Leo and Jase

By moc.loa@91CJJrD

Published on Oct 23, 2000


Wassup everyone! I don't have anything to say so I'm just gonna jump right in. I had to hurry up and write the next installment. Thanks for the emails..keep 'em comin! :)

Leo and Jase Chapter 14

Jase sat stretched out on the couch in his living room, reading a book. He had gotten into reading since there was nothing else to occupy his time. He had to keep his mind off of Leo so he wouldn't think the thoughts he had thought the past couple of weeks. Lightening lit up the sky and a loud clap of thunder sounded, shaking the house. Jase looked up from his book and out the window for a second. The rain poured down mercilessly. A spark cracked in the fire from the fireplace. Jase went back to reading his book and his eyes began to get heavy. He couldn't concentrate he was so tired. No sleep in the past couple of weeks will do that to a person. He sighed and closed the book, setting it down on the coffee table next to him. He stared out the window and then glanced at the clock. A little after midnight. 'I wonder how Leo's doing at his new school.' Jase thought. He shook his head. 'No, don't start, Jase.' He tried to get his mind on other things, but all led back to Leo. He couldn't help it. He sighed once more and his eyes drifted closed. He slipped into a restless sleep to the sound of the rain pattering on the roof.

Leo stared out the window as the world blurred by him. He checked his watch. 1:30. He leaned his head back against the bus seat and looked towards the front for the schedule. Next bus stop in half an hour. He heard his stomach growl and he rubbed it. "I know I know." He said to his stomach, sighing.

They reached a rest stop and Leo got off of the bus and stretched. He yawned from exhaustion and revelled in the cool night air. The clouds were rolling in as the stars began to disappear and the moon's brightness dulled. Leo looked around went inside. He used the bathroom and then searched his pocket for money. He pulled out a few dollars and got himself a cup of coffee and a bagel. He devoured the bagel and drank down the coffee like it was going out of style. The warmth felt good going down his throat. After he was finished he went back outside and caught a chill. He started walking towards the bus when he saw someone out of the corner of his eye that seemed familiar. He looked again and his eyes widened. 'What's he doing here?' Leo thought to himself, beginning to panic. He looked around for an idea of what to do. "You look lost, boy." A voice sounded. Leo turned to see an imposing sort of woman standing there smoking a cigarette. He didn't look her in the eye and smiled slightly. "What's the matter, son? You look frightened." The woman asked in concern. Leo shrugged and acted in such a way that gave him away. "You in some kind of trouble, kid?" Leo looked back at where his new guardien was standing next to his car and moved so he was blocked out of view by a semi-truck. Leo looked at the woman and nodded sheepishly. "Look, you need a lift somewhere? I'm only going just outside of Bayview to my sister's house, but you're welcome to ride along." The woman offered, throwing her cigarette down and mashing it with he foot. Leo looked back and then at the woman. He nodded again. "Thank you." Leo said softly. The woman smiled at him and led him to her hold jeep. "You got bags?" Leo looked back at the bus. There was no way he could get on it without being seen, so he shook his head. Just clothes, they can be replaced. He got in and slouched down in the seat. The woman started up the car and off they went. "So what's your story kid?" The woman broke the silence. Leo stared out the window. "Can I at least know your name?" Leo turned and looked at her contemplatively. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna kill ya or nothin!" The lady joked. "Leo." "Leo! Good strong name. I like it!" The lady smiled. "My name's Julia Brown, but you can call me Jules. Everybody else does." Leo smiled and nodded. "Thank you for the ride, Miss Brown." "It's no problem, Leo, but if ya call me Miss Brown again I'll leave ya on the side of the road. Make me feel as old as I am." The lady chuckled heartily. "Sorry.." "Oh its ok, son. So..what are you runnin away from?" "More like running to." Leo corrected. Jules looked at him curiously. "You got a loved one waitin for ya?" she nudged him. Leo smiled when he thought about Jase. "Yea, you could say that." "Well, I'm sure they're lucky to have you runnin to 'em! You must really love this person. Girlfriend?" Jules asked. Leo tried to come up with a way to answer that. "No." "Family member?" "No." The lady thought for a minute. "Well, whoever it is, you must love 'em alot to be goin' through all this to get to 'em." "I do. I really do. I'm the lucky one." Leo smiled. "Lucky Leo!" Jules laughed. Leo smiled. "Mind if I turn on the radio?" Jules asked. "Not at all." Leo replied. "Hope you like country!" The woman smiled and turned on the radio. Leo smiled and stared out the window as the soft music played.

