Learning to Serve Series

By John Smith

Published on Nov 17, 2012


Disclaimer: All rights reserved. No part of the story can be reproduced in any form without the permission of the author.

Please Sirs, Masters, bois... please donate to nifty.org so that these stories can continue to be posted and hot times can ensue. Please Sirs, please. (bois, my brothers, do the right thing...)

Several Masters and Sirs on the web have asked for this story, so i thought i'd post it here. Respectfully to the Masters involved, i have embellished some. The names, dates, and places are changed to protect all involved. This is loosely based on a true story. Your constructive feedback has been great so far, more is very welcome at obedientboy4SIR@gmail.com. To all the Masters and bois who have emailed your compliments to date, thank you so much, this boi is very grateful.

Chapter Fifteen - Day One

It was a long night. my throat and ass got used at least twice before dawn. i was a sticky, sweaty mess of a boy, when i heard the alarm go off. With my hands cuffed i could only lay there and gently nurse on the cock in my face, it was huge and belonged to Guns. i couldn't believe that i'd been fucked by it a few times now. But then i twisted myself slightly and felt my sore aching ass and throbbing hole. i knew it was true. Pecs squeezed my tender cheeks and then got up and turned off the alarm. With little ceremony i was pulled out of bed and unlocked.

"Present, boy" was my good morning greeting. i stood and spread my legs and locked my hands behind my head. Guns sprawled out naked across the bed, He was absolutely beautiful. Thick, 12-inch cock, big orange sized balls, and a bubble butt that didn't quit, all of that was all complimented by muscles on top of muscles even fucked out, my boy- dick strained and dripped.

Pecs reached down and stretched my balls low in their sack. i moaned a little, but held my pose obediently. He snapped a harsh two inch stretcher on my nuts, keeping them aching and low. He ordered me into an old flimsy pair of running shorts and my running shoes. He pulled similar attire out of His bag and had me dress Him. The only difference between us was that He had a jockstrap and tee shirt, i was commando and topless. His basket in His flimsy gym shorts was huge. He took the cuffs and collar off and ordered me to the bathroom.

He pointed to the toilet and told me to use it. "Seat up, boy, toilet seats are for Men." He explained. He stood there and watched as i sat on the edge of the porcelain bowl. It was all i could do to piss and shit in front of Him, but after being fucked all night long i didn't really have a choice. It was a pretty dehumanizing moment and He knew it. He smiled a devilish smile the whole time. When i finished, He bent me over and wiped my ass. i wanted to die of embarrassment, He just laughed.

"Its not yours anymore, boy, get used to it" He warned.

He made us protein shakes in the kitchen - lots of raw egg and milk and fruit. And then we were off. It was cool for late summer, so the shirtless thing wasn't too bad. Still, my boy-nips were rock hard. Pecs set the pace, of course, and it was a hard run. He ordered me to stay two strides behind Him to His right. When He stopped, rarely, i was to crouch next to Him and look up at Him.

i think it must've been a good five or six mile run. my caged boy-dick and stretched balls flopped around all over the place. Every guy we ran towards checked us both out and smiled, gay or straight. i kept my eyes on Pecs and tried to not think about how exposed i was. About a mile into the run, i realized that what i looked like didn't matter. Pecs had full charge and responsibility for me and i trusted His judgment and direction. If He had ordered me to run outside, naked, i probably would have obeyed.

The last mile wrapped up near a city park where the trails wind through a dense wooded area. I'd never run there alone at this hour of the day, but Pecs confidently strode into the woods and i followed. Once we got far enough along the trail, He slowed and stopped. i crouched near His right leg as we both caught our breath.

"Doing good, boy" He complimented me, rubbing my head. i smiled and looked up at Him, His jock bulged. He ordered me to stand and He pulled the dreaded training clamps out of His pocket. They weren't exactly the same nipple clamps that Master used, but they had the same harsh little teeth to them. i got nervous and scared quickly and started to shiver. He sneered.

