Lawyer Owns Me

By subservient bottom

Published on Jun 23, 2018


This is a work of fiction with scenes of domination, humiliation and sexual subjegation. The scenes are graphic. I do not condone or encourage this type of behavior. It is pure fantasy.

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Sunday morning

Simon and I are still in bed when Mike comes through the front door. Mike and his friend Rich have spent the night with two women they met at a restaurant Friday night, took to the beach Saturday and fucked Saturday night.

Simon is a mentally-challenged cousin of one of them, who lives with them and disrupts their social life. Last night I served as Simon's baby sitter so Mike and Rich could fuck the women at their place. Baby sitter is a euphamism for being Simon's fuck toy. Dirty and disgusting, Simon had his way with me all night, fucking me and getting blown. As per Mike's orders.

Now he is here to take Simon home. "You come too, Faggot," he says. "There's some work to do over there, we made a bit of mess. Wear those shorts with the elastic band, no undies, to give Simon easy access if he wants to fuck you again."

We drive back to the girls'place. Simon and I are in the back seat, he is kissing me and fondling me and I am trying to do just enough to hold Simon off, yet convince Mike I am cooperating.

"Oh, I love Faggot," Simon says, as we pull up to their place. We walk in together, Simon holding my hand. "We had such a good time," he says. "Can I do it again?"

"Of course you can," Mike says. "Faggot would like that. Wouldn't you, Faggot?"

"Yes, Sir"

Simon suddenly decides he is tired and says he is going to bed for awhile. "Goodbye, Faggot," he says, and gives me one last disgusting kiss on the lips.

The girls are sitting in the living room, watching TV. It is a mess with beer cans, booze bottles and empty potato chip bags. Laura, the girl who was Mike's "date", looks a little embarrassed and starts picking things up.

"Don't trouble yourself, Laura," Mike says. "Faggot will clean this up, after he makes us breakfast and before he does the laundry."

So that's what Mike has in mind for me this fine Sunday morning. I go into the kitchen to start fixing breakfast and Rich is at the kitchen table reading a tabloid newspaper. I see that it is the "Weekly Gay Times" a paper that is handed out near the beach where the four of them were yesterday.

As I work, something catches Rich's eye. "Say, what is the Alma Street Festival? It's on today. Is it something we might like?"

"God, No," Rachel, the other girl yells from the living room. "It is a gay sex fair for perverts, almost all black. They rope off three streets, pay off the cops and do all sorts of disgusting things. I have a couple of gay friends and they have told me about it. They aren't prudes but they will never go to it again. It is too far out even for them."

That seems to satisfy Rich, who turns the page and does a double take at what he sees. He obviously turns the page back to the street fair ad, and then to the second page. He looks up at me and smiles.

"Hey Mike, come in here and take a look at this."

As Mike is walking over to him, Rich says, "Remember what Rachel said about the Alma Street Festival? Look at this." He points to the second page and then points to me.

Mike grins. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"I sure am," says Rich.

"Wow," says Mike. "That would be so fucking great. You are pure evil."

I finish cooking them breakfast, clean up the living room while they eat and return to the kitchen to tidy it up. I hear the four of them talking softly and giggling.

"Don't look at the table, Faggot," Mike says. "Keep your eyes on the sink."

I hear a page being ripped out of the paper. "Here, we can glue it to some cardboard board so it will be sturdy," Laura says. "We can attach the chain to both sides so it will be like a necklace."

She looks at me and starts laughing. "Boy, I wish I could be there to watch."

"Come on," Faggot," Mike says. "You can finish the laundry another time. Right now Rich and I are going to the ball game and we are going to drop you off on the way."

We go to the car, Rich is carrying the cardboard with the newspaper page pasted onto it. But he won't let me see it. When we head out and Mike doesn't get on the freeway but heads toward the Jefferson District I am afraid I know where they are going. Alma Street is this way.

When we are about three blocks from Alma Street the traffic gets bumper to bumper. We inch along and stop at a light. The car next to us contains three black men in their late 20s.

"Perfect," says Mike. "Rich, hand Faggot the sign. Put it around your neck Faggot, and hold it so those guys in the car next to us can see it. Don't you look at it, though."

I do that, with the sign on my chest, still not aware what it says. Mike honks the horn to catch the attention of the occupants of the car next door. One of them sees me, takes a long look at what I'm holding up. He immediately calls it to the attention of his fellow passengers. They all take a good look at it and one of them rolls down the window.

