Lauras Dare

By Laura S

Published on Feb 17, 2004


Lucy's Return by Laura S.

Every once in a while, you get a nice surprise from life. Sometimes it's just something simple like someone buying you a hot fudge sundae (or a Jack Daniels and Coke for that matter). But sometimes, you get a surprise that you never thought would ever happen. Such was the case with the phone call I got not very long ago.

I was sitting in my office going over the month end figures when my secretary paged a call for me on the "special" line. This is a line that only a very few friends know, and since I hadn't answered a call on that line in months, I wondered who it could be. I picked up the handset.

"Hello, this is Laura."

The voice at the other end was immediately familiar, although I hadn't heard it in several years, and it sounded much more mature than when I had heard it last. "Laura? Is that really you? Oh my God, I can't believe it! This is Lucy." My heart skipped a beat. The memory of the nights I had spent with that sweet young lover in Connecticut came instantly flooding back. To say that I got excited would be like saying that we have a little snow here in the mountains every winter. If you don't know who Lucy is already, you need to go back and read the first two parts of "Laura's Dare". You'll get the picture.

Anyway, my jaw fell for a moment and then I composed myself enough to talk back into the phone. "Lucy, baby, how are you? I never thought I'd hear from you way out here. What's going on?"

"Well, first of all, you're not hearing from me 'way out here' because I'm in Denver. I just flew in to interview at Regis University this week. I'm going to have some free time and I thought we could get together." The little minx. She knew there was no way I would say no to her.

"Regis? But sweetie, you're not even 18 yet are you? Why are you interviewing so early?" I already knew the answer in my heart, but I wanted to hear it from her. She had been such a smart girl and I just knew that she had advanced ahead of her class.

"I got moved ahead a year so I'm finishing senior year this June. I'm trying to get into a school where I can be near you lover." I almost cried, thinking of what a sweet girl she was and how much I had loved being with her. Lucy was, to say the least, nearly as dear to me as Mandy had been and the thought of her arranging her schooling to be near me was more than just a bit emotional for me.

I choked back the tears of joy and replied, "Baby, of course I'll make time for you. I'm so proud of you and I want to see you as soon as possible. When's your first free time?"

"Well, I have my first interview at 1:00 and that should take about an hour and a half. How about 3:00 for a late lunch? I can grab a cab and be at your office by then."

"Don't be silly. I'll come and pick you up. I know where the admissions offices are and I'll meet you outside at 2:30." What was it about this girl that always made me want to see her the first minute I could? Never mind, I know what it was.

"Great! I'll see you then. God I missed you. Can't wait to see you."

"Me too baby girl, me too. Love ya sweetie. See you at 2:30."

Now, it was 11:30 and I had to contain myself for 3 more hours. Did I go back to work and try to keep it out of my mind. Hell no! I told the rest of the office that if anything less than an explosion occurred, don't call me. I'd be back the next day to put out any fires that might happen. Nothing was going to get in my way today.

I hopped in my car and drove to the fashion district to prepare for seeing my beautiful little sweetheart again. No store was safe! I hit the lingerie shop first and bought every piece of LaPerla finery that was right for the occasion. Then off to Saks downtown to get what I knew would have to be a total knockout outfit. I settled on a very soft, flouncy pink silk blouse (see through of course) and the most incredibly sexy skin tight leather pants. I paired those with some strappy black patent 4" heeled pumps and climbed back into the car to go home and get ready.

Whe I reached home, I poured a nice hot bath and settled in to soak. My thoughts kept wandering to the gorgeous little girl I was going to meet up with and I caught my hands reaching down to titilate my clitoris. I couldn't stop playing with myself and thinking about Lucy. My breath came faster and deeper and eventually I had three mini O's in a row. "Now stop that," I said to myself, "or you'll have no energy left for Lucy." Yeah, right. Me with no energy for sex!

I applied my makeup, paying particular attention to making the lips look as full as possible. Then I dressed and checked myself no less than five times in the mirror. Ya think maybe I was anxious?

When the time finally came, I jumped into the car and headed for the campus. I pulled up in front of the admissions building and nervously waited for my little lover to show up. I didn't have to wait long. About ten minutes after I arrived, out came the object of my desire. The memory I had of her was still that of a 15 year old, but now that she was nearly 18 she had grown into a total beauty. She had the body of a Supermodel and she had learned every trick to make herself desirable. God, she was delectable! Her hair, once a closely cropped pageboy was now long and wavy, flowing down over her shoulders to the middle of her back and strawberry blonde. Her features had become striking and she almost took my breath away. As she bounded towards my car, full of excitement, tears of joy at our reunion came to me again. She opened the door, jumped in and gave me a hello kiss that could have melted Antarctica.

