Law School Chronicles

Published on Jun 11, 2006


This story contains adult sexual situations and issues. All of the characters portrayed in the story are adults above the age of 18. Furthermore, many of the sexual scenes are of gay male sex. If you have a problem with this, please stop reading now. The copyright to this work remains exclusively with the author. Any reposting or any other use is prohibited unless prior approval is given by the author. The author may be reached at Feedback is appreciated as long as the feedback is constructive. The author appreciates donations at PayPal using the email account above. These donations are used to support the author's writing activities. I hope you enjoy the story.

Other stories can be found at:

Thanksgiving Break, part 2

"Hey guys, stop. I just want to relax," Justin shouted as he furtively adjusted his hard cock hoping the bubbles would keep his friends from noticing.

"Come on now Justin, you know you want me to suck your cock." Eric laughed as he moved next to his friend. He had no intention of carrying out the bet but it was fun watching his friend act so uptight. Usually Justin is so laid back about nudity and sex, its rather surprising that tonight he'd be uptight. Eric had seen Justin hard before. They'd even jacked off together. So what was the big deal about him being hard now? Maybe its because Josh is here. It doesn't really matter, but he is enjoying watching his friend squirm from their attention.

"Yeah, we won't tell anyone." Josh said chuckling and knowing where his brother was going with his teasing. "You know you'd like us both fighting over your cock." Josh really didn't think their teasing would go anywhere either but Justin's hard cock didn't escape his notice and he also enjoyed watching Justin squirm. However, Justin's hard cock did raise some questions in Josh's mind that would need to be resolved. Maybe Justin needed more than just teasing before he left in a few days.

"Ok, who am I to fight off a blow job." Justin said with a shrug hoping if he gave up maybe they'd both relax and stop teasing him. It'd certainly help his cock deflate if their cocks weren't at eye level and brushing against his shoulders.

"There you go Shrimp." Eric said as he gave his brother a wink. "There's no need to know you want it."

"That's right, don't sweat Justin you'll enjoy it." Josh said with a laugh.

Justin thought he'd taken the wind out of their sails and leaned back against the side of the hot tub continuing to hope his nonchalance would lead them to boredom although he did notice that both guys did not let go of his arms.

"Hey," he shouted as two men hoisted him up onto the side of the hot tub in one fluid motion and realizing he'd thought wrong.

"Oh, he's hard!" Josh shouted knowing he was drawing unwanted attention to Justin's hard cock. Even with his hands covering it, Josh could see it was big, almost as big as his brother's meat.

"So he he is." Eric chuckled.

"Ok guys, you've had your fun." Justin said as his face turned beet red. "Now can you guys stop?"

"You're not getting off that easy, Shrimp. I think we have an appointment in the theater, don't you Josh?" Eric asked his brother while giving him a smile and a wink.

"Yes, we do. We know what you need to take care of this." Josh replied letting go of Justin's arm and reaching down to give Justin's pole a quick squeeze.

"What the hell?" Justin exclaimed at the shock of Josh grabbing is cock.

"Aw come on Shrimp, you're no fun." Eric laughed and dropped his hold on Justin's other arm. Seeing the look on Justin's face gave Eric a moment's pause; maybe his brother had gone too far. Oh well, no going back now Eric thought. Reaching down he gave Justin's member a quick squeeze before he hopped out of the hot tub.

"Hurry up, Shrimp. You don't want to be locked out." Eric shouted over his shoulder while running into the house. Let him figure that one out.

"Yeah, lets go Shrimp." Justin shouted as he hopped up and headed into the house.

Justin sat on the edge of the hot tub immobilized. They both just grabbed my cock! Holy shit! His mind raced as he tried to figure out where they were headed with this craziness. The possibilities entering his mind were causing his cock to get even harder. Goddamn it! He thought feeling his cock throbbing against his stomach. Well, no use sitting here.

Running up to the door, Justin can see Josh and Eric waiting for him. Both their cocks are stiff. Justin's thick meaty cock is pointing straight up while Eric's larger member is pointing out from his crotch. Both men have slight treasure trail leading down to their crotches. Justin had seen Eric hard before but seeing Josh hard only increased the stiffness of his own cock.