"Hey man, are all you guys punks?"

Mike rolls down his window. "No, just the Faggot here," he says jerking his thumb in my direction. "We are going to drop him off and then go to the ball game."

"Wow man, that's cool," he said. "We will be at Booth 1. We can meet you there. And it would be great if he kept that sign on."

"Sure thing," Mike says.

After a few minutes we pull up to Booth 1, which is just outside the fair boundries. And despite its label it isn't a booth at all, but a store specializing in sex toys, particularly S/M ones.

"Ok Faggot,' Mike says as he pulls up. "You can look at it now."

I can't believe what I am seeing. Against an alternating background of black, red and yellow stripes the following is clearly visible:

"Whatever member of the inferior white race displays this sign, offers itself to perform unlimited sexual favors for ANY member of the SUPERIOR BLACK RACE".

Aside from the content of the poster itself, ominous enough under any circumstances but especially frightening considering where I was, the pronoun "itself" was terrifying. So for as long as I wore the sign, I was to consider myself an "it", not human.

Mike grabs the sign from me and puts it around my neck again. There it was, on my chest visible for all. "Put your hands behind your back," Mike says.

When I comply, Mike produces his handcuffs and secures my hands behind my back at my waist. "Now you won't take it off. Go kneel down in front of the store," he says, indicating "Booth 1", and wait for your new friends. We will be watching from across the street. And when you kneel, keep your eyes down. Don't raise them until somebody tells you that you can."

I was kneeling in front of the store, an obvious captive of some sort, with an invitation to be used and abused across my chest.

I see two pair of large feet stand near me, but I can't look up to see who they belonged to.

"Man, you come around here with that sign, you is going to get fucked a lot," I hear him say. "Is that what you want?"

Without looking up I say, "That is what my master wants, so that is what I will do."

He hit me across the face with an open palm. "You look at me when you talk to me, boy."

"I am sorry, Sir, I was told to keep my eyes down unless given permission to lift them."

"You can look at this," he says as he grabs his dick through his pants and rubs it. "I have got to meet somebody now, but if I see you later, you are going to get it up that white ass of yours. Hear me, boy?"

"Yes, sir"

Those two leave and then three more sets of feet approach me. "Well, here he is," one of them says. "All gift wrapped for us."

Just then I hear Mike's voice and hear him crossing the street. "Hey guys," he says. "Here is the faggot at your service. My friend and I are going to the ball game. It's noon now, why don't we meet back here at 5:30? Until then he is all yours. Do with him as you will. He won't give you any trouble. If you have any questions here is my cell number.

"And this store gives me an idea. Here's a credit card with his name on it. You can buy some toys to use to play with him today. His treat. (Mike loads the card with $1,000 every month, my allowance. Not that I have time to spend it anyway). Just give them to me when I pick him up. I might have some use for them.

"Oh, and here is the key to the handcuffs. Don't lose it, it's the only one I've got."

Mike gives me a pat on the head. "You be a good fag, and do what these nice men want. You know what happens if I find out you don't."

As Mike wanders off one of the men says, "Stand up fruit and let's have a good look at you."

I struggle to my feet, it is hard with my hands shackled behind me. The three of them take turns walking around me, pinching and poking me.

"Let's have a look at his package," one of them says and then rips down my shorts, which immediately fall to my ankles, leaving me naked from the waist down.

Mike has removed the chastity belt, so my dick is hanging there, exposed.

"What a little worthless excuse for a pecker," one of them says, then gives my cock a slap. "Don't matter though, it ain't going to be used much today."

Another has put a finger in my ass. "Bend over boy and give me a better look," he says. "This looks mighty good for fucking."

By now there is someting of a crowd on the sidewalk, all of them black and most men. They were whistling and giving catcalls. "Man I wish I had seen that white dude first," one said. "He would be riding my dick right now."

"He is going to be around all day," one of my new captors said. "And we might even take him to Booth 12."

That announcement is met with cheers from the sidewalk audience.

"Can I ask what Booth 12 is?" I say, as respectfully as I can.

"You'll find out," one of them says. He then yanks up my shorts, grabs my manacled elbow and pulls me into the store.

"Come on, let's see what we can find for you."

The four of us go into the store, which is lined with all variety of sexual paraphenalia. Most of it is for use in kinky acts.

