Lauras Dare

By Laura S

Published on Mar 3, 2001


Laura's Dare Laura S. (

It all started so innocently. I was chatting with my online lover and slut sister Jessica, telling her about the new special "toy" I had ordered from the online adult store. It was the kind that stimulated not only the inner portions of your pussy but the clit and ass as well, and could be worn inside your clothing all day even while turned on. She laughingly suggested that I should wear it out one night to a club and see if I could survive that much stimulation. Well, never being the one to turn down a challenge, I immediately told her that not only would I wear it out in public, but I would go her one better and wear it to a rave and try to make it with as many girls there as I could. She was impressed with our little wager and accepted the terms, being that I would have to write about the night for our private online club and for Nifty as well. I agreed, and several days later my package arrived. At first I was disappointed because I had no batteries to try it out with, but thankfully I had my car at my disposal and hurried to the store to buy my needs.

Once home I tried out the little device, which really WAS pretty small and unnoticeable, and found that it was better than I had even expected it to be. This also brought the realization home that maybe this was not going to be as easy a dare as I thought it would be, since I would have to maintain my legs underneath me while I wore it. Hmmmmmmm. Did I bite off more than I could chew this time? I stopped thinking about it and finished enjoying my afternoon with my new friend.

Now those of you who know me know that I need very little help in the challenge department. I'll take on just about any sexual dare that comes along, and love every minute of it. But I had never been to a rave before, which gave me SOME concern, and I certainly never thought of doing upwards of 30 or 40 girls in one night (well maybe in a fantasy once or twice) while wearing something which would probably have me cumming my brains out every two minutes. But I gathered up my courage, and my dearest friend Fannie (who you'll hear about in a moment) and off we went to have our adventure.

Now to understand what was about to happen, you have to know Fannie as well. She is 20 (I'm 18 BTW) and has this adorable little 2 year old baby boy who calls me Auntie Laura the minute he sees me. But Fannie has a wild side as well. The girl owns about 200 wigs and at least ten pairs of colored contacts so that she's a different girl every night. We first met about a year ago when we were working together in a clothing store and we hit it off immediately. It didn't take long for things to go their natural way and have us lying in bed together making each other scream with orgasmic pleasure, so who better to keep me in line and keep the count for me than her? Well before we even got to the party, she had to start her count at one, because I was already so aroused from the little buzzer in my panties and her exotic Dominican looks that I just HAD to make sure my tongue was in proper working order. I made her pull off to the side of the road we were on so that I could kiss and lick that sweet Latina pussy till it gave me my dinner. I tell ya, I love this girl! Once we had gotten her count (and her purring) going, we headed back in the direction we were going until we reached our destination.

OK so here we were, getting ready to enter the party of a lifetime. The partygoers were almost ALL under 18 and every one of them hot in one way or another. I found myself ticking off in my head which ones would be first and which ones last and so on. It seemed so different to me to look at these girls who were only a few years at most younger than me in the light that I was in now. Yes I had had my share of teens when I was 15 16 and 17 but it was different to me now in that I was going to be the predator and they were the prey, rather than some innocent kissing and cuddling. I was going to ENJOY this!!!! Fannie saw the look in my eyes and said "Oh Jesus baby........I know THAT look. You're gonna feast tonight" and laughed her ass off so hard I thought she was going to choke. I had no intention of getting my cumming in any other way than the little helper I was wearing, but I was going to eat some sweet young things tonight.

We got inside and the music was pumping and the girls were already dancing up a storm. There was already some girl to girl kissing going on on the dance floor and I was getting out there fast! I danced up to the girl I had seen outside and put number one on my list and we bagan dancing together. This little honey had on a skirt that should have been illegal for somene MY age let alone someone that I guessed was probably 15. Her panties barely covered such a beautiful set of cheeks and I felt my little friend bringing me close to orgasm #1. She had the cutest little boobs and obviously no bra on and her nipples were being VERY friendly, sticking out to say Hi! As we danced together, I started getting closer and closer to her and she never backed off one inch. I knew that it was time to make my first move of the evening and I hugged her close and gave her lips a licking that sent her into moans. I couldn't HEAR them but I felt them in her throat as I kissed her passionately. we stayed locked in that kiss for what seemed like 20 minutes and then I began massaging her sweet little titties right there on the dance floor. I could feel her temperature rise as I slowly started downward to get a taste of her. I knew that she would have the sweetest scent and it didn't take me long to get her panties pushed aside and my tongue right into her already wet pussy. She danced and bucked against my attack and got wetter and wetter by the second. Then as I felt her legs give way just slightly, I heard her moan loudly as I tasted the flood from her sweet slit. God it was delicious! If things got any better tonight, I would be in heaven before I got to number 5!

