Learning to Serve Series

By John Smith

Published on Dec 28, 2011


Learning to Serve

Chapter One - Arrival

Disclaimer: All rights reserved. No part of the story can be reproduced in any form without the permission of the author.

Several Masters and Sirs on the web have asked for this story, so i thought i'd post it here. Respectfully to the Masters involved, i have embellished some. The names, dates, and places are changed to protect all involved. This is loosely based on a true story. Your constructive feedback is very welcome at obedientboy4SIR@gmail.com. Please, enjoy.

This boi's first leather BDSM experience was at a California event a while back. After two months of chatting and preparing, i anxiously got on a plane. It was a short flight, but with a weeks worth of pent up cum, my balls ached the whole way. As ordered, i wore a tight pair of Levis, my old black Docs, black leather belt, black socks, black jock, and a tight black tee. Everything i had packed was strictly ordered, nothing extra. In my carry- on bag i had a black leather cockring and some magazines. Once the plane landed, i texted Master that i was there. "get your boi ass to the restroom and put that cockring on now" was the strict response. i found the nearest Men's room opposite the gate area where i entered. Inside the last stall i opened the carry-on and pulled out the cockring. My boi dick was getting hard fast, so i had to work quickly to get the cockring snapped into place. By the time it was snapped, my dick was a rock solid six-inch boi cock. i snapped a pic and texted it to my Master, he replied tersely "put that away boi, don't touch it, get your shit and get in a cab, now."

I pulled myself together, tucked away my hard-on. My Levis bulged obscenely. There was little i could do to hide it; mostly i tried putting the carry on in front of me. i walked to the baggage claim area and watched for my suitcase. As much as i tried to hide it, i caught more than one leather guy looking me up and down and smiling. The baggage took forever. After a few minutes, one very tall and handsome Sir came up to me and asked me if i was there for The Event, i answered "yes Sir." He sneered and patted my ass, "what resort boi?" i told Him where i was staying and that i was to be a collared boi for the weekend. "hmmph, not collared yet though" He said, patting my ass even more. "no Sir, just under orders to be respectful to my Superiors and not to touch my dick until ordered Sir" i replied in a hushed whisper. My suitcase finally came around the conveyor and i grabbed it. He had His. "My resort's near yours boi, follow Me." Grateful to not have to worry about a cab, i followed Him.

He grabbed a cab and as the cabbie opened the door for us, He appeared to pay the man in advance. He put His hand on my head and pushed me forcefully into the backseat of the cab. He chatted with the cab while the cabbie loaded our bags. He got in and said "shirt boi" holding out His big meaty hand. i looked puzzled, He repeated "shirt, now." He looked impatient and i wondered what i'd gotten myself into. i took my shirt off and handed it to Him. He smiled, reached over and rubbed my head, "good boi." He pulled my head to His lap and unbuttoned His jeans. i guess i was paying for a cab ride after all. His cock was a good seven inches and quite thick. i had trouble getting it in my mouth at first, He pulled my head up and spit in my mouth. The added lube helped and soon i was sucking His cock like no tomorrow. "This'll be quick boi, don't make a mess" He ordered; all the while tweaking the hell out of my left nipple. i did my best to keep it quiet and the sloppiness contained. Just as my jaw started aching, He pushed on the back of my head and forced His cock deep in my throat. i saw stars, started to choke, and he slapped my head. "easy boi, almost there" he said. A few more pumps and He was there, firing a good five ropes of cum into my hungry mouth. Like a good boi, i took it. i swallowed it. i love cum.

i nursed Him back to a normal state, still a big cock. i gently tucked Him back into His jeans and rested my head in His lap. The cab stopped about a minute later. i was sure we were being kicked out, but the cabbie announced the name of my resort. It was a fast cab ride. Sir got out and hugged me goodbye "be a good boi for your Master, He's a lucky son-of-a-bitch." He slapped my ass, smiled at the cabbie and the cab took Him away.

i pulled myself together best i could, standing curbside at the resort. i put my tee shirt back on and looked at my phone. Master had texted me the code to the main gate of the resort. i'd been to this resort a couple years ago, so i knew my way around. It's clothing optional, gay-owned, and booked solid on weekends like this. His instructions were clear, "enter the resort, leave your shit by the door to room 112, strip completely naked and find Me at the pool."

i found room 112. Each room had a semi-private, small porch area and stripped naked, removing my boots, clothes and cockring. The rooms were built around the central pool area and i could see my Master from there. i walked over, my adrenaline was pumping and i was a little nervous. A million thoughts ran through this boi's head: He is as sexy as His pics, look at His guns, His pecs, His... wow - look at that bulge... Master was lounging in a chair with a black speedo on. There was a beach towel folded neatly next to His lounge chair. He pointed to it as i approached. i knelt down beside Him and waited. "welcome to the desert, boi" he said as he reached out and rubbed my head "i heard my friend Joe got you here in style." i was a little surprised. How did he know?