Just inside the door we stop. My lead captor (I will call him Number One from now on) reaches up and grabs one of the blindfolds on display. "Stand still," he says as he puts it over my eyes and ties it tightly around my head.

"Can you see anything?" he asks.

"No," I answer truthfully. My eyesight is totally cut off.

He swats me on the ass hard. "I want the truth. Can you see anything?"

"I really can't."

"Good. Now we can check things out."

Two of my new "friends" get on either side of me and guide me down the aisle. Then we stop. I hear something taken off the shelf. "We've got to make sure you don't run away. Let's try this on. Raise your head as if you were looking at the ceiling."

I do so and I feel a metal collar clamped onto my neck, which is totally enclosed. Then I hear number one attach a leash to it. I feel a pull and start moving forward.

"Come on, Faggot," he says. "That is your name isn't it? Faggot."

I start to answer when he slaps me across the face. "You answer me right away when I ask you a question. That is your name, right?

"Yes, sir, my name is Faggot."

"Glad we've got that straight. You know, I don't like the look of that collar. He can't put his head down. It should be bowed in the presence of his betters."

"Here," a voice that I will call Number Two says. "We can try this one."

My stiff full neck collar is removed, and replaced by a thinner, leather one, much like a dog collar. It just big enough to pull over my head. Then it is tightened around my neck.

"What do you all think?" I hear Number One ask.

A whole bunch of voices respond.

"Looks great."

"It was made for him."

"It makes him look like the dog that he is."

And so on. I then realize that I am not there for the amusement of just the three "friends." We have drawn quite an audience.

"Well let's see what else we can find," Number One says as he gives the leash a tug and leads me into another aisle. We go down a few feet and he stops.

"Wow, check this out," he says. "It is really something. Let's try it on. Take his shorts off."

Suddenly my shorts are down around my ankles and someone is pulling them. "Step out of them. Now," somebody says, who then slides them away.

Now I feel something slide up my legs one at a time. Then it is being fitted at my waist. Mike has had me in a chastity belt most of our time together, so I recognize the feel of a cage being place over my cock. But this time I feel something from the back, too.

"Lean forward, Faggot, and hold still."

I feel metal coming around my hips and something exploring my crack.

"Almost got it," number one says. "There."

I feel a butt plug go into my ass and the cage fasten on the right side. It locks into place, encircling my midsection.

"There," Number One says. "A cock cage and butt plug in one piece. What will they think of next?"

I feel a tug on the leash and we start walking again. It is a little harder for me with the new contraption circling my waist and a plug in my ass.

"That is cool and all," I hear a voice say. "But now nobody can fuck him with that plug in."

"You're right," Number One says. "We will save this one for later."

As he is taking the plug/cage off, I hear someone say, "Hey man, the plug is dirty. I'll get a towel to wipe it off."

"No need for that," Number One says. "He got it dirty, he is the one who should clean it."

Just then the stinking butt plug, undoubtedly covered with my shit, is being held under my nose.

"Lick it, Faggot. Lick it clean." I start licking it, getting the filth on my tongue and in my mouth. As I get one side clean he turns the plug to give me access to more.

"Show some enthusiasm, Faggot," he says.

I start licking harder. And hear from the spectators.

"Man, look at that fag go."

"He really does like his own shit."

Number One finally says, "Open your mouth."

As I do, he pushes the plug in and almost down my throat. "Suck the rest off, Faggot."

After a minute or so he pulls it out. "Look guys all clean, and we didn't have to waste a paper towel. But now we need to put something around that little dick of his."

"Try this," Number Two says.

"Perfect," says Number One as he snaps a cock cage/chastity belt into place. The ones Mike makes me wear have a little room, my cock can move around some. This one is really small and tight and my little member is almost crushed against my body."

"Does that hurt, Faggot?"

"Yes it does."

"Good. Let's keep moving."

We come to another aisle go down a few feet and stop. Number One tries a few nipple clamps on me. They really hurt, but fortunately, none of them stays on for long.

"I don't like these. We can probably find better ones in the fair."

He keeps moving, tugging me along and then stops. "But hey, since he can't see he might as well not talk. Open your mouth."

When I do, I feel a ball gag go in and get secured around my head.

"I don't know maybe I like this one better." He takes the first one off and puts another one on.