When she finally released my lips she was full of energy and started talking right away. "Laura, I just had the most wonderful interview! I don't see any problem with getting into this school! I love it here, it's so beautiful. We're going to be together again and I'm so excited about it!" She went on for a good 10 minutes before I even got to say a word, and I didn't try to stop her because the sound of her voice was music to my ears.

Once she had exhausted her hello speech, I got a word in edgewise. "Sweetie, don't say anything else yet. Let me just look at you and drink in what you've become. Look at you! You're a full grown woman and you are so beautiful! My God. I don't think I can keep my hands off you baby girl." With that, I moved towards her again and started kissing her deeply, caressing her hair and shoulders as I did. I moved my hands over her back softly, feeling every new curve that I hadn't felt before. I was rediscovering my lover and enjoying every second. If I hadn't regained my control, we would have been arrested for making love right there in public.

But I did regain my control and started the car to head for home. I had made reservations at one of the finest restaurants in town and I knew she would want to freshen up before we ate. I also knew that I would want to get fresh with her before that.

We reached my home and went inside together. She saw the deck overlooking the mountains and her jaw dropped. "Laura, this is unbelievable! I never imagined that this kind of view existed anywhere. Sure doesn't look like Connecticut!"

"No baby, it sure doesn't. But it's not as beautiful as you. You've just improved the view from this room 250%. I don't think it will ever look the same to me again without you there. Come to me lover and let me hold you." She slowly moved to me, her legs like those of a cat, moving in slow strides. I ached for her. She reached me and our bodies met in total communion with each other. She felt so warm and familiar and good and I never wanted it to end. We stayed in our embrace for what seemed like hours, every so often nibbling each other's lips, sharing our breath. I felt her lifeforce join with mine and we were both rejuvenated. I know that we are only supposed to have one soulmate in this life, but at that moment, I swear that I had been given a second chance at happiness. Although Mandy had left me, I felt her approval of this wonderful woman in my arms.

I moved her towards the bedroom and she followed me without a word. I slowly, agonizingly removed her top as I kissed down her long lovely neck, nibbling and teasing her as I went. I took her earlobes into my mouth and bit them lightly causing her to gasp. I remembered how much she loved that and kept at it for a while. Her breathing became more pronounced and she reached her hands behind me to cup my butt cheeks in them, squeezing and kneading them, making me press my body harder against her's. The heat between us grew and I couldn't wait any longer to feel her body pressing into mine. I broke my kiss long enough to remove my blouse and then pressed my breasts closely into her's. Passions swelled and before long we were locked in each other's arms, thrashing about on the bed. The remainder of our clothing fell away from us and we started making love, passionately caressing each of our most sensitive places. When I knew that we were not far from the edge, I flipped my position and spread my legs open, scissoring her so that our labia were kissing each other. I rubbed hard against her and we exploded in an orgasm that had been waiting to happen forr nearly 4 years. We screamed, we purred and then I laid on top of her, kissing her gently as our passion subsided.

There was no time to repeat our performance just yet. I knew that, at least while she was there for this visit. we would have plenty of time for more, but I was determined to get to our dinner and night out. With a little coaxing, I got her up from the bed and we got dressed.

Once out of the house, Lucy became really animated again. I just loved the way she looked at everything as if it was totally new. Her young charm was infectious and I found myself feeling like I was back in my teens. We ate a marvelous meal and then I took her shopping, something we hadn't done in a long time. I revelled in her excitement, and I spent ridiculous amounts of money buying her whatever she wanted. OK, so I was spoiling her rotten. Who could blame me? I loved this little woman child so much, and if she was indeed going to be with me her entire time in college, I wanted her to be well taken care of.

After we finished our shopping, we drove to the hotel where she had registered and collected her things. She checked out because I insisted that she stay with me while she was in town. Driving back to my home, we talked about what we had both been through the last few years and just generally caught up with each other. When we reached the house, we settled in for a nice quiet evening of videos and wine. We drank and cuddled and got closer than we had even been before. When it was finally time for bed, we both had a good buzz going. The night was spent in teasing little kisses, caressing every part of each other and finally drifting off to sleep. The next few days were going to be wonderful!

The stories of those days will be forthcoming in the next installment.

Next: Chapter 6

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