Learning to Serve Series

By John Smith

Published on Feb 8, 2012


Disclaimer: All rights reserved. No part of the story can be reproduced in any form without the permission of the author.

Several Masters and Sirs on the web have asked for this story, so i thought i'd post it here. Respectfully to the Masters involved, i have embellished some. The names, dates, and places are changed to protect all involved. This is loosely based on a true story. Your constructive feedback has been great so far, more is very welcome at obedientboy4SIR@gmail.com. Please, enjoy. To all the Masters and bois who have emailed your compliments to date, thank you so much, this boi is very grateful.

Chapter seven - Dessert

Sleeping with your arms bound behind your back is uncomfortable to say the least. Sleeping on my left side, made my entire left arm go numb. Spooned to a beautiful Master with a huge cock makes all the discomfort in the world worth it every minute of it.

"Now, isn't that sweet," i heard my Master say, as i opened my eyes. My movement and Master's voice startled Master Todd awake. He pulled me hard and tight to Him, taking my breath away. i groaned and caught my breath. He bit my neck than looked up at Master and shoved me out of the bed.

"Thanks man," He said to Master "what time is it?"

"Almost 1500 and time to get ready, the dinner starts at 1600" He replied tersely. The use of military time always confused me and i paused to do the math as i was getting to my knees on the side of the bed. The ball weight was really heavy now.

"Up, boi" Master commanded. i stood as quickly as i could, He half dragged me to my feet yanking hard on the collar. He stroked my boi dick and it sprang to life instantly, rock hard. "Good boi" Master rubbed my head, pulling me into His big chest, allowing me to lick His sweaty, sunscreen covered nipple. i remembered my nips and looked at them, they were very red and swollen from the suction cups Master Todd applied to them. He smelled my head and groaned. "A piss bath, huh? What a pig." He said as He untied my arms.

"Present" was His next order. "Snake bite cups?" Master asked Master Todd, as He swung the ball weight back and forth between my spread legs. Master Todd nodded and smiled. Master squeezed and removed them. A wave of pain washed over me, but i stood straight and tried to breathe through it. The second one was equally painful. Master roughly massaged my pecs and pronounced my tits to be 'a nice little work in progress.' i looked down at them. They were abnormally distended and angry red in color. The slightest touch was electric.

Master Todd just laid on the bed, His cock rock hard and slapping against His belly. "Fuck, i could dump another load in that cunt right now," He said, stroking His big niner.

"Jesus, Todd, get one of your own," Master joked, a little exasperated. i moaned softly, Master slapped my ass and pushed me out the door. "Plenty of cock comin' tonight boi, don't fret" He cautioned.

We got back to the room, my left arm and hand were gradually coming around. Master ordered me to clean up His mess at the pool; a few water bottles and beer cans, the towels, and some magazines. i brought everything to the room. Master ordered me to present and removed the ball weight. He said "shower, shave and trim boi... you need to look perfect in 15 minutes. GET GOING." With that He slapped me lightly across the cheek, smiling.

i hurried to the bathroom and shaved my neck and then my balls. i trimmed down my scruffy beard and did a quick check to make sure all the rest of my body hair was appropriately trimmed per Master's strict specifications. i jumped in the shower and douched out and scrubbed my body down with a wet washcloth. My nips agonized under the scrubbing washcloth. My hole felt sore and raw from the stinger whipping and Master Todd's hard fucking. My balls were full of pent-up cum and ached constantly from Master ministrations. The warm water felt good, but i was sore everywhere.

Master walked into the bathroom and felt the water temperature. He was naked and He joined me. the command was simple "wash" and i grabbed His soap and washed Him carefully. i went to use the washcloth and got a hard slap. "Don't put that dirty thing on me" He said condescendingly. i apologized profusely, jumped out of the shower and grabbed a new washcloth. He lifted His huge arms and i inhaled His musk before washing His pits. It was a shower and a worship session. Special attention was given to His magnificent cock, balls and ass. He leisurely enjoyed the water while i did my best to make Him as clean as possible. When He was done, He stepped out of the shower and started to dry off. i was commanded to stay put.

"Let's cool ya down, boi" He said, turning the water to a cooler temp. It felt good at first, but then He kept cranking it lower and lower, ordering me to turn and be covered completely with the quickly chilling water. By the time the shower was done, the water was completely switched to the coldest setting and i shivered under it. Master shut it off and ordered me out. Using His crumpled up towel on the floor, He lightly dried me off, inspecting every inch of me. The cold water effectively shriveled my boi dick and balls and somewhat soothed my nips.