"Hmm," he says and repeats the process until he finds one he likes. This one is jammed way into my mouth and tied around my head so tight I can hardly breathe. Doesn't matter to them and I am led around the store.

"Hey what's this?" I hear someone ask from a distance.

"That's a leg spreader," Number One says. "It's used to help fucking."

"I've never seen one, how does it work?"

"I'll show you. Somebody take the Faggot over to that counter and have him lean his chest against it. Now bring that thing here."

I am leaning against an empty counter my head practically on the glass. I feel Number One doing something with my feet.

"See you attach it to one ankle like this. Then take the other side..spread your legs, Faggot.. and attach it to his other ankle. Now we will slide his legs back a little."

I have my nose practially resting on the glass countertop, my legs spread about three feet apart and locked into place and my ass totally exposed.

"See, it's a great angle for fucking, the ass is positioned just right. And he can't close his legs even an inch. The spreader holds them in place."

"I would like to show everyone how well it works," I hear an strangely familiar voice say.

I sense that he is walking towards me. From what I hear from the crowd he has his dick out and it must be quite a piece.

"Man, look at the size of that."

"That's gotta be ten inches and it isn't completely hard."

"It's gonna hurt."

Considering this was a room of well-endowed studs it must have been something. In a few seconds I feel it probing my ass.

"Here," Number One says. "Let's put a little lube on it."

I feel his finger lube the dickhead and my ass. Then the huge member thrusts and is in me. "I'm the guy you saw out front. I told you I'd catch up with you."

He starts pumping away, getting deeper with each move. This goes on for maybe a minute or two.

"All right, that's enough for now," Number One says. "You can finish later."

I straighten up and felt a vicous yank on the chain. "Let's see, where do we go next."

Then I heard a voice from the other end of the store. "Hey guys, bring that pussy boy here. I've got something I want to show you."

"Let's go, Faggot," Number One said, pulling me along.

When we stopped I heard the man who had summoned us and was obviously the store proprieter say, "I started carrying these about two weeks ago, but nobody has tried them on yet. I thought maybe he might."

"Sure thing," Number One says.

I hear the store owner come out from beind the counter. He is at my feet and I hear a box opening.

"Lift your right foot," he says, and slips something over it.

"Now the left one," and he repeats the process. The pulls something up my legs that feels like a jock. He puts around my little cage.

"It's adjustable," he says. "It can be worn over a cock cage, like it is now, or just over a naked dick, like a regular jock. But that's not the main thing. Watch this."

Then I feel him push something, which feels like a button the side of the jock. A second later I hear virtually everyone in the store erupting at once.

"Wow, is that fucking great."

"Look at that. It's the best."

Number One is laughing. "Here, Faggot," I'll let you have a look." He lifts my blindfold and I look down. I am wearing a black jockstap that has tiny lights afixed to it. They are going off in a random sequence, kind of a mini fireworks show on top of my dick.

He puts my blindfold back on. "Ok, take the Faggot back there," he says. "I need to talk to the man here."

I am guided back a few feet. "Stand there, don't move," Number Two says. I hear the conversation between Number One and the store manager.

"This was all great fun and all, but now we need to do some serious fucking," Number One says. "Not only do the three of us need to get it on with him, but I think everybody in the store should get some action. That's what he's here for.

"Do you have some place out back maybe, where we could do this?"

"Better than that," the store man says. "That room back there would be perfect for what you want to do. I will let you use it at no charge for as long as you want and even give you a discount on what you buy. The only thing is I get to fuck him first."

"Man, you got a deal. No need for the discount, though. Faggot is paying."

All the while I have been standing there, being pawed. Guys have their hands all over me. They have been rubbing my chest, squeezing nipples and feeling my ass. Several of them put their fingers in my ass, move them around, then stick them in my mouth.

"You like sucking what's in your ass, don't you. We saw you do it."

Then I feel a cock in my ass. One of them is starting to fuck me. Then I hear Number One, coming back our way.

"Not now, no need to rush," he says. "Each one of you who wants it will get a fuck or a blow job. I promise. We just have to go in the right order. Come on."

He pulls me back towards the counter. I hear the store manager say, "Ok you can take the handcuffs off, his gag out and the jock strap off. But we'll leave the collar and the cock cage on. No reason he should enjoy this."

The handcuffs are removed and the jockstrap slid down.

