Leo and Jase

By moc.loa@91CJJrD

Published on Aug 4, 2000


Leo and Jase Chapter One: New faces

Leo stared out the window of his parents' BMW as the car pulled into view of the new high school that he would be attending. Leo had been forced to constantly move around because his father's company had so many different locations, and he moved wherever there were dips in profit or problems in the system. Leo still wasn't sure exactly what it was that his father did, but he didn't care. He barely saw or spoke to either of his parents and his nanny, so to speak, Ben, had more or less raised him through childhood. But Leo didn't really have any desire to know either of his parents and all he cared about was getting away from his life. He wanted to start his own life, and get out of the shadow of his father and the wealth he had come to loathe over years of being abandoned for business functions and moving from place to place. His whole life was a blur to him.

He stared out at the huge building looming over him and watched all the students walk in, socializing and being normal, something Leo had always envied and wanted. Leo was ready to start fresh in a public school environment without the strict rules and snooty rich kids of private school life. He never thought of himself as one of them and liked to keep it that way. He stared up at the building that would let him start fresh and ultimately turn his life upside down. "Leo, they're not going to wait for you to show up before they start school," Ben interrupted Leo's thoughts. Leo turned his head towards Ben and smiled slightly. Ben, who had raised him and been his best friend when he had none, smiled at him warmly. Leo opened the door and stepped out. "Good luck, my man," Ben encouraged, "I'll be back by to pick you up at 3:30 and we'll go get the car your Dad has waiting at the dealership for you to drive from now on." Leo turned and smiled, "Alright, Benji, see ya later." Ben cringed. "Stop calling me that!" He laughed and then drove off. Leo watched as the car exited the parking lot, and then he turned his attention back to the school. He began walking towards the doors and looked all around at what he had gotten himself into. He was beginning to almost regret persuading his parents to let him go to public school. A voice interrupted his thoughts once again. "By that wide-eyed expression on your face and the fact that you're heading straight for a pole, I'd say you were new here." Leo whirled around to see the guy who was talking to him and gave him a strange look. "And by that look, you're probably thinking 'Who the hell does he think he's talking to?'" the boy spoke again. Leo realized that he was being rude and snapped out of it. "Oh, I'm sorry. Yea, I'm new here." He put his hand out to shake. The boy looked at him as if he was an alien. "You came from private school I'm assuming," the boy guessed, taking the hand and giving a firm shake. "You don't see many people who shake hands any more except, well, rich kids." Leo blushed. "How do you know so much." Leo questioned. "I'm psychic," the boy joked. "My name's Jason, but everyone pretty much calls me Jase." "I'm Leo." "Leo, well, I guess I should say welcome to BayView High School." Jase smiled and began walking towards the door. "I gotta get to class, but I'll see ya around?" Leo smiled and nodded, waving after Jase as he made his way inside. He himself began walking inside as well. He adjusted his backpack and watched as Jase walked down the hall confidently. He smiled to himself. Jase was damn good-looking, Leo noticed. He had to be 6' tall, brown hair, tan like a surfer boy, intense green eyes, very nicely built which was obvious by the fitted shirt he was wearing. Leo tilted his head and then straightened up. "What the hell are you doing, Leo?! You're not a freakin queer!" Leo discarded the thoughts from his mind and kept walking.

Two guys standing a large group turned their heads when they noticed the new kid. They whispered to each other and made their way over to him. They stepped in front of him, blocking his path. He looked surprised. "Can I help you with something?" Leo asked, staring at them with a confused expression. "Oh.Sorry, I'm Kenny, and this is Drew. We saw you walk in and wanted to come and introduce ourselves." Kenny flashed a smile at Leo and Drew smirked, not sure yet about this new kid. "I'm Leo...Chase," Leo replied, relaxing a little. He started to put his hand out, but stopped when he remembered the reaction from the first person he met. "Chase? As in, Chase Sporting Goods?" Drew perked up. Leo nodded in embarrassment and began walking. "Damn, you must be loaded." Kenny chimed in. Leo craned his neck. He hated hearing that.

