Learning to Please

By Chuck Hughes

Published on Jan 15, 2011


This is a true story; If you are not 21 or over do not go any further. If you do not like man on man sex go no further.

I didn't see much more of Howard, and only met with his friend Tommy once, after that. Emotionally I was very conflicted about the things I was doing and allowing to be done to me. I was also quite worried about my privacy and was for some reason consumed with fear of one of them just showing up in my door, or at my graduation, unexpected.

I did learn about and experiment with other avenues of gay sex during the rest of my senior year and after graduation college. I went back to living at home with my parents while searching for a job. Although I lost some amount of privacy, within a year and a half I tried many facets of gay life - certain highway rest stops in New Jersey, public restrooms, a few bathhouse visits, and sex in a few adult video arcades in NY & NJ. I always took a 'bottom' role, being passive and feminine, although several times I was surprised to be the recipient of a reach around or blowjob before, during or after giving relief to the man. I was also totally shocked on occasion to find some men, presumably gay men, that were turned off or disgusted with my passive, feminine role. I'd be nice to them, on my knees sucking their cock and as soon as they shot their load, they'd mock me, or get pushy, or try to take money from me. It confused me and upset me a lot. I may write more about those encounters if there is interest, but I was not always dressed as a woman and the interaction was usually much more rushed and impersonal.

Once I landed a job, my life changed. I had an office job in a large telecom company and was thrown into a whole new social world, with new goals and expectations. I was living at home with my family and working, paying off student loans, saving money for a car or possibly even an apartment. The office life brought an awareness to develop my wardrobe and grooming habits to fit in, and a requirement to develop social skills. I was called on to make presentations at meetings, and my boss and mentor was interested in my doing well. That meant socializing and developing 'a base of support' within the company.

The younger, newly hired college graduates formed a small clique and instantly I had a social life. That lead to invites to happy hours, informal group lunches, parties with co-workers, and a chance to mingle with their circle of friends as well. I'd skip lunch to meet friends at the company gym for a workout, and then meet them later in the week for happy hour. It was an exciting time for us and we felt it - things were coming together after surviving college.

I also had a lot of access to pretty nice looking girls and women for the first time in my life. Of the girls my own age, the guys at the office were unanimous in the belief that they fell into one of two categories. There were those that were developing a career and had aspirations for travel, promotion and advancement. The others were meeting their obligations to family or society to work at a respectable position while they searched for Mr. Right and married, settled down and raised kids. There were also plenty of attractive and charismatic "older women" in the 30-plus category that were looking for a wild and fun time with a younger guy. I was amazed and some of them seemed to revel in the way they could take control of a younger man and impress them with well planned weekend getaways, dinners at the best restaurants, or sometimes simply a frankness about meeting after work for drinks and then moving on someplace for sex. Some of these were married women, trying to ensure a certain amount of discretion. Some of these were proud bachellorettes that were brazenly looking to add notches to their belt.

Although I didn't appreciate it at the time, I was somewhat fortunate in that I had an older, distant cousin that worked in the same office complex. He provided some excellent insight and advise during my first few months with the company, which tapered back to occasional visits afterward. He was a centering figure for me and, after all these years, I see that he was helping us both. If I became a degenerate fuckup the rumor mill and innuendo from me would shadow him; likewise if I didn't make smart choices there was a risk that my family would find out from him.

Therefore, with the opportunities available to me, I tended to make reasonable choices in my career and social life: I dated women from the office only after I knew them well enough, and made sure that things did not end badly with us.

I had had several conversations in my head where I convinced myself to put my gay, cross dressing interest into retirement and chalk it up to experimentation and general horniness and desperation for sex. I now was free from all the bull of college life and had access to and ability to talk with nice looking girls, take them on dates, and have a reasonable expectation of at least getting to first or second base. I remained an avid masturbator and had plenty of sexual relief. Life was great and I could see a normal, heterosexual life for me taking shape.

Somehow I was able to completely shut off all thoughts of gay sex from my mind. It was if all of that had never happened - as if it was simply something I had read in a book and remembered. I'm certain I could have passed a lie detector test denying ever having participated in any homosexual activity. Whenever I had sexual fantasies, I thought about women in every shape and form and act imaginable. On the few occasions that a gay thought entered my mind, I was able to recall the less savory parts of my experience - the fear of AIDS & STDs, the nasty smells of public restroom sex and fear of getting caught, the time I was almost gay-bashed and the fear I felt (especially the fear of it becoming a news item and outing me) and I was able to physically feel sick and lose any sexual arousal instantly.

I was reformed, it was all part of the past - a past I would never need to acknowledge or discuss with anyone.

My life was good and getting better. I dated several nice girls, and had a few flings with a few less than nice girls, without doing any harm to my professional reputation. I met wonderful girl that became my soulmate and we married after a year of dating and a year being engaged.

Fast forward a few years, and life is still good. A happy marriage to a beautiful woman - enjoying sex at least two times a month, a nice 3 bedroom house in the suburbs, 2 wonderful kids, and a happy, middle class life.

One remnant of my younger days is my healthy masturbation practice. Naturally I needed to adapt to life in a full house and gravitated to a soapy jerkoff while in the shower. I was careful to layer my lengthy showers as the end of my daily, early morning exercise program. I kept in shape with aerobics - preferring my Nordic track to any other exercise. Genetically, I was not destined for large muscles, so my exercise kept me at a thin and respectable 140 pounds, and 28 inch waist.

One day I worked through lunch on an important presentation. When I submitted a final draft to my manager for review at 2 o'clock, I felt good and thought I'd treat myself to a lunch out and take the rest of the day off. I left the office and drove, without a clear plan or destination in mind. As I approached a strip mall I saw a sign for a Marty's Shoe Outlet and thought that this would be a good time to do a little shopping and pick up a pair of shoes for work.

Typical for a late afternoon, the store seemed nearly deserted, which was fine because I didn't want to be there all day - just wanted to find what I wanted and leave. As I wandered through the aisles of men's shoes, I'd notice the women's shoes at the ends of the aisle. Somehow without much thought I wandered over to the ladies shoes, not just the end of the aisle but deep into women's territory. A salesgirl appeared - she seemed about my age, thin, pretty with dark Indian features, bright eyes, and a nice smile. She asked if there was anything she could help me with.

I started to stammer and blush, "No, I'm just looking to pickup something for my wife..." hoping that would get me out of it.

"OK, perhaps I can help - do you know her shoe size?" she asked helpfully.

