Learning the Ropes Series

By sam

Published on Oct 20, 2011


Learning the ropes Chapter Two: The meeting

OK, so now I at least knew his name. It was Randy. Beyond that, all I knew was he was a professional masseur, charged $75/hour, and didn't appear to be the least bit scared of openly offering a wide assortment of kinky sex to his customers. I definitely knew I would be making an appointment, but this tiny bit of info wasn't much to go on. And I could really easily be putting myself into a risky, disgusting, painful, or even dangerous position. Hell, if I ended up branded, shaved, whipped to a bloody pulp, and reamed anally until I needed a full bowel resection, given the e-mail I'd sent this guy where I'd actually requested that kind of treatment, I wouldn't even have legal recourse. And of course there was also the less likely possibility that once naked and securely bound, I could even conceivably end up as one of those missing persons, who's body just never turns up at all. Truth be told, that is part of the true thrill of being naked & bound. You re totally helpless, and the ever present helplessness stirs up a bit of adrenaline, heightening the senses, and making the whole scene just a bit more exciting, thrilling, and intense. The flip side however, is that the possibility of things going bad is very real. But somehow, sluts like me tend to just ignore it, and hope it only happens to other people. Ya, I know. Not smart, but we all do some pretty stupid things while trying to get our ashes hauled just the way we like it, no don t we? I'd done it. I had made an appointment for a one hour session. Technically, I'd contracted for a one hour massage. But what I was wanting was way beyond that. I also knew better than to expect too much. I'd been disappointed countless times before, sucked a cock, occasionally even been fucked as well

but nothing more. This was hopefully my chance to sexplore new things, and have my limits pushed. It was a sunny, Tuesday morning in Kansas. The appointment was for 10 AM at his office/spa, in the outer Westport area of Kansas City, MO. Now I was preparing to drive all the way to Kansas City, thinking about what I was about to do, Dam! It just made no sense at all. I was over forty, a fully mature adult, experienced and educated, but none the less I almost giddy with anticipation. My morning routine usually started with a hot cup or two of coffee, reading the morning paper, a good crap, and a long, hot shower. Already my routine had changed. Instead of the usual morning ritual, which involved stepping out've bed and taking my morning piss before even opening my eyes, I changed it today. Instead of pissing in the toilet, I pissed into my ceramic coffee cup. It nearly over flowed with the fairly clear, yellowish, warm urine. I'd requested to be forced(?) to endure a piss shower

and possibly being forced(?) to drink urine as well. So I thought that perhaps the training should start right now. Even before stepping away from the toilet I raised it to my lips, and sipped some. Dam, that's not bad. So I took a long, full slug, and easily just drank it down. I had to admit, it wasn't much of a thirst quencher, but it wasn't hard to drink at all either. And since I was also hoping to get good and properly fucked before the day was out, I then administered myself a one liter enema. If my ass was going to be a playground, I at least wanted it clean. Just to be sure, I used a 12

long, black, soft rubber dildo in the shower. Slowly slipped it up my ass until it had made the bend, and finally popped inside, past my sphincter, totally up there inside of me. I kept it there as I washed my hair, and by the time I'd finished rinsing, it was coming out all by itself, weather I wanted it too or not! Apparently, my ass had decided all by itself that that dildo had to go, and it was making it happen. And as I slid it's full length out've my ass, whoosh. A large, nasty slug of residual, shitty, watery slurry erupted out've my butt with it, spraying all over my bathtub. OK, urine intrigued me, but somehow shit never seemed to have had that same effect. It just stunk. Well I thought to myself. That ugly slurry is definitely not anything I wanted with me during an anal play session. Enema mission accomplished. But before finishing my shower, umm, that slick soap also felt really good on my cock. So, while slipping two finger up my freshly stretched & rinsed anus with my left hand, I used that soap to jack off with my right. My session was still several hours away, and I sure as hell didn't want to risk cumming to quickly during my massage, and loosing interest in further kinks. Shaving, showering, and the enema was really all I needed, except for the $75.00 fee. So once dressed, I collected the address and the money, and headed towards KC. It was about a one hour drive from my home, and my mind was fully focused on kinky male sex the entire hour. I started actually wondering why urine aroused me, having my ass penetrated & fucked aroused me

