Leo and Jase

By moc.loa@91CJJrD

Published on Oct 8, 2000


Ok everybody, I'm back again. Told you I'd try to get the next one out sooner. Didn't wanna leave you all in suspense for too long! Had to take a little break... Well, I don't really have anything to say, so I guess I'll just jump right in.

Leo and Jase Chapter 10

Jase saw a light in the darkness. It was coming closer and closer towards him and he was trying his best to reach out for it. He could just feel the warmth from the light on his face. Closer and closer...and closer. He felt his head throb and his neck ached. He felt pain all over his body and winced. His eyes opened and he squinted into the harsh light. 'Where am I? Oh please let me be in bed with Leo and let this day have been a dream' Jase thought to himself. He was disappointed when he looked around to find himself in a hospital room. His eyes adjusted to the light and he yawned. He turned his head to his right to see Leo sleeping in a chair in the most uncomfortable looking position with his feet propped up on a table. Jase realized that it hadn't been a dream and he must have worried poor Leo to death. Jase smiled lovingly at his sleeping Angel. His eyes followed to where Leo was clutching his hand. Jase tightened his grip on Leo's hand. "Never let go," Jase whispered, kissing the hand softly. Leo stirred and his eyes blinked open. Once he realized where he was again he jumped up. "Jase! You're awake! You're okay! Oh God, I was so worried!" Leo exclaimed. The worry in his eyes brought a smile to Jase's face. "God, that smile! I thought I'd never see that smile again! You scared the hell outta me!" Leo kneeled down next to the bed and looked into Jase's eyes. "What happened, J?" Leo asked, rubbing Jase's hand gently. "I was getting my stuff packed and some big guy came up behind me and grabbed me. I thought it was you, but it wasn't and he....he started choking me and he.." Jase trailed off. "It's over, Jase." Leo tried to comfort him. "But he's still out there! What if he wants to kill me or something?" "Or something? What do you mean?" "He....was starting to...grind his..." Jase couldn't say it. He had rather of forgotten it. "Oh my God, Jase, I'm so sorry. I'll kill the prick!" Leo's face became angry as he got protective. Jase smiled once again at how adorable Leo acted. "I'm okay, Leo. I just hope he doesn't come back." "It was some sick pervert, Jase! And nothing's going to happen to you. I'm not letting you out of my sight!" Leo assured him. "What are you gonna do, Leo? Sit in my classes with me? Yea, that's not obvious or anything!" Jase joked. Leo smiled and looked down. "I just..." Leo started. "I know," Jase smiled. Leo smiled back at him just as the nurse came in. Leo stood up suddenly and smiled at the nurse awkwardly. The nurse didn't notice the nervousness of Leo, but smiled when she saw that Jase was awake. "Well, nice to see you've decided to join us again Mr. Burke!" the cheerful nurse greeted. "I'm Lily and if you need anything just call me." "When can I get out of here?" Jase asked, sitting up in bed. Leo helped him sit up and fluffed his pillow. Jase smiled at him in thanks and looked back at the nurse. "They just want to keep you here until morning and run some tests to make sure you're good to go." the nurse explained. Jase nodded disappointedly and sighed. "Ok, thanks." The nurse smiled and then closed the door behind her. Jase looked over at Leo who resumed his seat in the chair. He looked at Jase worriedly. "Are you alright?" "I'm fine, Leo! I'm a big boy," Jase assured him. "I know you are," Leo grinned slyly. "Mind in the gutter!" Jase joked. They both laughed. Leo linked his fingers with Jase's once more and stroked Jase's arm with his other hand. "Aren't you tired?" Jase asked, looking at the clock. "A little, but I'm fine." Leo replied. "Shouldn't you be getting home and getting some rest?" "Home? There's no way I'm leavin you here alone!" "Leo, I'm in a hospital. Its not like anyone can just waltz in here!" "I know...truthfully, I don't think I could stand seeing your face when I woke up." Leo blushed, looking down at his face. "You're so cute." Jase said, which caused Leo to turn even redder. Jase chuckled and then layed his head back. "So what are we gonna do when my parents get back and I have to go home?" Jase asked, staring at the ceiling. Leo's face dropped. He hadn't even thought about Jase having to go home. "Shit! J, you need to come live at my house!" Leo suggested jokingly. "I'd love to, but somehow I don't think my parents would go for that." Jase mused. "Damn!" They both laughed. It got quiet for a few minutes. "Leo?" "Hmm?" "I love you." "I love you too, J." Jase smiled to himself and drifted back off to sleep.