"Aw, don't look so upset Shrimp. We're going to have fun. I promise you." Eric said seeing the consternation on his friend's face as the three enter the house leaving a trail of water behind them as the head up the stairs.

Justin can't decide if he should dread their unknown plans or just relax and go with the flow. His mind swims back to the jack off sessions he's had with Eric. The thought of having sex with Eric has been on Justin's mind since the two first met, but the possibility of actually having it happen was a much different experience. Warring with that thought is the worry that if something does happen between them their friendship might end. His stiff cock has already decided that some adventures with his buddy are a good thing, but his other head is quickly winning the battle.

"Go get us some towels, bro." Eric tells his brother as he fiddles with the wireless controls. In response, the system whirrs to life and begins projecting the porno they had seen the day before. Justin can't help but openly eye over his friend standing in front of him fully hard with his attention on the screen. In the flickering light, Justin can see that Eric's nipples are erect and he's breathing deeply. Not wanting to ruin his view, Justin decides to stand at the door quietly and wait for Josh to return with a towel.

"Here you go." Josh says as a towel smacks the side of Justin's head. "Dry off before you sit on the couch. It cost mom and dad a mint." He chuckles. And the floors didn't? Justin thinks with a chuckle.

Pulling the towel off his head, Justin begins to dry off while peeking out the towel at the other two. Like his brother, Josh's nipples are popping out of his chest.

"You don't mind jacking off with two other guys do you, Justin?" Josh asks while taking a seat at the couch.

"" Justin replies taking in the sight of Josh toweling off his chest and moving on to his abs. Jacking off won't ruin a friendship.

"Good 'cause neither do we." Eric chimes in with a grin and a wink.

Once the other two are dry, they take a seat on the couch nearest to the screen. In front of them, they see two guys on one girl. One guy is feeding her his cock; the other is pumping away at her pussy. The picture is so clear that the beads of sweat on the back of the guy fucking her pussy glisten as he thrusts his cock in and out of her pussy.

"Well boys, get to work." Eric says as he takes a seat next to Justin and beings stroking his cock.

Justin doesn't need any further encouragement. With two hard cocks next to him, he'd been waiting for one of the others to start. Out of the corner of his eye, Justin sees that Josh has started up too. Both are focused intently on the movie allowing Justin to openly watch them jack off. Josh is stroking his cock slowly while moving his hand up and down the shaft. On the other hand, Eric is focusing mostly on the head of his cock, moving his foreskin around and around as he moves his hand. Watching the foreskin pull back from their cocks, Justin notices that they are both precumming copiously. The sight is enough to send Justin over the edge, but he slows his stroke down to keep the cum firmly in his nuts.

"Told you, you'd enjoy it Shrimp." Eric says breaking the long silence as he puts his arm behind Justin's head.

"You guys do this often?" Justin asks.

"Sometimes if there aren't any girls handy to help out." Eric replies. "My hand would never win out over a nice wet pussy."

"A nice sloooow blowjob would be fucking great right now." Justin replies while continuing to sneak peeks at his friends' cocks.

"Less talking and more stroking guys." Josh says as he nudges Justin. Looking over at Justin, Josh notices Justin isn't really paying attention to the video but is watching Eric stroke his cock. Hmmm...I bet there are some possibilities with this one. In his mind's eye, he can see his cock pushing into Justin's tight ass as he strokes Justin's cock. Yeah I bet he'd like that a lot.

"Yeah, yeah bro. You always cum last anyway." Eric replies with a laugh while reaching over to tousle the hair on the back of Josh's head. As he does so, Justin smells the chlorine on Eric's body, which is now mixed with a faint manly scent from Eric's sweat. Breathing deeply he savors the smell of his friend. Sandwiched between the two, he can also feel their breathing speed up as their stroking brings them closer and closer to blowing their wads. Goddamn this is hot! Justin thinks feeling his mouth water for their cocks.

"I'm going to cum." Eric shouts as his body begins to tighten next to Justin. A few seconds later, Justin feels Eric's hot cum shooting onto his arm and torso. Looking over at Eric's cock, he sees that Eric has it pointed towards him and he's beating it furiously. The fucker is shooting his cum on me! Justin thinks before he feels his own balls tighten and the cum begin to squirt out of his dick.