He pulled my head into his armpit. Reading my mind, he said "I know everything, boi." He laughed and rubbed my head, reached down and stroked my hard dick a few times. His musky man smell was intoxicating. i thought i'd lose my load right there. He gently lifted my head up from his sweaty pit, smiled at me, and gently slapped my face. i smiled back and said "thank you SIR." For someone new to this, it felt like home.

Master handed me the room key and instructed me "go to the room and make sure you're clean, boi. Then empty your suitcase neatly on the bed, boi. Put on your motorcycle boots and kneel in front of the bed for inspection, I'll be there in ten minutes, sharp." i thanked Him, stood up. As i turned to leave, i got a sharp slap on my ass and hurried to the room.

Inside the room, i quickly douched out remembering His instructions from weeks of online video chat: always spotlessly clean, always lift both toilet seat and lid (seats are for Masters only), never any lube or lotion or anything scented when cleaning out. i was already clean, so it went fast. i emptied the suitcase into neat piles on the bed. Tee shirts, jocks, socks, jeans, toys, toiletries all neatly laid out. i put the motorcycle boots on and knelt at the foot of the bed, just as He turned the handle on the door and walked in. Also as instructed earlier, my gaze was always downward unless He changed that. i stared at the floor.

Master walked around the room, putting His stuff down, picking other things up. Then he stood in front of me. He'd put His big black boots on. He kicked my legs apart and stepped right between them; his bulging speedo bumping my forehead. He pulled my face into His crotch. "you like the smell of your Master, boi?" he asked. My boi dick was dripping a constant stream of precum.

"SIR yes SIR, Master." i answered inhaling His smell. "Are you going to be a good boi for me this weekend, boi? what's your slave oath?" he asked, still holding my head in His crotch.

"Yes Master, I'll be your good boi, Master. This boi is here to serve His Masters desires, submit to His whims, and obey His commands explicitly, Master" i'd memorized that oath over the last few days, repeating it every chance i had. "good boi" he said, rubbing my head. He reached down and lowered the front of His speedo. His eight inch Master cock came into view, it was glorious. My boi dick throbbed. "open" he commanded. i opened my mouth and he explored it with a couple of His fingers, before putting His cock in it. In my eagerness i started to immediately suck it. i got a nice hard slap on the back of my head, "did i say suck it, pig?" i stopped and calmed myself down, and tried to mumble out a "no SIR, sorry SIR" around the big helmet in my mouth.

"Listen to me, pig. i'm going to put My collar on you. Once it's locked, it's there, pig, until I take it off you. Got that, pig?" he sneered. i mumbled a quick, "yes Master." i heard the dog chain clink, then felt the cold metal on my neck, then the snap of the master lock and the weight of it all. It was heavy, but not really tight; like a chunky silver necklace. i was very happy and proud. After a few months of searching, i was a collared boi. My boi dick was dripping like crazy. Then the command i was dying for came, "suck."

i sucked that big Master cock for all it was worth. This was my first test and i didn't want to fail. It was a big cock, nice thick girth and veiny. i bobbed like no tomorrow. Licked, sucked and slurped like it was my last meal. "balls, boi" came a command out of nowhere as Master pulled His cock from my mouth and stroked it, revealing two perfect plum sized nuts. i groaned out a "yes Master, thank you Master" before sucking one, then the other into my eager mouth. "get 'em both in that pig mouth, boi" he ordered, stroking His cock. i struggled, opened my mouth as wide as i could and sucked both plums in, worshipping them with my tongue and best i could.

"Eyes up here, bitch" He commanded and i looked up. His tower of cock meat obstructed most of my view, but occasionally i could see Him sneering down at me with twinkling blue eyes. God, i wanted to jack my cock so bad, but something inside told me better. He cock whipped my forehead, then pulled His balls out of my mouth and shoved His Master cock in. It went all the way back in one fluid stroke. i started gagging like crazy. i thought i was going to throw up or pass out. He pulled back a little and said "eyes up here bitch, listen to Me, trust your Master." He shifted a foot forward and pinned my aching balls to my leg. My eyes opened wide in agony. He sneered at me, "who's balls are those, boi?" Speaking with eight incles of cock in your throat is impossible, but i tried to say "yours Master." i doubt i made any sense, but again, he knew my response. "That's right boi, My balls" he emphasized the point by shoving into them harder. He grabbed my head and skull fucked me like crazy. i sputtered, spit and slobbered everywhere, he jack hammered. Finally he growled deep and shot a good hard load down my throat. My boi dick convulsed and erupted all over His boots - a pent up week's worth of juice. He chuckled condescendingly, then pulled me off His cock and said "that's My throat too, boi." He reached down and roughly rubbed my neck. "Lick that boi snot off My boots, bitch" He commanded as He collapsed into the arm chair in the room. i eagerly obeyed, licking every inch of His beautiful boots.

Next: Chapter 2: Learning to Serve 2

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