Leadr House

By moc.loa@htroNoehT

Published on Sep 17, 1998


WARNING: The following is a work of fiction containing (hopefully) graphic descriptions of sex between any number of willing men. If this sort of material offends you, you shouldn't be reading it. If you are too young to read this sort of material, you shouldn't be reading it. If however, you are of age and you're sitting in your dorm room and no one else is around and you can't figure out why you get a hard-on every time your best buddy drops his shorts and heads to the shower...read on my friend.

This story is fictional. Any similarities between the men in this story and the men that you know are purely coincidental, although the author wouldn't mind hearing about them himself.

Granted, actual male celebrities are included among the characters in this chapter. Still, the story is fictional and is merely a product of the author's imagination. No implications are made regarding the actual sexual preferences or activities of these "guest stars." Also, the author realizes that the actors named probably never attended St. Winston Academy this is made even more unlikely due to the fact that St. Winston's is FICTIONAL. Get it?

Comments may be sent to TheoNorth@aol.com

Constructive criticism will be accepted. Praise will be absorbed. Flames will be ignored.

Now, without further ado . . .


by Theo North

Chapter 10

in which Randy shoots for the stars

Randy could hardly believe his good fortune. He was going to be in THE show of the theatre season.

Each year, the theatre program at St. Winston Academy stages an alumni show. Graduates who have gone on to build successful careers in film or television or on the stage are invited back to star in a play at their alma mater. The show usually runs for one weekend, playing to packed houses. Proceeds from the show fund theatre, music and art programs for the rest of the year. The lure of "giving back to St. Winston's" and the strong loyalty which so many alumni feel for the school has resulted in some pretty stellar casts for past shows.

This year's line-up was typical, but impressive nonetheless: an up-and-coming actor who had yet to find a leading role to show off his comic talent, a young man who was probably more "celebrity" than "actor," and a MAJOR A-list star.

Hank Azaria had agreed to come back and perform in this year's show. The students all knew the comic actor: The LeaDRs and many others on campus made a Sunday night ritual of sitting around the TV to watch "The Simpsons," and each week Azaria's voice work cracked people up. Randy also owned a video copy of "The Birdcage." Even after watching it over and over, Hank Azaria as the outrageously dressed, faux-Cuban, houseboy left Randy in stitches. The young man even enjoyed "Godzilla" just for the fun of watching Azaria pump some humor and irreverence into the FX-heavy, summer schlock-fest. On top of that, Randy thought Azaria was cute as could be, and seeing him in a tux at the Oscars last year with girlfriend/partner/whatever Helen Hunt had made Randy more than just a little hot.

Jason Priestley was signed on for this year's show. Randy didn't know what to think of that. The guy had spent most of his career on the TV show "Beverly Hills 90210." Randy seldom saw 90210 but he knew that it wasn't exactly a showcase of fine acting. For christ's sake, Tori-fucking-Spelling was on the show. Randy heard that Priestley had left "90210" after last season. He had starred in some art-house film over the summer and was looking to "redefine" himself in the entertainment community.

And then ... oh man, Randy could hardly believe it. Kevin Spacey. God damn Kevin Fucking Spacey was going to be in this year's show. Randy had been a Spacey fan for a long time, but after seeing him in "The Usual Suspects" he was convinced the man was one of the most incredible actors working today. "L.A. Confidential" confirmed that thought for him and added a new insight: Spacey possessed a smoldering sexuality that left the college boy squirming in his seat. Spacey's erotic allure was more blatant in "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil." Watching that film, Randy knew exactly WHY the film's producers had changed the narrator from a gay man (which he was in real life) to a straight man. If the narrator had been gay, they would have had to film a very hot love scene between Spacey and John Cusack, because it was obvious that no gay man could resist the intense sexual heat radiating from Kevin Spacey. (Granted, Randy wouldn't have minded watching a sex scene between Spacey and Cusack, but he had a feeling it wouldn't really play in Peoria.) Spacey, in addition to being a graduate of St. Winston's, was a LeaDR alumnus. Some nights, Randy just looked around the house and imagined what the place was like when Kevin Spacey lived there, partied there, slept there . . . and other things.