"Well, she's worn my sneakers before, so I think hers feet are about the same size as mine, as I remember"

"Oh so perhaps a ladies size 10 then?"

"Yes perhaps" I answered.

I think she sensed my awkwardness and simply said "OK - well if you need any help, please feel free to ask" as she smiled and walked away.

As she made her way to the front of the store I saw her talking with an older Indian-appearing man behind the counter. I started to worry that they were talking about me, and I was afraid that I'd get kicked out, so I moved back over to men's shoe aisles. I choose a pair of wingtips and sat down to try them on. Just then the man walked into my aisle and smiled down at me - "Are you finding everything OK sir?"

"Yes thank you".

"And you had some interest in a ladies shoe?"

"Yes, but, I..."

"If your wife's shoe size is similar to yours, it is OK to try it on, as you can see there is no one else in the store..." he added.

He had a nice face with medium dark skin - Indian, perhaps Pakistani, like the girl, and spoke English but not as well as the girl did. As I glanced around the room he stepped back and held his arm out, gesturing for me to go over to the ladies side - "Please sir, it is OK here - no other customers are here now and we can close the shop for a few minutes while you look".

As I hesitantly stood and started walking he called over to the salesgirl in a language I didn't understand. She smiled a nice, friendly smile and walked over to the front door, turning the lock and flipping the "open" sign around.

"Oh, that's not necessary - you and your, your wife have been kind enough already", I stammered as we walked over.

At this point he was walking next to me and said, "Oh - not my wife, Surina is my sister, but she understands these things..."

His hand was on the back of my shoulder guiding me into an isle of women's shoes...the other pointing to a display of a low heeled black pumps - "Was it this you were looking at?"

"No, it was those over there" I said, walking past those heading toward the sandals. The walk to the other isle with this man following closely behind me, watching me, was slow and terrifyingly silent.

"Yes, these are very nice" he said, picking one up and looking it over. He shifted his gaze to me and smiled "Please, feel free to look and try on, this is my store and it's OK for you here..." he held the shoe out for me and, as he placed it in my hands, he patted my shoulder.

He politely walked away as I turned my focus back on the shoes...my head was spinning and my heart was racing...I wondered if he knew what I was doing - was he mocking me? Maybe he was just trying to make a sale.

I set the shoe down and moved along the aisle, looking at the other samples and the prices. I came to a shoe I liked and stopped to admire it. Self consciously I glanced up to the front of the store. The salesgirl was sitting on a high stool chair behind the counter, reading a paperback. She looked over at me and tilted her head inquisitively. I turned back to the shoes.

The sandal was very pretty, delicate - it was in a champagne colored satin with rhinestone decorations and a tall, spiked heel. I hadn't worn heels in years but I found myself fantasizing about how it would look on my still delicate feet and how sexy it would feel to walk around in it. I noticed some motion and turned to see the owner walking toward me. "Have you found something you like?"

"Yes, this one is very nice" I replied showing him.

"Yes, very beautiful...would you like to try on"

Nervously I replied, "Well, maybe I'll come back later..."

"Well let's first figure out your size, then we set them aside, OK? It is a very lovely shoe...please?" he asked, motioning for me to sit on the padded bench nearby.

"Alright, I guess I have a little more time" I mumbled as I slid into the bench. He quickly knelt before me and started untying one of my shoes, opening it and lifting my foot, sliding it off of me. I froze and glanced down at him as he held my foot and placed it against his kneeling leg, both of his hands were warm and gentle on my foot - "Please sir, let me help you" he said in a quiet voice looking up at me "it's OK here, no problem for you".

"Well if you don't mind..." I replied as I felt my small nuts start to tingle.

Both of his hands moved up my leg and started to roll my sock down. He lifted my foot, removed the sock and set my foot back onto his leg. He straighted out the sock, set it on the floor asked if it was OK to measure my foot. "Yes please" I gasped quietly, my heart racing, my face feeling quite flushed.

I watched him as he rose and walked away to get the measuring tool. I noticed that he tried to discretely adjust his crotch and I realized that he might actually be enjoying our little interaction a bit. I examined him closely - he seemed about 45 or so, not very tall, maybe 5-8, a thin body will a small gut hanging over his belt, thick black hair cut short and parted on the side.

As he knelt before me again he produced one of the disposable stockings they provide for the women to try shoes on with. He slipped it onto my foot and smoothed it out slowly, finally placing my foot on the cold metal device. "Lovely, looks like a 10 would do well" he smiled. Once again he was holding my foot with both hands, this time tracing his fingers along the outside of my foot. "Is your wife's foot also narrow and smooth like yours...or would she require something wider?" he asked looking up at me.

"No, just like mine, I guess a 10 please..." I managed to say.

"Lovely, let me get for you"

He hurried back with a shoe box and handed it to me, then he expertly removed my other shoe and sock and carefully placed a disposable ped on the other foot too. I was in a daze staring at the beautiful shoes in my lap, feeling my heart race and butterflies in my stomach.

"May I have one please?" and I complied by handing one of the heels to him. He slipped my foot into it and set it on the floor, closing the strap around the ankle. "Very nice shoes you have chosen" he commented as he took the other and placed it on my foot. His hands lingered on my feet, checking the width and length.

"Do they hurt or feel too tight?"

"No, they feel fine, I think"

He looked up at me with a sad, pleading look. "You can walk now, please" he said inching back from me. I gulped, staring down with fear noticing the hardon that was barely concealed by his trousers. "No, I don't think I could, you've been very helpful, but..."

His eyes pleaded and he said softly "It is OK, my sister will not bother you...we are closed and she has her book".

"But no, I, I would feel very awkward, you've been very nice but..."

"But you like them? Yes - they look very pretty on you, yes?"

"Yes, but..." I was blushing a deep crimson and buried my facing in my two hands, knees together, hunched over, just sitting there. I thought I might cry and was becoming terrified.

"It's OK if you like to wear sexy shoes" he whispered. I felt his hands move up under my pants leg and take gentle hold of my calves. "You have no problem from me...I know some men are like that...it's no problem from me."

Through the gaps in my fingers I watched as he took one his hands away and stroked the head of his cock which was now rigid and snaked underneath his pants leg. I cleared my head and sat up straight, pretending not to notice.

"Thank you, you've been very kind, these are quite lovely shoes, I....I just think the heel will be too high to walk in."

"Well, perhaps you can try to walk a bit, it looks very nice on you, very sexy shoe...please, it's OK, no problems...". He remained kneeling but at this point he'd moved one hand back to his leg. I wondered if he was trying to conceal his erection or trying to stroke it without being seen.