"I am too." He gasps feeling explosions of pleasure rip through his head and his cum begin coating his chest and abs. Looking down Justin can see it's a big one. After a few days of not having an orgasm he's not surprise but it's hot to see it mixed with his friends load. Leaning back, Justin lets the waves of pleasure wash over him. This has got to be one of the hottest things I've ever done, he thinks while resisting the urge to eat Eric's load right then and there.

"Oh fuck," Josh shouts and a few moments later, Justin feels hot cum shooting onto his torso from Justin's cock. Looking over, Justin sees that Josh has pointed his cock pointed at him also. They did that on purpose! Justin thinks finally realizing their scheme.

"Told you, you'd have fun." Josh says between breaths and giving Justin a sly grin. He can already feel Justin's mouth on his cock and he knows Justin won't resist.

Feeling somewhat awkward now that he's had his orgasm, Justin says, "Ok, I'm covered in goo. I'm gonna go shower guys." He hops up quickly before the two can answer and heads out the door leading to their bedrooms.

"Ok, Shrimp." Eric says sounding a bit startled. "See you tomorrow."

"Good night Justin." Josh replies his face again sporting a sly grin.

Hurrying to his room, Justin has no intention of washing way the cum they just shot on him. Closing his door and quickly giving the lock a twist, he looks down at his torso and arms. Thick milky white gobs of Eric's cum cover his left side while his right side is slick with Josh's watery load. Using his forefinger, Justin scoops up a gob of Eric's load and brings it to his mouth. He can feel his cock stiffening again as he licks his fingers clean. Eric's cum is salty and gooey and Justin rolls it around his mouth before swallowing it. Once he's cleaned all of Eric's load off his chest, he starts to do the same with Josh's load.

"I didn't hear you in the shower." Josh says poking his head through the door. Startled, Justin jumps and quickly takes his finger out of his mouth. The look on Josh's face tells Justin that Josh knows exactly what he's been doing and Justin. Not knowing what to say, Justin just stands there in the room his face turning bright red. Stepping into the room, Josh closes the door behind him and locks it. His face split in a wide grin.

"Was it good?" He asks.

"What?" Justin responds knowing full well what Josh just asked him. Fuck, he's going to think I'm a total freak. Justin thinks berating himself for not thinking to lock the bathroom door.

"You heard me. Don't make me repeat myself." Josh says sternly walking towards Justin his grin slipping off his face.

"No. I don't know."

"You like the taste of cum don't you?" Josh asks while walking over to Justin.

Justin can feel his heart beating so rapidly it feels as if it's about to leap from his chest. How am I going to get out of this one? He asks himself. "No...I..." He begins to answer but Josh's forefinger on his mouth stops his sentence.

"Don't lie to me, Justin." Josh says pushing his finger harder on Justin's mouth when he feels him inhale to speak again. "I saw you eat all of Eric's cum before turning to mine. I'm not a complete idiot. Now, why don't we start over and you be truthful this time, ok?" Josh asks.

"Ok." Justin answers his heart beating rapidly and his mind racing with thoughts of where this might lead.

"Good. Now, was it good?"


"You like the taste of cum don't you?"

"Yes." Justin responds while feeling his cock stiffen despite his best efforts to keep it soft.

"Good, so do I." Josh says giving Justin a smile and a push towards the bed. Justin's mind continues to race with the events of the night as he feels his cock come fully awake. First, he gets to see both of them naked, then they both grab his cock, then they jack off together and cum on him, then he gets to eat their cum and now, now Josh is going to suck his cock. What more could a red-blooded gay man ask for?

"You won the bet and unlike my brother, I don't exaggerate on my bets." Josh says as he pushes Justin down onto the bed.

Following Josh's lead, Justin spreads his legs and eagerly anticipates Josh's mouth swallowing his cock. Closing his eyes, Justin puts his hands behind his head. He decides he's going to just kick back and enjoy the blowjob and pretty soon the feeling of Josh's hot wet mouth on his cock drives all feelings of embarrassment over being caught out of Justin's brain. Josh clearly knows how to suck cock and has done it before. Much to Justin's surprise, after a few minutes of sucking and stroking, Josh takes Justin's whole cock in his mouth down to the base. Justin can feel his cock bend down Josh's throat and, to Justin's amazement, Josh doesn't gag at all. Quite to the contrary, Josh begins deep-throating Justin's cock. Fuck, I'm going to blow if he keeps this up for long. Justin thinks as the intensity of Josh's deep throating builds.

