Leo and Jase

By moc.loa@91CJJrD

Published on Oct 29, 2000


Wassup Everybody, I'm back. It's taken longer than expected to get this chapter written, but here I am. Thanks to everyone's emails, they're much appreciated! Feel free to send feedback and suggestions anytime. Well, on with the story!!

ReCap: Jase tells his secret to his family and finds that the reaction he had expected was the opposite of what he got...support from them. Or at least his mom and dad. Leo, becoming sick and tired of just dreaming about Jase night and day, finally made a plan to escape his prison. He hitches a ride with a woman named Jules when he is almost found by Tony at a rest stop. He meets Jules' sister, Annie at her house and then goes on towards Jase's house. Jase and Leo are reunited and fall asleep in bed together...

Leo and Jase Chapter 15

Leo awoke the next morning. He yawned, still tired from last night's events. He stretched out and reached over to find that Jase was no longer laying next to him. He opened his eyes to an empty room and sat up. He looked at the clock. "10:30," he said to himself. A knock on the door. He said nothing, but watched as the doorknob slowly turned. He hoped it would be Jase, but was mistaken when a woman popped her head in the door. "Good morning, Leo." The woman said cheerfully. "um...morning..Mrs. Burke?" Leo asked in surprise. "Yea, I'm Jase's mom. Nice to meet you. Jase had to go to school...He had a paper due and two tests to take, so he couldn't miss today. He said to tell you he's sorry and he'll be home right after school. But until then, I'm taking care of you!" "Oh," was all Leo could manage to say. "So, you must be hungry! Come on into the kitchen. I have French toast, bacon, and eggs." "Oh..um..er..I suppose I could eat. Thank you Mrs. Burke." "Oh none of that Mrs. Burke stuff. Makes me feel like an old lady." Mrs. Burke laughed, "Call me Darla." "Ok...Darla." Leo stuttered. He stood up and grabbed a sweatshirt from a chair and put it on quickly. He then followed Darla into the kitchen, greeted by the smell of french toast, bacon, and eggs. She directed him to take a seat at the kitchen table and he did so. She then went to fixing a couple of plates of food. Leo looked around, wondering if Jase's father was home. She noticed this and turned around. She walked over to the table and set a couple of plates down on the table, one if front of Leo and the other in front a where she sat down. "Jase's father is at work and Josh is at school, of course." She read his mind. He nodded and picked up a fork. "This looks really good!" Leo complimented the meal. "Thanks." Darla replied, smiling. Leo loved Jase's mom. She was so friendly and accepting. Leo hadn't really known anyone like that until Jase came along, and obviously it runs in the family. Leo smiled and then began eating the meal in front of him like he hadn't eaten in a week. Darla watched him devour the food and smiled. 'Jase has good taste, I'll have to give that to him,' she thought to herself, smiling.

After they finished eating, Darla took the plates and placed them in the sink. "Would you like some coffee. Jase tells me you're a caffeine fiend like myself." Darla smiled. Leo blushed and looked down at his feet. Darla smiled at Leo's bashfulness. "He really cares about you, you know," Darla added. Leo looked up at her, nearly getting whiplash from turning his head so fast. "Excuse me." "Jase. You should see the way he lights up at the mention of your name. When he was telling me about you.." Leo interrupted her, "Um..what exactly did he tell you?" "Oh, everything dear. But don't worry, Leo, it's okay! He told his father and Josh as well and its completely alright! We support you two all the way." Leo's face became even redder and he stood up. Darla watched him and saw the fear and worry in his eyes. She stood and put a comforting hand on his arm. "Really, Leo, it's okay." She tried to reassure him. Leo turned and looked down into her eyes. A tear fell down his cheek. Darla smiled sweetly and brought Leo into a small hug. "It's alright, Leo, I promise." "Are you going to call my father?" Leo asked, pulling away from the hug. "Why would I do that, dear?" Darla looked up at Leo suspiciously. "Well, because...wait, Jase didn't tell you about what happened with my father and why...oh." Leo looked down at his feet. "What happened? Is everything alright?" Darla asked in a concerned tone. "Nothing...everything's fine." Leo lied. "Oh come now. I'm not that old!" She joked. Leo looked at her. "Mrs.....Darla..I got here by running away from the boarding school that my father sent me away to because he found Jase and I together and freaked out and my Mom doesn't agree with him, but she won't go against him because she's afraid to, and I'm hiding, but I Know this will be the first place that they look, but couldn't be away from Jase any longer...I just couldn't." Leo rambled. Darla looked at Leo in surprise and pity. "Honey, I'm so sorry." She took Leo into another hug and rubbed his back comfortingly. "Please don't call my father, he'll never let me see Jase again." "Leo," Darla pulled away, "We can't keep you here without telling them. That's like kidnapping. I'm sorry, sweetie, but I just can't." Leo's face dropped, but he understood her reasoning and it showed in his face. She smiled. "But I'll wait until tomorrow. Give you and Jase some time together." Leo smiled in thanks and his mind went back to Jase. He sighed. "I'm going to go get cleaned up," Leo said softly. "Alright," Darla replied. Leo turned and walked towards the door. "You love him, don't you?" Darla stopped him. Leo smiled and turned to look at her, "More than anything." He then walked out of the room.

