Leo and Jase

By moc.loa@91CJJrD

Published on Oct 14, 2000


Okay, sorry about leaving you all with a cliffhanger...LoL..yea right. J/k...Well, here it is. I hope you all like it and thanks for the emails! Keep 'em coming, it drives me to write more HINT HINT!

Leo and Jase Chapter 11

Leo laid on his bed trying to think of a way to remedy the mess that had been made and had failed to think of anything. His father already hated him and that's not gonna change, his mother might accept him, but she'll never go against his father's wishes, Ben is just another part of the Chase staff to his father, and he'd be killed if he tried to get out on his own. "What the hell am I going to do?" Leo thought aloud. A knock on the door. "Come in." Leo called out. He sat up and watched as Ben poked his head through the door. "Hey Ben," Leo greeted him sullenly. Ben closed the door and took a seat next to Leo. "What is going on? I saw Jase walking looking like his favorite whale just sank and I picked him up and took him home. He wouldn't tell me what happened, but told me to ask you, but he looked devastated. What in the hell is going on?" Ben took a breath. Leo looked at his guardian and best friend and a tear fell down his face. Ben's look of worry intensified. "Dad walked in on Jase and I.." "I told you to BEHAVE!" Ben scolded. "Ben! We weren't doing anything. We fell asleep on my bed." "Well, how did your Dad come to any conclusions because of that?" "Well, we were sort of cuddled. It was kind of obvious." Leo looked down at the floor. "Aw, Leo, I'm so sorry. What happened?" "Dad freaked out, told Jase to leave and has kept me locked up in my room all day. By the way, how'd you get in here?" "Well, I got a key made a while back in case you decided to lock yourself in there again." "Sneak." Ben cracked a goofy smile. "I'm so sorry, Leo. So what now?" "He's gonna send me to a boarding school in Maine!" Leo exclaimed, tears streaming down his face. "Oh my God, Leo.." Ben took him into a hug and stroked his hair. "Ben, I can't take anymore of Dad's shit. I've got to get away from this family, from this life. I'm in love with Jase and I'm not giving him up without a damn good fight!" Ben smiled at Leo's determination. Then a thought came to him. "What if I helped?" Ben suggested. Leo sat up and looked at Ben. "Ben, I couldn't ask you to do that. Dad would fire you!" "So what. If he's sending you off to boarding school he won't need me anyway. Besides, I've been trying to find a way to piss him off for a while, but I wanted to wait until you were grown cuz I couldn't stand not having you around!" A small smile formed, but left as quickly as it came. "Are you sure Ben?" "Absolutely! I'm not one to stand in the way of true love!" Ben put his voice into a high girly voice when he said true love and faked a dreamy gaze. Leo jabbed him in the side and rolled his eyes. "So what do we do?" Leo asked. Ben thought for a minute. No luck. "You know what? Let's just get out of here and worry about that later." Leo thought for a second and then shrugged. He didn't care anymore, he just wanted out of that house. He hugged Ben and then shooed him away telling him to come back when everyone was asleep. He packed his clothes and important belongings into a suitcase and backpack and sat on his bed ready for Ben to come and get him.

Jase lay on his bed, his eyes dry from crying and his face flushed. He was exhausted. His whole body ached. He didn't know what to do. He had to do something. But what? A knock on the door. "Come in." Jase's mother came in the door. "Honey, are you alright?" She asked in her sweet little voice. Jase smiled at his mother lovingly and nodded. She took a seat on his bed next to him. "Honey, you've been acting strange every since we got home. What is it?" "Its nothing, Mom. Just some stuff I've got on my mind." Jase lied and tried to fight back more tears. 'God, I thought I'd cried enough to last me a lifetime,' he thought to himself. "Liar." His mother read him like a book. "Its ok, Jase, you can tell me anything. I'll always love you, you know that, right?" "Yea, mom I know." "So what is it then?" 'Could I tell her? No, she would hate me and never speak to me again. Wouldn't she? Maybe she wouldn't hate me. Maybe she'd support me and I wouldn't have to go through all this alone? No, I can't risk losing my mother too. I just lost Leo. No I won't do it! Will I?' "Jase?" "hmm?" "What is it?" his mother put a caring hand on Jase's arm. Jase looked up at his mother and felt more tears beginning to form. "Mom, I have to tell you something about me and I don't want you to hate me and I don't want you to stop talking to me. Family is the most important thing to me and I don't know what I'd do if I lost that, but you deserve to know the truth." "Honey, you're rambling." "Mom," Jase's heart pounded in his chest, "I'm....g...." "Gay?" Jase's head turned so fast its a wonder he didn't get whiplash. His mom just smiled and brought her hand up to his cheek and stroked it comfortingly. "What..how?" "Mother's always know, son. Plus, when I heard you'd met a boy who you've been staying with for the past few days and who stayed awake all night in a hospital room right by your side, it kind of sent a few hints my way. I didn't immediately come to that conclusion, but I knew it when you started to say something." His mother never let the soft smile leave her face. "Thank you Mom." "Its ok son, I love you." Jase smiled. "Please don't tell Dad or little bro about this, ok?" "I won't sweetie. Good night." "Wait, there's something else." "Yes?"