I smiled down at him and very slowly extended my one leg toward him, pulling my pants leg up to show my smooth, hairless leg and pointing my toe which was now almost touching his crotch. I raised my eyebrows and bit my lower lip and teased, "Well they do looks nice on me, don't they?"

"Yes...very pretty, a nice shoe"

As he said this I let my foot pivot on the high heel and rest along his leg, glancing against his boner. His eyes met mine and he rasped "Please walk now, it's no problem".

I started to look around the store, we were clearly alone, the door was locked and the sister seemed happy to stay up at the front of the store with her book. Although there was no traffic on the sidewalk, the large glass windows still gave the whole store a very open - exposed - feeling. He must have read my thoughts and said to me "You can use the back room, there is good privacy for you there, if you wish, it's no problem for me".

Our eyes met again and I nervously wondered who was teasing who, who was seducing who here? The sister politely cleared her throat as she got up and started walking toward us. I panicked and froze and looked down at him. He held his hands up to me in a calming gesture - "It's OK" he mouthed.

She stopped a respectful distance from us and smiled down, first at me, then at her brother, then back to me. "Oh, that is a very nice shoe you have selected..." her smile brightened and her eyes widened slightly as she added "...for your wife. They are very nice."

"Surina, thank you, but I think our friend, mister, mister..." he said looking up at me,

"Dave" I said, making up a name.

"Mister David would like some privacy please".

"Yes, of course Bala. I am going next door for a chai - can I bring something back for you and Mr. David, a coffee or tea, perhaps"

"No thank you...I'm fine" I said, trying to ignore the obviously bizarre situation I was in.

"Same then, nothing for me sister".

"OK", she smiled warmly to me "have fun shopping!" and gave a parting glance to her brother. As she walked away her brother and her spoke to her in their language. When she closed the door behind her we heard the jangle of keys and the sound of the lock being turned.

We sat frozen for a minute after she left. To break the ice he whispered, "It's OK, very OK now, she will be gone a while, she took her book...she understands this thing".

I nervously wondered what, exactly, she understood...but was afraid to ask.

"We can go in the back now - it's private and you can walk and see how they feel to you".

"Yes, OK...but I don't think I can walk all the way back there in these...would you help me take them off please?" I asked.

"Yes, let me help you" he replied as he attentively removed the shoes and the peds from my feet. He placed the shoes back in the box, rose and held a hand out to me. Realizing that he was offering to help me get up, like a man would do for a woman, I gently placed my fingertips in his hand and stood up. In bare feet I followed him as he walked to the back of the store. My heart was racing and I wondered what I had gotten myself into as he walked through a doorway marked 'Employees Only'.

"So, this is very nice of you...do you do this kind of thing often?"

He looked over his shoulder at me smiling, "No, not very much".

"Well, you said that you're sister Surina 'understands'...what does she understand about this?"

He stopped and turned around to look at me. We had passed the shelves of inventory and now were in a small room. There was a table with two chairs and a small TV, an old couch and we were standing on a old, but very thick carpet. The smell of strongly spiced food hung in the air and I guessed that we were in their break room. He glanced down at the box of high heel shoes in his hands and turned his eyes up to me.

"My sister understands that there are sometimes boys or grown men, that enjoy very much to wear a ladies clothes, or act like the woman...and my sister she knows that sometimes there are men that like to be with this special type of girl man. She knows that about me. In my country it is common, it is OK."

My breath caught in my throat and I broke his gaze and looked down with embarrassment.

"This is true, you are this way, yes? You like to wear woman clothes, yes?"

"Yes" I whispered.

"It's OK" he whispered back. He reached a hand out to me and once again I placed my fingertips into his hand. I was frozen in my spot staring down at my feet, he literally had to tug me over to him. Like a zombie I moved and stood against him. I hadn't been this close to a man in over a decade. He was shorter than me and he pressed his lips against my neck, stroking his tongue against me and whispered "It's OK".

I smiled and pressed my body against him. I turned my head to him and we kissed softly. His lips were thick and I smelled and tasted the spices of his lunch and the soapy smell of his cologne. He was still holding the box as we stood there, but with his other hand he placed my hand on his crotch so I could feel his cock in his pants. I gently squeezed and rubbed to know that he had a nice sized cock that was still not fully hard. He whispered into my ear "You will have good time, you...will be good for me, I think, yes?"

"Yes" I heard myself whisper...

"Good, we will be friendly. My name is Bala, I will be nice to you".

He moved to set the shoebox on the floor by the couch, and guided me to sit down. He held my face in his two hands and looked down at me "Please stay here, I will be right back", gave me a quick kiss and left.

He came back with a few items which he set on the table and motioned for me to get up and follow him. He walked me to a door which he opened to show a small half bath. He opened the cabinet and pulled out a facecloth, hand towel and a new hotel size bar of soap, which he laid on the vanity. He opened the vanity to show me a small bottle of woman's perfume, probably Surina's, and said "If you please - wash and clean yourself, please and then come out and I will have clothes and shoes for you to try on". His hand was caressing my shoulder, neck and ear and it was as if I was in a trance.

"Yes, of course...I'll be...right out".

He kissed me and left, closing the door. I stared at myself in the mirror. I wanted this so badly I could see it in my eyes - eyes which were rimming with tears. I had repressed these thoughts and sensations for years and now I just wanted to lay under this strange man I didn't know and have him force his cock into me and fuck me. I looked away and took a few deep breaths to clear my head.

OK, this could be fun, this could be good, one time only, he didn't know my real name. A little secret. How many of my friend and co-workers were cheating on their spouses? I was faithful years, one small slip now, if I was careful, wasn't too much to ask for. After all, this was something I could never expect my wife to understand, could never ask her to condone or be part of. Our relationship was strong, but I didn't know if it was strong enough to deal with something like this...why not have a small anonymous dalliance?

Condoms. Got to play it safe. I owe that to my wife. If he doesn't have a condom, then no fucking or blowjobs. Plain and simple. He'd have to settle for a handjob or rubbing against me. But as I swore this to myself I wondered if I would have the strength to follow through.

I stripped my clothes off and ran the water. I soaped up the facecloth and washed my face, arms and chest. I rinsed the facecloth out and swabbed down my feet and legs. Then I soaped up the facecloth and squatted to give my bottom and crotch a good cleaning. I ran the towel along my clean, almost hairless body. Since my college days I had taken a liking to a smooth body and had learned to use Nair hair remover with touch up shaving to keep it smooth. The only hair on my body was a small amount on my forearms, underarms, and a small tuft of pubes which I kept in a small triangular patch very low on my abdomen.