Jase sat in class staring at the clock impatiently. 'Gosh, when will this damn class be over with!' he thought to himself. One minute left. He rolled his eyes and tapped his fingers on the desk as the teacher continued to lecture. LeAnn turned and looked at him and smiled. He smiled back and looked back up at the clock. The bell rang. He grabbed his bag and stood up. He started to walk towards the door, but LeAnn grabbed his arm. "Jase, wait..I wanted to invite you to a party I'm throwing tomorrow night." "Party? For what?" "Halloween, of course!" LeAnn laughed. "It's Halloween already?" LeAnn laughed again. "So you'll be there right?" "I don't know, I kind of have other plans." "At least show up. Please?!" she begged. "Ok, I'll show up for a little while." "Great! I'll see you there, then!" She said cheerfully, then headed towards the door. Jase followed her out the door and then headed towards his locker. He reached it and opened it, pulling out a book he needed. As he did so, a small envelope fell from the book into his backpack. He didn't notice it and closed his locker and zipped up his bookbag. He then headed towards the parking lot to find his ride home.

Jase was dropped off in front of his house. He thanked his friend for the ride and jogged up to the front door. He opened it and looked around. "I'm home!" He called out throughout the house. His mom came out from the kitchen and smiled at him. "Hello, Jason, how was your day." "Long!" Jase sighed. "Where's Leo?" he whispered. His mother smiled and turned, gesturing towards Jase's room. "He's sleeping. The poor boy has been through a lot. Jase he really loves you. Don't let him go for anything, ok?!" Darla put an arm on Jase's shoulder. "I don't plan on it." Jase smiled. He didn't know what she meant when she said that Leo had been through a lot, but he didn't give it much thought. "Well, I'm going out for a couple of hours to run some errands. Your father and Josh are at Josh's soccer practice and are going to meet me for dinner. You two are welcome to join us, but I'm sure you wouldn't want to." She smiled slyly. Jase blushed at the comment and nodded. "Just don't do anything I wouldn't do." She chuckled. Jase blushed once again and waved her goodbye. He then turned and walked too his bedroom door. He opened it quietly and poked his head into the room. Leo lay sleeping on his bed. He could hear Leo's steady breathing and smiled at how peaceful he looked. Jase set his backpack down on the floor and walked over to the bed, sitting down on the edge of it. He kicked off his shoes and smiled, laying next to Leo and sliding Leo's arm around him. Leo stirred and cuddled up to Jase, but continued to sleep. Jase snuggled up to Leo, feeling the warmth of Leo's bare chest pressed against him. Jase sighed contently and closed his eyes.

Jase awoke and smiled, feeling Leo pressed closed to him, holding onto him tightly. He hugged Leo's waist tightly and opened his eyes. "Afternoon, Angel." Leo whispered, kissing the top of Jase's head. Jase stretched and looked up at Leo, smiling. "You feel so good, you know that?" Leo blushed and smiled sheepishly. Jase laughed at this and leaned up and kissed Leo's chin. Jase sat up and looked at the clock. He'd slept for nearly two hours. "Damn." "What's wrong?" Leo asked worriedly. "Oh, my mom said she'd be gone for a couple hours and we've wasted our alone time by sleeping it away!" Jase whined. Leo smiled and wrapped his arms around Jase's waist and pulled Jase down on top of him. "Well then.." Jase laughed. "Hello to you too." Leo just looked into Jase's eyes and then pressed his lips against Jase's. Jase moaned and returned the kiss gladly. He slid his tongue out and licked Leo's lips seductively. Leo smiled slightly at the feeling of Jase wetting his lips. Jase then slid his tongue inside Leo's mouth, letting it explore, savoring the taste and feeling. Leo did the same and their tongues wrestled each other. Jase let his hand slide over Leo's bare chest. Leo could feel the heat pulsating through Jase's fingers, warming his body. Jase slid his hand over Leo's skin softly, teasingly down further and further until it reached the waistband of Leo's boxerbriefs. Jase slid only his index finger inside the waistband and continued to kiss Leo passionately. Leo wrapped his arms around Jase's neck and ran his fingers through Jase's hair. He sucked on Jase's lower lip softly, then nibbling on it. He then slid his hands down to the hem of Jase's shirt and pulled up on it. They separated long enough to remove Jase's shirt and then pressed together once again. Jase slid his hand down even further and brushed it over Leo's growing member. Leo moaned at the slight, teasing touch. He continued to kiss Jase passionately and almost hungrily. He reached his hand around and cupped Jase's butt, giving it a firm squeeze. Jase's body stiffened for a moment and then relaxed again, as he rubbed the hard-on through the cotton material of Leo's boxerbriefs. Leo moaned once again.