A soft knock sounded on Leo's door at 2 a.m. He stood and walked to it, opening it. "Going somewhere?" his father stood towering over him commandingly. "Dad. Wh..?" "You're not going anywhere. You're going to right this shame you've caused this family. I know all about you're little plan and Ben's services have been terminated. A new guardian will be here in the morning to take you to school and pick you up from now until Tuesday when you'll be shipped off to Shady Glen Academy." Leo's blood began to boil and his face became red. His father closed the door and locked it.

The next day, Jase walked into school and immediately wanted to turn around and leave. He didn't want to be here of all places. He started walking towards his locker and saw Leo standing in front of it. Jase's face lit up when he saw Leo and he tried to hide his enthusiasm, but couldn't help but speed up his stride as he walked over to him. Leo saw Jase coming and smiled slightly. "Hey there!" Jase greeted Leo half cheerfully. "Hey," Leo answered monotoned. "Leo, I'm so sorry about what happened! Its all my fault and I..." Leo put his finger up to stop Jase from speaking. Jase looked at Leo sadly. "Jase, it wasn't your fault! It wasn't anyone's fault! Dad needs to get a grip and I'm not going to let him do this!" "Do what, Leo?" Leo looked up at Jase sadly and held back from hugging up right there. "Dad's sending me off to a boarding school up in Maine, Jase. He's trying to make it so we never see each other." "What? He can't do that!" "I'm afraid he can, and he is. I'm leaving on Sunday." Jase's eyes saddened even more and he leaned his head back against the lockers."Leo, I can't go through this without you." Leo looked at Jase. "I don't want you to, but I don't really have a choice until I turn 18." Leo explained sadly. Jase turned and faced him. "Come on, let's go to the roof real quick." "Why?" "Just come on, ok?" Jase agreed and followed Leo to the roof, making sure no one saw them. When Jase closed the door Leo immediately pressed his lips against Jase's. He held Jase tightly as if clutching for dear life. Jase returned the kiss whole-heartedly and hugged Leo back. When the kiss ended, Leo looked up into Jase's eyes sadly. "Gosh, I'm gonna miss you!" Jase smiled at Leo and nodded in agreement. Leo then set his backpack down and bent down, rummaging through it. He found what he was looking for and pulled it out, standing back up. Jase watched him curiously. "I have something for you." He held up a box and handed it to Jase. Jase took it hesitantly and then opened it. His eyes widened and he took out the silver necklace. On the pendant it had an L, and & symbol, and a J. Jase smiled and felt the waterworks getting ready to start up again. "Leo, I'll never take it off," Jase said softly as he put it around his neck. He held on to the pendant tightly. Then he reached into the pocket of his jacket and pulled out a box as well. He handed it to Leo who looked at him questiongly. "What's this?" "I got a little something for you too." Leo opened the box and smiled. It was a necklace as well with a Leo(the lion) pendant. "I love it, Jase. Thank you!" "Yea, its not much, I saw the Leo and thought it went since Leo's your name and your birth sign and all." Jase began to ramble. Leo smiled adoringly at Jase's absent-minded jabber. "It's ok if you don't like it, it just reminded..." Jase was hushed when Leo pressed his lips against his with another kiss. They pulled apart soon after and looked into each others eyes. "So I guess this is goodbye." Jase broke the silence. "No, its not! We'll be together one way or the other, I promise. He can't keep me contained forever, Jase." Leo assured Jase. "Jase, I'm sorry, but I've got to get to class." "Ok." Leo leaned in and whispered, "I love you." Jase smiled, "I love you too."

As Jase sat down in his class he stared out the window. 'There has got to be something I can do! Maybe if I tried to talk to Mr. Chase and smooth things over. Yea, I'll go after school. Maybe he will have cooled down some and be more understanding.' Jase thought to himself decidedly.

Jase got out of his parents' car he had borrowed for the day. He shut the door and took a deep breath before approaching the front door of the Chase's house. He took another deep breath and rang the doorbell. After a few moments, Mr. Chase answered. "I told you never to come back here young man." He said coldly. "I know Mr. Chase, but I just wanted a chance to set things straight.." "I don't want to hear it son, get off of my property." Mr. Chase began to raise his voice. At that point, Mrs. Chase came to the door and saw Jase. She looked up at her husband and put a hand on his shoulder. "Calm down, sweetie." "I will not calm down, Julia, this boy has made our son...a disgrace." The words stung into Jase like needles. "Now, dear." "I've had enough of this, leave boy before I call the police on you for trespassing!" Mr. Chase then turned and went back inside. "I'm so sorry about all of this, dear, but maybe it would be best if you just left and forgot about all of this." "But, Mrs. Chase, I can't just forget about it. Mrs. Chase, I...I love your son." Jase choked out the words. Mrs. Chase stared at him as if she didn't comprehend his words. She smiled at him warmly and put a hand on his shoulder. "Mrs. Chase, I know you don't know me, but I can see that you don't agree with your husband's harshness towards this situation." Jase tried to be calm. She looked down at the floor. "JULIA!" Mr. Chase called from inside. "You must leave, Jase." she whispered before closing the door. Jase stood there for a moment before then going back to the car and getting in. He sat staring up at the house. "Good bye Leo."