Jase was awakened at around 5 a.m. by the sound of the nurse coming into the room. He opened his eyes and stretched. He glanced over at Leo who was sound asleep in the chair with a magazine on his chest. He smiled and sat up. "Good morning, Jase," the nurse greeted quietly. "Same to you," Jase smiled. The nurse checked Jase's vitals and closed her notebook. She looked over at Leo and then back at Jase. "You two brothers?" Jase smiled. "No. Good friends. Best friends." The nurse smiled. "It's nice to have someone who's there for you all the time. He was up practically all night worrying about you ya know! He really cares about you!" the nurse smiled. Jase looked over at Leo and then back at the nurse. "It's really nice." Jase smiled. 'Soooo nice,' Jase added silently, looking back over at Leo lovingly. "Well, they're releasing you any time you want to leave." "Great!" Jase replied. He got out of bed and went over to where his clothes were laid out for him. The nurse left the room and Jase got dressed.

Leo opened his eyes slowly and looked over at the bed to find no one in it. He sat up quickly and looked around. He jumped when he saw Jase kneeling next to him staring him in the face with a big smile on his face. Leo smiled back and set the magazine on the table. "Morning," Jase greeted him, placing a kiss on Leo's cheek. "Man, I could get use to having this face be the first thing I see when I wake up!" Leo exclaimed heartily. Jase laughed and blushed slightly. "They said I could leave any time I wanted. Oh and they told me they got a hold of my parents and they're on their way home. They said they are so grateful to you for taking care of me, as am I, and they'll clear things with the school if we stay home another day." Jase explained, standing up and sitting on the bed. "So we have a whole day alone before they get here?" Leo smiled happily. Jase nodded with a big smile on his face. "So get your shoes on and let's get outta here. Hospitals give me the creeps." Jase urged. Leo got up and got his shoes on and the two went and checked out of the hospital. As they rode along through town in comfortable silence, Jase began to think back to the night before. How scared he was and how awful that voice was. He stared out the window and closed his eyes. "Penny for your thoughts." Leo interrupted Jase's thoughts. "Huh? Oh," Jase smiled. "I was just thinking about what happened." "Jase, don't think about it, its over." "But he's still out there, Leo." "He's probably skipped town and he was probably just there when you came in and wanted to get a scare out of you." Leo reassured. Jase nodded, "I guess.." "Jase, I'm never letting anything happen to you, so don't worry." Leo smiled at Jase. Jase looked over at Leo and then slid his hand to his thigh where he gave it a loving squeeze. "Are you hungry? You wanna stop by somewhere and get a bite to eat?" Leo suggested. "Um...yea that sounds good." Jase replied. Leo then turned down a road to the diner where he had seen Jase for the second time. He pulled up into the mostly empty parking lot and turned off the car. He got out and jogged around the car. He opened Jase's door and held out his hand. Jase looked up at him and smiled. "You are too damn sweet for your own good," Jase joked, taking Leo's hand. Leo locked the car and they walked up to the door. Leo opened it and stepped aside for Jase to go inside. Jase looked at Leo adoringly and smiled. Jase stepped inside the restaurant, followed by Leo. They picked a booth in the corner of the diner and sat down. They picked up their menus and looked them over when a waitress came over to them. "Can I get you two something to drink?" the girl asked cheerfully. "Um...yea, I'll take a cup of coffee and he'll have.." Leo looked to Jase for what he wanted. "Orange Juice." Jase finished. The waitress smiled and walked away. Jase looked over at Leo who smiled at him in such a way that made his heart melt. "Why do you do this to me?" Jase asked teasingly. Leo smiled once again in that way and shrugged. "Don't smile at me like that!" Jase laughed. "Why not?" Leo asked coyly. "Because when you smile at me like that, I have the overwhelming urge to kiss you and I know I can't, so you're just teasing me!" Jase whined. "Well, save that thought for later and I'll be sure to smile at you a whole lot more." Leo laughed. Jase smiled and rolled his eyes. The waitress came back and set their drinks down on the table. After they ordered and ate their food, they sat at the booth shooting each other loving glances from across the table.