"This is your one free blowjob. After this, your ass is mine for the next two days 'til you leave." Josh says as he pulls up off of Justin's cock and wipes his hand across his mouth. Josh could feel Justin's cock stiffening and he'd deep throated enough guys to know that most guys didn't last long with their cocks buried in his mouth.

"Yes Sir." Justin replies wanting to make sure Josh continues to suck his cock.

"Good. Now let me taste your cum." Josh commands as he beings sucking Justin's cock again.

It doesn't take much more deep-throating to get Justin close to cumming but this time, rather than pull back and let Justin regain control, Josh continues to suck slowly increasing his frequency. Justin can also feel two of Josh's fingers beginning to probe his ass using the spit that has run down his cock as lube. Justin can feel his sack tightening up as the thought of Josh pushing his fingers into Justin's ass pushes Justin closer to orgasm. Justin decides not to warn Josh of his impending orgasm. Just as he's about to cum, Justin feels two of Josh's fingers push into his ass and being to massage forcefully his prostate. Before he can react to the burn coming from Josh's fingers being pushed quickly into his ass, Justin is over taken by the hardest orgasm he's had in weeks, his load shooting down Josh's eager throat just makes the orgasm more intense. FUCK his mind explodes. From the feeling of the cum moving down his pipe, Josh is certain it's a large load but Josh swallows it all pushing his mouth deep around Justin's cock. Sinking fully into the bed, Justin can't even speak he's so spent. His breathing is erratic and his heart feels like it's going to pump its way out of his mouth. Much to Justin's surprise, Josh doesn't remove his mouth from Justin's cock but waits until he feels Justin begin to soften a little.

"I'll see you tomorrow Shrimp." Josh says after pulling his mouth off of Justin's cock. Justin turns to watch him go. "Good night," he mutters still panting.

"And not a word to my brother." He says smiling as he unlocks the door and heads to his room.

"Not a word." Justin says still basking in his orgasm and wondering what is in store for the coming two days before they fly back to school. With the possibilities playing over and over in his mind, Justin drifts to sleep.

"So what are you going to do today, bro?" Eric asks while piling more waffle into his mouth.

"Thomas and Mike are coming over and we're going to goof off until dinner." Josh says while looking at over at Justin.

"Well as long as you guys keep it down that's fine, but Shrimp and I are going to be studying all day."

"Studying? I thought you guys had your outlines finished?"

"Nah, we just got one class done and we still have all the practice exams to take and we've got to actually learn the outline also."

"Fuck, that is nuts. What's the point of making an outline if you still have to do all this work?"

Try passing the exam fuck wad, Eric replies with a laugh.

"Well, if that's the case, why don't you guys study up in Justin's room so we can mess around downstairs?" Josh asks continuing to stare at Justin.

"That'd be ok with me." Justin says wondering why Josh is continuing to stare at him. Mentally he sticks his tongue out at him, and the decides to do the same physically.

"I guess we can do that. But you owe me one, bro." Eric says with a grin.

"Thanks. Thomas and Mike are going to stay the night too. So after dinner, we should all plan on a movie or something. Will you guys be done studying by then?" Josh asks. Now it makes sense. Justin thinks feeling his stomach tighten realizing why Josh has been keeping his attention. He's got something planned with these two guys. Justin thinks feeling his cock tingle at the thought and knowing he's going to be distracted all day wondering what is up Josh's sleeve.

After breakfast, Eric and Justin head back upstairs to study. Much to Justin's surprise, the time is productive and the pair manages to get in a solid seven hours of studying before dinnertime. The bulge in Eric's pants does provide a delightful distraction now and then from Justin's work but overall, he is pleased with the progress made in the day.

Interrupting their argument on strict products liability, the pair hears a knock at the door. "Come in." They both say in unison.

"Hey guys its almost dinner time." Josh says peeking his head in the door.

Looking over at Eric, Justin asks, "Are we done for the day?"

"Yeah man, I'm beat." Eric replies while stretching. Justin sneaks one quick peek down at his package for good measure before rolling onto his back and rubbing his eyes.

"Yeah I'm beat. Where did the day go?"