Leo felt a pain in his heart and stopped dead in his tracks. Something wasn't right. He walked over to his window and looked around outside. A car was driving out of his driveway. 'I wonder who that was,' He thought to himself. He then shrugged it off and sat back down on his bed. A knock on his door. "Yea?" he answered the knock. He heard the door unlock and his new guardian stepped inside his room. "Dinner's being served, sir." The large, cold man announced. Leo rolled his eyes and shook his head. "I'm not hungry." "Your father wants you downstairs, sir." "I told you I'm not hungry!" Leo repeated, raising his voice slightly. He looked up at the large man who was giving him the evilest stare he'd ever seen. Leo then stood up and walked out the door and headed downstairs.

Leo and Jase Chapter 12

Leo awoke from a less than restful sleep in an uncomfortable position. He opened his eyes and looked around, remembering where he was. He looked to the seat next to him and saw Tom sitting next to him. He rolled his eyes and stared out the window of the plane. The rain made streams of water run across the window. The announcement came over the intercom to fasten their seatbelts. He did so and then drew his attention back to out the window where he could see the lights from the small city of Shady Glen, Maine. His new home.

As they landed and unloaded off of the plane, Leo looked around the small airport. He yawned and stretched out, wishing he could just go home and fall asleep holding on to Jase. His mind wandered, but he was soon brought back to reality when Tom nudged him in the arm. "Ready, sir?" Leo said nothing, but followed Tom to the baggage claim where he waited while Tom got everything. Leo looked around the large room, scanning the crowd. His eye stopped on one guy who was standing across the way from him. The boy adverted his stare quickly, obviously he had been looking in Leo's direction. The boy then again looked at Leo out of the corner of his eye. Leo just looked toward the window. When Tom had gathered all his bags, he headed towards the exit. Leo brushed up against someone. "Sorry," he looked up to see the boy again. The boy smiled and then looked back down at the ground. 'He's got that shy little boy thing goin' on,' Leo thought to himself as he turned his attention back to where Tom was taking him. The boy's eyes lingered on Leo for a moment, scanning his body from bottom to top. He then bumped into someone. Leo followed Tom to where a black Mercedes was parked next to the sidewalk. The driver hopped out and opened the trunk where he loaded up Leo's baggage and then opened the door for him. Leo got into the backseat and Tom climbed into the front. "We should be there in about half an hour, sir," Tom said from the front seat. Leo stared out the window as the rain fell harder. He listened to the steady pounding noise of the large drops on the car. 'I wonder what Jase is doing right now. I bet he looks incredible as always. Man, I miss him. Why did all this have to happen? Dammit, I hate Dad!' Leo thought to himself frustratedly.

"I wonder if Leo has gotten to his new school yet," Jase thought aloud. His mother looked up from her book and raised an eyebrow. She watched her son fidget with the necklace around his neck. "Where'd you get that? It's pretty." Mrs. Burke leaned forward and took the pendant in her hand. "Oh, Leo gave it to me." Jase replied. Mrs. Burke read it and smiled. "How sweet!" she exclaimed. Her attention was turned when her husband walked by the door. Her face changed to serious. Jase noticed this. "What's up, Mom?" "Honey, I think we need to tell your father and Josh." his mother brought her voice to a whisper. "No way! I can't handle the awkwardness and looks of disgust right now!" Jase shook his head. "Now, Jase, I don't think your father would react that way! He loves you no matter what. I think you'd be surprised!" "And what about Josh? He'd be completely disgusted and I'd never hear the end of it!" Jase rolled his eyes, rubbing the pendant on the necklace. "I'm sure he'd learn to accept it." Jase thought for a moment and considered it. 'Maybe I should. It would be one less stress in my life having to hide everything from my family. But what if they hate me? I couldn't handle that.' "Stop thinking, Jase. They're not going to hate you! I know that's what you're thinking!" Jase's mom interrupted his thoughts. Jase looked at her in amusement for knowing him all too well and shrugged. "Maybe I should." "Then its settled. Charles, Josh!" She called through the house. "Mom, no, I can't do it now!" Jase sat up and shook his head nervously. "There's no time like the present!" His mother said cheerfully. "Mom, no..." Josh and Mr. Burke walked into the room at that point and Jase looked up at them nervously. "Something up?" Mr. Burke asked curiously. "Yea, I was working on my school project." Josh whined. "Jase has something to share with you two." his Mom gave him a little push. Jase's heart thudded in his chest uncontrollably. 'Here goes nothin.'

To be continued....

Next: Chapter 12

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