I rose from my kneeling position to kiss her hard on the lips and saw that we were surrounded by a flurry of her friends who obviously had seen what had happened. They applauded us and I motioned to the next girl who caught my eye. She was a thin blonde, about 16 and 5'10" or so. Incredible bodies on ALL of them there, but THIS one reminded me of someone I knew form a state down south, a cyber lover of mine who I will stay in touch with as long as I live. There was no mistaking that Swedish like body. All tits and hips and just damned GORGEOUS. I HAD to have THIS one because she made me think of my little southern sis. I didn't even wait to start kissing her, just got right into the tongue dance and soon we were frenching like we had been lovers for ever. God her breath tasted so good. I wanted to swallow all of her right then and there, but I knew that I would want to start that action from somewhere else on her gorgeous body. As we got hotter and hotter for each other, she surprised me by reaching down and trying to play with my pussy, feeling the little device there. She looked at me with eyes wide and then a big smile crossed her face as she realized what was there. That was when she grabbed me by the head and pushed my mouth down to her waiting slit. She pulled her panties aside and literally ground her lips against mine as I sucked and licked hungrily at her moisture. It only took a minute or two before the sweet little thing was giving me my second taste of honey for the night. Oh baby I was in heaven! Well by this time a small group of about ten girls was around me, already having figured out what I was up to, and I can't prove it because she won't admit to it, but I think my little Fannie baby was telling them what this dare was all about. It was almost like she was pimping me off to all these fine little sweethearts. I tell you lovers, I was like a kid in a candy store.

As the night wore on we all got bolder and bolder. No more just kissing and cumming. We were going off to rooms where we could engage in the most erotic of activities I had ever been happy to do. One girl, realizing that I was "wired for fun" decided that she wanted to kittykiss me and we rubbed against each other, me still in my panties and acting like a human vibrator, until the sweet thing actually came ON my panties. Well this got another idea rolling in my head, and I started doing it with each successive girl that I made it with. Within 30 minutes I had a damp spot on my panty crotch the size of New York and it was made up of no less than five different girls' cummings. Then things got even hotter if that was possible.

This one girl, who couldn't have been more than 14, came up to me and just took off everything she had on. She straddled my face and started riding me like there was no tomorrow. When I tell you that this girl was GOING to be a knockout when she got older, I mean we're talking model material. She belonged on the cover of "Seventeen" in as short a skirt as you could find for her (which she had had on just a few moments before by the way). I wanted this little beauty to give me every drop that I could get from her, and I had a feeling that she had never done ANYTHING like this before. I took my time with her and gently parted her young lips for what I assumed was the first time someone ELSE had done it for her. Turns out I was right, as a friend of her's later told me that I was her first sexual partner EVER. God did that make me hot for her again, but by the time I found this out, she was gone. At any rate, I finally got her to her first ever partnered orgasm as she fell forward on my chest and drenched me in her young juice. DELICIOUS sweet little baby girl. I hope that somehow, somewhere out there you are reading this and know that out of the entire evening, you were my favorite baby. I would gladly do that for you again and again ANY time you wanted it!

Well by now it was getting later and I was still only at 15 girls and wanting MUCH more (did I tell you that I LIKE a challenge and really throw myself into it LOL). OK well I was determined to get to at least 20! That was when a girl I had known from high school walked into the room. Now in high school, we ALL have our little crushes whether they be on guys or girls. And Toni had been MINE. Antoinette was her name, Toni for short and as far as I was concerned at the time, Toni for ME too. We had been friends but never anything more as she had a boyfriend and I just assumed that she was totally straight. She walked up to where I was sitting, ready for the next taker, and said "Baby, if I had known in high school that you were into this kind of lovin', we would have been a LOT closer friends" and then winked at me. I jumped up and grabbed her around the waist and said to her, "If I had known YOU were into it baby, we might be MARRIED now" and laughed hard. That was when I decided that the dare was over, because I spent the rest of the night with Toni and Fannie wrapped up in my arms, my legs and any other part of my body I could get around them. We made three way love for the next two hours, and I removed my panties and my little friend. It was a sight to behold, these three under 21 sluts writhing in each other's arms and making daisy chains and all of us moaning and screaming together. We didn't even care that there were still at least 12 girls in there watching us as they played with themselves. The only thing we cared about is that we had all found each other, and that we will probably remain lovers for a long time to come. Once we collected ourselves, we all three got back out to Fannie's car and headed to my place for a full night of lovin OUR way. It was sweet, it was caring and it was romantic. The three lovers in each others arms holding on to each other for dear life itself. We fell asleep like that, holding on and rocking each other to slumberland. When we awoke the next morning, we were awakened by Mandy (who some of you know is the wonderful lover that I live with) who kissed us all lovingly and then joined us on the bed for a new start to the day. Thank God for the weekend, because none of us had anything to do. Fannie's little boy was with his grandmama for the weekend, and Toni had no work until Monday. Mandy makes her own schedule as she owns her business, and I didn't have to be back at classes until Monday morning. It turned out to be a weekend that we will remember forever. But THAT is another story.

posted by Laura S. ""

Next: Chapter 2

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