An hour later, they arrived at Jules' sister's house. They got out of the car and ran through the rain to the front porch. Jules knocked on the door and a woman that looked exactly like Jules answered. They hugged and went inside. Leo was introduced and offered some apple pie. He'd never had something so delicious. He scarfed it down and had a second peice. "Well this boy's a good food critic." Jules' sister, Annie, exclaimed as Leo ate the last bite of the pie. Leo wiped his mouth and stood. "Thank you so much for the pie. It's really good." Leo smiled at Annie. Annie smiled warmly at him and patted his back. "You're welcome to stay the night if ya like." Jules suggested. Annie nodded in agreement. "Yea, we got a real comfy couch in the livin room there!" Leo shook his head. "Thank you, but I must be going." "In this rain? I don't think so." Jules insisted. "I have to be going tonight or it might be too late." "Too late for what, Leo?" Jules asked worriedly. "It's a looong story, but I thank you for everything Jules. I owe you big time! And thanks for the pie, Annie. You have a nice home here." Leo smiled warmly in thanks. "Come and visit us from time to time, now. We'd love to see ya!" Annie offered. "I'll do that! And thanks again!" Leo said before going out the door and shutting it behind him. "Nice kid," Jules stated. Annie nodded.

Leo ran as fast as he could as the rain poured down harder and harder. He was soaked to the core and freezing. He didn't care, though. He had to get to Jase. He knew Jase lived just inside the city limits not far from where Annie lived and he followed the signs pointing to Downtown BayView. When he reached familiar territory, he knew how to get to Jase's house. He ran faster, panting and heaving as he did so. The rain came down without slowing and thunder and lightening cracked and lit all around him. He ran and ran for what seemed like forever when he finally reached Jase's house. He stood in front for a minute, catching his breath and then looked up at the house. He breathed heavily and smiled when he saw a light on in the living room window. He started towards the house and saw Jase asleep on the couch in the living room. He smiled to himself and placed a hand on the window. "Never saw such an Angel," Leo thought aloud as he watched Jase sleep peacefully.

Jase awoke to the sound of knocking at the door. He sat straight up and looked at the clock. He stood up and slowly walked towards the door with caution. He glanced out the window to look for a car but there was none. He approached the door and peered out the peephole. His eyes widened and he unlocked all the locks clumsily. He flung the door open and his heart caught in his throat as Leo stood in the doorway soaking wet, smiling back at him. A tear ran down Jase's cheek and he threw his arms around Leo, hugging him as tight as he could. Leo held Jase tightly, feeling his warmth and smiled. "I thought I'd never see you again," Jase whispered softly as he hugged Leo. Leo pulled away and looked into Jase's eyes. "I would never let that happen. Nothin could keep me away from you!" Leo smiled. Jase smiled and blushed slightly. Jase smiled and pulled Leo inside, closing the door.

"Aren't you a sight for sore eyes!" Leo exclaimed, hugging Jase again. He quickly pulled away realizing his parents could be home. Leo looked around to make sure. Jase smiled. He didn't feel like explaining, so he just smiled. "Everyone's gone. My brother's spending the night at a friend's house and my parents are at my Uncle's house. They didn't want to get out in the storm, so they decided to stay there for the night." Jase explained. "Speaking of, why the hell are you out in a storm like this! You could get hurt..struck my lightening or something!" Jase smacked Leo in the arm playfully. "Hey! Aren't you glad to see me?!" Leo rubbed his arm in fake pain. Jase smiled at Leo warmly and threw his arms around him once again. Leo smiled and hugged Jase back. "I've missed you," Jase said softly into Leo's ear. "I'm here now. And wild animals couldn't carry me away." Leo smiled reassuringly. "But I'm sure you're dad getting a bunch of big ol' dudes could." Jase said sullenly. Leo pulled away and gave Jase a sad look. "That's not going to happen. I won't let it." "And what can you do about it? You're underaged and you're dad has connections everywhere." Jase pouted. "I don't know what I'll do, but I will fight this. I can go to court and ask for Ben to be my legal guardien. They're bound to let me. Especially since I've only got 6 months til I'm 18 and I have a good story. Don't worry so much. I'm not leaving you again. I can't leave you." Leo smiled comfortingly. Jase looked up at Leo sheepishly and sighed. "Well, look at you, you're all wet. You must be freezing. You can borrow some of my clothes and stay here tonight. Come on." Jase pulled Leo by the arm to his room. Jase went to his drawers and pulled out a pair of pajama pants and a sweatshirt. He turned around to see Leo peeling off his shirt with a little difficulty. He laughed at Leo's clumsiness and walked up to him. He pulled up on it and pulled it off. Leo smiled at Jase in thanks and looked at him sweetly. Leo leaned over and placed his lips over Jase's softly. He had missed the soft feeling of Jase's lips and taste of his kiss so much. He brought his hands up and cupped Jase's cheeks in them. Jase wrapped his arms around Leo's waist and returned the kiss, parting their lips and sliding in his tongue.