I had sometimes wondered about my wife's acceptance of my smooth, soft body. It had always been that way - she never knew me with full body hair so I guessed it wasn't a problem for her, though I doubt it was an outright attraction for her. She accepted my body shape and style and lovingly she never questioned my masculinity. She even indulged my one peculiarity - my sensitive nipples. She enjoyed playing with them, as I did hers, and she would often sit and lovingly pluck them as she gave me a handjob, which had become an important part of our sex life. Often, when she was having her period and wasn't interested in making love, she would acknowledge my need for sexual release with a long, loving handjob. Regrettably, she had tried giving me oral sex on our honeymoon and found that she didn't like it. So our love life became a simple matter of either intercourse or handjob, sometimes methodically, but always with care. Now, as I ran my hands along my smooth hips and narrow waist, I loved her for not questioning my appearance, which, I forced myself to acknowledge, was quite soft and feminine when nude.

Of course, no one but my wife ever saw me in the nude. I really disliked the beach and never was shirtless when working outside the home, so no one really knew how I looked except her. She supportingly dismissed my concern about my only sign of aging - the appearance of small man-boobs. The tendency ran in my family and was quite pronounced with my heavyset uncles. Although I enjoyed a faster metabolism and smaller frame, I was unable to avoid genetics. An aerobic-only exercise program gave my chest no muscular definition, so my breasts were soft, not very large, but clearly soft with puffy aerolas. Now as I cupped my breasts, I squeezed them and now, for the first time in years was happy with their look.

I stood up on my tiptoes, admiring my long, shapely legs and ran my hand over my firm, smooth butt. Although I had actively repressed all gay thoughts and activities, subconsciously I had maintained and perhaps improved my thin, curvy, feminine shape. My cock was starting to become erect and I considered jerking off so it wouldn't 'pop up' on me later...but then I thought that maybe that was something this guy was into...perhaps he wanted to play with my cock and would be disappointed if I couldn't get it up for him.

I reached for the perfume. It was not a labeled bottle, but a small artfully formed filled shape with a lavender colored liquid. I tilted the bottle to wet the applicator before removing it. The scent was exotic and feminine. I trailed several applications inside my wrists and along my neck, and a dab on my flat belly. I was clean and ready to dress for Bala, but I didn't want to put my work clothes back on. I folded my clothes into a small bundle and held them to cover my groin as I opened the door and peeked out into the store room. I padded back to the break room in bare feet, holding one arm across my breasts, the other holding the clothes bundle over my groin.

As I enter the room Bala immediately stood and smiled. He placed his hands together in a praying motion and bowed slightly - "Ohhh you look very nice, nice and clean thank you, thank you, please come in" he babbled. I stood on the carpet as he quickly moved past me to close the door. He stopped in front of me to take the small bundle of my clothes. I was cold and a little nervous and used on hand to cover my genitals, while my arm crossed my chest.

"We are OK here - only us. The store is locked and Surina will not bother us. Do you feel happy - OK with this?"

Dropping into my soft, quiet girl voice I answered "Yes, yes, I'm...very OK with this, thank you". "But I am a little cold", I added.

"Yes, I have some clothes for you".

He moved quickly, nervously, to the small table. "Here, please...please wear these" he said referring to a small pile.

He politely backed away to the couch. Dumbly I stood there staring at him.

"I would like to watch you please, your body is very beautiful to me, please let me watch you".

"Yes, of course" I said smiling. I approached the table and looked through the pile. On the top was a saree style blouse. It was a beautiful red cloth, with patterns printed on it in gold and turquoise, cap sleeves and a pointed v-neck. There was a long black skirt with a drawstring waist. There was also an exotically patterned length of cloth which I imagined was meant to be wrapped around the waist or torso, or both in some manner that I was unaware of.

Under these items was a pair of pantyhose - footless, sheer to waist, nude color. These items all seemed clean and were neatly folded but obviously not new, and I wondered if they belonged to Surina, and if so if she would mind me wearing them. I wondered if Bala had other 'girlfriends' that he brought back here to dress for him.

I turned my back to Bala and pulled the blouse on. It seemed to fit nicely, leaving my midriff exposed. I stepped into the pantyhose, pulling them tight along my legs. The skirt also fit nicely, long and slim. I decided not to bother trying to wrap the other cloth around me, figuring I couldn't get it right and it would look stupid on me. I turned around and was a little startled to see that, while I was dressing Bala had removed his pants. He stood there smiling and pulled down his baggy white boxers. I caught my breath. His cock was hanging, from fifteen feet away I could see it was thick, dark skinned, with the pink head just starting to peek out of it's foreskin.

"You look very nice to me"

"Thank You" I smiled.

"...but you should try on these lovely shoes".

I slowly walked over to the couch and sat down, crossing my legs, dangling a foot. With a tease I said "Won't you help me, please?".

"Yes, thank you" he said unbuttoning his shirt. I watched his cock and balls swing as he walked, transfixed. He knelt before me and took his time placing the sandals on my feet. His cock was starting to stick up under his small paunch. He looked up at me, the familiar lust in his eyes, saying "You can walk now please, walk for me".

I stood looking down, first at him, then at my feet. He moved aside and I walked slowly, foot in front of foot, remember the times I had walked in high heels over thick carpeted floors. I turned slowly and caught his gaze. He was sitting on the floor, leaning back against the couch with a dreamy look in his eye.

"Very pretty".

"Oh, me or the shoes?" I teased.

"Both...you, you are very pretty girl-boy".

I slowly walked to him and stopped and, watching him I slowly lifted my foot to touch his cock with a stroke of my toe. Awkwardly he stood, and grabbed at me, pulling me into an embrace. I fell against him and we kissed wildly, his cock pressing against me. His hands were roamed all over my body, eager to prove that I wouldn't deny him. With one hand he cupped an asscheek and squeezed.

"Very nice body, very much like a thin girl...a woman...I need to make my cum into you" he whispered desperately into my ear.

"Yes" I whispered back, reaching down to stroke his cock. As I nibbled his ear I asked if he had a condom...he said yes, and directed me to sit on the couch. He walked over to his pants and retrieved a pack of condoms from his pocket, opened one and watched me as he rolled it down the length of his cock. He produced a small tube of gel which he squeezed into his hand and wiped over his now fully erect cock. He walked across the room to me with his cock sticking straight out, leading the way.