"Good, dinner will be served in about 30 minutes. Mom and dad won't be happy if you guys show up in sweats." Josh says closing the door.

"I should take a shower." Justin says getting up off the floor.

"Yeah me too." Eric says pulling his shirt over his head. "If you don't mind, I'll just take one over here."

"That's cool." Justin says wondering if that means Eric wants to take it with him like they've done in the past. It'd be different this time because the shower is much larger but Justin can't help wondering if Eric might not be bi. His brother definitely is given his cock-sucking skills and apparent desire for Justin's ass too. However, once in the shower Eric washes up quickly and doesn't talk at all. Not wanting to say the wrong thing, Justin sighs to himself and washes up in silence; only catching a few glimpses of Eric's meat through the steamy glass door while watching Eric dry off.

Heading downstairs after they both dress, the two find everyone at the table enjoying some wine before dinner. Dinner is an elaborate affair with an enormous turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie for dessert. The conversation is free flowing and obviously helped by the wine and Justin manages to find out quite a bit about Eric's family. He also learns that Thomas and Mike were fraternity brothers with Josh. Justin is also surprised to find out that all three of them work together. Finally, as dinner wraps up, the young men discuss what movie to see after dinner. Between the five of them, getting everyone to agree is no small task, but they finally decide to see Monty Python's Flying Circus at dollar theater. They serve beer at the theater and that fact is all it took to convince Thomas and Josh.

After dinner, the boys head upstairs to change into more causal clothing for the theater. There's likely to be a lot of smoking and boozing and while their not dressed overly nice, clubbing clothes would be out of place there.

"Ok bud, here is the deal." Josh says slipping into Justin's room while his friends are changing in his room. "First, come here and suck me quick, I need to cum." Josh says while unbuttoning his fly.

"Man we don't have time." Justin replies although he does want to.

Josh doesn't respond verbally but instead, walks over to Justin and firmly pushes him down onto his knees. Taking the hint, Justin begins lightly sucking on the head of Josh's cock massaging the tip with his tongue before gently pushing his tongue underneath Josh's foreskin so he wet the head of his cock.

"Yeah you're a good cocksucker Justin." Josh says as he moves his hand behind Justin's head and begins to fuck Justin's face. "Mmmm....nice. Keep that up and I will cum in now time."

"So here is the deal with Mike and Thomas. I think Thomas might be gay so you're going to help me figure out. I'm going to have Mike sleep in my room and I'll bring it up and you can say that it's ok if Thomas sleeps in your room. It's a big bed after all. He'll do it. Once he's in bed, I'll leave the rest up to you." Josh says grinning as he begins pumping harder.

"I'll expect a full report in the morning if anything happens. I'll come in the bathroom when you're showering and you can give me the rundown while I fuck you." Justin can feel Josh's cock stiffening as Josh builds towards an orgasm. "I'm going to cum." He says.

"Ah man. Thanks." He says releasing his hand from the back of Justin's head.

"We'll be even then right?" Justin says pulling back from Josh's cock. He can feel his own stiff cock begging for attention in his briefs but he knows that he won't be getting a blowjob from Josh.

"No, not quite. You agreed your ass is mine bud. We're even when I say we are."

"All this for a blowjob?" Justin laughs as he watches Josh button his pants.

"You can't tell me you don't enjoy it." Josh says walking over to the bathroom door linking their two rooms. "Just play it cool tonight."

"Why don't you just ask him if he's gay? You guys are good friends after all." Justin asks. Not that he'd mind fooling around with Thomas or its hard to see why Josh would be interested in his friend. He's slightly taller than Eric and all tanned skin and hard muscles. He's also clearly Italian with classic black hair and dark brown eyes. Justin also noticed thick black hair peeking out of the top of his shirt. From the look of his arms, Justin is pretty sure he's got a good amount of hair covering his chest and stomach. Thomas is pretty much the exact opposite of Eric but more heavily muscled and that thought is causing Justin's cock to tingle even more.

"Why don't you tell Eric you're gay?" Not hearing an answer, Josh adds with a smile, "He won't care, I guarantee you. You might even be surprise by how he reacts."

"What's that mean?" Justin asks.

"Just answering your question. Now hurry up and finish dressing so we can get going." Josh says as he pulls open the door to leave.