"Main room, top drawer, get the neo" He ordered. We'd talked some about chastity, over the weeks of chat prior to this trip. The neo was a soft, pliable rubber chastity cage by birdlocked that He found to His liking. i found it brought it to him, after "presenting" for Him, He used a little lotion and placed it around my dick and balls. And then He secured my boi dick, padlocking it all tight.

"Some day I'll put a PA in that boi dick and lock it through there" He threatened.

My head was swimming at the thought of that day and the pain of the piercing, but i answered simply, "yes Master, as You desire Master."

Back in the main room, He'd laid out the attire for the night. i would be wearing a neoprene rubber bulldog harness with a matching black rubber jockstrap. The jockstrap had a nice yellow strip down the front. Master sat naked in the armchair. He motioned me over to Him and bent me over His knee.

"Your boi ass will be exposed all night tonight. i want it to glow a little" He explained. He then proceeded to spank my ass with His big hands. After a good 30 over-the-knee whacks, my ass was on fire. Obediently, i tried to hold as still as possible and make Master happy. The second set of 30 were crazy. i was bucking and begging before it was over. Master never relents.

With my ass reddened to His standards, i put the jockstrap and harness on. He smiled, reached over to the table and grabbed what I'd come to know as the punishment nipple clamps. i started to sweat and get antsy. Master looked sternly at me and i quieted myself down. On they went, electricity coursing across my torso. i held as still as i could. i shuddered and screamed as they went on.

"Now, now, boi" He chided me, slapping me hard across the face "do you want to please me or not, cunt?"

"yes Master, of course Master" i squeaked out.

"I know what'll help take your mind off of it and get you limber for tonight" he suggested. He reached into that dreaded top draw and pulled out the big dildo from the night before. "Open the doors, boi" He ordered. i was sweating and shaking, my whole torso was on fire. i opened the doors to our room, it was evening now and pretty quite outside. There was a nice warm breeze, but i was too worried to really appreciate it.

"I'm sorry Master, please Master, no please Master," i started to beg.

"Sh-h-h-h-h... easy boi, you need this and you'll thank Me later" He explained, pulling my head to His hairy chest, rubbing me, "now squat on the threshold and face out, boi." i was shaking still, but turned outward and squatted down in the doorway. He applied a very small amount of lube on His fingers and rubbed it into my hole and i waited. He planted the dildo firmly on the floor, the suction cup base made a swishing sound as it was anchored. "Hands on your head, boi" He said as He helped me balance. All my weight was now on my quads and calves. i started to cry softly as the head of the dildo pushed my still tender-from-the-stinger hole. Slowly it stretched to accommodate the cruel invader. Master wiped my tears away and smiled.

"I'd like to hear my pig boi recite His oath while His hungry cunt hole devours this rubber cock. You can start now, bitch..." He commanded, tugging sharply on the chain between my nipples. i screamed out and then began, obediently.

"Master, I'll be your good boi, Master. This boi is here to serve His Masters desires, Master. This boi is here to submit to His Masters whims, Master. This boi is here to obey His Masters commands explicitly, Master."

I repeated the oath again and again and again. The fat dildo slipped in, centimeter by agonizing centimeter. The pain in my calves and thighs burned like hell. It's hard to hold a squat position like that for very long. It was far and away the biggest dildo I'd ever taken. My boi cuntlips were stretched to the max. Between the rhythm of the oath, i tried to sneak in a little begging for mercy "oh... God... please... Master... please... please, Master, please..."

My begging was worthless. The giant rubber cock held firm. i impaled myself ever so slowly on it. i felt like i was losing my mind, tears ran down my face, but then again, precum dripped constantly from my caged boi dick. Occasionally a Master and His boi would wander past the room and smile at my predicament. When the dildo was more than half inserted, Master appeared behind me and rubbed my head.

"Nice work, cunt" He said, "you'll be good and sloppy for tonight." He'd reach down and lift me off the dildo and tell me to stretch it out. I'd stretch and help Him into His leather pants, then I was immediately placed back over the demon dildo. The squatting was repeated until i was a blubbering fool. Then he'd lift me off and i'd stretch again and put on His boots. It was repeated in the pattern for a good half hour, article of clothing by article of clothing. My ass was stretched so wide that i was beginning to fear that it wouldn't completely close up again. Of course, my tits never went unnoticed, Master yanked that chain harshly every chance He got.