I gulped in anticipation and hesitantly stood to meet him. He roughly pushed me down to the couch and over to my side, pulling my hips up and head down as he placed a knee onto the couch. He was talking hurriedly in a language I didn't understand, but it was clear what was happening as he threw the long skirt over mmy shoulders to expose my bottom. His hands roughly pulled the pantyhose down under my thighs. One hand was between my shoulder blades, pushing down as the other separated my ass cheeks and probed at my rosebud. He must have noticed that it was dry, or sensed my quivering in fear because he stopped and said "Just stay, don't move, I make you ready".

His hands left me for a moment and I felt cool moisture being rubbed into my rosebud. I started to push and pull with my bottom muscles, hoping to invite him to enter me with a finger and help loosen me up. He tickled and pushed the outside and said meanly "Oh, yes you pretty hot girl, I feel your pussy asking for my dick. Like all girls you act shy and nervous and pretend 'no' but your body doesn't lie, you want my dick, Yes?".

I started to respond but he shhushed me, grabbing me tighter and pushing his cock into me. I was trapped in his grip but my bottom wasn't ready to take him and there was intense pain that I had never felt before. I tried to crawl away as cries of humiliation and pain escaped me.

"No, no - please!"

"Yes please, your hot bottom will be good for me!" he taunted in reply.

"Ow, please, ow..."

He was roughly speaking in another language as he tightened his grip and pulled us together. There was intense pain as he pushed.

"No, ow please..."

"Brother STOP!" yelled Surina from the door. The scene was frozen as we both looked back over our shoulders at her. "What are you doing, he said stop!" she yelled, her eyes wide, looking back and forth between us.

Still mounted on me he yelled at her and they argued in their language.

"She thinks I am raping you, so now you tell the truth, you want this, tell her" he spat.

Her eyes met mine with a sadness and fear. I looked down in embarrassment. "Yes, I...I. but...".

"Get off of her!" she yelled as she walked over to me. He climbed off of me and walked toward the corner of the small room, wrapping the saree around his waist with his back turned to us, hands on his hips. Surina kneeled next to me as I sat up and she spoke quietly to me.

"Are you OK?" 'Yes...I'm...fine, I think" "Do you need a doctor" "No, I don't think it was that bad, it was just..." She moved her face very close to mine and whispered, with her compassion in her eyes "Do you want to leave now, are you afraid? He will not stop you if you want to leave now."

Her question hung in the air, and when I didn't answer, she backed up a little and very gently touched my shoulder "Or do you prefer to stay here with him? To be like a kothi for my brother, to be like his woman in bed?"

"Well, I wanted too" I stammered "But he was...rough and...and..." with shame I admitted "and I have not done this in many years and...your brother is very big". My face was deep red with embarrassment

"'It is OK". She moved to sit next to me and gently rubbed my back as I hid my face.

Bala snorted and pleaded with his sister. She barked her replies and after a moment he scooped up his clothes and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

I felt like crying and was starting to shake with my head turned from her. Surina took a throw blanket from the top of the couch and wrapped it around my shoulders, rubbing my back briskly. She leaned in to see my face and smiled saying "My brother is a good man, he is nice, but he does not know how to be nice to a woman, he is a bachelor and does not date much...so his...his need is very strong, which is bad. I am sure he would like to be nice to you...but he doesn't know how".

I nodded appreciatively and looked at her, thanking her.

She grinned and added "I have seen him come out of the shower, I know his lingam is thick like a bull - and this is not an easy thing for a woman or a kothi, yes?"

We giggled, knowing the truth of it. "But you want to feel him inside you there, let him enter your body, - don't you? " she added softly.

I thought back to the days when I was able to take a whole cucumber into my bottom with pleasure and was now embarrassed that I had been so unprepared for this man, that I lead him on with my teasing and flirting.

"Yes, yes I do...I just wasn't ready".

"Well, my brother will not hurt you now, he will stop if you say stop. I will be outside listening, OK?"

I nodded to agree and she stood, telling me to wait there. She left the room and closed the door. I heard the two of them talking, she seemed insistent about something, and then the sound of footsteps walking away.

A while later Surina came back in the room carrying a roll of toilet paper and some other items I couldn't see. As she sat beside me she started wrapping a length of the toilet paper around her fingers and asked if she could see my bottom please, that she wanted to make sure I wasn't hurt. I felt like I could trust her, she was been very protective of me so I didn't resist as she gently pushed me over to my side, soothing me to relax. I felt her warm hand on my bottom as she coaxed me onto my knees, raising my bottom up. She gently pulled the pantyhose down and asked me to help her spread my bottom open with her. She wiped her hand into my bottom thoroughly and pulled it out, inspecting it for blood. She then peered in at my bottom a little more, finally giving my rump a gentle pat saying "It looks like he didn't hurt you, you were lucky". I sat up as she dropped the toilet paper to the floor and slipped on a clear plastic glove - disposable, like the ones food service workers wear.

She squeezed a large amount of clear lubrication from a tube into the gloved hand and rolled it around, warming it. "Let me help prepare your bottom so there is no more pain today, OK?"

When I didn't reply, she added "So please, remove your sandals and those pantyhose, which I'm afraid are ruined". I did as she said, cupping my hands to conceal my small cock and balls. She looked at me admiringly "You have a gorgeous figure you know...since your legs are so smooth I don't think you need pantyhose today...come, show me your love spot" she smiled patting the couch.

I sat beside her and rolled over to assume a bottom up position for her with my hands back and spreading my cheeks wide. Her gloved hand moved right into my 'love spot' and was rubbing and probing and expanding my tissue, with fingers and thumb. She was being much more careful than her brother, but this wasn't love either, it was clinical - she was simply helping prepare me, and I was grateful.

As she prepared my bottom she complimented me on my figure and my long legs. She stopped with four fingers inside me "I think you are ready for Bala, with the lubricant now you are as good as any woman".

"I hope so" I moaned and she removed her fingers and reinserted the pointer, moving and probing deeply. She was tickling my prostate and I let out a small whimper.

With her ungloved hand she reached under and took hold of my boyhood, which was still soft. "I know you like men, but if you want I can help milk you so there is no problem with my brother, he does not care to touch this part on you I think".

I moaned my answer and with the finger inside me she started pushing and rubbing. Here other hand came away from my boyhood and placed a paper towel under me and then took hold of my hip. She spoke softly to me, part in her language, part in English. He soothing voice had a hypnotic effect on me.

"It's OK to love men", "You have a lovely body", "You give pleasure to my brother and we thank you", "You are my brother's sexy white princess", "It is nice that you like Indian men, let them love you, help them like a woman"

I felt my cum dribbling out of my limp dick, a surprising amount, as she continued probing and talking. It was mind blowing. She removed her hand, scooped up the paper towel, the toilet tissue and crossed the room to throw them out. I collapsed on the couch to catch my breath.