Jase pulled away from the kiss and looked into Leo's eyes with a look of passion and desire in his eyes and then shifted his body. He slid his body slowly downward, rubbing against Leo's body as he did so. His brought his lips down to Leo's neck and let them brush over the skin ever-so-slightly, letting out a shallow breath. Leo felt a tingle run up his spine as he felt Jase's lips brush over his neck and his warm breath blow over his skin. He bit his lip in pleasure.

Jase then let his tongue glide over Leo's skin as he continued to slide down lower. He stopped at Leo's nipple and kissed it gently and teasingly. Leo writhed in pleasure, biting his lip. Jase brought his hand up to Leo's lips and brushed his fingers over them. Leo kissed them and ran his own hands through Jase's hair as he continued to tease his nipples with his tongue. Leo let out a moan of pleasure, sending shivers through Jase's spine at the sound. Jase loved knowing that he made Leo feel that way. He smiled and then continued to move down. He let his tongue trace Leo's ab muscles. Leo cocked his head back, biting his lip once more as Jase's face moved directly over his manhood. Jase again breathed out, his hot breath going through the material of the boxerbriefs, sending a wave of heated pleasure throughout Leo's body. Jase looked up at Leo and smiled. Leo smiled back down at his love and licked his lips. Jase raised an eyebrow and slid his fingers under the waistband of Leo's boxerbriefs, pulling down on them. Slowly, Jase pulled them down. Leo's cock fell back against his stomach. Jase leaned down and kissed Leo's member softly, letting out yet another breath. Leo could barely take it, the pleasure was so intense. He grabbed the bedcover and held on tight as Jase removed his boxerbriefs and moved back up and hovered over his manhood. Jase glanced up at Leo once again and licked his lips. Leo bit his lip at that sight and closed his eyes. Jase smirked coyly and slowly brought his lips down onto the head of Leo's cock and pressed them against it. He could feel the heat coming off of it and he slid his tongue out and let it move over the hot member. Slowly he took the head into his mouth and teased it with his tongue before taking more in, and then more. He took it in a little, then moved back up the long shaft. He blew on it, sending another wave of pleasure through Leo's body. A moan escaped his throat. Jase then took it back into his mouth, but took more of it in. He moved back up, but stopped, then moved back down, taking in all that he could. He puckered his lips tightly around Leo's shaft and then moved back up, then down. Leo cocked his head back and continued to hold onto the sheets. He had never felt such an intense feeling of pleasure. He moaned louder than before and put a hand on Jase's head and ran his fingers through his hair. Jase slid his tongue out and tasted Leo, savoring every bit of it. He again puckered his lips tightly around the shaft and took it in even more. Leo felt himself nearing the edge and he grabbed the sheets to hold it in as long as he could. "Jase," he managed to whisper before going over the edge. He exploded down Jase's throat. Jase swallowed every bit of it down and then looked up at Leo who looked spent. Jase smiled and moved his body up and came face to face with Leo. Leo smiled up into Jase's eyes. "I love you so much, Jase," Leo brought his head up and kissed Jase softly. "I love you too." Jase smiled. He moved to Leo's side and laid down next to him, sliding his arm around Leo's waist. He smiled at Leo lovingly. "I'm taken, Leo. I'm taken by your eyes," Jase brought his hand up to Leo's eyes and brushed his fingers over them. Leo closed his eyes and then opened them as Jase spoke again, "by your lips," he brushed his fingers over Leo's lips, "by your voice. I'm taken by you, Leo. I can't even begin to describe the way I feel about you. It has taken me over completely. You're all I can think about, you're all I see, feel," Jase ran his hand over Leo's chest slowly, licking his lips, "taste." Jase brought his lips up to Leo's and pressed them over them. The kiss was soft and gentle. Jase pulled away. Leo smiled into Jase's eyes and cupped his cheeks in his hands. He said nothing, he just gazed deeply into Jase's deep green eyes.

Jase stared into Leo's eyes as Leo looked into his as if looking right into his soul. Jase saw Leo's eyes light and he smiled. Leo smiled as well and then kissed him gently.