Finally, Master was completely dressed. He looked magnificent. Snug leather pants that bugled with His huge Master cock and balls, a short sleeved leather shirt, left arm band, and a rebel black leather cap. Sunglasses and cigars made it stunning. Through the mind numbing pain in my tits and ass, i smiled when i looked at Him, He was my Master. i was His lucky boi.

"Clean your friend up and put it away, boi" He said waving at the big dildo. i loosened the dreaded tool from the floor and took it to the bathroom to wash it up. Master stopped me and asked "What the fuck do you think you're doing, boi?" i began to shake, knowing i'd done something wrong, but not having a clue what.

"i was going to wash this up Master, i'm sorry Master," i stammered, my shaking made my tit chain rattle slightly.

"Don't waste water on that, boi," He sat in the arm chair and pointed to the space on the floor between His legs. "Plant it there and lick it clean, cunt." i suction cupped the dildo in place and knelt down and licked it clean. He took advantage of my nearby back and used it as His foot rest. i sucked and licked my ass slime and lube off the dildo like a good boi. A short while later, Simon appeared at the door. Master invited Him in.

"Enter boi" Master said, snapping His fingers and pointing to His left boot. Simon quickly joined me on His knees and started licking my Master's boot. His right boot remained comfortably on my back. "Is your Master ready to go?" He asked Simon. Simon made an affirmative noise, but never stopped licking. "UP!" He ordered. We stood. We were dressed very similarly, simple black rubber jockstraps, chained tit clamps, and collars. Mine was a chain collar, Simon's was leather or maybe rubber, i couldn't tell. Master tugged on Simon's tit chain and He moaned slightly. "Let's go, bois. I've got the door tonight boi," He said to me, holding up the room key.

Out on the patio, poolside, Master Blake and Jared were talking to Master Todd and Master Lonny. All the Masters were completely decked out in leathers. Jared was dressed like Simon and i. i realized then, this was tonight's slave uniform.

"All set then?" Master Blake asked. Master confirmed His readiness and we were off. The resort provided a shuttle van to the party we were headed too. All three bois sat in the back-most seat. Master Todd handed me His black leather duffle bag to hold for Him. It was heavy and it clanked like metal, maybe chains, inside. The Masters chatted idly on the ride to the party, we sat silently.

The party was at aother resort at the other end of town, the ride there was uneventful aside from rubbing knees with Jared and Simon. We were basically ignored and not included in the Masters conversation. The van driver dropped us off and made sure one of the Master's had the number for us to be picked up. Simon was the last out and was ordered to make sure that the back seat was clean. He obediently wiped down the seat and sniffed it to make sure it was clean. The driver watch Simon's cute bubble butt in the rearview mirror and smiled.

We made our way inside the resort. It had a military feel to it, very stark and manly. Everything was lit with tiki torches. Master signed us in and had the lettering on my back touched up. It read "Property of Master Richard" and i was very proud of it. Jared and Simon were also re-lettered. The Man checking us in explained to the Masters that there were explicit rules for controlling their property at the event. A huge muscled Man came into the checkiin room and grabbed Simon and threw Him over His shoulders. Simon let out a bit of scream, Master Blake leaped forward and slapped Simon very hard across his face.

"Mind your fuckin' manners, lad" He lectured, wagging His finger at him, "There'll be hell to pay, otherwise." He was so stern and forceful. My locked up boi dick was throbbing. Master Blake grabbed Jared's collar and pushed Him down on His knees. He grabbed to ring in the collar and sharply yanked His face upward, "the slightest infraction by him and you won't sit comfortably for a week. Do I make myself clear, lad?"

Jared groveled like I'd never seen a boi grovel. "Yes Master... He will obey Master... i promise you Master..." Master Blake dragged Jared by the ring in the leather collar and handed him to the muscled Man. Another muscle Man came in as they left and hoisted me over His shoulder. The chain on the tit clamps was painfully trapped against His shoulder and it pulled the clamps very hard on my nips. One came completely off. i squirmed and tried to breathe through it, but still cried out a little.