Jase looked over his shoulder at the guy he had just met. "Leo," he said to himself. He smiled and shrugged. Jase had lived in BayView all his life and had had a pretty hard time with making friends. He had always been skinny, short, and quiet. This was a new year, though. He had shot up in height over the summer and spent the summer with his uncle at the beach where he jogged and worked out every day. He had filled out quite nicely. He had really grown up since last year and was ready to change everything. He thought about his new friend, well, he hoped friend. Leo was only about an inch shorter than he was, but in good shape. He was kind of quiet, which made him kind of mysterious. Jase couldn't help but wonder what that boy's story was. He didn't consider himself gay because he loved women, but he found himself attracted to men as well. He didn't know what it all meant, but he didn't care. He just wanted to have fun and be happy with the new Jase. He smiled to himself and continued to gaze in Leo's direction. Jase then noticed Kenny and Drew walk up to Leo. "Uh oh, the leeches are scoping out this year's buffet to suck the life from," Jase mumbled to himself. "Maybe they'll throw him back." He frowned. Not likely. Jase frowned and watched as they disappeared around the corner before walking into his first class. It was already full and the teacher was calling role. He felt the eyes watching him as he found a seat and walked down the row. He could hear whispers. "Who's the new kid?" he heard a girl say. "Jase Burke?" the teacher looked up from her role. "Here," Jase raised his hand slightly and sat down in the desk. An uproar of whispers filled the classroom. "That's Jase?" "Oh my God, that's Burke?" "Damn, he's changed." Jase smiled to himself secretly and stared straight ahead. Yep, this was going to be a good year.

"So, do you play any sports, Leo?" Kenny asked as they walked down the hall. Leo looked out of the corner of his eye towards Jase who was eyeing him carefully. He reverted his attention back to Kenny and nodded. "Really? What?" Kenny pressed on. "Well, I played soccer for my school in New York." Leo added. "Really? You should join ours! We play too," Drew noted, pointing to his own letter jacket. "Sounds good, where do I sign up?" Leo smiled.

