Left to My Own Devices

By moc.loa@deenndnerf

Published on Nov 29, 2005


"Glad ju like him. We're gonna be tight, baby, just like me'n' Erik." With that I swallowed his cock again, more slowly this time, pulling away in a twisting movement that allowed my tongue to explore the boy's surprisingly large, well-proportioned penis. My hands went to his balls and the second cock that was pushing them up. I rubbed a gob of sticky spit on the head of Erik's dick, causing him to moan appreciatively as well.

Going down again I felt Julio's cock suddenly grow thicker and start to pulse. "Aiiee! I'm gonna blast off right now. Can't help it Esteban, this hot mouth just pulled it out of me, man." And I felt the cum spurt out hot and heavy down my throat, wanting to taste it I pulled off the pulsing cock and felt the hot sweet cum fill my mouth and spill out the corners of my lips. Opening wide Julio deposited the last slowing spurts directly onto my outstretched tongue. I lapped up the semen greedily and followed the orgasm by licking all the spilled cum off Julio's dick and balls, which at this point were pulled up tight against his perineum. Squeezing his nuts I felt them spasm one more time and snagged his dickhead in my mouth to capture this last sweet and sour drop. At the same moment Julio's thighs flexed, squeezing Eric's now red and swollen cock between them and I heard him breathlessly say, "Can't hold off any longer. I'm cumming too." Pushing his long dick further, its trembling head turning darker and beginning to spasm, I quickly transferred my attention to it, capturing the glans in my mouth and lovingly swirling my tongue all around it as it began squirting another steaming load of semen down my eagerly swallowing throat. The cum was thick and sweet and ropey as the spurts tapered off. I allowed the viscous liquid to swish around and over my tongue, and I savored its tangy taste before allowing it to slide down my gullet to join that of his boyfriend's in my stomach. Looking upwards I saw Julio's lips coming down, his tongue out, as he licked off the stray spurt of semen here and there on my cheeks, saying, "Ju can do that again anytime, man. "N we gotta taste you too, dog."

My head was reeling after that climactic double orgasm, but the next thing I felt was two strong hands hooking themselves under my armpits and lifting me up from behind. While I was wobbly and my knees were weak, the arms encircled my chest and tugged me upright again, while the body to which they belonged hugged my back and once more I felt the hard and thick member of our teacher push its way between my thighs, pushing its plum sized head out from under my now aching balls, and poking out about a couple of inches below my dick. His cock was hot and hard and it seemed like this new rigid muscle helped hoist me back up on my feet. Feeling a bit dizzy I slumped back against Steve's supporting presence and he responded by holding me tighter and running his tongue down the side of my neck then up again to my ear, whispering, when he got there, "You've done well, my man. You've just completed your first lap of our marathon, and you're entitled to a bit of a rest before we continue on to round two. We still have to introduce you to the rest of the brothers, you know, so you should save your strength. You'll need it in an hour or so." Folding me up into his strong arms, with his dick still burning hot between my asscheeks, I glanced down a saw its drooling head poking out

from under and between my balls. His dick seemed to be a compass pointing me in the direction I was supposed to go, while making me walk kind of bowlegged on the way to get there.

Putty in his hands and on his cock, his hard-on nudged me over towards the model stand, which had been rearranged and fitted out with a couple of new mats, an old overstuffed sofa, and a few cushions, all of it now covered with soft madras print cloth and strategically placed piles of clean towels. Easing me down onto the couch, I fell into a swoon as Steve's commanding dick slipped out from between my legs and bounced up into it's natural erect state - an ideal curving arrow arcing up just so right in front of my face. It looked perfect to me and I felt my mouth watering again, sticking out my tongue, I wanted to sample it's beautiful length and breadth, wanting to swallow it all down and massage it with my throat. Licking my chops I looked up at Steve's smiling face, then back again at his cock, which jumped up and down at his command and bounced in front of my fascinated gaze. As my eyes followed the bouncing dickhead in front of me he repeated the delightful exercise and made a salacious kissing and slurping sound, leering down at me, saying, "Don't worry, my turn is coming soon too." You'll have all the time you want to explore every inch of my dick, from head," he purred, "to tail."