"Do me proud, boi" Master said, adjusting His big cock. The big muscle Man slapped my ass and i was hauled off. i watched Master smile and wink at me, then turn and put His hand on Master Blake's shoulder. i could hear them laughing as i was carried away.

We went down a long corridor, every step that the Man took jolted the remaining clamp on my left tit. i was in agony, but didn't dare cry out. He looked very mean and all- business.

"Here we go, hot stuff," He said as He set me down, outside a door that read "SLAVE PROCESSING" in big bold letters. "Stay on your hands and knees unless otherwise instructed, got it, boi?" He asked.

I squeaked out a timid "Yes Sir." He reached down and reclamped my right tit, then with His left hand and grabbed my collar and pushed the door open with His right, kicking it with His boot at the same time, making a loud banging noise. I was scary. It was really hard to stay down like that, the collar was choking me and He was dragging me along at a fast enough clip. Simon and Jared were there with a couple other bois, all of them naked except for collars. i was handed a brown paper bag and ordered to undress. Considering i had a jockstrap and harness on, that seemed odd. i hesitated and got a hard slap on my ass. i took off the harness and the jock and put them in the bag. The Man unclipped the nipple clamps. i screamed out a little and got five good slaps on my red ass. He put them in the bag and wrote "Master Richard" on it and then put it up on a shelf. Only one other boi had a chastity device on. Simon had a raging hard boi-dick. The five of us were lined up next to one another. We were posed, somewhat; hands and knees slightly spread apart, ass up, back arched down, head up and looking straight ahead. It wasn't an impossible position to hold, but still the slightest deviation was met with sharp snap of a riding crop being worked by an older leather Master. My boi dick was begging for release. i imagined that a small puddle of pre-cum was forming on the floor beneath me.

Over the next half hour four more bois arrived, i think. It was hard to tell in the position i was in. One of the bois screamed pretty loud at one point, he was clearly in distress. The older leather Master, kept us focused forward. "Eyes here, cunts, don't worry about him. You can all thank your Masters for following the rules later." The boi screamed out a few more times, making us all a little antsy. i couldn't image what was happening to him, but i knew better than to look. When he joined the line, i could hear him crying and sniffling.

After what seemed like an eternity, we were instructed to stand. Each of us was shackled with leather cuffs on our wrists and ankles. Ankles were chained together with a foot long piece of very heavy chain. There would be no running, for sure. Next a placard on a similar heavy chain was placed around our necks, each had a large number painted on it. Mine was 5. Jared was 4 and Simon, 2; they seemed to be split apart intentionally. The placard was metal and cold, it hung just between my aching nips.

"Listen up slaves," the old Master called out "you'll be serving dinner to our guests tonight, working with the cunt next to you. There are 8 of you and 8 tables of ten Masters. Do the math, each slave team will be serving 20 Men. You'll eat when the Men are satisfied. They'll feed you as tips for good service, beat you for bad. I assume you're all hungry." My stomach grumbled, i was starving. This is what Master meant by reducing my food. i would do Him proud, my meal depended on it. "OK, 1 and 2, get going." He pushed Simon and a red-headed boi into the kitchen. "3 and 4, next" and Jared and his partner were off. i turned to number six, he was all of 30 and had the biggest hard cock i'd ever seen in my whole life. Easily 11 inches, maybe more. Typical slender slave build, a little taller than me, dirty blond hair cropped fairly short, no hair anywhere else. We were sent in next.

In the kitchen i noticed Jared talking with his partner, so i turned to mine and said "nice to meet you Six."

he smiled and said "likewise Five, nice device." i blushed and agreed, he said something about my dick being off limits only making my ass hotter. i complimented him on his big dick, he said his Master gave him a Viagra before they got out of their car. his big dick pulsed. i wanted to suck it, but knew we had work to do.

We grabbed salads and made our way outside. Again, my waiting skills lacked something. i could carry four salads, Six carried a couple more than me, handily. We found tables 5 and 6. The tables were set poolside, white tablecloths, candles, and leather men everywhere. The chains clinked along as we walked. The only recognizable face at table 5 was that of Master Lonny. There was a hush over the table as we approached and served the salads. They were very polite as we served. Six had his big dick stroked once or twice. My ass was squeezed repeatedly as were my very red nipples. Each time i politely thanked the Master groping me and smiled. Reality check. They were not all hot, they were not all like my Master. They were old and young, chubby and slim. All were incredibly kind and grateful. i was nervous at first, but then i came to realize that they were all good guys, real Men, enjoying a good meal served by naked slave bois. It was hot.