but shit didn't. I thought back to when urine had elicited the same repulsion that shit did now. Hmm, could this be just one more of those bogus brain washing notions I'd been raised with since infancy? I wondered. I was wearing short cutoffs and bikini briefs, and decided to do a bit of research while I drove. With my left hand on the wheel, I licked the middle finger of my right hand to make it slick, then slipped it up my pants leg, past bikini briefs, and as far up my ass as I could manage. Umm, it felt really good. I probed and explored, searching for any fecal material that my enema had missed. And sure enough I found a small pocket, rubbed my finger into it, and pulled it out've my butt. Upon inspection, sure enough, a definite brown streak of shit on my finger. Then I did it, I shoved that finger into my mouth, and licked it clean. Oh my god, what was I doing? Unlike urine, this taste wasn't so amenable to my palate. It might have been the smell, but it had a really hard, waxy texture that required vigorous licking to get off of my finger. The taste itself was odd, and not anything I could easily categorize. Sort of like licking a really old, rusty, dirty, waxy pipe. How can you describe a flavor that doesn't taste like anything you've ever tasted before? Well, if nothing else, I was definitely horny, and in the mood to be used hard, in any number of kinky ways. What a way to pass the time on a hour long drive, geez. Somebody please slap me! But then, my GPS chimed in, "you have arrived. Destination on the right". Just as I rounded the corner, I'd noticed a big, black, Mercedez Benz Stretch Limo pulling out. Hmm, it appeared that someone important was also up for a massage that morning, and I was now next. I was there, and it wasn't much of an office building. I'm really not sure what I'd been expecting though, so I couldn't say I was surprised. It appeared to be an old gas station, which had been remodeled into some sort of cheesy office space. Gulp, was I going to be chained up in some old, abandoned garage? Oh boy. I suddenly felt those really big, physical butterflies forming up squadrons in my stomach. what was I in for? Shit. I'd come this far, and I sure as hell wasn't going to get my fantasies explored sitting at home watching Law'n'Order reruns. Seriously, what was erotic about a Law'n'Order rerun anyway? The front door was locked, but a small sign there said ring bell for entry, which I did. I pushed the button, and could just hear a buzzer notifying anyone inside of my arrival. Then I heard a buzz, and the lock was released, and a voice from a speaker told me to come on in. Hmm, good security anyway. Once naked, no one will be barging in to interrupt my $75.00 worth. The entry way was small, but clean & tidy. Immediately, a large, bearish man came sauntering into the room from a side door, extended a large hand, and said "hello, I'm Randy. You must be Sam. Welcome to my combination massage parlor & dungeon for bad little, kinky subbies like you." As he said that, a certain combination of demeanor and tone made me shiver just a bit. He was subtle, but he was sizing me up like a butcher sizing up a live pig. Carefully checking out everything from my hams to me hooves. Oh ya, that little adrenaline rush was already kicking in, and I liked it! I was doing some checking out myself. Randy must have been about 6' to 6'- 2

tall. And maybe 210 lbs. A definite, slight paunch, but by no means soft. He was dressed in a set of plain, gray sweats, hooded sweatshirt and matching gray sweat pants. His sweat pants were fairly snug, and revealed the silhouette of a pair of strong, muscular legs. When he turned, I also noted the shape of a nicely chiseled ass, umm. He had broad shoulders, a thick barrel chest. His sleeves were pulled up to reveal muscular, hairy forearms, and large, strong hands. He had a well trimmed, jet black beard, blue eyes, and a charming, perfectly maintained smile. I wasn't sure just what to make of him. His physique was fucking hot, and he had a disarming smile. But he also had the size and strength to easily impose his will with brute force if desired. And I also noticed an occasional, somewhat sinister gleam in his eyes that I thought might be the look of a sadistic master under those sweats. Was that good, or bad? I guess that was basically what I was here to learn, now wasn't it. With that, Randy said, "so, you're ready for a $75.00 session now, right?" Oh, yea, I said a bit ashamedly, and immediately gave him seventy five dollars in cash. He added, "we are very discrete here, so I won't make you fill out any lengthy forms. And, from your e-mail, it's not just a plain massage you want, now is it?" Umm, I liked his direct approach. No sir, I said. With that, he added, let' first see if you're really the pliable, submissive little public whore that you said you were in your e-mail. If you're not actually willing to drink piss, get your ass paddled, suck ass holes, and be the pliant little bitch whore that you described in your E-mail, then we're both just wasting our time. And with that, he turned away, pulled down his sweats, spread his ass cheeks revealing a muscular, hairy but clean, glistening pink ass hole, open, puckered, and staring right at me. I haven't had a chance to shower yet today slut, so get down on your knees you kinky, little slut bitch, and lick my ass till it fucking glows!" I was stunned! But, this was also just exactly what I'd been hoping to experience. So I quickly removed my glasses, knelt, grabbed his ass cheeks in my hands, spread them wide, and shoved my face right into his butt. I started at the bottom, teasing his taint, and slowly drawing my tongue up his crack until it nestled right in his hairy anus. I probed into his hole as hard and deep as I could, testing it for depth & resistance, and at the same time getting a second exposure to the shit smell as it was now all around my mouth, nose, and face. There were a few tiny chunks of dried shit still clinging to his butt hairs, and that required me to suck and lick the bundles of hair until they were moist and smooth. Funny, but I remember thinking just then that he probably should have let me shave his ass first, lol. Oh well, lick away you little slut, umm. With all the hair now clean, I could proceed to run my tongue in circles all around the rim of his pink anus, delicately exploring every little detail of the tough, flexed ring of muscle, all red, smooth, and oh so sensitive. He was making some strong pleasure noises, ohhhs, and ahhs, letting me know just when I was pleasing him. And I was getting hard myself, loving it! I also couldn't help but notice the massive, growing, thick cock dangling from between the ass cheeks I was orally servicing. Sweeeeeet! With my left hand I released his left butt cheek, reached lower, and gripped his gorgeous cock. Dam, it sure wasn't any little gerkin, sweet. It's weight, thickness, and increasing firmness had my complete attention. Grrr. He ohhhed once more and allowed me to stoke the length of his shaft twice, tip to scrotum, then he suddenly stood erect, spun around, grabbed a hand full of my well groomed brown hair, and used that now big, heavy, hard, meaty cock to brutally slap my face, whap, whap, slap. He blurted out with authority, I told you to lick my ass bitch, not stroke my cock. I can see that you are going to need some discipline training as well as a good, hard fucking. Take off all of your clothes, put them on the chair, and follow me. Your session is about to start.

By: Sam shargis8@gmail.com More chapters to follow soon.

Next: Chapter 3: Learning the Ropes 3 5

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