Later that day

Leo climbed into the passenger's side of his parents' car and closed the door. "So...how'd it go?" Ben urged for a reply. "It went surprisingly well," Leo smiled at Ben. Ben nodded and started up the car. "See, I told you everything would be fine," he said with a satisfied tone. They pulled out of the lot and started towards town. "So?? Did you meet anybody? Come on, man, I'm dying here." "Yea, I met some guys from the soccer team and I joined. I also met this other guy who saved me from making a fool of myself." Leo reported. Ben shot him a questioning stare. "Oh, I almost ran into a pole while I was looking around." Leo said with a chuckle. Ben laughed. "He was really...i don't know...different from the people I'm used to. He was really confident and intense. It was refreshing I guess you could say. A different type of people." Leo thought back at Jase's "up-frontness" and mysterious intensity and smiled to himself. "Sounds like you had a pretty good day then." Ben said as he pulled into the lot of the car dealership. Leo nodded and smiled, his mind going back over his day. 'Yea I guess I did,' he thought to himself. They got out of the car and greeted the dealer. "You must be the Chase kid," he shook hands with Leo and led them to the garage of the dealership where his car was waiting. "We picked one of our best selling cars out for you, Mr. Chase. I hope you like it." the dealer said as he opened the door to the garage. Leo stepped inside and his eyes bugged out of his head. There sat a brand new, silver BMW convertable with a black top. His mouth dropped open. Ben smiled and walked with Leo over to the car. Leo took the keys from the dealer, opened the door, and climbed into the car. He looked all around it like a kid in a candy store and then his face dropped. "What is it?" Ben asked, worriedly. "What's Dad cancelling out on now?" Leo asked, realizing the motives for such an extravagant gift. Ben's face turned red with guilt. "I'm sorry, kid. Your Dad's got to fly out to Boston for two weeks. He's leaving Sunday." "Which means no trip up to the mountains." Leo nodded his head sarcastically. "Look, Leo, I'm sorry. I tried to get him to postpone it til afterwards." "No, its ok. Really. I should be used to it by now, right?" Leo faked a smile and started up the car. "I'm going to check out the city. I'll be home before dark." "Alright, kid. You sure you'll be okay?" Ben asked. "Don't worry so much, Benji!" Leo cracked a smile and pulled out of the lot. He pulled out onto the road and rode a little way before seeing sign that said Joe's Diner poiting to the right. His stomach growled and he turned down the road. He saw the diner and pulled into a parking spot. He turned off his car and got out, locking it, and stepping inside the old fashioned diner. He was greeted with the smell of greasy french fries and burgers. He went up to the counter and ordered a burger with fries and a soda. He waited until he got his food and found a booth in the corner. He sat down and started eating. He was halfway done when he heard a familiar voice. "By that deep, thoughtful look on your face, I'd say you had alot on your mind." Leo looked up to see Jase standing there smiling at him. Leo smiled back at him warmly and caught himself staring into Jase's eyes. They were so intense looking. "Mind if I sit down?" Jase snapped Leo back. Leo broke his gaze and shook his head. "By all means." Jase sat down across from Leo and looked out the window. "Is that your car?" Jase asked, looking back at Leo who was again, staring at him. Leo quickly shifted his gaze out the window and nodded. "Yea, my dad got it for me today before we went to work and I went to get it after school." Leo explained, taking a sip of his soda. "Its a really nice car. I've always wanted one of those." Jase said, watching Leo sip his soda nervously. Jase smiled to himself. 'Damn, he's goodlooking. Blonde hair, light brown hair that fell just below the top of his ears, crystal blue eyes, perfect smile... "What?" Jase shook his head, snapping out of his thoughts. "Sorry, just thinking about something." Jase quickly covered. "Mind me asking what?" Leo put his coke down and looked at Jase. Jase smiled. "Nothing important." Jase avoided eye contact. Leo bit his bottom lip and took another sip of his soda. The door to the restaurant opened and closed and a group of people came in. They spotted Leo and made their way to the table. "Hey Kenny, Drew." Leo greeted them. Jase's eyes widened, but he didn't turn to look at who had just come in. He stared straight ahead. "Hey Leo," Kenny nodded his head and looked at who he was sitting with. "What are you doing with this scrub?" Drew asked bluntly. A girl elbowed him in the side. "Shut the hell up, Drew," LeAnn smiled in greeting to Jase. "Its okay LeAnn, I was just leaving," Jase smirked, standing up. Leo looked at him confused. "Nice talkin to ya, Leo. See ya around." Leo nodded, still confused as to what was going on. Jase smiled at Leo, and walked out of the restaurant. Kenny sat down next to Leo, and Drew and LeAnn took the seat across from them. "What was that all about?" Leo asked with a little anger at the rudeness towards Jase. "Jase Burke is a scrub." Drew cracked. Kenny nodded in agreement and LeAnn rolled her eyes. "What's wrong with him? I don't see anything wrong with him." Leo shrugged. "If I were you, I wouldn't be seen with him too much. He's wierd." Kenny said, stealing a couple of fries off of Leo's plate. "No, he's not," LeAnn interrupted. "Jase is a sweetie. He's just a little shy sometimes." "Shy? Doesn't seem too shy to me!" Leo replied, surprised. "He's changed alot since last year. The only people who have that big of a thing against him are these two goons." LeAnn stated, nudging Drew. Drew threw his arm around her shoulder and slid close to her. "You know you want me." Drew smiled slyly. "Yea, in you're filthy dreams." "Every night baby." Drew cracked. "Perv." LeAnn rolled her eyes. "So, Leo, tell us about yourself." After Leo told them where came from, what he liked, and whatnot, he said goodbye to them and paid his bill for the food. He headed out to his car and got inside, starting it up. It was nearing 6 o'clock and the sun was slowly going down behind the horizon. Leo rode along the harbor, taking in his new surroundings. He let the top down on his car and let the warm summer air in. He thought back to Jase. He smiled to himself in content and nodded his head. "This year might not be so bad."

Next: Chapter 2

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