Jase sat up and patted Leo's belly lovingly. Leo smiled warmly. Jase stretched tiredly and stood up and walked over to his backpack. Leo watched him and bit his lip. His eyes roamed over Jase's body. His form and muscles shown off by the tight white wife-beater he was wearing. Jase picked up his backpack and went back to the bed and sat down. Leo got up and put his boxerbriefs back on as well as a pair of Jase's cargo pants. He then took his seat back on the bed, sliding behind Jase and wrapped his arms around Jase's waist from behind. He rested his head on Jase's shoulder and watched as he rummaged through his backpack. Jase pulled out a textbook and a binder and opened them. He looked back in the bag for a pencil and noticed the small envelope. He picked it up and pulled it out of the bag, giving it a questioning look. "What's that?" Leo asked curiously. "I don't know." Jase replied, turning it over and opening it. He pulled out the paper in the envelope and unfolded it. He began to read it:

Happy Halloween, Jase. Better watch

out for ghosts, goblins, and the grim reaper.

He'll come when you least expect it.

Jase read it and gasped. "What does it say, baby?" Leo asked worriedly. Jase handed the note to Leo and picked up the envelope. He looked on the envelope for any sign of who might have written the note as Leo read it. Jase could tell Jase's worry and he tightened his hold around his waist. "Jase, it's just someone playing a prank on you. Probably one of those jackasses, Kenny or Drew." Leo tried to reassure him. Jase sighed. "Yea, you're probably right." Jase got up and threw the note away.

Later that day at around 6 p.m., Jase sat on the couch doing some homework while Leo flipped through the channels on the television. Leo had met Mr. Burke and Josh earlier and everything was settled and calm, so they thought.

The doorbell sounded through the house. Jase looked up from the papers he was reading through and Leo looked up from the TV. Darla walked to the door and opened it. Then she backed up into the living room and Jase stood up. Leo stood quickly from his seat next to Jase and wondered what was going on.

Tony came in the room with a gun pointed followed by Leo's father. "Dad!" Leo exclaimed angrily. "What the hell is this?" "What do you mean? What the hell is this?" Leo's father shouted, gesturing towards Jase. Leo stepped in front of Jase. "Put the gun down!" "Why should he, son? These people are kidnappers," Mr. Chase yelled accusingly. "Dammit, Dad, you know that's not true!" Leo shouted back at his father. "Do I? Yesterday, you were in Maine and now you're here...with..with..him," Mr. Chase pointed at Jase threateningly. Tony continued to hold the gun up. "Put the damn gun down!" Leo demanded. "There's no need for this!" Jase's father came in the room when he heard the shouting as did Josh. "Josh, go back to your room!" Mrs. Burke commanded. Josh turned and ran back into his room gladly. "What is this all about?" Mr. Burke asked. "You kidnapped my son!" he accused. "What?" "Dad, stop that! I came here on my own and you know it! I won't let you treat me like this. I'm not your prisoner!" "You're my "prisoner" until you're 18 young man and you will do as I say!" "Not if I have anything to say about it!" Mrs. Chase came into the room. "I thought I told you to wait in the car." "Stop ordering me around like I'm your wench!" she shouted. "Excuse me! You won't speak to me in that tone!" "Oh I'll speak to you in whatever manner I please! You won't keep treating our son that way!" "And just how are going to stop me!" Mr. Chase asked, amused at his wife's clumsy bravery. "I'm leaving you, and I'm taking Leo with me." "Like hell you are!" "Watch me." Leo watched as his mother stood up to her husband and he was proud of her for it. He stepped by her side and challenged his father. Mr. Chase looked at them both in shock. The sound of police sirens came closer and closer and stopped in front of the house. In less than a minute, policemen were dragging Mr. Chase and Tony out the house in handcuffs. Leo hugged his mother tightly for comfort. "Mom, you did the right thing, I promise!" Leo reassured her. "I just couldn't take him treating you and I like that anymore." "He won't be able to anymore," Leo comforted her. She nodded and smiled up at Leo. She looked around at Jase and his family. "Oh my gosh, I am so very sorry to you Mr. and Mrs. Burke!" Leo's mother pulled away and went over to Jase's parents and apologized. "It's alright, don't worry about it. It's over now," Mrs. Burke reassured her. Mr. Burke smiled reassuringly as well. Leo's mother then turned her attention to Jase. She smiled at him and walked over to him, placing a hand on his cheek. "Jase, I want to thank you." "For what?" Jase asked in surprise. "For snapping me into reality and helping me realize what was going on was wrong, and for caring about my son this much! Thank you!" She pulled Jase into a hug. Jase smiled and hugged her back. He looked at Leo lovingly and Leo smiled over at him.

To be continued... Well, there's Chapter 15.

Next: Chapter 15

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