"Hey what are you guys doing in there?" The two hear Thomas shout from the other side of the door to Josh's room. They both can hear him turning the handle but fortunately Josh had locked it before he came over.

"Hey man I'm taking a shit in here." Josh yells into the bathroom. "Finish getting dressed man, you got your orders." Josh grins and heads through the door to the bathroom.

Sighing loudly, Justin pulls on his clothes and arranges his hard cock in his pants hoping its not going to be too noticeable. He can hear Josh fiddling around in the bathroom and finally flushing the toilet. I'm probably going to be hard the entire night now. He thinks as he finishes getting dressed grabbing some mints as he heads out the door.

True to plan, Josh makes sure the beer flows freely during the movie and, by the end of the night, everyone is pretty drunk. Of course, Josh is sober as the designated driver and that just makes it easier to make sure everyone else is drinking heavily. He also manages to get the sleeping situation worked out without any difficulty. Thomas will sleep in Justin's bed tonight, none the wiser concerning their plans. By the time the five head home, Eric is almost ready to pass out and both Mike and Thomas are in very good spirits.

Once they are back home, Thomas and Josh help Eric to his bed where he promptly passes out. Meanwhile, Justin and Mike head to the boy's wing to get a beer ready for everyone.

"Hey guys, let's head to the hot tub." Josh shouts bounding down the stairs into the main room.

"Nah, I think I'll just have a beer and shoot some pool." Mike says.

"Aw, come on man." Josh continues coming over to Mike and beginning to tug at his clothes trying to pull Mike's shirt over his head. Justin just thinks, If you've seen one Beldon do that, seen them all as he laughs.

"Stop. Stop." Mike says laughing and squirming away from his friend but Josh is persistent and finally gets Mike's shirt off. Meanwhile, Thomas is already stripping.

"Come on Mike, don't be a dork, let's go." He says, grabbing a beer and pulling his shirt over his head. Justin can't help but watch as he unbuckles his belt and continues to undress. Thomas' body is tightly muscled and nicely trimmed black hair covers his chest. Justin also enjoys following Thomas' treasure trail down into his briefs, which are filled with what promises to be a thick juicy uncut Italian piece of meat. Justin can feel his mouth watering at the thought of Thomas in his bed. Ugh, he has to respond tonight. Justin thinks and then promptly puts any further sexual thoughts out of his head as he feels his cock start to respond.

"Ok, ok, I'll go." Mike says. "Just let me do it myself." He laughs pushing Josh away. "Geesh, you homo, go pick on Justin."

Hurrying across the room towards the hot tub before Josh can "help him undress," Justin hopes Thomas doesn't get drunk enough to pass out.

"Hey Shrimp, strip and get in, the water is great." Thomas shouts from the hot tub with a big grin on his face. Justin can see his furry chest above the bubbles. If I'm not careful I'm gonna get hard, he thinks while forcing images of his grandmother into his head. The water appears to have sobered him up quite a bit. Justin notices as he strips that Thomas doesn't take his eyes off of Justin the whole time. Trying to act like he doesn't care, Justin strips off his briefs and climbs up the side of the hot tub.

"Not drinking?" Thomas asks staring directly up at Justin as he enters the water.

"Nah, I've had enough for tonight." Justin replies while taking a seat opposite from Thomas.

"What you homos talking about?" Mike asks as he hops over the side of the hot tub and slips in the water. He's about the same build as Justin but with a little more weight. It's pretty clear at one point he was very well muscled but now he's just a little pudgy around the middle. Justin still finds him to be very cute but not nearly as buff as his friends.

"Nothing." Thomas says with a smirk towards Justin.

"Scoot over guys." Josh shouts as he hops over the side of the tub also. Taking his cue, Justin scoots over next to Thomas and bumps his leg against Thomas' leg. He quickly scoots a little bit away but not too far.

"Sorry." Justin says quietly trying to appear contrite.

"It's cool." Thomas responds with a smile while extending his arms onto the edge of the hot tub and bumping the back of Justin's head with his forearm.

"Sorry." Thomas says with a smirk.

"Its ok." Justin laughs.

For the next hour or so, the four men shoot the breeze while Josh and Mike finish off a few more beers. Justin is surprised that Josh isn't pestering him to drink more but the Thomas and Mike don't seem to notice that both Josh and Justin are nursing their beers.

