and we drove off. I couldn't make out where we were. The no car stopped and I was led by the arm into a shop. I was taken to a chair and placed in the chair. "The driver said he needs a large gauge prince albert, and large gauge nipple piercings. When you are done with the prince albert , put this chastity devise on him, lock it and mail the key to Master Jack. This all goes on his account. By the way no Novocain or pain meds. The boy loves pain. When he is done I will be at the bar next door. Four hours later in intense pain I was delivered to my apartment. My car was already in the parking lot.

Next: Chapter 4

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