Ever so gently, they let their tongues explore each other's mouths as if they hadn't ever kissed. Leo's body began to warm up as he felt the warmth of Jase's body pressing against his. Jase let his tongue glide over Leo's lips, wetting them and then sucking on the bottom lip. Leo closed his eyes in pleasure and slid his hands down to the hem of Jase's shirt and started to pull up. They separated long enough to remove Jase's shirt and then pressed back together. The kiss became more passionate and heated this time. Their tongues wrestled as their hands explored each other's bodies. Jase moaned softly as the kiss continued. Every time he kissed Leo, it was like the first time. He savored it as if he'd never taste it again.

They pulled apart and looked into each other's eyes. "I love you, Leo." Leo smiled sweetly, "I love you too....My angel." Jase blushed and smiled. He placed one more kiss on Leo's lips before pulling away. He bent over and picked up Leo's wet shirt and then looked at Leo. "Now get those pants off!" Jase urged him. "Whoa there, down boy!" Leo laughed. Jase smiled and approached Leo slowly and seductively. "Don't flatter yourself, stud." Jase licked his teeth slowly, sending a shiver down Leo's spine. Jase slid his hands in front of Leo's jeans button and whipped it open in one swift motion. He smiled at Leo coyly and ran a hand over Leo's bare chest slowly and then turned around. He picked up a basket full of dirty clothes and set it on the bed, throwing Leo's wet shirt in it. "I said, take 'em off. I can wash them wish my clothes and have 'em ready for you tomorrow. Leo smiled and unzipped his jeans. He slid them down, bending over and then stepped out of them. He handed them to Jase. "Now those." Jase pointed to Leo's boxers. Jase's eyes lingered. The wet boxers clung to Leo, outlining his manhood quite nicely. "Eh hemm." Leo hinted. Jase snapped out of it and looked at Leo. Leo was smiling slyly. Jase blushed. "Come on." "What? Right here?" "What you're getting shy all of a sudden? Nothin I haven't....seen before." Jase smiled, taking another quick glance at Leo's crotch. "But whatever you want." Jas then walked out of the room. "But bring them to me when you're changed." Leo nodded and shook his head lovingly. He slid his boxers down and then changed into the pajama pants and went into the laundry room where Jase was loading it up. Leo handed Jase the boxers and he threw them in, closing the lid. Leo stepped behind Jase and wrapped his arms around his waist. "You are so incredible, you know that?" Leo said, nuzzling his nose into Jase's hair. Jase smiled and turned around facing Leo. "You're not so bad yourself, kid." Jase smiled, placing a quick kiss on Leo's nose. "Excuse me." Jase pressed his body up against Leo's, brushing against Leo's crotch area. Jase smiled and walked into the kitchen. Leo bit his lip frustradedly and followed. "I don't see you for two weeks because I'm in hell and you deny me booty?!" Leo joked, leaning against the kitchen counter as Jase fixed a pot of coffee. Jase looked up at Leo and rolled his eyes teasingly. "Hornball." "You know it." Leo laughed. Jase leaned over and came millimeters away from Leo's face. "Sorry Charlie." Jase whispered sensually before pulling back and going back to making the coffee. He glanced at Leo who was chewing on his lip. Jase smiled lovingly and finished up the coffee.

The two sat in the living room in front of the fireplace as the rain continued to come down outside. Leo set down his cup of coffee on the table and stroked Jase's hair. Jase leaned back on Leo's body as they lay on the couch together. They stared into the fireplace, feeling it's warmth. Jase turned on his side and cuddled up to Leo, softly scratching Leo's bare chest. Jase smiled to himself. Leo picked the book Jase had been reading up off the table and looked at it. "What's the book about?" "Oh its pretty good. It's about a man and his best friend who are soul mates. They go through a war together in the same station and that's all I've read so far." "Sounds interesting." Leo said, flipping through it. Jase nodded. Leo handed him the book and Jase opened it to where he left off. He began to read it again, basking in the warmth of Leo's arms wrapped around him. "Read it aloud." Leo said softly. Jase smiled and began reading it. The two sat, Jase reading aloud, in front of the crackling fireplace as the rain pattered outside. Jase paused to turn the page and looked up at Leo who was fast asleep. Jase set the book down and leaned up and kissed Leo on the cheek softly. "I love you." He whispered.

------------------------------------------------- How was that ya'll? Feel free to send me comments. Don't worry, there's more to come, but I ended it on a happy note this time! Thanks

Next: Chapter 14

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