"Yes, I think you are ready now for my brother". She stood over me smiling. Slowly I got up and smiled back.

"Thank you, that was very nice of you, I never...never had anyone...touch me like that before".

"It's OK, you and my brother should have good, good sex now. Not like before."

Surina helped me finish getting dressed. Since the pantyhose were stretched and ripped, she cut the legs off with a pair of scissors and cut an opening in the back. I slipped this pair of shorts on to conceal my boyhood and we adjusted the opening to provide access to my bottom. When I put on the skirt, which she informed me was a petticoat, I asked these were her clothes or those of Bala's girlfriend. Surina laughed and said that Bala hadn't had a girlfriend in years, but yes, these were her clothes and she didn't mind sharing them with me. She had me slip on the high heel sandals and then had me stand before her so she could put the sari on me. It seemed like an intricate process of tucks and folds and wraps, but soon she was done.

"You look very nice, I think my brother will be happy"

"Thank you for all of this, I feel...very pretty"

"Yes, you are" she held my face gently in her hands, raised her eyebrows and added "I wish we had time to put makeup on you, or a veil, but my poor brother has waited long enough I think"

"Yes, but...how do I move around in this, how do I take it off?" I asked, standing there with some of the cloth draped over my left arm.

"Do not worry, you will sit here and I will bring my brother to you. Once I leave my brother will want...well, all men can remove a sari, not many can put them back, but that doesn't matter, you will have fun and please him, like a good girl now".

"Yes, I am ready now...I...I...want, to say thank you to you, you've been very kind".

"Good then, I will tell Bala that you are ready" she gave me a peck on the cheek and walked out, leaving me sitting on the couch. Next to me was the tube of lubricant she had used on me.

I heard footsteps and Bala walked into the room. He was dressed again and walked up and kneeled down in front of me, with his hands together as if in prayer.

"I want to say how sorry I am for being rough with you, you have lovely body and I am sorry, I wanted to make sex with you very badly. I will be nice and not force my lingam too strongly, OK?"

He seemed truly remorseful and as embarrassed as I was. I placed one hand on top of his and told him it was alright, that it was my fault I wasn't ready for him. He smiled and kissed my hand.

Playfully I added "I'm also sorry if you have lost your erection, would you please get naked for me" trying to take a little control.

He stood and removed his shoes, pant and underpants. His cock was starting to grow already. I reached out and started stroking it and tickling it lightly. "Yes baby, you can be good girl for me now" he said inching closer.

I cupped his nuts gently in my hand and looked up at him. "Please" he said holding his cock by the base "your mouth please", the other hand on my ear.

Obediently I bent and took his foreskin into my mouth, lightly licking the head that was starting to poke out. My one hand was still wrapped in the the sari, so with the other I took the shaft and started bobbing my head down moistly on his cock.

He patted my head as I did this for him "Good girl, nice baby"

As he stood before me he took hold of my earlobes with a slight pinch and pulled me onto him. We developed a rhythm like that, with him rocking his hips in as I bobbed down. His cock was very thick and erect. I felt a slippery ooze in my mouth and knew it was his precum. It had a strong flavor, probably due to the spices in his diet. When I took his cockhead in my mouth I knew that I was breaking my rule about condoms...but felt like I shouldn't got that way now...I had asked for a condom earlier and he obliged me and then I caused a scene...I need to let him know I meant business this time and would be there for him. Plus, I had to admit it, I wanted to taste him. I wanted to show him that...that respect.

He let go of my ears and placed a hand top top of my head. He withdrew his cock and gently tilted my head back to look up at him. I smiled.

He smiled too, and with his other hand he lightly bounced his cockhead against my chin and rubbed it along my face. "Yes, I thought you'd want to taste my dick...didn't you?"

"Yes...thank you..."

"Don't worry, when I enter your pussy I will wear a condom for you, OK?"

"Yes, if you'd like to, thank you" I was relieved and at the same time a little disappointed. As wrong as it was, I was looking forward to the after effect of love making, to feel a man's cum leaking out of my bottom again, further proof of my role as the pleaser, the recipient, the pasive, the bottom.

He took a seat next to me on the couch and motioned for me to rise. I stood before him, modeling the outfit. "Pretty white girl...turn around my kothi".

I slowly turned around and stopped with my back to him. He stood and started to unravel the sari, cast it aside, and resumed sitting on the couch. "Lift up your petticoat and show me your bottom".

I did as I was told, gathering the petticoat at my hips and, balancing in the heels of my sandals, bent forward to expose my bottom, which was eye level to him sitting there.

His hands came up along my thighs and his thumbs parted my butt cheeks. His thumbs were pressing into my rosebud, spreading it. "My sister tells me I should take more care with a pretty kothi like you; that if I treat you nice and make fun sex that you will come to me many times not afraid of my big dick...is this true?"

"We'll, yes, I suppose..." and I felt his lips on my ass checks, kissing each one, left to right to left..."Yes, you seemed like a nice man...and...someone I could trust..."

"And if you like Indian men, I can introduce you to friends, other men that would like to be your friend" he whispered as he probed deeper with one finger "I would like to share your nice white pussy with my friends, let them feel your soft body, let you please their cocks, is that maybe OK with you?"

"Yes, maybe if you wanted to....I guess..." I stammered as he turned me around and eased the two of us down onto the floor. I sat with my legs across his lap, our bodies intertwined.

"Sharing a pretty kothi like you would make me very popular...many men in our community need sexy times...and not all only old men like me, some young men, 15, 17 years old, have strong need for release but no girlfriend or wife yet. You would be very popular...always have men...my sister says you would like this...yes?"

My head was swimming, what did they talk about? Did she really say these things?

"I don't know...I..."

"Yes, only here, this room I will let them see you walk in sexy shoes", he whispered as he ran his hands along my body, exposing my breasts and taking one into his mouth. "You have beautiful breasts, small and soft" he teased. I was breathing heavily and my heart was racing. I was on the verge of simply laying back, lifting my knees and begging him to please fuck me. He must have sensed it, breaking away and reaching over for his pants. He withdrew a condom and started to open it.

He had hunger in his eyes, but also kindness, maybe based on his words it was even mercy. "I know baby, I can tell, you need to feel my lingam in you now, all sexy talk and all sexy touch make you hot for my lingam in your bottom, you are ready to be woman to me now"

It wasn't a question.