"Last set, best set, boy." He said as He clipped the right tit, then the left. A searing pain jolted across my chest and my tits were instantly on fire. i whimpered slightly and got a hard slap across the face. He explained that any pain was a gift to be incredibly grateful for and the proper boy-response was a loud and clear "Sir, thank you Sir!"

"SIR, THANK YOU SIR!" came out of my mouth, but not before He slapped my trapped balls, hard. Forcing a second, thank you from me immediately following the first.

"Guns was right, you are a fast learner. Let's hit it, boy." He ordered and He was off. The pace was faster than before, the chain between the clamps pulled hard with every stride. Sweat stung like hell when it trickled across my nips. i was sure the clamps were tearing into the skin, but had no time to look down and figure it out. It took all my effort to keep up and stay in line.

By the time we turned down my street, the sun was breaking on the horizon and i was eager to get inside. Pecs unlocked the door and hustled me upstairs. In the hallway, i dropped the shorts and kicked off the running shoes and squatted next to Him while He unlocked the door to the apartment. Sweat poured off of me like crazy. my balls ached so bad, i thought i'd pass out. my boy-nips were simply on fire.

Once inside the apartment, i undressed Pecs as ordered. His cock was semi-hard, hanging a fat 7 inches, quickly on its way to a full nine. Naked, He bent me over the back of the couch and unceremoniously shoved the hard niner up my ass. Sweat does not make a good lube. i screamed into the cushions of the couch, He just drove it home. i struggled to get away from it, but He held me in place and fucked like no tomorrow.

"Your Master might be a clean freak, boy, but i love sweaty boy-hole best of all. Now get those hands where they belong, there's gonna be some punishment for that." He grunted. i grit my teeth and put my hands behind my back. His bare hand swatted my ass and reignited the fire from last night.

"SIR thank you SIR" flew out of my mouth. Suddenly a naked Guns was in front of me. He lifted my head up and spat in my face.

"What was that thank you for bitch? The sweat fuck? The slap on your ass? The reminder of your hands position? We have a lot of work to do." He sneered. my mind was racing. i thought i was doing so well, but i was a complete fuck up. The tears in my eyes from the pain, now mixed with tears of confusion and disappointment. Guns stood and held my head up with one hand, Pecs continued to jack-rabbit fuck my hole. i was begging forgiveness and crying.

Guns shoved Pecs sweaty jock in my mouth to quiet me. Then He reached under me with His free hand and tugged hard on the nipple clamps. i screamed out my gratitude while Pecs moaned and fucked me harder. my body shook all over.

Pecs reached forward at some point and held me up by my shoulders causing my back to arch and then my ass to open for the final and thickest half inch of His cock. As He grunted, Guns positioned himself perfectly. Pecs orgasm started and the nipple clamps were released. my ass spasmed along with my entire body. i was in a sea of pain as every muscle tightened.

"SIR THANK YOU SIR" muffled out through the sweaty jock gag, just as i passed out.

A few sharp slaps to my face brought me back to the light of day. Pecs let me go and i fell into the couch. He slowly pulled His cock out of my ass, it felt like a mile of cock. Sweat and cum ran down my legs. i couldn't help but smile. What a way to start a day...

The smile was not missed. Guns laughed and rubbed my head almost lovingly. He pulled the jock out and i offered my profuse thanks and praise to both of them. Pecs told me shut up and lifted me up off the couch and carried me into the bathroom.

He dumped me into the shower and pissed on me before starting the shower and joining me. i stayed on my knees and washed Him as best i could. God, He was powerfully built, muscles on top of muscles. my boy-dick strained in its chastity. When told to, i stood and washed His torso, arms and back. i washed His hair and face carefully.

When He was cleaned up, He took a small brush i kept in the shower for scrubbing my nails and hands after a hard day in the garden and began scrubbing me. It was harsh and painful and i struggled to hold still. He slapped my ass and balls repeatedly to get me to focus. Each time i expressed my immediate thanks and gratitude. No soap, just hard plastic bristles to clean this boy. Not an inch of my body was over looked from my eyebrows to my toes to the lips of my tired boy-cunt and trapped balls.