There was to be one other actor in the alumni show. Matt LeBlanc, of the television series "Friends," was originally to be in the cast. About a month before rehearsals, though, LeBlanc called to say he couldn't be in the show: he had to reshoot some scenes for his sitcom and there was no way he could make it back to campus for rehearsals. (Secretly, Randy thought LeBlanc backed out from a combination of jealousy and cold feet. First, Matt's role was the smallest in the play having only three short scenes. Second, the character he was to play was Priestley's lover. He was required to kiss Jason full on the mouth and, in two of his three scenes, his character was nude.)

With no time to negotiate for another acting alumnus (and running seriously short of successful, young, male graduates to play the role), the show's director decided to hold auditions and cast a current student. Randy had gone to auditions because it was too great an opportunity to pass up after all, the big-name cast annually drew lots of attention from the national media and the audience was guaranteed to include the actors' agents and a handful of producers, directors and other show-biz professionals. Randy didn't really think he would get cast, though, because he was only a sophomore and there were plenty of male upperclassmen in the program who usually got the leads.

So at 9 a.m. the next morning, the young actor was as shocked as anyone when the cast list was posted and his name was on it. He stared at the bulletin board in utter disbelief. Around him, he could hear some of the other actors cursing. He even heard a few of them saying Randy got the role not because of his talent, but because of his looks. To be honest, Randy didn't care. First of all, he reasoned, that's show biz. And second, he thought gleefully, "I'M going to be on stage with Kevin Spacey, Hank Azaria and Jason Priestley and THEY are NOT. Hahahahaha"

Rehearsals were intense. Randy was used to college productions where the cast had five weeks to rehearse and mount the show. Because of the tight schedules of the returning alumni, they had one week to put the play together. Rehearsals went all-day and the cast worked hard.

The play was a tale of greed and betrayal in Hollywood. Jason played a young hustler who attempts to scam a pair of fast-talking Hollywood agents played by Kevin and Hank. Randy played Jason's lover the young innocent who gets caught up (and ultimately destroyed) in the web of deceit the others weave.

It was a very "talky" play and, even in his small role, Randy had a lot of lines to learn. Unlike other shows he had been in, Randy was required to have all his lines memorized by the second day of rehearsal (which meant he had to start memorizing before rehearsals even began). He was impressed that the other three performers had their lines down word-perfect on the second day.

As the week went on, Randy gained a new level of respect and appreciation for Jason Priestley. He realized it was unfair to think of the young man as "that guy from 90210." As rehearsals progressed, Randy saw that Jason was a hard-working actor who was not afraid to challenge himself and to take on "tough" roles. "Besides," Randy thought, "If Aaron Spelling came along and offered me a lead role in a television series, I can't say that I'd turn it down, either."

Adding to Randy's feelings was the fact that Jason turned out to be a super-nice guy. Randy was afraid that the three professional actors might keep to themselves during breaks in rehearsals, but Jason was always the first to call Randy over and bring him into the conversations with Kevin and Hank.

In all, it was an incredible week for Randy. He learned more about the craft of acting and the business of surviving in Hollywood and New York during that week than he would have in four years of classes.

Wednesday afternoon, the cast went through their first dress rehearsal . . . which for Randy meant an "undressed" rehearsal. Randy wasn't ashamed of his body he worked hard to keep in shape and he knew that others appreciated his lean, muscular build and his hairy chest. And, between locker rooms and LeaDR House, he knew that his cock was nothing to be ashamed of. Still, he had never been naked on stage before, in front of an audience, and the first dress rehearsal was a bit nerve-rattling for him.

(Being on stage, of course, Randy couldn't see the reaction triggered by his well-built, hairy body and his 8-inch long, beer-can thick cock. Watching from the wings, Kevin Spacey's jaw dropped. Hank Azaria whispered, "Jesus Christ!")

On stage, Jason Priestley never missed a beat as Randy strolled in and flopped on the couch, totally nude. While delivering his lines, though, the young actor took every opportunity to check out the body of the college stud. In accordance with the script, Randy stood up to make his exit, and Jason grabbed him, pulled him into a tight embrace, looked into his eyes and locked lips with him. Jason slipped his tongue into Randy's mouth something he had not done during the other rehearsals. For just a moment, Randy stopped thinking of himself as a character and realized he was stark naked on a stage kissing Jason Priestley. During that moment Randy tensed, his shoulders and back stiffened and he stopped responding to the kiss. Jason released him, gave him his exit cue, and watched him walk out the door with a smirk that may or may not have been in character.