The door to the diner opened and LeAnn stepped inside the restaurant. She looked around and saw Jase and Leo sitting in the corner. She began walking towards them and noticed that under the table their feet were rubbing against each other's legs. She twisted her face and then looked back up at them. They were staring at each other, in such a way. They were staring at each other with googly eyed expressions and smiling big goofy grins. LeAnn smiled and approached the table. "Hey guys!" LeAnn greeted them cheerfully. Leo and Jase's heads quickly shifted to look up at LeAnn. They looked nervous and their feet retracted immediately. LeAnn tried to hold back a laugh. "Hey LeAnn." They both said simultaneously. LeAnn smiled again at their simultaneous remark. "Why aren't you at school today?" "Its a long story." Jase sighed. "Oh, ok. Well, you mind if I sit down?" "No not at all," Leo smiled at LeAnn. She took a seat next to him as he scooted over and looked over at Jase who was glancing at Leo again out of the corner of his eye, trying to go unnoticed. But she noticed it. "So, anyway. You two are so cute together." LeAnn raised an eyebrow, waiting for their reactions. Leo and Jase's eyes widened and their faces reddened. Their heads immediately turned to look at LeAnn who had a big grin on her face. "Its ok guys, I won't say a word, but you have got to stop being so obvious about it! I should have put two and two together when Leo kept looking at you at school and stuck up for you to Kenny." Jase blushed as did Leo and they looked down at the table. "Aw come on guys. It's ok, really!" LeAnn tried to assure them. "You really are cute together." Jase smiled and Leo looked up at Jase. LeAnn chuckled softly "Its too bad though." LeAnn added. "What's that?" Leo asked curiously. "The cute ones are always gay." LeAnn smiled. Jase and Leo again blushed. "Gosh you guys are easy to get too. You're faces turn a lovely shade of red so easily." This made them blush even more. LeAnn laughed. "You're loving this aren't you?" Jase asked LeAnn. "You know it!" They all laughed. The door opened once again and in stepped two familiar, yet not welcome faces. They noticed LeAnn, Leo, and Jase sitting in the corner and began walking menacingly up to the table. Jase looked up as he saw them coming and then rolled his eyes. He looked at Leo and LeAnn who then followed to where Jase was pointing. "Oh my God!" Leo mumbled. Kenny and Drew approached the table and stared down at them. "What do you want, guys?" LeAnn asked rolling her eyes. "Just wanted to come over and say hi to our good friends LeAnn and Leo. Fag.." Kenny acknowledged Jase coldly. Jase's face became hot and he felt his temper rising. "Fuck off, Kenny!" Leo retorted. "Our problem isn't with you, Leo," Kenny began, "You just don't know what he's like." "And what exactly is he like, Kenny?" Kenny began to say something, but was interrupted by Jase. "Stop talking about me like I'm not sitting right here. Goddammit, Kenny what the hell have I ever done to you?" "We don't like homos." Drew chimed in. Jase felt himself becoming hot with anger. He couldn't take any more of it. Jase jumped up and lunged at Drew. LeAnn jumped up at the sudden movement, followed by Leo. Jase's fist flew into Drew's face, sending Drew stumbling backward. Jase felt his eyes welling up with tears and his surroudning became blurred. He had to get out of there. He took off towards the door. Leo ran after him. Jase kept running as fast as he could. He wanted to just keep running and never look back. He felt a hand pulled him back. He stopped and turned, looking in to the eyes of the one he knew he couldn't live without. A tear ran down Jase's cheek. Leo caught it with his finger and wiped it away. Jase immediately threw his arms around Leo, hugging him as tightly as he could. He buried his face in Leo's shoulder. "Leo, I can't keep doing this." Jase said, his voice muffled. "Its ok, J. Let's get in the car and go back to my house. Cool down, ok?" Leo stoked Jase's hair and pulled his head up so Jase's eyes met his own. Jase nodded and walked with Leo's arm around him to the car. They got in the car and drove back to Leo's house.

When they arrived and went inside, Jase was pulled into a hug by Leo. He sighed and held on tight. "Don't ever let me go," Jase whispered. "Never," Leo replied softly, placing a kiss on Jase's forhead. Jase smiled contently and looked into Leo's eyes. "I love you." "I love you too," Leo replied, hugging Jase once more. The two went up to Leo's room and Jase plopped down on Leo's bed and closed his eyes. Leo took a seat next to Jase and put his arm around Jase's shoulder. Jase snuggled up close to Leo, resting his head on Leo's chest. He held Leo tightly around his waist and sighed. Leo kissed the top of Jase's head and listened to him breath softly. Within minutes Jase was asleep, stil holding onto Leo tightly. Leo smiled lovingly down at his sleeping love and then he too drifted off to sleep.