In the end, He got out and dried off. i waited patiently and helped Him as best i could from a kneeling position on the floor of the tub. He threw me the wet towel and told me to hurry. i dried myself and tidied up the bathroom and met Him in the bedroom.

"What do you normally wear to work on Mondays, boy?" Pecs asked as He strutted towards the closet, naked and hot as hell. i explained that our dress code was a suit and button down shirt, tie was optional, shoes always shined. He looked over my suits and selected one that was newer and somewhat lower cut in the pants. i immediately worried that the chastity device would make my bulge obscene. Next He selected a decent tapered, slim fit shirt that really fit well. All the sudden i realized that my work clothes were pretty sexy and form fitting... how would that look now?

Guns came in with a pair of scissors and cut the tails off the dress shirt. "Extra material, boy. Nothing extra." He explained. Pecs walked up to me and tweaked my tenderized nips hard, driving His thumb nails into them and twisting. It hurt like hell and i struggled to hold still.

"SIR THANK YOU SIR" spilled, with all the meaning i could muster, from my lips. He sneered and handed me the altered shirt. i put it on. It would be difficult, but not impossible to keep it tucked in. my nips poked against the fabric, there was no hiding them. Clearly no extra shirt tail would be between my chastity cage or ass cheeks and the suit pants.

Next i was handed the suit. i pulled the pants on and they bulged, but it wasn't completely obscene. Still, people would notice and some would think i had a cock like Guns.

"you'll tell them it's a little six inch boy-dick when they ask" Guns explained as if He read my mind. i blushed and acknowledged with a yes Sir. The shirt rubbed against my nipples with every move and they stuck out, screaming for attention. The jacket didn't hide much. A thin black leather belt, black socks and shoes completed the outfit. i thought i looked damn hot. A sharp slap on my ass reminded me of who i was, i thanked them both.

"Remember how to ride the train, boy, the Boss will be checking. He'll have other orders. you'll meet us at our gym after work, 5:00 PM sharp, clear?" Pecs ordered. i acknowledged the orders. He handed me a card with the gym address on it. At the door, i knelt before them and kissed their beautiful cocks and feet and then i was off.

The train ride to work started uneventfully. i stood in the back corner of the train, found the hottest guy and focused on His crotch. my phone buzzed and there was a text from Master. i smiled and read it like it was a message from God.

"Describe him, boy." Was the simple message, my head scrambled. How did He know i was on the train looking at a hot Man? How did He know i was following the Big-dicked Man's specific train riding orders? Did He know how much i was loving this training? Did He want me to describe Guns? Or Pecs? A sheen of sweat instantly covered my body. The buzzing phone, brought me back with a follow-on message "NOW!"

"SIR, about 6'4" and 200 lbs, SIR. white collar professional, nice suit, and boxers or commando SIR." i texted back obediently. Instinctively, i crouched down almost to my knees as i texted him.

"good boy" was the simple reply and that was it... i felt empty and hungry. i was starving for His attention. It was all i lived for. my eyes teared up, i replied with a simple text back.

"SIR thank you SIR i love you SIR" but i got no response. i hung my head in disappointment and tried to focus on the day ahead. The train filled up. At every stop the sexy Man in the suit inched closer to me. i stayed crouched down, watching my phone, willing a message to appear. i glanced up often at the suited package moving closer at every stop. The closer He came, the more it was evident that He was commando in the suit and well-hung, clearly cut. Lighter weight summer suits are the best.

Finally the green light flashed, a new text, but not Master. This time it was the BDM.