"Yes please Bala, please take me now".

He gently laid me back and lifted my legs back, exposing my rose bud. He quickly crawled in close, with his knees outside of my rump. He massaged more lube into my bottom and laid my ankles by his ears. "This position will help you not be hurt with my large lingam, please help by pulling your cheeks open please"

I did as instructed and he slowly pulled my whole body, bottom first up onto his lap. I felt his large bulbous head pressing and starting to enter. I pumped and pushed with my bottom to help with the entry. He started to lift his torso, pulling our bodies together. He kept the pressure steady and I felt a pop as my sphincter opened and the head pushed in. He froze and said "Yes baby, now let go of your pretty ass...good, now lay your arms over you head, out straight...good, arch your back for me...good girl...so warm and tight". He pulled our bodies together and entered me fully.

He rocked in and out, holding my legs against him and directing me to play with my nipples, which I gladly did. He felt good inside me and I was very happy to be on the floor with my feet up in the air watching him sweat as he started to push harder into my bottom.

He stopped and said that we'd change positions. He pulled out of me and laid back on the floor, resting on his elbows, his cock sticking up proudly. He directed me climb over him, facing his feet and place my knees outside of his, preparing to sit on his cock. He helped me to reach around and take hold of his thick cock and guide it into my hole. I sat back pushing out with my bottom and took his full length into me. He reached around and teased at a nipple telling me it was time to ride his cock. The pleasure I felt was intense as I rocked back and forth. What started out as a slow deep grind became and athletic maneuver of squatting up and down while he thrusted rapidly. It felt wonderful but my leg muscles were growing tired and he sensed it and he gently pushed me off of him. I sat down and breathed heavily, glad to have the weight off my thighs and my feet. I slipped the high heel sandals off, and Bala laughed saying that sexy shoes can hurt the feet.

We laughed and relaxed and I stroked the hair on his chest which was matted with sweat. He touched my shoulder "You are a very sexy kothi, very nice boy-girl. I notice that we have much sex, but still your small lingam does not get hard. Is this OK for you?"

"Yes, this is great, you don't need to worry about my 'little one', I'd rather play with your big one"

"Yes...you are very much like a woman, which is best."

We touched and talked some more and after a few moments he leaned over and started applying more lube to his cock, and I knew he was ready to start again. My bottom was sore from all the sex we had, but I knew that he needed to give me more and he was going to want to pound into me to shoot his load. I reached my hand out and he placed a generous amount on my fingertips which I rubbed into my bottom as he lubed his cock. He came in and kissed me, looked me in the eye with a grin and said "I need you to be woman for me, I have to cum very much baby"

"Yes baby, it's OK" I soothed "I'm yours now, I know what you want to do and it's OK" I kissed back at him. He guided my ass up and moved me onto my knees.. He brought a couch cushion down for me to rest my elbows on. He positioned himself behind me and between my legs. I reached back and helped guide his cock to my opening and he pushed in. After letting me adjust he started slowly, in and out. His thrusts became longer and harder, knocking the breath from me. He had a firm grip on one hip and the opposite shoulder. His face was laid on my back, kissing and breathing heavily as he continued. He was speaking in his language, mostly grunting and I heard myself whining quietly as he thrust into me. His sweat covered chest was against my back and we rocked and he continued pounding me. If Surina came in now she'd see a very different scene.

With both hands on my hips he raised his torso and gave half a dozen final deep, deep thrusts which slowed as he spent his seed. He collapsed on me and we laughed, exhausted. We lay coupled like that for quite some time.

After a while I thought I should get up and clean us up. I slipped out from under him, feeling his cock leave my bottom, and crawled to the couch. I took the roll of toilet paper and wrapped my hand with a large pad, which I reached back and used it to wipe myself. I looked up to see Bala watching me and was embarrassed, so I hurriedly threw the paper away. I took another handful of tissue and knelt before Bala and asked if I could remove his condom, which was heavy with his cum. He watched as I attentively removed it from him and wiped him clean. I pulled the throw blanket down over him and stood, wrapping myself in a second throw blanket and told him I need to use the toilet.

I walked along the cold concrete floor in bare feet, nude other than for the improvised panty short and the blanket wrapped around me. I was dizzy and had a headache, probably from not breathing enough. I walked slowly feeling the pain in my bottom and my leg muscles. At the bathroom only a lot of air came out of me, probably from all his thrusting. I was glad to see there was no blood on the tissue when I wiped and was glad for the help Surina gave me. I thought about Surina, whatever she said to Bala really turned him around and made him treat me very nicely.

I washed my hands and looked at myself in the mirror. Waves of emotion - guilt for cheating on my wife, lust for enjoying the things I had just done, anticipation of doing more, fear of getting caught - washed over me. My eyes were rimmed with tears.

The was a light knocking on the door "Mr. David, are you OK in there?" asked Surina.

"Yes" I paused to clear my throat "I'm fine, just cleaning up".

"I have your clothes here with me, I'll leave them by the door...you can get dressed and join me back in our room".

"OK, thanks"

I heard her walk away and after waiting a minute opened the door and picked up my clothes. I got dressed into my own clothes, throwing the panty shorts in the trash bin. I folded the items of Surina which I still had and walked back to the room with them in a small bundle. Inside the room I found Surina sitting on the couch, with her legs tucked under her. Bala was no longer in the room. Surina motioned for me to sit with her, patting the cushion beside her. She rose and reached toward a low table that held a decorative coffee pot and a pair of matching cups and saucers.

"Bala went to clean up and run an errand, he will be back shortly, will you have a coffee with me and wait for him?"


She smiled and made doubtful, pouty face "Oh, don't you like my brother any more?"

"Yes, of course I like him..."

"...good, because he likes you, a lot, and he would like to see you before you leave...here sit", she continued as she poured us coffee.

Thanking her, I sat and took the saucer she handed me, and sipped the strong coffee. As we sat there, I had the chance to observe her closely: a very nice, thin figure in tight jeans, a tailored purple shirt - button up with over-sized cuffs and collar, long dark hair, cute little feet with red toenails in a pair of flat sandals. Her face was pretty, exotic with expertly applied makeup to her eyes and lips. She was watching me and smiling, as if she wanted to say something. To break the ice, I asked "Are you laughing at me?" with a smile.

"No, of course not, but I am surprised by you David, and...a little happy too."

"What surprised you?