"Step out of it, asshole," someone says. Then the manager grabs the leash and pulls me toward the back room.

"Wally, why don't you watch the register and ring these gentleman up," the manager says.

"I will Uncle Carl," the young man says. "But can I fuck him, too?"

I can sense the manager stopping.

"Would that be all right guys? He just turned 14 and he isn't a man yet. Time he lost his cherry, don't you think."

"Absolutely," Number One says. "When you are finished, and take your time there's no rush, the three of us are going to do him. Then it's everybody else. He can lead off that group."

"Come on, bitch," the manager says and pulls me into the room.

"I am going to take your little billboard and hang it on the wall with your leash. This way everyone is sure you are doing this willingly."

At that he chuckles and takes the sign off over my head. A few seconds later he is pushing me across the room.

"Stop. You can't see it, but this is a fuck table. Now let's get you in position."

He puts my left foot into a ring and snaps it shut. Then pulls my right foot and spaces it out about three feet and secures it to the other side.

"Lean over on your stomach and put your arms out."

I do so, and he grabs my left arm away from my body and puts it in a clamp on the top of the table. Then he does the same with my right. I am tied down in what is essentially a figure X. My head is level with the floor about waist high on the average male.

I sense something moving towards my face and I realize it is the manager's bare ass. "Lick my ass, boy. Rim me," he says.

As he backs into me, I start licking his asshole. "That's it, stick your tongue in there. Yeah, man, great."

After a few minutes he turns around. He starts hitting me in the face with his dick which I can feel is long, thick and hard.

"Does the bitch boy want to suck this? Huh, do you want to suck it you fucking pussy? Tell me."

I am afraid he is going to hit me with something besides his dick. "Yes, I would like to suck your cock."

"Well, why didn't you say so? Open that pussy mouth."

He pushed his dick into my mouth, almost to my throat. "Suck on it. Work it. Use your tongue. That's it."

He fucks my face for a good five minutes and then pulls out and walks away.

"I'm going to open the door so anybody who wants can watch me fuck you."

I hear him walk to the door, open it and yell out. "Hey we are done with the warmups in here and I'm going to fuck him. You can watch if you want, and his mouth is avaiable if anybody wants to feed him some cock while I fuck him."

All is quiet for a minute, then I feel him behind me. First he puts a finger in my ass, then two, finally four. "Man you are still tight. This is going to feel real good."

Then he starts fucking me. As big as it is, his cock goes in smoothly. He starts pumping away, pulling it so it is almost out, then ramming it all the way in.

Meanwhile I sense others have entered the room. I hear Number One say, "This is quite a set up. You're right it's perfect. And he is going to taste my cock sooner or later. Might as well be now."

"Be my guest," says the store manager, who continues to plow away at my ass.

Number One is now in front of me, with his giant size dick caressing my lips. "Let's take this real slow. Kiss my cock and use your tongue on the end of it."

As I was easing into a blow job of Number One, there was activity at the other end. The manager was increasing the tempo. "I'm gonna CUMM!!" I felt his load explode inside me. When he pulled out he was still spewing, getting my back all covered in cum. There was applause from those who had been watching. I felt him back away.

I heard Number Two ask Number One. "If you want to go around and fuck him, I'll take over for you."

"No, I am really enjoying this. You can fuck him now."

Number Two didn't have to be told twice. He got behind me, gave my butt a couple of dick slaps and then entered me and started pumping.

Then I heard the store manager, who was still in the room. "I've got to go out and watch the store. You guys can do some different things in here if you want. You can leave him here, which would be OK. Or there is a bench over there with a leg spreader. That's lower and might work better for smaller guys like my nephew. There are hooks attached to the wall near the floor, which leave him bent over and his ass in the air. Whatever you want."

"Thanks, man," Number One says. "This room is pretty cool. How often do you use it?"

"I don't use it that often myself, but the owner rents it out. By the hour. Again, don't be afraid to use some of the other equipment. All up to you."

"I like this position just fine," Number Two says as he pounds away at me.

Talk about humiliating. There I was blindfolded, tied down, getting fucked by one guy, blowing another and the two of them having a conversation with the guy who just fucked me. All of them talking as if I wasn't there, just part of the furniture.

Meanwhile I hear the murmured conversations of several other guys in the room. All of them waiting their turn.

Number Two must have been beating off while he waited because he did not last long. "Hoo Boy," he says, as he pumps two loads into me. "Damn, I wanted to be in him longer. His ass feels so good."