"3 anonymous cocks today, boy, service them well." The message was clear, the train jostled to a stop and the suited Man was pushed towards me the final couple of feet. One leg landing between my knees, the other beside me. i looked up at Him and He smiled down at me. my boy-dick strained. He sneered and casually rubbed the back of my head, pushing my face into His crotch. No one in the crowded train noticed and honestly, i was so horny, i didn't care. my locked up boy-dick coupled with all the rough sex, had me on edge. And to top it all off, I'd been ordered to service three anonymous cocks and here was one already. It was going to be a good day.

i missed my stop, but didn't care. The big cut cock in-front of me was all i could see and smell and i had to have it. At the next stop, the suited Man grabbed my jacket collar and pulled me up.

"Follow me," He said, in a deep even-keeled voice.

"Sir, yes, Sir" i answered respectfully. He smiled and put His hand on my shoulder and directed me off the crowded train. We were six blocks from my office, in the old financial district. He kept His hand firmly on my shoulder and neck and directed me out of the station and to a nearby office building.

"Morning Jerry," He said to the security guard, who smiled and greeted Him enthusiastically. The elevator door opened and He pushed me in and immediately down on my knees. He slid a security card in the slot and selected a floor and then backed me into a corner.

"Today's your lucky day, boy," He sneered, shoving His suit covered cock in my face, "my regular botch boy is on vacation and I got exactly what you need." i moaned and expressed my desire. He backed up half a step and slapped my face, then forced His crotch back into my face. The elevator bell rang and the door opened. He, again, guided me up by the scruff of my neck and directed me to a door to a small office.

It was still fairly early, not even 7:00 AM, so the place was quiet and dark. He flipped on a switch or two and directed me to the corner office. Once inside, He ordered me to strip as He left me there alone. i carefully removed my suit and folded it neatly in a pile near the door. Then i stood in the present position with my hands obediently behind my head and waited.

"Whoooaaaa," He said walking into the office and casually touching my tender ass. "Somebody's been a very bad boi." He grabbed the chastity device and shook it, and i acknowledged that i was a slave in training. He ran His slender hands over every inch of my body, inspecting and prodding me like something for sale. Eventually, He asked if i was allowed to even be there and i explained the train protocol and the text this morning. He demanded my phone and i dug it out from my neat pile of clothes.

He was clearly hard as a rock, His cut cock tenting in His suit pants. He read the texts from the BDM and smiled, sitting down in His big leather desk chair. He snapped His fingers and pointed to my favorite spot... the place on the floor between a beautiful Man's spread legs.

"Get it out, boy, and get busy. Cock number one of three is ready." He ordered as He texted the BDM. i carefully unbuckled His belt and then unzipped His pants. No underwear, just nice meaty eight inch cock. i smiled to myself, grateful that i could take eight inches without a lot of striggle. It was clean and smelled slightly soapy. His bush, like the rest of Him was well manicured and metrosexual.

I licked my way up the shaft a couple of times, then just dove right in, taking it to the hilt. He gasped and grabbed the back of my head and immediately pumped my mouth and throat. He stopped me and said "lick My balls."

He was going to shoot fast, i could tell. i licked His balls, they were smooth and fresh. Then He handed me a business card and told me to hold it up by face with just the head of His cock in my mouth. i obeyed, working my tongue in His piss slit and over His frenum. He fiddled with my phone and eventually snapped a few pics of me. He checked out His photography and fiddled with the phone.

"Suck, boy, get your load" He said. i needed no further instruction. i sucked, swallowed and slurped on the meaty prize in my mouth for about five minutes and then He grabbed my head and held it tight while He pumped five squirts of Man cum into me. Riding the train was going to be great, i thought, as i cleaned up His beautiful wilting cock.

When He came, He was done. He let me put His cock away and zip Him up, but then He pushed me away with His foot and told me to get dressed and to get the fuck out. He tossed my phone to me as i was tucking in what there was of my shirt. He said nothing more.

Once dressed i left His office and headed for the front door. While i savored the salty taste of His jizz in my mouth, i really understood how low i'd sunk. This was crazy. i wanted more.

Next: Chapter 16: Learning to Serve 16

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