The dress rehearsal went well and the director was very pleased as was the cast. They still had all day Thursday and Friday morning to rehearse, but it was clear that they had a hit on their hands.

In the dressing rooms after rehearsal, Randy stripped out of his costume and stepped into the small, communal shower to wash off the make-up and sweat. Jason followed him into the shower room.

"Hey, Randy, I'm sorry about that. I didn't mean to upset you," Jason said.

"What?" Randy asked.

Jason blushed. "You know. Um, during the kiss? When I slipped you the tongue? I could tell you were freaked out. I was just in character and it seemed like the right thing to do but, well, I'm sorry . . ." His voice trailed off.

"Don't sweat it. It shook me up for a minute, I admit. I kinda forgot to stay in character. My bad. But it'll be fine next time. I'll be ready for you," Randy said and winked at his co-star.


"Besides, it's not like you're the first guy to slip his tongue down my throat," Randy said.

Jason grinned. "Oh yeah?"

Randy smiled back. "Yeah."

Jason strolled over to Randy's shower head. "Maybe we need to practice that kiss a little more. You know, just to make sure that you don't freak out next time."

"That's a good idea," Randy said, grinning. "Is that what you pros' do?"

"Oh yes, professionals rehearse and rehearse until they get it just right," Jason said, laughing at the corny turn of their pick-up patter. Then he took Randy into his arms and kissed him under the warm spray of the shower. He slid his tongue into the college stud's mouth.

"Mmmmmm...that was nice," Randy said. "I was prepared for it this time."

"So I just need to warn you beforehand if I'm gonna make any new moves, huh? Like, I should warn you that the next time I kiss you, I'm gonna pinch your nipple," Jason said. Then he did just as he promised.

Randy moaned, against Jason's lips as the prime-time soap stud worked his tits to hard little nubs. Jason backed Randy up against the tile wall and continued to paw at his body. He could feel the sophomore stud's giant cock against his belly and, using the soap suds for lube, began to rub his abs up and down along the shaft. For his part, Randy was running his hands up and down Jason's back and squeezing the star's small, firm buns.

"God, you are hot," Jason gasped, coming up for air.

"So are you," Randy said. "Are you gonna fuck me?"

"No, he's not going to fuck you . . . I am," said a deep voice from the entrance of the shower room.

The two young actors looked up to see Kevin Spacey and Hank Azaria staring at them.

At the sound of Kevin's voice, Randy's over-stimulated cock shot a load of cum against Jason's abs and chest. He did not, however, go soft.

"Damn, he's still hard. Were we ever that young?" Kevin joked with Hank.

"Oh sure we were. In fact, when I was Randy's age, William Hurt did the alumni show .... That man banged my ass all night and I never went soft once!" Hank said.

"Braggard!" Kevin laughed.

"Damn right! If you'd fucked William Hurt all night, you'd brag about it too!"

"Actually, I did," Kevin smirked. "Only I was on top."

"You dog!" Hank roared and the two men laughed.

"You guys gonna do your comedy routine all night or you gonna get in this shower?" Jason interrupted them.

"Oooh," Kevin said. "I think we've been issued a challenge."

"Well, I'm up for it!" Hank said.

"Yeah, I can see that," Kevin responded.

Finally, Randy and Jason just grabbed the two older studs and pulled them into the shower room. It was a small space designed with only two showerheads so with four men crammed inside there was a lot of body contact. Soapy, slippery flesh pressed against more flesh. Cocks rubbed on thighs and across tight asses. Hands sought out fur-covered pecs, meaty balls and soft, warm rears. Fingers explored tight assholes and wrapped around turgid cocks. Tongues went into mouths and ears. Mouths sucked on fingers and meaty tits. And the warm spray of the showers rained down on it all.

Randy leaned forward to lick out the musky sweat of Hank Azaria's armpit. With one hand he grabbed the actor's thick bicep and pinned it above the stud's head. His other hand played with Hank's nipples. Hank was moaning like mad, but Randy wasn't sure if it was because of his efforts, or because Jason was squatting behind Hank, shoving his tongue up the actor's ass.