"In the meantime, Leo, why don't you bring over some of your special ice tea, I think Walker here could use a tonic right about now."

"Coming right up," my redheaded dream date cooed as he walked up and pressed a straw from a rounded wooden cup to my lips, "Here, have a taste of this, Dude, I brewed it myself. The gauchos call it "mate" and I learned how on the Pampas of Uruguay." I sipped it as he continued, "it's sweet and strong, an ideal pick me up that will change your outlook on everything."

"It's a little late for that," I said between sips," my world has changed already and it will never be the same after today." I swallowed the rest of the cup and eased myself down on the cushions and found myself slipping into a dreamy haze, the drink soothing me out into a blissful state . . . slipping off into a dream I smiled, "some tonic, it's not picking me up so much as putting me out."

"Yeah well, I put some rum in it too, and a couple of other things, " Leo retrieved the cup, smiling, "Nothing to worry about though, it'll all be great, you'll see."

"Anything you say, Leo," I mumbled and stretched out on the comfortable day bed, feeling warm and relaxed. Closing my eyes I must have dozed off for a few minutes because when I opened them again I saw the room had taken on an altogether new look. All the easels and art supplies were pushed over to the walls and a set of exercise mats covered the floor around the model stand. I could see from the windows at the top of the walls that it was dark outside, so it must have been more than a few minutes. Now the room was lit by a set of track lights that could be pointed in various directions, and while these small individual spots on flexible connecting necks were usually directed towards each student's easel so he could see what he was doing in the darkened classroom, but now these spots were bunched in clusters and illuminated parts of the floor mats like oases of light - an atmospheric setting that the now nude men were walking in and out of - doing what I couldn't quite tell. I could hear them talking in soft, muffled voices that seemed far away. It seemed strange but also comfortable and sort of interesting until I closed my eyes again and drifted off once more. In my dreamy state I wondered if I'd been given some sort of tranquilizer as everything seemed kind of foggy and soft focused. Whatever it was it seemed nice. Somebody put on Quicksilver Messenger Service's acid rock record "Silver and Gold" and I slipped back into a dream.

A note here about psychedelics is in order I suppose, given the current attitude towards drugs of all sorts these days. It's hard to imagine a time like the late 60s and early 70s where the attitude towards mind-altering substances was benign to say the least. Not everybody did drugs, and there wasn't an attitude that forced them on anyone who didn't want to take them, and there certainly was a fear of having a "bad trip" with hallucinogens, which, when combined with amphetamines such as with the infamous "Sunshine" acid, caused more than a few psychotic episodes I'm sure. But, generally, like I said, the attitude was indulgent, and even though it was all illegal, there was a general attitude that it shouldn't be, and besides, during the Viet Nam War and the Nixon administration during Watergate and all, there was a good deal of cynicism about what was illegal vs. what was immoral, and besides, in the early days just after Stonewall, gay behavior was illegal in just about every place in the country and while there were groups of gays who were bucking the trend and influencing the landmark removal of homosexuality from the list of psychiatric disorders, that didn't happen until AFTER Roe vs. Wade, and if you were queer, you were pretty much underground anyway, whether you did drugs or not, you were still not welcome in many gated communities around the country to say the least. I say all this because college students pretty much universally smoked pot, took whites to stay up for finals, and for special occasions would indulge in other mind altering substances, LSD, Mescaline, sometimes downers like Quaaludes and later Valiums to "come down" from "trips" that went on long enough, thank you. Pot and Acid could make sex seem downright spiritual and during sex, poppers were spread around like party favors, especially for the high points, which they extended and exaggerated sensual pleasures generally.

That being said, I recognized the psychedelic character of the mate that Leo had given me to drink and I wasn't upset or frightened by the idea. Not only that, but since Leo and I had shared a joint of pot on more than one occasion, he wasn't giving me anything I wasn't up for, and in fact I appreciated the sensual possibilities of the psychedelic potion, whatever it might contain, and, as I said, I continued dozing off, grooving on Quicksilver's acid rock instrumentals, hoping that they'd go on and on forever.

Next: Chapter 5

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