"That's OK," Number One says. "We have him for a few more hours. I'm sure there will be a chance for you to fuck him again. Speaking of fucking him, my turn now."

He pulls his dick out of my mouth and comes around behind me. I am so well lubricated by now that his thick, long dick slides into my ass smoothly. He has quite a bit more stamina than Number Two and he keeps going. Meanwhile Number Three, the youngest of the trio who have taken me, is in front of me. I obviously can't see him, the blindfold is still secure, but I feel his dick slapping my face. "Open up," Number Three Says. "Daddy's here for his blow job."

I start sucking as best I can, and feel his dick getting harder and harder. I am spit roasted like this for probably another ten minutes with a cheering section.

"Yeah, fuck that cunt."

"Suck that dick, fuck that mouth."

They both cum at almost the exact same time. Exploding in my mouth and in my ass.

"That was a great fuck," Number One says.

"Great blow job, too, but next time I'm giving it to him in the ass."

"The little man is up next, so let's move him to that bench," Number One says.

I am unhooked from the fuck table, stood up and guided to the bench. Somebody bends me over it and the leg spreader is attached.

"The fucking is going to start now, and it's going to last a while," Number One says. "First up is Wally. He's 14 and never fucked anybody before. Cheer him on, guys."

I am there for a few minutes and nothing happens. Then I hear, "Swat him across the ass Wally, show him who's boss. A wussy white guy is no match for a young black stud."

I feel a sharp slap across the ass, then another. "Take that, Faggot," I hear in a voice that belongs to a 14-year-old.

"Hey Faggot," Number One says. "Pull those ass cheeks apart. That's it. See that hole, Wally, go for it."

Wally might be small, but his dick isn't. It certainly is bigger than mine. A good eight inches, and Wally puts it right inside me and starts fucking like a pro.

"Go Wally go."

"Fuck that white fag."

Wally cums fairly quickly. "Man, that's great. Can't wait to do it again," he says.

"OK," I hear Number One say, "We will be back in an hour and a half. He's yours now. This is an honor system, everybody gets a crack at him once. You can move him to other places here, back to the fuck table, tied to the wall. Whatever you want. After that, those who want a second chance can have it.

"If you are done with him before we're back, his handcuffs, leash and sign are on the wall, just cuff his hands behind his back, put that sign back over his head take him outside the front of the store and leave him on the sidewalk.

Then the guy who started to fuck me out front when we were trying the leg spreader, gets into me. "Remember me, Fag?" he says as he lets my ass have it. That is just beginning. I am not sure how long it lasted or how many cocks I serviced. I almost constantly had almost one cock in me, usually two, and I rimmed a lot of asses. I got moved to several different positions. I know Wally did me three times, twice in the ass and once in the mouth.

Now I find myself sitting on the sidewalk. As Number One reaquested I am I handcuffed behind my back, blindfolded, but my leash is tied around a parking meter.

In just a few minutes I hear a guy come near me. "Man, you is helpless." I can feel him holding the sign and am sure he is reading it. "This true? You fuck any black?" "Yes," I say.

"Well stand up, turn around and bend over." Again it's hard to stand with my hands shackled but he just laughs. "Come on, you white fuck. Stand up. That's it now bend over. Nice that your ass is available."

I can hear some talking so several people are obviously watching. Then I hear Number One, say, "Nice going, Faggot. I see you are being a good boy."

The guy finishes and Number One asks, "Anybody else?" Thank goodness for small favors, nobody says anything.

"OK I am going to go inside, thank the establishment and pick up the stuff Faggot bought for us. You guys stay with him, I'll just be a minute. Oh, put on that little thing we got for him."

"OK Faggot, put your feet together, that's it." He lifts them up one at a time and slides something up over my legs, over the cock cage and I feel it around my waist. Then they put my electric light jockstrap back on and start it twinkling.

"Oh, don't you look ravishing?" I hear Number One say. "We are going to take a tour of the Fair now and I want you to see it all."

Number One takes off the blindfold. I now see what the latest idignity is besides the lighted jock. I am wearing a tutu skirt with my hands cuffed behind me. And of course, I was still wearing that sign on my chest.

"Come along," Number One says, giving my leash a tug. "There are lots of things to do here."

That's what I was afraid of.

End of part 5

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