Then, something big forced its way up Randy's ass and pushed all the air from the young man's lungs. Randy collapsed forward against Hank and gasped as his asshole adjusted to the sudden invasion it had just experienced. Once his nerve endings realized what had happened, they started to scream and Randy let out a yell to match them.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaoOOOOOOOOOOH!" Randy cried out.

"Oh, fuck kid. It's been a long time since I fucked a hot piece of LeaDR ass," Kevin said as he crammed his cock into the boy's hole. "I'm glad to see that the fraternity is still selecting only the best."

"OH JESUS!" cried Randy at the realization of so many of his fantasies. "FUCK ME! Christ, Kevin, FUCK my ass. Please sir!"

Kevin's thick, hairy cock speared in and out of Randy's hole. The sophomore had a round, firm ass that many had drooled over. However, because of his incredible cock, Randy usually found himself topping other guys. Despite his great looking ass, Randy was relatively inexperienced as a bottom. Feeling Kevin's thick cock spreading his rear wide open, though, Randy thought it was a position he could get used to.

"OOOOOOOOOhhhh, MAN!" he screamed. "FUCK ME! JESUS!!"

As Randy screamed, another voice began a soft but urgent whimper: "Oh god ... oh god ... oh god fuck me... Mmmmmmmmmph." Randy looked up to see Hank bent over with his hands braced on the tile wall. Behind him, Jason was sawing his young cock in and out of Azaria's butt. "OH GOD that is fucking good!" Hank groaned.

"Damn right . . . you like my hot cock up your tight man-ass? Huh, buddy?" Jason grunted.

"FUCK YEAH!" Hank moaned.

Randy was moaning as well. He bent forward and, in the small shower room, he found himself bent over the Hank's back. He watched Jason's cock plunging in and out of the tight little hole and imagined that he was looking at his own asshole watching Kevin's cock sliding in and out of himself, even as he felt the thick meat stretching his guts. "OOOOOOOOOOH!" he wailed.

"Damn, Jas, we got a couple of hot cockhounds here, huh?" Kevin asked.

"Fuck yeah!" Jason responded, driving a particularly harsh thrust deep into Hank's ass.

"Yeah . . . well you . . . ungh . . . just wait . . . until . . . ungh . . . Randy and I . . . ow! . . . get . . . on . . . top!" Hank swore between gritted teeth.

"Fuck man! I want to see who's gonna take Randy's monster up his ass!" Jason laughed.

Kevin and Hank exchanged a silent look in the shower. Then, in one move, Kevin pulled his cock out of Randy's rear and Hank extracted himself from Jason's meat. The two quickly grabbed Jason . . . each grabbing one of his arms and bending the kid forward.

"There you go, Randy, shove that horsecock up this Beverly Hills ass!" Kevin laughed.

"WHAT??!" Jason cried out. "NO WAY! LET ME GO YOU FUCKERS!"

Hank laughed. "Come on Randy. Show us what you can do with that thing."

"NO!!!!" Jason called out.

"Ignore him," Kevin said. "He likes to pretend he doesn't want it, but he does. He just gets off on being forced.' Don't you, Jas?"

"No," Jason said queitly. "Really, please Randy, please don't fuck me with your big, hard cock. Please don't shove that giant meat up my ass. Please."

"See," said Kevin. "He's practically begging for it . . . in his way. Everyone in Hollywood knows he likes to play this game."

"He's the one who does this?" Hank asked.

"Yeah," said Kevin, looking at Hank questioningly.

"Oh. . . . Huh. . . .," Hank looked confused. "I thought it was Jason Patric that got off on being forced . . . hmmmm. Oh well, he didn't seem to mind too much afterward."

Kevin looked at the other man and bust a gut laughing. "AFTERWARD?? Did you force-fuck Jason Patric?"

"Maybe," Hank grinned.

"You dumbfuck. Jason Patric likes to be tied down!"

"OH! Well, I can never keep them straight. There are too many damn Jason's in Hollywood!" Hank laughed.

"Look, it's easy," Priestley said. "I'm the cute one. Jason Patric is the hairy one and Jason Robards is the old one. Don't fuck him."

By this point all four men in the shower stall were laughing hysterically.

"What the hell were we doing?" Hank asked.