"Well, when I first saw you in the store I thought 'handsome young man' and 'nice guy' and would have never imagined you...as I saw you late, with my brotherr"

"Oh...yes...well, I..." I stammered, "...and... how does that make you 'happy'?" I asked

"I am happy for my brother - that he has a new friend...that he had some fun...and happy for you I think because...I still think you are a nice guy, and that you had fun too...that this worked out for everybody, am I wrong?"

"No, it was very good for me...I am happy..."

"Yes" she giggled "I know, I heard you two through the walls - I know that you liked what you two did" she patted my knee, "...and that is as it should be."

We sipped our coffee as I blushed.

I wasn't sure if I really wanted to see Bala again after this, I had planned on it being a one time fling. However, as I sat there I started to wonder about the possibilities of continuing to see him, and his sister. I decided to ask Surina "When you came in on us the first time, you said some things to your brother I didn't understand"

"Yes, when I saw what he was doing to you, and that you didn't like it, I was very upset with him. It was not nice, he could have hurt you and it made me angry"

"Well, what did you say to him? It seemed to work..."

"I told him he must be a nice lover, and if your pussy is like a virgin he must go slow and help you with oil or grease or something in your bottom hole" and she smiled and added "I also told him that if he was nice to you and made you like the sex with him, that you would come back to him many times to be his sweet lover, that you would be wanting his big lingam in you, begging him to mount you. And maybe..." she trailed off.


"Well perhaps you might be interested in meeting some of his friends..."

"Oh, I see..."

She quickly added "It is not required of course, just one possibility..." she let that comment hang there.

"But even still my brother would be very glad to see you again...he is a good man and he has no lover or hope of marriage at his age, he is almost 50", she sat next to me with a hand on my shoulder, like she had earlier, "and I think you know that he likes you, and that he can be very nice to you...", she peered into my eyes, "and help you, give you good feelings, feelings that, that you don't get... with your wife..."

My head was spinning with this conversation, I had only wanted one sexual encounter but was being lead into the possibility of some sort of relationship. I broke her kind gaze to stare into my cup.

"Well, I did have a very nice time with your brother, but this was all so, unexpected...I don't know...".

Surina started to refill my cup, pausing halfway and catching my eye "These things are your choice of course, we will both keep your secret safe, but I do hope you will consider this request to be my brother's lover."

Sensing that this may be the last time I saw her, I sipped my coffee, set down my cup an turned to face her saying, "Surina I do want to thank you for your help today, you were very kind and helpful to me and...and when...when he...well, you said the right thing to him and...and he was very nice to me afterward...I had a very nice time here and I want to say 'Thank You'".

She placed a hand on my knee and smiled "I was glad to help you, and I want to say thank you for being so loving to my brother, he is so lonely and doesn't have many good times like this...so I hope you will consider coming to see us again, I would really like that".

I couldn't help but smile at this very nice, very pretty woman - a younger sister that was trying to advocate for her older brother and set up him up with me.

We heard noise in the shoe store and looked at the door to the room as Bala walked in. He was dressed now and carrying a small plastic bag. He smiled his hello and said "So is this now the time when the two girls talk about the lonely old brother?"

We laughed our reply as he removed his jacket and hung it on a hook. I watched him as he removed a small package from the bag, set the bag down and walked directly to me with it out in front of him. Smiling he knelt down in front of me. I looked at Surina and giggled "What is this?"

She laughed back "Don't ask me, speak to him...you two do know each other after all".

Turning my head back to Bala he bashfully said "I want you to know, that I very much liked your company today, that I hope you will come to be with me again, and I have a small gift for you to remember me and the fun we shared".

I took the small box from him, demurely stumbling out with "Thank you Bala, I also had a lot of fun today...and was glad...glad that you were so nice to me, both of you".

They both seemed pleased with my reply so I looked down a the box.

"Please, you can open this now, it is for you".

They watched me as I carefully removed the gift wrap and opened the box. A nice pair of dangling earrings - they had large freshwater pearls in a drop shape, clip on style, with dangling chairs and a silver ear cuff. Clip on style, I could wear these. They were very attractive and my heart bounced in my chest.

"Oh thank you Bala, these are beautiful, you shouldn't have..." I said as Surina purred her appreciation of the selection over my shoulder.

"Let's try these on now" Surina added, taking them from me as I fumbled with them "I can help teach you these things" she stage whispered.

I turned and tilted toward her as she clipped them onto my earlobes. She cuped my hand in her face and smiled at me "Oh, very pretty".

I turned to Bala and he smiled his approval, "Yes, very pretty".

Surina leaned in to me with a hand on my shoulder and stage whispered "When a man give a woman a gift, if she likes it she should show her appreciation with a kiss...' as she gently pushed me forward. I leaned in to Bala and kissed him softly on the cheek, whispering my thanks.

He reached up and held my face in his hands, kissed me lightly on the lips and on the forehead, and stared into my eyes. "You are quite lovely girl for me, I very much would like you to return to be with me and," as his fingers moved to take hold of my earlobes he whispered quietly, "when you wear these earrings I want you to remember that when I held your earlobes, you held my lingam in your mouth, pleasing me like a naughty girl".

I blushed, looking away. "Brother, be nice!" Surina mock-scolded him, "be nice to, to Mr. David". Apparently she heard everything. He pulled me in for a hug, running a hand through my short hair, down my back and landing on my bottom with a squeeze.

I sat back on the couch next to Surina and Bala stood.

"Yes, I will always be nice to my new friend, but when he is here with me we can not call him 'Mr. David'", and turning to me "What should we call you?".

"I don't know, I..."

"Let me name her; how about 'Daya' brother?"

"Yes, I like that - it means 'kindness' - can we call you Daya my sweet?"

I smiled and agreed.

Bala stood before me, formally taking one of my hands in his, his other hand he placed on his heart. "Well my good friend Daya, I truly am very happy that you came into my store today and that we were able to share good, fun times today. I am sorry that I was not respectful of your body in the beginning and I am grateful to my little sister for her correction. I hope you had a good time and will come again to have a coffee with your good friend Bala".

"Thank you Bala, for everything"

He looked from me to his sister and she nodded approvingly and batted her eyelashes. Turning back to me he said "I will leave you now finish your coffee and have girl talk". He smiled, kissed my hand, and walked from the room.

To help let a moment pass, I pretended to sip at my coffee which was now cold, and mostly gone.

"Would you like some more?" asked as she stood and retrieved the coffee pot from the trivet.

"Oh, no thank you, I've had plenty and I probably should be going home now".

As she poured us both new coffees she said "Home...to your wife..."


"But it is still early, please stay and talk with me Daya, you can be my friend too."

End Part 10

Next: Chapter 11

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