Table 6 was similar to table 5, but i knew no one. i tried to scan the crowd for Master, but couldn't find him. Courses were served and cleared and more courses served. Beer and wine were fetched, the groping was constant. My nipples were screaming, my ass was red, my hole had been lubed with butter at one point. As dessert was served, tables 5 and 6 rearranged themselves to form one big table. Others did the same around the pool. Six and i served dessert and then were pushed up onto the center of the tables.

i was ordered to suck Six's big dick. i looked around and saw other bois doing similar things on other tables. At some point, the dinner transitioned into a crazy orgy. Six smiled at me and pulled my head to his dick. Someone took the whipped cream from their dessert and coated His cock with it. i obediently licked it off, the Men cheered me on.

There i was on a table surrounded by 20 Men, on my hands and knees sucking a hot boi's big dick. It was heaven. Someone leaned in and started rimming my ass. i was beside myself. After a bit, i was made to kneel and face Six and while we made out our wrists were clipped together behind our backs. Then a Man put a condom on Six's throbbing ass and asked him how long it'd been since he last came. Six told them it had been a couple of days. i was turned around and bent down, my ass lubed. Suddenly all of Master's training in the giant dildo before we left seemed like a brilliant idea. i looked over at Master Lonny and He winked. i knew it. My Master would never put me here untrained. Still, 11 inches of Viagra-hard boi dick is not a dildo.

With Six's arms similarly tied back, His boi dick was guided into my ass by a Master. i gasped as the head penetrated my hole. Then suddenly, Six fell forward and shoved the whole 11 inches into my ass. i screamed out.

He panicked slightly, "i'm sorry Five, i'm sorry. i can't help it Five. They pushed me" he whispered. he was basically a human dildo, They fucked my boi ass with his Viagra'd 11 inch boi dick. He basically laid on my back and while they moved his hips back and forth. "They're pulling me out by my balls Five, i have no control," he groaned. i tried to assure him that it would be alright, groaning and moaning at least as much as he was, then he screamed out. "Oh God Five, They're fucking my ass with something too, Five... i... think... it's a banana... or something..."

That was all it took, my body shook and i shot my load - trapped cock or not - my boi dick spasmed and jizz leaked out all over the table. "Oh fuck, oh fuck... Five... i'm cumming too, Five... i'm cumming..." he cried. his slender little body shook and he screamed out as he shot rope after rope of boi jizz in my hole. The Men at our table cheered. i collapsed onto the table. Six on top of me.

"Not done yet, bois" i heard someone say. Six was lifted off me. His cock still rigid. They took off his condom and tied it off, then tied it to my collar. Six was positioned flat on his back, hands secured above his head. i was lowered onto his hard cock for round two. Pony ride. My chains clinked all over the place, the Men lifted me up and down on the boi dick. he squirmed and complained that it was too soon, his dick was so sensitive. They slapped him around until he shut up. i could feel someone's hand squeezing his balls when i was lowered completely onto his 11 inch stalk of dick. he was a withering mess. My nips were worked as hard as his balls and soon we were both in a frenzy. Sweat everywhere.

The whole area was a big orgy at this point. i remember looking over and seeing Simon and One being mummified in a 69 position. The one on top was caned a good five or six times before they were flipped and the other was caned. It was wild. i rode Six's 11 inches for a good twenty minutes, i think. Finally, he bucked like crazy and fired off his second load.

"Now we're getting' started, bois" said a Master standing behind me. i was lifted off Six's dick and a second condom was tied off and tied to my collar. Six looked exhausted, but his big dick was still eager. The tables were rearranged again and Six was tied spread- eagle, face up, to one of them. i was tied bent over the end of the table so that my head was at in front of his balls and my legs spread and tied near the ground. A leather thong around Six's big balls was attached to my collar. If i moved my head more than an inch, it would pull sharply on his boi nuts. A third condom was slipped over his huge dong, my hands were lubed and i was ordered to jerk out the next load.

Just as i started working the poor boi's dick, i felt a huge cock slip into my abused hole. All the way in, one smooth thrust. Without thinking, i jerked my head up. Six screamed like crazy, i screamed like crazy. Master Todd, who's huge cock was slamming into my hole, just laughed. He rubbed my head and gave me 'good boi' while He steadily plowed my hole. "Keep jackin' that big dick, boi" He ordered, slapping my ass hard as He rode it. i looked up at Six and apologized for nearly ripping his balls off, he just cried and shook.