"I'm going to head to bed." Justin announces once his beer is done and there is a lull in the conversation. He hopes Thomas comes along too but he decides he can wake himself up by just setting something up to fall over and make some noise when Thomas comes in the room. Before anyone can say anything, Justin hoists himself up to sit on the edge of the hot tub.

"Ah come on loser have another beer." Mike shouts at Justin's announcement.

"Nah, I'll see you guys tomorrow." Justin says as he swings his feet over the edge and jumps down. Heading back to his room, he can tell Thomas isn't following but plan B will be fine.

Getting back to his room, Justin decides to take a quick shower and rinse off the chlorine from the hot tub. Once he's finished, he scans the room to find something to put in front of the door. Not seeing anything that most likely won't break, Justin decides to move his suitcase in front of the door. It will block the door and make it hard to open and that should create just enough noise to wake Justin up if he falls asleep. He also decides to leave the light on in the bathroom so Thomas won't trip on the clothes and shoes strewn on the floor. Crawling into bed he realizes how tired he is but he notices the clock says 1:35 a.m., so it's not nearly as late as he thought it was. Lying back on the pillow, Justin feels his cock stiffen as his mind races with thoughts of Thomas fucking him wildly.

"There is something in front of the door." Justin hears Thomas say as he comes awake.

"Just don't wake him man." He hears Josh say rather loudly. "Shhhhh...dude, don't be a dickhead," Thomas whispers. With a quick smile, Justin quickly looks over at the clock - 3:29 a.m. the red lights read. Quickly closing his eyes to slits, Justin watches as Thomas tries to quietly push the door open enough to get through. "Justin's damned suitcase is blocking it." He hears Thomas whisper as he pushes the door open enough to squeeze his tight body through.

By the dim bathroom light, Justin can see he's naked and still wet. He's holding his clothes in a bundle against his chest. Stupid but cute drunk, Justin thinks as he watches him dump his clothes on the floor and begin looking around for something to dry off with. Much to Justin's chagrin, he sees Thomas abandon the effort and walk over and turn off the bathroom light before stumbling into bed. Oh Jesus, he thinks right as he feels Thomas's cool wet hand brush his ass. Oh fuck he's freezing cold.

"Justin, are you awake?" Thomas asks.

"I am now." Justin says trying to sound groggy and somewhat annoyed.

"Sorry. Good night." Thomas says as he rolls over heavily onto his stomach shaking the bed. A few moments later, Thomas rolls over onto his back again and then again onto his right side, facing Justin. Justin can feel his heart racing and despite his best efforts to control his hard cock, it's at full attention at the thought of Thomas right next to him naked - wet or not.

"Justin, are you awake?"

"Yeah, what's up?" Justin says trying to sound sleepy again.

"Are you drunk?"

"A little bit. Are you?" Justin replies rubbing his eyes and acting like he's just waking up.

"Yeah, I had three more beers after you left." Thomas says. After a few minutes of silence, Justin begins to wonder if that is going to be the end of the conversation or if Thomas fell asleep. Justin can feel the heat coming off of Thomas' body now and he knows he'll never get to sleep now that he's had a few hours of sleep and there is a hot man next to him.

"Did you bump into me on purpose in the hot tub when Josh jumped in?" Thomas whispers into the silence. Justin can hear his voice shaking so he decides to be honest and not scare him further.

"Yes." Justin replies.

"I was hoping you'd say that." Thomas replies sounding relaxed. To Justin's disappointment though, Thomas makes no move to initiate any activity.

Finally, just before Justin is about to rollover and see what he can start, Thomas asks, "Justin?"


"Can I kiss you?" Thomas asks while moving closer and putting his hand on Justin's side.

For a moment, Justin considers saying no, which brings a quick smile to his face. "I was hoping you'd ask all night." He replies.

In the dark, Justin can feel Thomas slide closer to him in the bed and his hand pulls Justin firmly into Thomas' body.

"You won't tell anyone will you?"

"No." Justin replies already deciding Josh doesn't need to know what they do tonight as he feels Thomas wrap his arm fully around Justin's torso pulling him against his furry stomach. Justin smiles as he realizes Thomas is still damp but he's no longer cold at all and his cock is pleasantly at full attention. It's going to be a wonderful night.

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