"We were waiting for Randy to shove that beef log of his up the cute Jason's ass!" Kevin said. "Come on, boy, the water's going to turn cold on us in a while."

Randy grinned and stepped up to the plate. He lined his cock up with Jason's hole. Kevin and Hank each held one of the young, soap-star's ass cheeks and pulled them open.

"Slide it in there, boy," Kevin said.

"Stuff him!" Hank cheered.

Randy lunged forward and his shaft sank deep into Jason's bowels. Jason's body stiffened and he tried to stand up or back away from the big cock invading his rear, but Kevin and Hank held him firmly.


Jason continued to wail, cry and scream and his protests weren't just an act. The young star had never been so filled with cock. Kevin and Hank watched with awe and admiration as the two young studs fucked. They stroked their hard cocks as Randy banged away on Jason's tight rear.

"You're not complaining anymore, huh, Jason?" Randy sneered.

"Oooooooh, no sir," Jason moaned.

"You like getting fucked hard by a college boy? Huh? Huh?" Randy thrust savagely into Jason's ass providing an obscene punctuation to his taunts.

"Oooh yes sir," Jason gasped.

"Those Hollywood boys just don't fuck you like you need do they? You need thick, hard-driving college cock, huh boy?"

"Oooooh no sir ... yes sir ... yes ... oh god, fuck me Randy ... fuck my ass," Jason moaned.

Randy's wide cock pistoned in and out of the actor's tight hole. The nerve endings in Jason's rear had long-ago short circuited. Pain and pleasure were now one. Each thrust of the monster cock in his ass sent sparks of sensation throughout Jason's body. His toes curled. He gritted his teeth. He tried to remind himself to breathe. The feeling was undeniably pleasurable . . . just in a very intense way.

"OH fuck guys . . . I'm gonna cum soon!" Kevin panted.

"Me too," gasped Hank whose cockhead was turning purple and coated in precum.

"FEED ME YOUR COCK!!!!" Randy screamed to Kevin whom he could see was about to shoot. "I want to swallow your load!"

Without another word, Kevin aimed his meat at Randy's face and the ass-pounding sophomore swallowed that Hollywood cock deep into his throat. That was all it took for Kevin. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH! GOD that is so good!" Kevin moaned as he pumped his nuts into Randy's sucking mouth.

Randy never missed a single fuck-thrust into Jason's abused asshole as he swallowed his idol's juicy load.

"Me next!" Hank cried out and, without waiting for Randy's consent, shoved his cock into the college kid's mouth. "OOOOOOOOOOOH!" he moaned as his body shook and jet after jet of white spunk shot down Randy's throat.

And STILL Randy was battering away at Jason's hole.

"GUYS! Guys! Oh god, make him cum, please!" Jason begged. "I can't take it anymore. It's so good, but, FUCK, it hurts. Make him cum! Please!"

Kevin and Hank both dropped to their knees behind Randy. Kevin took Randy's balls into his mouth. He sucked the young stud's nuts, pulling them deep into his mouth and swabbing them with his tongue. Hank sent his tongue to work on Randy's asshole. He drilled in and out, tongue-fucking the young college stud as deep as he could reach.

The dual tongue-assault on his nether regions proved too much for Randy.

"FUCK!" he screamed "FUCK! YES! YES! YES! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!!!! AAAAAAAAHHHH! OOOOOOOOOOOOH FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!!! Aaaaaaaaaaah" he moaned and screamed. He bucked and thrashed as his nuts unloaded deep into Jason's ass.

"YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!" Jason sighed. "Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes" he whispered as his own orgasm shook him.

Saturday morning, the reviews began appearing for the alumni show. All four performers were praised including Randy who was delighted to receive a whole paragraph of favorable mention in one of the New York papers. Another paper said he was "surely destined to be the next star' produced by the excellent St. Winston's program."

All the critics commented that it had been a long time since they had seen a cast work so well as an ensemble.

"Why do you think it is that we work so well as an ensemble'?" Jason joked in the make-up room before Saturday night's show.

"Rehearsal," Randy said. "Professionals rehearse and rehearse until they get it just right."

The four men laughed.

"Maybe we better rehearse again this evening," Hank said.

"You're ON!" the others cheered.

Cumming up in Chapter 11: It's "Pledge Auction Night" at LeaDR House!

Next: Chapter 11

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