Someone applied some tit clamps to Six's tits. Another leather thong ran from the chain between his clamps and was tied to my collar. The other thong from his balls was adjusted tighter too. Any movement of my head caused Six pain somewhere now. he was a blithering idiot, begging for mercy. Finally, a Master stepped up and shoved a dick in his throat. Master Todd's hammering picked up speed, i jacked that boi dick for all it was worth. Six bucked wildly. The pain in his balls and tits must've been intense. All i could hear was him sputtering and choking on the cock in his throat. i managed to milk out a third load about the same time Master Todd pulled out, growled and splattered His first load of the night across my back.

Six's third condom was ripped off his dick, tied off, and added to the collection on my collar. Master Todd rubbed His cum into my back, massaging me roughly, telling me how proud my Master was of me. i beamed through the haze of it. The thongs were untied from my collar. Master Todd lifted me and placed me on top of Six in a 69 position. Six's huge dong in my face. Given that he was slightly taller than me, my trapped dick was out of his reach but my balls were right there at his mouth. While i sucked his still hard and super sensitive dick, he sucked and chewed my aching balls hard. A daunting metallic dildo with wires attached to it was shoved up his ass with little ceremony. he screamed into my nuts. Someone had secured my thighs tight around his head. i polished his knob with my tongue as he bucked and begged for mercy.

his legs were tied off and then someone said "ready for the juice, boi?" he started bucking and fucking my face like crazy. Master Todd was right there, straddling my back and holding my head on the bucking cock. He leaned down to my ear, i felt His hot breath on my neck.

"Swallow that load and there's a single tail whippin' in your future, cunt. I promise it'll hurt like mother fucking hell too" He threatened, "hear that?" i listened as hard as i could, faintly i could hear the crack of a whip and the scream of a boi. i groaned around the boi dick stretching my throat. Tears, snot and throat slime were every where. i was terrified. Six bucked wildly. What if he came in my throat? How could i control it? Master Todd seemed to read my mind and eased up His hold. i coughed out the dick and gasped for air.

"Let's get a rhythm going, boi" He instructed me, "count to five." He shoved my head onto the dick. One, two, three... four... five. He let loose. "Count to five and breathe, boi" He ordered. One, two, three... four... five. Down i went on the dick. Soon it became my whole world, count to five suck, count to five breathe, suck, breathe, suck, breathe. Six was a mess, but his horse dick betrayed him and stayed rock hard. he sucked my aching balls like a Hoover.

At one point, Master Todd scooted forward on my back and then i felt another cock tapping my hole. It stretched me wide and i tried to scream, but was lost in the rhythm of the cock sucking. It wasn't a long cock, but it was fat. It jack-rabbited my hole. i was a sweating like crazy and lost in a sex-crazed euphoria. A few short minutes of fucking and the Man growled. He pulled out, slipped off His condom, and blasted my tender ass cheeks with His jizz. Six groaned and his dick got very stiff. i bucked back against Master Todd's grip and took the load in my mouth. Six screamed as he shot this fourth load, it was still sizable, in my mouth. Master Todd brought the used condom that had just fucked me to my mouth.

"Dump the load in here, boi" He instructed, stretching it wide. i let the load fall from my tongue and into the condom. It was tied off and added to my sticky collar. Four loads of boi cream hung around my neck. "Good boi" Master Todd said as He rubbed my head. i wanted to collapse on Six and fall asleep.

Someone unlinked us, i'm not really sure how we were held together, maybe saran wrap and belts and duct tape. It felt good to be freed. i tried to stand but my legs were weak. Master Todd lifted me off and held me. Six was a wreck. His Master appeared next to him and chided him.

"Only four loads so far, boi?" I'm disappointed. He plugged Six's nose and as he gasped to breathe his Master forced another blue pill down his throat. He stroked Six's throat until he swallowed, then stood him up. he smiled and nodded at me. The horse dick looked half limp as he crawled away, being dragged by his Master. i leaned into Master Todd, grateful for the relative safety of His arms.

"C'mon boi, let's find Richard and get you some food" He said, almost too kindly. i crawled behind Him looking for Master. The night was still young.

Next: Chapter 8: Learning to Serve 8

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