"Leo, son, I'm home," Mr. Chase walked into the house through the front door. He set his suitcases down and his wife walked in the house after him, closing the door. Mr. Chase called up the stairs once again and began ascending them. He made his way to Leo's room and knocked on the door softly. When no one answered, he opened the door and peered his head in. His face dropped when he saw his son laying on the bed with his arms around....a boy. He threw open the door, sending it slamming into the wall and making a loud bang. Leo stirred and opened his eyes. He looked around and then saw his Dad glaring at him with furious, piercing eyes. Leo sat up, causing Jase to wake. Jase yawned and opened his eyes. His eyes widened as he saw Leo's dad staring at them on the bed. He pushed away from Leo and stood up immediately. 'Yea, just look as guilty as possible,' Jase thought to himself. His heart pounded in his chest.

Leo stood up and didn't know what to say. "What the hell is going on here?" Mr. Chase broke the silence. "Dad..look..." Leo began. "Dammit, Leo! One more thing to make me ashamed that you are my son!" Leo's father snapped harshly. Leo cringed at the awful words and felt his face become red. Jase's heart leapt as he heard Leo's father say such awful things to Leo. He wanted to say something, but didn't. "Dad...!" "I don't wanna hear it Leo! You've become a fucking queer boy and I bet its all this guy's doing!" Mr. Chase pointed at Jase accusingly. Leo's blood began to boil. "You shut the hell up!" Leo defended Jase. "Don't take that tone with me young man!" Mr. Chase threatened. Leo's mom walked in the room with a confused look on her face. "What's all the shouting about?" his Mom looked around and noticed Jase, sending him a smile in greeting. Jase smiled nervously. 'You won't be smiling at me soon enough,' he thought. "You're son is a fucking homo!" Mr. Chase harshly informed his wife. Her face took on the expression of surprise and she shot a glance at Leo in questioning is her husband wasn't mistaken. Leo avoided eye contact with his mother. "Mr. Chase..." Jase tried to speak up. "Don't speak to me. Get out of my house!" Mr. Chase didn't look at Jase, but pointed towards the door. "Please.." Jase tried again. "GET OUT!" "Dad, don't you dare..!" Leo spoke up. "I can't even look at you I'm so disgusted!" Mr. Chase's words cut through Leo like knives. Jase wanted to hug Leo, but instead he began walking out the door. Leo noticed this and grabbed Jase's arm. "No, Jase, wait." Leo tried to stop him. "I shouldn't be here, Leo. I'm sorry for this." Jase looked into Leo's eyes apologetically and mouthed 'I love you'. Then Jase walked out. Leo's mom watched as Jase walked out sadly and her eyes saddened for Jase. "Jase, wait!" "Don't stop him, Leo! I hope you enjoyed this little time you had because you're never going to see him again!" Mr. Chase threatened. Leo looked up at his father in awe. "You wouldn't do that!" "Watch me!" "Honey, calm down." his wife tried to calm him down. "I will not! He's being shipped off to boarding school as soon as we can get him in!" Mr. Chase shouted, storming out the door. Leo stood there, tears welling up in his eyes as his father stormed out of the room. He looked at his mother. She gave him a sorrowful look and then walked out of the room as well, closing the door behind her. Leo felt the tears flow out of his eyes, running down his face. 'No, I won't let him!' He went for the door but it was locked. "Dammit!" Leo shouted as he ran for the door in the other room. It was locked as well. He leaned against the door and slid down, sitting on the floor. He buried his face in his hands and wept.

Jase walked down the driveway and turned to look back up at the house. His heart ached. Just then, Ben drove up and noticed Jase walking. He stopped and rolled down the window. "Hey Jase. What's going on?" Ben asked, noticing Jase's sad expression. Jase looked down at him and shook his head. Ben looked around and noticed that Leo's parents were home and he then realized what probably happened. "Oh God. Did they walk in on something?" Ben then realized he wasn't suppose to know he knew. Jase shot him a questioning stare. "Leo told me, Jase." Ben answered Jase's unspoken question. "Oh." "And I'm totally cool with it. I'm happy for you." Ben reassured him. "Yea, well, Mr. Chase isn't." Jase said dryly. "Oh Jase I'm so sorry. You want a lift home?" Jase looked at Ben and back at the house. "Sure, thanks."

Next: Chapter 11: Leo and Jase 11 12

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