Lauras Dare

By Laura S

Published on Jan 28, 2004


First, I wish to apologize for being so long in updating this story. Part of what this installment is all about has to do with my absence from this undertaking. You see, about 2 years ago, my one true love, Mandy, passed away due to a long battle with cancer. This is not something that one expects in someone so young, and because of that, it has taken me a very long time to want to return to my writing. However, her loss has led me to understand just how precious life is, so I have finally moved on and am getting my life back into some fashion of order.

Of course, with the return of order comes the realization that you have not had any romantic contact with anyone for quite some time. Believe me when I tell you that when these feelings start to rear their head again, it's no small task keeping it under wraps. My body has been sending me signals reminding me just how horny I can be for quite some time now and it was because of these feelings that I have this story to write again, finally.

I had begun seeing a therapist twice a week to deal with the feelings of loss I had been feeling over Mandy's death and these sessions had become a great comfort to me. The therapist, Dr. Constance Bidwell (not her real name obviously), had been more than helpful in getting me back to normal thought patterns. It didn't hurt any that she was, shall we say, striking in her appearance. I guessed her age to be about 35 and she kept her perfectly coiffed blonde hair in a tight bun at the top, very authoritative in it's simplicity. She was just under 6 feet tall with legs that invited you to stare at and appreciate them to their fullest, and they worked their way up to the most delicious, rounded buttocks that you could ever hope for. As my mental state improved, so did my longing for this gorgeous woman. It pained me to think that any advances I might try to make would most likely be turned away because she must be straight. I kept my feelings to myself and instead decided to think of her when I fantasized and took matters into my own hands. (By the way, I don't care HOW many times you play with yourself during the course of the just DOESN'T replace a good tongue and fingers job!). I never imagined that one day those fantasy thoughts would turn to reality and I would be in the company of ....................Oh, let me just tell you about it and you'll see.

Just about a month ago, I went in for my usual session with Dr. Bidwell when she told me that we would be taking a diffierent approach to my therapy, a method of hypnotherapy that she wanted to try in my particular case. Now normally, I would have no special feeling associated with a change like this, but the thought of her having me totally under her control made my heart jump a bit. I told myself that this was ridiculous and to just calm down and get to it, but that little extra beat wouldn't go away. I shifted on the couch almost uneasily when the session started. She spoke quietly and dreamily, talking almost in a whisper as she sent me deeper into my own mind. As I felt the waves of total relaxation wash over me, her voice remained the one constant. Dreamily, I fell under her spell and gave up all control over myself. I could hear her every word and accepted her commands willingly. Anyone who tells you that you have no idea what's going on when you are under hypnosis has no idea what it's really all about. I could hear her delving back into my memories, asking about my relationship with Mandy and finding out everything right down to the naughty little games we played with each other, and about my "outside" relationships with all my girlfriends. Without the hypnosis, I would never have gone so deeply into the kinks that I shared with them all, but I couldn't stop myself from relating everything to her. Deep in my mind, I was loving every minute of this, stopping at nothing and giving her the ammunition which she ultimately would use to gain access to my very soul. As I recounted the stories of mutual dominance and submission, giving every dirty little secret, I felt her mood change and the tone of her voice become less disconnected. It was almost as if she had changed her place in the room and was coming closer to me. Then, as if in answer to all my dreams, I felt in my subconscious, the most liquid touch in places where I had not felt them in what seemed like decades. I could not open my eyes to see what was happening, but I knew that feeling as plain as day. She was kissing and licking me in all those places that would eventually make me turn to jelly (if I wasn't already under her "spell" that is). Oh, if only I could have awoken then, I would have been ready to give her my complete devotion. She worked her tongue and lips over me, tasting every nuance of my physical being, lips pressed on lips, tongue chasing tongue, and then further down across my breasts and nipples. I fought to come out of my fog but to no avail. She worked even further down, across my navel, pausing to lick out that area and then even further down, I felt the button of my slacks coming undone and the waistband of my panties start to slide downward. All this time I was still telling the tales she wanted to hear and apparently giving her even more reason to continue assaulting my libidinous nature. Then she hit the spot. Her tongue grazed over my highly sensitive clitoris and then down between my nether lips. I could feel her beginning to kiss and nibble all my most delicate parts below until finally, in my stuporous state, I felt the waves of orgasm wash over my entire body, not the way you would normally feel them mind you, but the most incredible, high intensity, screaming yelling cum I had ever felt. Dear God! I was in heaven and I still had no control over my own reactions! I don't know if I was physically thrashing about on the couch under her ministrations or if it was just in my mind. I didn't care! It was the most unbelievable experience I had ever had!

Finally, mercifully, she brought me out of the hypnotic trance she had put me in and when I awoke fully, she was sitting back in her normal position, as if nothing had happened. Had this really happened or was it my mind playing tricks on me? Should I confront her and ask what had just happened? My mind was total mush and I had never felt so confused in my entire life. I made up my mind that I would face up to her and ask. But not today. At the next session, I would put the question directly to her and see how it all shook out.

The following session came and I strolled into her office, determined to confront her with my suspicions. We sat down and before she had a chance to speak, I hit her with it.

"OK, look. I'm just going to come out and ask you this because it's driving me crazy. Last session, I had feelings during the trance that you were taking advantage of my condition and using my body in ways that were not unpleasant." I used the best tone I could come up with to make her feel unthreatened. After all, I really wanted this woman anyway, so why not open the door? "I want you to know that I'm not sure whether this was real or imagined, but if it WAS real, I sure would like to be able to reciprocate." I was really sticking my neck out. I hoped it would prove to be fruitful.

"Laura," she said, "I have watched you go from the deepest depression that I have diagnosed in years, to being the most animated, wonderful woman I have had the pleasure to know. If you must know, I do have feelings for you and when I had you under control, I just couldn't help but take advantage of the situation and taste what I thought I might never have otherwise. Can you forgive me, please? I've listened to some of your most deeply guarded secrets and they have turned me on to the point where I just can't keep my thoughts off of you."

Can I forgive you? I thought to myself. For God's sake, I want to strip you naked and do unimaginable things to you right here and now. I didn't put it to her in this way, although my mind raced to come up with the words that would convey that thought without looking like TOO much of a slut right away. I DID want her to learn about me a little slower, although most of what she knew about me already pretty much told her that.

"Constance, my God, of COURSE I can forgive you. Sweet love, you gave me back something I never thought existed in me anymore. I have wanted you almost from the minute I met you. although I would have never imagined that you were inclined this way. Let me take you to dinner tonight so that we can get to know each other better as friends and lovers rather than Dr. and patient." With that, we set the time and place for our romantic first dinner and I made plans for the way I would seduce her that night in my home. The story of that night will be forthcoming in part 4.

Next: Chapter 4

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